Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Massachusetts General Hospital 
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials 
 * are made available under the terms of the i2b2 Software License v1.0 
 * which accompanies this distribution. 
 * Contributors:
 *       Lori Phillips
package edu.harvard.i2b2.workplace.dao;

import java.sql.Clob;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Date;
import javax.sql.DataSource;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.jdom.JDOMException;
import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder;
import org.jdom.output.DOMOutputter;
import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.simple.ParameterizedRowMapper;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.simple.SimpleJdbcTemplate;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;

import edu.harvard.i2b2.common.exception.I2B2DAOException;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.common.exception.I2B2Exception;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.common.util.db.JDBCUtil;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.common.util.jaxb.DTOFactory;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.common.util.xml.XMLUtil;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.workplace.datavo.crc.setfinder.query.CrcXmlResultResponseType;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.workplace.datavo.crc.setfinder.query.MasterInstanceResultResponseType;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.workplace.datavo.crc.setfinder.query.MasterResponseType;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.workplace.datavo.crc.setfinder.query.RequestXmlType;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.workplace.datavo.crc.setfinder.query.ResultResponseType;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.workplace.datavo.i2b2message.SecurityType;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.workplace.datavo.wdo.AnnotateChildType;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.workplace.datavo.wdo.ChildType;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.workplace.datavo.wdo.DeleteChildType;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.workplace.datavo.wdo.ExportChildType;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.workplace.datavo.wdo.FolderType;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.workplace.datavo.wdo.GetChildrenType;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.workplace.datavo.wdo.GetReturnType;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.workplace.datavo.wdo.ProtectedType;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.workplace.datavo.wdo.RenameChildType;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.workplace.datavo.wdo.FindByChildType;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.workplace.datavo.wdo.XmlValueType;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.workplace.delegate.crc.CallCRCUtil;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.workplace.ejb.DBInfoType;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.workplace.util.StringUtil;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.workplace.util.WorkplaceUtil;

public class FolderDao extends JdbcDaoSupport {

    private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(FolderDao.class);
    //    final static String CORE = " c_hierarchy, c_hlevel, c_name, c_user_id, c_group_id, c_share_id, c_index, c_parent_index, c_visualattributes, c_tooltip";
    //   final static String DEFAULT = " c_name, c_hierarchy";
    final static String CORE = " c_name, c_user_id, c_group_id, c_protected_access, c_share_id, c_index, c_parent_index, c_visualattributes, c_tooltip";
    final static String DEFAULT = " c_name, c_index, c_protected_access ";
    final static String ALL = CORE + ", c_entry_date, c_change_date, c_status_cd";
    final static String BLOB = ", c_work_xml, c_work_xml_schema, c_work_xml_i2b2_type ";

    private SimpleJdbcTemplate jt;

    private void setDataSource(String dataSource) {
        DataSource ds = null;
        try {
            ds = WorkplaceUtil.getInstance().getDataSource(dataSource);
        } catch (I2B2Exception e2) {
        this.jt = new SimpleJdbcTemplate(ds);

    private String getMetadataSchema() throws I2B2Exception {

        return WorkplaceUtil.getInstance().getMetaDataSchemaName();

    public List findRootFoldersByProject(final GetReturnType returnType, final String userId,
            final ProjectType projectInfo, final DBInfoType dbInfo) throws DataAccessException, I2B2Exception {

        // find return parameters
        String parameters = CORE;
        if (returnType.getType().equals("core")) {
            parameters = CORE;
        /*      else if (returnType.getType().equals("all")){
           parameters = ALL;

        String metadataSchema = dbInfo.getDb_fullSchema();

        // 1. check if user already has a folder
        //       if not create one.
        check_addRootNode(metadataSchema, userId, projectInfo, dbInfo);

        //       First step is to call PM to see what roles user belongs to.

        if (projectInfo.getRole().size() == 0) {
            log.error("no role found for this user in project: " + projectInfo.getName());
            I2B2Exception e = new I2B2Exception("No role found for user");
            throw e;

        boolean protectedAccess = false;
        Iterator it = projectInfo.getRole().iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            String role = (String);
            if (role.toLowerCase().equalsIgnoreCase("DATA_PROT")) {
                protectedAccess = true;

        ParameterizedRowMapper<FolderType> mapper = getMapper(returnType.getType(), false, null,

        List queryResult = null;
        if (!protectedAccess) {
            String tablesSql = "select distinct(c_table_cd), " + parameters + " from " + metadataSchema
                    + "workplace_access where c_protected_access = ? and LOWER(c_group_id) = ? order by c_name"; //c_hierarchy";

            try {
                queryResult = jt.query(tablesSql, mapper, "N", projectInfo.getId().toLowerCase());
            } catch (DataAccessException e) {
                throw new I2B2DAOException("Database error");
        } else {
            String tablesSql = "select distinct(c_table_cd), " + parameters + " from " + metadataSchema
                    + "workplace_access where LOWER(c_group_id) = ? order by c_name"; //c_hierarchy";

            try {
                queryResult = jt.query(tablesSql, mapper, projectInfo.getId().toLowerCase());
            } catch (DataAccessException e) {
                throw new I2B2DAOException("Database Error");

        log.debug("result size = " + queryResult.size());

        return queryResult;

    public List findRootFoldersByUser(final GetReturnType returnType, final String userId,
            final ProjectType projectInfo, final DBInfoType dbInfo) throws DataAccessException, I2B2Exception {

        // find return parameters
        String parameters = CORE;
        if (returnType.getType().equals("core")) {
            parameters = CORE;
        /*      else if (returnType.getType().equals("all")){
           parameters = ALL;

        String metadataSchema = dbInfo.getDb_fullSchema();

        // 1. check if user already has a folder
        //       if not create one.
        check_addRootNode(metadataSchema, userId, projectInfo, dbInfo);

        if (projectInfo.getRole().size() == 0) {
            log.error("no role found for this user in project: " + projectInfo.getName());
            I2B2Exception e = new I2B2Exception("No role found for user");
            throw e;

        boolean protectedAccess = false;
        Iterator it = projectInfo.getRole().iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            String role = (String);
            if (role.toLowerCase().equalsIgnoreCase("DATA_PROT")) {
                protectedAccess = true;

        ParameterizedRowMapper<FolderType> mapper = getMapper(returnType.getType(), false, null,

        List queryResult = null;
        if (!protectedAccess) {
            String tablesSql = "select distinct(c_table_cd), " + parameters + " from " + metadataSchema
                    + "workplace_access where (c_share_id = 'Y' and LOWER(c_group_id) = ?) or (c_protected_access = ? and LOWER(c_user_id) = ? and LOWER(c_group_id) = ?) order by c_name"; //c_hierarchy";

            try {
                queryResult = jt.query(tablesSql, mapper, projectInfo.getId().toLowerCase(), "N",
                        userId.toLowerCase(), projectInfo.getId().toLowerCase());
            } catch (DataAccessException e) {
                throw new I2B2DAOException("Database error");
        } else {
            String tablesSql = "select distinct(c_table_cd), " + parameters + " from " + metadataSchema
                    + "workplace_access where (c_share_id = 'Y' and LOWER(c_group_id) = ?) or (LOWER(c_user_id) = ? and LOWER(c_group_id) = ?) order by c_name"; //c_hierarchy";
            try {
                queryResult = jt.query(tablesSql, mapper, projectInfo.getId().toLowerCase(), userId.toLowerCase(),
            } catch (DataAccessException e) {
                throw new I2B2DAOException("Database Error");
        ParameterizedRowMapper<String> map = new ParameterizedRowMapper<String>() {
             public String mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
           String name = "\\\\" + rs.getString("c_table_cd") + "\\" + rs.getString("c_table_name");
            return name;
        if(queryResult.size() == 0){
           // this means that user is accessing for first time
           // grab tableCd tableName pair 
           //   and then insert an entry for the user
           String tablesSql = "select distinct(c_table_cd), c_table_name from " +  metadataSchema +  "workplace_access"; 
           try {
        queryResult = jt.query(tablesSql, map);
           } catch (DataAccessException e) {
        throw new I2B2DAOException("Database Error");
           if(queryResult.size() == 0)
        throw new I2B2DAOException("Database Error");
        queryResult= addRootNode((String)queryResult.get(0), userId, projectInfo, dbInfo);
        log.debug("result size = " + queryResult.size());

        return queryResult;

    public void check_addRootNode(String metadataSchema, String userId, ProjectType projectInfo, DBInfoType dbInfo)
            throws I2B2DAOException, I2B2Exception {

        String entriesSql = "select c_name  from " + metadataSchema
                + "workplace_access where LOWER(c_user_id) = ? and LOWER(c_group_id) = ?";

        ParameterizedRowMapper<String> map = new ParameterizedRowMapper<String>() {
            public String mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
                String name = rs.getString("c_name");
                return name;
        List queryResult = null;
        try {
            queryResult = jt.query(entriesSql, map, userId.toLowerCase(), projectInfo.getId().toLowerCase());
        } catch (DataAccessException e1) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            throw new I2B2DAOException("Database Error");
        //"check for root node size = " + queryResult.size());
        if (queryResult.size() > 0)

        // else queryResult is empty
        //    need to create a new entry for user

        //1. get ProtectedAccess status for user
        if (projectInfo.getRole().size() == 0) {
            log.error("no role found for this user in project: " + projectInfo.getName());
            I2B2Exception e = new I2B2Exception("No role found for user");
            throw e;

        String protectedAccess = "N";
        Iterator it = projectInfo.getRole().iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            String role = (String);
            if (role.toLowerCase().equals("protected_access")) {
                protectedAccess = "Y";
        // 2. Get tableCd tableName info 
        String tableSql = "select distinct(c_table_cd), c_table_name from " + metadataSchema + "workplace_access";

        ParameterizedRowMapper<String> map2 = new ParameterizedRowMapper<String>() {
            public String mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
                String name = "\\\\" + rs.getString("c_table_cd") + "\\" + rs.getString("c_table_name");
                return name;
        queryResult = jt.query(tableSql, map2);
        String tableInfo = (String) queryResult.get(0);

        //extract table code and table name
        String tableCd = StringUtil.getTableCd(tableInfo);
        String tableName = StringUtil.getIndex(tableInfo);

        String addSql = "insert into " + metadataSchema + "workplace_access "
                + "(c_table_cd, c_table_name, c_hlevel, c_protected_access, c_name, c_user_id, c_index, c_visualattributes, c_share_id, c_group_id, c_entry_date) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";

        int numRootsAdded = -1;
        String index = StringUtil.generateMessageId();
        try {
            numRootsAdded = jt.update(addSql, tableCd, tableName, 0, protectedAccess, userId, userId, index, "CA",
                    "N", projectInfo.getId(), Calendar.getInstance().getTime());

        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
            log.error("Dao addChild failed");
            throw new I2B2DAOException("Data access error ", e);

        // +  " " + numRowsAdded);
        log.debug("Number of roots added: " + numRootsAdded);



    public String exportNode(final ExportChildType childrenType, ProjectType projectInfo, SecurityType securityType)
            throws I2B2DAOException, I2B2Exception {

        // find return parameters
        String type = "core";
        String parameters = CORE;

        if (projectInfo.getRole().size() == 0) {
            log.error("no role found for this user in project: " + projectInfo.getName());
            I2B2Exception e = new I2B2Exception("No role found for user");
            throw e;

        boolean protectedAccess = false;
        Iterator it = projectInfo.getRole().iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            String role = (String);
            if (role.toLowerCase().equalsIgnoreCase("DATA_PROT")) {
                protectedAccess = true;
        String queryResult = null;

        // Get the query master for the actual query run
        if (childrenType.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("QM")) {
            try {
                log.debug("Start to get QM results from CRC");
                //CallCRCUtil callCRC = new CallCRCUtil(securityType, projectInfo.getId());
                log.debug("getting Response");
                queryResult = CallCRCUtil.callCRCQueryRequestXML(childrenType.getNode(), securityType,
                log.debug("got response: " + queryResult);
                //if (masterInstanceResultResponseType != null && masterInstanceResultResponseType.getQueryMaster().size() > 0)
                //   queryResult =XMLUtil.convertDOMElementToString((Element) masterInstanceResultResponseType.getQueryMaster().get(0).getRequestXml().getContent().get(0)); ;  //respoonseType.getQueryResultInstance();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new I2B2DAOException("Database Error");
            //log.debug("result size = " + queryResult.size());
            // Get the analysis breakdowns
        } else if (childrenType.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("QR")) {
            try {
                log.debug("Start to get QR results from CRC");
                //CallCRCUtil callCRC = new CallCRCUtil(securityType, projectInfo.getId());
                log.debug("getting Response");
                queryResult = CallCRCUtil.callCRCResultInstanceXML(childrenType.getNode(), securityType,
                log.debug("got response: " + queryResult);
                //if (masterInstanceResultResponseType != null)
                //   queryResult = (String) masterInstanceResultResponseType.getCrcXmlResult().getXmlValue().getContent().get(0);
                //XMLUtil.convertDOMElementToString((Element) masterInstanceResultResponseType.getCrcXmlResult().getXmlValue().getContent().get(0));  //respoonseType.getQueryResultInstance();
                //queryResult = jt.query(sql, mapper, parentIndex );
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new I2B2DAOException("Database Error");
            //log.debug("result size = " + queryResult.size());
        log.debug("result is: " + queryResult);
        return queryResult;


    public List findChildrenByParent(final GetChildrenType childrenType, ProjectType projectInfo, DBInfoType dbInfo)
            throws I2B2DAOException, I2B2Exception {

        // find return parameters
        String type = "core";
        String parameters = CORE;
        if (childrenType.getType().equals("all")) {
            parameters = ALL;
            type = "all";
        if (childrenType.isBlob() == true)
            parameters = parameters + BLOB;

        String metadataSchema = dbInfo.getDb_fullSchema();

        if (projectInfo.getRole().size() == 0) {
            log.error("no role found for this user in project: " + projectInfo.getName());
            I2B2Exception e = new I2B2Exception("No role found for user");
            throw e;

        boolean protectedAccess = false;
        Iterator it = projectInfo.getRole().iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            String role = (String);
            if (role.toLowerCase().equalsIgnoreCase("DATA_PROT")) {
                protectedAccess = true;

        ParameterizedRowMapper<String> map = new ParameterizedRowMapper<String>() {
            public String mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
                String name = (rs.getString("c_table_name"));
                return name;

        //extract table code
        String tableCd = StringUtil.getTableCd(childrenType.getParent());
        //   log.debug(tableCd);
        String tableName = null;
        if (!protectedAccess) {
            String tableSql = "select distinct(c_table_name) from " + metadataSchema
                    + "workplace_access where c_table_cd = ? and c_protected_access = ? ";
            //"getChildren " + tableSql + tableCd);
            try {
                tableName = jt.queryForObject(tableSql, map, tableCd, "N");
            } catch (DataAccessException e) {
                throw new I2B2DAOException("Database Error");
        } else {
            String tableSql = "select distinct(c_table_name) from " + metadataSchema
                    + "workplace_access where c_table_cd = ?";
            try {
                tableName = jt.queryForObject(tableSql, map, tableCd);
            } catch (DataAccessException e) {
                throw new I2B2DAOException("Database Error");

        String hidden = "";
        if (childrenType.isHiddens() == false)
            hidden = " and c_visualattributes not like '_H%'";

        String sql = "select " + parameters + " from " + metadataSchema + tableName
                + " where  c_parent_index = ? and (c_status_cd != 'D' or c_status_cd is null)";
        sql = sql + hidden + " order by c_name ";

        String parentIndex = StringUtil.getIndex(childrenType.getParent());

        log.debug(sql + " " + parentIndex);
        // + " " + tableCd );

        ParameterizedRowMapper<FolderType> mapper = getMapper(type, childrenType.isBlob(), tableCd,

        List queryResult = null;
        try {
            queryResult = jt.query(sql, mapper, parentIndex);
        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
            throw new I2B2DAOException("Database Error");
        log.debug("result size = " + queryResult.size());

        return queryResult;
        // tested statement with aqua data studio   verified output from above against this. 
        // select  c_fullname, c_name, c_synonym_cd, c_visualattributes  from metadata.testrpdr 
        // where c_fullname like '\RPDR\Diagnoses\Circulatory system (390-459)\Arterial vascular disease (440-447)\(446) Polyarteritis nodosa and al%' 
        // and c_hlevel = 5  and c_visualattributes not like '_H%' and c_synonym_cd = 'N'

        // verified both with and without hiddens and synonyms.

        // clob test   level = 4
        //   <parent>\\testrpdr\RPDR\HealthHistory\PHY\Health Maintenance\Mammogram\Mammogram - Deferred</parent> 

     * This method finds the workplace with a given keyword. It first searches the WORKPLACE ACCESS table
     * to find the table where the workplace contents are stored. And then it searches the resulting table
     * for any content with given name and other parameters
     * @param returnType
     * @param userId
     * @param projectInfo
     * @param dbInfo
     * @return
     * @throws DataAccessException
     * @throws I2B2Exception
     * @author Neha Patel
    public List findWorkplaceByKeyword(final FindByChildType returnType, String userId,
            final ProjectType projectInfo, final DBInfoType dbInfo) throws DataAccessException, I2B2Exception {

        // find return parameters
        String type = "core"; // Default Type is core
        String parameters = CORE; // parameters to be used in select statement 
        String category = "";
        String hiddenStr = "";
        String maxString = "";
        String searchWord = "";

        if (returnType != null) {

            // determines which columns should be used in select statement
            if (returnType.getType().equals("all")) {
                parameters = ALL;
                type = "all";

            // if request parameter blob is set to true then include 
            // columns with xml info in select statement :-
            // c_work_xml, c_work_xml_schema, c_work_xml_i2b2_type
            if (returnType.isBlob() == true)
                parameters = parameters + BLOB;

            // category is the directory where user is looking for the content
            category = returnType.getCategory();

            // request parameter hidden indicates to display hidden files or not
            if (returnType.isHiddens() == false)
                hiddenStr = " and c_visualattributes not like '_H%'";

            // get strategy if content name starts with given word
            // or it contains given word or it ends with given word
            if (returnType.getMatchStr().getStrategy().equals("exact")) {
                searchWord = returnType.getMatchStr().getValue().toLowerCase();

            else if (returnType.getMatchStr().getStrategy().equals("left")) {
                searchWord = returnType.getMatchStr().getValue().toLowerCase() + "%";

            else if (returnType.getMatchStr().getStrategy().equals("right")) {
                searchWord = "%" + returnType.getMatchStr().getValue().toLowerCase();

            else if (returnType.getMatchStr().getStrategy().equals("contains")) {
                searchWord = "%" + returnType.getMatchStr().getValue().toLowerCase() + "%";

            try {
                // setting max number of rows to be returned
                if (returnType.getMax() != null && returnType.getMax() > 0) {
                    if (dbInfo != null) {
                        int fetchSize = returnType.getMax() + 1;

                        // if server is oracle then use rownum to return max number of rows
                        if (dbInfo.getDb_serverType().toUpperCase().equals("ORACLE"))
                            maxString = " and rownum>0 and rownum <=" + fetchSize;

                        // if server is SQL SERVER then use 'TOP' clause to return max number of rows 
                        else if (dbInfo.getDb_serverType().toUpperCase().equals("SQLSERVER")) {
                            maxString = "TOP " + fetchSize + " ";
                            parameters = maxString + parameters; // appended maxstring infront of parameters
                            maxString = "";
                        //else    if(dbInfo.getDb_serverType().toUpperCase().equals("POSTGRESQL"))            
                        //   maxString = " limit " + fetchSize; 

            } catch (Exception e) {

        if (projectInfo.getRole().size() == 0) {
            log.error("no role found for this user in project: " + projectInfo.getName());
            I2B2Exception e = new I2B2Exception("No role found for user");
            throw e;

        boolean protectedAccess = false;
        Iterator it = projectInfo.getRole().iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            String role = (String);
            if (role.toLowerCase().equalsIgnoreCase("DATA_PROT")) {
                protectedAccess = true;

        if (returnType.getCategory().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("@")) {
            return findInAll(returnType, projectInfo, type, parameters, hiddenStr, maxString, searchWord,
                    protectedAccess, dbInfo, userId);
        } else {
            return findInCategory(returnType, projectInfo, type, parameters, category, hiddenStr, maxString,
                    searchWord, dbInfo, protectedAccess);


     * This method finds the search word in the given category.
     * @param returnType
     * @param projectInfo
     * @param type - parameters to be used in the select statement. Can have two values core or all
     * @param parameters
     * @param category
     * @param hiddenStr - string to be used in where clause
     * @param maxString - string to be used in select or where clause
     * @param searchWord 
     * @param dbInfo
     * @param protectedAccess
     * @return
     * @throws I2B2DAOException
     * @author Neha Patel
    private List findInCategory(final FindByChildType returnType, final ProjectType projectInfo, String type,
            String parameters, String category, String hiddenStr, String maxString, String searchWord,
            final DBInfoType dbInfo, boolean protectedAccess) throws I2B2DAOException {

        String metadataSchema = dbInfo.getDb_fullSchema();

        ParameterizedRowMapper<String> map = new ParameterizedRowMapper<String>() {
            public String mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
                String name = "\\\\" + rs.getString("c_table_cd") + "\\" + rs.getString("c_table_name");
                return name;

        // Getting tablename where the content is saved from table 'WORKPLACE'
        List queryResult = null;

        String resultStr = null;
        StringBuilder sqlToRetreiveTableNm = new StringBuilder("select distinct c_table_cd, c_table_name from "
                + metadataSchema + "workplace_access where LOWER(c_user_id) = ? and LOWER(c_group_id) = ?");
        if (!protectedAccess) {

            sqlToRetreiveTableNm.append(" and c_protected_access = ? ");
            try {
                queryResult = jt.query(sqlToRetreiveTableNm.toString(), map, category.toLowerCase(),
                        projectInfo.getId().toLowerCase(), "N");
                resultStr = (String) queryResult.get(0);
            } catch (DataAccessException e) {
                throw new I2B2DAOException(
                        "findWorkplaceByKeyword(): Database Error while accessing workplace_access table with protected access");
        } else {
            try {
                queryResult = jt.query(sqlToRetreiveTableNm.toString(), map, category.toLowerCase(),
                resultStr = (String) queryResult.get(0);
            } catch (DataAccessException e) {
                throw new I2B2DAOException(
                        "findWorkplaceByKeyword(): Database Error while accessing workplace_access table");

        String tableCd = StringUtil.getTableCd(resultStr);
        String tableName = StringUtil.getIndex(resultStr);

        StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("select " + parameters + " from " + metadataSchema + tableName
                + " where LOWER(c_user_id) = ? and LOWER(c_group_id) = ? and LOWER(c_name) like ? and (c_status_cd != 'D' or c_status_cd is null) ");
        sql.append(hiddenStr + maxString);

        ParameterizedRowMapper<FolderType> mapper = getMapper(type, returnType.isBlob(), tableCd,

         * commenting out protectedAcess code from workplace table for now
        if (!protectedAccess){
           sql.append(" and (c_protected_access != 'Y' or c_protected_access is null) ");

        sql.append(" order by c_name ");

        // Executing the query to find the workplace content with the given name 
        queryResult = null;

        try {
            queryResult = jt.query(sql.toString(), mapper, category.toLowerCase(),
                    projectInfo.getId().toLowerCase(), searchWord);
        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
            log.error("findWorkplaceByKeyword(): Database Error while accessing workplace table");
            throw new I2B2DAOException("findWorkplaceByKeyword(): Database Error while accessing workplace table");

        log.debug("result size = " + queryResult.size());

        return queryResult;

     * This method searches for the word in the whole project. If the user has a manager role then it searches in the whole project
     * if the user doesn't have manager role then it searches with the condition of userid or share = Y
     * @param returnType
     * @param projectInfo
     * @param type
     * @param parameters
     * @param hiddenStr
     * @param maxString
     * @param searchWord
     * @param protectedAccess
     * @param dbInfo
     * @param userId
     * @return
     * @throws DataAccessException
     * @throws I2B2Exception
     * @author Neha Patel
    private List findInAll(final FindByChildType returnType, final ProjectType projectInfo, String type,
            String parameters, String hiddenStr, String maxString, String searchWord, boolean protectedAccess,
            final DBInfoType dbInfo, final String userId) throws DataAccessException, I2B2Exception {

        // Check if user is a manager
        boolean managerRole = false;
        for (String param : projectInfo.getRole()) {
            if (param.equalsIgnoreCase("manager")) {
                managerRole = true;

        String metadataSchema = dbInfo.getDb_fullSchema();

        ParameterizedRowMapper<String> map = new ParameterizedRowMapper<String>() {
            public String mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
                String name = "\\\\" + rs.getString("c_table_cd") + "\\" + rs.getString("c_table_name");
                return name;

        // Getting tablename where the content is saved from table 'WORKPLACE'
        List queryResult = null;

        String resultStr = null;
        StringBuilder sqlToRetreiveTableNm = new StringBuilder(
                "select distinct c_table_cd, c_table_name from " + metadataSchema + "workplace_access where ");

        // if user is a manager then search in the whole project
        if (managerRole) {
            sqlToRetreiveTableNm.append("LOWER(c_group_id) = ? ");
        } else {
            // if user is not a manager then user should be able to search only in his folder or shared folder of the project    
                    "(LOWER(c_user_id) = ? and LOWER(c_group_id) = ?) or (LOWER(c_group_id) = ? and c_share_id = 'Y') ");

        if (!protectedAccess) {
            sqlToRetreiveTableNm.append(" and (c_protected_access = 'N' or c_protected_access is null) ");

        try {
            if (managerRole) {
                queryResult = jt.query(sqlToRetreiveTableNm.toString(), map, projectInfo.getId().toLowerCase());
            } else {
                queryResult = jt.query(sqlToRetreiveTableNm.toString(), map, userId.toLowerCase(),
                        projectInfo.getId().toLowerCase(), projectInfo.getId().toLowerCase());
            resultStr = (String) queryResult.get(0);
        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
            throw new I2B2DAOException(
                    "findWorkplaceByKeyword(): Database Error while accessing workplace_access table with protected access");

        String tableCd = "";
        String tableName = "";
        List returnResult = null;

        // Run the query for each tablename. There could be more than one table where workplace content is stored
        if (queryResult != null && !queryResult.isEmpty()) {
            Iterator itr = queryResult.iterator();
            while (itr.hasNext()) {
                resultStr = (String);
                tableCd = StringUtil.getTableCd(resultStr);
                tableName = StringUtil.getIndex(resultStr);

                StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("select " + parameters + " from " + metadataSchema + tableName
                        + " where LOWER(c_name) like ? and (c_status_cd != 'D' or c_status_cd is null) ");

                if (managerRole) {
                    sql.append("and LOWER(c_group_id) = ? ");
                } else {
                            "and ((LOWER(c_user_id) = ? and LOWER(c_group_id) = ?) or (LOWER(c_group_id) = ? and c_share_id = 'Y')) ");

                sql.append(hiddenStr + maxString);

                ParameterizedRowMapper<FolderType> mapper = getMapper(type, returnType.isBlob(), tableCd,

                 * commenting out protectedAcess code from workplace table for now
                if (!protectedAccess){
                   sql.append(" and (c_protected_access != 'Y' or c_protected_access is null) ");

                sql.append(" order by c_name ");

                // Executing the query to find the workplace content with the given name 
                List workplaceResult = null;

                try {
                    if (managerRole) {
                        workplaceResult = jt.query(sql.toString(), mapper, searchWord,
                    } else {
                        workplaceResult = jt.query(sql.toString(), mapper, searchWord, userId.toLowerCase(),
                                projectInfo.getId().toLowerCase(), projectInfo.getId().toLowerCase());
                } catch (DataAccessException e) {
                    log.error("findWorkplaceByKeyword(): Database Error while accessing workplace table");
                    throw new I2B2DAOException(
                            "findWorkplaceByKeyword(): Database Error while accessing workplace table");

                if (returnResult == null) {
                    returnResult = workplaceResult;
                } else {
            } // end while (itr.hasNext())

        log.debug("result size = " + returnResult.size());

        return returnResult;

     * This method determines if the given category(workplace root folder name) is shared or not by 
     * checking c_share_id parameter in workplace_access table
     * @param category - the root folder name which is in question if its shared or not
     * @param projectInfo 
     * @param dbInfo
     * @return
     * @throws DataAccessException
     * @throws I2B2Exception
     * @author Neha Patel
    public boolean isShared(String category, final ProjectType projectInfo, final DBInfoType dbInfo)
            throws DataAccessException, I2B2Exception {

        boolean isSharedBool = false;
        String metadataSchema = dbInfo.getDb_fullSchema();

        ParameterizedRowMapper<String> map = new ParameterizedRowMapper<String>() {
            public String mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
                String name = rs.getString("c_share_id");
                return name;

        // Getting column 'c_share_id' to check if the given category/folder is shared
        List queryResult = null;
        String resultStr = "";

        String sqlForCheckingShared = "select c_share_id from " + metadataSchema
                + "workplace_access where LOWER(c_user_id) = ? and LOWER(c_group_id) = ? and (c_status_cd != 'D' or c_status_cd is null)";

        try {
            queryResult = jt.query(sqlForCheckingShared.toString(), map, category.toLowerCase(),

            if (queryResult != null && !queryResult.isEmpty()) {
                resultStr = (String) queryResult.get(0);
        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
            throw new I2B2DAOException("isShared(): Database Error while accessing workplace_access table");

        if (resultStr != null && resultStr.toUpperCase().trim().equals("Y")) {
            isSharedBool = true;
        } else
            isSharedBool = false;

        return isSharedBool;

    public int renameNode(final RenameChildType renameChildType, ProjectType projectInfo, DBInfoType dbInfo)
            throws I2B2DAOException, I2B2Exception {

        String metadataSchema = dbInfo.getDb_fullSchema();

        if (projectInfo.getRole().size() == 0) {
            log.error("no role found for this user in project: " + projectInfo.getName());
            I2B2Exception e = new I2B2Exception("No role found for user");
            throw e;

        boolean protectedAccess = false;
        Iterator it = projectInfo.getRole().iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            String role = (String);
            if (role.toLowerCase().equalsIgnoreCase("DATA_PROT")) {
                protectedAccess = true;

        ParameterizedRowMapper<String> map = new ParameterizedRowMapper<String>() {
            public String mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
                String name = (rs.getString("c_table_name"));
                return name;

        //extract table code
        String tableCd = StringUtil.getTableCd(renameChildType.getNode());
        // table code to table name conversion
        String tableName = null;
        if (!protectedAccess) {
            String tableSql = "select distinct(c_table_name) from " + metadataSchema
                    + "workplace_access where c_table_cd = ? and c_protected_access = ? ";
            try {
                tableName = jt.queryForObject(tableSql, map, tableCd, "N");
            } catch (DataAccessException e) {
                throw new I2B2DAOException("Database Error");
        } else {
            String tableSql = "select distinct(c_table_name) from " + metadataSchema
                    + "workplace_access where c_table_cd = ?";
            try {
                tableName = jt.queryForObject(tableSql, map, tableCd);
            } catch (DataAccessException e) {
                throw new I2B2DAOException("Database Error");

        String index = StringUtil.getIndex(renameChildType.getNode());

        // get original name and work xml
        String sql = "select c_name, c_work_xml, c_work_xml_i2b2_type from " + metadataSchema + tableName
                + " where c_index = ? ";
        ParameterizedRowMapper<FolderType> map2 = new ParameterizedRowMapper<FolderType>() {
            public FolderType mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
                FolderType child = new FolderType();
                //               child.setTooltip(rs.getString("c_tooltip"));

                //               Clob xml_clob = rs.getClob("c_work_xml");
                //               try {
                //               if(xml_clob != null){
                //                  String c_xml = JDBCUtil.getClobString(xml_clob);
                //         //         Log log2 = LogFactory.getLog(FolderDao.class);
                //         //         log2.debug("CLOB STRING TO CHECK");
                //         //         log2.debug(c_xml);
                //                  if ((c_xml!=null)&&(c_xml.trim().length()>0)&&(!c_xml.equals("(null)")))
                //                  {
                //                     Element rootElement = null;
                //                     try{
                //                        Document doc = XMLUtil.convertStringToDOM(c_xml);
                //                        rootElement = doc.getDocumentElement();
                //                     } catch (I2B2Exception e) {
                //                        log.error(e.getMessage());
                //                        child.setWorkXml(null);
                //                     }
                //                     if (rootElement != null) {
                //                     /*   try {
                //                           log2.debug("ROOT ELEMENT TO CHECK");
                //                           String test = XMLUtil.convertDOMElementToString(rootElement);
                //                           log2.debug(test);
                //                        } catch (Exception e) {
                //                           // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                //                           e.printStackTrace();
                //                        }*/
                //                        if(child.getWorkXmlI2B2Type().equals("CONCEPT")  ) {
                //                           NodeList nameElements = rootElement.getElementsByTagName("name");
                //                           nameElements.item(0).setTextContent(renameChildType.getName());      
                //                           NodeList synonymElements = rootElement.getElementsByTagName("synonym_cd");
                //                           if(synonymElements.item(0) != null)
                //                              synonymElements.item(0).setTextContent("Y");
                //                        }
                //                        XmlValueType xml = new XmlValueType();
                //                        xml.getAny().add(rootElement);
                //                        child.setWorkXml(xml); 
                //                     }   
                //                  }
                //               }else {
                //                  child.setWorkXml(null);
                //               }
                //            } catch (IOException e1) {
                //               log.error(e1.getMessage());
                //               child.setWorkXml(null);
                //            } 
                return child;
        List queryResult = null;
        try {
            queryResult = jt.query(sql, map2, index);
        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
            log.error("Dao queryResult failed");
            throw new I2B2DAOException("Data access error ", e);
        FolderType node = (FolderType) queryResult.get(0);

        //      String newTooltip = StringUtil.replaceEnd(node.getTooltip(),node.getName(), renameChildType.getName());
        int numRowsRenamed = -1;
        if (node.getWorkXmlI2B2Type().equals("FOLDER")) {
            String updateSql = "update " + metadataSchema + tableName + " set c_name = ? where c_index = ? ";
            try {
                numRowsRenamed = jt.update(updateSql, renameChildType.getName(), index);
            } catch (DataAccessException e) {
                log.error("Dao renameChild failed");
                throw new I2B2DAOException("Data access error ", e);
        } else {
            String updateSql = "update " + metadataSchema + tableName + " set c_name = ? where c_index = ? ";

            String newXml = null;
            //         Element newXmlElement = node.getWorkXml().getAny().get(0);
            Element newXmlElement = renameChildType.getWorkXml().getAny().get(0);
            if(newXmlElement != null){
               newXml = XMLUtil.convertDOMElementToString(newXmlElement);
               //            log.debug(newXml);            
            try {
                numRowsRenamed = jt.update(updateSql, renameChildType.getName(), index);
            } catch (DataAccessException e) {
                log.error("Dao renameChild failed");
                throw new I2B2DAOException("Data access error ", e);
        log.debug("Number of rows renamed: " + numRowsRenamed);
        return numRowsRenamed;


    public int moveNode(final ChildType childType, ProjectType projectInfo, DBInfoType dbInfo)
            throws I2B2DAOException, I2B2Exception {

        String metadataSchema = dbInfo.getDb_fullSchema();

        if (projectInfo.getRole().size() == 0) {
            log.error("no role found for this user in project: " + projectInfo.getName());
            I2B2Exception e = new I2B2Exception("No role found for user");
            throw e;

        boolean protectedAccess = false;
        Iterator it = projectInfo.getRole().iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            String role = (String);
            if (role.toLowerCase().equalsIgnoreCase("DATA_PROT")) {
                protectedAccess = true;

        ParameterizedRowMapper<String> map = new ParameterizedRowMapper<String>() {
            public String mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
                String name = (rs.getString("c_table_name"));
                return name;

        //extract table code
        String tableCd = StringUtil.getTableCd(childType.getNode());
        // table code to table name conversion
        String tableName = null;
        if (!protectedAccess) {
            String tableSql = "select distinct(c_table_name) from " + metadataSchema
                    + "workplace_access where c_table_cd = ? and c_protected_access = ? ";
            try {
                tableName = jt.queryForObject(tableSql, map, tableCd, "N");
            } catch (DataAccessException e) {
                throw new I2B2DAOException("Database Error");
        } else {
            String tableSql = "select distinct(c_table_name) from " + metadataSchema
                    + "workplace_access where c_table_cd = ?";
            try {
                tableName = jt.queryForObject(tableSql, map, tableCd);
            } catch (DataAccessException e) {
                throw new I2B2DAOException("Database Error");

        String index = StringUtil.getIndex(childType.getNode());
        String updateSql = "update " + metadataSchema + tableName + " set c_parent_index = ? where c_index = ? ";

        int numRowsMoved = -1;
        try {
            numRowsMoved = jt.update(updateSql, childType.getParent(), index);
        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
            log.error("Dao moveChild failed");
            throw new I2B2DAOException("Data access error ", e);
        // + " " + path + " " + numRowsAnnotated);
        log.debug("Number of rows moved: " + numRowsMoved);
        return numRowsMoved;


    public int annotateNode(final AnnotateChildType annotateChildType, ProjectType projectInfo, DBInfoType dbInfo)
            throws I2B2DAOException, I2B2Exception {

        String metadataSchema = dbInfo.getDb_fullSchema();

        if (projectInfo.getRole().size() == 0) {
            log.error("no role found for this user in project: " + projectInfo.getName());
            I2B2Exception e = new I2B2Exception("No role found for user");
            throw e;

        boolean protectedAccess = false;
        Iterator it = projectInfo.getRole().iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            String role = (String);
            if (role.toLowerCase().equalsIgnoreCase("DATA_PROT")) {
                protectedAccess = true;

        ParameterizedRowMapper<String> map = new ParameterizedRowMapper<String>() {
            public String mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
                String name = (rs.getString("c_table_name"));
                return name;

        //extract table code
        String tableCd = StringUtil.getTableCd(annotateChildType.getNode());
        // table code to table name conversion
        String tableName = null;
        if (!protectedAccess) {
            String tableSql = "select distinct(c_table_name) from " + metadataSchema
                    + "workplace_access where c_table_cd = ? and c_protected_access = ? ";
            try {
                tableName = jt.queryForObject(tableSql, map, tableCd, "N");
            } catch (DataAccessException e) {
                throw new I2B2DAOException("Database Error");
        } else {
            String tableSql = "select distinct(c_table_name) from " + metadataSchema
                    + "workplace_access where c_table_cd = ?";
            try {
                tableName = jt.queryForObject(tableSql, map, tableCd);
            } catch (DataAccessException e) {
                throw new I2B2DAOException("Database Error");

        String index = StringUtil.getIndex(annotateChildType.getNode());
        String updateSql = "update " + metadataSchema + tableName + " set c_tooltip = ? where c_index = ? ";

        int numRowsAnnotated = -1;
        try {
            numRowsAnnotated = jt.update(updateSql, annotateChildType.getTooltip(), index);
        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
            log.error("Dao annotateChild failed");
            throw new I2B2DAOException("Data access error ", e);
        // + " " + path + " " + numRowsAnnotated);
        log.debug("Number of rows annotated: " + numRowsAnnotated);
        return numRowsAnnotated;


    public int addNode(final FolderType addChildType, ProjectType projectInfo, DBInfoType dbInfo)
            throws I2B2DAOException, I2B2Exception {

        String metadataSchema = dbInfo.getDb_fullSchema();

        if (projectInfo.getRole().size() == 0) {
            log.error("no role found for this user in project: " + projectInfo.getName());
            I2B2Exception e = new I2B2Exception("No role found for user");
            throw e;

        boolean protectedAccess = false;
        Iterator it = projectInfo.getRole().iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            String role = (String);
            if (role.toLowerCase().equalsIgnoreCase("DATA_PROT")) {
                protectedAccess = true;

        ParameterizedRowMapper<String> map = new ParameterizedRowMapper<String>() {
            public String mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
                String name = (rs.getString("c_table_name"));
                return name;

        //extract table code
        String tableCd = StringUtil.getTableCd(addChildType.getParentIndex());
        // table code to table name conversion
        String tableName = null;
        if (!protectedAccess) {
            String tableSql = "select distinct(c_table_name) from " + metadataSchema
                    + "workplace_access where c_table_cd = ? and c_protected_access = ? ";
            try {
                tableName = jt.queryForObject(tableSql, map, tableCd, "N");
            } catch (DataAccessException e) {
                log.error(tableSql + tableCd);
                throw new I2B2DAOException("Database Error");
        } else {
            String tableSql = "select distinct(c_table_name) from " + metadataSchema
                    + "workplace_access where c_table_cd = ?";
            try {
                tableName = jt.queryForObject(tableSql, map, tableCd);
            } catch (DataAccessException e) {
                throw new I2B2DAOException("Database Error");

        int numRowsAdded = -1;
        try {
            String xml = null;
            XmlValueType workXml = addChildType.getWorkXml();
            if (workXml != null) {
                String addSql = "insert into " + metadataSchema + tableName
                        + "(c_name, c_user_id, c_index, c_parent_index, c_visualattributes, c_group_id, c_share_id, c_tooltip, c_entry_date, c_work_xml, c_work_xml_i2b2_type) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
                Element element = workXml.getAny().get(0);
                if (element != null)
                    xml = XMLUtil.convertDOMElementToString(element);
                numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, addChildType.getName(), addChildType.getUserId(),
                        addChildType.getIndex(), StringUtil.getIndex(addChildType.getParentIndex()),
                        addChildType.getVisualAttributes(), addChildType.getGroupId(), addChildType.getShareId(),
                        addChildType.getTooltip(), Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), xml,
            } else {
                String addSql = "insert into " + metadataSchema + tableName
                        + "(c_name, c_user_id, c_index, c_parent_index, c_visualattributes, c_group_id, c_share_id, c_tooltip, c_entry_date, c_work_xml_i2b2_type) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
                numRowsAdded = jt.update(addSql, addChildType.getName(), addChildType.getUserId(),
                        addChildType.getIndex(), StringUtil.getIndex(addChildType.getParentIndex()),
                        addChildType.getVisualAttributes(), addChildType.getGroupId(), addChildType.getShareId(),
                        addChildType.getTooltip(), Calendar.getInstance().getTime(),
        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
            log.error("Dao addChild failed");
            throw new I2B2DAOException("Data access error ", e);

        // +  " " + numRowsAdded);
        log.debug("Number of rows added: " + numRowsAdded);

        return numRowsAdded;


    public int deleteNode(final DeleteChildType deleteChildType, ProjectType projectInfo, DBInfoType dbInfo)
            throws DataAccessException, I2B2Exception {
        String metadataSchema = dbInfo.getDb_fullSchema();
        String serverType = dbInfo.getDb_serverType();

        if (projectInfo.getRole().size() == 0) {
            log.error("no role found for this user in project: " + projectInfo.getName());
            I2B2Exception e = new I2B2Exception("No role found for user");
            throw e;

        boolean protectedAccess = false;
        Iterator it = projectInfo.getRole().iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            String role = (String);
            if (role.toLowerCase().equalsIgnoreCase("DATA_PROT")) {
                protectedAccess = true;

        ParameterizedRowMapper<String> map = new ParameterizedRowMapper<String>() {
            public String mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
                String name = (rs.getString("c_table_name"));
                return name;
        //extract table code
        String tableCd = StringUtil.getTableCd(deleteChildType.getNode());
        // table code to table name conversion
        String tableName = null;
        if (!protectedAccess) {
            String tableSql = "select distinct(c_table_name) from " + metadataSchema
                    + "workplace_access where c_table_cd = ? and c_protected_access = ? ";
            try {
                tableName = jt.queryForObject(tableSql, map, tableCd, "N");
            } catch (DataAccessException e) {
                throw new I2B2DAOException("Database Error");
        } else {
            String tableSql = "select distinct(c_table_name) from " + metadataSchema
                    + "workplace_access where c_table_cd = ?";
            try {
                tableName = jt.queryForObject(tableSql, map, tableCd);
            } catch (DataAccessException e) {
                throw new I2B2DAOException("Database Error");
        String index = StringUtil.getIndex(deleteChildType.getNode());
        checkForChildrenDeletion(index, tableName, metadataSchema);
        //Mark node for deletion

        String updateSql = " update " + metadataSchema + tableName
                + " set c_change_date = ?, c_status_cd = 'D'  where c_index = ? ";
        log.debug(serverType + "updateSql " + index);
        int numRowsDeleted = -1;
        try {
            // + " " + w_index);
            numRowsDeleted = jt.update(updateSql, Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), index);
        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
            log.error("Dao deleteChild failed");
            throw e;
        log.debug("Number of rows deleted " + numRowsDeleted);
        return numRowsDeleted;


     * This method is to set protected access on a file/folder in workplace
     * It first checks if user has correct privileges to the file, that is
     * either he she is manager or the file is shared or the file belongs
     * to him/her. The it searches for all the folders under the given 
     * index. if folders are found then it runs the update query atleast
     * 3 times to update the root folder in workplace_access table, all the
     * child folders in workplace table and all the child content in workplace
     * table.  
     * @param requestType
     * @param projectInfo
     * @param dbInfo
     * @param userId
     * @return
     * @throws I2B2DAOException
     * @throws I2B2Exception
     * @author Neha Patel
    public int setProtectedAccess(final ProtectedType requestType, final ProjectType projectInfo,
            final DBInfoType dbInfo, String userId) throws I2B2DAOException, I2B2Exception {

        boolean settingRoot = false;
        int numRowsSet = -1;
        int numParentUpdated = -1;
        int numWorkAccUpdated = -1;
        String sharedStr = "";
        String contentUserId = "";
        String tableName = "";
        boolean managerRole = false;
        boolean isFolder = true;

        String metadataSchema = dbInfo.getDb_fullSchema();

        if (projectInfo.getRole().size() == 0) {
            log.error("no role found for this user in project: " + projectInfo.getName());
            I2B2Exception e = new I2B2Exception("No role found for user");
            throw e;

        // Check if user is a manager
        for (String param : projectInfo.getRole()) {
            if (param.equalsIgnoreCase("manager")) {
                managerRole = true;

        ParameterizedRowMapper<String> map = new ParameterizedRowMapper<String>() {
            public String mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {

                String resultRow = "\\tablename=" + rs.getString("c_table_name") + "\\share_id="
                        + rs.getString("c_share_id") + "\\user_id=" + rs.getString("c_user_id");

                return resultRow;

        //extract table code and index
        String tableCd = StringUtil.getTableCd(requestType.getIndex());
        String index = StringUtil.getIndex(requestType.getIndex());

        List resultString = null;
        StringBuilder sqlToRetrieveTableName = new StringBuilder(
                "select distinct c_table_name, c_share_id, c_user_id from " + metadataSchema
                        + "workplace_access where LOWER(c_group_id) = ?");

        // Check if the user is setting access for root directory
        // by looking for index in the current table
        try {
            sqlToRetrieveTableName.append(" and c_index = ? ");
            resultString = jt.query(sqlToRetrieveTableName.toString(), map, projectInfo.getId().toLowerCase(),
        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
            throw new I2B2DAOException("Database Error");

        String resultToSplit = "";
        // if the above query returned any result
        // that means user was setting access for root directory
        if (resultString != null && !resultString.isEmpty()) {

            settingRoot = true;
            isFolder = true;

            // getting tablename, share_id, user_id from the result string
            resultToSplit = (String) resultString.get(0);
            int indexofShared = resultToSplit.indexOf("\\share_id=");
            int indexofUser = resultToSplit.indexOf("\\user_id=");
            tableName = resultToSplit.substring(11, indexofShared);

            // if its not manager check if the file/folder is shared
            // if not shared either, then verify that user is setting
            // privilege for his/her file/folder
            if (managerRole == false) {
                sharedStr = resultToSplit.substring(indexofShared + 10, indexofUser);
                contentUserId = resultToSplit.substring(indexofUser + 9);

                if (!sharedStr.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) {
                    if (!contentUserId.equalsIgnoreCase(userId)) {
                        log.debug("User does not have privileges to set protected access for this content");
                        return -11111;
                } // if (sharedStr==null || !sharedStr.equalsIgnoreCase("Y"))
            } // if managerRole == false
        } //if(resultString!=null && !resultString.isEmpty())         
          // query result is null that means item doesn't exist in workplace_access table
          // or user is not setting access for root directory
          // Get tablename using the tablecd given as part of indexString in the request
        else if (resultString == null || resultString.isEmpty()) {

            // replace the last condition of 'and c_index=?' with 'and c_table_cd'
                    sqlToRetrieveTableName.length() - 1, " and LOWER(c_table_cd) = ? ");

            try {
                resultString = jt.query(sqlToRetrieveTableName.toString(), map, projectInfo.getId().toLowerCase(),
            } catch (DataAccessException e) {
                throw new I2B2DAOException("Database Error");

            resultToSplit = (String) resultString.get(0);

            // getting tablename from the query result
            tableName = resultToSplit.substring(11, resultToSplit.indexOf("\\share_id="));

            List result;
            ParameterizedRowMapper<String> mapTocheckAccess = new ParameterizedRowMapper<String>() {
                public String mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {

                    String resultRow = "\\share_id=" + rs.getString("c_share_id") + "\\user_id="
                            + rs.getString("c_user_id") + "\\type=" + rs.getString("c_work_xml_i2b2_type");

                    return resultRow;

            // Run query in table workplace to find out if the content is shared or does it belong to user
            // Also find the type of the file
            String sql = "select  c_share_id, c_user_id, c_work_xml_i2b2_type from " + metadataSchema + tableName
                    + " where c_index = ? and LOWER(c_group_id) = ?";
            try {
                result = jt.query(sql, mapTocheckAccess, index, projectInfo.getId().toLowerCase());
            } catch (DataAccessException e) {
                throw new I2B2DAOException("Database Error");

            // get the user id and share_id from result string
            resultToSplit = (String) result.get(0);
            String type = resultToSplit.substring(resultToSplit.lastIndexOf("\\") + 6);

            if (!type.equalsIgnoreCase("FOLDER")) {
                isFolder = false;
            } else
                isFolder = true;

            // if user is not a manager
            // then check if file/folder is shared
            // if not shared then verify file/folder belongs to user
            if (managerRole == false) {

                sharedStr = resultToSplit.substring(10, resultToSplit.indexOf("\\user_id="));
                contentUserId = resultToSplit.substring(resultToSplit.indexOf("\\user_id=") + 9,

                if (sharedStr != null && !sharedStr.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) {
                    if (!contentUserId.equalsIgnoreCase(userId)) {
                        log.debug("User does not have privileges to set protected access for this content");
                        return -11111;
                } // if (sharedStr==null || !sharedStr.equalsIgnoreCase("Y"))
            } // if managerRole == false      

        StringBuilder indexStr = new StringBuilder();
        String protectedAccVal = "";

        if (requestType.getProtectedAccess().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("true"))
            protectedAccVal = "Y";
            protectedAccVal = "N";

        ArrayList<String> parentIdxList = new ArrayList<String>();
        indexStr.append("'" + index + "'");

        // if initial request was for a folder only
        // then run this part 
        if (isFolder) {

            List resultingIndx;
            ParameterizedRowMapper<String> mapForIndexes = new ParameterizedRowMapper<String>() {
                public String mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
                    String name = (rs.getString("c_index"));
                    return name;

            // Get all the parent indexes (folder indexes under the top level directory)
            // and store it in an arraylist
            String parentIdx = "";
            for (int i = 0; i < parentIdxList.size(); i++) {
                try {
                    parentIdx = parentIdxList.get(i);
                    if (i > 0) {
                        indexStr.append(", '" + parentIdx + "'");
                    String sqlToCollectIndex = "select c_index from " + metadataSchema + tableName
                            + " where c_parent_index = ? and LOWER(c_group_id) = ? and c_work_xml_i2b2_type = 'FOLDER'";
                    resultingIndx = jt.query(sqlToCollectIndex, mapForIndexes, parentIdx,
                } catch (DataAccessException e) {
                    throw new I2B2DAOException("Database Error");
                if (resultingIndx != null)

            // set the protected access for all the content found under the 
            // parent indexes stored in the arraylist
            numParentUpdated = updateProtectedAccess(metadataSchema, tableName, "c_parent_index",
                    indexStr.toString(), protectedAccVal);

        if (settingRoot) {
            // set the protected access for root directory which is in workplace_access table
            numWorkAccUpdated = updateProtectedAccess(metadataSchema, "workplace_access", "c_index",
                    indexStr.toString(), protectedAccVal);

        // If setting root folder, then set all the folders to protected access
        // if setting one item then still use the same query to set that item to protected_access
        numRowsSet = updateProtectedAccess(metadataSchema, tableName, "c_index", indexStr.toString(),

        // Return the correct number of updated rows 
        if (isFolder)
            numRowsSet += numParentUpdated;

        if (settingRoot)
            numRowsSet += numWorkAccUpdated;

        return numRowsSet;

     * @param numRowsSet
     * @param metadataSchema
     * @param tableName
     * @param indexStr
     * @param protectedAccVal
     * @return
     * @throws I2B2DAOException
     * @author Neha Patel
    private int updateProtectedAccess(String metadataSchema, String tableName, String columnName, String indexStr,
            String protectedAccVal) throws I2B2DAOException {

        String updateSql = "update " + metadataSchema + tableName + " set c_protected_access = ? where "
                + columnName + " in ( " + indexStr + " )";
        int numRowsSet = -1;

        try {
            numRowsSet = jt.update(updateSql, protectedAccVal);
        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
            log.error("Dao updateProtectedAccess failed");
            throw new I2B2DAOException("Data access error ", e);
        return numRowsSet;

    private void checkForChildrenDeletion(String nodeIndex, String tableName, String metadataSchema)
            throws DataAccessException {

        // mark children for deletion
        String updateSql = " update " + metadataSchema + tableName
                + " set c_change_date = ?, c_status_cd = 'D'  where c_parent_index = ? ";
        int numChildrenDeleted = -1;
        try {
            // + " " + w_index);
            numChildrenDeleted = jt.update(updateSql, Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), nodeIndex);
        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
            log.error("Dao deleteChild failed");
            throw e;
        log.debug("Number of children deleted: " + numChildrenDeleted);
        // look for children that are folders
        String folderSql = "select c_index from " + metadataSchema + tableName
                + " where c_parent_index = ? and c_visualattributes like 'F%' ";

        ParameterizedRowMapper<String> map = new ParameterizedRowMapper<String>() {
            public String mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
                String index = (rs.getString("c_index"));
                return index;

        List folders = null;
        try {
            folders = jt.query(folderSql, map, nodeIndex);
        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
            throw e;
        // recursively check folders for children to delete
        if (folders != null) {
            Iterator it = folders.iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                String folderIndex = (String);
                checkForChildrenDeletion(folderIndex, tableName, metadataSchema);


    private ParameterizedRowMapper<FolderType> getMapper(final String type, final boolean isBlob,
            final String tableCd, final String dbType) {

        ParameterizedRowMapper<FolderType> mapper = new ParameterizedRowMapper<FolderType>() {
            public FolderType mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
                FolderType child = new FolderType();
                //TODO fix this for all/+blob
                if (tableCd == null) {
                    //                  child.setHierarchy("\\\\" + rs.getString("c_table_cd")+ rs.getString("c_hierarchy")); 
                    child.setIndex("\\\\" + rs.getString("c_table_cd") + "\\" + rs.getString("c_index"));
                } else {
                    //                  child.setHierarchy("\\\\" + tableCd + rs.getString("c_hierarchy")); 
                    child.setIndex("\\\\" + tableCd + "\\" + rs.getString("c_index"));
                //      log.debug("getMapper: " + child.getIndex());


                if (!(type.equals("default"))) {
                    //            child.setHlevel(rs.getInt("c_hlevel"));
                    //            child.setIndex(rs.getString("c_index"));

                    // Building tooltip for the response 
                    // eg. project name - cname \n tooltip from db
                    String toolTip = rs.getString("c_group_id") + " - " + rs.getString("c_name");
                    if (rs.getString("c_tooltip") != null && !rs.getString("c_tooltip").isEmpty()) {
                        toolTip = toolTip + "\n" + rs.getString("c_tooltip");


                if (isBlob == true) {

                    String c_xml = null;
                    try {
                        if (dbType.equals("POSTGRESQL")) {
                            c_xml = rs.getString("c_work_xml");
                        } else {
                            c_xml = JDBCUtil.getClobString(rs.getClob("c_work_xml"));
                        if (c_xml != null) {
                            //c_xml = JDBCUtil.getClobString(xml_clob);
                            if ((c_xml != null) && (c_xml.trim().length() > 0) && (!c_xml.equals("(null)"))) {
                                SAXBuilder parser = new SAXBuilder();
                       xmlStringReader = new;
                                Element rootElement = null;
                                try {
                                    org.jdom.Document metadataDoc =;
                                    org.jdom.output.DOMOutputter out = new DOMOutputter();
                                    Document doc = out.output(metadataDoc);
                                    rootElement = doc.getDocumentElement();
                                } catch (JDOMException e) {
                                } catch (IOException e1) {
                                if (rootElement != null) {
                                    XmlValueType xml = new XmlValueType();
                                } else {
                                    //                       log.debug("rootElement is null");
                            } else {
                                //               log.debug("work xml is null");
                        } else {
                            //            log.debug("work xml is null");
                    } catch (Exception e) {

                    try {
                        Clob xml_schema_clob = rs.getClob("c_work_xml_schema");
                        if (xml_schema_clob != null) {
                            c_xml = JDBCUtil.getClobString(xml_schema_clob);
                            if ((c_xml != null) && (c_xml.trim().length() > 0) && (!c_xml.equals("(null)"))) {
                                SAXBuilder parser = new SAXBuilder();
                       xmlStringReader = new;
                                Element rootElement = null;
                                try {
                                    org.jdom.Document metadataDoc =;
                                    org.jdom.output.DOMOutputter out = new DOMOutputter();
                                    Document doc = out.output(metadataDoc);
                                    rootElement = doc.getDocumentElement();
                                } catch (JDOMException e) {
                                } catch (IOException e1) {
                                if (rootElement != null) {
                                    XmlValueType xml = new XmlValueType();
                                } else {
                                    //                           log.debug("rootElement is null");
                            } else {
                                //                       log.debug("work xml schema is null");
                        } else {
                            //                   log.debug("work xml schema is null");
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                if ((type.equals("all"))) {
                    DTOFactory factory = new DTOFactory();
                    // make sure date isnt null before converting to XMLGregorianCalendar
                    Date date = rs.getDate("c_entry_date");
                    if (date == null)

                    date = rs.getDate("c_change_date");
                    if (date == null)


                return child;
        return mapper;
