Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Massachusetts General Hospital 
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials 
 * are made available under the terms of the i2b2 Software License v2.1 
 * which accompanies this distribution. 
 * Contributors: 
 *     Wensong Pan

 * Class: TimelineFactory
 * A utility class for generating timeline ".lld" files based on the PDO; some methods here were 
 * ported from DBLib class.

package edu.harvard.i2b2.explorer.dataModel;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.TimeZone;

import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement;
import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeConstants;
import javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.jdom.Element;

import edu.harvard.i2b2.crcxmljaxb.datavo.i2b2message.BodyType;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.crcxmljaxb.datavo.i2b2message.ResponseMessageType;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.crcxmljaxb.datavo.i2b2message.StatusType;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.crcxmljaxb.datavo.pdo.query.PageType;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.crcxmljaxb.datavo.pdo.query.PatientDataResponseType;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.common.datavo.pdo.ObservationSet;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.common.datavo.pdo.PatientSet;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.common.datavo.pdo.PatientType;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.common.datavo.pdo.ObservationType;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.common.util.jaxb.JAXBUnWrapHelper;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.common.util.jaxb.JAXBUtil;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.explorer.datavo.ExplorerJAXBUtil;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.explorer.ui.MainComposite;
import edu.harvard.i2b2.smlib.Lib;

public class TimelineFactory {

    public String newline = System.getProperty("line.separator");

    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(TimelineFactory.class);

    public TimelineFactory() {

    public String generateTimelineData(String result, ArrayList<TimelineRow> rows, boolean writeFile,
            boolean displayAll, boolean displayDemographics, final MainComposite explorer) {

        try {
            PDOResponseMessageModel pdoresponsefactory = new PDOResponseMessageModel();
            StatusType statusType = pdoresponsefactory.getStatusFromResponseXML(result);
            if (!statusType.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("DONE")) {
                return "error";

            JAXBUtil jaxbUtil = ExplorerJAXBUtil.getJAXBUtil();

            JAXBElement jaxbElement = jaxbUtil.unMashallFromString(result);
            ResponseMessageType messageType = (ResponseMessageType) jaxbElement.getValue();
            BodyType bodyType = messageType.getMessageBody();
            PatientDataResponseType responseType = (PatientDataResponseType) new JAXBUnWrapHelper()
                    .getObjectByClass(bodyType.getAny(), PatientDataResponseType.class);
            PageType pageType = responseType.getPage();
            if (pageType != null) {
                final int returnLastIndex = pageType.getPagingByPatients().getPatientsReturned().getLastIndex()
                final int returnFirstIndex = pageType.getPagingByPatients().getPatientsReturned().getFirstIndex()
                final int requestLastIndex = pageType.getPagingByPatients().getPatientsRequested().getLastIndex()
                if (returnLastIndex < requestLastIndex) {
                    // System.out.println("Can't return all the requested "+
                    // requestIndex+" patients, only "+returnIndex+" patients returned");
                    explorer.getDisplay().syncExec(new Runnable() {
                        public void run() {
                            // MessageBox mBox = new MessageBox(explorer
                            // .getShell(), SWT.ICON_INFORMATION
                            // | SWT.OK );
                            // mBox.setText("Please Note ...");
                            // mBox.setMessage("Only "+(returnLastIndex-returnFirstIndex+1)+" patients returned");
                            if (explorer.runMode() >= 0) {
                                explorer.setIncrementNumber(returnLastIndex - returnFirstIndex + 1);
                            } else if (explorer.runMode() == -1) {
                                explorer.setDecreaseNumber(returnLastIndex - returnFirstIndex + 1);
                    explorer.returnedNumber(returnLastIndex - returnFirstIndex + 1);
                } else {
            } else {
                explorer.getDisplay().syncExec(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {
                        // MessageBox mBox = new MessageBox(explorer
                        // .getShell(), SWT.ICON_INFORMATION
                        // | SWT.OK );
                        // mBox.setText("Please Note ...");
                        // mBox.setMessage("Only "+(returnLastIndex-returnFirstIndex+1)+" patients returned");
                        if (explorer.runMode() >= 0) {
                        } else if (explorer.runMode() == -1) {

            StringBuilder resultFile = new StringBuilder();

            PatientSet patientDimensionSet = pdoresponsefactory.getPatientSetFromResponseXML(result);
            if (patientDimensionSet != null) {
                log.debug("Total patient: " + patientDimensionSet.getPatient().size());
                // for(int i=0;
                // i<patientDimensionSet.getPatientDimension().size();i++) {
                // PatientDimensionType patientType =
                // patientDimensionSet.getPatientDimension().get(i);
                // System.out.println("PatientNum: " +
                // patientType.getPatientNum());
                // }
            } else {
                return "error";

            // / testing the visit set
            // PatientDataType.VisitDimensionSet visitSet =
            // pdoresponsefactory.getVisitSetFromResponseXML(result);
            // System.out.println("Total visits: "+visitSet.getVisitDimension().
            // size());

            List<ObservationSet> factSets = pdoresponsefactory.getFactSetsFromResponseXML(result);

            log.debug("\nGenerate lld:");

            String curPNum = "-1";
            for (int i = 0; i < patientDimensionSet.getPatient().size(); i++) {
                PatientType patientType = patientDimensionSet.getPatient().get(i);
                String pnum = patientType.getPatientId().getValue();
                // Integer pnum = new Integer(snum);
                // log.debug("PatientNum: " + snum);
                //if(curPNum.equals("-1")) {
                curPNum = new String(pnum);

                if (displayDemographics) {
                    resultFile.append(getTimelinePatientString(pnum.toString(), patientType));
                } else {

                String path = null;
                TimelineRow currentRow = null;
                ObservationSet observationFactSet = null;

                for (int j = 0; j < rows.size(); j++) {
                    TimelineRow row = rows.get(j);
                    int total = 0;
                    StringBuilder resultString = new StringBuilder();

                    XMLGregorianCalendar curStartDate = null;
                    //int currentInstanceNum = 0;
                    //String currentConcept = "";
                    ArrayList<ObservationType> facts = new ArrayList<ObservationType>();
                    ObservationType curFact = null;
                    boolean recorded = false;
                    String sStart_date = null;
                    String sEnd_date = null;

                    // loop thru all the pdo sets for this row here
                    for (int s = 0; s < row.pdoItems.size(); s++) {
                        PDOItem pset = row.pdoItems.get(s);
                        observationFactSet = null;

                        for (int m = 0; m < factSets.size(); m++) {
                            ObservationSet tmpFactSet = factSets.get(m);
                            if (tmpFactSet.getPanelName().equalsIgnoreCase(pset.panelName())) {
                                observationFactSet = tmpFactSet;
                                path = observationFactSet.getPanelName();
                                currentRow = row;

                        if (observationFactSet == null) {

                        for (int k = 0; k < observationFactSet.getObservation().size(); k++) {
                            ObservationType obsFactType = observationFactSet.getObservation().get(k);
                            //if(curFact == null) {
                            //curFact = obsFactType;


                            if (pnum.equals(obsFactType.getPatientId().getValue())) {
                                 * if ((curStartDate != null) &&
                                 * (obsFactType.getStartDate().compare(
                                 * curStartDate) == DatatypeConstants.EQUAL)) {
                                 * continue; }
                                if (curFact == null) {
                                    curFact = obsFactType;

                                if (curStartDate == null) {
                                    curStartDate = obsFactType.getStartDate();

                                sStart_date = obsFactType.getStartDate().getMonth() + "-"
                                        + obsFactType.getStartDate().getDay() + "-"
                                        + obsFactType.getStartDate().getYear();

                                if (obsFactType.getEndDate() == null) {
                                    sEnd_date = sStart_date;
                                } else {
                                    sEnd_date = obsFactType.getEndDate().getMonth() + "-"
                                            + obsFactType.getEndDate().getDay() + "-"
                                            + obsFactType.getEndDate().getYear();

                                double nval = -1;
                                if (obsFactType.getNvalNum().getValue() != null) {
                                    nval = obsFactType.getNvalNum().getValue().doubleValue();
                                PDOValueModel valdp = null;

                                boolean same = sameInstance(curFact, obsFactType);
                                if (false) {//pset.hasValueDisplayProperty) {
                                    for (int n = 0; n < pset.valDisplayProperties.size(); n++) {
                                        PDOValueModel tmpvaldp = pset.valDisplayProperties.get(n);
                                        // if (tmpvaldp.inRange(nval)) {
                                        valdp = tmpvaldp;
                                        // break;
                                        // }

                                    String sValue = getSValue(obsFactType.getConceptCd().getName(), obsFactType,
                                    if ((curStartDate != null) && (obsFactType.getStartDate()
                                            .compare(curStartDate) == DatatypeConstants.EQUAL)) {
                                        resultString.append(getTimelineDateStringHeight(sStart_date, sEnd_date,
                                                "slateblue", valdp.height, sValue));
                                    } else {
                                        resultString.append(getTimelineDateStringHeight(sStart_date, sEnd_date,
                                                valdp.color, valdp.height, sValue));
                                } else {
                                    String sValue = "";
                                    if (same && k != observationFactSet.getObservation().size() - 1) {
                                        //if(recorded) {
                                        //recorded = false;
                                        /*sValue = getSValueSame(obsFactType.getConceptCd().getName(),
                                              obsFactType, false);
                                        if ((curStartDate != null)
                                              && (obsFactType.getStartDate()
                                                    .compare(curStartDate) == DatatypeConstants.EQUAL)) {
                                         sStart_date, sEnd_date,
                                         pset.height, sValue));
                                        } else {
                                         sStart_date, sEnd_date,
                                         pset.height, sValue));
                                    //else {
                                    if (facts.size() == 0) {
                                    sValue = getSValue(curFact.getConceptCd().getName(), facts, false);

                                    sStart_date = curFact.getStartDate().getMonth() + "-"
                                            + curFact.getStartDate().getDay() + "-"
                                            + curFact.getStartDate().getYear();

                                    if (curFact.getEndDate() == null) {
                                        sEnd_date = sStart_date;
                                    } else {
                                        sEnd_date = curFact.getEndDate().getMonth() + "-"
                                                + curFact.getEndDate().getDay() + "-"
                                                + curFact.getEndDate().getYear();

                                    //if ((curStartDate != null)
                                    //      && (obsFactType.getStartDate()
                                    //      .compare(curStartDate) == DatatypeConstants.EQUAL)) {
                                    //sStart_date, sEnd_date,
                                    //pset.height, sValue));
                                    //} else {
                                    resultString.append(getTimelineDateStringHeight(sStart_date, sEnd_date,
                                            pset.color, pset.height, sValue));

                                recorded = false;
                                curStartDate = obsFactType.getStartDate();
                                curFact = obsFactType;

                                if (!same && k == observationFactSet.getObservation().size() - 1) {
                                    String sValue = "";
                                    sValue = getSValue(obsFactType.getConceptCd().getName(), facts, false);

                                    sStart_date = obsFactType.getStartDate().getMonth() + "-"
                                            + obsFactType.getStartDate().getDay() + "-"
                                            + obsFactType.getStartDate().getYear();

                                    if (obsFactType.getEndDate() == null) {
                                        sEnd_date = sStart_date;
                                    } else {
                                        sEnd_date = obsFactType.getEndDate().getMonth() + "-"
                                                + obsFactType.getEndDate().getDay() + "-"
                                                + obsFactType.getEndDate().getYear();

                                    //if ((curStartDate != null)
                                    //      && (obsFactType.getStartDate()
                                    //      .compare(curStartDate) == DatatypeConstants.EQUAL)) {
                                    //sStart_date, sEnd_date,
                                    //pset.height, sValue));
                                    //} else {
                                    resultString.append(getTimelineDateStringHeight(sStart_date, sEnd_date,
                                            pset.color, pset.height, sValue));
                            } else {
                                if (recorded || facts.size() == 0) {
                                    curPNum = new String(pnum);
                                sStart_date = curStartDate.getMonth() + "-" + curStartDate.getDay() + "-"
                                        + curStartDate.getYear();

                                //if (obsFactType.getEndDate() == null) {
                                //sEnd_date = sStart_date;
                                //} else {
                                sEnd_date = curStartDate.getMonth() + "-" + curStartDate.getDay() + "-"
                                        + curStartDate.getYear() + " 12:00";
                                //curFact = null;
                                String sValue = getSValue(curFact.getConceptCd().getName(), facts, false);
                                //if ((curStartDate != null)
                                //&& (obsFactType.getStartDate()
                                //.compare(curStartDate) == DatatypeConstants.EQUAL)) {
                                //sStart_date, sEnd_date,
                                //pset.height, sValue));
                                //} else {
                                resultString.append(getTimelineDateStringHeight(sStart_date, sEnd_date, pset.color,
                                        pset.height, sValue));
                                recorded = true;
                                curStartDate = null;//obsFactType.getStartDate();
                                curFact = null;//obsFactType;
                                curPNum = new String(pnum);

                    if (total > 0) {
                        // log.debug("-- "+path+" has "+total+" events");
                        resultFile.append(getTimelineConceptString(row.displayName, total));

                        // log.debug(resultString.toString());
                        total = 0;
                        recorded = true;
                    } else {
                        // display all
                        if (displayAll) {
                            // log.debug("-- "+path+" has "+total+" events");
                            resultFile.append(getTimelineConceptString(row.displayName, 1));

                            // log.debug(getTimelineEmptyDateString());

                    if (recorded || facts.size() == 0) {
                        curPNum = new String(pnum);
                    sStart_date = curStartDate.getMonth() + "-" + curStartDate.getDay() + "-"
                            + curStartDate.getYear();

                    //if (obsFactType.getEndDate() == null) {
                    //sEnd_date = sStart_date;
                    //} else {
                    sEnd_date = curStartDate.getMonth() + "-" + curStartDate.getDay() + "-"
                            + curStartDate.getYear();
                    //curFact = null;
                    String sValue = getSValue(curFact.getConceptCd().getName(), facts, false);

                            .append(getTimelineDateStringHeight(sStart_date, sEnd_date, "navyblue", "p10", sValue));

                    recorded = true;
                    //curStartDate = obsFactType.getStartDate();
                    //curFact = obsFactType;
                    curPNum = new String(pnum);
                    if (total > 0) {
                        // log.debug("-- "+path+" has "+total+" events");
                        resultFile.append(getTimelineConceptString(row.displayName, total));

                        // log.debug(resultString.toString());


            if (writeFile) {
                String i2b2File = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/temp/" + "i2b2xml.lld";
                File oDelete = new File(i2b2File);
                if (oDelete != null)
                RandomAccessFile f = new RandomAccessFile(i2b2File, "rw");
                append(f, resultFile.toString());

            // log.debug("\nThe lld file: \n"+resultFile.toString());
            return resultFile.toString();
        } catch (org.apache.axis2.AxisFault e) {
            return null;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return "error";

    public static void append(RandomAccessFile f, String outString) throws IOException {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new IOException("trouble writing to random access file.");

    public String createlld(int minPatientNum, int maxPatientNum, boolean bDisplayAll, boolean writeFile,
            boolean displayDemographics) {

        ArrayList conceptOrder = new ArrayList();
        int maxLineCount = 0; // zero turns off check for maximum count of lines
        StringBuilder resultFile = new StringBuilder();
        ArrayList<PatientDemographics> demographicsArray = new ArrayList<PatientDemographics>();

        try {
            // get the root
            Element root = null;// doc.getRootElement();
            // get the children from the i2b2 document
            java.util.List allChildren = root.getChildren();
            int iNumberOfChildren = allChildren.size();
            // set up the variables for the loop
            String sPatient_num = null;
            String sConcept_cd = null;
            String sOldPatient_num = "start";
            String sOldConcept_cd = null;
            String sStart_date = null;
            String sOldStart_date = null;
            String sEnd_date = null;
            String sInout_cd = null;
            String sDeath_date = null;
            String sColor = null;
            String sHeight = null;
            String sValue = null;
            String sTablename = null;
            int patientNum = 0;
            Date oDate;

            boolean bOverMax = false;
            int conceptCount = 0;
            int patientCount = minPatientNum;
            StringBuilder patientRecord = new StringBuilder();

            String currentPatientNum = null;
            int indexPos = 0;

            for (int p = 0; p < demographicsArray.size(); p++) {
                PatientDemographics record = demographicsArray.get(p);
                currentPatientNum = record.patientNumber();

                if (displayDemographics) {
                    patientRecord.append(getTimelinePatientString(currentPatientNum, record));
                } else {

                patientRecord = new StringBuilder();

                conceptCount = 0;
                sOldConcept_cd = null;
                sOldStart_date = null;
                sOldPatient_num = "";

                if ((indexPos == iNumberOfChildren) && bDisplayAll) {
                    conceptCount = 0;
                    while ((conceptOrder != null) && (conceptCount < conceptOrder.size())) {
                        patientRecord.append(getTimelineConceptString((String) conceptOrder.get(conceptCount), 1));

                    patientRecord = new StringBuilder();

                for (int i = indexPos; i < iNumberOfChildren; i++) {
                    if ((maxLineCount > 0) && (i > maxLineCount)) {
                        bOverMax = true;

                    Element oChild = (Element) allChildren.get(i);
                    sPatient_num = "";// oChild.getChild(ss_patient_num).getText(
                    // );

                    if (!sPatient_num.equals(currentPatientNum) && (sOldPatient_num.equals("start")) /*
                                                                                                     * &&
                                                                                                     * !sOldPatient_num
                                                                                                     * .equals(
                                                                                                     * sPatient_num
                                                                                                     * )
                                                                                                     */) {
                        if (bDisplayAll) {
                            try {
                                patientNum = Integer.parseInt(sPatient_num);
                                conceptCount = 0;
                                while ((conceptOrder != null) && (conceptCount < conceptOrder.size())) {
                                            getTimelineConceptString((String) conceptOrder.get(conceptCount), 1));

                                patientRecord = new StringBuilder();
                                // patientCount++;
                            } catch (java.lang.OutOfMemoryError e) {
                                log.error("In resultset builder 5: " + e.getMessage());
                                // closeConnection(oConnection);
                                return "memory error";
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                // closeConnection(oConnection);
                                return "error";

                            conceptCount = 0;
                            sOldConcept_cd = null;
                            sOldStart_date = null;
                    } else if (!sPatient_num.equals(currentPatientNum) && !(sOldPatient_num.equals("start")) /*
                                                                                                             * &&!
                                                                                                             * sOldPatient_num
                                                                                                             * .equals(
                                                                                                             * sPatient_num
                                                                                                             * )
                                                                                                             */) {
                        if ((bDisplayAll) && (conceptCount < (conceptOrder.size()))) {
                            while ((conceptOrder != null) && (conceptCount < conceptOrder.size())) {
                                        getTimelineConceptString((String) conceptOrder.get(conceptCount), 1));

                        patientRecord = new StringBuilder();

                        conceptCount = 0;
                        sOldConcept_cd = null;
                        sOldStart_date = null;
                    } else if (sPatient_num.equals(currentPatientNum)) {
                        indexPos = i + 1;
                        sOldPatient_num = sPatient_num;
                        // if (bUseConcept) {
                        // sConcept_cd =
                        // oChild.getChild(ss_concept_cd).getText();
                        // }
                        // else {
                        // sConcept_cd =
                        // oChild.getAttributeValue(ss_q_name_char);
                        // }

                        if (!sConcept_cd.equals(sOldConcept_cd)) {
                            // conceptCount++;
                            if (bDisplayAll) {
                                for (int j = conceptCount; j < conceptOrder.size(); j++) {
                                    if (sConcept_cd.equals(conceptOrder.get(j))) {
                                    } else {
                                                .append(getTimelineConceptString((String) conceptOrder.get(j), 1));

                            // int iNumConceptObservations =
                            // getNumConceptObservationsRollingupStartDate
                            // (allChildren,i);

                            // patientRecord.append(getTimelineConceptString(
                            // sConcept_cd,iNumConceptObservations));
                            sOldStart_date = null;

                        sOldConcept_cd = sConcept_cd;
                        // sStart_date =
                        // oChild.getChild(ss_start_date).getText();
                        // if (!sStart_date.equals(sOldStart_date)) {
                        // if (!sStart_date.equals(null)) {
                        if ((!sStart_date.equals(null))
                                && ((sOldStart_date == null) || (!sStart_date.equals(sOldStart_date)))) {
                            // sEnd_date =
                            // oChild.getChild(ss_end_date).getText();
                            if ((sEnd_date == null) || (sEnd_date.trim().length() == 0))
                                sEnd_date = sStart_date;
                            // sInout_cd =
                            // oChild.getChild(ss_inout_cd).getText();
                            sInout_cd = "";
                            // sColor = oChild.getChild(ss_color_cd).getText();
                            // sHeight =
                            // oChild.getChild(ss_height_cd).getText();
                            // sValue = oChild.getChild(ss_value_cd).getText();
                            // sTablename =
                            // oChild.getChild(ss_table_name).getText();
                            String prefix = "C";
                            if (sTablename.equalsIgnoreCase("visit_dimension")) {
                                prefix = "E";
                            } else if (sTablename.equalsIgnoreCase("provider_dimension")) {
                                prefix = "P";

                            // if ((sValue==null)||(sValue.length()==0)) {
                            // sValue = prefix+" = ::"+sConcept_cd+"::"+
                            // "$$"+oChild.getChild(ss_patient_num).getText()+
                            // "$$"+oChild.getChild(ss_concept_cd).getText() +
                            // "$$"+ChangeRsDateFull(sStart_date) ;//+"::";
                        } else {
                            // sValue = prefix+" Value = " +
                            // "::"+sConcept_cd+": "+sValue+"::"+
                            // "$$"+oChild.getChild(ss_patient_num).getText()+
                            // "$$"+oChild.getChild(ss_concept_cd).getText() +
                            // "$$"+ChangeRsDateFull(sStart_date) ;//+"::";

                        // log.debug("   "+ ChangeRsDate(sStart_date) + " -> " +
                        // ChangeRsDate(sEnd_date));
                        // System.out.print(getTimelineDateString(ChangeRsDate(
                        // sStart_date),ChangeRsDate(sEnd_date)));
                        // System.out.print(getTimelineDateString(ChangeRsDate(
                        // sStart_date),ChangeRsDate(sEnd_date),sConcept_cd));
                        if (sInout_cd.equalsIgnoreCase("I")) {
                            if (sColor != null)
                                        ChangeRsDate(sEnd_date), sColor));
                        } else if (sInout_cd.equalsIgnoreCase("E")) {
                            if (sColor != null)
                                        ChangeRsDate(sEnd_date), sColor));
                        } else if (sInout_cd.equalsIgnoreCase("D")) {
                            if (sStart_date.length() == 0) {
                                if (sColor != null)
                                    patientRecord.append(getTimelineDateStringEncounter("today", "today", sColor));
                                    patientRecord.append(getTimelineDateStringEncounter("today", "today"));
                            } else {
                                if (sColor != null)
                                            getTimelineDateStringDeath(ChangeRsDate(sStart_date), "today", sColor));
                                            getTimelineDateStringDeath(ChangeRsDate(sStart_date), "today", sColor));
                        } else {
                            if (sConcept_cd.equals("Death")) {
                                if (sStart_date.length() == 0) {
                                    sStart_date = "today";
                                    sColor = "lightbrown";
                                sEnd_date = "today";
                            if (sColor != null) {
                                if (sConcept_cd.equalsIgnoreCase("EGFR"))
                                            ChangeRsDate(sEnd_date), sColor,
                                            ChangeRsDate(sEnd_date), sColor, sHeight, sValue));
                            } else
                                        ChangeRsDate(sEnd_date), sHeight));
                    sOldStart_date = sStart_date;

                    if (!bOverMax) {
                        if (bDisplayAll && (indexPos == iNumberOfChildren)) {
                            while ((conceptOrder != null) && (conceptCount < conceptOrder.size())) {
                                        getTimelineConceptString((String) conceptOrder.get(conceptCount), 1));
                        patientRecord = new StringBuilder();

            if ((!bOverMax) && bDisplayAll) {
                while ((conceptOrder != null) && (conceptCount < conceptOrder.size())) {
                    patientRecord.append(getTimelineConceptString((String) conceptOrder.get(conceptCount), 1));

            log.debug(" Total Count " + iNumberOfChildren);

            if (writeFile) {
                String i2b2File = System.getProperty("user.dir") + '/' + "i2b2xml.lld";
                File oDelete = new File(i2b2File);
                if (oDelete != null)
                RandomAccessFile f = new RandomAccessFile(i2b2File, "rw");
                Lib.append(f, resultFile.toString());

            if (bOverMax) {
                log.debug("reached maximum at " + new Date());
                return "overmaximum";
        } catch (java.lang.OutOfMemoryError e) {
            log.error("In resultset builder 6: " + e.getMessage());
            // closeConnection(oConnection);
            return "memory error";
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // closeConnection(oConnection);
            return "error";

        log.debug("done at " + new Date());
        return resultFile.toString();


    public static String ChangeRsDateFull(String sInputDate) {
        try {
             * sInputDate = Lib.StrFindAndReplace("Sunday, ","",sInputDate);
             * sInputDate = Lib.StrFindAndReplace("Monday, ","",sInputDate);
             * sInputDate = Lib.StrFindAndReplace("Tuesday, ","",sInputDate);
             * sInputDate = Lib.StrFindAndReplace("Wednesday, ","",sInputDate);
             * sInputDate = Lib.StrFindAndReplace("Thursday, ","",sInputDate);
             * sInputDate = Lib.StrFindAndReplace("Friday, ","",sInputDate);
             * sInputDate = Lib.StrFindAndReplace("Saturday, ","",sInputDate);
             * sInputDate = Lib.StrFindAndReplace(" EDT","",sInputDate); Date
             * oDate = java.text.DateFormat.getDateInstance().parse(sInputDate);

            SimpleDateFormat iFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("d-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss a");
            Date oDate = iFormat.parse(sInputDate);

            // sInputDate =
            // DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM).format(oDate);
            SimpleDateFormat oFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-M-d hh:mm:ss a");
            sInputDate = oFormat.format(oDate);
            return sInputDate;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return "";

     * returns %facet,PERSON_#1...............,white,yes %c,comment %agg,
     * normal,1, no %-,2-15-1999,today,white,p1,.,chiempty.html,""
    public String getTimelinePatientString(String sPatient_num) {
        String sFinished = newline + "%facet,Person_#" + sPatient_num + "................,white,yes" + newline
                + " %c,comment" + newline + " %agg, normal,1, no" + newline
                + " %-,2-15-1999 12:00,today,white,p1,.,chiempty.html,\"\"" + newline;
        return sFinished;

    public String getTimelinePatientString(String sPatient_num, PatientDemographics record, String startDate) {
        String sFinished;

        sFinished = newline + "%facet,";

        if (!System.getProperty("applicationName").equals("BIRN")) {
            sFinished += "Person_#";

        sFinished += sPatient_num + ",white,yes" + newline + " %c,comment" + newline + " %agg, normal,1, no"
                + newline + " %-," + ChangeRsDate(startDate) + ",today,white,p1,.,chiempty.html,\"\"" + newline;
        return sFinished;

     * returns %facet,PERSON_#1 gender: age: race: vital-status: ,white,yes
     * %c,comment %agg, normal,1, no
     * %-,2-15-1999,today,white,p1,.,chiempty.html,""
    public String getTimelinePatientString(String sPatient_num, PatientType record) {
        String sFinished = newline + "%facet,Person_#" + sPatient_num + ",white,yes" + newline + " %c,comment"
                + newline + " %agg, normal,1, no" + newline
                + " %-,2-15-1999 12:00,today,white,p1,.,chiempty.html,\"\"" + newline;

        PatientDemographics patientDemographics = new PatientDemographics();

        String age = patientDemographics.age() + "yrold";
        String gender = "";
        String race = "";

        if (patientDemographics.vitalStatus().equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) {
            age = "Dead";

        if (patientDemographics.gender().toUpperCase().startsWith("M")) {
            gender = "Male";
        } else if (patientDemographics.gender().toUpperCase().startsWith("F")) {
            gender = "Female";

        if (patientDemographics.race().equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
            race = "Unknown";
        } else {
            if (patientDemographics.race().toUpperCase().startsWith("W")) {
                race = "White";
            } else if (patientDemographics.race().toUpperCase().startsWith("B")) {
                race = "Black";
            } else if (patientDemographics.race().toUpperCase().startsWith("A")) {
                race = "Asian";
            } else if (patientDemographics.race().toUpperCase().startsWith("H")) {
                race = "Hispanic";
            } else if (patientDemographics.race().toUpperCase().startsWith("O")) {
                if (patientDemographics.race().toUpperCase().indexOf("OR") >= 0) {
                    race = "Oriental";
                } else {
                    race = "Other";
            } else {
                race = "Unknown";

        sFinished = newline + "%facet,Person_#" + sPatient_num + "__" + gender + "__" + age + "__" + race
                + ",white,yes" + newline + " %c,comment" + newline + " %agg, normal,1, no" + newline
                + " %-,2-15-1999 12:00,today,white,p1,.,chiempty.html,\"\"" + newline;

        return sFinished;

     * returns %facet,PERSON_#1 gender: age: race: vital-status: ,white,yes
     * %c,comment %agg, normal,1, no
     * %-,2-15-1999,today,white,p1,.,chiempty.html,""
    public String getTimelinePatientString(String sPatient_num, PatientDemographics record) {
        String sFinished;

        if (record.age().equals("")) {
            sFinished = newline + "%facet,Person_#" + sPatient_num + ",white,yes" + newline + " %c,comment"
                    + newline + " %agg, normal,1, no" + newline
                    + " %-,2-15-1999 12:00,today,white,p1,.,chiempty.html,\"\"" + newline;
            return sFinished;

        String age = record.age() + "yrold";
        String gender = null;
        String race = null;

        if (record.vitalStatus().equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) {
            age = "Dead";

        if (record.gender().toUpperCase().startsWith("M")) {
            gender = "Male";
        } else if (record.gender().toUpperCase().startsWith("F")) {
            gender = "Female";

        if (record.race().toUpperCase().startsWith("W")) {
            race = "White";
        } else if (record.race().toUpperCase().startsWith("B")) {
            race = "Black";
        } else if (record.race().toUpperCase().startsWith("A")) {
            race = "Asian";
        } else if (record.race().toUpperCase().startsWith("H")) {
            race = "Hispanic";
        } else if (record.race().toUpperCase().startsWith("O")) {
            if (record.race().toUpperCase().indexOf("OR") >= 0) {
                race = "Oriental";
            } else {
                race = "Other";
        } else {
            race = "Unknown";

        sFinished = newline + "%facet,Person_#" + sPatient_num + "__" + gender + "__" + age + "__" + race
                + ",white,yes" + newline + " %c,comment" + newline + " %agg, normal,1, no" + newline
                + " %-,2-15-1999 12:00,today,white,p1,.,chiempty.html,\"\"" + newline;

        return sFinished;

     * returns %facet,Diagnosis,lightbrown,yes %c,comment %agg, normal,6, no
     * %-,6-27-1999,today,slateblue,p5,ICH,blank.htm,""
     * %-,6-26-1999,6-30-1999,slateblue,p10, ,blank.htm,""
    public String getTimelineConceptString(String sConcept_cd, int iNumConceptObservations) {
        String sNewConcept = sConcept_cd.replaceAll(" ", "_").replaceAll(",", "_");
        sNewConcept = sNewConcept.replaceAll("__", "_");
        sNewConcept = sNewConcept.replaceAll(">", "_");
        sNewConcept = sNewConcept.replaceAll("<", "_");
        sNewConcept = sNewConcept.replaceAll("zz", "");

        sNewConcept = sNewConcept.trim();
        //if (sNewConcept.length() > 15) {
        //sNewConcept = sNewConcept.substring(0, 15) + "...";

        return newline + "%facet," + sNewConcept + ",lightbrown," + "yes" + newline + " %c,comment" + newline
                + " %agg, normal," + Integer.toString(iNumConceptObservations) + ", no" + newline;


    public String getTimelineDateString(String sStart_date, String sEnd_date) {
        String sFinished = " %-," + sStart_date + "," + sEnd_date + ",slateblue,p5, ,blank.htm,\"\"" + newline;
        return sFinished;

    public String getTimelineDateStringHeight(String sStart_date, String sEnd_date, String height) {
        String pixel = "p10";
        if (height.equalsIgnoreCase("Very Low")) {
            pixel = "p4";
        } else if (height.equalsIgnoreCase("Very Tall")) {
            pixel = "p18";
        } else if (height.equalsIgnoreCase("Tall")) {
            pixel = "p12";
        } else if (height.equalsIgnoreCase("Low")) {
            pixel = "p8";

        String sFinished = " %-," + sStart_date + "," + sEnd_date + ",slateblue," + pixel + ", ,blank.htm,\"\""
                + newline;
        return sFinished;

    public String getTimelineEmptyDateString() {
        String sFinished = " %-,2-15-1999 12:00,2-15-1999 12:00" + ",lightbrown,p5, ,blank.htm,\"\"" + newline;
        return sFinished;

    public String getTimelineDateString(String sStart_date, String sEnd_date, String colorName) {
        String sFinished = " %-," + sStart_date + "," + sEnd_date + "," + colorName + ",p5, ,blank.htm,\"\""
                + newline;
        return sFinished;

    public String getTimelineDateStringHeight(String sStart_date, String sEnd_date, String colorName, String height,
            String sValue) {

        String pixel = "p10";
        if (height.equalsIgnoreCase("Very Low")) {
            pixel = "p4";
        } else if (height.equalsIgnoreCase("Very Tall")) {
            pixel = "p18";
        } else if (height.equalsIgnoreCase("Tall")) {
            pixel = "p12";
        } else if (height.equalsIgnoreCase("Low")) {
            pixel = "p8";

         * if ((sValue==null)||(sValue.trim().length()==0)) sValue = ""; else
         * sValue = "Value = " + sValue;

        String sFinished = " %-," + sStart_date + "," + sEnd_date + "," + colorName + "," + pixel
                + ", ,blank.htm,\"" + sValue.replaceAll(",", "-") + "\"" + newline;
        return sFinished;

    public String getTimelineDateStringHeightSame(String sStart_date, String sEnd_date, String colorName,
            String height, String sValue) {

        String pixel = "p10";
        if (height.equalsIgnoreCase("Very Low")) {
            pixel = "p4";
        } else if (height.equalsIgnoreCase("Very Tall")) {
            pixel = "p18";
        } else if (height.equalsIgnoreCase("Tall")) {
            pixel = "p12";
        } else if (height.equalsIgnoreCase("Low")) {
            pixel = "p8";

         * if ((sValue==null)||(sValue.trim().length()==0)) sValue = ""; else
         * sValue = "Value = " + sValue;

        String sFinished = " %-," + sStart_date + "," + sEnd_date + "," + colorName + "," + pixel
                + ", ,blank.htm,\"" + sValue.replaceAll(",", "-") + "\"" + newline;
        return sFinished;

    public String getTimelineDateStringHeight(String sStart_date, String sEnd_date, String colorName,
            String height) {

        String pixel = "p10";
        if (height.equalsIgnoreCase("Very Low")) {
            pixel = "p4";
        } else if (height.equalsIgnoreCase("Very Tall")) {
            pixel = "p18";
        } else if (height.equalsIgnoreCase("Tall")) {
            pixel = "p12";
        } else if (height.equalsIgnoreCase("Low")) {
            pixel = "p8";

        String sFinished = " %-," + sStart_date + "," + sEnd_date + "," + colorName + "," + pixel
                + ", ,blank.htm,\"\"" + newline;
        return sFinished;

    public String getTimelineDateString(String sStart_date, String sEnd_date, String colorName, String url) {
        String sFinished = " %-," + sStart_date + "," + sEnd_date + "," + colorName + ",p5, ," + url + ",\"\""
                + newline;
        return sFinished;

    public String getTimelineDateStringSpecial(String sStart_date, String sEnd_date) {
        String sFinished = " %-," + sStart_date + "," + sEnd_date + ",tomato,p10, ,blank.htm,\"\"" + newline;
        return sFinished;

    public String getTimelineDateStringSpecial(String sStart_date, String sEnd_date, String colorName) {
        String sFinished = " %-," + sStart_date + "," + sEnd_date + "," + colorName + ",p10, ,blank.htm,\"\""
                + newline;
        return sFinished;

    public String getTimelineDateStringEncounter(String sStart_date, String sEnd_date) {
        String sFinished = " %-," + sStart_date + "," + sEnd_date + ",yellowgreen,p2, ,blank.htm,\"\"" + newline;

        return sFinished;

    public String getTimelineDateStringEncounter(String sStart_date, String sEnd_date, String colorName) {
        String sFinished = " %-," + sStart_date + "," + sEnd_date + "," + colorName + ",p2, ,blank.htm,\"\""
                + newline;

        return sFinished;

    public String getTimelineDateStringDeath(String sStart_date, String sEnd_date) {
        String sFinished = " %-," + sStart_date + "," + sEnd_date + ",black,p5, ,blank.htm,\"\"" + newline;
        return sFinished;

    public String getTimelineDateStringDeath(String sStart_date, String sEnd_date, String colorName) {
        String sFinished = " %-," + sStart_date + "," + sEnd_date + "," + colorName + ",p5, ,blank.htm,\"\""
                + newline;
        return sFinished;

     * public  String getTimelineDateString(String sStart_date,String
     * sEnd_date, String concept_cd){ String sFinished = " %-," + sStart_date +
     * "," + sEnd_date + ",slateblue,p5," + concept_cd + ",blank.htm,\"\"" +
     * newline; return sFinished; }

    public String GetTimelineHeader() {
        Calendar cldr = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getDefault());
        String todayStr = (cldr.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1) + "-" + cldr.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) + "-"
                + cldr.get(Calendar.YEAR);
        return "%beforeSeptember1997" + newline + "%today," + /* 5-02-2006 */todayStr + " 12:00" + newline + newline

                "%c, Available colors:" + newline + "%c, " + newline + "%c, (\"seagreen\",          \"2e8b57\");"
                + newline + "%c, (\"seashell\",          \"fff5ee\");" + newline
                + "%c, (\"sienna\",            \"a0522d\");" + newline + "%c, (\"skyblue\",           \"87ceeb\");"
                + newline + "%c, (\"slateblue\",         \"6a5acd\");" + newline
                + "%c, (\"slategray\",         \"708090\");" + newline + "%c, (\"slategrey\",         \"708090\");"
                + newline + "%c, (\"snow\",              \"fffafa\");" + newline
                + "%c, (\"springgreen\",       \"00ff7f\");" + newline + "%c, (\"steelblue\",         \"4682b4\");"
                + newline + "%c, (\"tan\",               \"d2b48c\");" + newline
                + "%c, (\"thistle\",           \"d8bfd8\");" + newline + "%c, (\"tomato\",            \"ff6347\");"
                + newline + "%c, (\"turquoise\",         \"40e0d0\");" + newline
                + "%c, (\"violet\",            \"ee82ee\");" + newline + "%c, (\"violetred\",         \"d02090\");"
                + newline + "%c, (\"wheat\",             \"f5deb3\");" + newline
                + "%c, (\"white\",             \"ffffff\");" + newline + "%c, (\"whitesmoke\",        \"f5f5f5\");"
                + newline + "%c, (\"yellow\",            \"ffff00\");" + newline
                + "%c, (\"yellowgreen\",       \"9acd32\");" + newline + "%c, (\"lightbrown\",        \"fff5c8\");"
                + newline + "%c, (\"darkbrown\",         \"ffecaf\");" + newline + newline +

                "%person,i2b2 Timeline Application,.," + cldr.get(Calendar.YEAR)/* 2007 */ + ",.,images/cath.gif"
                + newline + newline +

                "%c,PERSON 1" + newline;

    public String GetTimelineFooter() {
        return newline + "%end" + newline;

    public String ChangeRsDate(String sInputDate) {
        try {
            SimpleDateFormat iFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("d-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss a");
            Date oDate = iFormat.parse(sInputDate);

            SimpleDateFormat oFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("M-d-yyyy HH:mm");
            sInputDate = oFormat.format(oDate);
            return sInputDate;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (System.getProperty("applicationName").equals("BIRN")) {
                try {

                    SimpleDateFormat iFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEEEEEE, MMMMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss a z");
                    Date oDate = iFormat.parse(sInputDate);

                    SimpleDateFormat oFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("M-d-yyyy HH:mm");
                    sInputDate = oFormat.format(oDate);
                    return sInputDate;
                } catch (Exception eee) {
                    return sInputDate;
            } else {
                try {

                    SimpleDateFormat iFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEEEEEE, MMMMMM dd, yyyy");
                    Date oDate = iFormat.parse(sInputDate);

                    SimpleDateFormat oFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("M-d-yyyy 12:00");
                    sInputDate = oFormat.format(oDate);
                    return sInputDate;
                } catch (Exception eee) {
                    return sInputDate;

    private boolean sameInstance(ObservationType curFact, ObservationType obsFactType) {
        boolean same = false;
        //if(obsFactType.getInstanceNum() == null) {
        //return same;

        if (obsFactType.getStartDate().compare(curFact.getStartDate()) == DatatypeConstants.EQUAL
                && obsFactType.getConceptCd().getValue().equals(curFact.getConceptCd().getValue())
                && ((obsFactType.getInstanceNum() == null)
                        || obsFactType.getInstanceNum().getValue().equals(curFact.getInstanceNum().getValue()))) {
            same = true;

        return same;

    private String getSValue(String sConcept_cd, ObservationType obsFactType, boolean hasValue) {
        String prefix = "C";
        String sValue = null;
        if (hasValue && obsFactType.getNvalNum().getValue() != null) {
            sValue = obsFactType.getNvalNum().getValue().toString();
        // if(sTablename.equalsIgnoreCase("visit_dimension")) {
        // prefix = "E";
        // }
        // else if(sTablename.equalsIgnoreCase("provider_dimension")) {
        // prefix = "P";
        // }

        if (!hasValue) {
            sValue = prefix + " = ::" + sConcept_cd + "::" + "$$" + obsFactType.getPatientId().getValue() + "$$"
                    + obsFactType.getConceptCd().getValue() + "$$" + obsFactType.getEventId().getValue() + "$$"
                    + obsFactType.getObserverCd().getValue() + "$$" + obsFactType.getModifierCd().getValue() + " "
                    + (obsFactType.getValuetypeCd().equals("T") ? obsFactType.getTvalChar()
                            : (obsFactType.getNvalNum().getValue() + obsFactType.getUnitsCd()))
                    + "$$";
        } else {
            sValue = prefix + " Value = " + "::" + sConcept_cd + ": " + sValue + "::" + "$$"
                    + obsFactType.getPatientId().getValue() + "$$" + obsFactType.getConceptCd().getValue() + "$$"
                    + obsFactType.getEventId().getValue() + "$$" + obsFactType.getModifierCd().getValue() + " "
                    + (obsFactType.getValuetypeCd().equals("T") ? obsFactType.getTvalChar()
                            : (obsFactType.getNvalNum().getValue() + obsFactType.getUnitsCd()))
                    + "$$";
        return sValue;

    private String getSValueSame(String sConcept_cd, ObservationType obsFactType, boolean hasValue) {
        String prefix = "C";
        String sValue = null;
        if (hasValue && obsFactType.getNvalNum().getValue() != null) {
            sValue = obsFactType.getNvalNum().getValue().toString();
        // if(sTablename.equalsIgnoreCase("visit_dimension")) {
        // prefix = "E";
        // }
        // else if(sTablename.equalsIgnoreCase("provider_dimension")) {
        // prefix = "P";
        // }

        if (!hasValue) {
            sValue = prefix + " = ::" + sConcept_cd + "::" + "$$" + obsFactType.getPatientId().getValue() + "$$"
                    + obsFactType.getConceptCd().getValue() + "$$" + obsFactType.getEventId().getValue() + "$$"
                    + obsFactType.getObserverCd().getValue() + "$$" + obsFactType.getModifierCd().getValue() + " "
                    + (obsFactType.getValuetypeCd().equals("T") ? obsFactType.getTvalChar()
                            : (obsFactType.getNvalNum().getValue() + obsFactType.getUnitsCd()))
                    + "$$";
        } else {
            sValue = prefix + " Value = " + "::" + sConcept_cd + ": " + sValue + "::" + "$$"
                    + obsFactType.getPatientId().getValue() + "$$" + obsFactType.getConceptCd().getValue() + "$$"
                    + obsFactType.getEventId().getValue() + "$$" + obsFactType.getModifierCd().getValue() + " "
                    + (obsFactType.getValuetypeCd().equals("T") ? obsFactType.getTvalChar()
                            : (obsFactType.getNvalNum().getValue() + obsFactType.getUnitsCd()))
                    + "$$";
        return sValue;

    private String getSValue(String sConcept_cd, ArrayList<ObservationType> obsFactTypes, boolean hasValue) {
        String prefix = "C";
        String sValue = null;
        //if (hasValue && obsFactType.getNvalNum().getValue() != null) {
        //sValue = obsFactType.getNvalNum().getValue().toString();
        // if(sTablename.equalsIgnoreCase("visit_dimension")) {
        // prefix = "E";
        // }
        // else if(sTablename.equalsIgnoreCase("provider_dimension")) {
        // prefix = "P";
        // }
        String mds = new String("$$");
        for (int i = 0; i < obsFactTypes.size(); i++) {
            if (obsFactTypes.get(i).getValuetypeCd() != null) {
                mds += obsFactTypes.get(i).getModifierCd().getValue() + " "
                        + (obsFactTypes.get(i).getValuetypeCd().equals("T") ? obsFactTypes.get(i).getTvalChar()
                                : (obsFactTypes.get(i).getNvalNum().getValue() + obsFactTypes.get(i).getUnitsCd()))
                        + "@2@";
            } else {
                mds += obsFactTypes.get(i).getModifierCd().getValue() + "@2@";

        if (!hasValue) {
            sValue = prefix + " = ::" + sConcept_cd + "::" + "$$" + obsFactTypes.get(0).getPatientId().getValue()
                    + "$$" + obsFactTypes.get(0).getConceptCd().getValue() + "$$"
                    + obsFactTypes.get(0).getEventId().getValue() + "$$"
                    + obsFactTypes.get(0).getObserverCd().getValue() //+ "$$"
                    /*+ obsFactTypes.get(0).getModifierCd().getValue() + " "
                    + (obsFactTypes.get(0).getValuetypeCd().equals("T")?obsFactTypes.get(0).getTvalChar()
                    + mds + "$$";
        } else {
            sValue = prefix + " Value = " + "::" + sConcept_cd + ": " + sValue + "::" + "$$"
                    + obsFactTypes.get(0).getPatientId().getValue() + "$$"
                    + obsFactTypes.get(0).getConceptCd().getValue() + "$$"
                    + obsFactTypes.get(0).getEventId().getValue() //+ "$$"
                    /*+ obsFactTypes.get(0).getModifierCd().getValue() + " "
                    + (obsFactTypes.get(0).getValuetypeCd().equals("T")?obsFactTypes.get(0).getTvalChar()
                    + mds + "$$";
        return sValue;