Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Massachusetts General Hospital * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the i2b2 Software License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution. * * Contributors: * Lori Phillips */ package edu.harvard.i2b2.ontology.dao; import; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.sql.DataSource; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.jdom.JDOMException; import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder; import org.jdom.output.DOMOutputter; import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.simple.ParameterizedRowMapper; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.simple.SimpleJdbcTemplate; import; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import edu.harvard.i2b2.common.exception.I2B2DAOException; import edu.harvard.i2b2.common.exception.I2B2Exception; import edu.harvard.i2b2.common.util.db.JDBCUtil; import; import edu.harvard.i2b2.ontology.datavo.vdo.ConceptType; import edu.harvard.i2b2.ontology.datavo.vdo.GetReturnType; import edu.harvard.i2b2.ontology.datavo.vdo.XmlValueType; import edu.harvard.i2b2.ontology.util.OntologyUtil; import edu.harvard.i2b2.ontology.util.Roles; public class GetCategoriesDao extends JdbcDaoSupport { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(GetCategoriesDao.class); final static String CORE = " c_hlevel, c_fullname, c_name, c_synonym_cd, c_visualattributes, c_totalnum, c_basecode, c_facttablecolumn, c_tablename, c_columnname, c_columndatatype, c_operator, c_dimcode, c_tooltip "; final static String DEFAULT = " c_fullname, c_name "; public List findRootCategories(final GetReturnType returnType, final ProjectType projectInfo) throws DataAccessException, I2B2DAOException { DataSource ds = null; try { ds = OntologyUtil.getInstance().getDataSource("java:OntologyLocalDS"); } catch (I2B2Exception e2) { log.error(e2.getMessage()); ; } SimpleJdbcTemplate jt = new SimpleJdbcTemplate(ds); // find return parameters String parameters = DEFAULT; if (returnType.getType().equals("core")) { parameters = CORE; } /* else if (returnType.getType().equals("all")){ parameters = ALL; } */ // First step is get metadata schema name from properties file. String metadataSchema = ""; try { metadataSchema = OntologyUtil.getInstance().getMetaDataSchemaName(); } catch (I2B2Exception e1) { log.error(e1.getMessage()); } // First step is to call PM to see what roles/project user belongs to. if (projectInfo.getRole().size() == 0) { log.error("no role found for this user in project: " + projectInfo.getName()); I2B2DAOException e = new I2B2DAOException("No role found for user"); throw e; } String roles = "( '"; Iterator it = projectInfo.getRole().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String role = (String); roles = roles + role; if (it.hasNext()) { roles = roles + "', '"; } else { roles = roles + "' )"; } } log.debug(roles); log.debug(projectInfo.getId().toLowerCase()); String tablesSql = "select distinct(c_table_cd), " + parameters + " from " + metadataSchema + "table_access where c_project = ? and c_role in " + roles; final boolean obfuscatedUserFlag = Roles.getInstance().isRoleOfuscated(projectInfo); ParameterizedRowMapper<ConceptType> mapper = new ParameterizedRowMapper<ConceptType>() { public ConceptType mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException { ConceptType child = new ConceptType(); //TODO fix this for all/+blob child.setKey("\\\\" + rs.getString("c_table_cd") + rs.getString("c_fullname")); child.setName(rs.getString("c_name")); if (returnType.getType().equals("core")) { child.setBasecode(rs.getString("c_basecode")); child.setLevel(rs.getInt("c_hlevel")); child.setSynonymCd(rs.getString("c_synonym_cd")); child.setVisualattributes(rs.getString("c_visualattributes")); Integer totalNum = rs.getInt("c_totalnum"); if (obfuscatedUserFlag == false) { child.setTotalnum(totalNum); } child.setFacttablecolumn(rs.getString("c_facttablecolumn")); child.setTablename(rs.getString("c_tablename")); child.setColumnname(rs.getString("c_columnname")); child.setColumndatatype(rs.getString("c_columndatatype")); child.setOperator(rs.getString("c_operator")); child.setDimcode(rs.getString("c_dimcode")); child.setTooltip(rs.getString("c_tooltip")); } return child; } }; List queryResult = null; try { queryResult = jt.query(tablesSql, mapper, projectInfo.getId().toLowerCase()); } catch (DataAccessException e) { log.error(e.getMessage()); throw e; } log.debug("result size = " + queryResult.size()); if (returnType.isBlob() == true && queryResult != null) { Iterator itr = queryResult.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { ConceptType child = (ConceptType); String clobSql = "select c_metadataxml, c_comment from " + metadataSchema + "table_access where c_name = ? and c_tooltip = ?"; ParameterizedRowMapper<ConceptType> map = new ParameterizedRowMapper<ConceptType>() { public ConceptType mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException { ConceptType concept = new ConceptType(); // ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData(); // rsmd.get if (rs.getClob("c_metadataxml") == null) { concept.setMetadataxml(null); } else { String c_xml = null; try { c_xml = JDBCUtil.getClobString(rs.getClob("c_metadataxml")); } catch (IOException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block log.error(e1.getMessage()); } if ((c_xml != null) && (c_xml.trim().length() > 0) && (!c_xml.equals("(null)"))) { SAXBuilder parser = new SAXBuilder(); xmlStringReader = new; Element rootElement = null; try { org.jdom.Document metadataDoc =; org.jdom.output.DOMOutputter out = new DOMOutputter(); Document doc = out.output(metadataDoc); rootElement = doc.getDocumentElement(); } catch (JDOMException e) { log.error(e.getMessage()); concept.setMetadataxml(null); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e.getMessage()); concept.setMetadataxml(null); } if (rootElement != null) { XmlValueType xml = new XmlValueType(); xml.getAny().add(rootElement); concept.setMetadataxml(xml); } } else { concept.setMetadataxml(null); } } if (rs.getClob("c_comment") == null) { concept.setComment(null); } else { try { concept.setComment(JDBCUtil.getClobString(rs.getClob("c_comment"))); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e.getMessage()); concept.setComment(null); } } return concept; } }; List clobResult = null; try { clobResult = jt.query(clobSql, map, child.getName(), child.getTooltip()); } catch (DataAccessException e) { log.error(e.getMessage()); throw e; } if (clobResult != null) { child.setMetadataxml(((ConceptType) (clobResult.get(0))).getMetadataxml()); child.setComment(((ConceptType) (clobResult.get(0))).getComment()); } else { child.setMetadataxml(null); child.setComment(null); } } } return queryResult; } }