Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 *  Copyright: 2009 Regents of the University of Hawaii and the
 *             School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology
 *    Purpose: A class that represents a data sample of data produced by
 *             a Seabird Seacat 19plus CTD profiler as described in
 *            the SBE 19plus SEACAT Profiler User's Manual 
 *            (Manual Version #010, 01/02/03 ).  The parser is intended to parse
 *            one of the four OUTPUTFORMATs described in the manual.
 *   Authors: Christopher Jones
 * $HeadURL$
 * $LastChangedDate$
 * $LastChangedBy$
 * $LastChangedRevision$
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
package edu.hawaii.soest.kilonalu.ctd;

import edu.ucsb.nceas.utilities.XMLUtilities;


import java.math.BigInteger;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.TreeMap;

import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;

import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.commons.codec.DecoderException;

import org.apache.commons.math.linear.Array2DRowRealMatrix;
import org.apache.commons.math.linear.RealMatrix;

import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;

 *  A class that represents a sample of data produced by
 *  a Seabird Seacat 19plus CTD Profiler.  The parser is intended to parse one
 *  of the four OUTPUTFORMATs described in the manual.  Therefore, the parser
 *  will handle both Hex and Decimal data formats, as well as data from both 
 *  profile and moored modes. This class includes fields for each of the stated
 *   fields in the sample format documentation, along with getter and setter
 *  methods for accessing those fields.
public class CTDParser {

    /*  The default log configuration file location */
    private final String DEFAULT_LOG_CONFIGURATION_FILE = "lib/";

    /*  The log configuration file location */
    private String logConfigurationFile = DEFAULT_LOG_CONFIGURATION_FILE;

    /**  The Logger instance used to log system messages  */
    static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(CTDParser.class);

    /*  A field that stores the metadata and data file string input as a String */
    private String metadataAndDataString = "";

     *  A field that stores the metadata string input as a String.  This will be
     *  the results of the DS and DCAL commands
    private String metadataString = "";

     *  A field that stores the data file string input as a String. This will be
     *  the actually data observations in the given OUTPUTFORMAT (Hex, decimal, etc.)
    private String observationsString = "";

     *  A field that stores the metadata values as a SortedMap.  Each metadata key
     *  corresponds to the value given by the instrument.
    private SortedMap<String, String> metadataValuesMap;

     *  A field that stores the data values (lines) as a SortedMap.  Each string 
     *  represents the data observation values for a given CTD scan.
    private SortedMap<Integer, String> dataValuesMap;

     *  A field that stores the converted data values as a RealMatrix.  Each row 
     *  represents the data observation values for a given CTD scan.
    private RealMatrix convertedDataValuesMatrix;

     *  A field that stores the ordered data variable names as a List.
     *  Each name represents a single data variable taken in a given scan.
    private List<String> dataVariableNames;

     *  A field that stores the ordered data variable units as a List.
     *  Each unit represents a single data variable unit taken in a given scan.
    private List<String> dataVariableUnits;

     *  A field that stores the ordered data variable offsets as a List. This
     *  vector is used to parse raw Hex strings of data from the CTD.
     *  Each offset represents the ending Hex character for the variable.  The
     *  offsets can be seen as:
     *       6     12     18   22   26   30   34   38
     *  A1B2C3 D4E5F6 A7B8C9 D0E1 F2A3 B4C5 D6E7 F8A9
     *  where the first variable (temperature) is taken from characters 1-6, the 
     *  second (conductivity) is 7-12, etc.
    private List<Integer> dataVariableOffsets;

    /*  A field used to keep track of the current data variable offset */
    private int currentOffset;

    /**  A field that stores the metadata field delimiter as a String */
    public final String METADATA_FIELD_DELIMITER = ",";

    /**  A field that stores the primary name/value pair delimiter as a String */
    public final String PRIMARY_PAIR_DELIMITER = ":";

    /**  A field that stores the primary name/value pair delimiter as a String */
    public final String SECONDARY_PAIR_DELIMITER = "=";

    /*  A field that stores the CTD synchronization mode as a String */
    private String synchronizationMode;

    /**  A field that stores the CTD synchronization mode key as a String */
    public final String SYNCHRONIZATION_MODE = "SyncMode";

    /*  A field that stores the CTD default sampling mode as a String */
    private String DEFAULT_SAMPLING_MODE = "moored";

    /*  A field that stores the CTD sampling mode as a String */
    private String samplingMode = DEFAULT_SAMPLING_MODE;

    /**  A field that stores the CTD sampling mode key as a String */
    public final String SAMPLING_MODE = "mode";

    /*  A field that stores the CTD first sample time as a String */
    private String firstSampleTime;

    /**  A field that stores the CTD first sample time key as a String */
    public final String FIRST_SAMPLE_TIME = "First Sample Time";

    /**  A field that stores the default record delimiter in a String. */
    public final String DEFAULT_RECORD_DELIMITER = "\r\n";

    /*  A field that stores the record delimiter in a String. */
    private String recordDelimiter = DEFAULT_RECORD_DELIMITER;

    /**  A field that stores the default field delimiter in a String. */
    public final String DEFAULT_FIELD_DELIMITER = ",";

    /*  A field that stores the field delimiter in a String. */
    private String fieldDelimiter = DEFAULT_FIELD_DELIMITER;

     *  A field that stores the default metadata delimiter pattern in a String. 
     *  Usually "\\*END\\*\r\n"
    public final String DEFAULT_METADATA_DELIMITER = "\\*END\\*\r\n";

     *  A field that stores the metadata delimiter pattern in a String. 
     *  Usually "\\*END\\*\r\n"
    private String metadataDelimiter = DEFAULT_METADATA_DELIMITER;

    /**  A field that stores the file name as a String */
    private String fileName;

    /**  A field that stores the file name key as a String */
    public final String FILE_NAME = "FileName";

    /*  A field that stores the temperature sensor serial number as a String */
    private String temperatureSerialNumber;

    /**  A field that stores the temperature sensor serial number key as a String */
    public final String TEMPERATURE_SERIAL_NUMBER = "Temperature SN";

    /*  A field that stores the conductivity sensor serial number as a String */
    private String conductivitySerialNumber;

    /**  A field that stores the conductivity sensor serial number key as a String */
    public final String CONDUCTIVITY_SERIAL_NUMBER = "Conductivity SN";

    /*  A field that stores the System UpLoad Time as a String */
    private String systemUpLoadTime;

    /**  A field that stores the System UpLoad Time key as a String */
    public final String SYSTEM_UPLOAD_TIME = "System UpLoad Time";

    /*  A field that stores the cruise information as a String */
    private String cruiseInformation;

    /**  A field that stores the cruise information key as a String */
    public final String CRUISE_INFORMATION = "Cruise";

    /*  A field that stores the station information as a String */
    private String stationInformation;

    /**  A field that stores the station information key as a String */
    public final String STATION_INFORMATION = "Station";

    /*  A field that stores the ship information as a String */
    private String shipInformation;

    /**  A field that stores the ship information key as a String */
    public final String SHIP_INFORMATION = "Ship";

    /*  A field that stores the chief scientist information as a String */
    private String chiefScientist;

    /**  A field that stores the chief scientist information key as a String */
    public final String CHIEF_SCIENTIST = "Chief_Scientist";

    /*  A field that stores the organization information as a String */
    private String organization;

    /**  A field that stores the organization information key as a String */
    public final String ORGANIZATION = "Organization";

    /*  A field that stores the area of operation information as a String */
    private String areaOfOperation;

    /**  A field that stores the area of operation information key as a String */
    public final String AREA_OF_OPERATION = "Area_of_Operation";

    /*  A field that stores the instrument package information as a String */
    private String instrumentPackage;

    /**  A field that stores the instrument package information key as a String */
    public final String INSTRUMENT_PACKAGE = "Package";

    /*  A field that stores the mooring number as a String */
    private String mooringNumber;

    /**  A field that stores the mooring number key as a String */
    public final String MOORING_NUMBER = "Mooring_Number";

    /*  A field that stores the instrument latitude as a String */
    private String instrumentLatitude;

    /**  A field that stores the instrument latitude key as a String */
    public final String INSTRUMENT_LATITUDE = "Latitude";

    /*  A field that stores the instrument longitude as a String */
    private String instrumentLongitude;

    /**  A field that stores the instrument longitude key as a String */
    public final String INSTRUMENT_LONGITUDE = "Longitude";

    /*  A field that stores the instrument depth sounding as a String */
    private String depthSounding;

    /**  A field that stores the instrument depth sounding key as a String */
    public final String DEPTH_SOUNDING = "Sounding";

    /*  A field that stores the instrument profile number as a String */
    private String profileNumber;

    /**  A field that stores the instrument profile number key as a String */
    public final String PROFILE_NUMBER = "Profile_Number";

    /*  A field that stores the instrument profile direction as a String */
    private String profileDirection;

    /**  A field that stores the instrument profile direction key as a String */
    public final String PROFILE_DIRECTION = "Profile_Direction";

    /*  A field that stores the instrument deployment notes as a String */
    private String deploymentNotes;

    /**  A field that stores the instrument deployment notes key as a String */
    public final String DEPLOYMENT_NOTES = "Notes";

    /*  A field that stores the instrument device type as a String */
    private String deviceType;

    /**  A field that stores the instrument device type key as a String */
    public final String DEVICE_TYPE = "DeviceType";

    /*  A field that stores the instrument serial number as a String */
    private String instrumentSerialNumber;

    /**  A field that stores the instrument serial number key as a String */
    public final String INSTRUMENT_SERIAL_NUMBER = "InstrumentSerialNumber";

    /*  A field that stores the instrument date time as a String */
    private String instrumentDateTime;

    /**  A field that stores the instrument date time key as a String */
    public final String INSTRUMENT_DATE_TIME = "DateTime";

    /*  A field that stores the number of instrument events as a String */
    private String numberOfInstrumentEvents;

    /**  A field that stores the number of instrument events key as a String */
    public final String NUMBER_OF_INSTRUMENT_EVENTS = "EventSummary/@numEvents";

    /*  A field that stores the pressure installed value as a String */
    private String pressureInstalled;

    /**  A field that stores the pressure installed key as a String */
    public final String PRESSURE_INSTALLED = "PressureInstalled";

    /*  A field that stores the pump installed value as a String */
    private String pumpInstalled;

    /**  A field that stores the pump installed key as a String */
    public final String PUMP_INSTALLED = "PumpInstalled";

    /*  A field that stores the main battery voltage as a String */
    private String mainBatteryVoltage;

    /**  A field that stores the main battery voltage key as a String */
    public final String MAIN_BATTERY_VOLTAGE = "vbatt";

    /*  A field that stores the lithium battery voltage as a String */
    private String lithiumBatteryVoltage;

    /**  A field that stores the lithium battery voltage key as a String */
    public final String LITHIUM_BATTERY_VOLTAGE = "vlith";

    /*  A field that stores the operating current as a String */
    private String operatingCurrent;

    /**  A field that stores the operating current key as a String */
    public final String OPERATING_CURRENT = "ioper";

    /*  A field that stores the pump current as a String */
    private String pumpCurrent;

    /**  A field that stores the pump current key as a String */
    public final String PUMP_CURRENT = "ipump";

    /*  A field that stores the channel 0 and 1 external voltage currents as a String */
    private String channels01ExternalCurrent;

    /**  A field that stores the channel 0 and 1 external voltage currents key as a String */
    public final String CHANNELS_01_EXTERNAL_CURRENT = "iext01";

    /*  A field that stores the channel 2 and 3 external voltage currents as a String */
    private String channels23ExternalCurrent;

    /**  A field that stores the channel 2 and 3 external voltage currents key as a String */
    public final String CHANNELS_23_EXTERNAL_CURRENT = "iext23";

    /*  A field that stores the logging status as a String */
    private String loggingStatus;

    /**  A field that stores the logging status key as a String */
    public final String LOGGING_STATUS = "status";

    /*  A field that stores the number of scans to average as a String */
    private String numberOfScansToAverage;

    /**  A field that stores the number of scans to average key as a String */
    public final String NUMBER_OF_SCANS_TO_AVERAGE = "number of scans to average";

    /*  A field that stores the number of bytes in memory as a String */
    private String numberOfBytes;

    /**  A field that stores the number of samples key as a String */
    public final String NUMBER_OF_BYTES = "MemorySummary/Bytes";

    /*  A field that stores the number of samples as a String */
    private String numberOfSamples;

    /**  A field that stores the number of samples key as a String */
    public final String NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES = "samples";

    /*  A field that stores the number of available samples as a String */
    private String numberOfAvailableSamples;

    /**  A field that stores the number of available samples key as a String */
    public final String NUMBER_OF_AVAILABLE_SAMPLES = "free";

    /*  A field that stores the sample length in bytes as a String */
    private String sampleByteLength;

    /**  A field that stores the sample length in bytes key as a String */
    public final String SAMPLE_BYTE_LENGTH = "MemorySummary/SampleLength";

    /*  A field that stores the sample interval as a String */
    private String sampleInterval;

    /**  A field that stores the sample interval key as a String */
    public final String SAMPLE_INTERVAL = "sample interval";

    /*  A field that stores the number of measurements per sample as a String */
    private String measurementsPerSample;

    /**  A field that stores the number of measurements per sample key as a String */
    public final String MEASUREMENTS_PER_SAMPLE = "number of measurements per sample";

    /*  A field that stores the output salinity state as a String */
    private String outputSalinity;

    /**  A field that stores the output salinity state key as a String */
    public final String OUTPUT_SALINITY = "OutputSalinity";

    /*  A field that stores the output sound velocity state as a String */
    private String outputSoundVelocity;

    /**  A field that stores the output sound velocity state key as a String */
    public final String OUTPUT_SOUND_VELOCITY = "OutputSV";

    /*  A field that stores the transmit real-time state as a String */
    private String transmitRealtime;

    /**  A field that stores the transmit real-time state key as a String */
    public final String TRANSMIT_REALTIME = "transmit real-time";

    /*  A field that stores the number of casts as a String */
    private String numberOfCasts;

    /**  A field that stores the number of casts key as a String */
    public final String NUMBER_OF_CASTS = "casts";

    /*  A field that stores the minimum conductivity frequency as a String */
    private String minimumConductivityFrequency;

    /**  A field that stores the minimum conductivity frequency key as a String */
    public final String MINIMUM_CONDUCTIVITY_FREQUENCY = "minimum cond freq";

    /*  A field that stores the pump delay as a String */
    private String pumpDelay;

    /**  A field that stores the pump delay key as a String */
    public final String PUMP_DELAY = "pump delay";

    /*  A field that stores the automatic logging state as a String */
    private String automaticLogging;

    /**  A field that stores the automatic logging state key as a String */
    public final String AUTOMATIC_LOGGING = "autorun";

    /**  A field that stores the autonomous sampling state as a String */
    private String autonomousSampling;

    /**  A field that stores the autonomous sampling state key as a String */
    public final String AUTONOMOUS_SAMPLING = "AutonomousSampling";

    /*  A field that stores the ignore magnetic switch state as a String */
    private String ignoreMagneticSwitch;

    /**  A field that stores the ignore magnetic switch state key as a String */
    public final String IGNORE_MAGNETIC_SWITCH = "ignore magnetic switch";

    /*  A field that stores the battery type as a String */
    private String batteryType;

    /**  A field that stores the battery type key as a String */
    public final String BATTERY_TYPE = "battery type";

    /*  A field that stores the battery cutoff as a String */
    private String batteryCutoff;

    /**  A field that stores the battery cutoff key as a String */
    public final String BATTERY_CUTOFF = "battery cutoff";

    /*  A field that stores the pressure sensor type as a String */
    private String pressureSensorType;

    /**  A field that stores the pressure sensor type key as a String */
    public final String PRESSURE_SENSOR_TYPE = "pressure sensor";

    /*  A field that stores the pressure sensor range as a String */
    private String pressureSensorRange;

    /**  A field that stores the pressure sensor range key as a String */
    public final String PRESSURE_SENSOR_RANGE = "range";

    /*  A field that stores the SBE38 temperature sensor state as a String */
    private String sbe38TemperatureSensor;

    /**  A field that stores the SBE38 temperature sensor state key as a String */
    public final String SBE38_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR = "SBE 38";

    /*  A field that stores the gas tension device state as a String */
    private String gasTensionDevice;

    /**  A field that stores the gas tension device state key as a String */
    public final String GAS_TENSION_DEVICE = "Gas Tension Device";

    /*  A field that stores the external voltage channel 0 state as a String */
    private String externalVoltageChannelZero;

    /**  A field that stores the external voltage channel 0 state key as a String */
    public final String EXTERNAL_VOLTAGE_CHANNEL_ZERO = "Ext Volt 0";

    /*  A field that stores the external voltage channel 1 state as a String */
    private String externalVoltageChannelOne;

    /**  A field that stores the external voltage channel 1 state key as a String */
    public final String EXTERNAL_VOLTAGE_CHANNEL_ONE = "Ext Volt 1";

    /*  A field that stores the external voltage channel 2 state as a String */
    private String externalVoltageChannelTwo;

    /**  A field that stores the external voltage channel 2 state key as a String */
    public final String EXTERNAL_VOLTAGE_CHANNEL_TWO = "Ext Volt 2";

    /*  A field that stores the external voltage channel 3 state as a String */
    private String externalVoltageChannelThree;

    /**  A field that stores the external voltage channel 3 state key as a String */
    public final String EXTERNAL_VOLTAGE_CHANNEL_THREE = "Ext Volt 3";

    /*  A field that stores the external voltage channel 4 state as a String */
    private String externalVoltageChannelFour;

    /**  A field that stores the external voltage channel 4 state key as a String */
    public final String EXTERNAL_VOLTAGE_CHANNEL_FOUR = "Ext Volt 4";

    /*  A field that stores the external voltage channel 5 state as a String */
    private String externalVoltageChannelFive;

    /**  A field that stores the external voltage channel 5 state key as a String */
    public final String EXTERNAL_VOLTAGE_CHANNEL_FIVE = "Ext Volt 4";

    /*  A field that stores the echo commands state as a String */
    private String echoCommands;

    /**  A field that stores the echo commands state key as a String */
    public final String ECHO_COMMANDS = "echo commands";

    /*  A field that stores the output format as a String */
    private String outputFormat;

    /**  A field that stores the output format key as a String */
    public final String OUTPUT_FORMAT = "output format";

    /*  A field that stores the temperature calibration format as a String */
    private String temperatureCalibrationFormat;

    /**  A field that stores the temperature calibration format key as a String */
    public final String TEMPERATURE_CALIBRATION_FORMAT = "@format";

    /*  A field that stores the temperature calibration date as a String */
    private String temperatureCalibrationDate;

    /**  A field that stores the temperature calibration date key as a String */
    public final String TEMPERATURE_CALIBRATION_DATE = "temperature";

    /*  A field that stores the temperature coefficient TA0 as a String */
    private String temperatureCoefficientTA0;

    /**  A field that stores the temperature coefficient TA0 key as a String */
    public final String TEMPERATURE_COEFFICIENT_TA0 = "TA0";

    /*  A field that stores the temperature coefficient TA1 as a String */
    private String temperatureCoefficientTA1;

    /**  A field that stores the temperature coefficient TA1 key as a String */
    public final String TEMPERATURE_COEFFICIENT_TA1 = "TA1";

    /*  A field that stores the temperature coefficient TA2 as a String */
    private String temperatureCoefficientTA2;

    /**  A field that stores the temperature coefficient TA2 key as a String */
    public final String TEMPERATURE_COEFFICIENT_TA2 = "TA2";

    /*  A field that stores the temperature coefficient TA3 as a String */
    private String temperatureCoefficientTA3;

    /**  A field that stores the temperature coefficient TA3 key as a String */
    public final String TEMPERATURE_COEFFICIENT_TA3 = "TA3";

    /*  A field that stores the temperature offset coefficient as a String */
    private String temperatureOffsetCoefficient;

    /**  A field that stores the temperature offset coefficient key as a String */

    /*  A field that stores the conductivity calibration format as a String */
    private String conductivityCalibrationFormat;

    /**  A field that stores the conductivity calibration format key as a String */
    public final String CONDUCTIVITY_CALIBRATION_FORMAT = "@format";

    /*  A field that stores the conductivity calibration date as a String */
    private String conductivityCalibrationDate;

    /**  A field that stores the conductivity calibration date key as a String */
    public final String CONDUCTIVITY_CALIBRATION_DATE = "conductivity";

    /*  A field that stores the conductivity coefficient G as a String */
    private String conductivityCoefficientG;

    /**  A field that stores the conductivity coefficient G key as a String */
    public final String CONDUCTIVITY_COEFFICIENT_G = "G";

    /*  A field that stores the conductivity coefficient H as a String */
    private String conductivityCoefficientH;

    /**  A field that stores the conductivity coefficient H key as a String */
    public final String CONDUCTIVITY_COEFFICIENT_H = "H";

    /*  A field that stores the conductivity coefficient I as a String */
    private String conductivityCoefficientI;

    /**  A field that stores the conductivity coefficient I key as a String */
    public final String CONDUCTIVITY_COEFFICIENT_I = "I";

    /*  A field that stores the conductivity coefficient J as a String */
    private String conductivityCoefficientJ;

    /**  A field that stores the conductivity coefficient J key as a String */
    public final String CONDUCTIVITY_COEFFICIENT_J = "J";

    /*  A field that stores the conductivity coefficient CF0 as a String */
    private String conductivityCoefficientCF0;

    /**  A field that stores the conductivity coefficient CF0 key as a String */
    public final String CONDUCTIVITY_COEFFICIENT_CF0 = "CF0";

    /*  A field that stores the conductivity coefficient CPCOR as a String */
    private String conductivityCoefficientCPCOR;

    /**  A field that stores the conductivity coefficient CPCOR key as a String */

    /*  A field that stores the conductivity coefficient CTCOR as a String */
    private String conductivityCoefficientCTCOR;

    /**  A field that stores the conductivity coefficient CTCOR key as a String */

    /*  A field that stores the conductivity coefficient CSLOPE as a String */
    private String conductivityCoefficientCSLOPE;

    /**  A field that stores the conductivity coefficient CSLOPE key as a String */

    /*  A field that stores the conductivity coefficient WBOTC as a String */
    private String conductivityCoefficientWBOTC;

    /**  A field that stores the conductivity coefficient WBOTC key as a String */

    /*  A field that stores the pressure serial number as a String */
    private String pressureSerialNumber;

    /**  A field that stores the pressure serial number key as a String */
    public final String PRESSURE_SERIAL_NUMBER = "pressure S/N";

    /*  A field that stores the pressure calibration date as a String */
    private String pressureCalibrationDate;

    /**  A field that stores the pressure calibration date key as a String */
    public final String PRESSURE_CALIBRATION_DATE = "pressure";

    /*  A field that stores the pressure calibration format as a String */
    private String pressureCalibrationFormat;

    /**  A field that stores the pressure calibration format key as a String */
    public final String PRESSURE_CALIBRATION_FORMAT = "@format";

    /*  A field that stores the pressure coefficient PA0 as a String */
    private String pressureCoefficientPA0;

    /**  A field that stores the pressure coefficient PA0 key as a String */
    public final String PRESSURE_COEFFICIENT_PA0 = "PA0";

    /*  A field that stores the pressure coefficient PA1 as a String */
    private String pressureCoefficientPA1;

    /**  A field that stores the pressure coefficient PA1 key as a String */
    public final String PRESSURE_COEFFICIENT_PA1 = "PA1";

    /*  A field that stores the pressure coefficient PA2 as a String */
    private String pressureCoefficientPA2;

    /**  A field that stores the pressure coefficient PA2 key as a String */
    public final String PRESSURE_COEFFICIENT_PA2 = "PA2";

    /*  A field that stores the pressure coefficient PTCA0 as a String */
    private String pressureCoefficientPTCA0;

    /**  A field that stores the pressure coefficient PTCA0 key as a String */
    public final String PRESSURE_COEFFICIENT_PTCA0 = "PTCA0";

    /*  A field that stores the pressure coefficient PTCA1 as a String */
    private String pressureCoefficientPTCA1;

    /**  A field that stores the pressure coefficient PTCA1 key as a String */
    public final String PRESSURE_COEFFICIENT_PTCA1 = "PTCA1";

    /*  A field that stores the pressure coefficient PTCA2 as a String */
    private String pressureCoefficientPTCA2;

    /**  A field that stores the pressure coefficient PTCA2 key as a String */
    public final String PRESSURE_COEFFICIENT_PTCA2 = "PTCA2";

    /*  A field that stores the pressure coefficient PTCB0 as a String */
    private String pressureCoefficientPTCB0;

    /**  A field that stores the pressure coefficient PTCB0 key as a String */
    public final String PRESSURE_COEFFICIENT_PTCB0 = "PTCB0";

    /*  A field that stores the pressure coefficient PTCB1 as a String */
    private String pressureCoefficientPTCB1;

    /**  A field that stores the pressure coefficient PTCB1 key as a String */
    public final String PRESSURE_COEFFICIENT_PTCB1 = "PTCB1";

    /*  A field that stores the pressure coefficient PTCB2 as a String */
    private String pressureCoefficientPTCB2;

    /**  A field that stores the pressure coefficient PTCB2 key as a String */
    public final String PRESSURE_COEFFICIENT_PTCB2 = "PTCB2";

    /*  A field that stores the pressure coefficient PTEMPA0 as a String */
    private String pressureCoefficientPTEMPA0;

    /**  A field that stores the pressure coefficient PTEMPA0 key as a String */
    public final String PRESSURE_COEFFICIENT_PTEMPA0 = "PTEMPA0";

    /*  A field that stores the pressure coefficient PTEMPA1 as a String */
    private String pressureCoefficientPTEMPA1;

    /**  A field that stores the pressure coefficient PTEMPA1 key as a String */
    public final String PRESSURE_COEFFICIENT_PTEMPA1 = "PTEMPA1";

    /*  A field that stores the pressure coefficient PTEMPA2 as a String */
    private String pressureCoefficientPTEMPA2;

    /**  A field that stores the pressure coefficient PTEMPA2 key as a String */
    public final String PRESSURE_COEFFICIENT_PTEMPA2 = "PTEMPA2";

    /*  A field that stores the pressure offset coefficient as a String */
    private String pressureOffsetCoefficient;

    /**  A field that stores the pressure offset coefficient key as a String */

    // TODO: add voltage offset fields.  What are they used for?
    // * volt 0: offset = -4.678210e-02, slope = 1.248624e+00
    // * volt 1: offset = -4.696105e-02, slope = 1.248782e+00
    // * volt 2: offset = -4.683263e-02, slope = 1.249537e+00
    // * volt 3: offset = -4.670842e-02, slope = 1.249841e+00
    // * EXTFREQSF = 1.000012e+00

    /*  A boolean field indicating if a pressure sensor is present on the instrument */
    private boolean hasPressure = false;

    /*  A boolean field indicating if a pump is present on the instrument */
    private boolean hasPump = false;

    /*  A boolean field indicating if the pressure sensor is a strain gauge sensor */
    private boolean hasStrainGaugePressure = false;

    /*  A boolean field indicating if external voltage channel zero is sampling */
    private boolean hasVoltageChannelZero = false;

    /*  A boolean field indicating if external voltage channel one is sampling */
    private boolean hasVoltageChannelOne = false;

    /*  A boolean field indicating if external voltage channel two is sampling */
    private boolean hasVoltageChannelTwo = false;

    /*  A boolean field indicating if external voltage channel three is sampling */
    private boolean hasVoltageChannelThree = false;

    /*  A boolean field indicating if external voltage channel four is sampling */
    private boolean hasVoltageChannelFour = false;

    /*  A boolean field indicating if external voltage channel five is sampling */
    private boolean hasVoltageChannelFive = false;

    /*  A boolean field indicating if there is an SBE38 temperature sensor */
    private boolean hasSBE38TemperatureSensor = false;

    /*  A boolean field indicating if there is a gas tension device */
    private boolean hasGasTensionDevice = false;

    /*  A boolean field indicating if salinity will be output */
    private boolean willOutputSalinity = false;

    /*  A boolean field indicating if sound velocity will be output */
    private boolean willOutputSoundVelocity = false;

    /*  A field that stores the temperature field name as a string */
    public final String TEMPERATURE_FIELD_NAME = "temperature";

    /*  A field that stores the conductivity field name as a string */
    public final String CONDUCTIVITY_FIELD_NAME = "conductivity";

    /*  A field that stores the pressure field name as a string */
    public final String PRESSURE_FIELD_NAME = "pressure";

    /*  A field that stores the salinity field name as a string */
    public final String SALINITY_FIELD_NAME = "salinity";

    /*  A field that stores the date field name as a string */
    public final String DATE_FIELD_NAME = "date";

    /*  A field that stores the time field name as a string */
    public final String TIME_FIELD_NAME = "time";

    /*  A field that stores the sound velocity field name as a string */
    public final String SOUND_VELOCITY_FIELD_NAME = "soundVelocity";

    /*  A field that stores the raw temperature field name as a string */
    public final String RAW_TEMPERATURE_FIELD_NAME = "temperatureCounts";

    /*  A field that stores the raw conductivity field name as a string */
    public final String RAW_CONDUCTIVITY_FIELD_NAME = "conductivityFrequency";

    /*  A field that stores the raw pressure field name as a string */
    public final String RAW_PRESSURE_FIELD_NAME = "pressureCounts";

    /*  A field that stores the raw pressure temperature compensation field name as a string */
    public final String RAW_PRESSURE_TEMP_COMP_FIELD_NAME = "pressureTemperatureCompensationCounts";

    /*  A field that stores the raw voltage channel zero field name as a string */
    public final String RAW_VOLTAGE_CHANNEL_ZERO_FIELD_NAME = "voltageChannelZero";

    /*  A field that stores the raw voltage channel one field name as a string */
    public final String RAW_VOLTAGE_CHANNEL_ONE_FIELD_NAME = "voltageChannelOne";

    /*  A field that stores the raw voltage channel two field name as a string */
    public final String RAW_VOLTAGE_CHANNEL_TWO_FIELD_NAME = "voltageChannelTwo";

    /*  A field that stores the raw voltage channel three field name as a string */
    public final String RAW_VOLTAGE_CHANNEL_THREE_FIELD_NAME = "voltageChannelThree";

    /*  A field that stores the raw voltage channel four field name as a string */
    public final String RAW_VOLTAGE_CHANNEL_FOUR_FIELD_NAME = "voltageChannelFour";

    /*  A field that stores the raw voltage channel five field name as a string */
    public final String RAW_VOLTAGE_CHANNEL_FIVE_FIELD_NAME = "voltageChannelFive";

    /** An XML document object used to access CTD metadata reported in XML syntax */
    private Document xmlMetadata;

    /** A boolean field indicating the existence of status metadata (from GetSD) */
    private boolean hasStatusMetadata = false;

    /** A boolean field indicating the existence of configuration metadata (from GetCD) */
    private boolean hasConfigurationMetadata = false;

    /** A boolean field indicating the existence of calibration metadata (from GetCC) */
    private boolean hasCalibrationMetadata = false;

    /** A boolean field indicating the existence of event metadata (from GetED) */
    private boolean hasEventMetadata = false;

    /** A boolean field indicating the existence of hardware metadata (from GetHD) */
    private boolean hasHardwareMetadata = false;

     * The date format for the timestamp applied to the TChain sample 04 Aug 2008 09:15:01
    private static final SimpleDateFormat DATE_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss");

    /**  The timezone used for the sample date */
    private static final TimeZone TZ = TimeZone.getTimeZone("HST");

     *  Constructor:  Builds an empty CTDParser object that can be populated manually.
     *  This can be used to gradually build the CTDParser object from independent sections
     *  of metadata gathered from the CTD using commands such as GetCD, GetSD, GetCC, GetEC,
     *  and GetHD.  These commands are available in the Seabird firmare > 3.0f.
    public CTDParser() {
        this.metadataValuesMap = new TreeMap<String, String>();
        this.dataValuesMap = new TreeMap<Integer, String>();


     *  Constructor:  Builds all of the components of the CTD data object from
     *  the String data being passed in.  The data string must contain the results 
     *  of the 'DS' command and the 'DCAL' command in order to inform the parser
     *  which data fields should be expected, and which CTD output format to expect.
     *  The data observations should follow the output of the 'DS' and 'DCAL' commands.
     *  @param dataString The String that contains the data and metadata output 
     *                    from the instrument
    public CTDParser(String metadataAndDataString) throws ParseException {

        // Prepare the string for parsing.  The data file is split into metadata
        // and data sections, and each section is then tokenized into lines. 
        // The metadata section is tokenized into field pairs 
        // (e.g. battery type = alkaline) based on the "," delimiter, and the pairs 
        // are split based on "=" and ":" delimiters and placed into a SortedMap for
        // later retrieval.  The data section is split into its component 
        // observations, based on the presence/absence of certain data or voltages.
        this.metadataAndDataString = metadataAndDataString;
        this.metadataValuesMap = new TreeMap<String, String>();
        this.dataValuesMap = new TreeMap<Integer, String>();

        try {
            // Parse the data input string.  Two sorted hashmaps are populated in the
            // class, one for metadata name/value pairs, and one for data observation
            // lines.  The latter is then converted into a common data structure after
            // transformations are applied using the calibration coefficients.

            // Set the individual metadata fields found in the DS and DCAL output

            // set the data structures from the incoming text lines (Hex or decimal ...)

        } catch (ParseException pe) {
            throw pe;



     *  A method used to convert hex data to their raw output units based on per
     * variable conversions found in the SBE19plus user manual under the 
     * OUTPUTFORMAT = 0 section (raw Hex).   
    private double convert(double value, String variableName) {

        double returnValue = 0d;

        // temperature has no conversion
        if (variableName.equals(this.RAW_TEMPERATURE_FIELD_NAME)) {
            returnValue = value;

            // conductivity    
        } else if (variableName.equals(this.RAW_CONDUCTIVITY_FIELD_NAME)) {
            returnValue = value / 256d;

            // pressure    
        } else if (variableName.equals(this.RAW_PRESSURE_FIELD_NAME)) {
            returnValue = value;

            // voltages    
        } else if (variableName.equals(this.RAW_PRESSURE_TEMP_COMP_FIELD_NAME)
                || variableName.equals(this.RAW_VOLTAGE_CHANNEL_ZERO_FIELD_NAME)
                || variableName.equals(this.RAW_VOLTAGE_CHANNEL_ONE_FIELD_NAME)
                || variableName.equals(this.RAW_VOLTAGE_CHANNEL_TWO_FIELD_NAME)
                || variableName.equals(this.RAW_VOLTAGE_CHANNEL_THREE_FIELD_NAME)) {
            returnValue = value / 13107d;

        return returnValue;

     *  A method used to parse the input data string. The data file is split 
     *  into metadata and data sections, and each section is then tokenized into 
     *  lines.  The metadata section is tokenized into field pairs 
     *  (e.g. battery type = alkaline) based on the "," delimiter, and the pairs 
     *  are split based on "=" and ":" delimiters and placed into a SortedMap for
     *  later retrieval.  The data section is split into its component 
     *  observations, based on the presence/absence of certain data or voltages.
    public void parse() throws ParseException {
        logger.debug("CTDParser.parse() called.");

        if (!this.metadataAndDataString.equals("")) {

            // create the two sections
            String[] sections = this.metadataAndDataString.split(this.metadataDelimiter);
            String[] nameValueArray = { "", "" }; //used later for splitting name/value pairs

            if (sections.length > 1) {
                this.metadataString = sections[0];
                this.observationsString = sections[1];

                // tokenize the legacy DS/Dcal metadata into lines
                StringTokenizer lineTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(this.metadataString, this.recordDelimiter);

                while (lineTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {

                    String line = lineTokenizer.nextToken();
                    StringTokenizer fieldTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(line, this.METADATA_FIELD_DELIMITER);

                    // tokenize the lines into field pairs
                    while (fieldTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {

                        // remove leading "*" characters and trim whitespace
                        String nameValuePair = fieldTokenizer.nextToken().replaceAll("^\\**", "").trim();

                        // check for pairs delimited by a colon
                        if (nameValuePair.indexOf(this.PRIMARY_PAIR_DELIMITER) > 0) {
                            nameValueArray = nameValuePair.split(this.PRIMARY_PAIR_DELIMITER, 2);

                            // add the pair to the metadata map
                            if (nameValueArray.length > 1) {
                                this.metadataValuesMap.put(nameValueArray[0].trim(), nameValueArray[1].trim());

                                // otherwise add an empty pair to the metadata map
                            } else {
                                this.metadataValuesMap.put(nameValueArray[0].trim(), "");


                            // check for pairs delimited by an equals sign
                        } else if (nameValuePair.indexOf(this.SECONDARY_PAIR_DELIMITER) > 0) {
                            nameValueArray = nameValuePair.split(this.SECONDARY_PAIR_DELIMITER, 2);

                            // add the pair to the metadata map
                            if (nameValueArray.length > 1) {
                                this.metadataValuesMap.put(nameValueArray[0].trim(), nameValueArray[1].trim());

                                // otherwise add an empty pair to the metadata map
                            } else {
                                this.metadataValuesMap.put(nameValueArray[0].trim(), "");


                            // otherwise add an empty pair to the metadata map
                        } else {
                            this.metadataValuesMap.put(nameValuePair.trim(), "");

                        } //if   

                    } //while

                } //while

                StringTokenizer dataTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(this.observationsString, this.recordDelimiter);

                // tokenize the lines into observations strings, place them in sequential
                // order into the dataValuesMap
                while (dataTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
                    String dataLine = dataTokenizer.nextToken();
                    //logger.debug("|" + dataLine + "|");
                    this.dataValuesMap.put(dataValuesMap.size() + 1, dataLine);


            } else {

                throw new ParseException("Parsing of the CTD data input failed. The header "
                        + "and data sections do not appear to be delimited "
                        + "correctly.  Please be sure that the output of the"
                        + "'DS' and 'DCAL' commands are followed by "
                        + "'*END*\\r\\n' and then the data observation lines.", 0);
            } //end if (sections.length)

        } else {

            // just parse the observations data lines since the metadata came in
            // XML form
            StringTokenizer dataTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(this.observationsString, this.recordDelimiter);

            // tokenize the lines into observations strings, place them in sequential
            // order into the dataValuesMap
            while (dataTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
                String dataLine = dataTokenizer.nextToken();
                //logger.debug("|" + dataLine + "|");
                this.dataValuesMap.put(dataValuesMap.size() + 1, dataLine);



     *  A method used to set the data structure based on the sampling mode,
     *  data output format, and pertinent metadata fields.
    public void setData(String dataString) throws ParseException {
        logger.debug("CTDParser.setData() called.");

        // make the observations available to the class
        this.observationsString = dataString;

        // build the list of data variable names and offsets

        // handle profile mode
        if (this.samplingMode.equals("profile")) {

            // handle the raw frquencies and voltages in Hex OUTPUTFORMAT (0)
            if (this.outputFormat.equals("raw HEX")) {
                this.dataVariableNames = new ArrayList<String>();

                this.dataVariableUnits = new ArrayList<String>();

                this.currentOffset = 6;
                this.dataVariableOffsets = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                this.currentOffset = currentOffset + 6;

                // Is pressure present?
                if (this.hasPressure) {
                    this.currentOffset = this.currentOffset + 6;

                    // And is it a strain gauge sensor?
                    if (this.hasStrainGaugePressure) {
                        currentOffset = currentOffset + 4;


                } else {
          "There is no pressure sensor.");

                // Is there a channel zero voltage present?
                if (this.hasVoltageChannelZero) {
                    this.currentOffset = this.currentOffset + 4;


                // Is there a channel one voltage present?
                if (this.hasVoltageChannelOne) {
                    this.currentOffset = this.currentOffset + 4;


                // Is there a channel two voltage present?
                if (this.hasVoltageChannelTwo) {
                    this.currentOffset = this.currentOffset + 4;


                // Is there a channel three voltage present?
                if (this.hasVoltageChannelThree) {
                    this.currentOffset = this.currentOffset + 4;


                 * @todo - handle SBE38, SBE50, and/or gasTensionDevice data

                // We now know the data variable names, units, and corresponding
                // character offsets for each Hex data string found in the 
                // dataValuesMap.  Build a raw matrix from the dataValuesMap by only
                // applying output factors.  Conversion to useful variable units
                // will happen in the calling source driver since voltage channel
                // semantics are unknown to the parser
                int beginIndex = 0;
                int endIndex = 0;
                int offsetIndex = 0;
                String hexSubstring = "";
                String hexDataString = "";
                Hex decoder = new Hex();
                double value = 0d;
                this.convertedDataValuesMatrix = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(this.dataValuesMap.size() - 1,

                for (int rowIndex = 1; rowIndex < this.dataValuesMap.size(); rowIndex++) {
                    hexDataString = this.dataValuesMap.get(rowIndex);
                    logger.debug(rowIndex + ") hexDataString is: " + hexDataString);

                    for (offsetIndex = 0; offsetIndex < this.dataVariableOffsets.size(); offsetIndex++) {
                        endIndex = this.dataVariableOffsets.get(offsetIndex);
                        hexSubstring = hexDataString.substring(beginIndex, endIndex);

                        try {
                            // convert the hex characters to bytes
                            byte[] hexAsBytes = decoder.decodeHex(hexSubstring.toCharArray());

                            BigInteger bigInteger = new BigInteger(hexAsBytes);
                            int intValue = bigInteger.intValue();

                            // the hex values are either 2 or 3 bytes long (AABBCC or AABB)
                            // BigInteger fills in missing bits with 0xFF. Remove them.  This
                            // is only a problem with large bytes that cause the value to 
                            // become negative.
                            if (hexAsBytes.length < 3) {
                                intValue = (intValue & 0x0000FFFF);

                            } else {
                                intValue = (intValue & 0x00FFFFFF);

                            value = new Integer(intValue).doubleValue();

                            // convert the value based on the CTD User manual conversion using
                            // the corresponding data variable name to determine which conversion
                            double convertedValue = convert(value, this.dataVariableNames.get(offsetIndex));

                            convertedDataValuesMatrix.setEntry(rowIndex - 1, offsetIndex, convertedValue);
                            logger.debug("\t" + this.dataVariableNames.get(offsetIndex) + " is:\t" + value
                                    + "\tConverted: " + convertedValue);
                            // set the beginIndex to start at the endIndex
                            beginIndex = endIndex;

                        } catch (DecoderException de) {
                            logger.debug("Could not decode the Hex string: " + hexSubstring);

                    } // for

                    // reset the offsetIndex for the next hexDataString
                    offsetIndex = 0;
                    beginIndex = 0;
                } // for

                // handle the engineering units in Hex OUTPUTFORMAT (1)
            } else if (this.outputFormat.equals("converted Hex")) {

                 * @todo - handle OUTPUTFORMAT (1)

                // handle the raw frquencies and voltages in decimal OUTPUTFORMAT (2)
            } else if (this.outputFormat.equals("raw decimal")) {

                 * @todo - handle OUTPUTFORMAT (2)

                // handle the engineering units in decimal OUTPUTFORMAT (3)
            } else if (this.outputFormat.equals("converted decimal")) {

                 * @todo - handle OUTPUTFORMAT (3)

            // handle moored mode
        } else if (this.samplingMode.equals("moored")) {

            // handle the raw frequencies and voltages in Hex OUTPUTFORMAT (0)
            if (this.outputFormat.equals("raw HEX")) {

                // handle the engineering units in Hex OUTPUTFORMAT (1)
            } else if (this.outputFormat.equals("converted Hex")) {

                 * @todo - handle OUTPUTFORMAT (1)

                // handle the raw frequencies and voltages in decimal OUTPUTFORMAT (2)
            } else if (this.outputFormat.equals("raw decimal")) {

                 * @todo - handle OUTPUTFORMAT (2)

                // handle the engineering units in decimal OUTPUTFORMAT (3)
            } else if (this.outputFormat.equals("converted decimal")) {

                this.dataVariableNames = new ArrayList<String>();

                this.dataVariableUnits = new ArrayList<String>();
                this.dataVariableUnits.add("degrees C");

                // Is pressure present?
                if (this.hasPressure) {

                } else {
          "There is no pressure sensor.");

                // Is there a channel zero voltage present?
                if (this.hasVoltageChannelZero) {


                // Is there a channel one voltage present?
                if (this.hasVoltageChannelOne) {


                // Is there a channel two voltage present?
                if (this.hasVoltageChannelTwo) {


                // Is there a channel three voltage present?
                if (this.hasVoltageChannelThree) {


                // Is there a channel four voltage present?
                if (this.hasVoltageChannelFour) {


                // Is there a channel five voltage present?
                if (this.hasVoltageChannelFive) {


                 * @todo - handle SBE38, SBE50, and/or gasTensionDevice data

                // Will salinity be output?
                if (this.willOutputSalinity) {


                // Will sound velocity be output?
                if (this.willOutputSalinity) {


                // Add the date and time fields
                this.dataVariableUnits.add("dd MMM yyyy");


            this.convertedDataValuesMatrix = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(this.dataValuesMap.size() - 1,
                    this.dataVariableOffsets.size()); // CSJ fix this

        } else {
            throw new ParseException(
                    "There was an error parsing the data string. " + "The sampling mode is not recognized.", 0);



     *  A method used to set each of the metadata fields found in the output of
     *  the DS and DCAL commands.  The method handles both profile and moored
     *  modes, and builds metadata fields based on the data output format.
    public void setMetadata() throws ParseException {
        logger.debug("CTDParser.setMetadata() called.");

        // Are we in profile or moored mode?
        if (this.SAMPLING_MODE != null) {
            this.samplingMode = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.SAMPLING_MODE);
  "Sampling mode is: " + this.samplingMode);

        } else {
            throw new ParseException(
                    "There was an error parsing the data string. " + "The sampling mode is not stated correctly in "
                            + "the metadata from the DS command. Please " + "check the output.",


        // Determine the output format
        if (this.OUTPUT_FORMAT != null) {
            this.outputFormat = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.OUTPUT_FORMAT);
  "Data output format is: " + this.outputFormat);

        } else {
            throw new ParseException(
                    "There was an error parsing the data string. " + "The output format is not stated correctly in "
                            + "the metadata from the DS command. Please " + "check the output.",


         * @ todo - handle 'output salinity = "yes|no"'

         * @ todo - handle 'output sound velocity = "yes|no"'

        // Is there a pressure sensor?  If so, what type?
        if (this.PRESSURE_SENSOR_TYPE != null) {
            this.pressureSensorType = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.PRESSURE_SENSOR_TYPE).trim();
            this.hasPressure = true;

            if (this.pressureSensorType.equals("strain gauge")) {
                this.hasStrainGaugePressure = true;


            if (this.PRESSURE_SENSOR_RANGE != null) {
                this.pressureSensorRange = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.PRESSURE_SENSOR_RANGE).trim();

        } else {
  "There is no pressure sensor.");


        // Determine if there are external voltages to read

        // channel 0
        if (this.EXTERNAL_VOLTAGE_CHANNEL_ZERO != null) {
            this.externalVoltageChannelZero = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.EXTERNAL_VOLTAGE_CHANNEL_ZERO).trim();
            if (this.externalVoltageChannelZero.equals("yes")) {
                this.hasVoltageChannelZero = true;
      "There is a channel 0 voltage.");

            } else {
      "There is no channel 0 voltage.");


        // channel 1
        if (this.EXTERNAL_VOLTAGE_CHANNEL_ONE != null) {
            this.externalVoltageChannelOne = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.EXTERNAL_VOLTAGE_CHANNEL_ONE).trim();
            if (this.externalVoltageChannelOne.equals("yes")) {
                this.hasVoltageChannelOne = true;
      "There is a channel 1 voltage.");

            } else {
      "There is no channel 1 voltage.");


        // channel 2
        if (this.EXTERNAL_VOLTAGE_CHANNEL_TWO != null) {
            this.externalVoltageChannelTwo = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.EXTERNAL_VOLTAGE_CHANNEL_TWO).trim();
            if (this.externalVoltageChannelTwo.equals("yes")) {
                this.hasVoltageChannelTwo = true;
      "There is a channel 2 voltage.");

            } else {
      "There is no channel 2 voltage.");


        // channel 3
        if (this.EXTERNAL_VOLTAGE_CHANNEL_THREE != null) {
            this.externalVoltageChannelThree = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.EXTERNAL_VOLTAGE_CHANNEL_THREE)
            if (this.externalVoltageChannelThree.equals("yes")) {
                this.hasVoltageChannelThree = true;
      "There is a channel 3 voltage.");

            } else {
      "There is no channel 3 voltage.");


        // Determine if there is an SBE38 secondary temperature to read
        if (this.SBE38_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR != null) {
            this.sbe38TemperatureSensor = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.SBE38_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR).trim();
            if (this.sbe38TemperatureSensor.equals("yes")) {
                this.hasSBE38TemperatureSensor = true;


        // Determine if there is a gas tension device to read
        if (this.GAS_TENSION_DEVICE != null) {
            this.gasTensionDevice = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.GAS_TENSION_DEVICE).trim();
            if (this.gasTensionDevice.equals("yes")) {
                this.hasGasTensionDevice = true;


        // set each of the metadata fields

        // set the first sample time field
        if (this.FIRST_SAMPLE_TIME != null) {
            this.firstSampleTime = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.FIRST_SAMPLE_TIME);
  "First sample time is: " + this.firstSampleTime);


        // set the file name time field
        if (this.FILE_NAME != null) {
            this.fileName = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.FILE_NAME);
  "File name is: " + this.fileName);


        // set the temperature serial number field
        if (this.TEMPERATURE_SERIAL_NUMBER != null) {
            this.temperatureSerialNumber = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.TEMPERATURE_SERIAL_NUMBER);
  "Temperature serial number is: " + this.temperatureSerialNumber);


        // set the conductivity serial number field
        if (this.CONDUCTIVITY_SERIAL_NUMBER != null) {
            this.conductivitySerialNumber = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.CONDUCTIVITY_SERIAL_NUMBER);
  "Conductivity serial number is: " + this.conductivitySerialNumber);


        // set the system upload time field
        if (this.SYSTEM_UPLOAD_TIME != null) {
            this.systemUpLoadTime = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.SYSTEM_UPLOAD_TIME);
  "System upload time is: " + this.systemUpLoadTime);


        // set the cruise information field
        if (this.CRUISE_INFORMATION != null) {
            this.cruiseInformation = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.CRUISE_INFORMATION);
  "Cruise information is: " + this.cruiseInformation);


        // set the station information field
        if (this.STATION_INFORMATION != null) {
            this.stationInformation = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.STATION_INFORMATION);
  "Station information is: " + this.stationInformation);


        // set the ship information field
        if (this.SHIP_INFORMATION != null) {
            this.shipInformation = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.SHIP_INFORMATION);
  "Ship information is: " + this.shipInformation);


        // set the chief scientist field
        if (this.CHIEF_SCIENTIST != null) {
            this.chiefScientist = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.CHIEF_SCIENTIST);
  "Chief scientist is: " + this.chiefScientist);


        // set the organization field
        if (this.ORGANIZATION != null) {
            this.organization = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.ORGANIZATION);
  "Organization is: " + this.organization);


        // set the area of operation field
        if (this.AREA_OF_OPERATION != null) {
            this.areaOfOperation = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.AREA_OF_OPERATION);
  "Area of operation is: " + this.areaOfOperation);


        // set the instrument package field
        if (this.INSTRUMENT_PACKAGE != null) {
            this.instrumentPackage = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.INSTRUMENT_PACKAGE);
  "Instrument package is: " + this.instrumentPackage);


        // set the mooring number field
        if (this.MOORING_NUMBER != null) {
            this.mooringNumber = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.MOORING_NUMBER);
  "Mooring number is: " + this.mooringNumber);


        // set the instrument latitude field
        if (this.INSTRUMENT_LATITUDE != null) {
            this.instrumentLatitude = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.INSTRUMENT_LATITUDE);
  "Instrument latitude is: " + this.instrumentLatitude);


        // set the instrument longitude field
        if (this.INSTRUMENT_LONGITUDE != null) {
            this.instrumentLongitude = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.INSTRUMENT_LONGITUDE);
  "Instrument longitude is: " + this.instrumentLongitude);


        // set the depth sounding field
        if (this.DEPTH_SOUNDING != null) {
            this.depthSounding = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.DEPTH_SOUNDING);
  "Depth sounding is: " + this.depthSounding);


        // set the profile number field
        if (this.PROFILE_NUMBER != null) {
            this.profileNumber = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.PROFILE_NUMBER);
  "Profile number is: " + this.profileNumber);


        // set the profile direction field
        if (this.PROFILE_DIRECTION != null) {
            this.profileDirection = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.PROFILE_DIRECTION);
  "Profile direction is: " + this.profileDirection);


        // set the deployment notes field
        if (this.DEPLOYMENT_NOTES != null) {
            this.deploymentNotes = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.DEPLOYMENT_NOTES);
  "Deployment notes are: " + this.deploymentNotes);


        // set the main battery voltage field
        if (this.MAIN_BATTERY_VOLTAGE != null) {
            this.mainBatteryVoltage = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.MAIN_BATTERY_VOLTAGE);
  "Main battery voltage is: " + this.mainBatteryVoltage);


        // set the lithium battery voltage field
        if (this.LITHIUM_BATTERY_VOLTAGE != null) {
            this.lithiumBatteryVoltage = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.LITHIUM_BATTERY_VOLTAGE);
  "Lithium battery voltage is: " + this.lithiumBatteryVoltage);


        // set the operating current field
        if (this.OPERATING_CURRENT != null) {
            this.operatingCurrent = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.OPERATING_CURRENT);
  "Operating current is: " + this.operatingCurrent);


        // set the pump current field
        if (this.PUMP_CURRENT != null) {
            this.pumpCurrent = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.PUMP_CURRENT);
  "Pump current is: " + this.pumpCurrent);


        // set the channels 0 and 1 external current field
        if (this.CHANNELS_01_EXTERNAL_CURRENT != null) {
            this.channels01ExternalCurrent = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.CHANNELS_01_EXTERNAL_CURRENT);
  "Channels 0 and 1 external current is: " + this.channels01ExternalCurrent);


        // set the channels 2 and 3 external current field
        if (this.CHANNELS_23_EXTERNAL_CURRENT != null) {
            this.channels23ExternalCurrent = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.CHANNELS_23_EXTERNAL_CURRENT);
  "Channels 2 and 3 external current is: " + this.channels23ExternalCurrent);


        // set the logging status field
        if (this.LOGGING_STATUS != null) {
            this.loggingStatus = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.LOGGING_STATUS);
  "Logging status is: " + this.loggingStatus);


        // set the number of scans to average field
        if (this.NUMBER_OF_SCANS_TO_AVERAGE != null) {
            this.numberOfScansToAverage = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.NUMBER_OF_SCANS_TO_AVERAGE);
  "Number of scans to average is: " + this.numberOfScansToAverage);


        // set the number of samples field
        if (this.NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES != null) {
            this.numberOfSamples = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES);
  "Number of samples is: " + this.numberOfSamples);


        // set the number of available samples field
        if (this.NUMBER_OF_AVAILABLE_SAMPLES != null) {
            this.numberOfAvailableSamples = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.NUMBER_OF_AVAILABLE_SAMPLES);
  "Number of available samples is: " + this.numberOfAvailableSamples);


        // set the sample interval field
        if (this.SAMPLE_INTERVAL != null) {
            this.sampleInterval = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.SAMPLE_INTERVAL);
  "Sample interval is: " + this.sampleInterval);


        // set the measurements per sample field
        if (this.MEASUREMENTS_PER_SAMPLE != null) {
            this.measurementsPerSample = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.MEASUREMENTS_PER_SAMPLE);
  "Measurements per sample is: " + this.measurementsPerSample);


        // set the transmit real time field
        if (this.TRANSMIT_REALTIME != null) {
            this.transmitRealtime = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.TRANSMIT_REALTIME);
  "Transmit real time state is: " + this.transmitRealtime);


        // set the number of casts field
        if (this.NUMBER_OF_CASTS != null) {
            this.numberOfCasts = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.NUMBER_OF_CASTS);
  "Number of casts is: " + this.numberOfCasts);


        // set the minimum conductivity frequency field
        if (this.MINIMUM_CONDUCTIVITY_FREQUENCY != null) {
            this.minimumConductivityFrequency = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.MINIMUM_CONDUCTIVITY_FREQUENCY);
  "Minimum conductivity frequency is: " + this.minimumConductivityFrequency);


        // set the pump delay field
        if (this.PUMP_DELAY != null) {
            this.pumpDelay = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.PUMP_DELAY);
  "Pump delay is: " + this.pumpDelay);


        // set the automatic logging field
        if (this.AUTOMATIC_LOGGING != null) {
            this.automaticLogging = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.AUTOMATIC_LOGGING);
  "Automatic logging is: " + this.automaticLogging);


        // set the ignore magnetic switch field
        if (this.IGNORE_MAGNETIC_SWITCH != null) {
            this.ignoreMagneticSwitch = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.IGNORE_MAGNETIC_SWITCH);
  "Ignore magnetic switch is: " + this.ignoreMagneticSwitch);


        // set the battery type field
        if (this.BATTERY_TYPE != null) {
            this.batteryType = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.BATTERY_TYPE);
  "Battery type is: " + this.batteryType);


        // set the echo commands field
        if (this.ECHO_COMMANDS != null) {
            this.echoCommands = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.ECHO_COMMANDS);
  "Echo commands state is: " + this.echoCommands);


        // set the temperature calibration date field
        if (this.TEMPERATURE_CALIBRATION_DATE != null) {
            this.temperatureCalibrationDate = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.TEMPERATURE_CALIBRATION_DATE);
  "Temperature calibration date is: " + this.temperatureCalibrationDate);


        // set the temperature coefficient TA0 field
        if (this.TEMPERATURE_COEFFICIENT_TA0 != null) {
            this.temperatureCoefficientTA0 = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.TEMPERATURE_COEFFICIENT_TA0);
  "Temperature coefficient TA0 is: " + this.temperatureCoefficientTA0);


        // set the temperature coefficient TA1 field
        if (this.TEMPERATURE_COEFFICIENT_TA1 != null) {
            this.temperatureCoefficientTA1 = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.TEMPERATURE_COEFFICIENT_TA1);
  "Temperature coefficient TA1 is: " + this.temperatureCoefficientTA1);


        // set the temperature coefficient TA2 field
        if (this.TEMPERATURE_COEFFICIENT_TA2 != null) {
            this.temperatureCoefficientTA2 = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.TEMPERATURE_COEFFICIENT_TA2);
  "Temperature coefficient TA2 is: " + this.temperatureCoefficientTA2);


        // set the temperature coefficient TA3 field
        if (this.TEMPERATURE_COEFFICIENT_TA3 != null) {
            this.temperatureCoefficientTA3 = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.TEMPERATURE_COEFFICIENT_TA3);
  "Temperature coefficient TA3 is: " + this.temperatureCoefficientTA3);


        // set the temperature offset coefficient field
        if (this.TEMPERATURE_OFFSET_COEFFICIENT != null) {
            this.temperatureOffsetCoefficient = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.TEMPERATURE_OFFSET_COEFFICIENT);
  "Temperature offset coefficient is: " + this.temperatureOffsetCoefficient);


        // set the conductivity calibration date field
        if (this.CONDUCTIVITY_CALIBRATION_DATE != null) {
            this.conductivityCalibrationDate = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.CONDUCTIVITY_CALIBRATION_DATE);
  "Conductivity calibration date is: " + this.conductivityCalibrationDate);


        // set the conductivity coefficient G field
        if (this.CONDUCTIVITY_COEFFICIENT_G != null) {
            this.conductivityCoefficientG = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.CONDUCTIVITY_COEFFICIENT_G);
  "Conductivity coefficient G is: " + this.conductivityCoefficientG);


        // set the conductivity coefficient H field
        if (this.CONDUCTIVITY_COEFFICIENT_H != null) {
            this.conductivityCoefficientH = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.CONDUCTIVITY_COEFFICIENT_H);
  "Conductivity coefficient H is: " + this.conductivityCoefficientH);


        // set the conductivity coefficient I field
        if (this.CONDUCTIVITY_COEFFICIENT_I != null) {
            this.conductivityCoefficientI = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.CONDUCTIVITY_COEFFICIENT_I);
  "Conductivity coefficient I is: " + this.conductivityCoefficientI);


        // set the conductivity coefficient J field
        if (this.CONDUCTIVITY_COEFFICIENT_J != null) {
            this.conductivityCoefficientJ = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.CONDUCTIVITY_COEFFICIENT_J);
  "Conductivity coefficient J is: " + this.conductivityCoefficientJ);


        // set the conductivity coefficient CF0 field
        if (this.CONDUCTIVITY_COEFFICIENT_CF0 != null) {
            this.conductivityCoefficientCF0 = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.CONDUCTIVITY_COEFFICIENT_CF0);
  "Conductivity coefficient CF0 is: " + this.conductivityCoefficientCF0);


        // set the conductivity coefficient CPCOR field
        if (this.CONDUCTIVITY_COEFFICIENT_CPCOR != null) {
            this.conductivityCoefficientCPCOR = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.CONDUCTIVITY_COEFFICIENT_CPCOR);
  "Conductivity coefficient CPCOR is: " + this.conductivityCoefficientCPCOR);


        // set the conductivity coefficient CTCOR field
        if (this.CONDUCTIVITY_COEFFICIENT_CTCOR != null) {
            this.conductivityCoefficientCTCOR = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.CONDUCTIVITY_COEFFICIENT_CTCOR);
  "Conductivity coefficient CTCOR is: " + this.conductivityCoefficientCTCOR);


        // set the conductivity coefficient CSLOPE field
        if (this.CONDUCTIVITY_COEFFICIENT_CSLOPE != null) {
            this.conductivityCoefficientCSLOPE = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.CONDUCTIVITY_COEFFICIENT_CSLOPE);
  "Conductivity coefficient CSLOPE is: " + this.conductivityCoefficientCSLOPE);


        // set the pressure serial number field
        if (this.PRESSURE_SERIAL_NUMBER != null) {
            this.pressureSerialNumber = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.PRESSURE_SERIAL_NUMBER);
  "Pressure serial number is: " + this.pressureSerialNumber);


        // set the pressure coefficient PA0 field
        if (this.PRESSURE_COEFFICIENT_PA0 != null) {
            this.pressureCoefficientPA0 = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.PRESSURE_COEFFICIENT_PA0);
  "Pressure coefficient PA0 is: " + this.pressureCoefficientPA0);


        // set the pressure coefficient PA1 field
        if (this.PRESSURE_COEFFICIENT_PA1 != null) {
            this.pressureCoefficientPA1 = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.PRESSURE_COEFFICIENT_PA1);
  "Pressure coefficient PA1 is: " + this.pressureCoefficientPA1);


        // set the pressure coefficient PA2 field
        if (this.PRESSURE_COEFFICIENT_PA2 != null) {
            this.pressureCoefficientPA2 = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.PRESSURE_COEFFICIENT_PA2);
  "Pressure coefficient PA2 is: " + this.pressureCoefficientPA2);


        // set the pressure coefficient PTCA0 field
        if (this.PRESSURE_COEFFICIENT_PTCA0 != null) {
            this.pressureCoefficientPTCA0 = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.PRESSURE_COEFFICIENT_PTCA0);
  "Pressure coefficient PTCA0 is: " + this.pressureCoefficientPTCA0);


        // set the pressure coefficient PTCA1 field
        if (this.PRESSURE_COEFFICIENT_PTCA1 != null) {
            this.pressureCoefficientPTCA1 = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.PRESSURE_COEFFICIENT_PTCA1);
  "Pressure coefficient PTCA1 is: " + this.pressureCoefficientPTCA1);


        // set the pressure coefficient PTCA2 field
        if (this.PRESSURE_COEFFICIENT_PTCA2 != null) {
            this.pressureCoefficientPTCA2 = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.PRESSURE_COEFFICIENT_PTCA2);
  "Pressure coefficient PTCA2 is: " + this.pressureCoefficientPTCA2);


        // set the pressure coefficient PTCB0 field
        if (this.PRESSURE_COEFFICIENT_PTCB0 != null) {
            this.pressureCoefficientPTCB0 = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.PRESSURE_COEFFICIENT_PTCB0);
  "Pressure coefficient PTCB0 is: " + this.pressureCoefficientPTCB0);


        // set the pressure coefficient PTCB1 field
        if (this.PRESSURE_COEFFICIENT_PTCB1 != null) {
            this.pressureCoefficientPTCB1 = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.PRESSURE_COEFFICIENT_PTCB1);
  "Pressure coefficient PTCB1 is: " + this.pressureCoefficientPTCB1);


        // set the pressure coefficient PTCB2 field
        if (this.PRESSURE_COEFFICIENT_PTCB2 != null) {
            this.pressureCoefficientPTCB2 = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.PRESSURE_COEFFICIENT_PTCB2);
  "Pressure coefficient PTCB2 is: " + this.pressureCoefficientPTCB2);


        // set the pressure coefficient PTEMPA0 field
        if (this.PRESSURE_COEFFICIENT_PTEMPA0 != null) {
            this.pressureCoefficientPTEMPA0 = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.PRESSURE_COEFFICIENT_PTEMPA0);
  "Pressure coefficient PTEMPA0 is: " + this.pressureCoefficientPTEMPA0);


        // set the pressure coefficient PTEMPA1 field
        if (this.PRESSURE_COEFFICIENT_PTEMPA1 != null) {
            this.pressureCoefficientPTEMPA1 = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.PRESSURE_COEFFICIENT_PTEMPA1);
  "Pressure coefficient PTEMPA1 is: " + this.pressureCoefficientPTEMPA1);


        // set the pressure coefficient PTEMPA2 field
        if (this.PRESSURE_COEFFICIENT_PTEMPA2 != null) {
            this.pressureCoefficientPTEMPA2 = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.PRESSURE_COEFFICIENT_PTEMPA2);
  "Pressure coefficient PTEMPA2 is: " + this.pressureCoefficientPTEMPA2);


        // set the pressure offset coefficient field
        if (this.PRESSURE_OFFSET_COEFFICIENT != null) {
            this.pressureOffsetCoefficient = this.metadataValuesMap.get(this.PRESSURE_OFFSET_COEFFICIENT);
  "Pressure offset coefficient is: " + this.pressureOffsetCoefficient);



     *  A method used to parse the various XML metadata formats from the instrument.
     *  This method parses the output of the following instrument commands:
     *  GetCD, GetSD, GetCC, GetEC, and GetHD.
     * @param xmlString - the CTD's XML output string containing the metadata values
    public void setMetadata(String xmlString) throws ParseException {
        logger.debug("CTDParser.setMetadata(xmlString) called.");

        try {
            // create an XML Document object from the instrument XML string
            XMLUtilities xmlUtil = new XMLUtilities();
            StringReader xmlReader = new StringReader(xmlString);
            this.xmlMetadata = xmlUtil.getXMLReaderAsDOMDocument(xmlReader);

            // set the configuration metadata fields
            if (this.xmlMetadata.getDocumentElement().getTagName().equals("ConfigurationData")) {

                // Extract the metadata fields from the XML and populate the fields

                // set the device type field
                this.deviceType = xmlUtil
                        .getAttributeNodeWithXPath(xmlMetadata, "//ConfigurationData/@" + this.DEVICE_TYPE)
      "Device type is: " + this.deviceType);

                // set the instrument serial number field
                this.instrumentSerialNumber = xmlUtil.getAttributeNodeWithXPath(xmlMetadata,
                        "//ConfigurationData/@" + this.INSTRUMENT_SERIAL_NUMBER).getNodeValue().trim();
      "Instrument serial number is: " + this.instrumentSerialNumber);

                // set the pressure installed field
                this.pressureInstalled = xmlUtil
                        .getNodeWithXPath(xmlMetadata, "//ConfigurationData/" + this.PRESSURE_INSTALLED)
      "Pressure installed is: " + this.pressureInstalled);

                if (this.pressureInstalled.equals("yes")) {
                    this.hasPressure = true;


                // set the pump installed field
                this.pumpInstalled = xmlUtil
                        .getNodeWithXPath(xmlMetadata, "//ConfigurationData/" + this.PUMP_INSTALLED).getFirstChild()
      "Pump installed is: " + this.pumpInstalled);

                if (this.pumpInstalled.equals("yes")) {
                    this.hasPump = true;


                // set the minimum conductivity frequency field
                this.minimumConductivityFrequency = xmlUtil
                        .getNodeWithXPath(xmlMetadata, "//ConfigurationData/" + this.MINIMUM_CONDUCTIVITY_FREQUENCY)
      "Minimum conductivity frequency is: " + this.minimumConductivityFrequency);

                // set the output format field
                this.outputFormat = xmlUtil.getNodeWithXPath(xmlMetadata, "//ConfigurationData/SampleDataFormat")
      "Output format is: " + this.outputFormat);

                // set the output salinity state field
                this.outputSalinity = xmlUtil
                        .getNodeWithXPath(xmlMetadata, "//ConfigurationData/" + this.OUTPUT_SALINITY)
      "Output salinity state is: " + this.outputSalinity);

                if (this.outputSalinity.equals("yes")) {
                    this.willOutputSalinity = true;


                // set the output sound velocity state field
                this.outputSoundVelocity = xmlUtil
                        .getNodeWithXPath(xmlMetadata, "//ConfigurationData/" + this.OUTPUT_SOUND_VELOCITY)
      "Output sound velocity state is: " + this.outputSoundVelocity);

                if (this.outputSoundVelocity.equals("yes")) {
                    this.willOutputSoundVelocity = true;


                // set the output transmit real time state field
                this.transmitRealtime = xmlUtil.getNodeWithXPath(xmlMetadata, "//ConfigurationData/TxRealTime")
      "Transmit real time state is: " + this.transmitRealtime);

                if (this.transmitRealtime.equals("yes")) {

                    // set the sampling mode to moored since profile mode doesn't support this
                    this.samplingMode = "moored";
          "Sampling mode is: " + this.samplingMode);


                // set the sample interval field
                this.sampleInterval = xmlUtil.getNodeWithXPath(xmlMetadata, "//ConfigurationData/SampleInterval")
      "Sample interval is: " + this.sampleInterval);

                // set the synchronization mode state field
                this.synchronizationMode = xmlUtil.getNodeWithXPath(xmlMetadata, "//ConfigurationData/SyncMode")
      "Synchronization mode state state is: " + this.synchronizationMode);

                this.hasConfigurationMetadata = true;

                // add the status metadata fields to the metadataValuesMap
            } else if (this.xmlMetadata.getDocumentElement().getTagName().equals("StatusData")) {

                this.deviceType = xmlUtil
                        .getAttributeNodeWithXPath(xmlMetadata, "//StatusData/@" + this.DEVICE_TYPE).getNodeValue()
      "Device type is: " + this.deviceType);

                // set the instrument serial number field
                this.instrumentSerialNumber = xmlUtil
                        .getAttributeNodeWithXPath(xmlMetadata, "//StatusData/@" + this.INSTRUMENT_SERIAL_NUMBER)
      "Instrument serial number is: " + this.instrumentSerialNumber);

                // set the instrument date time field
                this.instrumentDateTime = xmlUtil
                        .getNodeWithXPath(xmlMetadata, "//StatusData/" + this.INSTRUMENT_DATE_TIME).getFirstChild()
      "Instrument date time is: " + this.instrumentDateTime);

                // set the number of instrument events field
                this.numberOfInstrumentEvents = xmlUtil
                        .getAttributeNodeWithXPath(xmlMetadata, "//StatusData/" + this.NUMBER_OF_INSTRUMENT_EVENTS)
      "Number of instrument events is: " + this.numberOfInstrumentEvents);

                // set the main battery voltage field
                this.mainBatteryVoltage = xmlUtil.getNodeWithXPath(xmlMetadata, "//StatusData/Power/vMain")
      "Main battery voltage is: " + this.mainBatteryVoltage);

                // set the lithium battery voltage field
                this.lithiumBatteryVoltage = xmlUtil.getNodeWithXPath(xmlMetadata, "//StatusData/Power/vLith")
      "Lithium battery voltage is: " + this.lithiumBatteryVoltage);

                // set the number of bytes in memory field
                this.numberOfBytes = xmlUtil.getNodeWithXPath(xmlMetadata, "//StatusData/" + this.NUMBER_OF_BYTES)
      "Number of bytes in memory is: " + this.numberOfBytes);

                // set the number of samples in memory field
                this.numberOfSamples = xmlUtil
                        .getNodeWithXPath(xmlMetadata, "//StatusData/" + this.NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES).getFirstChild()
      "Number of samples in memory is: " + this.numberOfSamples);

                // set the number of available samples in memory field
                this.numberOfAvailableSamples = xmlUtil
                        .getNodeWithXPath(xmlMetadata, "//StatusData/" + this.NUMBER_OF_AVAILABLE_SAMPLES)
      "Number of available samples in memory is: " + this.numberOfAvailableSamples);

                // set the number of bytes per sample in memory field
                this.sampleByteLength = xmlUtil
                        .getNodeWithXPath(xmlMetadata, "//StatusData/" + this.SAMPLE_BYTE_LENGTH).getFirstChild()
      "Number of bytes per sample in memory is: " + this.sampleByteLength);

                // set the autonomous sampling state field
                this.autonomousSampling = xmlUtil
                        .getNodeWithXPath(xmlMetadata, "//StatusData/" + this.AUTONOMOUS_SAMPLING).getFirstChild()
      "Autonomous sampling state is: " + this.autonomousSampling);

                this.hasStatusMetadata = true;

                // add the calibration metadata fields to the metadataValuesMap
            } else if (this.xmlMetadata.getDocumentElement().getTagName().equals("CalibrationCoefficients")) {

                NodeList calibrationList = xmlUtil.getNodeListWithXPath(this.xmlMetadata.getDocumentElement(),

                // iterate through each calibration and set the metadata fields
                for (int itemNumber = 0; itemNumber < calibrationList.getLength(); itemNumber++) {
                    Node calibrationNode = calibrationList.item(itemNumber);
                    String idString = xmlUtil.getAttributeNodeWithXPath(calibrationNode, "@id").getNodeValue()

                    if (idString.equals("Temperature")) {

                        // set the temperature calibration format field
                        this.temperatureCalibrationFormat = xmlUtil
                                .getAttributeNodeWithXPath(calibrationNode, this.TEMPERATURE_CALIBRATION_FORMAT)
              "Temperature calibration format is: " + this.temperatureCalibrationFormat);

                        // set the temperature serial number field
                        this.temperatureSerialNumber = xmlUtil.getNodeWithXPath(calibrationNode, "SerialNum")
              "Temperature serial number is: " + this.temperatureSerialNumber);

                        // set the temperature calibration date field
                        this.temperatureCalibrationDate = xmlUtil.getNodeWithXPath(calibrationNode, "CalDate")
              "Temperature calibration date is: " + this.temperatureCalibrationDate);

                        // set the temperature calibration A0 field
                        this.temperatureCoefficientTA0 = xmlUtil.getNodeWithXPath(calibrationNode, "A0")
              "Temperature calibration A0 is: " + this.temperatureCoefficientTA0);

                        // set the temperature calibration A1 field
                        this.temperatureCoefficientTA1 = xmlUtil.getNodeWithXPath(calibrationNode, "A1")
              "Temperature calibration A1 is: " + this.temperatureCoefficientTA1);

                        // set the temperature calibration A2 field
                        this.temperatureCoefficientTA2 = xmlUtil.getNodeWithXPath(calibrationNode, "A2")
              "Temperature calibration A2 is: " + this.temperatureCoefficientTA2);

                        // set the temperature calibration A3 field
                        this.temperatureCoefficientTA3 = xmlUtil.getNodeWithXPath(calibrationNode, "A3")
              "Temperature calibration A3 is: " + this.temperatureCoefficientTA3);

                    } else if (idString.equals("Conductivity")) {

                        // set the conductivity calibration format field
                        this.conductivityCalibrationFormat = xmlUtil
                                .getAttributeNodeWithXPath(calibrationNode, this.CONDUCTIVITY_CALIBRATION_FORMAT)
              "Conductivity calibration format is: " + this.conductivityCalibrationFormat);

                        // set the conductivity serial number field
                        this.conductivitySerialNumber = xmlUtil.getNodeWithXPath(calibrationNode, "SerialNum")
              "Conductivity serial number is: " + this.conductivitySerialNumber);

                        // set the conductivity calibration date field
                        this.conductivityCalibrationDate = xmlUtil.getNodeWithXPath(calibrationNode, "CalDate")
              "Conductivity calibration date is: " + this.conductivityCalibrationDate);

                        // set the conductivity calibration G field
                        this.conductivityCoefficientG = xmlUtil.getNodeWithXPath(calibrationNode, "G")
              "Conductivity calibration G is: " + this.conductivityCoefficientG);

                        // set the conductivity calibration H field
                        this.conductivityCoefficientH = xmlUtil.getNodeWithXPath(calibrationNode, "H")
              "Conductivity calibration H is: " + this.conductivityCoefficientH);

                        // set the conductivity calibration I field
                        this.conductivityCoefficientI = xmlUtil.getNodeWithXPath(calibrationNode, "I")
              "Conductivity calibration I is: " + this.conductivityCoefficientI);

                        // set the conductivity calibration J field
                        this.conductivityCoefficientJ = xmlUtil.getNodeWithXPath(calibrationNode, "J")
              "Conductivity calibration J is: " + this.conductivityCoefficientJ);

                        // set the conductivity calibration PCOR field
                        this.conductivityCoefficientCPCOR = xmlUtil.getNodeWithXPath(calibrationNode, "PCOR")
              "Conductivity calibration PCOR is: " + this.conductivityCoefficientCPCOR);

                        // set the conductivity calibration TCOR field
                        this.conductivityCoefficientCTCOR = xmlUtil.getNodeWithXPath(calibrationNode, "TCOR")
              "Conductivity calibration TCOR is: " + this.conductivityCoefficientCTCOR);

                        // set the conductivity calibration WBOTC field
                        this.conductivityCoefficientWBOTC = xmlUtil.getNodeWithXPath(calibrationNode, "WBOTC")
              "Conductivity calibration WBOTC is: " + this.conductivityCoefficientWBOTC);

                    } else if (idString.equals("Pressure")) {

                        // set the pressure calibration format field
                        this.pressureCalibrationFormat = xmlUtil
                                .getAttributeNodeWithXPath(calibrationNode, this.PRESSURE_CALIBRATION_FORMAT)
              "Pressure calibration format is: " + this.pressureCalibrationFormat);

                        // set the pressure serial number field
                        this.pressureSerialNumber = xmlUtil.getNodeWithXPath(calibrationNode, "SerialNum")
              "Pressure serial number is: " + this.pressureSerialNumber);

                        // set the pressure calibration date field
                        this.pressureCalibrationDate = xmlUtil.getNodeWithXPath(calibrationNode, "CalDate")
              "Pressure calibration date is: " + this.pressureCalibrationDate);

                        // set the pressure calibration PA0 field
                        this.pressureCoefficientPA0 = xmlUtil.getNodeWithXPath(calibrationNode, "PA0")
              "Pressure calibration PA0 is: " + this.pressureCoefficientPA0);

                        // set the pressure calibration PA1 field
                        this.pressureCoefficientPA1 = xmlUtil.getNodeWithXPath(calibrationNode, "PA1")
              "Pressure calibration PA1 is: " + this.pressureCoefficientPA1);

                        // set the pressure calibration PA2 field
                        this.pressureCoefficientPA2 = xmlUtil.getNodeWithXPath(calibrationNode, "PA2")
              "Pressure calibration PA2 is: " + this.pressureCoefficientPA2);

                        // set the pressure calibration PTCA0 field
                        this.pressureCoefficientPTCA0 = xmlUtil.getNodeWithXPath(calibrationNode, "PTCA0")
              "Pressure calibration PTCA0 is: " + this.pressureCoefficientPTCA0);

                        // set the pressure calibration PTCA1 field
                        this.pressureCoefficientPTCA1 = xmlUtil.getNodeWithXPath(calibrationNode, "PTCA1")
              "Pressure calibration PTCA1 is: " + this.pressureCoefficientPTCA1);

                        // set the pressure calibration PTCA2 field
                        this.pressureCoefficientPTCA2 = xmlUtil.getNodeWithXPath(calibrationNode, "PTCA2")
              "Pressure calibration PTCA2 is: " + this.pressureCoefficientPTCA2);

                        // set the pressure calibration PTCB0 field
                        this.pressureCoefficientPTCB0 = xmlUtil.getNodeWithXPath(calibrationNode, "PTCB0")
              "Pressure calibration PTCB0 is: " + this.pressureCoefficientPTCB0);

                        // set the pressure calibration PTCB1 field
                        this.pressureCoefficientPTCB1 = xmlUtil.getNodeWithXPath(calibrationNode, "PTCB1")
              "Pressure calibration PTCB1 is: " + this.pressureCoefficientPTCB1);

                        // set the pressure calibration PTCB2 field
                        this.pressureCoefficientPTCB2 = xmlUtil.getNodeWithXPath(calibrationNode, "PTCB2")
              "Pressure calibration PTCB2 is: " + this.pressureCoefficientPTCB2);

                        // set the pressure calibration PTEMPA0 field
                        this.pressureCoefficientPTEMPA0 = xmlUtil.getNodeWithXPath(calibrationNode, "PTEMPA0")
              "Pressure calibration PTEMPA0 is: " + this.pressureCoefficientPTEMPA0);

                        // set the pressure calibration PTEMPA1 field
                        this.pressureCoefficientPTEMPA1 = xmlUtil.getNodeWithXPath(calibrationNode, "PTEMPA1")
              "Pressure calibration PTEMPA1 is: " + this.pressureCoefficientPTEMPA1);

                        // set the pressure calibration PTEMPA2 field
                        this.pressureCoefficientPTEMPA2 = xmlUtil.getNodeWithXPath(calibrationNode, "PTEMPA2")
              "Pressure calibration PTEMPA2 is: " + this.pressureCoefficientPTEMPA2);

                        // set the pressure calibration POFFSET field
                        this.pressureOffsetCoefficient = xmlUtil.getNodeWithXPath(calibrationNode, "POFFSET")
              "Pressure offset calibration is: " + this.pressureOffsetCoefficient);

                        // set the pressure sensor range field
                        this.pressureSensorRange = xmlUtil.getNodeWithXPath(calibrationNode, "PRANGE")
              "Pressure sensor range is: " + this.pressureSensorRange);

                    } else {
                        throw new ParseException("There was an error parsing the XML string. "
                                + "The calibration coefficient was not recognized. " + "The identifier was: "
                                + idString, 0);


                this.hasCalibrationMetadata = true;

                // add the event metadata fields to the metadataValuesMap
            } else if (this.xmlMetadata.getDocumentElement().getTagName().equals("EventCounters")) {

                this.hasEventMetadata = true;

                // add the hardware metadata fields to the metadataValuesMap
            } else if (this.xmlMetadata.getDocumentElement().getTagName().equals("HardwareData")) {

                this.hasHardwareMetadata = true;

            } else {
                throw new ParseException("The XML metadata is not recognized.", 0);

        } catch (IOException ioe) {
                    "There was an error reading the XML metadata. " + "The error message was: " + ioe.getMessage());
            throw new ParseException(ioe.getMessage(), 0);

        } catch (TransformerException te) {
  "There was an error creating the XML configuration. " + "The error message was: "
                    + te.getMessage());
            throw new ParseException(te.getMessage(), 0);



     * A method that returns the SamplingMode field
    public String getSamplingMode() {
        return this.samplingMode;

     * A method that returns the FirstSampleTime field
    public String getFirstSampleTime() {
        return this.firstSampleTime;

     * A method that returns the FileName field
    public String getFileName() {
        return this.fileName;

     * A method that returns the TemperatureSerialNumber field
    public String getTemperatureSerialNumber() {
        return this.temperatureSerialNumber;

     * A method that returns the ConductivitySerialNumber field
    public String getConductivitySerialNumber() {
        return this.conductivitySerialNumber;

     * A method that returns the SystemUpLoadTime field
    public String getSystemUpLoadTime() {
        return this.systemUpLoadTime;

     * A method that returns the CruiseInformation field
    public String getCruiseInformation() {
        return this.cruiseInformation;

     * A method that returns the StationInformation field
    public String getStationInformation() {
        return this.stationInformation;

     * A method that returns the ShipInformation field
    public String getShipInformation() {
        return this.shipInformation;

     * A method that returns the ChiefScientist field
    public String getChiefScientist() {
        return this.chiefScientist;

     * A method that returns the Organization field
    public String getOrganization() {
        return this.organization;

     * A method that returns the AreaOfOperation field
    public String getAreaOfOperation() {
        return this.areaOfOperation;

     * A method that returns the InstrumentPackage field
    public String getInstrumentPackage() {
        return this.instrumentPackage;

     * A method that returns the MooringNumber field
    public String getMooringNumber() {
        return this.mooringNumber;

     * A method that returns the InstrumentLatitude field
    public double getInstrumentLatitude() {
        return new Double(this.instrumentLatitude).doubleValue();

     * A method that returns the InstrumentLongitude field
    public double getInstrumentLongitude() {
        return new Double(this.instrumentLongitude).doubleValue();

     * A method that returns the DepthSounding field
    public double getDepthSounding() {
        return new Double(this.depthSounding).doubleValue();

     * A method that returns the ProfileNumber field
    public String getProfileNumber() {
        return this.profileNumber;

     * A method that returns the ProfileDirection field
    public String getProfileDirection() {
        return this.profileDirection;

     * A method that returns the DeploymentNotes field
    public String getDeploymentNotes() {
        return this.deploymentNotes;

     * A method that returns the MainBatteryVoltage field
    public double getMainBatteryVoltage() {
        double value = 0d;

        try {
            value = new Double(this.mainBatteryVoltage.trim()).doubleValue();
            return value;

        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            String[] strParts = this.mainBatteryVoltage.trim().split(" ");
            return new Double(strParts[0]).doubleValue();

        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the mainBatteryVoltage " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.mainBatteryVoltage);
            return value;


     * A method that returns the LithiumBatteryVoltage field
    public double getLithiumBatteryVoltage() {
        double value = 0d;

        try {
            value = new Double(this.lithiumBatteryVoltage.trim()).doubleValue();
            return value;

        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            String[] strParts = this.lithiumBatteryVoltage.trim().split(" ");
            return new Double(strParts[0]).doubleValue();

        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the lithiumBatteryVoltage " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.lithiumBatteryVoltage);
            return value;


     * A method that returns the OperatingCurrent field
    public double getOperatingCurrent() {
        double value = 0d;

        try {
            value = new Double(this.operatingCurrent.trim()).doubleValue();
            return value;

        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            String[] strParts = this.operatingCurrent.trim().split(" ");
            return new Double(strParts[0]).doubleValue();

        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the operatingCurrent " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.operatingCurrent);
            return value;

     * A method that returns the PumpCurrent field
    public double getPumpCurrent() {
        double value = 0d;

        try {
            value = new Double(this.pumpCurrent).doubleValue();
            return value;

        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            String[] strParts = this.pumpCurrent.trim().split(" ");
            return new Double(strParts[0]).doubleValue();

        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
                    "There was a problem parsing the pumpCurrent " + "value.  The value is: " + this.pumpCurrent);
            return value;

     * A method that returns the Channels01ExternalCurrent field
    public double getChannels01ExternalCurrent() {
        double value = 0d;

        try {
            value = new Double(this.channels01ExternalCurrent).doubleValue();
            return value;

        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            String[] strParts = this.channels01ExternalCurrent.trim().split(" ");
            return new Double(strParts[0]).doubleValue();

        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the channels01ExternalCurrent " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.channels01ExternalCurrent);
            return value;

     * A method that returns the Channels23ExternalCurrent field
    public double getChannels23ExternalCurrent() {
        double value = 0d;

        try {
            value = new Double(this.channels23ExternalCurrent).doubleValue();
            return value;

        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            String[] strParts = this.channels23ExternalCurrent.trim().split(" ");
            return new Double(strParts[0]).doubleValue();

        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the channels23ExternalCurrent " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.channels23ExternalCurrent);
            return value;


     * A method that returns the LoggingStatus field
    public String getLoggingStatus() {
        return this.loggingStatus;

     * A method that returns the NumberOfScansToAverage field
    public int getNumberOfScansToAverage() {
        int value = 0;
        try {
            value = new Integer(this.numberOfScansToAverage.trim()).intValue();
            return value;

        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the numberOfScansToAverage " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.numberOfScansToAverage);
            return value;

        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the numberOfScansToAverage " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.numberOfScansToAverage);
            return value;

     * A method that returns the NumberOfSamples field
    public int getNumberOfSamples() {
        int value = 0;
        try {
            value = new Integer(this.numberOfSamples.trim()).intValue();
            return value;

        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the numberOfSamples " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.numberOfSamples);
            return value;

        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the numberOfSamples " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.numberOfSamples);
            return value;

     * A method that returns the NumberOfAvailableSamples field
    public int getNumberOfAvailableSamples() {
        int value = 0;
        try {
            value = new Integer(this.numberOfAvailableSamples.trim()).intValue();
            return value;

        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the numberOfAvailableSamples " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.numberOfAvailableSamples);
            return value;

        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the numberOfAvailableSamples " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.numberOfAvailableSamples);
            return value;

     * A method that returns the SampleInterval field
    public int getSampleInterval() {
        int value = 0;
        try {
            value = new Integer(this.sampleInterval.trim()).intValue();
            return value;

        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the sampleInterval " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.sampleInterval);
            return value;

        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the sampleInterval " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.sampleInterval);
            return value;

     * A method that returns the MeasurementsPerSample field
    public int getMeasurementsPerSample() {
        int value = 0;
        try {
            value = new Integer(this.measurementsPerSample.trim()).intValue();
            return value;

        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the measurementsPerSample " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.measurementsPerSample);
            return value;

        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the measurementsPerSample " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.measurementsPerSample);
            return value;

     * A method that returns the TransmitRealtime field
    public String getTransmitRealtime() {
        return this.transmitRealtime;

     * A method that returns the NumberOfCasts field
    public int getNumberOfCasts() {
        int value = 0;
        try {
            value = new Integer(this.numberOfCasts.trim()).intValue();
            return value;

        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the numberOfCasts " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.numberOfCasts);
            return value;

        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the numberOfCasts " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.numberOfCasts);
            return value;

     * A method that returns the MinimumConductivityFrequency field
    public int getMinimumConductivityFrequency() {
        int value = 0;
        try {
            value = new Integer(this.minimumConductivityFrequency.trim()).intValue();
            return value;

        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the minimumConductivityFrequency " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.minimumConductivityFrequency);
            return value;

        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the minimumConductivityFrequency " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.minimumConductivityFrequency);
            return value;

     * A method that returns the PumpDelay field
    public int getPumpDelay() {
        int value = 0;

        try {
            value = new Integer(this.pumpDelay.trim()).intValue();
            return value;

        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            String[] strParts = this.pumpDelay.trim().split(" ");
            return new Integer(strParts[0]).intValue();

        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the pumpDelay " + "value.  The value is: " + this.pumpDelay);
            return value;

     * A method that returns the AutomaticLogging field
    public String getAutomaticLogging() {
        return this.automaticLogging;

     * A method that returns the IgnoreMagneticSwitch field
    public String getIgnoreMagneticSwitch() {
        return this.ignoreMagneticSwitch;

     * A method that returns the BatteryType field
    public String getBatteryType() {
        return this.batteryType;

     * A method that returns the BatteryCutoff field
    public String getBatteryCutoff() {
        return this.batteryCutoff;

     * A method that returns the PressureSensorType field
    public String getPressureSensorType() {
        return this.pressureSensorType;

     * A method that returns the PressureSensorRange field
    public String getPressureSensorRange() {
        return this.pressureSensorRange;

     * A method that returns the Sbe38TemperatureSensor field
    public String getSbe38TemperatureSensor() {
        return this.sbe38TemperatureSensor;

     * A method that returns the GasTensionDevice field
    public String getGasTensionDevice() {
        return this.gasTensionDevice;

     * A method that returns the ExternalVoltageChannelZero field
    public String getExternalVoltageChannelZero() {
        return this.externalVoltageChannelZero;

     * A method that returns the ExternalVoltageChannelOne field
    public String getExternalVoltageChannelOne() {
        return this.externalVoltageChannelOne;

     * A method that returns the ExternalVoltageChannelTwo field
    public String getExternalVoltageChannelTwo() {
        return this.externalVoltageChannelTwo;

     * A method that returns the ExternalVoltageChannelThree field
    public String getExternalVoltageChannelThree() {
        return this.externalVoltageChannelThree;

     * A method that returns the ExternalVoltageChannelFour field
    public String getExternalVoltageChannelFour() {
        return this.externalVoltageChannelFour;

     * A method that returns the ExternalVoltageChannelFive field
    public String getExternalVoltageChannelFive() {
        return this.externalVoltageChannelFive;

     * A method that returns the EchoCommands field
    public String getEchoCommands() {
        return this.echoCommands;

     * A method that returns the OutputFormat field
    public String getOutputFormat() {
        return this.outputFormat;

     * A method that returns the TemperatureCalibrationDate field
    public String getTemperatureCalibrationDate() {
        return this.temperatureCalibrationDate;

     * A method that returns the TemperatureCoefficientTA0 field
    public double getTemperatureCoefficientTA0() {
        double value = 0d;

        try {
            value = new Double(this.temperatureCoefficientTA0.trim()).doubleValue();
            return value;

        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            String[] strParts = this.temperatureCoefficientTA0.trim().split(" ");
            return new Double(strParts[0]).doubleValue();

        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the temperatureCoefficientTA0 " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.temperatureCoefficientTA0);
            return value;

     * A method that returns the TemperatureCoefficientTA1 field
    public double getTemperatureCoefficientTA1() {
        double value = 0d;

        try {
            value = new Double(this.temperatureCoefficientTA1.trim()).doubleValue();
            return value;

        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            String[] strParts = this.temperatureCoefficientTA1.trim().split(" ");
            return new Double(strParts[0]).doubleValue();

        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the temperatureCoefficientTA1 " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.temperatureCoefficientTA1);
            return value;

     * A method that returns the TemperatureCoefficientTA2 field
    public double getTemperatureCoefficientTA2() {
        double value = 0d;

        try {
            value = new Double(this.temperatureCoefficientTA2.trim()).doubleValue();
            return value;

        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            String[] strParts = this.temperatureCoefficientTA2.trim().split(" ");
            return new Double(strParts[0]).doubleValue();

        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the temperatureCoefficientTA2 " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.temperatureCoefficientTA2);
            return value;

     * A method that returns the TemperatureCoefficientTA3 field
    public double getTemperatureCoefficientTA3() {
        double value = 0d;

        try {
            value = new Double(this.temperatureCoefficientTA3.trim()).doubleValue();
            return value;

        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            String[] strParts = this.temperatureCoefficientTA3.trim().split(" ");
            return new Double(strParts[0]).doubleValue();

        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the temperatureCoefficientTA3 " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.temperatureCoefficientTA3);
            return value;

     * A method that returns the TemperatureOffsetCoefficient field
    public double getTemperatureOffsetCoefficient() {
        double value = 0d;

        try {
            value = new Double(this.temperatureOffsetCoefficient.trim()).doubleValue();
            return value;

        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            String[] strParts = this.temperatureOffsetCoefficient.trim().split(" ");
            return new Double(strParts[0]).doubleValue();

        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the temperatureOffsetCoefficient " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.temperatureOffsetCoefficient);
            return value;

     * A method that returns the ConductivityCalibrationDate field
    public String getConductivityCalibrationDate() {
        return this.conductivityCalibrationDate;

     * A method that returns the ConductivityCoefficientG field
    public double getConductivityCoefficientG() {
        double value = 0d;

        try {
            value = new Double(this.conductivityCoefficientG.trim()).doubleValue();
            return value;

        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            String[] strParts = this.conductivityCoefficientG.trim().split(" ");
            return new Double(strParts[0]).doubleValue();

        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the conductivityCoefficientG " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.conductivityCoefficientG);
            return value;

     * A method that returns the ConductivityCoefficientH field
    public double getConductivityCoefficientH() {
        double value = 0d;

        try {
            value = new Double(this.conductivityCoefficientH.trim()).doubleValue();
            return value;

        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            String[] strParts = this.conductivityCoefficientH.trim().split(" ");
            return new Double(strParts[0]).doubleValue();

        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the conductivityCoefficientH " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.conductivityCoefficientH);
            return value;

     * A method that returns the ConductivityCoefficientI field
    public double getConductivityCoefficientI() {
        double value = 0d;

        try {
            value = new Double(this.conductivityCoefficientI.trim()).doubleValue();
            return value;

        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            String[] strParts = this.conductivityCoefficientI.trim().split(" ");
            return new Double(strParts[0]).doubleValue();

        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the conductivityCoefficientI " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.conductivityCoefficientI);
            return value;

     * A method that returns the ConductivityCoefficientJ field
    public double getConductivityCoefficientJ() {
        double value = 0d;

        try {
            value = new Double(this.conductivityCoefficientJ.trim()).doubleValue();
            return value;

        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            String[] strParts = this.conductivityCoefficientJ.trim().split(" ");
            return new Double(strParts[0]).doubleValue();

        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the conductivityCoefficientJ " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.conductivityCoefficientJ);
            return value;

     * A method that returns the ConductivityCoefficientCF0 field
    public double getConductivityCoefficientCF0() {
        double value = 0d;

        try {
            value = new Double(this.conductivityCoefficientCF0.trim()).doubleValue();
            return value;

        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            String[] strParts = this.conductivityCoefficientCF0.trim().split(" ");
            return new Double(strParts[0]).doubleValue();

        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the conductivityCoefficientCF0 " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.conductivityCoefficientCF0);
            return value;

     * A method that returns the ConductivityCoefficientCPCOR field
    public double getConductivityCoefficientCPCOR() {
        double value = 0d;

        try {
            value = new Double(this.conductivityCoefficientCPCOR.trim()).doubleValue();
            return value;

        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            String[] strParts = this.conductivityCoefficientCPCOR.trim().split(" ");
            return new Double(strParts[0]).doubleValue();

        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the conductivityCoefficientCPCOR " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.conductivityCoefficientCPCOR);
            return value;

     * A method that returns the ConductivityCoefficientCTCOR field
    public double getConductivityCoefficientCTCOR() {
        double value = 0d;

        try {
            value = new Double(this.conductivityCoefficientCTCOR.trim()).doubleValue();
            return value;

        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            String[] strParts = this.conductivityCoefficientCTCOR.trim().split(" ");
            return new Double(strParts[0]).doubleValue();

        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the conductivityCoefficientCTCOR " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.conductivityCoefficientCTCOR);
            return value;

     * A method that returns the ConductivityCoefficientCSLOPE field
    public double getConductivityCoefficientCSLOPE() {
        double value = 0d;

        try {
            value = new Double(this.conductivityCoefficientCSLOPE.trim()).doubleValue();
            return value;

        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            String[] strParts = this.conductivityCoefficientCSLOPE.trim().split(" ");
            return new Double(strParts[0]).doubleValue();

        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the conductivityCoefficientCSLOPE " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.conductivityCoefficientCSLOPE);
            return value;

     * A method that returns the PressureSerialNumber field
    public String getPressureSerialNumber() {
        return this.pressureSerialNumber;

     * A method that returns the PressureCoefficientPA0 field
    public double getPressureCoefficientPA0() {
        double value = 0d;

        try {
            value = new Double(this.pressureCoefficientPA0.trim()).doubleValue();
            return value;

        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            String[] strParts = this.pressureCoefficientPA0.trim().split(" ");
            return new Double(strParts[0]).doubleValue();

        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the pressureCoefficientPA0 " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.pressureCoefficientPA0);
            return value;

     * A method that returns the PressureCoefficientPA1 field
    public double getPressureCoefficientPA1() {
        double value = 0d;

        try {
            value = new Double(this.pressureCoefficientPA1.trim()).doubleValue();
            return value;

        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            String[] strParts = this.pressureCoefficientPA1.trim().split(" ");
            return new Double(strParts[0]).doubleValue();

        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the pressureCoefficientPA1 " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.pressureCoefficientPA1);
            return value;

     * A method that returns the PressureCoefficientPA2 field
    public double getPressureCoefficientPA2() {
        double value = 0d;

        try {
            value = new Double(this.pressureCoefficientPA2.trim()).doubleValue();
            return value;

        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            String[] strParts = this.pressureCoefficientPA2.trim().split(" ");
            return new Double(strParts[0]).doubleValue();

        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the pressureCoefficientPA2 " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.pressureCoefficientPA2);
            return value;

     * A method that returns the PressureCoefficientPTCA0 field
    public double getPressureCoefficientPTCA0() {
        double value = 0d;

        try {
            value = new Double(this.pressureCoefficientPTCA0.trim()).doubleValue();
            return value;

        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            String[] strParts = this.pressureCoefficientPTCA0.trim().split(" ");
            return new Double(strParts[0]).doubleValue();

        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the pressureCoefficientPTCA0 " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.pressureCoefficientPTCA0);
            return value;

     * A method that returns the PressureCoefficientPTCA1 field
    public double getPressureCoefficientPTCA1() {
        double value = 0d;

        try {
            value = new Double(this.pressureCoefficientPTCA1.trim()).doubleValue();
            return value;

        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            String[] strParts = this.pressureCoefficientPTCA1.trim().split(" ");
            return new Double(strParts[0]).doubleValue();

        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the pressureCoefficientPTCA1 " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.pressureCoefficientPTCA1);
            return value;

     * A method that returns the PressureCoefficientPTCA2 field
    public double getPressureCoefficientPTCA2() {
        double value = 0d;

        try {
            value = new Double(this.pressureCoefficientPTCA2.trim()).doubleValue();
            return value;

        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            String[] strParts = this.pressureCoefficientPTCA2.trim().split(" ");
            return new Double(strParts[0]).doubleValue();

        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the pressureCoefficientPTCA2 " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.pressureCoefficientPTCA2);
            return value;

     * A method that returns the PressureCoefficientPTCB0 field
    public double getPressureCoefficientPTCB0() {
        double value = 0d;

        try {
            value = new Double(this.pressureCoefficientPTCB0.trim()).doubleValue();
            return value;

        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            String[] strParts = this.pressureCoefficientPTCB0.trim().split(" ");
            return new Double(strParts[0]).doubleValue();

        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the pressureCoefficientPTCB0 " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.pressureCoefficientPTCB0);
            return value;

     * A method that returns the PressureCoefficientPTCB1 field
    public double getPressureCoefficientPTCB1() {
        double value = 0d;

        try {
            value = new Double(this.pressureCoefficientPTCB1.trim()).doubleValue();
            return value;

        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            String[] strParts = this.pressureCoefficientPTCB1.trim().split(" ");
            return new Double(strParts[0]).doubleValue();

        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the pressureCoefficientPTCB1 " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.pressureCoefficientPTCB1);
            return value;

     * A method that returns the PressureCoefficientPTCB2 field
    public double getPressureCoefficientPTCB2() {
        double value = 0d;

        try {
            value = new Double(this.pressureCoefficientPTCB2.trim()).doubleValue();
            return value;

        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            String[] strParts = this.pressureCoefficientPTCB2.trim().split(" ");
            return new Double(strParts[0]).doubleValue();

        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the pressureCoefficientPTCB2 " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.pressureCoefficientPTCB2);
            return value;

     * A method that returns the PressureCoefficientPTEMPA0 field
    public double getPressureCoefficientPTEMPA0() {
        double value = 0d;

        try {
            value = new Double(this.pressureCoefficientPTEMPA0.trim()).doubleValue();
            return value;

        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            String[] strParts = this.pressureCoefficientPTEMPA0.trim().split(" ");
            return new Double(strParts[0]).doubleValue();

        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the pressureCoefficientPTEMPA0 " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.pressureCoefficientPTEMPA0);
            return value;

     * A method that returns the PressureCoefficientPTEMPA1 field
    public double getPressureCoefficientPTEMPA1() {
        double value = 0d;

        try {
            value = new Double(this.pressureCoefficientPTEMPA1.trim()).doubleValue();
            return value;

        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            String[] strParts = this.pressureCoefficientPTEMPA1.trim().split(" ");
            return new Double(strParts[0]).doubleValue();

        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the pressureCoefficientPTEMPA1 " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.pressureCoefficientPTEMPA1);
            return value;

     * A method that returns the PressureCoefficientPTEMPA2 field
    public double getPressureCoefficientPTEMPA2() {
        double value = 0d;

        try {
            value = new Double(this.pressureCoefficientPTEMPA2.trim()).doubleValue();
            return value;

        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            String[] strParts = this.pressureCoefficientPTEMPA2.trim().split(" ");
            return new Double(strParts[0]).doubleValue();

        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the pressureCoefficientPTEMPA2 " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.pressureCoefficientPTEMPA2);
            return value;

     * A method that returns the PressureOffsetCoefficient field
    public double getPressureOffsetCoefficient() {
        double value = 0d;

        try {
            value = new Double(this.pressureOffsetCoefficient.trim()).doubleValue();
            return value;

        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            String[] strParts = this.pressureOffsetCoefficient.trim().split(" ");
            return new Double(strParts[0]).doubleValue();

        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
            logger.debug("There was a problem parsing the pressureOffsetCoefficient " + "value.  The value is: "
                    + this.pressureOffsetCoefficient);
            return value;

     * The main entry point method
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        String file = "* Sea-Bird SBE19plus Data File:\r\n" + "* FileName = sh__0002.hex\r\n"
                + "* Software Version \r\n" + "* Temperature SN =  5251\r\n" + "* Conductivity SN =  5251\r\n"
                + "* System UpLoad Time = Sep 23 2009 11:29:01\r\n" + "** Cruise: Sea Engineering C&C Project\r\n"
                + "** Station: Kilo Nalu, 20meter meter site \r\n"
                + "** Ship: Huki Pau, Sea Engineering\r\n" + "** Chief_Scientist: McManus\r\n"
                + "** Organization: UH\r\n" + "** Area_of_Operation: Offshore Kewalo Basin\r\n"
                + "** Package: SH2\r\n" + "** Mooring_Number: N/A\r\n" + "** Latitude: \r\n" + "** Longitude: \r\n"
                + "** Sounding: 20.6 m\r\n" + "** Profile_Number: 2\r\n" + "** Profile_Direction: up\r\n"
                + "** Notes: \r\n" + "* ds\r\n"
                + "* SeacatPlus V 1.6b  SERIAL NO. 5251    23 Sep 2009  11:29:02\r\n"
                + "* vbatt = 12.0, vlith =  8.4, ioper =  61.8 ma, ipump = 134.7 ma, \r\n"
                + "* iext01 =   5.4 ma\r\n" + "* iext23 =  77.8 ma\r\n" + "* \r\n" + "* status = not logging\r\n"
                + "* number of scans to average = 1\r\n" + "* samples = 493446, free = 1, casts = 1\r\n"
                + "* mode = profile, minimum cond freq = 3000, pump delay = 20 sec\r\n"
                + "* autorun = no, ignore magnetic switch = yes\r\n"
                + "* battery type = alkaline, battery cutoff =  7.3 volts\r\n"
                + "* pressure sensor = strain gauge, range = 508.0\r\n"
                + "* SBE 38 = no, Gas Tension Device = no\r\n"
                + "* Ext Volt 0 = yes, Ext Volt 1 = no, Ext Volt 2 = yes, Ext Volt 3 = yes\r\n"
                + "* echo commands = yes\r\n" + "* output format = raw HEX\r\n"
                + "* output salinity = yes, output sound velocity = no" + "* S>\r\n" + "* dcal\r\n"
                + "* SeacatPlus V 1.6b  SERIAL NO. 5251    23 Sep 2009  11:29:08\r\n"
                + "* temperature:  09-oct-07\r\n" + "*     TA0 = 1.276108e-03\r\n" + "*     TA1 = 2.615414e-04\r\n"
                + "*     TA2 = -1.590756e-07\r\n" + "*     TA3 = 1.496275e-07\r\n"
                + "*     TOFFSET = 0.000000e+00\r\n" + "* conductivity:  09-oct-07\r\n"
                + "*     G = -1.016034e+00\r\n" + "*     H = 1.583915e-01\r\n" + "*     I = -5.990283e-04\r\n"
                + "*     J = 7.154628e-05\r\n" + "*     CF0 = 2.541437e+03\r\n" + "*     CPCOR = -9.570000e-08\r\n"
                + "*     CTCOR = 3.250000e-06\r\n" + "*     CSLOPE = 1.000000e+00\r\n"
                + "* pressure S/N = 2458922, range = 508 psia:  04-oct-07\r\n" + "*     PA0 = 3.174352e-01\r\n"
                + "*     PA1 = 1.542191e-03\r\n" + "*     PA2 = 6.554083e-12\r\n" + "*     PTCA0 = 5.251525e+05\r\n"
                + "*     PTCA1 = 1.352052e+01\r\n" + "*     PTCA2 = -1.455316e-01\r\n"
                + "*     PTCB0 = 2.558650e+01\r\n" + "*     PTCB1 = -1.500000e-03\r\n"
                + "*     PTCB2 = 0.000000e+00\r\n" + "*     PTEMPA0 = -5.795848e+01\r\n"
                + "*     PTEMPA1 = 5.427466e+01\r\n" + "*     PTEMPA2 = -5.522354e-01\r\n"
                + "*     POFFSET = 0.000000e+00\r\n" + "* volt 0: offset = -4.678210e-02, slope = 1.248624e+00\r\n"
                + "* volt 1: offset = -4.696105e-02, slope = 1.248782e+00\r\n"
                + "* volt 2: offset = -4.683263e-02, slope = 1.249537e+00\r\n"
                + "* volt 3: offset = -4.670842e-02, slope = 1.249841e+00\r\n"
                + "*     EXTFREQSF = 1.000012e+00\r\n" + "* S>\r\n"
                + "** First Sample Time: 23 Sep 2009  11:29:15\r\n" + "*END*\r\n"
                + "03B7DA1909A2086F85510B6E950574D157\r\n" + "03B7DB1909A3086FC9510C6E9A05B2E8FD\r\n"
                + "03B7DF1909A9087032510B6EB3059DFCB5\r\n" + "03B7E51909A9087090510B6F1B05C7E0FD\r\n"
                + "03B7E61909A30870AD510C6FEE05A5E723\r\n" + "03B7E51909A308708D510B709D05A2F4CF\r\n"
                + "03B7E31909A308705F510C70D305C9E81B\r\n" + "03B7E11909A9087039510B70A905E5E808\r\n"
                + "03B7DC19099D087027510B708805BCF033\r\n" + "03B7D91909A9087038510C703405D4EAF3\r\n"
                + "03B7DC1909A9087077510C6FA80593E975\r\n" + "03B7DE1909A30870CD510D6F15055CEDE5\r\n"
                + "03B7E11909A3087137510B6EA40573EC14\r\n" + "03B7E11909A908719C510E6E1505A9EAA6\r\n"
                + "03B7E31909AF0871D7510C6D98058CECCF\r\n" + "03B7E21909A30871D6510C6D4E0566EC65\r\n"
                + "03B7E21909A908719E510B6CDD0586EB59\r\n" + "03B7E11909AC087153510C6C6A05D1EC54\r\n"
                + "03B7DE1909AF08711D510E6BFE059BEC44\r\n" + "03B7D91909A3087112510D6BE005AFEBAA\r\n"
                + "03B7D91909A3087141510E6BE9056AEC19\r\n" + "03B7E01909A308718C510B6C000580EC27\r\n"
                + "03B7E11909A30871B3510C6C040577EBAD\r\n" + "03B7E21909A3087159510D6C180565EBC6\r\n"
                + "03B7E21909A30870AA510D6C410570EBD8\r\n" + "03B7E21909A9086FDB510E6C8305A3EBB3\r\n"
                + "03B7DF1909A9086F5E510B6D7905B2EBF1\r\n" + "03B7DB1909A3086F3B510E6EA9056DEBFC\r\n"
                + "03B7DA1909A3086F5A510D6FB30565EBE1\r\n" + "03B7E019099D086FA9510D701D056DEBF5\r\n"
                + "03B7E219099D08700D510F708505C1EBF2\r\n" + "03B7E319099D08704E510E711B05BFEBDE\r\n"
                + "03B7E219099D08704C510D71D7055FEBCC\r\n" + "03B7E31909A308702C510E72320573EBD9\r\n"
                + "03B7E219099D087017510E71EB05B1EBD8\r\n" + "03B7E41909A3087014510D713405A0EBCE\r\n"
                + "03B7E0190992087021510E702E059CEBD4\r\n" + "03B7E119099708703D510E6EFD057EEBDB\r\n"
                + "03B7E4190997087069510D6DDE0594EBCF\r\n" + "03B7E41909970870A3510D6CFD05AFEBC6\r\n"
                + "03B7E81909970870D6510E6C6605A6EBCC\r\n" + "03B7E819099D0870DA510F6C10057CEBD6\r\n"
                + "03B7EA19099D0870B7510F6BB5057CEBD5\r\n" + "03B7E819099708708E510F6B5805B6EBCC\r\n"
                + "03B7E719099B087086510D6AAF058BEBC3\r\n" + "03B7E919098C0870B3510E6A230569EA83\r\n"
                + "03B7E819098C087108510E69A40575EAA4\r\n" + "03B7EE190992087170510F69BC0585EB83\r\n"
                + "03B7F11909920871DB510D6A4D059FEA8B\r\n" + "03B7F419099D087219510F6AF0056DEAEC\r\n"
                + "03B7F219099708721C510E6B4F0558EBAD\r\n" + "03B7F41909920871C9510F6B5E0576EBCF\r\n"
                + "03B7F21909AF087149510D6B5D05A2EBEC\r\n" + "03B7EE1909A30870D3510D6C4F05CAEBED\r\n"
                + "03B7EA1909A3087091510E6DEF05CCEBFF\r\n" + "03B7E819099D087075510D6F6505C0EBEF\r\n"
                + "03B7E619099D08707F510E703C05EBEBAD\r\n" + "03B7E519099D087092510E706905DAEBE2\r\n"
                + "03B7E61909A3087086510F702E0629EBFB\r\n" + "03B7E819099D087043510E6FAD060AEBF3\r\n"
                + "03B7E519099D086FCE51106F3F059DEBF8\r\n" + "03B7E11909A9086F4E51106EE40596EBF8\r\n"
                + "03B7DE190992086EED510F6E7B05B2EC00\r\n" + "03B7DE190992086EC7510F6DF405E2EC02\r\n"
                + "03B7DA190997086EE4510D6D7005A1EC06\r\n" + "03B7DD190992086F3851106CF4056AEC07\r\n"
                + "03B7E419098C086FCC510F6C9A056EEBFD\r\n" + "03B7E719098C087082510F6D0D057EEC0E\r\n"
                + "03B7EE1909970870D0510E6EB10552EBFB\r\n" + "03B7F1190997087098511070530552EBFF\r\n"
                + "03B7ED1909A608701E510E715905B2EC08\r\n" + "03B7EB19099D086FD2510E72540581EBF5\r\n"
                + "03B7EA190997086FC8511173370568EBE8\r\n" + "03B7E5190992086FF0510F73AA0577EC08\r\n"
                + "03B7ED19098608702C510F73A10581EC26\r\n" + "03B7EE19098608706B5110736A0564EC17\r\n"
                + "03B7EF19098608709D510D72DF059FEC0F\r\n" + "03B7F01909970870B6510F723B056FEBFB\r\n"
                + "03B7F21909970870CC5110716305C8EB5C\r\n" + "03B7F31909970870E8510F706005D4EB45\r\n"
                + "03B7F019099208711751106F4505B4EBC4\r\n" + "03B7F0190997087161510F6E230581EBD9\r\n"
                + "03B7F11909C00871B751106D32057AEBEC\r\n" + "03B7E31909CC0871F7510F6CF305A9EBD5\r\n"
                + "03B7D91909A30871FD510F6E7305CAEBD2\r\n" + "03B7E01909520871C1510F710E05AEEB74\r\n"
                + "03B7FB19096308716E510F73B205A2EB62\r\n" + "03B81019094C08712D511075E705C5EB0A\r\n"
                + "03B81E19094C0871155111779005A2EB7B\r\n" + "03B82419096908711C511178C80591EB6D\r\n"
                + "03B82219099D087120511179C60597EB65\r\n" + "03B80D1909BA0870E651107AA1059AEB85\r\n"
                + "03B7F71909DD08706F51117B5E05A3EB97\r\n" + "03B7DE190A29086FF151107BDC0596EBA0\r\n"
                + "03B7B7190A69086F9651117C2A059BEBA2\r\n" + "03B78C190A69086F83510F7C6605ABEBA5\r\n"
                + "03B76C190A69086F9F510F7CC405A8EB5D\r\n" + "03B75E190A74086FE2510F7D3505A2EB43\r\n"
                + "03B758190A5108703551107DA205A6EB4E\r\n" + "03B75B190A1208706151107DC905CAEB82\r\n"
                + "03B772190A2308703A51117DD505BBEB94\r\n" + "03B781190A4C086FDF51117DDB05ACEB79\r\n"
                + "03B779190A7A086F97510F7DF605B3EB75\r\n" + "03B766190A86086F8551107E0005B4EB6E\r\n"
                + "03B753190A74086F9F51117DF3059AEB2B\r\n" + "03B74F190A69086FE2510F7DF5059CEB50\r\n"
                + "03B750190A7408703D510F7DFF05ABEB63\r\n" + "03B750190A690870A051107E0C0595EB39\r\n"
                + "03B754190A4C0870DB510E7E2705AFEB46\r\n" + "03B75D190A400870F051107E3305ADEB54\r\n"
                + "03B76B190A340870E0510E7E30058AEB63\r\n" + "03B776190A230870CD510F7E2105A3EB6D\r\n"
                + "03B7831909F40870D851107E1505AEEBA6\r\n" + "03B7941909EF0870F651137E100596EB97\r\n"
                + "03B7A71909E308711851117E1D059FEBBB\r\n" + "03B7AF1909EF08712651107E3B0587EBA8\r\n"
                + "03B7B41909EF08712351107E580592EBAC\r\n" + "03B7B51909EF08711E51117E7E058DEB88\r\n"
                + "03B7B4190A0C08711F51107E8B057BEB8D\r\n" + "03B7AC190A1708711951117E900589EBB3\r\n"
                + "03B7A2190A170870F851127E730584EBB2\r\n" + "03B798190A1D0870B8510F7E590590EBB5\r\n"
                + "03B797190A2C08707351117E250571EB84\r\n" + "03B78F190A3408704551117E0D0573EB99\r\n"
                + "03B78A190A4608703B51107DFD058CEAF6\r\n" + "03B77C190A91087045510F7E150589EAED\r\n"
                + "03B759190A5D08705051117E3A057CEB52\r\n" + "03B751190A9108704951117E550584EBA0\r\n"
                + "03B74A190A9708703151107E68059CEBAC\r\n" + "03B73D190A8008702051117E750587EBCB\r\n"
                + "03B73D190A6908702651107E7D0578EBCE\r\n" + "03B748190A5108703951107E880595EBB9\r\n"
                + "03B756190A4608704A51117E990595EBC7\r\n" + "03B760190A3408705051117EC2059AEBE0\r\n"
                + "03B771190A2F08705A51117ED1057DEBB0\r\n" + "03B77C190A3408707A51127ED60591EBC0\r\n"
                + "03B77D190A3A0870AF51107EDD056AEBBE\r\n" + "03B77C190A400870ED510F7ED60576EB95\r\n"
                + "03B77A190A46087126510E7EC6058AEB88\r\n" + "03B778190A3408714151127EC80588EB90\r\n"
                + "03B77B190A2F08712551107EBF0588EB95\r\n" + "03B780190A230870E651107E9D0585EBE0\r\n"
                + "03B786190A3408709E51117E7D059DEBDA\r\n" + "03B786190A3408706F51117E55057AEBD1\r\n"
                + "03B784190A2308705B51117E3F0594EBD5\r\n" + "03B788190A1708704751107E5F0589EBB2\r\n"
                + "03B78E190A1508703451127E5B0587EB98\r\n" + "03B792190A2308703351107E650573EBD0\r\n"
                + "03B794190A3408705C51117E7B0563EBCC\r\n" + "03B78F190A2F08708D51117E8D0585EBC2\r\n"
                + "03B788190A230870A351107EAE0587EBBE\r\n" + "03B78A190A1208708651107EBE059EEBA2\r\n"
                + "03B791190A1208705F51127EB4057CEB8F\r\n" + "03B794190A1D08706051117E870591EB96\r\n"
                + "03B795190A2F08708C51137E530585EBA8\r\n" + "03B78C190A400870CC510F7E5A0580EBAE\r\n"
                + "03B783190A3408711451117E82056DEBB0\r\n" + "03B781190A2F08714051137EAF058DEB65\r\n"
                + "03B784190A2908713551117EB7057CEB91\r\n" + "03B785190A0C08710651107EC70596EB9D\r\n"
                + "03B7901909F40870D551117EC2057FEBB6\r\n" + "03B79E190A0C0870B851107EBA057BEBB9\r\n"
                + "03B79F190A290870B751137EC8058EEBD5\r\n" + "03B799190A4C0870C551117ED7058BEBD1\r\n"
                + "03B786190A3A0870BB51127EF7058AEBC8\r\n" + "03B782190A6908709451127EED0582EB92\r\n"
                + "03B771190A9708706551117EBF057DEB8F\r\n" + "03B75A190AA908705151137E8E0578EB87\r\n"
                + "03B73F190AAF08705D51117E55057CEBC1\r\n" + "03B730190AAF08707A51127E600584EBB7\r\n"
                + "03B72B190A8C08708351107E8D0586EB78\r\n" + "03B735190A4D08706751127EB50587EB75\r\n"
                + "03B74A190A2308703051137EC70579EB63\r\n" + "03B76A190A1708700151117E970587EB8F\r\n"
                + "03B780190A29086FF8510F7E610582EBB6\r\n" + "03B786190A6308701351107E4A057EEB8B\r\n"
                + "03B77D190A5108704251107E34058CEB86\r\n" + "03B770190A3408705C51107E23057FEB95\r\n"
                + "03B774190A2F08705951127E20057BEBCB\r\n" + "03B779190A2308705151117E2005B6EBBF\r\n"
                + "03B7841909FA08705B51137E1B0589EB9D\r\n" + "03B7921909C608707D51127E09058CEB9D\r\n"
                + "03B7AF1909E90870A751117E22058DEB84\r\n" + "03B7B9190A0C0870CA51137E580580EBA7\r\n"
                + "03B7B0190A060870E351127E940570EB8D\r\n" + "03B7AB1909FA0870F451137EAF057CEBCF\r\n"
                + "03B7AC1909D70870F951117EC00590EBF1\r\n" + "03B7B519098C08710751117EB60569EBDD\r\n"
                + "03B7D019098C08712151117ECD0588EBBD\r\n" + "03B7EA19097508713751117EDA0586EB92\r\n"
                + "03B7FB19092908713051117ED50591EBD1\r\n" + "03B81E1908E908710551147EA9057DEBD2\r\n"
                + "03B84B1908CC0870CB51127E6A058EEBBB\r\n" + "03B86F1908E90870A851117E300583EBC7\r\n"
                + "03B87C19090C087096510F7E090583EBA7\r\n" + "03B87519095708707F51107E130596EB9C\r\n"
                + "03B8521909AF08705B51137E4D057FEBAA\r\n" + "03B8261909C208702C51117E850589EBB5\r\n"
                + "03B7FD190A2F086FF651137EC30595EBD1\r\n" + "03B7CE190A5D086FB451127EE60589EBC0\r\n"
                + "03B79A190A57086F7951107F16057BEBA1\r\n" + "03B77A190A91086F4051117F320590EB9D\r\n"
                + "03B75A190A5D086F0851117F33059FEB70\r\n" + "03B758190A4C086ECB51117F2A0588EB74\r\n"
                + "03B760190A51086E8151127F340588EB5B\r\n" + "03B761190A5D086E2C51147F0E0589EB3F\r\n"
                + "03B75F190ABA086DDD51107EEE0585EB34\r\n" + "03B745190B17086D8551117ED80582EAF6\r\n"
                + "03B713190AFA086D2A51137EEF0574EA76\r\n" + "03B6F7190B74086CCD51127EFF058BEA57\r\n"
                + "03B6CA190CDD086C6D51127EEA0582EA61\r\n" + "03B647190D1D086C1051127ED60586EA8E\r\n"
                + "03B5C9190D06086BB051127EED0587EA7D\r\n" + "03B58C190C80086B4951107EF10571EA85\r\n"
                + "03B593190C2F086AE351127EF10589EAA8\r\n" + "03B5BD190CEF086A7E51117EF2057AEAB4\r\n"
                + "03B5A4190E63086A1451127EF20570EAC2\r\n" + "03B523190E3A0869A751117EDE0577EAFB\r\n"
                + "03B4BD190F1208694051117EE00591EB0E\r\n" + "03B453190F770868D451127ECF05A0EB24\r\n"
                + "03B3F319100708686B51117EAA062AEAFE\r\n" + "03B39019103508680551117E8E0597EB65\r\n"
                + "03B33E19104708679851127E790586EB9C\r\n" + "03B30E19105208672F51117E520575EB76\r\n"
                + "03B2EF1910BB0866C451127E5B0582EB81\r\n" + "03B2C41910DE08665451117E610580EBA4\r\n"
                + "03B29B1910F00865DF51117E790597EBA8\r\n" + "03B28219116408656851127E87058CEBCD\r\n"
                + "03B2501911BC0864F451127E960579EB9F\r\n" + "03B2101911A408648151117E910589EBC1\r\n"
                + "03B1F019117008640D51127E9B0599EBDD\r\n" + "03B1EF19114108639851117E8B059AEBEA\r\n"
                + "03B20419112A08632651117E840588EBEA\r\n" + "03B21B1911760862B051137E7F0599EBF7\r\n"
                + "03B21519118A08624151117E6805B3EBE1\r\n" + "03B2011911300861D351127E560588EC07\r\n"
                + "03B20E19128E08615651117E3205A0EC1A\r\n" + "03B1CD1913A50860D551127E060582EC18\r\n"
                + "03B12F19142608606151107DF50590EC29\r\n" + "03B09D191466085FEF51137DF90589EC10\r\n"
                + "03B03419148F085F7951127E0F05A2EC36\r\n" + "03AFEA191567085F0051127E2D0588EC43\r\n"
                + "03AF8F19168B085E8351137E3C0590EC41\r\n" + "03AEF619173A085E0A51127E400589EC10\r\n"
                + "03AE6019177A085D9C51127E55057FEC1B\r\n" + "03ADEB1917AE085D3051117E730592EC36\r\n"
                + "03AD9D1917F0085CBC51137E7C0589EC37\r\n" + "03AD61191823085C4A51117E83059EEC68\r\n"
                + "03AD2D191858085BD451127E7D0599EC5F\r\n" + "03AD001918EA085B5751137E7A0593EC44\r\n"
                + "03ACC0191959085AE351127E810599EC3F\r\n" + "03AC751919C8085A7E51127E670594EC4B\r\n"
                + "03AC24191A1A085A0F51147E3B059BEC72\r\n" + "03ABD9191A3D08599F51127E2405ACEC68\r\n"
                + "03ABA1191A4908592851137E250589EC7D\r\n" + "03AB7E191A490858AC51127E320590EC81\r\n"
                + "03AB6D191A4D08582D51107E4F05A1EC99\r\n" + "03AB64191A540857B151147E5C059BEC97\r\n"
                + "03AB5F191A0808574251147E6E058AEC94\r\n" + "03AB6A191A8F0856CD51137E5E0598ECA8\r\n"
                + "03AB5B191AFE08565451117E4D059CECC2\r\n" + "03AB26191B440855D751127E1C0593ECD5\r\n"
                + "03AAED191B7E08555A51117E070587ECBA\r\n" + "03AAB4191BAD0854D951137DEF058CECB8\r\n"
                + "03AA8A191C8B08546751137DF0058DECBA\r\n" + "03AA34191D840853F851137DE90587EC81\r\n"
                + "03A9B0191DC108538A51137DDA0573ECA6\r\n" + "03A942191DF608531151127DEA058FECC1\r\n"
                + "03A8FA191E4808529651117DFC0593ECA4\r\n" + "03A8BD191E9408521F51127E200577EC90\r\n"
                + "03A880191ECF0851AE51117E4D0575EC81\r\n" + "03A84E191F0908513751107E78058EEC8B\r\n"
                + "03A821191F2C0850D051127E8D0575EC9E\r\n" + "03A7FB191F6108507051127E7A057CEC8F\r\n"
                + "03A7DD191FB008500651117E770561EC72\r\n" + "03A7B3192045084F9751127E5B0555EC7F\r\n"
                + "03A77419210C084F2551137E4D055FEC8D\r\n" + "03A7121921CE084EB351127E3F0550EC8D\r\n"
                + "03A69D192266084E4151137E3C054BECA5\r\n" + "03A6261922F9084DDA51137E35054FEC98\r\n"
                + "03A5BA192350084D7D51137E250552ECA7\r\n" + "03A55F1923B3084D1A51127E270556ECA4\r\n"
                + "03A50F1924B6084CAC51137E32055EECA4\r\n" + "03A4A8192628084C3C51127E330545ECA2\r\n"
                + "03A3F81926EF084BC951147E27053CEC6C\r\n" + "03A34919276A084B5151107E1A053AEC68\r\n"
                + "03A2C0192793084AE751137E14053FEC52\r\n" + "03A2681927C8084A8651127DFC0543EC2A\r\n"
                + "03A237192769084A2351107DD00546EC1D\r\n" + "03A22F1927410849B451137DA10565EC18\r\n"
                + "03A23819274708494151147D6A0558EBEF\r\n" + "03A23C19291D0848CC51127D32053DEBFC\r\n"
                + "03A1CE19291708485151137CED0536EBDF\r\n" + "03A16A1928720847E951137CD60549EBB7\r\n"
                + "03A15D19288208477F51127CC10541EB7D\r\n" + "03A17119269708471751157C96054CEB61\r\n"
                + "03A1E31928260846AA51127C4F0549EB72\r\n" + "03A1F119295708464351127BFF0536EB8C\r\n"
                + "03A190192A480845CD51127BC30540EB66\r\n" + "03A101192B1008454F51137BAC0547EB53\r\n"
                + "03A06D192B480844E451137B9F0551EB17\r\n" + "039FFF192B8B08447B51127B95054CEACE\r\n"
                + "039FB1192BAF08440B51127B95054CEACD\r\n" + "039F7B192BD208439D51127B9B0548EAC0\r\n"
                + "039F54192BC608432951127B830563EA82\r\n" + "039F40192C3C0842AF51147B7B0567EA74\r\n"
                + "039F1C192C8308423751137B84054EEA12\r\n" + "039EEE192CE00841C251147B740572EA21\r\n"
                + "039EB9192D1B08415351137B550566EA2D\r\n" + "039E88192D500840DD51127B4A0568E9E2\r\n"
                + "039E5C192D5C08406A51137B6A0577E9FF\r\n" + "039E41192D7308400051137B8D0586E9EF\r\n"
                + "039E2B192D75083F9C51117B9E0591E9DC\r\n" + "039E1E192DA2083F3551127BB005B1E9F6\r\n"
                + "039E0A192DCB083EBC51137BD405C0E9E5\r\n" + "039DF3192DDD083E4B51147BE805CDE9AE\r\n"
                + "039DDF192DE3083DDE51127C0305D2E97F\r\n" + "039DD4192DF7083D6F51147C0105EEE982\r\n"
                + "039DC8192E24083D0551137C300614E941\r\n" + "039DB5192E76083C9D51147C1A0608E930\r\n"
                + "039D94192E93083C3151137C180619E901\r\n" + "039D75192E99083BC151137BDF061AE8FC\r\n"
                + "039D62192E99083B4C51137BA80627E8F5\r\n" + "039D55192EA0083ADB51137B740623E8F4\r\n"
                + "039D4F192E93083A6E51137B4A0648E8BB\r\n" + "039D50192E5E083A0151127B38062BE8F8\r\n"
                + "039D5B192E8208399E51147B130653E8F7\r\n" + "039D5F192EA508393B51127AFC065AE922\r\n"
                + "039D56192EDA0838E051137AE10641E8DC\r\n" + "039D3B192F9808387051137AC1065FE8EB\r\n"
                + "039CFC19304108380451127A970688E906\r\n" + "039C9619316708379551137A990665E8CC\r\n"
                + "039C0A1931D708371F51137AAF064BE8AF\r\n" + "039B891932700836AC51147ABE0660E8A3\r\n"
                + "039B1A19325F08363951127AD60656E83B\r\n" + "039AD41932700835C451137AD50665E838\r\n"
                + "039AB31932A508354B51157AC50649E854\r\n" + "039A981932E60834D951127AB50660E85B\r\n"
                + "039A7619332108347451137A9C0649E716\r\n" + "039A5319331F08341051147A87062CE662\r\n"
                + "039A3B1933440833AF51137A87063BE735\r\n" + "039A2B19335608334F51137AB9064EE54D\r\n"
                + "039A1B19335C0832D251127AAE0634E748\r\n" + "039A1019335608324451137A9C061DE7EB\r\n"
                + "039A081933510831BD51137A6A0615E797\r\n" + "039A0519336708315051137A4E0640E5FE\r\n"
                + "039A0119336208311851127A57062EE602\r\n" + "0399FF1932E008312251137A86061FE6E9\r\n"
                + "039A1D19329F08317351127AD305F7E238\r\n" + "039A4B1932AE0831D951137AF3060DE185\r\n"
                + "039A681931B40831FB51117AE205F6E3F0\r\n" + "039A901932000831EF51137AC105EFE576\r\n"
                + "039ABF1931C50831E551117A9C05EBE227\r\n" + "039AE91931730831E951137A520608E5A5\r\n"
                + "039B191931C10831DF51137A2405EBE3C3\r\n" + "039B261932240831BD51137A1A05CCD963\r\n"
                + "039B091932BD08319151137A2205E2DFBA\r\n" + "039ACB1932FD08319051147A460602DEC6\r\n"
                + "039A8B19330F0831A851147A8D05FCE398\r\n" + "039A6019330E0831BB51137AD605E9DF3A\r\n"
                + "039A491933320831AD51157AEF05D1E03D\r\n" + "039A3A19332D08319451137AFC05D3E01E\r\n"
                + "039A311933090831A251137AF005CBDF6F\r\n" + "039A3619329F0831C051147AF805D8E1A9\r\n"
                + "039A561932590831CF51137AFF05CDE24F\r\n" + "039A851931FA0831BF51157B1C05CBDDDE\r\n"
                + "039AB81932240831AC51157B3805CCE03E\r\n" + "039AD41932180831AA51127B3805CBDF14\r\n"
                + "039ADF19321E0831C451137B2405B9E2B7\r\n" + "039AE51932040831E851137AFD05B2E2FF\r\n"
                + "039AEA1931D708320151167AFF05A8E322\r\n" + "039AFD1931A208320551157B14059CE5B3\r\n"
                + "039B171931DD08320051147B3405B6E6C0\r\n" + "039B2019325908320351167B6A05B2E5E4\r\n"
                + "039AFC19323208320851167B950597E804\r\n" + "039AE51932180831FE51157BB0059DE6E8\r\n"
                + "039AE61932240831E451147B940585E718\r\n" + "039AE61932B70831C651147B5D058EE88E\r\n"
                + "039AC11932F80831A551167B330596E8A9\r\n" + "039A8B1932D008317C51147B2B05A4E899\r\n"
                + "039A7819326A08314451137B4105A3E618\r\n" + "039A8919324D08313951167B610585DD1C\r\n"
                + "039AA519326A08316F51147B7005A0E285\r\n" + "039AB11932AB0831C351157B7D05A5DD05\r\n"
                + "039AA019329D0831F751147B93059BE50B\r\n" + "039A9619327008320551157B8B058FDE93\r\n"
                + "039A9F19325E0831FE51157B720590DA65\r\n" + "039AAC1932B70831F151157B450582DE2F\r\n"
                + "039A9F1932F20831E651137B1C0593DEDA\r\n" + "039A7C1933400831D851167AF7059FE1F3\r\n";

        try {
            CTDParser ctdParser = new CTDParser(file);

        } catch (ParseException pe) {
            System.out.println("There was a parse exception:" + pe.getMessage());

     *  A method that returns the converted data matrix as a RealMatrix
    public RealMatrix getConvertedMatrix() {
        return this.convertedDataValuesMatrix;


     *  A method that returns the converted data matrix as a double array
    public double[][] getConvertedMatrixAsArray() {
        return this.convertedDataValuesMatrix.getData();


     *  A method that returns the ordered data variable names as a List
    public List<String> getDataVariableNames() {
        return this.dataVariableNames;


     *  A method that returns the ordered data variable units as a List
    public List<String> getDataVariableUnits() {
        return this.dataVariableUnits;


     *  A method indicating whether or not status metadata have been set
     * @return hasStatusMetadata - a boolean indicating the metadata state
    public boolean getHasStatusMetadata() {
        return this.hasStatusMetadata;


     *  A method indicating whether or not configuration metadata have been set
     * @return hasConfigurationMetadata - a boolean indicating the metadata state
    public boolean getHasConfigurationMetadata() {
        return this.hasConfigurationMetadata;


     *  A method indicating whether or not calibration metadata have been set
     * @return hasCalibrationMetadata - a boolean indicating the metadata state
    public boolean getHasCalibrationMetadata() {
        return this.hasCalibrationMetadata;


     *  A method indicating whether or not event metadata have been set
     * @return hasEventMetadata - a boolean indicating the the metadata state
    public boolean getHasEventMetadata() {
        return this.hasEventMetadata;


     *  A method indicating whether or not hardware metadata have been set
     * @return hasHardwareMetadata - a boolean indicating the the metadata state
    public boolean getHasHardwareMetadata() {
        return this.hasHardwareMetadata;


     * A method that gets the log configuration file location
     * @return logConfigurationFile  the log configuration file location
    public String getLogConfigurationFile() {
        return this.logConfigurationFile;

     * A method that sets the log configuration file name
     * @param logConfigurationFile  the log configuration file name
    public void setLogConfigurationFile(String logConfigurationFile) {
        this.logConfigurationFile = logConfigurationFile;
