Java tutorial
// $HeadURL$ // $Id$ // // Copyright 2006, 2010, 2011, 2012 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College. // // Screensaver is an open-source project developed by the ICCB-L and NSRB labs // at Harvard Medical School. This software is distributed under the terms of // the GNU General Public License. package; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.RoundingMode; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.persistence.TypedQuery; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.LocalDate; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class LibrariesDAOImpl extends AbstractDAO implements LibrariesDAO { // static members private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(LibrariesDAOImpl.class); // instance data members private GenericEntityDAO _dao; // public constructors and methods /** * @motivation for CGLIB dynamic proxy creation */ public LibrariesDAOImpl() { } public LibrariesDAOImpl(GenericEntityDAO dao) { _dao = dao; } public Well findWell(WellKey wellKey) { return _dao.findEntityById(Well.class, wellKey.getKey()); } public Set<Reagent> findReagents(ReagentVendorIdentifier rvi, boolean latestReleasedOnly) { final HqlBuilder hql = new HqlBuilder(); hql.from(Reagent.class, "r").from("r", Reagent.well, "w", JoinType.LEFT_FETCH) .from("w", Well.library, "l", JoinType.LEFT_FETCH) .where("r", Reagent.vendorIdentifier.getPath(), Operator.EQUAL, rvi.getVendorIdentifier()) .where("r", Reagent.vendorName.getPath(), Operator.EQUAL, rvi.getVendorName()); if (latestReleasedOnly) { hql.from("w", Well.latestReleasedReagent, "lrr").where("lrr", Operator.EQUAL, "r"); }"r"); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(hql.toString()); } List<Reagent> reagents = _dao.runQuery(new Query<Reagent>() { public List<Reagent> execute(Session session) { return hql.toQuery(session, true).list(); } }); Set<Reagent> reagentSet = Sets.newHashSet(reagents); // Now find the synonyms final HqlBuilder hql1 = new HqlBuilder(); hql1.from(Reagent.class, "r").from("r", Reagent.well, "w", JoinType.LEFT_FETCH) .from("w", Well.library, "l", JoinType.LEFT_FETCH) .where("r", Reagent.vendorIdentifier.getPath(), Operator.EQUAL, rvi.getVendorIdentifier()) .where("r", "vendorNameSynonym", Operator.EQUAL, rvi.getVendorName()); if (latestReleasedOnly) { hql1.from("w", Well.latestReleasedReagent, "lrr").where("lrr", Operator.EQUAL, "r"); }"r"); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(hql1.toString()); } reagents = _dao.runQuery(new Query<Reagent>() { public List<Reagent> execute(Session session) { return hql1.toQuery(session, true).list(); } }); reagentSet.addAll(reagents); return reagentSet; } /** * @param facilityId required * @param saltId optional, if null, return all * @param batchId optional if null, return all */ public Set<SmallMoleculeReagent> findReagents(String facilityId, Integer saltId, Integer batchId, boolean latestReleasedVersionsOnly) { final HqlBuilder hql = new HqlBuilder(); hql.from(SmallMoleculeReagent.class, "r").from("r", SmallMoleculeReagent.well, "w", JoinType.LEFT_FETCH) .from("w", Well.library, "l", JoinType.LEFT_FETCH) .where("w", "facilityId", Operator.EQUAL, facilityId); if (saltId != null) hql.where("r", "saltFormId", Operator.EQUAL, saltId); if (batchId != null) hql.where("r", SmallMoleculeReagent.facilityBatchId.getPropertyName(), Operator.EQUAL, batchId); if (latestReleasedVersionsOnly) { hql.from("w", Well.latestReleasedReagent, "lrr").where("lrr", Operator.EQUAL, "r"); }"r"); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(hql.toString()); } List<SmallMoleculeReagent> reagents = _dao.runQuery(new Query<SmallMoleculeReagent>() { public List<SmallMoleculeReagent> execute(Session session) { return hql.toQuery(session, true).list(); } }); return Sets.newHashSet(reagents); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Library findLibraryWithPlate(Integer plateNumber) { String hql = "select library from Library library where ? between library.startPlate and library.endPlate"; List<Library> libraries = (List<Library>) getHibernateSession().createQuery(hql).setInteger(0, plateNumber) .list(); if (libraries.isEmpty()) { return null; } return libraries.get(0); } public boolean isPlateRangeAvailable(Integer startPlate, Integer endPlate) { if (startPlate <= 0 || endPlate <= 0) { return false; } // swap, if necessary if (startPlate > endPlate) { Integer tmp = endPlate; endPlate = startPlate; startPlate = tmp; } String hql = "from Library library where not" + "(library.startPlate > :endPlate or library.endPlate < :startPlate)"; return getHibernateSession().createQuery(hql).setInteger("startPlate", startPlate) .setInteger("endPlate", endPlate).list().isEmpty(); } /** * Delete the reagents of the specified contents version, as well the contents * version record itself. The contents version must not have been previously * "released" (see * {@link LibraryContentsVersion#release(} ). * Converts each well in the library back to an undefined well if there are * no contents versions remaining after the deletion. */ public void deleteLibraryContentsVersion(LibraryContentsVersion libraryContentsVersionIn) { if (libraryContentsVersionIn.isReleased()) { throw new BusinessRuleViolationException( "cannot delete a library contents version that has been released"); } LibraryContentsVersion libraryContentsVersion = _dao.reloadEntity(libraryContentsVersionIn, false, LibraryContentsVersion.library); Library library = libraryContentsVersion.getLibrary(); if (library.getReagentType().equals(SilencingReagent.class)) { _dao.need(library,; _dao.need(library, .to(Gene.genbankAccessionNumbers)); _dao.need(library,; _dao.need(library, .to(Gene.genbankAccessionNumbers)); } else if (library.getReagentType().equals(SmallMoleculeReagent.class)) { _dao.need(library,; _dao.need(library,; } else { _dao.need(library,; } library.getContentsVersions().remove(libraryContentsVersion); // will be deleted by Hibernate, thanks to delete-orphan cascade for (Well well : library.getWells()) { Reagent reagent = well.getReagents().remove(libraryContentsVersion); // will be deleted by Hibernate, thanks to delete-orphan cascade if (reagent != null) { _dao.deleteEntity(reagent); } if (library.getContentsVersions().isEmpty()) { well.setFacilityId(null); well.setLibraryWellType(LibraryWellType.UNDEFINED); } }"deleted library contents version " + libraryContentsVersion.getVersionNumber() + " for library " + library.getLibraryName()); } public Set<Well> findWellsForPlate(int plate) { return new TreeSet<Well>( getHibernateSession().createQuery("from Well where plateNumber = ?").setInteger(0, plate).list()); } @Override public Map<Copy, Volume> findRemainingVolumesInWellCopies(Well well, CopyUsageType copyUsageType) { String hql = "select c, p.wellVolume, " + "(select sum(wva.volume) from WellVolumeAdjustment wva where wva.copy = c and " + "from Plate p join p.copy c " + "where p.plateNumber=? and p.status = ? and c.usageType = ?"; List<Object[]> copyVolumes = getHibernateSession().createQuery(hql) .setString(0, well.getWellKey().toString()).setInteger(1, well.getPlateNumber()) .setParameter(2, PlateStatus.AVAILABLE).setParameter(3, CopyUsageType.CHERRY_PICK_SOURCE_PLATES) .list(); Map<Copy, Volume> remainingVolumes = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Object[] row : copyVolumes) { Volume remainingVolume = ((Volume) row[1]).add(row[2] == null ? VolumeUnit.ZERO : (Volume) row[2]); remainingVolumes.put((Copy) row[0], remainingVolume); } return remainingVolumes; } @Override public int countExperimentalWells(int startPlate, int endPlate) { String hql = "select count(*) from Well w where w.plateNumber between ? and ? and w.libraryWellType = 'experimental'"; return ((Long) getHibernateSession().createQuery(hql).setInteger(0, startPlate).setInteger(1, endPlate) .list().get(0)).intValue(); } @Override public Set<ScreenType> findScreenTypesForReagents(Set<String> reagentIds) { final HqlBuilder hql = new HqlBuilder().select("l", "screenType").distinctProjectionValues() .from(Reagent.class, "r").from("r", Reagent.well, "w").from("w", Well.library, "l") .whereIn("r", Reagent.vendorIdentifier.getPath(), reagentIds); List<ScreenType> screenTypes = runQuery(new Query<ScreenType>() { public List<ScreenType> execute(Session session) { return hql.toQuery(session, true).list(); } }); return Sets.newTreeSet(screenTypes); } @Override public Set<ScreenType> findScreenTypesForWells(Set<WellKey> wellKeys) { Set<String> wellIds = Sets.newHashSet(Iterables.transform(wellKeys, Functions.toStringFunction())); final HqlBuilder hql = new HqlBuilder().select("l", "screenType").distinctProjectionValues() .from(Well.class, "w").from("w", Well.library, "l").whereIn("w", "id", wellIds); List<ScreenType> screenTypes = runQuery(new Query<ScreenType>() { public List<ScreenType> execute(Session session) { return hql.toQuery(session, true).list(); } }); return Sets.newTreeSet(screenTypes); } @Override public Plate findPlate(int plateNumber, String copyName) { String hql = "select p from Plate p left join fetch p.copy c left join fetch c.library where p.plateNumber = ? and = ?"; List<Plate> plates = (List<Plate>) getHibernateSession().createQuery(hql).setInteger(0, plateNumber) .setString(1, copyName).list(); if (plates.size() == 0) { return null; } if (plates.size() > 1) { throw new DuplicateEntityException(plates.get(0)); } return plates.get(0); } @Override public Set<Integer> queryForPlateIds(LibraryCopyPlateListParserResult parserResult) { Set<Integer> plateIds = Sets.newHashSet(); Set<String> copyNames = parserResult.getCopies(); Set<Pair<Integer, Integer>> plateRanges = parserResult.getCompletePlateRanges(); if (copyNames.isEmpty() && plateRanges.isEmpty()) { // nop //return plateIds; } else if (!copyNames.isEmpty() && plateRanges.isEmpty()) { Set<Plate> plates = findPlatesByCopyName(copyNames); for (Plate p : plates) { plateIds.add(p.getPlateId()); } } // Finally, do the plate range separately if (!plateRanges.isEmpty()) { for (Pair<Integer, Integer> range : plateRanges) { if (!copyNames.isEmpty()) { for (String copyName : copyNames) { Set<Plate> plates = findPlateRangeFromCopyCaseInsensitive(range.getFirst(), range.getSecond(), copyName); for (Plate p : plates) { plateIds.add(p.getPlateId()); } } } else { for (Plate p : findPlateRangeFromCopyCaseInsensitive(range.getFirst(), range.getSecond(), null)) { plateIds.add(p.getPlateId()); } } } } return plateIds; } /** * Return all plates where the first <= plateNumber <= second<br/> * Note: if first=second, then treat as "plateNumber=first" * * @param firstPlateNumber * @param secondPlateNumber * @param copyName if null return all plates in the range across all copies */ private Set<Plate> findPlateRangeFromCopyCaseInsensitive(int firstPlateNumber, int secondPlateNumber, final String copyName) { if (firstPlateNumber > secondPlateNumber) { int temp = firstPlateNumber; firstPlateNumber = secondPlateNumber; secondPlateNumber = temp; } final int first = firstPlateNumber; final int second = secondPlateNumber; List<Plate> plates = runQuery(new Query<Plate>() { public List<Plate> execute(Session session) { HqlBuilder builder = new HqlBuilder(); builder.from(Plate.class, "p"); if (copyName != null) builder.from("p", Plate.copy, "c", JoinType.INNER);"p").distinctProjectionValues(); if (first != second) { builder.where("p", "plateNumber", Operator.GREATER_THAN_EQUAL, first); builder.where("p", "plateNumber", Operator.LESS_THAN_EQUAL, second); } else { // special case where range is actually as single value builder.where("p", "plateNumber", Operator.EQUAL, first); } if (copyName != null) builder.where("c", "name", Operator.TEXT_LIKE, copyName); return builder.toQuery(session, true).list(); } }); return Sets.newHashSet(plates); } private Set<Plate> findPlatesByCopyName(final Set<String> copies) { List<Plate> plates = runQuery(new Query<Plate>() { public List<Plate> execute(Session session) { HqlBuilder builder = new HqlBuilder(); builder.from(Plate.class, "p"); builder.from("p", Plate.copy, "c", JoinType.LEFT_FETCH);"p").distinctProjectionValues(); for (String copyName : copies) { builder.where("c", "name", Operator.TEXT_LIKE, copyName); } return builder.toQuery(session, true).list(); } }); return Sets.newHashSet(plates); } @Override public void calculateCopyScreeningStatistics(Collection<Copy> copies) { // get copy-based statistics: screening_count, assay_plate_count, first/last date screened, data_loading_count final HqlBuilder builder = new HqlBuilder(); Map<Integer, Copy> result = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Copy c : copies) { c.setScreeningStatistics(new ScreeningStatistics()); result.put(c.getEntityId(), c); } builder.from(Plate.class, "p").from(AssayPlate.class, "ap").from("ap", AssayPlate.libraryScreening, "ls") .from("ap", AssayPlate.screenResultDataLoading, "dl") .whereIn("p", Plate.copy.getLeaf() + ".id", result.keySet()) .where("ap", AssayPlate.plateScreened.getLeaf(), Operator.EQUAL, "p", "id").groupBy("p", "copy") .select("p", "").selectExpression("count(distinct ls)") .selectExpression("count(distinct ap)").selectExpression("count(distinct dl)") .selectExpression("min(dl.dateOfActivity)").selectExpression("max(dl.dateOfActivity)") .selectExpression("min(ls.dateOfActivity)").selectExpression("max(ls.dateOfActivity)"); List<Object> results = _dao.runQuery(new Query() { @Override public List<Object> execute(Session session) { return builder.toQuery(session, true).list(); } }); for (Object o : results) { int i = 0; Integer copyId = (Integer) ((Object[]) o)[i++]; ScreeningStatistics css = result.get(copyId).getScreeningStatistics(); css.setScreeningCount(((Long) ((Object[]) o)[i++]).intValue()); css.setAssayPlateCount(((Long) ((Object[]) o)[i++]).intValue()); css.setDataLoadingCount(((Long) ((Object[]) o)[i++]).intValue()); css.setFirstDateDataLoaded(((LocalDate) ((Object[]) o)[i++])); css.setLastDateDataLoaded(((LocalDate) ((Object[]) o)[i++])); css.setFirstDateScreened(((LocalDate) ((Object[]) o)[i++])); css.setLastDateScreened(((LocalDate) ((Object[]) o)[i++])); } // calculate plate count - the number of plates per copy final HqlBuilder builder1 = new HqlBuilder(); builder1.from(Plate.class, "p").whereIn("p", Plate.copy.getLeaf() + ".id", result.keySet()) .groupBy("p", Plate.copy.getLeaf() + ".id").select("p", Plate.copy.getLeaf() + ".id") .selectExpression("count(*)"); results = _dao.runQuery(new Query() { @Override public List<Object> execute(Session session) { return builder1.toQuery(session, true).list(); } }); for (Object o : results) { Integer copyId = (Integer) ((Object[]) o)[0]; Integer count = ((Long) ((Object[]) o)[1]).intValue(); ScreeningStatistics css = result.get(copyId).getScreeningStatistics(); css.setPlateCount(count); } // calculate plate_screening_count - // the total number of times individual plates from this copy have been screened, ignoring replicates) final HqlBuilder builder2 = new HqlBuilder(); builder2.from(LibraryScreening.class, "ls").from("ls", LibraryScreening.assayPlatesScreened, "ap") .from("ap", AssayPlate.plateScreened, "p").from("p", Plate.copy, "c") .whereIn("p", Plate.copy.getLeaf() + ".id", result.keySet()) .where("ap", "replicateOrdinal", Operator.EQUAL, 0).groupBy("c", "id").select("c", "id") .selectExpression("count(*)"); results = _dao.runQuery(new Query() { @Override public List<Object> execute(Session session) { return builder2.toQuery(session, true).list(); } }); for (Object o : results) { Integer copyId = (Integer) ((Object[]) o)[0]; Integer count = ((Long) ((Object[]) o)[1]).intValue(); ScreeningStatistics css = result.get(copyId).getScreeningStatistics(); css.setPlateScreeningCount(count); } } @Override public void calculatePlateScreeningStatistics(Collection<Plate> plates) { // get plate-based statistics: screening_count, assay_plate_count, first/last date screened, data_loading_count final HqlBuilder builder = new HqlBuilder(); Map<Integer, Plate> result = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Plate p : plates) { p.setScreeningStatistics(new ScreeningStatistics()); result.put(p.getEntityId(), p); } builder.from(Plate.class, "p").from(AssayPlate.class, "ap").from("ap", AssayPlate.libraryScreening, "ls") .from("ap", AssayPlate.screenResultDataLoading, "dl").whereIn("p", "id", result.keySet()) .where("ap", AssayPlate.plateScreened.getLeaf(), Operator.EQUAL, "p", "id").groupBy("p", "id") .select("p", "id").selectExpression("count(distinct ls)").selectExpression("count(distinct ap)") .selectExpression("count(distinct dl)").selectExpression("min(dl.dateOfActivity)") .selectExpression("max(dl.dateOfActivity)").selectExpression("min(ls.dateOfActivity)") .selectExpression("max(ls.dateOfActivity)"); List<Object> results = _dao.runQuery(new Query() { @Override public List<Object> execute(Session session) { return builder.toQuery(session, true).list(); } }); for (Object o : results) { int i = 0; Integer plateId = (Integer) ((Object[]) o)[i++]; ScreeningStatistics css = new ScreeningStatistics(); result.get(plateId).setScreeningStatistics(css); css.setPlateCount(1); css.setScreeningCount(((Long) ((Object[]) o)[i++]).intValue()); css.setAssayPlateCount(((Long) ((Object[]) o)[i++]).intValue()); css.setDataLoadingCount(((Long) ((Object[]) o)[i++]).intValue()); css.setFirstDateDataLoaded(((LocalDate) ((Object[]) o)[i++])); css.setLastDateDataLoaded(((LocalDate) ((Object[]) o)[i++])); css.setFirstDateScreened(((LocalDate) ((Object[]) o)[i++])); css.setLastDateScreened(((LocalDate) ((Object[]) o)[i++])); } // calculate plate_screening_count - the total number of times individual plates from this copy have been screened, ignoring replicates) final HqlBuilder builder1 = new HqlBuilder(); builder1.from(LibraryScreening.class, "ls").from("ls", LibraryScreening.assayPlatesScreened, "ap") .from("ap", AssayPlate.plateScreened, "p").from("p", Plate.copy, "c") .whereIn("p", "id", result.keySet()).where("ap", "replicateOrdinal", Operator.EQUAL, 0) .groupBy("p", "id");"p", "id"); builder1.selectExpression("count(*)"); results = _dao.runQuery(new Query() { @Override public List<Object> execute(Session session) { return builder1.toQuery(session, true).list(); } }); for (Object o : results) { Integer plateId = (Integer) ((Object[]) o)[0]; Integer count = ((Long) ((Object[]) o)[1]).intValue(); ScreeningStatistics css = result.get(plateId).getScreeningStatistics(); css.setPlateScreeningCount(css.getPlateScreeningCount() + count); } } @Override public void calculateCopyVolumeStatistics(Collection<Copy> copies) { if (copies.isEmpty()) { return; } // note: we are forced to use native SQL query, as HQL does not perform volume multiplication properly (always results in value of 0) String sql = "select prv.copy_id, avg(prv.plate_remaining_volume), min(prv.plate_remaining_volume), max(prv.plate_remaining_volume) from " + "(select p.copy_id, p.well_volume - sum(la.volume_transferred_per_well_from_library_plates) as plate_remaining_volume " + "from plate p join assay_plate ap using(plate_id) join screening ls on(ls.activity_id = ap.library_screening_id) join lab_activity la using(activity_id) " + "where p.copy_id in (:copyIds) and ap.replicate_ordinal = 0 " + "group by p.copy_id, p.plate_id, p.well_volume) as prv " + "group by prv.copy_id"; javax.persistence.Query query = getEntityManager().createNativeQuery(sql); Map<Serializable, Copy> copiesById = Maps.uniqueIndex(copies, Copy.ToEntityId); query.setParameter("copyIds", copiesById.keySet()); for (Object[] row : (List<Object[]>) query.getResultList()) { Copy copy = copiesById.get(row[0]); VolumeStatistics volumeStatistics = new VolumeStatistics(); copy.setVolumeStatistics(volumeStatistics); volumeStatistics.setAverageRemaining(toPlateVolume((BigDecimal) row[1])); volumeStatistics.setMinRemaining(toPlateVolume((BigDecimal) row[2])); volumeStatistics.setMaxRemaining(toPlateVolume((BigDecimal) row[3])); } } protected static Volume toPlateVolume(BigDecimal volumeLiters) { if (volumeLiters == null) { return null; } return new Volume(volumeLiters.setScale(ScreensaverConstants.VOLUME_SCALE, RoundingMode.HALF_UP), VolumeUnit.LITERS).convert(VolumeUnit.MICROLITERS); } @Override public void calculatePlateVolumeStatistics(Collection<Plate> plates) { // note: we are forced to use native SQL query, as HQL does not perform volume multiplication properly (always results in value of 0) String sql = "select p.plate_id, p.well_volume - sum(la.volume_transferred_per_well_from_library_plates)" + "from plate p join assay_plate ap using(plate_id) join screening ls on(ls.activity_id = ap.library_screening_id) join lab_activity la using(activity_id) " + "where p.plate_id in (:plateIds) and ap.replicate_ordinal = 0 " + "group by p.plate_id, p.well_volume"; javax.persistence.Query query = getEntityManager().createNativeQuery(sql); Map<Serializable, Plate> platesById = Maps.uniqueIndex(plates, Plate.ToEntityId); query.setParameter("plateIds", platesById.keySet()); // set statistics for all requested plates, to properly handle plates that have not been screened at all (and which will not have a result in the query, due to lack of left joins) for (Plate plate : plates) { VolumeStatistics volumeStatistics = new VolumeStatistics(); plate.setVolumeStatistics(volumeStatistics); volumeStatistics.setAverageRemaining(plate.getWellVolume()); } for (Object[] row : (List<Object[]>) query.getResultList()) { Plate plate = platesById.get(row[0]); BigDecimal avgRemainingVolumeLiters = (BigDecimal) row[1]; plate.getVolumeStatistics().setAverageRemaining(toPlateVolume(avgRemainingVolumeLiters)); } } @Override public SortedSet<WellKey> findWellKeysForCompoundName(final String compoundSearchName, final int limitSize) {"findWellKeysForCompoundName: " + compoundSearchName + ", limitSize: " + limitSize); List<SmallMoleculeReagent> reagents = null; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(compoundSearchName)) { // NOTE: for large databases, this may exceed the heap size! reagents = _dao.runQuery(new Query<SmallMoleculeReagent>() { public List<SmallMoleculeReagent> execute(Session session) { HqlBuilder hql = new HqlBuilder(); hql.from(SmallMoleculeReagent.class, "r").from("r", SmallMoleculeReagent.well, "w", JoinType.LEFT_FETCH);"r"); org.hibernate.Query q = hql.toQuery(session, true); q.setMaxResults(limitSize); return q.list(); } }); } else { // TODO: find an HQL-way to do this. Currently, can find no way to search, insensitively, and greedily (i.e. using substrings) for // names in the SmallMoleculeReagent.compoundNames collection. If we make compoundName into a first class // Hibernate entity, I believe then we could use the HQL Operator.TEXT_LIKE to do the match - sde4 final Object[] result = new Object[1]; runQuery(new { public List<?> execute(Session session) { String sql = "select reagent_id from small_molecule_compound_name where lower(compound_name) like :name LIMIT " + limitSize; org.hibernate.Query query = session.createSQLQuery(sql); query.setParameter("name", "%" + compoundSearchName.toLowerCase() + "%"); result[0] = query.list(); return null; } }); Set<Integer> reagent_ids = Sets.newHashSet((List<Integer>) result[0]); final HqlBuilder hql = new HqlBuilder(); hql.from(SmallMoleculeReagent.class, "r").from("r", SmallMoleculeReagent.well, "w", JoinType.LEFT_FETCH) .whereIn("r", "id", reagent_ids);"r"); reagents = _dao.runQuery(new Query<SmallMoleculeReagent>() { public List<SmallMoleculeReagent> execute(Session session) { return hql.toQuery(session, true).list(); } }); } SortedSet<WellKey> wellKeys = Sets .newTreeSet(Lists.transform(reagents, new Function<SmallMoleculeReagent, WellKey>() { @Override public WellKey apply(SmallMoleculeReagent from) { return from.getWell().getWellKey(); } }));"keys found: " + wellKeys.size()); return wellKeys; } // public Set<WellKey> findWellKeysForReagentVendorID(final String facilityVendorId) // { // log.debug("findWellKeysForReagentVendorID: " + facilityVendorId); // if (facilityVendorId == null) return null; // // //TODO: will need a dual table query if -salt-batch id are specified (i.e. "HMSL10097-101-4") // // Matcher matcher = FACILITY_SALT_BATCH_PATTERN.matcher(facilityVendorId); // // String tempS = null; // // Integer tempI = null; // // if (matcher.matches()) { // // tempS =; // // String temp =; // // tempI = Integer.parseInt(temp); // // } // // final String saltId = tempS; // // final Integer batchId = tempI; // List<Reagent> reagents = runQuery(new Query<Reagent>() { // public List<Reagent> execute(Session session) // { // HqlBuilder builder = new HqlBuilder(); // builder.from(Reagent.class, "r"); // builder.from("r", Reagent.well, "w", JoinType.INNER); //"r").distinctProjectionValues(); // Disjunction orClause = builder.disjunction(); // // if(batchId != null) { // // Conjunction andClause = builder.conjunction(); // // andClause.add(builder.simplePredicate("r.facilityBatchId", Operator.EQUAL, batchId)); // // andClause.add(builder.simplePredicate("w.facilityId", Operator.TEXT_CONTAINS, facilityVendorId)); // // orClause.add(andClause); // // } // // if(saltId != null) { // // // // } // orClause.add(builder.simplePredicate("w.facilityId", Operator.TEXT_CONTAINS, facilityVendorId)); // orClause.add(builder.simplePredicate("r." + Reagent.vendorIdentifier.getPropertyName(), Operator.TEXT_CONTAINS, facilityVendorId)); // builder.where(orClause); //"Hql: " + builder.toHql()); // return builder.toQuery(session, true).list(); // } // }); // // Set<WellKey> wellKeys = Sets.newHashSet(Lists.transform(reagents, new Function<Reagent,WellKey>() { // @Override // public WellKey apply(Reagent from) // { // return from.getWell().getWellKey(); // } // })); // return wellKeys; // // } @Override public Set<WellKey> findWellKeysForReagentVendorID(final String facilityVendorId, int limitSize) {"findWellKeysForReagentVendorID: " + facilityVendorId + ", limitSize: " + limitSize); if (facilityVendorId == null) return null; String sql = "select w.plate_number, w.well_name " + "from well w " + "join reagent r on(w.latest_released_reagent_id=r.reagent_id) " + "join small_molecule_reagent smr using(reagent_id) " + "where strpos(w.facility_id || '-' || coalesce(''||smr.salt_form_id,'') || '-' || coalesce(''||r.facility_batch_id,''), :searchString ) > 0" + " or r.vendor_identifier like :searchString2 LIMIT " + limitSize; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("sql: " + sql); } javax.persistence.Query query = getEntityManager().createNativeQuery(sql); query.setParameter("searchString", facilityVendorId); query.setParameter("searchString2", "%" + facilityVendorId + "%"); List<Object[]> wellIds = query.getResultList(); Set<WellKey> keys = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Object[] id : wellIds) { keys.add(new WellKey((Integer) id[0], (String) id[1])); }"keys found: " + keys.size()); return keys; } @Override public Set<Well> findAllCanonicalReagentWells() { return Sets.newHashSet( getEntityManager().createNamedQuery("findAllCanonicalReagentWells", Well.class).getResultList()); } @Override public Set<String> findCanonicalReagentWellIds(Set<String> wellIds) { return Sets.newHashSet(getEntityManager().createNamedQuery("findCanonicalReagentWellIds", String.class) .setParameter("wellIds", wellIds).getResultList()); } @Override public Set<Well> findWells(String facilityId, Integer saltId, Integer facilityBatchId) { String q = "select w from Well w join w.library l join w.latestReleasedReagent r where w.facilityId = :facilityId"; if (facilityBatchId != null) { q += " and r.facilityBatchId = :facilityBatchId"; // and l.shortName like 'R-%'"; } if (saltId != null) { q += " and r.saltFormId = :saltId"; } TypedQuery<Well> query = getEntityManager().createQuery(q, Well.class); query.setParameter("facilityId", facilityId); if (saltId != null) { query.setParameter("saltId", saltId); } if (facilityBatchId != null) { query.setParameter("facilityBatchId", facilityBatchId); } //return query.getSingleResult(); query.setMaxResults(2); List<Well> result = query.getResultList(); if (result.size() == 0) { log.warn("no reagent wells found for facility ID " + facilityId + ", salt: " + saltId + ", batch: " + facilityBatchId); return null; } return Sets.newHashSet(result); } @Override public Well findCanonicalReagentWell(String facilityId, Integer saltId, Integer facilityBatchId) { String q = "select w from Well w join w.library l join w.latestReleasedReagent r where w.facilityId = :facilityId and l.shortName like 'R-%' "; if (saltId != null) { q += " and r.saltFormId = :saltId "; } if (facilityBatchId != null) { q += " and r.facilityBatchId = :facilityBatchId "; } TypedQuery<Well> query = getEntityManager().createQuery(q, Well.class); query.setParameter("facilityId", facilityId); //query.setParameter("facilityBatchId", 1); if (saltId != null) { query.setParameter("saltId", saltId); } if (facilityBatchId != null) { query.setParameter("facilityBatchId", facilityBatchId); } //return query.getSingleResult(); query.setMaxResults(2); List<Well> result = query.getResultList(); if (result.size() == 0) { log.warn("no canonical reagent well found for facility ID " + facilityId); return null; } if (result.size() > 1) { log.warn("more than one canonical reagent well found for facility ID " + facilityId); } return result.get(0); } @Override public DateTime getLatestDataLoadingDate() { String hql = "select max(a.dateCreated) from AdministrativeActivity a where a.type = ?"; List<DateTime> time = (List<DateTime>) getHibernateSession().createQuery(hql) .setParameter(0, AdministrativeActivityType.LIBRARY_CONTENTS_LOADING).list(); if (time.isEmpty()) { return null; } return time.get(0); } }