Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2005-2012, by the President and Fellows of Harvard College. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Dataverse Network - A web application to share, preserve and analyze research data. Developed at the Institute for Quantitative Social Science, Harvard University. Version 3.0. */ /* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package; import; import; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.logging.*; import java.lang.reflect.*; import; import; import org.rosuda.REngine.*; import org.rosuda.REngine.Rserve.*; import org.apache.commons.lang.*; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.*; /** * * @author landreev */ public class DvnRGraphServiceImpl implements { // - static filelds private static Logger dbgLog = Logger.getLogger(DvnRGraphServiceImpl.class.getPackage().getName()); private static DvnRConnectionPool RConnectionPool = null; private int myConnection = 0; // - constants for defining the subset public static String RSUBSETFUNCTION = "RSUBSETFUNCTION"; // - different kinds of subset functions: public static String MANUAL_QUERY_SUBSET = "MANUAL_QUERY_SUBSET"; public static String MANUAL_QUERY_TYPE = "MANUAL_QUERY_TYPE"; public static String MANUAL_QUERY = "MANUAL_QUERY"; public static String ELIMINATE_DISCONNECTED = "ELIMINATE_DISCONNECTED"; public static String EDGE_SUBSET = "EDGE_SUBSET"; public static String VERTEX_SUBSET = "VERTEX_SUBSET"; public static String AUTOMATIC_QUERY_SUBSET = "AUTOMATIC_QUERY_SUBSET"; public static String AUTOMATIC_QUERY_TYPE = "AUTOMATIC_QUERY_TYPE"; public static String AUTOMATIC_QUERY_N_VALUE = "AUTOMATIC_QUERY_N_VALUE"; public static String NETWORK_MEASURE = "NETWORK_MEASURE"; public static String NETWORK_MEASURE_TYPE = "NETWORK_MEASURE_TYPE"; public static String NETWORK_MEASURE_PARAMETER = "NETWORK_MEASURE_PARAMETER"; public static String UNDO = "UNDO"; public static String RESET = "RESET"; // - return result fields: public static String SAVED_RWORK_SPACE = "SAVED_RWORK_SPACE"; public static String NUMBER_OF_VERTICES = "NUMBER_OF_VERTICES"; public static String NUMBER_OF_EDGES = "NUMBER_OF_EDGES"; public static String NETWORK_MEASURE_NEW_COLUMN = "NETWORK_MEASURE_NEW_COLUMN"; public static String GRAPHML_FILE_EXPORTED = "GRAPHML_FILE_EXPORTED"; public static String DVN_TMP_DIR = null; public static String DSB_TMP_DIR = null; private static String GRAPHML_FILE_NAME = "iGraph"; public static String GRAPHML_FILE_EXT = ".xml"; private static String RDATA_FILE_NAME = "iGraph"; public static String RDATA_FILE_EXT = ".RData"; private static String RSERVE_HOST = null; private static String RSERVE_USER = null; private static String RSERVE_PWD = null; private static int RSERVE_PORT; private static int RSERVE_CONNECTION_POOLSIZE; private static String DSB_HOST_PORT = null; private static Map<String, Method> runMethods = new HashMap<String, Method>(); private static String regexForRunMethods = "^run(\\w+)Request$"; public static String TEMP_DIR = System.getProperty(""); static { DSB_TMP_DIR = System.getProperty("vdc.dsb.temp.dir"); // fallout case: last resort if (DSB_TMP_DIR == null) { DVN_TMP_DIR = "/tmp/VDC"; DSB_TMP_DIR = DVN_TMP_DIR + "/DSB"; } RSERVE_HOST = System.getProperty(""); DSB_HOST_PORT = System.getProperty("vdc.dsb.port"); if (DSB_HOST_PORT == null) { DSB_HOST_PORT = "80"; } RSERVE_USER = System.getProperty("vdc.dsb.rserve.user"); if (RSERVE_USER == null) { RSERVE_USER = "rserve"; } RSERVE_PWD = System.getProperty("vdc.dsb.rserve.pwrd"); if (RSERVE_PWD == null) { RSERVE_PWD = "rserve"; } if (System.getProperty("vdc.dsb.rserve.port") == null) { RSERVE_PORT = 6311; } else { RSERVE_PORT = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("vdc.dsb.rserve.port")); } if (System.getProperty("dvn.rserve.poolsize") == null) { RSERVE_CONNECTION_POOLSIZE = 10; } else { RSERVE_CONNECTION_POOLSIZE = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("dvn.rserve.poolsize")); } } static String librarySetup = "library('NetworkUtils');"; boolean DEBUG = true; // ----------------------------------------------------- instance filelds public String IdSuffix = null; public String GraphMLfileNameRemote = null; public String RDataFileName = null; public String wrkdir = null; public String requestdir = null; public List<String> historyEntry = new ArrayList<String>(); public List<String> replicationFile = new LinkedList<String>(); // ----------------------------------------------------- constructor public DvnRGraphServiceImpl() { // initialization IdSuffix = RandomStringUtils.randomNumeric(6); requestdir = "Grph_" + IdSuffix; wrkdir = DSB_TMP_DIR + "/" + requestdir; RDataFileName = DSB_TMP_DIR + "/" + RDATA_FILE_NAME + "." + IdSuffix + RDATA_FILE_EXT; GraphMLfileNameRemote = DSB_TMP_DIR + "/" + GRAPHML_FILE_NAME + "." + IdSuffix + GRAPHML_FILE_EXT; if (RConnectionPool == null) {"number of RServe connections: " + RSERVE_CONNECTION_POOLSIZE); RConnectionPool = new DvnRConnectionPool(RSERVE_CONNECTION_POOLSIZE); } } public void setupWorkingDirectories(RConnection c) { try { // set up the working directory in the designated temp directory // location; // the 4 lines below are R code being sent over to Rserve; // it looks kinda messy, true. String checkWrkDir = "if (file_test('-d', '" + DSB_TMP_DIR + "')) {Sys.chmod('" + DVN_TMP_DIR + "', mode = '0777'); Sys.chmod('" + DSB_TMP_DIR + "', mode = '0777');} else {dir.create('" + DSB_TMP_DIR + "', showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE);Sys.chmod('" + DVN_TMP_DIR + "', mode = '0777');Sys.chmod('" + DSB_TMP_DIR + "', mode = '0777');}"; dbgLog.fine("w permission=" + checkWrkDir); c.voidEval(checkWrkDir); // wrkdir String checkWrkDr = "if (file_test('-d', '" + wrkdir + "')) {Sys.chmod('" + wrkdir + "', mode = '0777'); } else {dir.create('" + wrkdir + "', showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE);Sys.chmod('" + wrkdir + "', mode = '0777');}"; dbgLog.fine("w permission:wrkdir=" + checkWrkDr); c.voidEval(checkWrkDr); } catch (RserveException rse) { rse.printStackTrace(); } } private RConnection openNewConnection() throws RserveException { RConnection rc = null; try { dbgLog.fine("RSERVE_USER=" + RSERVE_USER + "[default=rserve]"); dbgLog.fine("RSERVE_PWD=" + RSERVE_PWD + "[default=rserve]"); dbgLog.fine("RSERVE_PORT=" + RSERVE_PORT + "[default=6311]"); rc = new RConnection(RSERVE_HOST, RSERVE_PORT); dbgLog.fine("hostname=" + RSERVE_HOST); rc.login(RSERVE_USER, RSERVE_PWD); // set up the NetworkUtils + dependencies; // this needs to be done on all new connections. rc.voidEval(librarySetup); } catch (RserveException rse) { throw rse; } return rc; } private void loadWorkSpace(RConnection rc, String workSpace) throws RException, RserveException, REXPMismatchException { try { String cmdResponse = safeEval(rc, "load('" + workSpace + "')").asString(); } catch (RException re) { throw re; } catch (RserveException rse) { throw rse; } catch (REXPMismatchException rexpm) { throw rexpm; } } private void loadAndClearWorkSpace(RConnection rc, String workSpace) throws RException, RserveException, REXPMismatchException { try { String cmdResponse = safeEval(rc, "load_and_clear('" + workSpace + "')").asString(); } catch (RException re) { throw re; } catch (RserveException rse) { throw rse; } catch (REXPMismatchException rexpm) { throw rexpm; } } /** ************************************************************* * initialize the RServe connection and load the graph; * keep the open connection. * * @param sro a DvnRJobRequest object that contains various parameters * @return a Map that contains various information about the results */ public Map<String, String> initializeConnection(DvnRJobRequest sro) throws DvnRGraphException { // set the return object Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<String, String>(); try { if (sro != null) { dbgLog.fine( "sro dump:\n" + ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(sro, ToStringStyle.MULTI_LINE_STYLE)); } else { throw new DvnRGraphException("init: NULL R JOB OBJECT"); } String SavedRworkSpace = null; String CachedRworkSpace = sro.getCachedRworkSpace(); Map<String, Object> SubsetParameters = sro.getParametersForGraphSubset(); if (SubsetParameters != null) { SavedRworkSpace = (String) SubsetParameters.get(SAVED_RWORK_SPACE); } if (SavedRworkSpace != null) { myConnection = RConnectionPool.securePooledConnection(SavedRworkSpace, null, true, 0); RDataFileName = SavedRworkSpace; } else if (CachedRworkSpace != null) { myConnection = RConnectionPool.securePooledConnection(RDataFileName, CachedRworkSpace, false, 0); } else { throw new DvnRGraphException("Initialize method called without either local or remote RData file"); } if (myConnection == 0) { throw new DvnRGraphException("failed to obtain an R connection"); } else { DvnRConnection drc = RConnectionPool.getConnection(myConnection); if (drc == null) { throw new DvnRGraphException("failed to obtain an R connection"); } else { // set the connection time stamp: Date now = new Date(); drc.setLastQueryTime(now.getTime()); drc.unlockConnection(); } }"Initialize: obtained connection " + myConnection); result.put(SAVED_RWORK_SPACE, RDataFileName); result.put("dsbHost", RSERVE_HOST); result.put("dsbPort", DSB_HOST_PORT); result.put("IdSuffix", IdSuffix); } catch (DvnRGraphException dre) { throw dre; } return result; } /** ************************************************************* * close RServe connection; * (should I remove the saved workspace(s) on the server side? * * @return a Map that contains diagnostics information * in case of an error. */ // do we still need this method? public Map<String, String> closeConnection() { // set the return object Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<String, String>(); return result; } /** ************************************************************* * checks on the RServe connection status; * * @return boolean */ // do we still need this method? public boolean isAlive() { return false; } /** ************************************************************* * Execute an R-based dvn analysis request on a Graph object * using an open connection created during the Initialize call. * * @param sro a DvnJobRequest object that contains various parameters * @return a Map that contains various information about the results */ public Map<String, String> liveConnectionExecute(DvnRJobRequest sro) throws DvnRGraphException { // set the return object Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (sro != null) { dbgLog.fine( "LCE sro dump:\n" + ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(sro, ToStringStyle.MULTI_LINE_STYLE)); } else { throw new DvnRGraphException("execute method called with a NULL job ob ject."); } String SavedRworkSpace = null; Map<String, Object> SubsetParameters = sro.getParametersForGraphSubset(); if (SubsetParameters != null) { SavedRworkSpace = (String) SubsetParameters.get(SAVED_RWORK_SPACE); } else { throw new DvnRGraphException("execute method called with a null parameters object"); } DvnRConnection drc = null; try { // let's see if we have a connection that we can use: if (myConnection == 0) { throw new DvnRGraphException("execute method called without securing a connection first"); } myConnection = RConnectionPool.securePooledConnection(SavedRworkSpace, null, true, myConnection);"Execute: obtained connection " + myConnection); drc = RConnectionPool.getConnection(myConnection); String GraphSubsetType = (String) SubsetParameters.get(RSUBSETFUNCTION); if (GraphSubsetType != null) { if (GraphSubsetType.equals(MANUAL_QUERY_SUBSET)) { String manualQueryType = (String) SubsetParameters.get(MANUAL_QUERY_TYPE); String manualQuery = (String) SubsetParameters.get(MANUAL_QUERY); String subsetCommand = null; if (manualQueryType != null) { if (manualQueryType.equals(EDGE_SUBSET)) { String dropDisconnected = (String) SubsetParameters.get(ELIMINATE_DISCONNECTED); if (dropDisconnected != null) { subsetCommand = "edge_subset(g, '" + manualQuery + "', TRUE)"; } else { subsetCommand = "edge_subset(g, '" + manualQuery + "')"; } } else if (manualQueryType.equals(VERTEX_SUBSET)) { subsetCommand = "vertex_subset(g, '" + manualQuery + "')"; } else { throw new DvnRGraphException("execute: unsupported manual query subset"); } dbgLog.fine("LCE: manualQuerySubset=" + subsetCommand); historyEntry.add(subsetCommand); String cmdResponse = safeEval(drc.Rcon, subsetCommand).asString(); } } else if (GraphSubsetType.equals(NETWORK_MEASURE)) { String networkMeasureType = (String) SubsetParameters.get(NETWORK_MEASURE_TYPE); String networkMeasureCommand = null; if (networkMeasureType != null) { List<NetworkMeasureParameter> networkMeasureParameterList = (List<NetworkMeasureParameter>) SubsetParameters .get(NETWORK_MEASURE_PARAMETER); networkMeasureCommand = networkMeasureType + "(g" + buildParameterComponent(networkMeasureParameterList) + ")"; } if (networkMeasureCommand == null) { throw new DvnRGraphException("ILLEGAL OR UNSUPPORTED NETWORK MEASURE QUERY"); } historyEntry.add(networkMeasureCommand); String addedColumn = safeEval(drc.Rcon, networkMeasureCommand).asString(); if (addedColumn != null) { result.put(NETWORK_MEASURE_NEW_COLUMN, addedColumn); } else { throw new DvnRGraphException("FAILED TO READ ADDED COLUMN NAME"); } } else if (GraphSubsetType.equals(AUTOMATIC_QUERY_SUBSET)) { String automaticQueryType = (String) SubsetParameters.get(AUTOMATIC_QUERY_TYPE); String autoQueryCommand = null; if (automaticQueryType != null) { String n = (String) SubsetParameters.get(AUTOMATIC_QUERY_N_VALUE); autoQueryCommand = automaticQueryType + "(g, " + n + ")"; } if (autoQueryCommand == null) { throw new DvnRGraphException("NULL OR UNSUPPORTED AUTO QUERY"); } historyEntry.add(autoQueryCommand); String cEval = safeEval(drc.Rcon, autoQueryCommand).asString(); } else if (GraphSubsetType.equals(UNDO)) { String cEval = safeEval(drc.Rcon, "undo()").asString(); } else if (GraphSubsetType.equals(RESET)) {"resetting the workspace; using reset(" + SavedRworkSpace + ")"); String cEval = safeEval(drc.Rcon, "reset('" + SavedRworkSpace + "')").asString(); } } // get the vertices and edges counts: String countCommand = "vcount(g)"; int countResponse = safeEval(drc.Rcon, countCommand).asInteger(); result.put(NUMBER_OF_VERTICES, Integer.toString(countResponse)); countCommand = "ecount(g)"; countResponse = safeEval(drc.Rcon, countCommand).asInteger(); result.put(NUMBER_OF_EDGES, Integer.toString(countResponse)); result.put(SAVED_RWORK_SPACE, RDataFileName); // we're done; let's add some potentially useful // information to the result and return: String RexecDate = drc.Rcon.eval("as.character(as.POSIXct(Sys.time()))").asString(); String RversionLine = "R.Version()$version.string"; String Rversion = drc.Rcon.eval(RversionLine).asString(); result.put("dsbHost", RSERVE_HOST); result.put("dsbPort", DSB_HOST_PORT); result.put("IdSuffix", IdSuffix); result.put("Rversion", Rversion); result.put("RexecDate", RexecDate); result.put("RCommandHistory", StringUtils.join(historyEntry, "\n")); if (!SavedRworkSpace.equals(drc.getWorkSpace())) { throw new DvnRGraphException("Could not execute query: connection lost"); } } catch (DvnRGraphException dre) { throw dre; } catch (RException re) { throw new DvnRGraphException(re.getMessage()); } catch (RserveException rse) {"LCE: rserve exception message: " + rse.getMessage());"LCE: rserve exception description: " + rse.getRequestErrorDescription()); throw new DvnRGraphException("RServe failure: " + rse.getMessage()); } catch (REXPMismatchException mme) { throw new DvnRGraphException("REXPmismatchException occured"); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DvnRGraphException("Execute: unknown exception occured: " + ex.getMessage()); } finally { if (drc != null) { // set the connection time stamp: Date now = new Date(); drc.setLastQueryTime(now.getTime()); drc.unlockConnection(); } } return result; } /** ************************************************************* * Export a saved RData file as a GraphML file, using the existing * open connection * * @param savedRDatafile; * @return a Map that contains various information about the results */ public Map<String, String> liveConnectionExport(String savedRDataFile) throws DvnRGraphException { Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<String, String>(); DvnRConnection drc = null; try { // let's see if we have a connection that we can use: if (myConnection == 0) { throw new DvnRGraphException("execute method called without creating a connection first"); } myConnection = RConnectionPool.securePooledConnection(savedRDataFile, null, true, myConnection);"Export: obtained connection " + myConnection); drc = RConnectionPool.getConnection(myConnection); String exportCommand = "dump_graphml(g, '" + GraphMLfileNameRemote + "')"; dbgLog.fine(exportCommand); historyEntry.add(exportCommand); String cmdResponse = safeEval(drc.Rcon, exportCommand).asString(); exportCommand = "dump_tab(g, '" + DSB_TMP_DIR + "/temp_" + IdSuffix + ".tab')"; dbgLog.fine(exportCommand); historyEntry.add(exportCommand); cmdResponse = safeEval(drc.Rcon, exportCommand).asString(); File zipFile = new File(TEMP_DIR, "subset_" + IdSuffix + ".zip"); FileOutputStream zipFileStream = new FileOutputStream(zipFile); ZipOutputStream zout = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(zipFile)); addZipEntry(drc.Rcon, zout, GraphMLfileNameRemote, "data/subset.xml"); addZipEntry(drc.Rcon, zout, DSB_TMP_DIR + "/temp_" + IdSuffix + "", "data/"); addZipEntry(drc.Rcon, zout, DSB_TMP_DIR + "/temp_" + IdSuffix + "", "data/"); zout.close(); zipFileStream.close(); result.put(GRAPHML_FILE_EXPORTED, zipFile.getAbsolutePath()); String RexecDate = drc.Rcon.eval("as.character(as.POSIXct(Sys.time()))").asString(); String RversionLine = "R.Version()$version.string"; String Rversion = drc.Rcon.eval(RversionLine).asString(); result.put("dsbHost", RSERVE_HOST); result.put("dsbPort", DSB_HOST_PORT); result.put("IdSuffix", IdSuffix); result.put("Rversion", Rversion); result.put("RexecDate", RexecDate); result.put("RCommandHistory", StringUtils.join(historyEntry, "\n")); dbgLog.fine("result object (before closing the Rserve):\n" + result); } catch (DvnRGraphException dre) { throw dre; } catch (RException re) { throw new DvnRGraphException("R run-time error: " + re.getMessage()); } catch (RserveException rse) {"LCE: rserve exception message: " + rse.getMessage());"LCE: rserve exception description: " + rse.getRequestErrorDescription()); throw new DvnRGraphException("RServe failure: " + rse.getMessage()); } catch (REXPMismatchException mme) { throw new DvnRGraphException("REXPmismatchException occured"); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DvnRGraphException("Unknown exception occured: " + ex.getMessage()); } finally { if (drc != null) { // set the connection time stamp: Date now = new Date(); drc.setLastQueryTime(now.getTime()); drc.unlockConnection(); } } return result; } private String buildParameterComponent(List<NetworkMeasureParameter> parameters) { String returnString = ""; if (parameters != null) { for (NetworkMeasureParameter param : parameters) { if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(param.getValue())) { returnString += ", " + param.getName() + "=" + param.getValue(); } } } return returnString; } /** ************************************************************* * Execute an R-based "ingest" of a GraphML file * * @param graphMLfileName; * @param cachedRDatafileName; * @return a Map that contains various information about the results */ public Map<String, String> ingestGraphML(String graphMLfileName, String cachedRDatafileName) { Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<String, String>(); try { // Set up an Rserve connection dbgLog.fine("RSERVE_USER=" + RSERVE_USER + "[default=rserve]"); dbgLog.fine("RSERVE_PWD=" + RSERVE_PWD + "[default=rserve]"); dbgLog.fine("RSERVE_PORT=" + RSERVE_PORT + "[default=6311]"); RConnection c = new RConnection(RSERVE_HOST, RSERVE_PORT); dbgLog.fine("hostname=" + RSERVE_HOST); c.login(RSERVE_USER, RSERVE_PWD); dbgLog.fine(">" + c.eval("R.version$version.string").asString() + "<"); // send the graphML to the Rserve side InputStream inb = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(graphMLfileName)); int bufsize; byte[] bffr = new byte[1024]; RFileOutputStream os = c.createFile(GraphMLfileNameRemote); while ((bufsize = != -1) { os.write(bffr, 0, bufsize); } os.close(); inb.close(); historyEntry.add(librarySetup); c.voidEval(librarySetup); this.setupWorkingDirectories(c); // ingest itself: String ingestCommand = "ingest_graphml('" + GraphMLfileNameRemote + "')"; dbgLog.fine(ingestCommand); historyEntry.add(ingestCommand); String responseVoid = safeEval(c, ingestCommand).asString(); int fileSize = getFileSize(c, RDataFileName); OutputStream outbr = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(new File(cachedRDatafileName))); RFileInputStream ris = c.openFile(RDataFileName); if (fileSize < 64 * 1024 * 1024) { bufsize = fileSize; } else { bufsize = 64 * 1024 * 1024; } byte[] obuf = new byte[bufsize]; while ( != -1) { outbr.write(obuf, 0, bufsize); } ris.close(); outbr.close(); String RexecDate = c.eval("as.character(as.POSIXct(Sys.time()))").asString(); String RversionLine = "R.Version()$version.string"; String Rversion = c.eval(RversionLine).asString(); result.put("dsbHost", RSERVE_HOST); result.put("dsbPort", DSB_HOST_PORT); result.put("IdSuffix", IdSuffix); result.put("Rversion", Rversion); result.put("RexecDate", RexecDate); result.put("RCommandHistory", StringUtils.join(historyEntry, "\n")); dbgLog.fine("result object (before closing the Rserve):\n" + result); c.close(); } catch (RException re) { result.put("IdSuffix", IdSuffix); result.put("RCommandHistory", StringUtils.join(historyEntry, "\n")); result.put("RexecError", "true"); result.put("RexecErrorMessage", re.getMessage()); result.put("RexecErrorDescription", "R runtime Error");"rserve exception message: " + re.getMessage());"rserve exception description: " + "R runtime Error"); return result; } catch (RserveException rse) { result.put("IdSuffix", IdSuffix); result.put("RCommandHistory", StringUtils.join(historyEntry, "\n")); result.put("RexecError", "true"); result.put("RexecErrorMessage", rse.getMessage()); result.put("RexecErrorDescription", rse.getRequestErrorDescription()); return result; } catch (REXPMismatchException mme) { result.put("IdSuffix", IdSuffix); result.put("RCommandHistory", StringUtils.join(historyEntry, "\n")); result.put("RexecError", "true"); return result; } catch (FileNotFoundException fe) { result.put("IdSuffix", IdSuffix); result.put("RCommandHistory", StringUtils.join(historyEntry, "\n")); result.put("RexecError", "true"); result.put("RexecErrorDescription", "File Not Found"); return result; } catch (IOException ie) { result.put("IdSuffix", IdSuffix); result.put("RCommandHistory", StringUtils.join(historyEntry, "\n")); result.put("RexecError", "true"); return result; } catch (Exception ex) { result.put("IdSuffix", IdSuffix); result.put("RCommandHistory", StringUtils.join(historyEntry, "\n")); result.put("RexecError", "true"); return result; } return result; } private void addZipEntry(RConnection c, ZipOutputStream zout, String inputFileName, String outputFileName) throws IOException { RFileInputStream tmpin = c.openFile(inputFileName); byte[] dataBuffer = new byte[8192]; int i = 0; ZipEntry e = new ZipEntry(outputFileName); zout.putNextEntry(e); while ((i = > 0) { zout.write(dataBuffer, 0, i); zout.flush(); } tmpin.close(); zout.closeEntry(); } // -- utilitiy methods /** * Returns the array of values that corresponds the order of * provided keys * * @param * @return */ public static String[] getValueSet(Map<String, String> mp, String[] keys) { List<String> tmpvl = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { tmpvl.add(mp.get(keys[i])); } String[] tmpv = (String[]) tmpvl.toArray(new String[tmpvl.size()]); return tmpv; } /** ************************************************************* * * * @param * @return */ public String joinNelementsPerLine(String[] vn, int divisor) { String vnl = null; if (vn.length < divisor) { vnl = StringUtils.join(vn, ", "); } else { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int iter = vn.length / divisor; int lastN = vn.length % divisor; if (lastN != 0) { iter++; } int iterm = iter - 1; for (int i = 0; i < iter; i++) { int terminalN = divisor; if ((i == iterm) && (lastN != 0)) { terminalN = lastN; } for (int j = 0; j < terminalN; j++) { if ((divisor * i + j + 1) == vn.length) { sb.append(vn[j + i * divisor]); } else { sb.append(vn[j + i * divisor] + ", "); } } sb.append("\n"); } vnl = sb.toString(); dbgLog.fine(vnl); } return vnl; } /** ************************************************************* * * * @param * @return */ public String joinNelementsPerLine(String[] vn, int divisor, String sp, boolean quote, String qm, String lnsp) { if (!(divisor >= 1)) { divisor = 1; } else if (divisor > vn.length) { divisor = vn.length; } String sep = null; if (sp != null) { sep = sp; } else { sep = ", "; } String qmrk = null; if (quote) { if (qm == null) { qmrk = ","; } else { if (qm.equals("\"")) { qmrk = "\""; } else { qmrk = qm; } } } else { qmrk = ""; } String lineSep = null; if (lnsp == null) { lineSep = "\n"; } else { lineSep = lnsp; } String vnl = null; if (vn.length < divisor) { vnl = StringUtils.join(vn, sep); } else { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int iter = vn.length / divisor; int lastN = vn.length % divisor; if (lastN != 0) { iter++; } int iterm = iter - 1; for (int i = 0; i < iter; i++) { int terminalN = divisor; if ((i == iterm) && (lastN != 0)) { terminalN = lastN; } for (int j = 0; j < terminalN; j++) { if ((divisor * i + j + 1) == vn.length) { sb.append(qmrk + vn[j + i * divisor] + qmrk); } else { sb.append(qmrk + vn[j + i * divisor] + qmrk + sep); } } if (i < (iter - 1)) { sb.append(lineSep); } } vnl = sb.toString(); dbgLog.fine("results:\n" + vnl); } return vnl; } /** ************************************************************* * * * @param * @return */ public int getFileSize(RConnection c, String targetFilename) { dbgLog.fine("targetFilename=" + targetFilename); int fileSize = 0; try { String fileSizeLine = "round('" + targetFilename + "')$size)"; fileSize = c.eval(fileSizeLine).asInteger(); } catch (RserveException rse) { rse.printStackTrace(); } catch (REXPMismatchException mme) { mme.printStackTrace(); } return fileSize; } public class RException extends Exception { public RException(String msg) { super("\"" + msg + "\""); } } private REXP safeEval(RConnection c, String s) throws RserveException, RException, REXPMismatchException { REXP r = c.eval("try({" + s + "}, silent=TRUE)"); if (r.inherits("try-error")) { throw new RException(r.asString()); } return r; } public class DvnRGraphException extends Exception { public DvnRGraphException(String msg) { super(msg); } } // connection pooling implementation class: public class DvnRConnectionPool { private DvnRConnection[] RConnectionStack; private int numberOfConnections = 0; private Logger dbgLog = Logger.getLogger(DvnRConnectionPool.class.getPackage().getName()); public DvnRConnectionPool(int n) { RConnectionStack = new DvnRConnection[n]; numberOfConnections = n; } public DvnRConnection getConnection(int n) { return RConnectionStack[n - 1]; } /** ************************************************************* * this method _secures_ a pooled connection for the caller. * this can be an existing connection that the thread has been using; * or a brand new connection created and placed in an empty spot on * position on the stack; or a connection created and put in place of * an existing connection that was deemed "the least recent". * * @param workSpaceRemote saved R space ("remote" means saved on the server side) * @param workSpaceLocal R work space saved on the application side * @param reestablishConnection boolean indicating if this is an attempt to open a connection for an ongoing R/Graph subsetting session; * @param existingConnecton index of a connection already on the stack * * @return index of the pooled connection secured and locked for the requestor. */ public int securePooledConnection(String workSpaceRemote, String workSpaceLocal, boolean reestablishConnection, int existingConnection) throws DvnRGraphException { DvnRConnection drc = null; // return value: index of the secured connection int retConnectionNumber = 0; try { retConnectionNumber = openPooledConnection(workSpaceRemote, existingConnection); drc = RConnectionStack[retConnectionNumber - 1]; // We got a connection; if it's new, it needs to be // set up for this R session, by loading the R // work space saved on the server side."send the file over; " + workSpaceRemote); if (reestablishConnection) { if (drc.getWorkSpace() == null) { loadWorkSpace(drc.Rcon, workSpaceRemote); drc.setWorkSpace(workSpaceRemote); } } else { // we are creating a brand new connection; i.e., there's // no saved workspace file on the R server side. so // we need to first send the file over, // then attempt to load it as the workspace. InputStream inb = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(workSpaceLocal)); int bufsize; byte[] bffr = new byte[1024]; RFileOutputStream os = drc.Rcon.createFile(workSpaceRemote); while ((bufsize = != -1) { os.write(bffr, 0, bufsize); } os.close(); inb.close(); loadAndClearWorkSpace(drc.Rcon, workSpaceRemote); drc.setWorkSpace(workSpaceRemote); } //drc.unlockConnection(); } catch (RException re) { throw new DvnRGraphException("init: R runtime error: " + re.getMessage()); } catch (DvnRGraphException dge) { throw dge; } catch (RserveException rse) { throw new DvnRGraphException("init: RServe error: " + rse.getMessage()); } catch (REXPMismatchException mme) { throw new DvnRGraphException("init: REXP exception"); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DvnRGraphException("init: unknown exception"); } return retConnectionNumber; } public synchronized int openPooledConnection(String workSpaceRemote, int existingConnection) throws DvnRGraphException { DvnRConnection drc = null; int retConnectionNumber = 0; try { // This is a request to use a connection previously opened // for this instance. We may or may not be able to use it again. // We need to check if it's still alive, and if it still // belongs to this session. if (existingConnection > 0) { drc = RConnectionStack[existingConnection - 1]; // check if the connection exists, if it's alive, and if it's still ours boolean needNewConnection = false; if (drc != null) { String wspace = drc.getWorkSpace(); if (wspace != null) { if (!wspace.equals(workSpaceRemote)) { needNewConnection = true; } } else { needNewConnection = true; } if (drc.Rcon == null || !drc.Rcon.isConnected()) { needNewConnection = true; } } else { needNewConnection = true; } if (!needNewConnection) { drc.lockConnection(); return existingConnection; } // nope, we'll have to create a new one. } // Obtain a new Rserve connection and put it on the stack; // either in one of the available spots, or in place of the // "least recent" connection. drc = null; int i = 0; while (i < numberOfConnections && drc == null) { if (RConnectionStack[i] == null) { RConnectionStack[i] = new DvnRConnection(); drc = RConnectionStack[i]; if (drc.Rcon == null) { RConnectionStack[i].Rcon = openNewConnection(); } //drc = RConnectionStack[i]; retConnectionNumber = i + 1; } i++; } if (retConnectionNumber == 0) { // we've gone through the connections on the stack, // and there are no unused ones. // we'll have to go through the pool one more time, select // the most idle (unlocked) connection, and recycle it. int mostIdleConnection = 0; long leastRecentTimeStamp = 0; for (i = 0; i < numberOfConnections; i++) { drc = RConnectionStack[i]; if (drc.Rcon != null && (!drc.isLocked())) { long timeStamp = drc.getLastQueryTime(); if (leastRecentTimeStamp != 0) { if (timeStamp < leastRecentTimeStamp) { leastRecentTimeStamp = timeStamp; mostIdleConnection = i + 1; } } else { leastRecentTimeStamp = timeStamp; mostIdleConnection = i + 1; } } } if (mostIdleConnection > 0) { // steal this connection! drc = RConnectionStack[mostIdleConnection - 1]; // save their workspace: String saveIdleWS = "save.image(file='" + drc.getWorkSpace() + "')"; drc.Rcon.voidEval(saveIdleWS); // close it: drc.Rcon.close(); drc.Rcon = openNewConnection(); retConnectionNumber = mostIdleConnection; } else { // all connections are busy AND locked. // just return an error (for now) throw new DvnRGraphException("Could not connect to R: all available connections are busy."); } } if (retConnectionNumber > 0 && drc != null && drc.Rcon.isConnected()) { // OK, we got ourselves a connection. drc.lockConnection(); drc.setWorkSpace(null); // set the connection time stamp: Date now = new Date(); drc.setLastQueryTime(now.getTime()); } else { throw new DvnRGraphException("Failed to reestablish a connection to the R server."); } } catch (DvnRGraphException dge) { throw dge; } catch (RserveException rse) { throw new DvnRGraphException("init: RServe error: " + rse.getMessage()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DvnRGraphException("init: unknown exception"); } return retConnectionNumber; } } public class DvnRConnection { // constructor public DvnRConnection() { } private boolean Locked = false; public RConnection Rcon = null; private String SavedRworkSpace = null; private long lastQueryTimeStamp; public boolean isLocked() { return Locked; } public void lockConnection() { Locked = true; } public void unlockConnection() { Locked = false; } public String getWorkSpace() { return SavedRworkSpace; } public void setWorkSpace(String workSpace) { SavedRworkSpace = workSpace; } public long getLastQueryTime() { return lastQueryTimeStamp; } public void setLastQueryTime(long timeStamp) { lastQueryTimeStamp = timeStamp; } } }