Java tutorial
// $HeadURL$ // $Id$ // // Copyright 2006, 2010, 2011, 2012 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College. // // Screensaver is an open-source project developed by the ICCB-L and NSRB labs // at Harvard Medical School. This software is distributed under the terms of // the GNU General Public License. package; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class ReagentFinder extends AbstractBackingBean { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ReagentFinder.class); public static final Pattern FACILITY_SALT_BATCH_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("([^-]+)[-]([^-]+)[-]*([^-]*)"); private GenericEntityDAO _dao; private LibrariesDAO _librariesDao; private WellSearchResults _wellsBrowser; private LincsWellSearchResults _reagentsBrowser; private String _reagentIdentifiersInput; private String _nameFacilityVendorIDInput; private int _maxQueryInputItems; /** * @motivation for CGLIB2 */ protected ReagentFinder() { } public ReagentFinder(GenericEntityDAO dao, LibrariesDAO librariesDao, WellSearchResults wellsBrowser) { _wellsBrowser = wellsBrowser; _dao = dao; _librariesDao = librariesDao; } public String getReagentIdentifiers() { return _reagentIdentifiersInput; } public void setReagentIdentifiers(String reagentIdentifiersInput) { _reagentIdentifiersInput = reagentIdentifiersInput; } @UICommand public String findReagentsByVendorIdentifier() throws IOException { SortedSet<String> reagentIdentifiers = parseReagentIdentifier(); SortedSet<String> keysToShow = reagentIdentifiers; if (reagentIdentifiers.size() > getMaxQueryInputItems()) { showMessage("maxQueryReached", reagentIdentifiers.size(), getMaxQueryInputItems()); int i = 0; for (String key : reagentIdentifiers) { if (++i > getMaxQueryInputItems()) { keysToShow = reagentIdentifiers.headSet(key); break; } } } getCurrentScreensaverUser().logActivity( "searching for wells by reagent vendor identifier(s): " + Joiner.on(", ").join(keysToShow)); _wellsBrowser.searchReagentsByVendorIdentifier(keysToShow); return BROWSE_WELLS; } private SortedSet<String> parseReagentIdentifier() throws IOException { SortedSet<String> parsedIdentifiers = Sets.newTreeSet(); BufferedReader inputReader = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(_reagentIdentifiersInput)); String identifier; while ((identifier = inputReader.readLine()) != null) { identifier = identifier.trim(); if (identifier.length() > 0) { parsedIdentifiers.add(identifier); } } return parsedIdentifiers; } @UICommand public String browseReagents() { browseReagentWells(); return BROWSE_REAGENTS; } @UICommand public String browseReagentWells() { _wellsBrowser.searchAllReagents(); return BROWSE_WELLS; } public void setNameFacilityVendorIDInput(String compoundSearchName) { _nameFacilityVendorIDInput = compoundSearchName; } public String getNameFacilityVendorIDInput() { return _nameFacilityVendorIDInput; } /** * Find Reagents's by the union of compound name, facility id, and reagent ID */ @UICommand public String findWellsByNameFacilityVendorID() { Set<String> nameFacilityVendorIDInputList = parseNameFacilityVendorIDList(); getCurrentScreensaverUser().logActivity("searching for wells by compound name, facility ID, vendor ID: " + Joiner.on(", ").join(nameFacilityVendorIDInputList)); SortedSet<WellKey> wellKeys = findWellKeysForCompoundNameList(nameFacilityVendorIDInputList, getMaxQueryInputItems() + 1); // send 1 extra to determine if limit reached wellKeys.addAll( findWellKeysForReagentVendorIDList(nameFacilityVendorIDInputList, getMaxQueryInputItems() + 1)); // send 1 extra to determine if limit reached SortedSet<WellKey> keysToShow = wellKeys; if (wellKeys.size() > getMaxQueryInputItems()) { showMessage("maxQueryReached", (wellKeys.size() == (getMaxQueryInputItems() + 1) * 2) ? ("> " + getMaxQueryInputItems()) : wellKeys.size(), getMaxQueryInputItems()); int i = 0; for (WellKey key : wellKeys) { if (++i > getMaxQueryInputItems()) { keysToShow = wellKeys.headSet(key); break; } } }"keysToShow: " + keysToShow.size()); String titleSuffix = StringUtils.isEmpty(_nameFacilityVendorIDInput) ? " Browser" : (" with compound name, facility ID, or vendor ID matching '" + _nameFacilityVendorIDInput + "'"); _wellsBrowser.searchWells(keysToShow, "Wells" + titleSuffix); if (_wellsBrowser.getRowCount() == 1) { _wellsBrowser.getRowsPerPageSelector().setSelection(1); } if (!!!getApplicationProperties().isFacility(LincsScreensaverConstants.FACILITY_KEY)) { _wellsBrowser.getColumnManager().setVisibilityOfColumnsInGroup("Compound Reagent Columns", true); } resetSearchFields(); return BROWSE_WELLS; } private Set<String> parseNameFacilityVendorIDList() { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(_nameFacilityVendorIDInput)) { return ImmutableSet.of(""); } boolean isQuoted = false; Set<String> values = Sets.newHashSet(); for (String value : StringUtils.tokenizeQuotedWordList(_nameFacilityVendorIDInput)) { values.add(value); // add the "unparsed" value as a search as well. String parsedValue = value; parsedValue = parsedValue.replaceAll("\"|'+", ""); // remove quote characters left in by the tokenizer if (!parsedValue.equals(value)) { isQuoted = true; // in response to [#3452] -sde } if (!isQuoted) parsedValue = parsedValue.trim(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(parsedValue)) { continue; } // remove zero padding if salt - batch id were entered Matcher matcher = FACILITY_SALT_BATCH_PATTERN.matcher(parsedValue); if (!isQuoted) { if (matcher.matches()) { String temp =; try { Integer id = Integer.parseInt(; temp += "-" + id; // the second id is optional if (!StringUtils.isEmpty( { id = Integer.parseInt(; temp += "-" + id; }"search string: " + value + ", formatted: " + temp); parsedValue = temp; } catch (NumberFormatException e) {"input string parse error for the facility-salt-batch pattern: " + FACILITY_SALT_BATCH_PATTERN + ", \"" + parsedValue + "\"", e); } } } if (!parsedValue.equals(value)) values.add(parsedValue); } return values; } private SortedSet<WellKey> findWellKeysForCompoundNameList(final Collection<String> nameList, int maxQueryInputItems) { SortedSet<WellKey> keys = Sets.newTreeSet(); for (String name : nameList) { keys.addAll(_librariesDao.findWellKeysForCompoundName(name, maxQueryInputItems)); } return keys; } private SortedSet<WellKey> findWellKeysForReagentVendorIDList( final Collection<String> facilityVendorIdInputList, int maxQueryInputItems) { SortedSet<WellKey> keys = Sets.newTreeSet(); for (String nameFacilityVendorIDInput : facilityVendorIdInputList) { keys.addAll( _librariesDao.findWellKeysForReagentVendorID(nameFacilityVendorIDInput, maxQueryInputItems)); } return keys; } protected void resetSearchFields() { _nameFacilityVendorIDInput = null; _reagentIdentifiersInput = null; } public void setMaxQueryInputItems(int _maxQueryInputItems) { this._maxQueryInputItems = _maxQueryInputItems; } public int getMaxQueryInputItems() { return _maxQueryInputItems; } }