Java tutorial
/** * * edu.harvard.mcz.imagecapture * Copyright 2009 President and Fellows of Harvard College * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of Version 2 of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * Author: Paul J. Morris */ package; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import edu.harvard.mcz.imagecapture.CandidateImageFile; import edu.harvard.mcz.imagecapture.ImageCaptureApp; import edu.harvard.mcz.imagecapture.ImageCaptureProperties; import edu.harvard.mcz.imagecapture.RunnableJobReportDialog; import edu.harvard.mcz.imagecapture.PositionTemplate; import edu.harvard.mcz.imagecapture.Singleton; import edu.harvard.mcz.imagecapture.UnitTrayLabelParser; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.harvard.mcz.imagecapture.exceptions.NoSuchTemplateException; import edu.harvard.mcz.imagecapture.exceptions.OCRReadException; import edu.harvard.mcz.imagecapture.exceptions.SaveFailedException; import edu.harvard.mcz.imagecapture.exceptions.SpecimenExistsException; import edu.harvard.mcz.imagecapture.exceptions.UnreadableFileException; import edu.harvard.mcz.imagecapture.interfaces.CollectionReturner; import edu.harvard.mcz.imagecapture.interfaces.DrawerNameReturner; import edu.harvard.mcz.imagecapture.interfaces.RunStatus; import edu.harvard.mcz.imagecapture.interfaces.RunnableJob; import edu.harvard.mcz.imagecapture.interfaces.RunnerListener; import edu.harvard.mcz.imagecapture.interfaces.TaxonNameReturner; /** Check all image files either under the image root directory or in a selected directory * and add records for files that aren't yet known to the database that contain barcode * information and add corresponding specimen records for new specimens. * * @author Paul J. Morris * */ public class JobAllImageFilesScan implements RunnableJob, Runnable { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(JobAllImageFilesScan.class); /** * Scan all of image base directory tree. */ public static final int SCAN_ALL = 0; /** * Open a dialog and scan a specific directory. */ public static final int SCAN_SELECT = 1; /** * From a file, scan a specific directory. */ public static final int SCAN_SPECIFIC = 2; private int scan = SCAN_ALL; // default scan all private File startPointSpecific = null; // place to start for scan_specific private File startPoint = null; // start point used. private String firstFile = null; // for scan_specific, the first file seen private String lastFile = null; // for scan_specific, the last file seen private int runStatus = RunStatus.STATUS_NEW; private int thumbnailCounter = 0; private int percentComplete = 0; private Date startTime = null; private ArrayList<RunnerListener> listeners = null; /** * Default constructor, creates a job to scan all of imagebase, unless imagebase is * unreadable or undefined, in which case a directory chooser dialog is launched. */ public JobAllImageFilesScan() { scan = SCAN_ALL; startPointSpecific = null; runStatus = RunStatus.STATUS_NEW; init(); } /** * Create a scan job to bring up dialog to pick a specific directory to scan, or * to scan a specific directory specified by startAt. * <BR> * Behavior: * <BR> * whatToScan=SCAN_ALL, startAt is ignored, equivalent to default constructor. * whatToScan=SCAN_SELECT, startAt is used as starting point for directory chooser dialog. * whatToScan=SCAN_SPECIFIC, startAt is used as starting point for scan (if null falls back to SCAN_SELECT). * <BR> * * @param whatToScan one of SCAN_ALL, SCAN_SPECIFIC, SCAN_SELECT * @param startAt null or a directory starting point. */ public JobAllImageFilesScan(int whatToScan, File startAt) { scan = SCAN_SELECT; // store startPoint as base for dialog if SCAN_SELECT, or directory to scan if SCAN_SPECIFIC if (startAt != null && startAt.canRead()) { startPointSpecific = startAt; } if (whatToScan == SCAN_ALL) { // equivalent to default constructor scan = SCAN_ALL; startPointSpecific = null; } if (whatToScan == SCAN_SPECIFIC) { if ((startAt != null) && startAt.canRead()) { scan = SCAN_SPECIFIC; } else { scan = SCAN_SELECT; } } runStatus = RunStatus.STATUS_NEW; init(); } protected void init() { listeners = new ArrayList<RunnerListener>(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.harvard.mcz.imagecapture.Runnable#cancel() */ @Override public boolean cancel() { runStatus = RunStatus.STATUS_TERMINATED; // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.harvard.mcz.imagecapture.Runnable#getStatus() */ @Override public int getStatus() { return runStatus; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.harvard.mcz.imagecapture.Runnable#registerListener(edu.harvard.mcz.imagecapture.RunnerListener) */ @Override public boolean registerListener(RunnerListener jobListener) { if (listeners == null) { init(); } return listeners.add(jobListener); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.harvard.mcz.imagecapture.Runnable#start() */ @Override public void start() { startTime = new Date(); Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getJobList().addJob((RunnableJob) this); runStatus = RunStatus.STATUS_RUNNING; File imagebase = null; // place to start the scan from, imagebase directory for SCAN_ALL startPoint = null; // If it isn't null, retrieve the image base directory from properties, and test for read access. if (Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getProperties().getProperties() .getProperty(ImageCaptureProperties.KEY_IMAGEBASE) == null) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getMainFrame(), "Can't start scan. Don't know where images are stored. Set imagbase property.", "Can't Scan.", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } else { imagebase = new File(Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getProperties().getProperties() .getProperty(ImageCaptureProperties.KEY_IMAGEBASE)); if (imagebase != null) { if (imagebase.canRead()) { startPoint = imagebase; } else { // If it can't be read, null out imagebase imagebase = null; } } if (scan == SCAN_SPECIFIC && startPointSpecific != null && startPointSpecific.canRead()) { // A scan start point has been provided, don't launch a dialog. startPoint = startPointSpecific; } if (imagebase == null || scan == SCAN_SELECT) { // launch a file chooser dialog to select the directory to scan final JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser(); fileChooser.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY); if (scan == SCAN_SELECT && startPointSpecific != null && startPointSpecific.canRead()) { fileChooser.setCurrentDirectory(startPointSpecific); } else { if (Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getProperties().getProperties() .getProperty(ImageCaptureProperties.KEY_LASTPATH) != null) { fileChooser.setCurrentDirectory(new File(Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getProperties() .getProperties().getProperty(ImageCaptureProperties.KEY_LASTPATH))); } } int returnValue = fileChooser.showOpenDialog(Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getMainFrame()); if (returnValue == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { File file = fileChooser.getSelectedFile(); log.debug("Selected base directory: " + file.getName() + "."); startPoint = file; } else { //TODO: handle error condition log.error("Directory selection cancelled by user."); } //TODO: Filechooser to pick path, then save (if SCAN_ALL) imagebase property. //Perhaps. Might be undesirable behavior. //Probably better to warn that imagebase is null; } // TODO: Check that startPoint is or is within imagebase. // Check that fileToCheck is within imagebase. if (!ImageCaptureProperties.isInPathBelowBase(startPoint)) { String base = Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getProperties().getProperties() .getProperty(ImageCaptureProperties.KEY_IMAGEBASE); log.error("Tried to scan directory (" + startPoint.getPath() + ") outside of base image directory (" + base + ")"); String message = "Can't scan and database files outside of base image directory (" + base + ")"; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getMainFrame(), message, "Can't Scan outside image base directory.", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); } else { // run in separate thread and allow cancellation and status reporting // walk through directory tree if (!startPoint.canRead()) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getMainFrame(), "Can't start scan. Unable to read selected directory: " + startPoint.getPath(), "Can't Scan.", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); } else { Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getMainFrame() .setStatusMessage("Scanning " + startPoint.getPath()); Counter counter = new Counter(); // count files to scan countFiles(startPoint, counter); setPercentComplete(0); Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getMainFrame().notifyListener(runStatus, this); counter.incrementDirectories(); // scan if (runStatus != RunStatus.STATUS_TERMINATED) { checkFiles(startPoint, counter); } // report String report = "Scanned " + counter.getDirectories() + " directories.\n"; report += "Created thumbnails in " + thumbnailCounter + " directories"; if (thumbnailCounter == 0) { report += " (May still be in progress)"; } report += ".\n"; if (startPointSpecific == null) { report += "Starting with the base image directory (Preprocess All).\n"; } else { report += "Starting with " + startPoint.getName() + " (" + startPoint.getPath() + ")\n"; report += "First file: " + firstFile + " Last File: " + lastFile + "\n"; } report += "Scanned " + counter.getFilesSeen() + " files.\n"; report += "Created " + counter.getFilesDatabased() + " new image records.\n"; if (counter.getFilesUpdated() > 0) { report += "Updated " + counter.getFilesUpdated() + " image records.\n"; } report += "Created " + counter.getSpecimens() + " new specimen records.\n"; if (counter.getSpecimensUpdated() > 0) { report += "Updated " + counter.getSpecimensUpdated() + " specimen records.\n"; } report += "Found " + counter.getFilesFailed() + " files with problems.\n"; //report += counter.getErrors(); Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getMainFrame().setStatusMessage("Preprocess scan complete"); setPercentComplete(100); Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getMainFrame().notifyListener(runStatus, this); RunnableJobReportDialog errorReportDialog = new RunnableJobReportDialog( Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getMainFrame(), report, counter.getErrors(), "Preprocess Results"); errorReportDialog.setVisible(true); //JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getMainFrame(), report, "Preprocess complete", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } // can read directory } SpecimenLifeCycle sls = new SpecimenLifeCycle(); Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getMainFrame().setCount(sls.findSpecimenCount()); } // Imagebase isn't null done(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.harvard.mcz.imagecapture.Runnable#stop() */ @Override public boolean stop() { runStatus = RunStatus.STATUS_TERMINATED; // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } @Override public int percentComplete() { return percentComplete; } private void countFiles(File startPoint, Counter counter) { // count files to preprocess File[] containedFiles = startPoint.listFiles(); if (containedFiles != null) { for (int i = 0; i < containedFiles.length; i++) { File fileToCheck = containedFiles[i]; if (fileToCheck.isDirectory()) { if (fileToCheck.canRead()) { countFiles(fileToCheck, counter); } } else { counter.incrementTotal(); } } } } protected class ThumbnailBuilderInternal implements Runnable, RunnableJob { File startPoint; String thumbHeight; String thumbWidth; private Date thumbStartTime = null; private int thumbRunStatus = RunStatus.STATUS_NEW; private int thumbPercentComplete = 0; private ArrayList<RunnerListener> thumbListeners = null; public ThumbnailBuilderInternal(File aStartPoint) { startPoint = aStartPoint; thumbHeight = Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getProperties().getProperties() .getProperty(ImageCaptureProperties.KEY_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT); thumbWidth = Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getProperties().getProperties() .getProperty(ImageCaptureProperties.KEY_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH); thumbInit(); } public ThumbnailBuilderInternal(File aStartPoint, int thumbHeightPixels, int thumbWidthPixels) { startPoint = aStartPoint; thumbHeight = Integer.toString(thumbHeightPixels); thumbWidth = Integer.toString(thumbWidthPixels); if (thumbHeightPixels < 10) { thumbHeight = Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getProperties().getProperties() .getProperty(ImageCaptureProperties.KEY_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT); } if (thumbWidthPixels < 10) { thumbWidth = Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getProperties().getProperties() .getProperty(ImageCaptureProperties.KEY_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH); } thumbInit(); } protected void thumbInit() { thumbListeners = new ArrayList<RunnerListener>(); } @Override public void run() { thumbStartTime = new Date(); thumbRunStatus = RunStatus.STATUS_RUNNING; setThumbPercentComplete(0); Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getJobList().addJob((RunnableJob) this); // mkdir thumbs ; mogrify -path thumbs -resize 80x120 *.JPG if (startPoint.isDirectory() && (!startPoint.getName().equals("thumbs"))) { File thumbsDir = new File(startPoint.getPath() + File.separator + "thumbs"); log.debug(thumbsDir.getPath()); if (!thumbsDir.exists()) { thumbsDir.mkdir(); Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getMainFrame() .setStatusMessage("Creating " + thumbsDir.getPath()); } // Runtime executes mogrify directly, not through a shell, thus expand list of files to pass // rather than passing *.JPG File[] potentialFilesToThumb = startPoint.listFiles(); StringBuffer filesToThumb = new StringBuffer(); int filesToThumbCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < potentialFilesToThumb.length; i++) { if (potentialFilesToThumb[i].getName().endsWith(".JPG")) { filesToThumb.append(potentialFilesToThumb[i].getName()).append(" "); filesToThumbCount++; } } if (filesToThumbCount > 0) { boolean makeWithJava = false; String mogrify = Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getProperties().getProperties() .getProperty(ImageCaptureProperties.KEY_MOGRIFY_EXECUTABLE); if (mogrify == null || mogrify.trim().length() > 0) { makeWithJava = true; } else { String runCommand = mogrify + " -path thumbs -resize " + thumbWidth + "x" + thumbHeight + " " + filesToThumb.toString(); Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime(); log.debug(runCommand); try { String[] env = { "" }; Process proc = r.exec(runCommand, env, startPoint); InputStream stderr = proc.getErrorStream(); InputStreamReader isrstderr = new InputStreamReader(stderr); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isrstderr); String line = null; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { log.debug("stderr:" + line); } int exitVal = proc.waitFor(); log.debug("Mogrify Process exitValue: " + exitVal); if (exitVal == 0) { thumbnailCounter++; String message = "Finished creating thumbnails in: " + startPoint.getPath(); Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getMainFrame().setStatusMessage(message); log.debug(message); } else { log.error("Error returned running " + runCommand); makeWithJava = true; } } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Error running: " + runCommand); e.printStackTrace(); Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getMainFrame() .setStatusMessage("Error creating thumbnails " + e.getMessage()); makeWithJava = true; } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.error("Mogrify process interupted"); e.printStackTrace(); } } if (makeWithJava) { for (int i = 0; i < potentialFilesToThumb.length; i++) { try { log.debug("Attempting thumbnail generation with java in " + startPoint.getPath()); log.debug("Attempting thumbnail generation with java to " + thumbsDir.getPath()); ArrayList<String> makeFrom = new ArrayList<String>(); List<File> files = Arrays.asList(startPoint.listFiles()); Iterator<File> it = files.iterator(); int creationCounter = 0; int totalFiles = files.size(); while (it.hasNext() && thumbRunStatus != RunStatus.STATUS_CANCEL_REQUESTED) { File file =; if (!file.isDirectory() && file.exists() && file.canRead()) { // file must exist and be readable to make thumbnail if (file.getName() .matches(Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getProperties() .getProperties() .getProperty(ImageCaptureProperties.KEY_IMAGEREGEX))) { // only try to make thumbnails of files that match the image file pattern. makeFrom.add(file.getPath()); log.debug(file.getPath()); File target = new File( thumbsDir.getPath() + File.separatorChar + file.getName()); log.debug(target.getPath()); if (!target.exists()) { BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(Integer.parseInt(thumbWidth), Integer.parseInt(thumbHeight), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); img.createGraphics().drawImage( 80, 120, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH), 0, 0, null); ImageIO.write(img, "jpg", target); creationCounter++; } } setThumbPercentComplete( (int) (((float) creationCounter / totalFiles) * 100)); } } String message = "Finished creating thumbnails (" + creationCounter + ") in: " + startPoint.getPath(); Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getMainFrame().setStatusMessage(message); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Thumbnail generation with thumbnailator library failed"); log.error(e.getMessage()); } } } } else { String message = "No *.JPG files found in " + startPoint.getPath(); Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getMainFrame().setStatusMessage(message); log.debug(message); } } String message = "Thumbnail Generation Complete."; Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getMainFrame().setStatusMessage(message); Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getJobList().removeJob((RunnableJob) this); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.harvard.mcz.imagecapture.interfaces.RunnableJob#start() */ @Override public void start() { run(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.harvard.mcz.imagecapture.interfaces.RunnableJob#stop() */ @Override public boolean stop() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.harvard.mcz.imagecapture.interfaces.RunnableJob#cancel() */ @Override public boolean cancel() { thumbRunStatus = RunStatus.STATUS_CANCEL_REQUESTED; return false; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.harvard.mcz.imagecapture.interfaces.RunnableJob#getStatus() */ @Override public int getStatus() { return thumbRunStatus; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.harvard.mcz.imagecapture.interfaces.RunnableJob#percentComplete() */ @Override public int percentComplete() { return thumbPercentComplete; } protected void setThumbPercentComplete(int aPercentage) { //set value thumbPercentComplete = aPercentage; log.debug(thumbPercentComplete); //notify listeners Iterator<RunnerListener> i = thumbListeners.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) {, this); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.harvard.mcz.imagecapture.interfaces.RunnableJob#registerListener(edu.harvard.mcz.imagecapture.interfaces.RunnerListener) */ @Override public boolean registerListener(RunnerListener aJobListener) { if (thumbListeners == null) { thumbInit(); } return thumbListeners.add(aJobListener); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.harvard.mcz.imagecapture.interfaces.RunnableJob#getName() */ @Override public String getName() { return "Thumbnail Generation in: " + startPoint; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.harvard.mcz.imagecapture.interfaces.RunnableJob#getStartTime() */ @Override public Date getStartTime() { return thumbStartTime; } } // end class ThumbnailBuilder private void checkFiles(File startPoint, Counter counter) { // pick jpeg files // for each file check name against database, if not found, check barcodes, scan and parse text, create records. log.debug("Scanning directory: " + startPoint.getPath()); File[] containedFiles = startPoint.listFiles(); log.debug("Directory contains " + containedFiles.length + " entries."); if (containedFiles.length > 0) { // create thumbnails in a separate thread (new Thread(new ThumbnailBuilderInternal(startPoint))).start(); } for (int i = 0; i < containedFiles.length; i++) { if (runStatus != RunStatus.STATUS_TERMINATED) { log.debug("Scanning directory: " + startPoint.getPath()); File fileToCheck = containedFiles[i]; Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getMainFrame() .setStatusMessage("Scanning: " + fileToCheck.getName()); log.debug("Scanning: " + fileToCheck.getName()); if (fileToCheck.isDirectory()) { if (fileToCheck.canRead()) { // Skip thumbs directories if (!fileToCheck.getName().equals("thumbs")) { checkFiles(fileToCheck, counter); counter.incrementDirectories(); } } else { counter.incrementDirectoriesFailed(); } } else { // check JPEG files for barcodes if (!fileToCheck.getName().matches(Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getProperties() .getProperties().getProperty(ImageCaptureProperties.KEY_IMAGEREGEX))) { log.debug("Skipping file [" + fileToCheck.getName() + "], doesn't match expected filename pattern " + Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getProperties().getProperties() .getProperty(ImageCaptureProperties.KEY_IMAGEREGEX)); } else { if (firstFile == null) { firstFile = fileToCheck.getName(); } lastFile = fileToCheck.getName(); Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getProperties().getProperties() .setProperty(ImageCaptureProperties.KEY_LASTPATH, fileToCheck.getPath()); String filename = fileToCheck.getName(); counter.incrementFilesSeen(); log.debug("Checking image file: " + filename); CandidateImageFile.debugCheckHeightWidth(fileToCheck); // scan file for barcodes and ocr of unit tray label text CandidateImageFile scannableFile = null; try { // PositionTemplateDetector detector = new ConfiguredBarcodePositionTemplateDetector(); boolean isSpecimenImage = false; boolean isDrawerImage = false; boolean reattach = false; // image is detached instance and should be reattached instead of persisted denovo. // try { // Check for an existing image record. ICImageLifeCycle imageCont = new ICImageLifeCycle(); ICImage tryMe = new ICImage(); tryMe.setFilename(filename); String path = ImageCaptureProperties.getPathBelowBase(fileToCheck); tryMe.setPath(path); List<ICImage> matches = imageCont.findByExample(tryMe); log.debug(matches.size()); if (matches != null && matches.size() == 1 && matches.get(0).getRawBarcode() == null && matches.get(0).getRawExifBarcode() == null && (matches.get(0).getDrawerNumber() == null || matches.get(0).getDrawerNumber().trim().length() == 0)) { // likely case for a failure to read data out of the image file // try to update the image file record. try { tryMe = imageCont.merge(matches.get(0)); matches.remove(0); reattach = true; log.debug(tryMe); } catch (SaveFailedException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } else if (matches != null && matches.size() == 1 && matches.get(0).getSpecimen() == null) { // likely case for a failure to create a specimen record in a previous run // try to update the image file record try { tryMe = imageCont.merge(matches.get(0)); matches.remove(0); reattach = true; log.debug(tryMe); } catch (SaveFailedException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } if (matches != null && matches.size() == 0) { // No database record for this file. // ** Identify the template. // String templateId = detector.detectTemplateForImage(fileToCheck); // log.debug("Detected Template: " + templateId); // PositionTemplate template = new PositionTemplate(templateId); // // Found a barcode in a templated position in the image. // // ** Scan the file based on this template. // scannableFile = new CandidateImageFile(fileToCheck, template); // Construct a CandidateImageFile with constructor that self detects template scannableFile = new CandidateImageFile(fileToCheck); PositionTemplate template = scannableFile.getTemplateUsed(); String templateId = template.getName(); log.debug("Detected Template: " + templateId); log.debug(scannableFile.getCatalogNumberBarcodeStatus()); String barcode = scannableFile.getBarcodeTextAtFoundTemplate(); if (scannableFile .getCatalogNumberBarcodeStatus() != CandidateImageFile.RESULT_BARCODE_SCANNED) { log.error("Error scanning for barcode: " + barcode); barcode = ""; } log.debug(barcode); System.out.println("Barcode=" + barcode); String exifComment = scannableFile.getExifUserCommentText(); log.debug(exifComment); TaxonNameReturner parser = null; String rawOCR = ""; UnitTrayLabel labelRead = null; String state = WorkFlowStatus.STAGE_0; labelRead = scannableFile.getTaxonLabelQRText(template); if (labelRead == null) { try { labelRead = scannableFile .getTaxonLabelQRText(new PositionTemplate("Test template 2")); } catch (NoSuchTemplateException e) { try { labelRead = scannableFile .getTaxonLabelQRText(new PositionTemplate("Small template 2")); } catch (NoSuchTemplateException e1) { log.error("Neither Test template 2 nor Small template 2 found"); } } } else { log.debug(labelRead.toJSONString()); } if (labelRead != null) { rawOCR = labelRead.toJSONString(); state = WorkFlowStatus.STAGE_1; parser = (TaxonNameReturner) labelRead; } else { PositionTemplate shifted = null; try { shifted = new PositionTemplate("Test template 2"); } catch (NoSuchTemplateException e) { try { shifted = new PositionTemplate("Small template 2"); } catch (NoSuchTemplateException e1) { log.error("Neither Test template 2 nor Small template 2 found"); } } if (shifted != null) { int x = 5; int xmax = 9; Dimension utpos = shifted.getUtBarcodePosition(); while (x < xmax) { utpos.setSize(new Dimension(utpos.width + x, utpos.height)); shifted.setUtBarcodePosition(utpos); labelRead = scannableFile.getTaxonLabelQRText(shifted); x++; if (labelRead != null) { x = xmax; log.debug("Failover found: " + labelRead.getFamily() + " " + labelRead.getSubfamily() + " " + labelRead.getGenus()); } } } try { rawOCR = scannableFile.getLabelOCRText(template); } catch (OCRReadException e) { log.error(e); rawOCR = ""; log.error("Couldn't OCR file." + e.getMessage()); RunnableJobError error = new RunnableJobError(filename, "OCR Failed", barcode, exifComment, "Couldn't find text to OCR", null, null, e, RunnableJobError.TYPE_NO_TEMPLATE); counter.appendError(error); } if (labelRead == null) { if (rawOCR == null) { rawOCR = ""; } state = WorkFlowStatus.STAGE_0; parser = new UnitTrayLabelParser(rawOCR); // Provide error message to distinguish between entirely OCR or if (((UnitTrayLabelParser) parser).isParsedFromJSON()) { RunnableJobError error = new RunnableJobError(filename, "OCR Failover found barcode.", barcode, exifComment, "Couldn't read Taxon barcode, failed over to OCR, but OCR found taxon barcode.", (TaxonNameReturner) parser, null, null, RunnableJobError.TYPE_FAILOVER_TO_OCR); counter.appendError(error); } else { RunnableJobError error = new RunnableJobError(filename, "Failover to OCR.", barcode, exifComment, "Couldn't read Taxon barcode, failed over to OCR only.", (TaxonNameReturner) parser, null, null, RunnableJobError.TYPE_FAILOVER_TO_OCR); counter.appendError(error); } } else { state = WorkFlowStatus.STAGE_1; parser = labelRead; } } // Test: is exifComment a barcode: // Case 1: This is an image of papers associated with a container (a unit tray or a box). // This case can be identified by there being no barcode data associated with the image. // Action: // A) Check the exifComment to see what metadata is there, if blank, User needs to fix. // exifComment may contain a drawer number, identifying this as a drawer image. Save as such. // Options: A drawer, for which number is captured. A unit tray, capture ?????????. A specimen // where barcode wasn't read, allow capture of barcode and treat as Case 2. // B) Create an image record and store the image metadata (with a null specimen_id). // Case 2: This is an image of a specimen and associated labels or an image assocated with // a specimen with the specimen's barcode label in the image. // This case can be identified by there being a barcode in a templated position or there // being a barcode in the exif comment tag. // Action: // A) Check if a specimen record exists, if not, create one from the barcode and OCR data. // B) Create an image record and store the image metadata. if (Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getBarcodeMatcher().matchesPattern(exifComment) || Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getBarcodeMatcher() .matchesPattern(barcode)) { isSpecimenImage = true; System.out.println("Specimen Image"); } else { if (exifComment != null && exifComment.matches( Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getProperties().getProperties() .getProperty(ImageCaptureProperties.KEY_REGEX_DRAWERNUMBER))) { isDrawerImage = true; System.out.println("Drawer Image"); } else { if (templateId.equals(PositionTemplate.TEMPLATE_NO_COMPONENT_PARTS)) { log.debug( "Image doesn't appear to contain a barcode in a templated position."); counter.incrementFilesFailed(); RunnableJobError error = new RunnableJobError(filename, barcode, barcode, exifComment, "Image doesn't appear to contain a barcode in a templated position.", null, null, null, RunnableJobError.TYPE_NO_TEMPLATE); counter.appendError(error); } // Nothing found. Need to ask. // TODO: list failures on completion. counter.incrementFilesFailed(); } } String rawBarcode = barcode; if (isSpecimenImage) { if (!rawBarcode.equals(exifComment)) { // Use the exifComment if it is a barcode boolean barcodeInImageMetadata = false; if (Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getBarcodeMatcher() .matchesPattern(exifComment)) { barcodeInImageMetadata = true; } // Log the missmatch if (barcodeInImageMetadata || Singleton.getSingletonInstance() .getProperties().getProperties() .getProperty(ImageCaptureProperties.KEY_REDUNDANT_COMMENT_BARCODE) .equals("true")) { // If so configured, or if image metadata contains a barcode that doesn't match the barcode in the image // report on barcode/comment missmatch as an error condition. try { RunnableJobError error = new RunnableJobError(filename, barcode, barcode, exifComment, "Barcode/Comment missmatch.", parser, (DrawerNameReturner) parser, null, RunnableJobError.TYPE_MISMATCH); counter.appendError(error); } catch (Exception e) { // we don't want an exception to stop processing log.error(e); } } else { // Just write into debug log // This would normally the case where the image metadata doesn't contain a barcode but the image does, and reporting of this state as an error has been turned off. log.debug("Barcode/Comment missmatch: [" + barcode + "]!=[" + exifComment + "]"); } } Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getMainFrame() .setStatusMessage("Creating new specimen record."); Specimen s = new Specimen(); if ((!Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getBarcodeMatcher() .matchesPattern(barcode)) && Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getBarcodeMatcher() .matchesPattern(exifComment)) { // special case: coudn't read QR code barcode from image, but it was present in exif comment. s.setBarcode(exifComment); barcode = exifComment; } else { if (!Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getBarcodeMatcher() .matchesPattern(barcode)) { // Won't be able to save the specimen record if we end up here. log.error( "Neither exifComment nor QR Code barcode match the expected pattern for a barcode, but isSpecimenImage got set to true."); } s.setBarcode(barcode); } s.setWorkFlowStatus(state); if (labelRead != null) { // We got json data from a barcode. s.setFamily(parser.getFamily()); s.setSubfamily(parser.getSubfamily()); s.setTribe(parser.getTribe()); } else { // We failed over to OCR, try lookup in DB. s.setFamily(""); // make sure there's a a non-null value in family. if (parser.getTribe().trim().equals("")) { HigherTaxonLifeCycle hls = new HigherTaxonLifeCycle(); if (hls.isMatched(parser.getFamily(), parser.getSubfamily())) { // If there is a match, use it. String[] higher = hls.findMatch(parser.getFamily(), parser.getSubfamily()); s.setFamily(higher[0]); s.setSubfamily(higher[1]); } else { // otherwise use the raw OCR output. s.setFamily(parser.getFamily()); s.setSubfamily(parser.getSubfamily()); } s.setTribe(""); } else { HigherTaxonLifeCycle hls = new HigherTaxonLifeCycle(); if (hls.isMatched(parser.getFamily(), parser.getSubfamily(), parser.getTribe())) { String[] higher = hls.findMatch(parser.getFamily(), parser.getSubfamily(), parser.getTribe()); s.setFamily(higher[0]); s.setSubfamily(higher[1]); s.setTribe(higher[2]); } else { s.setFamily(parser.getFamily()); s.setSubfamily(parser.getSubfamily()); s.setTribe(parser.getTribe()); } } } if (state.equals(WorkFlowStatus.STAGE_0)) { // Look up likely matches for the OCR of the higher taxa in the HigherTaxon authority file. if (!parser.getFamily().equals("")) { // check family against database (with a soundex match) HigherTaxonLifeCycle hls = new HigherTaxonLifeCycle(); String match = hls.findMatch(parser.getFamily()); if (match != null && !match.trim().equals("")) { s.setFamily(match); } } } // trim family to fit (in case multiple parts of taxon name weren't parsed // and got concatenated into family field. if (s.getFamily().length() > 40) { s.setFamily(s.getFamily().substring(0, 40)); } s.setGenus(parser.getGenus()); s.setSpecificEpithet(parser.getSpecificEpithet()); s.setSubspecificEpithet(parser.getSubspecificEpithet()); s.setInfraspecificEpithet(parser.getInfraspecificEpithet()); s.setInfraspecificRank(parser.getInfraspecificRank()); s.setAuthorship(parser.getAuthorship()); s.setDrawerNumber(((DrawerNameReturner) parser).getDrawerNumber()); s.setCollection(((CollectionReturner) parser).getCollection()); s.setCreatingPath(ImageCaptureProperties.getPathBelowBase(fileToCheck)); s.setCreatingFilename(fileToCheck.getName()); if (parser.getIdentifiedBy() != null && parser.getIdentifiedBy().length() > 0) { s.setIdentifiedBy(parser.getIdentifiedBy()); } log.debug(s.getCollection()); // TODO: non-general workflows // TODO: Refactor special case handling of non-general workflows // ********* Special Cases ********** if (s.getWorkFlowStatus().equals(WorkFlowStatus.STAGE_0)) { // ***** Special case, images in ent-formicidae // get family set to Formicidae if in state OCR. if (path.contains("formicidae")) { s.setFamily("Formicidae"); } } s.setLocationInCollection(LocationInCollection.getDefaultLocation()); if (s.getFamily().equals("Formicidae")) { // ***** Special case, families in Formicidae are in Ant collection s.setLocationInCollection(LocationInCollection.GENERALANT); } // ********* End Special Cases ********** s.setCreatedBy(ImageCaptureApp.APP_NAME + " " + ImageCaptureApp.APP_VERSION); SpecimenLifeCycle sh = new SpecimenLifeCycle(); try { // *** Save a database record of the specimen. sh.persist(s); counter.incrementSpecimens(); s.attachNewPart(); } catch (SpecimenExistsException e) { log.debug(e.getMessage()); // Expected case on scanning a second image for a specimen. // Doesn't need to be reported as a parsing error. // // Look up the existing record to link this specimen to it. try { List<Specimen> checkResult = sh.findByBarcode(barcode); if (checkResult.size() == 1) { s = checkResult.get(0); } } catch (Exception e2) { s = null; // so that saving the image record doesn't fail on trying to save linked transient specimen record. String errorMessage = "Linking Error: \nFailed to link image to existing specimen record.\n"; RunnableJobError error = new RunnableJobError(filename, barcode, rawBarcode, exifComment, errorMessage, (TaxonNameReturner) parser, (DrawerNameReturner) parser, e2, RunnableJobError.TYPE_SAVE_FAILED); counter.appendError(error); } } catch (SaveFailedException e) { // Couldn't save for some reason other than the // specimen record already existing. Check for possible // save problems resulting from parsing errors. log.debug(e.getMessage()); try { List<Specimen> checkResult = sh.findByBarcode(barcode); if (checkResult.size() == 1) { s = checkResult.get(0); } String badParse = ""; // Drawer number with length limit (and specimen that fails to save at over this length makes // a good canary for labels that parse very badly. if (((DrawerNameReturner) parser).getDrawerNumber() .length() > MetadataRetriever.getFieldLength(Specimen.class, "DrawerNumber")) { badParse = "Parsing problem. \nDrawer number is too long: " + s.getDrawerNumber() + "\n"; } RunnableJobError error = new RunnableJobError(filename, barcode, rawBarcode, exifComment, badParse, (TaxonNameReturner) parser, (DrawerNameReturner) parser, null, RunnableJobError.TYPE_BAD_PARSE); counter.appendError(error); } catch (Exception err) { log.error(e); log.error(err); // TODO: Add a general error handling/inform user class. String badParse = ""; // Drawer number with length limit (and specimen that fails to save at over this length makes // a good canary for labels that parse very badly. if (s.getDrawerNumber() == null) { badParse = "Parsing problem. \nDrawer number is null: \n"; } else { if (s.getDrawerNumber().length() > MetadataRetriever .getFieldLength(Specimen.class, "DrawerNumber")) { // This was an OK test for testing OCR, but in production ends up in records not being // created for files, which ends up being a larger quality control problem than records // with bad OCR. // Won't fail this way anymore - drawer number is now enforced in Specimen.setDrawerNumber() badParse = "Parsing problem. \nDrawer number is too long: " + s.getDrawerNumber() + "\n"; } } RunnableJobError error = new RunnableJobError(filename, barcode, rawBarcode, exifComment, badParse, (TaxonNameReturner) parser, (DrawerNameReturner) parser, err, RunnableJobError.TYPE_SAVE_FAILED); counter.appendError(error); counter.incrementFilesFailed(); s = null; } } if (s != null) { tryMe.setSpecimen(s); } } tryMe.setRawBarcode(rawBarcode); if (isDrawerImage) { tryMe.setDrawerNumber(exifComment); } else { tryMe.setRawExifBarcode(exifComment); tryMe.setDrawerNumber(((DrawerNameReturner) parser).getDrawerNumber()); } tryMe.setRawOcr(rawOCR); tryMe.setTemplateId(template.getTemplateId()); tryMe.setPath(path); // TODO: Create md5hash of image file, persist with image if (tryMe.getMd5sum() == null || tryMe.getMd5sum().length() == 0) { try { tryMe.setMd5sum(DigestUtils.md5Hex(new FileInputStream(fileToCheck))); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { log.error(e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e.getMessage()); } } try { if (reattach) { // Update image file record imageCont.attachDirty(tryMe); log.debug("Updated " + tryMe.toString()); counter.incrementFilesUpdated(); } else { // *** Save a database record of the image file. imageCont.persist(tryMe); log.debug("Saved " + tryMe.toString()); counter.incrementFilesDatabased(); } } catch (SaveFailedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block log.error(e.getMessage(), e); counter.incrementFilesFailed(); String failureMessage = "Failed to save image record. " + e.getMessage(); RunnableJobError error = new RunnableJobError(filename, "Save Failed", tryMe.getFilename(), tryMe.getPath(), failureMessage, null, null, null, RunnableJobError.TYPE_SAVE_FAILED); counter.appendError(error); } if (isSpecimenImage) { if (Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getProperties().getProperties() .getProperty(ImageCaptureProperties.KEY_REDUNDANT_COMMENT_BARCODE) .equals("true")) { // If so configured, log as error if (!tryMe.getRawBarcode().equals(tryMe.getRawExifBarcode())) { log.error( "Warning: Scanned Image has missmatch between barcode and comment."); } } } } else { if (matches == null) { counter.incrementFilesFailed(); String failureMessage = "Probable bad data in database. Null match searching for image file. Notify the database administrator."; RunnableJobError error = new RunnableJobError(filename, "Bad Data", tryMe.getFilename(), tryMe.getPath(), failureMessage, null, null, null, RunnableJobError.TYPE_SAVE_FAILED); counter.appendError(error); } else { // found an already databased file (where we have barcode/specimen or drawer number data). log.debug("Record exists, skipping file " + filename); counter.incrementFilesExisting(); } } // } catch (NoSuchTemplateException e) { // log.error("Detected Template for image doesn't exist. " + e.getMessage()); //} } catch (UnreadableFileException e) { counter.incrementFilesFailed(); log.error("Couldn't read file." + e.getMessage()); //} catch (OCRReadException e) { // counter.incrementFilesFailed(); // log.error("Couldn't OCR file." + e.getMessage()); } } } // report progress Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getMainFrame() .setStatusMessage("Scanned: " + fileToCheck.getName()); Float seen = 0.0f + counter.getFilesSeen(); Float total = 0.0f + counter.getTotal(); // thumbPercentComplete = (int) ((seen/total)*100); setPercentComplete((int) ((seen / total) * 100)); } Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getMainFrame().notifyListener(runStatus, this); } } private void setPercentComplete(int aPercentage) { //set value percentComplete = aPercentage; log.debug(percentComplete); //notify listeners Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getMainFrame().notifyListener(percentComplete, this); Iterator<RunnerListener> i = listeners.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) {, this); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Runnable#run() */ @Override public void run() { start(); } /** * Cleanup when job is complete. */ private void done() { Singleton.getSingletonInstance().getJobList().removeJob((RunnableJob) this); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.harvard.mcz.imagecapture.interfaces.RunnableJob#getName() */ @Override public String getName() { if (scan == SCAN_ALL) { return "Preprocess all image files"; } else { String sp = startPoint.getPath(); if (sp == null || sp.length() == 0) { sp = startPointSpecific.getPath(); } return "Preprocess images in " + sp; } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.harvard.mcz.imagecapture.interfaces.RunnableJob#getStartTime() */ @Override public Date getStartTime() { return startTime; } }