Source code

Java tutorial


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   Copyright (C) 2005-2013, by the President and Fellows of Harvard College.
   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at

   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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   Dataverse Network - A web application to share, preserve and analyze research data.
   Developed at the Institute for Quantitative Social Science, Harvard University.
   Version 3.0.


 * @author Matt Owen
 * @date 02-20-2013
import java.text.*;
import java.util.logging.*;
import java.util.*;

// Rosunda's Wrappers and Methods for R-calls to Rserve
import org.rosuda.REngine.REXP;
import org.rosuda.REngine.REXPMismatchException;
import org.rosuda.REngine.RList;
import org.rosuda.REngine.Rserve.RFileInputStream;
import org.rosuda.REngine.Rserve.RFileOutputStream;
import org.rosuda.REngine.Rserve.*;

// DVN-made parts
import nesstar.util.FileUtils;

import org.apache.commons.lang.RandomStringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;

 * A DVN-Project-implementation of <code>StatDataFileReader</code> for the 
 * RData Binary Format.
 * @author Matthew Owen
 * @date 02-11-2012
 * This implementation uses R-Scripts to do the bulk of the processing.
 * @note The code is primarily based on the SAV and CSV file readers.
public class RDATAFileReader extends StatDataFileReader {

    // Formats for R
    public static final int FORMAT_INTEGER = 0;
    public static final int FORMAT_NUMERIC = 1;
    public static final int FORMAT_STRING = -1;
    public static final int FORMAT_DATE = -2;
    public static final int FORMAT_DATETIME = -3;

    public static Map<String, String> R_FORMAT_CATEGORY_TABLE;

    private int[] mFormatTable = null;

    // Date-time things
    public static final String[] FORMATS = { "other", "date", "date-time", "date-time-timezone" };

    // R-ingest recognition files
    private static final String[] FORMAT_NAMES = { "RDATA", "Rdata", "rdata" };
    private static final String[] EXTENSIONS = { "Rdata", "rdata" };
    private static final String[] MIME_TYPE = { "application/x-rlang-transport" };

    // R Scripts
    static private String RSCRIPT_CREATE_WORKSPACE;
    static private String RSCRIPT_DATASET_INFO_SCRIPT = "";
    static private String RSCRIPT_GET_DATASET = "";
    static private String RSCRIPT_GET_LABELS = "";
    static private String RSCRIPT_WRITE_DVN_TABLE = "";

    // RServe static variables
    private static String RSERVE_HOST = System.getProperty("");
    private static String RSERVE_USER = System.getProperty("vdc.dsb.rserve.user");
    private static String RSERVE_PASSWORD = System.getProperty("vdc.dsb.rserve.pwrd");
    private static int RSERVE_PORT;

    public static final String TEMP_DIR = System.getProperty("");
    public static final String DSB_TEMP_DIR = System.getProperty("vdc.dsb.temp.dir");
    public static final String DVN_TEMP_DIR = null;
    public static final String WEB_TEMP_DIR = null;

    private static SimpleDateFormat[] DATE_FORMATS = new SimpleDateFormat[] { new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd") };

    private static SimpleDateFormat[] TIME_FORMATS = new SimpleDateFormat[] {
            // Date-time up to milliseconds with timezone, e.g. 2013-04-08 13:14:23.102 -0500
            new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS z"),
            // Date-time up to milliseconds, e.g. 2013-04-08 13:14:23.102
            new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"),
            // Date-time up to seconds with timezone, e.g. 2013-04-08 13:14:23 -0500
            new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z"),
            // Date-time up to seconds and no timezone, e.g. 2013-04-08 13:14:23
            new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") };

    // Logger
    private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(RDATAFileReader.class.getPackage().getName());

    // UNF Version
    private static final String unfVersionNumber = "5";

    // DataTable
    private DataTable mDataTable = new DataTable();

    // Specify which are decimal values
    Set<Integer> mDecimalVariableSet = new HashSet<Integer>();
    Set<Integer> booleanVariableSet = new HashSet<Integer>();

    private Map<String, String> mPrintFormatTable = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
    private Map<String, String> mPrintFormatNameTable = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
    private Map<String, String> mFormatCategoryTable = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
    private List<Integer> mPrintFormatList = new ArrayList<Integer>();

    Map<String, List<String>> missingValueTable = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>>();
     * Object Variables

    // Number of observations
    private int mCaseQuantity = 0;

    // Number of variables
    private int mVarQuantity = 0;

    // Array specifying column-wise data-types
    private String[] mDataTypes;

    // Process ID, used partially in the generation of temporary directories
    private String mPID;

    // Object containing all the informatin for an R-workspace (including
    // temporary directories on and off server)
    private RWorkspace mRWorkspace;

    // Names of variables
    private List<String> variableNameList = new ArrayList<String>();

    // The meta-data object
    SDIOMetadata smd = new RDATAMetadata();

    private Map<Integer, VariableMetaData> mVariableMetaDataTable;

    // Entries from TAB Data File
    DataTable mCsvDataTable = null;
    SDIOData sdiodata = null;

    // Number formatter
    NumberFormat doubleNumberFormatter = new DecimalFormat();

    // Builds R Requests for an R-server
    private RRequestBuilder mRequestBuilder;
     * Initialize Static Variables
     * This is primarily to construct the R-Script
    static {
         * Set defaults fallbacks for class properties
        if (RSERVE_HOST == null)
            RSERVE_HOST = "";

        if (RSERVE_USER == null)
            RSERVE_USER = "rserve";

        if (RSERVE_PASSWORD == null)
            RSERVE_PASSWORD = "rserve";

        if (System.getProperty("vdc.dsb.rserve.port") == null)
            RSERVE_PORT = 6311;
            RSERVE_PORT = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("vdc.dsb.rserve.port"));

         * Create Rscript to compute UNF

        // Load R Scripts into memory, so that we can run them via R-serve
        RSCRIPT_WRITE_DVN_TABLE = readLocalResource("scripts/write.dvn.table.R");
        RSCRIPT_GET_DATASET = readLocalResource("scripts/get.dataset.R");
        RSCRIPT_CREATE_WORKSPACE = readLocalResource("scripts/create.workspace.R");
        RSCRIPT_GET_LABELS = readLocalResource("scripts/get.labels.R");
        RSCRIPT_DATASET_INFO_SCRIPT = readLocalResource("scripts/");

        LOG.finer("R SCRIPTS AS STRINGS --------------");
        LOG.finer("END OF R SCRIPTS AS STRINGS -------");

     * Helper Object to Handle Creation and Destruction of R Workspace
    private class RWorkspace {
        public String mParent, mWeb, mDvn, mDsb;
        public File mDataFile, mCsvDataFile;
        public RRequest mRRequest;
        public BufferedInputStream mInStream;

        public RWorkspace() {
            mParent = mWeb = mDvn = mDsb = "";
            mDataFile = null;
            mCsvDataFile = null;
            mInStream = null;

         * Create the Actual R Workspace
        public void create() {
            try {
                LOG.fine("RDATAFileReader: Creating R Workspace");

                REXP result = mRequestBuilder.script(RSCRIPT_CREATE_WORKSPACE).build().eval();

                RList directoryNames = result.asList();

                mParent ="parent").asString();

                LOG.fine(String.format("RDATAFileReader: Parent directory of R Workspace is %s", mParent));

                LOG.fine("RDATAFileReader: Creating file handle");

                mDataFile = new File(mParent, "data.Rdata");
            } catch (Exception E) {
                LOG.warning("RDATAFileReader: Could not create R workspace");
                mParent = mWeb = mDvn = mDsb = "";

         * Destroy the Actual R Workspace
        public void destroy() {
            String destroyerScript = new StringBuilder("")
                    .append(String.format("unlink(\"%s\", TRUE, TRUE)", mParent)).toString();

            try {
                LOG.fine("RDATAFileReader: Destroying R Workspace");

                mRRequest = mRequestBuilder.script(destroyerScript).build();


                LOG.fine("RDATAFileReader: DESTROYED R Workspace");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LOG.warning("RDATAFileReader: R Workspace was not destroyed");

         * Create the Data File to Use for Analysis, etc.
        public File dataFile(String target, String prefix, int size) {

            String fileName = String.format("DVN.dataframe.%s.Rdata", mPID);

            mDataFile = new File(mParent, fileName);

            RFileInputStream RInStream = null;
            OutputStream outStream = null;

            RRequest req =;

            try {
                outStream = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(mDataFile));
                RInStream = req.getRConnection().openFile(target);

                if (size < 1024 * 1024 * 500) {
                    int bufferSize = size;
                    byte[] outputBuffer = new byte[bufferSize];
                    outStream.write(outputBuffer, 0, size);

                return mDataFile;
            } catch (FileNotFoundException exc) {
                LOG.warning("RDATAFileReader: FileNotFound exception occurred");
                return mDataFile;
            } catch (IOException exc) {
                LOG.warning("RDATAFileReader: IO exception occurred");

            // Close R input data stream
            if (RInStream != null) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException exc) {

            // Close output data stream
            if (outStream != null) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException ex) {

            return mDataFile;

         * Set the stream
         * @param inStream 
        public void stream(BufferedInputStream inStream) {
            mInStream = inStream;

         * Save the Rdata File Temporarily
        private File saveRdataFile() {
            LOG.fine("RDATAFileReader: Saving Rdata File from Input Stream");

            if (mInStream == null) {
                LOG.fine("RDATAFileReader: No input stream was specified. Not writing file and returning NULL");
                return null;

            byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
            int bytesRead = 0;
            RFileOutputStream outStream = null;
            RConnection rServerConnection = null;

            try {
                LOG.fine("RDATAFileReader: Opening R connection");
                rServerConnection = new RConnection(RSERVE_HOST, RSERVE_PORT);

                LOG.fine("RDATAFileReader: Logging into R connection");
                rServerConnection.login(RSERVE_USER, RSERVE_PASSWORD);

                LOG.fine("RDATAFileReader: Attempting to create file");
                outStream = rServerConnection.createFile(mDataFile.getAbsolutePath());

                LOG.fine(String.format("RDATAFileReader: File created on server at %s",
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                LOG.warning("RDATAFileReader: Could not create file on R Server");
            } catch (RserveException ex) {
                LOG.warning("RDATAFileReader: Could not connect to R Server");

             * Read stream and write to destination file
            try {
                // Read from local file and write to rserver 1kb at a time
                while ( != -1) {
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                LOG.warning("RDATAFileReader: Could not write to file");
                LOG.fine(String.format("Error message: %s", ex.getMessage()));
            } catch (NullPointerException ex) {
                LOG.warning("RDATAFileReader: Data file has not been specified");

            // Closing R server connection
            if (rServerConnection != null) {
                LOG.fine("RDATAFileReader: Closing R server connection");

            return mDataFile;

        private File saveCsvFile() {
            // Specify CSV File Location on Server
            mCsvDataFile = new File(mRWorkspace.getRdataFile().getParent(), "data.csv");

            String csvScript = new StringBuilder("").append("options(digits.secs=3)").append("\n")
                    .append(String.format("load(\"%s\")", mRWorkspace.getRdataAbsolutePath())).append("\n")
                    .append(String.format("write.dvn.table(data.set, file=\"%s\")", mCsvDataFile.getAbsolutePath()))

            RRequest csvRequest =;

            LOG.fine(String.format("RDATAFileReader: Attempting to write table to `%s`",

            return mCsvDataFile;

         * Return Rdata File Handle on R Server
         * @return File asdasd 
        public File getRdataFile() {
            return mDataFile;

         * Return Location of Rdata File on R Server
         * @return the file location as a string on the (potentially) remote R server
        public String getRdataAbsolutePath() {
            return mDataFile.getAbsolutePath();

     * Constructs a <code>RDATAFileReader</code> instance from its "Spi" Class
     * @param originator a <code>StatDataFileReaderSpi</code> object.
    public RDATAFileReader(StatDataFileReaderSpi originator) {


        LOG.fine("RDATAFileReader: INSIDE RDATAFileReader");


        // Create request builder.
        // This object is used throughout as an RRequest factory
        mRequestBuilder = new RRequestBuilder().host(RSERVE_HOST).port(RSERVE_PORT).user(RSERVE_USER)

        // Create R Workspace
        mRWorkspace = new RWorkspace();

        mCsvDataTable = new DataTable();

        mPID = RandomStringUtils.randomNumeric(6);

    private void init() {

     * Read the Given RData File
     * @param stream a <code>BufferedInputStream</code>.
     * @param ignored
     * @return an <code>SDIOData</code> object
     * @throws if a reading error occurs.
    public SDIOData read(BufferedInputStream stream, File dataFile) throws IOException {

        // Create Request object
        LOG.fine("RDATAFileReader: Creating RRequest object from RRequestBuilder object");

        // Create R Workspace;

        // Copy CSV file to a local, temporary directory
        // Additionally, this sets the "tabDelimitedDataFile" property of the FileInformation
        File localCsvFile = copyBackCsvFile(mRWorkspace.mCsvDataFile);

        // Save basic information about data set; (generates maps of factor
        // levels, among other things)

        // This actually *sets* type lists more than it *gets* them
        // TODO"
        // At this point getVariableTypeList gets called twice; here, and then 
        // one more time from calculateUNF; 
        // in addition to being unnecessary, I'm wondering if it can actually 
        // produce double entries somewhere in smd that could cause problems - ? 
        // -- L.A., v3.6

        // Read and parse the TAB-delimited file saved by R, above; do the 
        // necessary post-processinga and filtering, and save the resulting 
        // TAB file as tabFileDestination, below. This is the file we'll be 
        // using to calculate the UNF, and for the storage/preservation of the
        // dataset. 

        // IMPORTANT: this must be done *after* the variable metadata has been 
        // created!
        // - L.A. 

        RTabFileParser csvFileReader = new RTabFileParser('\t');
        BufferedReader localBufferedReader = new BufferedReader(
                new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(localCsvFile)));

        // int lineCount =, smd, null);
        File tabFileDestination = File.createTempFile("data-", ".tab");
        PrintWriter tabFileWriter = new PrintWriter(tabFileDestination.getAbsolutePath());
        int lineCount =, smd, tabFileWriter);

        smd.getFileInformation().put("tabDelimitedDataFileLocation", tabFileDestination.getAbsolutePath());

        // File Data Table:
        // Read the (processed) tab file one more time, load the entire data set
        // matrix in memory, for calculation of the UNF and summary stats: 
        // - L.A.
        mCsvDataTable = readTabDataFile(tabFileDestination);

        // Set meta information about format names, I guess.

        // Create UNF for each column


        LOG.fine("RDATAFileReader: varQnty = " + mVarQuantity);
        LOG.fine("RDATAFileReader: Leaving \"read\" function");

        // Destroy R workspace

        // Return data properly stored
        return new SDIOData(smd, mCsvDataTable);

     * Copy Remote File on R-server to a Local Target
     * @param target a target on the remote r-server
     * @return 
    private File copyBackCsvFile(File target) {
        File destination;
        FileOutputStream csvDestinationStream;

        try {
            destination = File.createTempFile("data", ".csv");
            LOG.fine(String.format("RDATAFileReader: Writing local CSV File to `%s`",
            csvDestinationStream = new FileOutputStream(destination);
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            LOG.warning("RDATAFileReader: Could not create temporary file!");
            return null;

        try {
            // Open connection to R-serve
            RConnection rServeConnection = new RConnection(RSERVE_HOST, RSERVE_PORT);
            rServeConnection.login(RSERVE_USER, RSERVE_PASSWORD);

            // Open file for reading from R-serve
            RFileInputStream rServeInputStream = rServeConnection.openFile(target.getAbsolutePath());

            int b;

            LOG.fine("RDATAFileReader: Beginning to write to local destination file");

            // Read from stream one character at a time
            while ((b = != -1) {
                // Write to the *local* destination file

            LOG.fine(String.format("RDATAFileReader: Finished writing from destination `%s`",
            LOG.fine(String.format("RDATAFileReader: Finished copying to source `%s`",

            LOG.fine("RDATAFileReader: Closing CSVFileReader R Connection");
         * TO DO: Make this error catching more intelligent
        catch (Exception ex) {

        return destination;

     * Put File Information into the Meta-data object
     * Runs an R-script that extracts meta-data from the *original* Rdata object, then 
     * @returnthe output writer
     * @throws IOException if something bad happens?
    private void putFileInformation() {
        LOG.fine("RDATAFileReader: Entering `putFileInformation` function");

        // Store variable names
        String[] variableNames = {};

        String parentDirectory = mRWorkspace.getRdataFile().getParent();

        String fileInfoScript = new StringBuilder("")
                .append(String.format("load(\"%s\")\n", mRWorkspace.getRdataAbsolutePath()))
                .append(String.format("setwd(\"%s\")\n", parentDirectory)).append(RSCRIPT_GET_DATASET).append("\n")

        Map<String, String> variableLabels = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();

        try {
            RRequest request =;
            RList fileInformation = request.eval().asList();

            RList metaInfo ="").asList();

            int varQnty = 0;
            variableNames ="varNames").asStrings();

            mDataTypes ="dataTypes").asStrings();

            for (String varName : variableNames) {
                variableLabels.put(varName, varName);

            // Get the Variable Meta Data Table while Populating 
            mVariableMetaDataTable = getVariableMetaDataTable(metaInfo);

            if (mVariableMetaDataTable != null) {
                VariableMetaData[] variableMetaData = new VariableMetaData[metaInfo.size()];
                VariableMetaData vm;
                for (int j = 0; j < metaInfo.size(); j++) {
                    vm = mVariableMetaDataTable.get(j);
                    variableMetaData[j] = vm;

            mCaseQuantity ="caseQnty").asInteger();
            mVarQuantity = varQnty;

            smd.getFileInformation().put("varQnty", mVarQuantity);
            smd.getFileInformation().put("caseQnty", mCaseQuantity);
        } catch (REXPMismatchException ex) {
            mVariableMetaDataTable = null;
            LOG.warning("RDATAFileReader: Could not put information correctly");
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            mVariableMetaDataTable = null;

        // smd.getFileInformation().put("compressedData", true);
        smd.getFileInformation().put("charset", "UTF-8");
        smd.getFileInformation().put("mimeType", MIME_TYPE[0]);
        smd.getFileInformation().put("fileFormat", FORMAT_NAMES[0]);
        smd.getFileInformation().put("varFormat_schema", "RDATA");
        smd.getFileInformation().put("fileUNF", "");
        smd.getFileInformation().put("mVariableMetaDataTable", mVariableMetaDataTable);

        // Variable names

     * Read a Tabular Data File and create a "DataTable" Object
     * Returns a "DataTable" object that is a representation of the tabular data file. So sick.
     * @param tabFile a File object specifying the location of tabular data
     * @return a "DataTable" object representing the 
     * @throws IOException 
    private DataTable readTabDataFile(File tabFile) throws IOException {
        DataTable tabData = new DataTable();
        Object[][] dataTable = null;

        dataTable = new Object[mVarQuantity][mCaseQuantity];

        //String tabFileName = (String) smd.getFileInformation().get("tabDelimitedDataFileLocation");
        String tabFileName = tabFile.getAbsolutePath();

        BufferedReader tabFileReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(tabFileName)));

        boolean[] isCharacterVariable = smd.isStringVariable();

        String[] valueTokens = new String[mVarQuantity];

        for (int j = 0; j < mCaseQuantity; j++) {
            String line = tabFileReader.readLine();

            if (line == null) {
                String msg = String.format("Failed to read %d lines from tabular data file \"%s\"", mCaseQuantity,
                throw new IOException(msg);

            valueTokens = line.split("\t", mVarQuantity);

            for (int i = 0; i < mVarQuantity; i++) {

                // If it's a character variable but not a date
                if (isCharacterVariable[i]) {

                    if (valueTokens[i].length() == 0) {
                        // If it is a missing value
                        valueTokens[i] = null;
                    } else {
                        // Otherwise parse it out
                        valueTokens[i] = valueTokens[i].replaceFirst("^\"", "");
                        valueTokens[i] = valueTokens[i].replaceFirst("\"$", "");
                        valueTokens[i] = valueTokens[i].replaceAll("\\\\\"", "\"");

                    dataTable[i][j] = valueTokens[i];
                // Otherwise, we don't care
                // (don't care for now that is - we'll later look for the special 
                // tokens, like "NaN" and "Inf" and convert them to the appropriate
                // Double values.
                else {
                    dataTable[i][j] = valueTokens[i];


        // Close the file reader

        // Convert dataTable to an actual "DataTable" object

        return tabData;

     * Get Variable Type List
     * Categorize the columns of a data-set according to data-type. Returns a list
     * of integers corresponding to: (-1) String (0) Integer (1) Double-precision.
     * The numbers do not directly correspond with anything used by UNF5Util,
     * however this convention is seen throughout the DVN data-file readers.
     * This function essentially matches R data-types with those understood by
     * DVN:
     * * integer => "Integer"
     * * numeric (non-integer), double => "Double"
     * * Date => "Date"
     * * Other => "String"
     * @param dataTypes an array of strings where index corresponds to data-set
     * column and string corresponds to the class of the R-object.
     * @return 
    private List<Integer> getVariableTypeList(String[] dataTypes) {
         * TODO: 
         * Clean up this code; for example, the VariableMetaData variable "columnData"
         * is created below, but never saved or used. A vector of VariableMetaData 
         * values actually gets created somewhere else in the code of the reader, and those 
         * are the values that could be used elsewhere. Need to pick the one we want 
         * to use and remove the other one - for clarity. 
         * The whole setup with the "minimalTypeList" and "normalTypeList" is 
         * kinda confusing. One is used for the UNF and stats, the other one for 
         * metadata processing; which is ok. But then it is actually the "normal" 
         * one that is used for the "minimal" inside the SDIOMetadata object... 
         * Just renaming these to something that's more intuitive - types_for_UNF vs. 
         * types_for_METADATA - should be enough. 
         * --L.A.

        Map<String, HashMap<String, String>> valueLabelTable = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>();

        mFormatTable = new int[mVarQuantity];
        // Okay.
        List<Integer> minimalTypeList = new ArrayList<Integer>(), normalTypeList = new ArrayList<Integer>();

        Set<Integer> decimalVariableSet = new HashSet<Integer>();

        int k = 0;

        for (String type : dataTypes) {
            VariableMetaData columnMetaData;

            // Log

            String variableName = variableNameList.get(k);

            // Convention is that integer is zero, right?
            if (type.equals("integer")) {
                mFormatTable[k] = FORMAT_INTEGER;
                // mPrintFormatNameTable.put(variableName, "N");

                columnMetaData = new VariableMetaData(1);

            // Double-precision data-types
            else if (type.equals("numeric") || type.equals("double")) {
                LOG.fine("RDATAfilereader: getVariableTypeList: double variable;");
                mFormatTable[k] = FORMAT_NUMERIC;

                columnMetaData = new VariableMetaData(1);

            // If date
            else if (type.equals("Date")) {

                mFormatTable[k] = FORMAT_DATE;

                mPrintFormatNameTable.put(variableName, "DATE10");
                mFormatCategoryTable.put(variableName, "date");

                columnMetaData = new VariableMetaData(0);

                LOG.fine("date variable detected. format: " + FORMAT_DATE);

            else if (type.equals("POSIXct") || type.equals("POSIXlt") || type.equals("POSIXt")) {

                mFormatTable[k] = FORMAT_DATETIME;

                mPrintFormatNameTable.put(variableName, "DATETIME23.3");
                mFormatCategoryTable.put(variableName, "time");

                columnMetaData = new VariableMetaData(0);

                LOG.fine("POSIXt variable detected. format: " + FORMAT_DATETIME);

            else if (type.equals("factor")) {
                 * This is the counter-intuitive part: in R, factors always have 
                 * internal integer values and character labels. However, we will 
                 * always treat them as character/string variables, i.e. on the DVN
                 * side they will be ingested as string-type categorical variables 
                 * (with both the "value" and the "label" being the same string - the 
                 * R factor label). Yes, this means we are dropping the numeric value
                 * completely. Why not do what we do in SPSS, i.e. use the numeric for 
                 * the value (and the TAB file entry)? - well, this is in fact a very 
                 * different case: in SPSS, a researcher creating a categorical variable 
                 * with numeric values would be hand-picking these numeric variables; 
                 * so we assume that the chosen values are in fact meaningful. If they 
                 * had some sort of a reason to assign 0 = "Male" and 7 = "Female", we 
                 * assume that they wanted to do this. So we use the numeric codes for 
                 * storage in the TAB file and for calculation of the UNF. In R however, 
                 * the user has no control over the internal numeric codes; they are 
                 * always created automatically and are in fact considered meaningless. 
                 * So we are going to assume that it is the actual values of the labels 
                 * that are meaningful. 
                 *  -- L.A. 
                mFormatTable[k] = FORMAT_STRING;
                mPrintFormatNameTable.put(variableName, "other");
                mFormatCategoryTable.put(variableName, "other");

                columnMetaData = new VariableMetaData(0);
            } else if (type.equals("logical")) {
                mFormatTable[k] = FORMAT_INTEGER;
                // mPrintFormatNameTable.put(variableName, "N");

                columnMetaData = new VariableMetaData(1);
                // Everything else is a string
            } else {
                mFormatTable[k] = FORMAT_STRING;
                mPrintFormatNameTable.put(variableName, "other");
                mFormatCategoryTable.put(variableName, "other");

                columnMetaData = new VariableMetaData(0);


        // Decimal Variables

                ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(normalTypeList.toArray(new Integer[normalTypeList.size()])));

        // smd.set

        LOG.fine("minimalTypeList =    " + Arrays.deepToString(minimalTypeList.toArray()));
        LOG.fine("normalTypeList =     " + Arrays.deepToString(normalTypeList.toArray()));
        LOG.fine("decimalVariableSet = " + Arrays.deepToString(decimalVariableSet.toArray()));

        LOG.fine("mPrintFormatList =      " + mPrintFormatList);
        LOG.fine("mPrintFormatNameTable = " + mPrintFormatNameTable);
        LOG.fine("mFormatCategoryTable =  " + mFormatCategoryTable);

        LOG.fine("mFormatTable = " + mFormatTable);

        // Return the variable type list
        return minimalTypeList;

      * Create UNF from Tabular File
      * This methods iterates through each column of the supplied data table and
      * invoked the 
      * @param DataTable table a rectangular data table
      * @return void
    private void createUNF(DataTable table) throws IOException {
        List<Integer> variableTypeList = getVariableTypeList(mDataTypes);
        String[] dateFormats = new String[mCaseQuantity];
        String[] unfValues = new String[mVarQuantity];
        String fileUNFvalue = null;

        // Set variable types
        // smd.setVariableTypeMinimal(ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(variableTypeList.toArray(new Integer[variableTypeList.size()])));

        int[] x = ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(variableTypeList.toArray(new Integer[variableTypeList.size()]));

        for (int k = 0; k < mVarQuantity; k++) {
            String unfValue, name = variableNameList.get(k);
            int varType = variableTypeList.get(k);

            Object[] varData = table.getData()[k];

            LOG.fine(String.format("RDATAFileReader: Column \"%s\" = %s", name, Arrays.deepToString(varData)));

            try {
                switch (varType) {
                case 0:
                    Long[] integerEntries = new Long[varData.length];

                    LOG.fine(k + ": " + name + " is numeric (integer)");

                    if (smd.isBooleanVariable()[k]) {
                        // This is not a regular integer - but a boolean!
                        LOG.fine(k + ": " + name + " is NOT a simple integer - it's a logical (boolean)!");
                        Boolean[] booleanEntries = new Boolean[varData.length];
                        for (int i = 0; i < varData.length; i++) {
                            if (varData[i] == null || varData[i].equals("")) {
                                // Missing Value: 
                                booleanEntries[i] = null;
                            } else if (((String) varData[i]).equals("0")) {
                                booleanEntries[i] = false;
                            } else if (((String) varData[i]).equals("1")) {
                                booleanEntries[i] = true;
                            } else {
                                // Treat it as a missing value? 
                                booleanEntries[i] = null;
                                // TODO: 
                                // Should we throw an exception here instead? 

                            // We'll also need the integer values, to calculate
                            // the summary statistics: 
                            try {
                                integerEntries[i] = new Long((String) varData[i]);
                            } catch (Exception ex) {
                                integerEntries[i] = null;

                        unfValue = UNF5Util.calculateUNF(booleanEntries);
                        // TODO: 
                        // we've never calculated UNFs for Booleans before - 
                        // need to QA and verify that the values produced are correct.
                        // -- L.A.

                    } else {
                        // Regular integer;
                        // Treat it as an array of Longs:
                        LOG.fine(k + ": " + name + " is a simple integer.");

                        for (int i = 0; i < varData.length; i++) {
                            try {
                                integerEntries[i] = new Long((String) varData[i]);
                            } catch (Exception ex) {
                                integerEntries[i] = null;

                        unfValue = UNF5Util.calculateUNF(integerEntries);


                    // Summary/category statistics
                    Map<String, Integer> catStat = StatHelper.calculateCategoryStatistics(integerEntries);
                    smd.getCategoryStatisticsTable().put(variableNameList.get(k), catStat);


                // If double
                case 1:
                    LOG.fine(k + ": " + name + " is numeric (double)");
                    // Convert array of Strings to array of Doubles
                    Double[] doubleEntries = new Double[varData.length];

                    for (int i = 0; i < varData.length; i++) {
                        try {
                            // Check for the special case of "NaN" - this is the R and DVN
                            // notation for the "Not A Number" value:
                            if (varData[i] != null && ((String) varData[i]).equals("NaN")) {
                                doubleEntries[i] = Double.NaN;
                                // "Inf" is another special case, notation for infinity, 
                                // positive and negative:
                            } else if (varData[i] != null && (((String) varData[i]).equals("Inf")
                                    || ((String) varData[i]).equals("+Inf"))) {

                                doubleEntries[i] = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
                            } else if (varData[i] != null && ((String) varData[i]).equals("-Inf")) {

                                doubleEntries[i] = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
                            } else {
                                // Missing Values don't need to be treated separately; these 
                                // are represented as empty strings in the TAB file; so 
                                // attempting to create a Double object from one will 
                                // throw an exception - which we are going to intercept 
                                // below. For the UNF and Summary Stats purposes, missing
                                // values are represented as NULLs. 
                                doubleEntries[i] = new Double((String) varData[i]);
                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                            LOG.fine(k + ": " + name + " dropping value " + (String) varData[i] + " (" + i
                                    + "); replacing with null");
                            doubleEntries[i] = null;

                    LOG.fine("sumstat:double case=" + Arrays.deepToString(ArrayUtils

                    // Save summary statistics:
                    smd.getSummaryStatisticsTable().put(k, ArrayUtils

                    unfValue = UNF5Util.calculateUNF(doubleEntries);


                case -1:
                    LOG.fine(k + ": " + name + " is string");

                    String[] stringEntries = new String[varData.length];//Arrays.asList(varData).toArray(new String[varData.length]);

                    LOG.fine("string array passed to calculateUNF: " + Arrays.deepToString(stringEntries));

                    if (mFormatTable[k] == FORMAT_DATE || mFormatTable[k] == FORMAT_DATETIME) {
                        DateFormatter dateFormatter = new DateFormatter();


                        for (int i = 0; i < varData.length; i++) {
                            DateWithFormatter entryDateWithFormat;

                            // If data is missing, treat this entry as just that - 
                            // a missing value. Just like for all the other data types, 
                            // this is represented by a null:
                            if (dateFormats[i] != null && (varData[i].equals("") || varData[i].equals(" "))) {
                                stringEntries[i] = dateFormats[i] = null;
                            } else {
                                entryDateWithFormat = dateFormatter.getDateWithFormat((String) varData[i]);
                                if (entryDateWithFormat == null) {
                                    LOG.fine("ATTENTION: the supplied date/time string could not be parsed ("
                                            + (String) varData[i]);
                                    throw new IOException(
                                            "Could not parse supplied date/time string: " + (String) varData[i]);
                                // Otherwise get the pattern
                                // entryDateWithFormat = dateFormatter.getDateWithFormat(stringEntries[i]);
                                stringEntries[i] = (String) varData[i];
                                dateFormats[i] = entryDateWithFormat.getFormatter().toPattern();


                        // Compute UNF
                        try {
                            LOG.fine("RDATAFileReader: strdata = " + Arrays.deepToString(stringEntries));
                            LOG.fine("RDATAFileReader: dateFormats = " + Arrays.deepToString(dateFormats));

                            unfValue = UNF5Util.calculateUNF(stringEntries, dateFormats);
                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                            LOG.warning("RDATAFileReader: UNF for variable " + name + " could not be computed!");
                            //unfValue = UNF5Util.calculateUNF(stringEntries);
                            throw ex;
                    } else {
                        for (int i = 0; i < varData.length; i++) {
                            if (varData[i] == null) {
                                // Missing Value
                                stringEntries[i] = null;
                            } else {
                                stringEntries[i] = (String) varData[i];

                        unfValue = UNF5Util.calculateUNF(stringEntries);

                    smd.getSummaryStatisticsTable().put(k, StatHelper.calculateSummaryStatistics(stringEntries));
                    Map<String, Integer> StrCatStat = StatHelper.calculateCategoryStatistics(stringEntries);
                    smd.getCategoryStatisticsTable().put(variableNameList.get(k), StrCatStat);


                    unfValue = null;


                //LOG.fine(String.format("RDATAFileReader: Column \"%s\" (UNF) = %s", name, unfValue));

                // Store UNF value
                unfValues[k] = unfValue;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LOG.fine("Exception caught while calculating UNF! " + ex.getMessage());
                throw new IOException("Exception caught while calculating UNF! " + ex.getMessage());
            LOG.fine(String.format("RDATAFileReader: Column \"%s\" (UNF) = %s", name, unfValues[k]));


        try {
            fileUNFvalue = UNF5Util.calculateUNF(unfValues);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            LOG.fine("Exception caught while calculating the combined UNF for the data set! " + ex.getMessage());
            throw new IOException(
                    "Exception caught while calculating the combined UNF for the data set! " + ex.getMessage());

        // Set meta-data to make it look like a SAV file
        // smd.setVariableStorageType(null);
        // smd.setDecimalVariables(mDecimalVariableSet);

        boolean[] b = smd.isContinuousVariable();

        for (int k = 0; k < b.length; k++) {
            String s = b[k] ? "True" : "False";
            LOG.fine(k + " = " + s);

        smd.getFileInformation().put("fileUNF", fileUNFvalue);

     * Set meta information
    private void setMetaInfo() {

     * Set Missing Values from CSV File
     * Sets missing value table from CSV file.
    private void setMissingValueTable() {
        // smd.getFileInformation().put("caseWeightVariableName", caseWeightVariableName);

     * Read a Local Resource and Return Its Contents as a String
     * <code>readLocalResource</code> searches the local path around the class
     * <code>RDATAFileReader</code> for a file and returns its contents as a
     * string.
     * @param path String specifying the name of the local file to be converted
     * into a UTF-8 string.
     * @return a UTF-8 <code>String</code>
    private static String readLocalResource(String path) {
        // Debug
        LOG.fine(String.format("RDATAFileReader: readLocalResource: reading local path \"%s\"", path));

        // Get stream
        InputStream resourceStream = RDATAFileReader.class.getResourceAsStream(path);
        String resourceAsString = "";

        // Try opening a buffered reader stream
        try {
            resourceAsString = FileUtils.readAll(resourceStream, "UTF-8");
        } catch (IOException ex) {
                    "RDATAFileReader: (readLocalResource) resource stream from path \"%s\" was invalid", path));

        // Return string
        return resourceAsString;

    private void setFormatData() {


     * Get a HashMap matching column number to meta-data used in re-creating R
     * Objects
     * @param metaInfo an "RList" Object containing indices - type, type.string,
     * class, levels, and format.
     * @return a HashMap mapping column index to associated metadata
    private HashMap<Integer, VariableMetaData> getVariableMetaDataTable(RList metaInfo) throws IOException {
        // list(type = 1, type.string = "integer", class = class(values), levels = NULL, format = NULL)
        Integer variableType = -1;
        String variableTypeString = "", variableFormat = "";
        String[] variableClass = null, variableLevels = null;

        // The result objet that pairs column numbers with VariableMetaData objects
        HashMap<Integer, VariableMetaData> result = new HashMap<Integer, VariableMetaData>();

        // We will also fill the valueLabelTable for the variables that are factors 
        // (and booleans, which the DVN treats as categoricals/factors too); 
        // Note that it is important that you place entries into the valueLabelTable
        // ONLY for factor variables! Because SDIOMetadata will assume that any 
        // variable with an entry is a categorical; so even an empty map entry will 
        // confuse it. 
        Map<String, Map<String, String>> valueLabelTable = new LinkedHashMap<String, Map<String, String>>();

        // Value label mapping table specifies which variables produce categorical-type data
        // (Matt's comment)

        // (well, to determine "which variables produce categorical-type data" 
        // we could simply check if a variable has a non-empty entry in the valueLabelTable. 
        // This is how this information is looked up elsewhere in the ingest 
        // framework: Akio first looks up the key in the valueLabelMappingTable, 
        // by the variable name, then uses this key to check the valueLabelTable map...
        // Why this double mapping? - it really doesn't seem to serve any function...
        // i.e. - why not look up just by the variable name? - this is essentially
        // what Matt is doing here too)
        // so, TODO: figure out why this is necessary!  -- L.A. 
        // (I would assume there could be a legit case with some formats where 
        // you could have more than one variable with the same name... but this 
        // isn't solving this problem - since we are still using the variable 
        // name in the lvalueLabelMappingTable!) 

        Map<String, String> valueLabelMappingTable = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();

        for (int k = 0; k < metaInfo.size(); k++) {

            try {
                // Map for factors
                Map<String, String> factorLabelMap = new HashMap<String, String>();

                valueLabelMappingTable.put(variableNameList.get(k), variableNameList.get(k));

                // Meta-data for a column in the data-set
                RList columnMeta =;

                // Extract information from the returned list
                variableType = !"type").isNull() ?"type").asInteger() : null;
                variableTypeString = !"type.string").isNull()
                        : null;
                variableClass = !"class").isNull() ?"class").asStrings() : null;
                variableLevels = !"levels").isNull() ?"levels").asStrings()
                        : new String[0];
                variableFormat = !"format").isNull() ?"format").asString() : null;

                LOG.fine("variable type: " + variableType);
                LOG.fine("variable type string: " + variableTypeString);
                for (int i = 0; i < variableClass.length; i++) {
                    LOG.fine("variable class: " + variableClass[i]);
                LOG.fine("variable format: " + variableFormat);

                for (int i = 0; i < variableLevels.length; i++) {
                    LOG.fine("variable level: " + variableLevels[i]);

                // Create a variable meta-data object
                VariableMetaData columnMetaData = new VariableMetaData(variableType);

                if (variableTypeString != null && variableTypeString.startsWith("Date")) {

                if (variableLevels != null && variableLevels.length > 0) {
                    // this is a factor.
                    LOG.fine("this is a factor.");

                    if (variableFormat != null && variableFormat.equals("ordered")) {
                        LOG.fine("this is an ordered factor.");


                    // Create a map between a label to itself. This should include values
                    // that are missing from the dataset but present in the levels of the
                    // factor.

                    // So, this "mapping of label to itself" just means that the same 
                    // string will be used for both the "value" and the "label"; and the
                    // variable will be treated on the DVN side as a categorical variable
                    // of type "string". See my comment somewhere in the code above, "this 
                    // is the counter-intuitive part..." that explains why we are treating 
                    // R factors this way. 

                    for (String label : variableLevels) {
                        factorLabelMap.put(label, label);

                    // valueLabelTable entry: (see the extended comment above)
                    valueLabelTable.put(variableNameList.get(k), factorLabelMap);
                } // A special case for logical variables: 
                  // For all practical purposes, they are handled as numeric factors
                  // with 0 and 1 for the values and "FALSE" and "TRUE" for the labels.
                  // (so this can also be used as an example of ingesting a *numeric* 
                  // categorical variable - as opposed to *string* categoricals, that
                  // we turn R factors into - above.
                else if ("logical".equals(variableTypeString)) {

                    String booleanFactorLabels[] = new String[2];
                    booleanFactorLabels[0] = "FALSE";
                    booleanFactorLabels[1] = "TRUE";


                    int booleanFactorValues[] = new int[2];
                    booleanFactorValues[0] = 0;
                    booleanFactorValues[1] = 1;


                    factorLabelMap.put("0", "FALSE");
                    factorLabelMap.put("1", "TRUE");

                    // Value label table matches column-name to list of possible categories
                    // valueLabelTable entry: (see the extended comment above)
                    valueLabelTable.put(variableNameList.get(k), factorLabelMap);

                // Store the meta-data in a hashmap (to return later)
                result.put(k, columnMetaData);
            } catch (REXPMismatchException ex) {
                // If something went wrong, then it wasn't meant to be for that column.
                // And you know what? That's okay.
                LOG.fine(String.format("Column %d of Data Set could not create a VariableMetaData object", k));


        // Return the array or null
        return result;