Java tutorial
/********************************************************************** * Please see LICENSE.txt **********************************************************************/ /** * @author Bobbi Fox * * Project: ecru * * Reads a CSV file into the ecru solr4 database. * */ package edu.harvard.liblab.ecru; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat; import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVParser; import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVPrinter; import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVRecord; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrQuery; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrServer; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.QueryResponse; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.UpdateResponse; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocument; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument; import; import; import; import edu.harvard.liblab.ecru.utils.SingletonSolrServer; /** * @author bobbi * * Project: ecru * */ /** * @author bobbi * * Project: ecru * */ /** * @author bobbi * * Project: ecru * */ public class LoadCsvData { public static final String USAGE = "java " + LoadCsvData.class + "-f csv_file -u solr_url -i [unique|addprefix] [-v]"; private static final String FIELD_STR = "ID,Type,Division,CatNo,Term,Name,Instructor,URL,Start Date,End Date,Title,Required,Author,Display,Status,Editor,Journal,Chapter,Library,Course,System,SystemID,ISBN,ISSN,DOI,PUBMED,LectureDate,Order,Note"; private static final String[] FIELDS = FIELD_STR.split(","); //private static String DELIMITER private static SimpleDateFormat SIMPLE_DATE = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); private static List<SolrInputDocument> docUpdates = new ArrayList<SolrInputDocument>(); private static List<EcruBase> beans = new ArrayList<EcruBase>(); private static String url; private static HttpSolrServer solrSrvr; private static boolean isVerbose = false; private static boolean needsPrefix = false; private static int errRecs = 0; private static int numRecs = 0; /** * */ public LoadCsvData() { // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub } /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length > 7 | args.length == 0 || !args[0].equals("-f") || !args[2].equals("-u") || !args[4].equals("-i")) { System.err.println(USAGE); System.exit(1); } String filename = args[1].trim(); url = args[3].trim(); needsPrefix = !args[5].equals("unique"); isVerbose = (args.length == 7 && args[6].equals("-v")); System.out.println("Loading data from " + filename + " " + (needsPrefix ? "IDs will be prefixed " : " ")); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); boolean isReading = false; CSVPrinter printer = null; CSVFormat format = CSVFormat.EXCEL.withHeader().withDelimiter(',').withAllowMissingColumnNames(true); CSVParser parser; try { if (isVerbose) { printer = new CSVPrinter(System.err, format.withDelimiter('|')); } parser = CSVParser.parse(new File(filename), Charset.forName("UTF-8"), format); solrSrvr = SingletonSolrServer.getSolrServer(url); for (CSVRecord record : parser) { numRecs++; HashMap<String, String> recMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (String field : FIELDS) { String value = null; try { value = record.get(field); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { if (e.getMessage().indexOf("expected one of") == -1) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } } value = value == null ? "" : value.trim(); recMap.put(field, value); } String id = recMap.get("ID"); if (id.isEmpty()) { if (isVerbose) { System.err.println("Record missing ID: "); printer.printRecord(record); } } else { String type = recMap.get("Type"); SolrDocument sdoc = getDocFromSolr(recMap.get("ID")); try { if (type.toLowerCase().equals("course")) { processCourse(recMap, sdoc); isReading = false; } else { if (!isReading) { addUpdateCommit(); // just in case the preceeding course(s) are related } processReading(recMap, sdoc); isReading = true; } } catch (Exception e) { if (isVerbose) { System.err.println("Record # " + numRecs + " not used:\n\t" + e.getMessage()); } errRecs++; } } if (beans.size() > 20) { addUpdateCommit(); } } parser.close(); if (beans.size() > 0 || docUpdates.size() > 0) { addUpdateCommit(); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.err.println(filename + " not found"); System.exit(1); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); long courseTime = (end - start) / (long) 1000; try { solrSrvr.optimize(); } catch (SolrServerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } System.out.println(numRecs + " records found, of which " + errRecs + " had a problem; time: " + courseTime + " seconds " + ((courseTime > 60) ? ("(" + (courseTime / (long) 60) + " minutes)") : "")); System.exit(0); } /** * add reading(s)/course(s), plus any updates, to solr db */ private static void addUpdateCommit() throws Exception { // UpdateResponse ur = null; boolean needCommit = false; try { if (!beans.isEmpty()) { ur = solrSrvr.addBeans(beans); needCommit = true; } if (!docUpdates.isEmpty()) { ur = solrSrvr.add(docUpdates); needCommit = true; } if (needCommit) { ur = solrSrvr.commit(); } } catch (SolrServerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } beans.clear(); docUpdates.clear(); } /** * @param id The Unique Key in solr * @return A record, or null */ private static SolrDocument getDocFromSolr(String id) { SolrQuery sq = new SolrQuery("id:" + id); SolrDocument sdoc = null; try { QueryResponse qr = solrSrvr.query(sq); if (qr != null && qr.getResults() != null && qr.getResults().size() == 1) { sdoc = qr.getResults().get(0); } } catch (SolrServerException e) { if (isVerbose) { System.err.println("SolrServerException for id:" + id); } e.printStackTrace(); } return sdoc; } /** * @param cId The Unique Key for a course record * @return true if there are Readings with this key for their * readings.course_id */ private static boolean hasReadings(String cId) { boolean retVal = false; SolrQuery sq = new SolrQuery("reading.course_id:" + cId); try { QueryResponse qr = solrSrvr.query(sq); retVal = (qr != null && qr.getResults() != null && qr.getResults().size() > 0); } catch (SolrServerException e) { if (isVerbose) { System.err.println("SolrServerException for reading.course_id:" + cId); } e.printStackTrace(); } return retVal; } /** * @param rec A HashMap containing the values for the Course record * @param sdoc The record from the solr db, if it already exists * @throws Exception * * A Course has to, minimally, have an id, name, term, start and end date. * This version of the loader assumes that, if the course already exists in * the database, its data is being completely replaced by the incoming data, * with the exception that the "has_readings" value is preserved. * * If the Course is new, this method will check for Readings which have the * reading.course_id equal to the Course's id, and will set the has_readings * accordingly * * If the Display field is empty, it will be constructed from the name and * the first instructor in the instructor field (if it exists) as * {name} ({instructor} ) * */ private static void processCourse(HashMap<String, String> rec, SolrDocument sdoc) throws Exception { String name = rec.get("Name"); String term = rec.get("Term"); String startDateStr = rec.get("Start Date"); String endDateStr = rec.get("End Date"); String errMsg = ""; Date startDate = null; Date endDate = null; try { startDate = SIMPLE_DATE.parse(startDateStr); endDate = SIMPLE_DATE.parse(endDateStr); } catch (ParseException e) { errMsg = "bad start and/or end date"; } if (term.isEmpty()) { errMsg += " missing Term"; } if (name.isEmpty()) { errMsg += " missing name"; } if (errMsg.isEmpty()) { String display = rec.get("Display"); String[] insts = rec.get("Instructor").split(";"); for (int i = 0; i < insts.length; i++) { insts[i] = insts[i].trim(); } if (display.isEmpty()) { display = name; if (insts.length > 0) { display += " (" + insts[0] + ")"; } } String id = rec.get("ID"); if (needsPrefix) { id = "c_" + id; } String div = rec.get("Division"); String catNo = rec.get("CatNo"); String url = rec.get("URL"); Course c = new Course(id, display, catNo, endDate, div, Arrays.asList(insts), name, startDate, term, url); c.setUpdateTimestamp(new Date()); boolean hasReadings = false; if (sdoc != null) { if (sdoc.get("course.has_readings") != null) { hasReadings = ((Boolean) sdoc.get("course.has_readings")).equals(Boolean.TRUE); } if (!sdoc.get("term").equals(term) || !sdoc.get("start_date").equals(startDate) || !sdoc.get("end_date").equals(endDate)) { updateReadingsTermDates(id, term, startDate, endDate); } } else { if (!hasReadings) { // make sure that readings weren't added BEFORE this course!! hasReadings = hasReadings(id); } } c.setReadings(hasReadings); beans.add(c); } else { throw new Exception("Course record " + errMsg); } } /** * @param rec A HashMap containing the values for the Reading record * @param sdoc The record from the solr db, if it already exists * @throws Exception * A reading minimally requires a course id, a title, and a status. * If the referenced course does not exist in the database, * or this reading does not already exist, the term, * start and end dates are also required. * * If the Display field is empty, this method will create one from existing * component fields. * * This method will also update the relevant Course's has_readings flag. * * This version of the loader assumes that, if the reading already exists in * the database, its data is being completely replaced by the incoming data, * */ private static void processReading(HashMap<String, String> rec, SolrDocument sdoc) throws Exception { String title = rec.get("Title"); String cId = rec.get("Course"); String errMsg = ""; if (needsPrefix) { cId = "c_" + cId; } if (cId.isEmpty()) { throw new Exception("Reading is missing a Course ID"); } String lib = rec.get("Library"); String term = rec.get("Term"); String startDateStr = rec.get("Start Date"); String endDateStr = rec.get("End Date"); String status = rec.get("Status"); Date startDate = null; Date endDate = null; boolean updateHasReadings = false; SolrDocument solrCourse = getDocFromSolr(cId); if (solrCourse != null) { // always take term, start/end dates from course! String cTerm = (String) solrCourse.get("term"); Date cstartDate = (Date) solrCourse.get("start_date"); Date cendDate = (Date) solrCourse.get("end_date"); term = cTerm; startDate = cstartDate; endDate = cendDate; updateHasReadings = ((Boolean) solrCourse.get("course.has_readings")).equals(Boolean.FALSE); } else { if (sdoc != null && sdoc.get("reading.course_id").equals(cId)) { // if the reading exists in the db, and it's for the same course, use that stuff if (term.isEmpty()) { term = (String) sdoc.get("term"); } if (startDateStr.isEmpty()) { startDate = (Date) sdoc.get("start_date"); } if (endDateStr.isEmpty()) { endDate = (Date) sdoc.get("end_date"); } } else { try { startDate = SIMPLE_DATE.parse(startDateStr); endDate = SIMPLE_DATE.parse(endDateStr); } catch (ParseException e) { } } } if (startDate == null) { errMsg = " bad or missing startDate"; } if (endDate == null) { errMsg += " bad or missing endDate"; } if (term.isEmpty()) { errMsg += " missing Term"; } if (title.isEmpty()) { errMsg += " missing title"; } if (errMsg.isEmpty()) { Date lectureDate = null; if (!rec.get("LectureDate").isEmpty()) { try { lectureDate = SIMPLE_DATE.parse(rec.get("LectureDate")); } catch (ParseException e) { } } String authorStr = rec.get("Author"); String[] authors = authorStr.split(";"); for (int i = 0; i < authors.length; i++) { authors[i] = authors[i].trim(); } String editorStr = rec.get("Editor"); String[] editors = editorStr.split(";"); for (int i = 0; i < editors.length; i++) { editors[i] = editors[i].trim(); } String display = rec.get("Display"); if (display.isEmpty()) { display = authorStr; if (!display.isEmpty()) { display += ". "; } if (!rec.get("Chapter").isEmpty()) { display += rec.get("Chapter") + "(chap.). "; } display += title + ". "; if (!editorStr.isEmpty()) { display += editorStr + " (ed.). "; } if (!rec.get("Journal").isEmpty()) { display += " in " + rec.get("Journal"); } } String id = (needsPrefix) ? "r_" + rec.get("ID") : rec.get("ID"); int order = -1; if (!rec.get("Order").isEmpty()) { try { order = new Integer((String) rec.get("Order")).intValue(); } catch (Exception e) { if (isVerbose) { System.err.println("Record #" + numRecs + " has a value for Order (" + rec.get("Order") + ") that can not be converted to an integer"); } } } boolean required = (rec.get("Required").toLowerCase().equals("Y")); /* * String id, String displayLabel, String annotation, List<String> authors, String availUrl, String sysId, String chapter, String courseId, String digUrl, String doiId, List<String> editors, Date endDate, String isbn, String issn, String journal, Date lectureDate, String library, int order, String pubmed, boolean required, String status, Date startDate, String system, String term, String title */ Reading r = new Reading(id, display, rec.get("Note"), Arrays.asList(authors), null, rec.get("SystemID"), rec.get("Chapter"), cId, rec.get("URL"), rec.get("DOI"), Arrays.asList(editors), endDate, rec.get("ISBN"), rec.get("ISSN"), rec.get("Journal"), lectureDate, lib, order, rec.get("PUBMED"), required, status, startDate, rec.get("System"), term, title); if (!authors[0].isEmpty()) { r.setFirstAuthor(authors[0]); } beans.add(r); if (updateHasReadings) { updateCourseHasReadings(cId); } } else { throw new Exception(errMsg); } } /** * @param cId The course ID * @param term The updated term * @param startDate The updated startDate * @param endDate The updated endDate * * If a Course record already existed in the solr db, and the incoming * Course record has an updated Term, Start Date, and/or End Date, all the * associated Reading records in the solr db must be updated as well. */ private static void updateReadingsTermDates(String cId, String term, Date startDate, Date endDate) { SolrQuery sq = new SolrQuery("reading.course_id:" + cId); try { QueryResponse qr = solrSrvr.query(sq); if (qr != null && qr.getResults() != null && qr.getResults().size() > 0) { for (SolrDocument sd : qr.getResults()) { SolrInputDocument doc = new SolrInputDocument(); Map<String, String> partialUpdate = new HashMap<String, String>(); doc.setField("id", sd.get("id")); partialUpdate.put("set", term); doc.addField("term", partialUpdate); Map<String, Date> partialStart = new HashMap<String, Date>(); partialStart.put("set", startDate); doc.addField("start_date", partialStart); Map<String, Date> partialEnd = new HashMap<String, Date>(); partialEnd.put("set", endDate); doc.addField("end_date", partialEnd); docUpdates.add(doc); } } } catch (SolrServerException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * @param id The id of the course * * This is only called once the first associated Reading record * is read in after the Course record was created. */ private static void updateCourseHasReadings(String id) { SolrInputDocument doc = new SolrInputDocument(); doc.setField("id", id); Map<String, Boolean> partialUpdate = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(); partialUpdate.put("set", new Boolean(true)); doc.addField("course.has_readings", partialUpdate); docUpdates.add(doc); } }