Java tutorial
/********************************************************************** * Page Delivery Service Web Service (PDS-WS) servlet * Copyright 2011 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. * * Contact information * * Office for Information Systems * Harvard University Library * Harvard University * Cambridge, MA 02138 * (617)495-3724 * **********************************************************************/ package; import edu.harvard.hul.ois.xml.WebAppLogMessage; import edu.harvard.hul.ois.xml.XmlLayout; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import java.util.Collections; import javax.naming.Context; import javax.naming.InitialContext; import javax.naming.NamingException; import javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher; import javax.servlet.ServletConfig; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import javax.sql.DataSource; import org.apache.commons.configuration.XMLConfiguration; import org.apache.log4j.Appender; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.log4j.DailyRollingFileAppender; //import org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource; //import edu.harvard.hul.ois.drs2.callservice.FileMetadata; import edu.harvard.hul.ois.drs2.callservice.ServiceException; //import edu.harvard.hul.ois.drs2.callservice.ServiceResponse; import edu.harvard.hul.ois.drs2.callservice.ServiceWrapper; import; import edu.harvard.hul.ois.pds.cache.CacheController; import edu.harvard.hul.ois.pds.cache.CacheItem; import edu.harvard.hul.ois.pds.exceptions.TooManyPDFConversions; import edu.harvard.hul.ois.pds.ids_util.Coordinate; import edu.harvard.hul.ois.pds.ids_util.CoordinatePair; import edu.harvard.hul.ois.pds.ids_util.Jpeg2000; import edu.harvard.hul.ois.pds.ids_util.UIUtil; import edu.harvard.hul.ois.pds.user.PdsUserState; import edu.harvard.hul.ois.pdx.util.CitationDiv; import edu.harvard.hul.ois.pdx.util.Div; import edu.harvard.hul.ois.pdx.util.IntermediateDiv; import edu.harvard.hul.ois.pdx.util.InternalMets; import edu.harvard.hul.ois.pdx.util.PageDiv; import edu.harvard.hul.ois.pdx.util.UnicodeUtils; import; import edu.harvard.hul.ois.pds.*; /** * * @author jcg155 */ public class PDSWebService extends HttpServlet { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final String ACTION_VIEW = "view"; private static final String ACTION_VIEW_TEXT = "viewtext"; private static final String ACTION_PRINT = "print"; private static final String ACTION_PRINTOPS = "printoptions"; private static final String ACTION_SEARCH = "search"; private static final String ACTION_LINKS = "links"; private static final String ACTION_CITE_INFO = "fullcitation"; //API verbs private static final String API_VIEW = "get"; private static final String API_VIEW_TEXT = "getocr"; private static final String API_PRINT = "print"; private static final String API_PRINTOPS = "printoptions"; private static final String API_SEARCH = "find"; private static final String API_LINKS = "related"; private static final String API_CITE_INFO = "cite"; private static final String API_DOC_TREE = "toc"; private static final String API_MAX_SECTIONS = "getmaxsections"; private static final String API_MAX_PAGES = "getmaxpages"; private static final String API_MAX_CHAPTERS = "getmaxchapters"; /** Citation frame operation. */ private static final char OP_CITATION = 'c'; /** Content frame operation. */ private static final char OP_CONTENT = 't'; /** Navigation frame operation. */ private static final char OP_NAVIGATION = 'n'; /****************************************************************** * PRIVATE INSTANCE FIELDS. ******************************************************************/ /** Cache directory. */ private String cache; /** Base URI of IDS. */ private String idsUrl; /** Base URI of FTS. */ private String ftsUrl; /** TIFF-to-GIF utility pathname. */ private String giffy; /** URL for temp images/pdf location */ private String cacheUrl; /**Logger for access, warn and error messages*/ private Logger logger; /** Url of PDS */ private String pdsUrl; /** Url of NRS, abstracted from ftsUrl **/ private String nrsUrl; /** disable thumbnails for docs over a certain size */ private String maxThumbnails; /** Database data source */ private DataSource ds; private XMLConfiguration conf = null; private CacheController memcache; private Hashtable<String, ArrayList<Integer>> pdfConversions; private ServiceWrapper drs2Service; /****************************************************************** * PUBLIC INSTANCE METHODS. ******************************************************************/ /** * Initialize the servlet. */ public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException { super.init(config); try { Context initContext = new InitialContext(); Context envContext = (Context) initContext.lookup("java:/comp/env"); PdsConf pdsConf = (PdsConf) envContext.lookup("bean/PdsConf"); conf = pdsConf.getConf(); memcache = (CacheController) envContext.lookup("bean/CacheController"); ds = (DataSource) envContext.lookup("jdbc/DrsDB"); } catch (NamingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } cache = conf.getString("cache"); idsUrl = conf.getString("ids"); ftsUrl = conf.getString("fts"); giffy = conf.getString("t2gif"); cacheUrl = conf.getString("cacheUrl"); pdsUrl = conf.getString("pds"); nrsUrl = conf.getString("nrsUrl"); String logFile = conf.getString("logFile"); maxThumbnails = conf.getString("maxThumbnails"); //Configure the logger logger = Logger.getLogger(""); try { XmlLayout myLayout = new XmlLayout(); //an appender for the access log Appender myAppender = new DailyRollingFileAppender(myLayout, logFile, conf.getString("logRollover")); logger.addAppender(myAppender); } catch (Exception e) { WebAppLogMessage message = new WebAppLogMessage(); message.setContext("init logger"); message.setMessage("Error initializing logger"); logger.error(message, e); throw new ServletException(e.getMessage()); } //reset the logger for this class logger = Logger.getLogger(PDSWebService.class); System.setProperty("org.xml.sax.driver", "org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser"); //init pdf conversions hash pdfConversions = new Hashtable<String, ArrayList<Integer>>(); //Log successful servlet init WebAppLogMessage message = new WebAppLogMessage(); message.setMessage("Servlet init()");; drs2Service = new ServiceWrapper(conf.getString("drs2ServiceURL"), conf.getString("drs2AppKey"), 1); } /** * Process HTTP POST request. */ public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws IOException { doGet(req, res); } /** * Process HTTP GET request. */ public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException { HttpServletRequestWrapper wrapper = new HttpServletRequestWrapper(req); //Get parameters from the URL String sOp = req.getParameter("op"); char op = 'f'; if (sOp != null) { op = sOp.charAt(0); } String uri = req.getRequestURI(); uri = uri.substring(1); String[] uriElements = uri.split("/"); Integer id = null; String action = null; if (uriElements.length > 2) { action = uriElements[1]; if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(API_SEARCH)) //go straight to fts { String docParam; if ((uriElements[2]).equalsIgnoreCase("global")) { docParam = ""; } else { try { id = new Integer(uriElements[2]); } catch (Exception e) { printError(req, res, "Invalid DRS ID", null); return; } docParam = "G=" + id + "&"; } String format = ""; format = req.getParameter("F"); if (format != null) { format = "&F=" + format; } else { format = "&F=M"; } String range = ""; String advparams = ""; range = req.getParameter("B"); if (range != null) { range = "&B=" + range; } else { range = ""; } String dataQualification = ""; dataQualification = req.getParameter("D"); if (dataQualification != null) { dataQualification = "&D=" + dataQualification; } else { dataQualification = ""; } String contextScope = ""; contextScope = req.getParameter("C"); if (contextScope != null) { contextScope = "&C=" + contextScope; } else { contextScope = ""; } String jumplistRefs = ""; jumplistRefs = req.getParameter("J"); if (jumplistRefs != null) { jumplistRefs = "&J=" + jumplistRefs; } else { jumplistRefs = ""; } String lowerDate = ""; lowerDate = req.getParameter("L"); if (lowerDate != null) { lowerDate = "&L=" + lowerDate; } else { lowerDate = ""; } String upperDate = ""; upperDate = req.getParameter("U"); if (upperDate != null) { upperDate = "&U=" + upperDate; } else { upperDate = ""; } String resultsize = ""; resultsize = req.getParameter("P"); if (resultsize != null) { resultsize = "&P=" + resultsize; } else { resultsize = ""; } advparams = resultsize + range + dataQualification + contextScope + jumplistRefs + lowerDate + upperDate; //Log the search page request WebAppLogMessage message = new WebAppLogMessage(req, true); message.setContext("search"); message.setMessage("Search Request: " + id);; String Query = req.getParameter("Q"); if (Query == null) { Query = ""; } try { String queryString = new String("?" + docParam + "Q=" + Query + format + advparams); wrapper.setAttribute("searchurl", ftsUrl + queryString); RequestDispatcher rd = req.getRequestDispatcher("/api-search.jsp?"); rd.forward(req, res); //res.sendRedirect(ftsUrl+queryString); return; } catch (Exception e) { message = new WebAppLogMessage(req, true); message.setContext("main"); Throwable root = e; if (e instanceof ServletException) { ServletException se = (ServletException) e; Throwable t = se.getRootCause(); if (t != null) { logger.error(message, t); root = t; } else { logger.error(message, se); } } else { logger.error(message, e); } printError(req, res, "PDS-WS Error", root); } } try { id = new Integer(uriElements[2]); } catch (Exception e) { } } if (id == null) { printError(req, res, "Invalid DRS ID", null); return; } String n = req.getParameter("n"); if (n == null) { n = "1"; } else if (n.equals("")) { printError(req, res, "Page not found", null); return; } //Set scaling factors. s overrides imagesize. Image size select //boxes are based on S. String scale = req.getParameter("s"); String imagesize = req.getParameter("imagesize"); if (scale == null || !(scale.equals("2") || scale.equals("4") || scale.equals("6") || scale.equals("8"))) { if (imagesize != null && imagesize.equals("300")) { scale = "8"; } else if (imagesize != null && imagesize.equals("600")) { scale = "6"; } else if (imagesize != null && imagesize.equals("1200")) { scale = "4"; } else if (imagesize != null && imagesize.equals("2400")) { scale = "2"; } else { scale = "4"; } } if (imagesize == null || !(imagesize.equals("300") || imagesize.equals("600") || imagesize.equals("1200") || imagesize.equals("2400"))) { if (scale.equals("2")) { imagesize = "2400"; } else if (scale.equals("4")) { imagesize = "1200"; } else if (scale.equals("6")) { imagesize = "600"; } else if (scale.equals("8")) { imagesize = "300"; } } String jp2Rotate = req.getParameter("rotation"); if (jp2Rotate == null || jp2Rotate.equals("360") || jp2Rotate.equals("-360")) { jp2Rotate = "0"; } else if (jp2Rotate.equals("-90")) { jp2Rotate = "270"; } String jp2x = req.getParameter("jp2x"); if (jp2x == null) { jp2x = "0"; } String jp2y = req.getParameter("jp2y"); if (jp2y == null) { jp2y = "0"; } String jp2Res = req.getParameter("jp2Res"); String bbx1 = req.getParameter("bbx1"); if (bbx1 == null) { bbx1 = "0"; } String bby1 = req.getParameter("bby1"); if (bby1 == null) { bby1 = "0"; } String bbx2 = req.getParameter("bbx2"); if (bbx2 == null) { bbx2 = "0"; } String bby2 = req.getParameter("bby2"); if (bby2 == null) { bby2 = "0"; } String printThumbnails = req.getParameter("printThumbnails"); if (printThumbnails == null) { printThumbnails = "no"; } wrapper.setAttribute("printThumbnails", printThumbnails); //cg debug System.out.println("debug1- imagesize: " + imagesize + " jp2Res: " + jp2Res + " scale: " + scale); String clickX = req.getParameter("thumbnail.x"); if (clickX != null) { wrapper.setAttribute("clickX", clickX); } else { clickX = (String) wrapper.getAttribute("clickX"); } String clickY = req.getParameter("thumbnail.y"); if (clickX != null) { wrapper.setAttribute("clickY", clickY); } else { clickY = (String) wrapper.getAttribute("clickY"); } //cg debug System.out.println("debug1- thumbnail.x: " + clickX); System.out.println("debug1- X: " + req.getParameter("x")); System.out.println("debug1- thumbnail.y: " + clickY); System.out.println("debug1- Y: " + req.getParameter("y")); /********************************************************** * Create new, or use existing Session **********************************************************/ HttpSession session = req.getSession(true); PdsUserState pdsUser = (PdsUserState) session.getAttribute("PdsUser"); CacheItem item = memcache.getObject(pdsUser.getMeta()); InternalMets mets = item.getMets(); //compare request header if-modified-since with METS DRS last modified //TODO This is temporarily disabled to allow crawlers access to updated // content that they may have already indexed /* Date metsLastModified = item.getLastModifiedDate(); try { long header = req.getDateHeader("If-Modified-Since"); if (header > 0) { Date headerDate = new Date(header); if (metsLastModified.before(headerDate)) { res.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_MODIFIED); return; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); // we just ignore this } */ //Set the last modified response value //TODO Warning - this causes browsers to have problems refreshing the // navigation tree html. Possibly this can be set for the content and // citation frames? //res.setDateHeader("Last-Modified", metsLastModified.getTime()); /****************************************************************************** * Get the flags for if doing a page number (p) or sequence number(s) page find * If p is null, look up sequence, if it is not null, look up with page number. * if getContentPage returns null, the page does not exist or an invalid number was * entered. ******************************************************************************/ PageDiv pdiv = null; try { String pageMode = req.getParameter("P"); if (pageMode == null || !pageMode.equals("p")) { pageMode = "s"; } //if a page number search trim n if (pageMode.equals("p")) { n = n.replace(']', ' '); n = n.replace('[', ' '); n = n.trim(); } pdiv = mets.getContentPage(n, pageMode); //if pdiv is a jpeg2000 and res is null then calculate default res value //SET DEFAULT SIZE IF RES NOT SET if (jp2Res == null && pdiv.getDefaultImageMimeType().equals("image/jp2")) { //judaica fix int maxJP2sz = getMaxJP2DisplaySize(pdiv.getDefaultImageID()); if ((maxJP2sz > 300) && (maxJP2sz < 600)) { maxJP2sz = 300; scale = "8"; } else if ((maxJP2sz > 600) && (maxJP2sz < 1200)) { maxJP2sz = 600; scale = "6"; } else if ((maxJP2sz > 1200) && (maxJP2sz < 2400)) { maxJP2sz = 1200; scale = "4"; } else if (maxJP2sz > 2400) { maxJP2sz = 2400; scale = "2"; } String origImagesize = imagesize; if (Integer.parseInt(imagesize) > maxJP2sz) { imagesize = Integer.toString(maxJP2sz); } String filepath = getFilePath(pdiv.getDefaultImageID()); Jpeg2000 jp2 = new Jpeg2000(new File(filepath)); int newRes = jp2.findResolutionLevelContainedBy(Integer.parseInt(origImagesize), Integer.parseInt(origImagesize)); //convert Res to a scaling decimal if (newRes == 1) jp2Res = "1"; else if (newRes == 2) jp2Res = ".5"; else if (newRes == 3) jp2Res = ".25"; else if (newRes == 4) jp2Res = ".125"; else if (newRes == 5) jp2Res = ".0625"; else if (newRes > 5) { jp2Res = "0.625"; } //recalculate newRes if judaica maxres has changed //the actual imagesize if (!imagesize.equals(origImagesize)) { int oldImgsize = Integer.parseInt(origImagesize); int newImgsize = Integer.parseInt(imagesize); float factor = (oldImgsize / newImgsize) / 2; System.out.println("new factor: " + Double.toString(factor)); jp2Res = Double.toString(Double.parseDouble(jp2Res) / factor); } //cg debug //System.out.println("debug2- newRes: " + newRes + " jp2Res is now: " + jp2Res + " scale: " + scale ); } if (pdiv != null && pageMode.equals("p")) { n = String.valueOf(pdiv.getOrder()); //to keep n in the address bar current, redirect to new URL with equivalent n value of page number res.sendRedirect(pdsUrl + "/view/" + id + "?n=" + n + "&s=" + scale + (imagesize != null ? "&imagesize=" + imagesize : "") + (jp2Res != null ? "&jp2Res=" + jp2Res : "") + (jp2Rotate != null ? "&rotation=" + jp2Rotate : "")); return; } } catch (Exception e) { WebAppLogMessage message = new WebAppLogMessage(); message.setContext("find page"); message.setMessage("invalid page number"); message.processSessionRequest(req); logger.error(message, e); } if (pdiv == null) { printError(req, res, "Page not found", null); return; } /********************************************************** * Process appropriately based on the op variable. **********************************************************/ try { /************************* * If image is a JP2 and this is not a frame request, figure * out x,y to create bounding box on thumbnail ***********************/ if (pdiv.getDefaultImageMimeType().equals("image/jp2") && (op != OP_CITATION && op != OP_CONTENT && op != OP_NAVIGATION)) { //judaica fix int maxJP2size = getMaxJP2DisplaySize(pdiv.getDefaultImageID()); if ((maxJP2size > 300) && (maxJP2size < 600)) { maxJP2size = 300; scale = "8"; } else if ((maxJP2size > 600) && (maxJP2size < 1200)) { maxJP2size = 600; scale = "6"; } else if ((maxJP2size > 1200) && (maxJP2size < 2400)) { maxJP2size = 1200; scale = "4"; } else if (maxJP2size > 2400) { maxJP2size = 2400; scale = "2"; } if (Integer.parseInt(imagesize) > maxJP2size) { imagesize = Integer.toString(maxJP2size); } String jp2Action = req.getParameter("action"); if (jp2Action == null) { jp2Action = "noaction"; } int vHeight = Integer.parseInt(imagesize); int vWidth = Integer.parseInt(imagesize); double imgres = Double.parseDouble(jp2Res); //int tWidth = Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter("thumbwidth")); //int tHeight = Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter("thumbheight")); String filepath = getFilePath(pdiv.getDefaultImageID()); Coordinate dimension = new Coordinate(); int x = Integer.parseInt(jp2x); int y = Integer.parseInt(jp2y); Jpeg2000 jp2 = new Jpeg2000(new File(filepath)); //String clickX = req.getParameter("thumbnail.x"); //String clickY = req.getParameter("thumbnail.y"); int thumbX = -1; int thumbY = -1; if (clickX != null && clickY != null) { thumbX = Integer.parseInt(clickX); thumbY = Integer.parseInt(clickY); } if (jp2Action.equals("noaction")) { thumbX = 0; thumbY = 0; } else if (jp2Action.equals("jp2pan")) { x = thumbX; y = thumbY; //panThumbnail is passed thumbnail scale coordinates. It returns //thumbnail scale coordinates so the new X and Y do not need to be //extracted from the method return object dimension = UIUtil.panThumbnail(vHeight, vWidth, x, y, imgres, jp2, jp2Rotate); } else if (jp2Action.equals("jp2zoomin")) { dimension = UIUtil.zoom(vHeight, vWidth, x, y, imgres, jp2, true, jp2Rotate); Coordinate c = UIUtil.convertFullSizeCoordate(jp2, dimension.getX(), dimension.getY(), vWidth, vHeight, imgres, jp2Rotate); thumbX = c.getX(); thumbY = c.getY(); } else if (jp2Action.equals("jp2zoomout")) { dimension = UIUtil.zoom(vHeight, vWidth, x, y, imgres, jp2, false, jp2Rotate); Coordinate c = UIUtil.convertFullSizeCoordate(jp2, dimension.getX(), dimension.getY(), vWidth, vHeight, imgres, jp2Rotate); thumbX = c.getX(); thumbY = c.getY(); } else if (jp2Action.equals("jp2resize")) { String pres = req.getParameter("pres"); double pvRes = Double.valueOf(pres); String previousWidth = req.getParameter("pvWidth"); String previousHeight = req.getParameter("pvHeight"); int pvWidth = Integer.parseInt(previousWidth); int pvHeight = Integer.parseInt(previousHeight); dimension = UIUtil.centerOnResize(vHeight, vWidth, pvHeight, pvWidth, pvRes, x, y, imgres, jp2, jp2Rotate); Coordinate c = UIUtil.convertFullSizeCoordate(jp2, dimension.getX(), dimension.getY(), vWidth, vHeight, imgres, jp2Rotate); thumbX = c.getX(); thumbY = c.getY(); } else if (jp2Action.equals("jp2rotate")) { dimension = UIUtil.panThumbnail(vHeight, vWidth, 0, 0, imgres, jp2, jp2Rotate); thumbX = 0; thumbY = 0; } jp2x = String.valueOf(dimension.getX()); jp2y = String.valueOf(dimension.getY()); req.setAttribute("jp2x", jp2x); req.setAttribute("jp2y", jp2y); //set up coordinates to draw bounding box on thumbnail CoordinatePair bbCoors = UIUtil.getBoundingBoxDimensions(jp2, imgres, vWidth, vHeight, thumbX, thumbY, jp2Rotate); bbx1 = Integer.toString(bbCoors.getPoint1().getX()); bby1 = Integer.toString(bbCoors.getPoint1().getY()); bbx2 = Integer.toString(bbCoors.getPoint2().getX()); bby2 = Integer.toString(bbCoors.getPoint2().getY()); } wrapper.setAttribute("cite", mets.getCitationDiv()); wrapper.setAttribute("pdiv", pdiv); /*if(action.equalsIgnoreCase(ACTION_VIEW) || action.equalsIgnoreCase(ACTION_VIEW_TEXT)) { int imageId = pdiv.getDefaultImageID(); wrapper.setAttribute("lastPage",String.valueOf(mets.getCitationDiv().getLastPageNumber())); wrapper.setAttribute("imageId",String.valueOf(imageId)); wrapper.setAttribute("id",id); wrapper.setAttribute("n",n); wrapper.setAttribute("s",scale); wrapper.setAttribute("mime",pdiv.getDefaultImageMimeType()); wrapper.setAttribute("filepath",getFilePath(imageId)); wrapper.setAttribute("idsUrl",idsUrl); wrapper.setAttribute("cache",cache); wrapper.setAttribute("cacheUrl",pdsUrl+cacheUrl); wrapper.setAttribute("jp2Rotate",jp2Rotate); wrapper.setAttribute("jp2Res",jp2Res); wrapper.setAttribute("jp2x",jp2x); wrapper.setAttribute("jp2y",jp2y); wrapper.setAttribute("imagesize",imagesize); wrapper.setAttribute("bbx1",bbx1); wrapper.setAttribute("bby1",bby1); wrapper.setAttribute("bbx2",bbx2); wrapper.setAttribute("bby2",bby2); wrapper.setAttribute("pdsUrl",pdsUrl); wrapper.setAttribute("ids",idsUrl); wrapper.setAttribute("action",action); if (op == OP_CITATION) { if( pdiv.getDefaultImageMimeType().equals("image/jp2") ) { //get max res for biling code wrapper.setAttribute("maxjp2res", Integer.toString(getMaxJP2DisplaySize(pdiv.getDefaultImageID())) ); } RequestDispatcher rd = req.getRequestDispatcher("/citation.jsp?"); rd.forward(req,res); } else if (op == OP_CONTENT) { //get paths of the ocr files ArrayList<String> ocrPaths = new ArrayList<String>(); for(int i=0;i<pdiv.getOcrID().size();i++) { Integer ocr = (Integer) pdiv.getOcrID().get(i); ocrPaths.add(getFilePath(ocr.intValue())); } wrapper.setAttribute("ocrList",ocrPaths); //if image is a tiff, convert to gif if(pdiv.getDefaultImageMimeType().equals("image/tiff")) { String delv = cache + "/" + imageId + "-" + scale + ".gif"; File file = new File (delv); if (!file.exists ()) { Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); String tiffpath = getFilePath(imageId); String exec = giffy + " id=" + imageId + " path=" + tiffpath.substring(0,tiffpath.lastIndexOf("/")) + " scale=" + scale + " cache=" + cache; Process child = rt.exec (exec); child.waitFor(); child.destroy(); } } wrapper.setAttribute("caption",item.getImageCaption()); RequestDispatcher rd = req.getRequestDispatcher("/content.jsp?"); rd.forward(req,res); } else if (op == OP_NAVIGATION) { String treeIndex = req.getParameter("index"); String treeAction = req.getParameter("treeaction"); if (treeAction != null) { if (treeAction.equalsIgnoreCase("expand")) { pdsUser.setExpandedNodes(id,item.getAllNodesIndices()); } else if (treeAction.equalsIgnoreCase("collapse")) { pdsUser.setExpandedNodes(id,new ArrayList<String>()); } } if(treeIndex != null) { pdsUser.toggleNode(id,treeIndex); } wrapper.setAttribute("pdsUser",pdsUser); wrapper.setAttribute("maxThumbnails", maxThumbnails); //wrapper.setAttribute("toggleIndex",toggleIndex); //wrapper.setAttribute("treeaction",treeAction); RequestDispatcher rd = req.getRequestDispatcher("/navigation.jsp?"); rd.forward(req,res); } else { //Log the frameset request WebAppLogMessage message = new WebAppLogMessage(req, true); message.setContext("frameset"); message.setMessage("Frameset Request: " + id);; RequestDispatcher rd = req.getRequestDispatcher("/frameset.jsp?"); rd.forward(req,res); } } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(ACTION_CITE_INFO)) { WebAppLogMessage message = new WebAppLogMessage(req, true); message.setContext("fullcitation"); message.setMessage("Full Citation: " + id + " Seq: " + n);; wrapper.setAttribute("cite",mets.getCitationDiv()); wrapper.setAttribute("pdsUrl",pdsUrl); wrapper.setAttribute("id",id); wrapper.setAttribute("nStr", n+""); String repos = pdsUser.getMeta().getOwner(); if (repos == null || repos.equals("")) repos = "Harvard University Library"; String mainUrn = pdsUser.getMeta().getUrn(); String pageUrn = pdsUser.getMeta().getUrnFromList("?n=" +n); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMMM yyyy"); String accDate = sdf.format(new Date()); wrapper.setAttribute("accDate", accDate); wrapper.setAttribute("repos", repos); wrapper.setAttribute("mainUrn", nrsUrl + "/" +mainUrn); wrapper.setAttribute("pageUrn", nrsUrl + "/" + pageUrn); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(""); getAllSectionLabels(mets.getCitationDiv(), Integer.parseInt(n), sb); sb.delete(0,2); wrapper.setAttribute("sectLabels", sb.toString()); RequestDispatcher rd = req.getRequestDispatcher("/fullcitation.jsp?"); rd.forward(req,res); } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(ACTION_SEARCH)) { //Log the search page request WebAppLogMessage message = new WebAppLogMessage(req, true); message.setContext("search"); message.setMessage("Search Request: " + id);; wrapper.setAttribute("cite",mets.getCitationDiv()); wrapper.setAttribute("ftsUrl",ftsUrl); wrapper.setAttribute("pdsUrl",pdsUrl); wrapper.setAttribute("id",id); RequestDispatcher rd = req.getRequestDispatcher("/search.jsp?"); rd.forward(req,res); } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(ACTION_PRINTOPS)) { WebAppLogMessage message = new WebAppLogMessage(req, true); message.setContext("printops"); message.setMessage("print options: " + id);; wrapper.setAttribute("pdsUrl",pdsUrl); wrapper.setAttribute("id",id); wrapper.setAttribute("n",n); RequestDispatcher rd = req.getRequestDispatcher("/printoptions.jsp?"); rd.forward(req,res); } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(ACTION_PRINT)) { } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(ACTION_LINKS)) { WebAppLogMessage message = new WebAppLogMessage(req, true); message.setContext("links"); message.setMessage("display links: " + id);; wrapper.setAttribute("cite",mets.getCitationDiv()); wrapper.setAttribute("id",id); wrapper.setAttribute("pdsUrl",pdsUrl); RequestDispatcher rd = req.getRequestDispatcher("/links.jsp?"); rd.forward(req,res); }*/ //START API CALLS if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(API_VIEW) || action.equalsIgnoreCase(API_VIEW_TEXT)) { //main api function. shows ocr'd pages int imageId = pdiv.getDefaultImageID(); wrapper.setAttribute("lastPage", String.valueOf(mets.getCitationDiv().getLastPageNumber())); wrapper.setAttribute("imageId", String.valueOf(imageId)); wrapper.setAttribute("id", id); wrapper.setAttribute("n", n); wrapper.setAttribute("s", scale); wrapper.setAttribute("mime", pdiv.getDefaultImageMimeType()); wrapper.setAttribute("filepath", getFilePath(imageId)); wrapper.setAttribute("idsUrl", idsUrl); wrapper.setAttribute("cache", cache); wrapper.setAttribute("cacheUrl", pdsUrl + cacheUrl); wrapper.setAttribute("jp2Rotate", jp2Rotate); wrapper.setAttribute("jp2Res", jp2Res); wrapper.setAttribute("jp2x", jp2x); wrapper.setAttribute("jp2y", jp2y); wrapper.setAttribute("imagesize", imagesize); wrapper.setAttribute("bbx1", bbx1); wrapper.setAttribute("bby1", bby1); wrapper.setAttribute("bbx2", bbx2); wrapper.setAttribute("bby2", bby2); wrapper.setAttribute("pdsUrl", pdsUrl); wrapper.setAttribute("ids", idsUrl); wrapper.setAttribute("action", action); //get paths of the ocr files ArrayList<String> ocrPaths = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < pdiv.getOcrID().size(); i++) { Integer ocr = (Integer) pdiv.getOcrID().get(i); ocrPaths.add(getFilePath(ocr.intValue())); } wrapper.setAttribute("ocrList", ocrPaths); //if image is a tiff, convert to gif if (pdiv.getDefaultImageMimeType().equals("image/tiff")) { String delv = cache + "/" + imageId + "-" + scale + ".gif"; File file = new File(delv); if (!file.exists()) { Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); String tiffpath = getFilePath(imageId); String exec = giffy + " id=" + imageId + " path=" + tiffpath.substring(0, tiffpath.lastIndexOf("/")) + " scale=" + scale + " cache=" + cache; Process child = rt.exec(exec); child.waitFor(); child.destroy(); } } wrapper.setAttribute("caption", item.getImageCaption()); RequestDispatcher rd = req.getRequestDispatcher("/api-content.jsp?"); rd.forward(req, res); } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(API_LINKS)) { WebAppLogMessage message = new WebAppLogMessage(req, true); message.setContext("links"); message.setMessage("display links: " + id);; wrapper.setAttribute("cite", mets.getCitationDiv()); wrapper.setAttribute("id", id); wrapper.setAttribute("pdsUrl", pdsUrl); wrapper.setAttribute("n", n); RequestDispatcher rd = req.getRequestDispatcher("/api-links.jsp?"); rd.forward(req, res); } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(API_CITE_INFO)) { WebAppLogMessage message = new WebAppLogMessage(req, true); message.setContext("fullcitation"); message.setMessage("Full Citation: " + id + " Seq: " + n);; wrapper.setAttribute("cite", mets.getCitationDiv()); wrapper.setAttribute("pdsUrl", pdsUrl); wrapper.setAttribute("id", id); wrapper.setAttribute("nStr", n + ""); String repos = pdsUser.getMeta().getOwner(); if (repos == null || repos.equals("")) repos = "Harvard University Library"; String mainUrn = pdsUser.getMeta().getUrn(); String pageUrn = pdsUser.getMeta().getUrnFromList("?n=" + n); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMMM yyyy"); String accDate = sdf.format(new Date()); wrapper.setAttribute("accDate", accDate); wrapper.setAttribute("repos", repos); wrapper.setAttribute("mainUrn", nrsUrl + "/" + mainUrn); wrapper.setAttribute("pageUrn", nrsUrl + "/" + pageUrn); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(""); getAllSectionLabels(mets.getCitationDiv(), Integer.parseInt(n), sb); sb.delete(0, 2); wrapper.setAttribute("sectLabels", sb.toString()); RequestDispatcher rd = req.getRequestDispatcher("/api-fullcitation.jsp?"); rd.forward(req, res); } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(API_DOC_TREE)) { String treeIndex = req.getParameter("index"); String treeAction = req.getParameter("treeaction"); /*if (treeAction != null) { if (treeAction.equalsIgnoreCase("expand")) { pdsUser.setExpandedNodes(id,item.getAllNodesIndices()); } else if (treeAction.equalsIgnoreCase("collapse")) { pdsUser.setExpandedNodes(id,new ArrayList<String>()); } } if(treeIndex != null) { pdsUser.toggleNode(id,treeIndex); }*/ //expand the tree pdsUser.setExpandedNodes(id, item.getAllNodesIndices()); wrapper.setAttribute("pdsUser", pdsUser); wrapper.setAttribute("pdsUrl", pdsUrl); wrapper.setAttribute("cacheUrl", pdsUrl + cacheUrl); wrapper.setAttribute("cache", cache); wrapper.setAttribute("id", id); wrapper.setAttribute("n", n); wrapper.setAttribute("s", scale); wrapper.setAttribute("action", "get"); wrapper.setAttribute("idsUrl", idsUrl); wrapper.setAttribute("maxThumbnails", maxThumbnails); wrapper.setAttribute("jp2Rotate", jp2Rotate); wrapper.setAttribute("jp2x", jp2x); wrapper.setAttribute("jp2y", jp2y); wrapper.setAttribute("caption", item.getImageCaption()); //wrapper.setAttribute("toggleIndex",toggleIndex); //wrapper.setAttribute("treeaction",treeAction); RequestDispatcher rd = req.getRequestDispatcher("/api-navigation.jsp?"); rd.forward(req, res); } //todo? else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(API_MAX_SECTIONS)) { } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(API_MAX_PAGES)) { } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(API_MAX_CHAPTERS)) { } } //END MAIN catch (Exception e) { WebAppLogMessage message = new WebAppLogMessage(req, true); message.setContext("main"); Throwable root = e; if (e instanceof ServletException) { ServletException se = (ServletException) e; Throwable t = se.getRootCause(); if (t != null) { logger.error(message, t); root = t; } else { logger.error(message, se); } } else { logger.error(message, e); } printError(req, res, "PDS-WS Error", root); } } //TODO update with DRS2 WS call public String getFilePath(int id) { Connection conn = null; Statement stmt = null; String filepath = null; try { conn = ds.getConnection(); stmt = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rset = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT filepath FROM drs_objects WHERE object_id=" + id); if (!conf.getBoolean("useOnlyDRS2") && { //If object is found in DRS1 and not migrated //TODO change OBJ_QUERY to include migrated flag filepath = rset.getString("filepath"); } else if (conf.getBoolean("useDRS2")) { DRSFileDTOExt fmd = drs2Service.getFileMetadataById(String.valueOf(id), false); filepath = fmd.getFilePath(); } } catch (SQLException e1) { System.out.println("<i><b>Error code:</b> " + e1 + "</i>"); } catch (ServiceException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (stmt != null) { stmt.close(); } } catch (SQLException e1) { } if (conn != null) { // return the connection to the pool try { conn.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } return filepath; } public static void printError(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, String message, Throwable e) { HttpServletRequestWrapper wrapper = new HttpServletRequestWrapper(req); wrapper.setAttribute("message", message); wrapper.setAttribute("pdsUrl", req.getContextPath()); wrapper.setAttribute("exception", e); wrapper.setAttribute("req", req); RequestDispatcher rd = req.getRequestDispatcher("/api-error.jsp?"); try { rd.forward(req, res); } catch (Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } /** * * A yuckily iterative process to find the successive section names * @param div * @param num * @param sb */ public void getAllSectionLabels(Div div, int num, StringBuffer sb) { if (sb == null) sb = new StringBuffer(); if (div instanceof PageDiv) { return; } else if (div instanceof CitationDiv) { CitationDiv cite = (CitationDiv) div; List<Div> children = cite.getChildren(); for (Div child : children) { if (child instanceof IntermediateDiv) { IntermediateDiv intDiv = (IntermediateDiv) child; if (num >= intDiv.getFirstOrder() && num <= intDiv.getLastOrder()) { getAllSectionLabels(intDiv, num, sb); return; } } } } else if (div instanceof IntermediateDiv) { IntermediateDiv intDiv = (IntermediateDiv) div; sb.append(", " + UnicodeUtils.getBidiDivedElement(intDiv.getLabel())); List<Div> children = intDiv.getChildren(); for (Div child : children) { if (child instanceof IntermediateDiv) { IntermediateDiv id = (IntermediateDiv) child; if (num >= id.getFirstOrder() && num <= id.getLastOrder()) { getAllSectionLabels(id, num, sb); return; } } } } } //get the max jp2 max viewport size //TODO update with DRS2 WS call public int getMaxJP2DisplaySize(int id) { Connection conn = null; Statement stmt = null; int maxJP2DisplaySize = 3000; //max default try { conn = ds.getConnection(); stmt = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rset = stmt .executeQuery("SELECT b.MAX_JP2_DISPLAY_SIZE from billing b, drs_objects d where d.object_id=" + id + " and d.billing_code = b.billing_code"); if (!conf.getBoolean("useOnlyDRS2") && { //If object is found in DRS1 and not migrated //TODO change OBJ_QUERY to include migrated flag if (rset.getInt("MAX_JP2_DISPLAY_SIZE") > 0) { maxJP2DisplaySize = rset.getInt("MAX_JP2_DISPLAY_SIZE"); } System.out.println("MAX JP2 RES SET TO: " + Integer.toString(maxJP2DisplaySize)); } /*IGNORE DRS 2 Objects for now 9/14/10 - cg else if(conf.getBoolean("useDRS2")){ ServiceResponse drs2resp = drs2Service.getFileMetadata(String.valueOf(id),false); FileMetadata fmd = drs2resp.getFileMetadata(); maxDisplaySize = fmd.getMaxJP2DisplaySize(); }*/ } catch (SQLException e1) { System.out.println("<i><b>Error code:</b> " + e1 + "</i>"); } /*catch (ServiceException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); }*/ finally { try { if (stmt != null) { stmt.close(); } } catch (SQLException e1) { } if (conn != null) { // return the connection to the pool try { conn.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } return maxJP2DisplaySize; } }