Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2009 Harvard University Library * * This file is part of FITS (File Information Tool Set). * * FITS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * FITS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with FITS. If not, see <>. */ package edu.harvard.hul.ois.fits; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import javax.xml.transform.Result; import javax.xml.transform.Source; import javax.xml.transform.Templates; import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; import; import; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionGroup; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException; import org.apache.commons.configuration.XMLConfiguration; import org.jdom.Document; import org.jdom.output.Format; import org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter; import edu.harvard.hul.ois.fits.consolidation.ToolOutputConsolidator; import edu.harvard.hul.ois.fits.exceptions.FitsConfigurationException; import edu.harvard.hul.ois.fits.exceptions.FitsException; import edu.harvard.hul.ois.fits.mapping.FitsXmlMapper; import; import; import; import edu.harvard.hul.ois.ots.schemas.XmlContent.XmlContent; public class Fits { public static String FITS_HOME; public static String FITS_XML; public static String FITS_TOOLS; public static XMLConfiguration config; public static FitsXmlMapper mapper; public static boolean validateToolOutput; public static String externalOutputSchema; public static String internalOutputSchema; public static final String XML_NAMESPACE = ""; public static String VERSION = "0.6.1"; private ToolOutputConsolidator consolidator; private static XMLOutputFactory xmlOutputFactory = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance(); private ToolBelt toolbelt; private static boolean traverseDirs; public Fits() throws FitsException { this(null); } public Fits(String fits_home) throws FitsConfigurationException { //Set BB_HOME dir with environment variable FITS_HOME = System.getenv("FITS_HOME"); if (FITS_HOME == null) { //if env variable not set check for fits_home passed into constructor if (fits_home != null) { FITS_HOME = fits_home; } else { //if fits_home is still not set use the current directory FITS_HOME = ""; } } //If fits home is not an empty string and doesn't send with a file separator character, add one if (FITS_HOME.length() > 0 && !FITS_HOME.endsWith(File.separator)) { FITS_HOME = FITS_HOME + File.separator; } FITS_XML = FITS_HOME + "xml" + File.separator; FITS_TOOLS = FITS_HOME + "tools" + File.separator; try { config = new XMLConfiguration(FITS_XML + "fits.xml"); } catch (ConfigurationException e) { throw new FitsConfigurationException("Error reading " + FITS_XML + "fits.xml", e); } try { mapper = new FitsXmlMapper(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new FitsConfigurationException("Error creating FITS XML Mapper", e); } validateToolOutput = config.getBoolean("output.validate-tool-output"); externalOutputSchema = config.getString("output.external-output-schema"); internalOutputSchema = config.getString("output.internal-output-schema"); String consolidatorClass = config.getString("output.dataConsolidator[@class]"); try { Class<?> c = Class.forName(consolidatorClass); consolidator = (ToolOutputConsolidator) c.newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new FitsConfigurationException("Error initializing " + consolidatorClass, e); } toolbelt = new ToolBelt(FITS_XML + "fits.xml"); } public static void main(String[] args) throws FitsException, IOException, ParseException, XMLStreamException { Fits fits = new Fits(); Options options = new Options(); options.addOption("i", true, "input file or directory"); options.addOption("r", false, "process directories recursively when -i is a directory "); options.addOption("o", true, "output file"); options.addOption("h", false, "print this message"); options.addOption("v", false, "print version information"); OptionGroup outputOptions = new OptionGroup(); Option stdxml = new Option("x", false, "convert FITS output to a standard metadata schema"); Option combinedStd = new Option("xc", false, "output using a standard metadata schema and include FITS xml"); outputOptions.addOption(stdxml); outputOptions.addOption(combinedStd); options.addOptionGroup(outputOptions); CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser(); CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, args); if (cmd.hasOption("h")) { fits.printHelp(options); System.exit(0); } if (cmd.hasOption("v")) { System.out.println(Fits.VERSION); System.exit(0); } if (cmd.hasOption("r")) { traverseDirs = true; } else { traverseDirs = false; } if (cmd.hasOption("i")) { String input = cmd.getOptionValue("i"); File inputFile = new File(input); if (inputFile.isDirectory()) { String outputDir = cmd.getOptionValue("o"); if (outputDir == null || !(new File(outputDir).isDirectory())) { throw new FitsException( "When FITS is run in directory processing mode the output location must be a diretory"); } fits.doDirectory(inputFile, new File(outputDir), cmd.hasOption("x"), cmd.hasOption("xc")); } else { FitsOutput result = fits.doSingleFile(inputFile); fits.outputResults(result, cmd.getOptionValue("o"), cmd.hasOption("x"), cmd.hasOption("xc"), false); } } else { System.err.println("Invalid CLI options"); fits.printHelp(options); System.exit(-1); } System.exit(0); } /** * Recursively processes all files in the directory. * @param intputFile * @param useStandardSchemas * @throws IOException * @throws XMLStreamException * @throws FitsException */ private void doDirectory(File inputDir, File outputDir, boolean useStandardSchemas, boolean standardCombinedFormat) throws FitsException, XMLStreamException, IOException { for (File f : inputDir.listFiles()) { if (f.isDirectory() && traverseDirs) { doDirectory(f, outputDir, useStandardSchemas, standardCombinedFormat); } else if (f.isFile()) { FitsOutput result = doSingleFile(f); String outputFile = outputDir.getPath() + File.separator + f.getName() + ".fits.xml"; File output = new File(outputFile); if (output.exists()) { int cnt = 1; while (true) { outputFile = outputDir.getPath() + File.separator + f.getName() + "-" + cnt + ".fits.xml"; output = new File(outputFile); if (!output.exists()) { break; } cnt++; } } outputResults(result, outputFile, useStandardSchemas, standardCombinedFormat, true); } } } /** * processes a single file and outputs to the provided output location. Outputs to * standard out if outputLocation is null * @param inputFile * @param outputLocation * @param useStandardSchemas - use standard schemas if available for output type * @throws FitsException * @throws XMLStreamException * @throws IOException */ private FitsOutput doSingleFile(File inputFile) throws FitsException, XMLStreamException, IOException { FitsOutput result = this.examine(inputFile); if (result.getCaughtExceptions().size() > 0) { for (Exception e : result.getCaughtExceptions()) { System.err.println("Warning: " + e.getMessage()); } } return result; } private void outputResults(FitsOutput result, String outputLocation, boolean standardSchema, boolean standardCombinedFormat, boolean dirMode) throws XMLStreamException, IOException, FitsException { OutputStream out = null; try { //figure out the output location if (outputLocation != null) { out = new FileOutputStream(outputLocation); } else if (!dirMode) { out = System.out; } else { throw new FitsException("The output location must be provided when running FITS in directory mode"); } //if -x is set, then convert to standard metadata schema and output to -o if (standardSchema) { outputStandardSchemaXml(result, out); } //if we are using -xc output FITS xml and standard format else if (standardCombinedFormat) { outputStandardCombinedFormat(result, out); } //else output FITS XML to -o else { Document doc = result.getFitsXml(); XMLOutputter serializer = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat()); serializer.output(doc, out); } } finally { if (out != null) { out.close(); } } } public static void outputStandardCombinedFormat(FitsOutput result, OutputStream out) throws XMLStreamException, IOException, FitsException { //add the normal fits xml output result.addStandardCombinedFormat(); //output the merged JDOM Document XMLOutputter serializer = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat()); serializer.output(result.getFitsXml(), out); } public static void outputStandardSchemaXml(FitsOutput fitsOutput, OutputStream out) throws XMLStreamException, IOException { XmlContent xml = fitsOutput.getStandardXmlContent(); //create an xml output factory Transformer transformer = null; //initialize transformer for pretty print xslt TransformerFactory tFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); String prettyPrintXslt = FITS_XML + "prettyprint.xslt"; try { Templates template = tFactory.newTemplates(new StreamSource(prettyPrintXslt)); transformer = template.newTransformer(); } catch (Exception e) { transformer = null; } if (xml != null && transformer != null) { xml.setRoot(true); ByteArrayOutputStream xmlOutStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); OutputStream xsltOutStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { //send standard xml to the output stream XMLStreamWriter sw = xmlOutputFactory.createXMLStreamWriter(xmlOutStream); xml.output(sw); //convert output stream to byte array and read back in as inputstream Source source = new StreamSource(new ByteArrayInputStream(xmlOutStream.toByteArray())); Result rstream = new StreamResult(xsltOutStream); //apply the xslt transformer.transform(source, rstream); //send to the providedOutpuStream out.write(xsltOutStream.toString().getBytes("UTF-8")); out.flush(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("error converting output to a standard schema format"); } finally { xmlOutStream.close(); xsltOutStream.close(); } } else { System.err.println("Error: output cannot be converted to a standard schema format for this file"); } } private void printHelp(Options opts) { HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("fits", opts); } /* ORIGINAL EXAMINE METHOD WITHOUT THREADS public FitsOutput examineOriginal(File input) throws FitsException { if(!input.exists()) { throw new FitsConfigurationException(input+" does not exist or is not readable"); } List<ToolOutput> toolResults = new ArrayList<ToolOutput>(); //run file through each tool, catching exceptions thrown by tools List<Exception> caughtExceptions = new ArrayList<Exception>(); String path = input.getPath().toLowerCase(); String ext = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf(".")+1); for(Tool t : toolbelt.getTools()) { if(t.isEnabled()) { if(!t.hasExcludedExtension(ext)) { try { ToolOutput tOutput = t.extractInfo(input); toolResults.add(tOutput); } catch(Exception e) { caughtExceptions.add(e); } } } } // consolidate the results into a single DOM FitsOutput result = consolidator.processResults(toolResults); result.setCaughtExceptions(caughtExceptions); for(Tool t: toolbelt.getTools()) { t.resetOutput(); } return result; } */ public FitsOutput examine(File input) throws FitsException { if (!input.exists()) { throw new FitsConfigurationException(input + " does not exist or is not readable"); } List<ToolOutput> toolResults = new ArrayList<ToolOutput>(); //run file through each tool, catching exceptions thrown by tools List<Exception> caughtExceptions = new ArrayList<Exception>(); String path = input.getPath().toLowerCase(); String ext = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); ArrayList<Thread> threads = new ArrayList<Thread>(); for (Tool t : toolbelt.getTools()) { if (t.isEnabled()) { if (!t.hasExcludedExtension(ext)) { //spin up new threads t.setInputFile(input); Thread thread = new Thread(t); threads.add(thread); thread.start(); } } } //wait for them all to finish for (Thread thread : threads) { try { thread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } //get all output from the tools for (Tool t : toolbelt.getTools()) { toolResults.add(t.getOutput()); } // consolidate the results into a single DOM FitsOutput result = consolidator.processResults(toolResults); result.setCaughtExceptions(caughtExceptions); for (Tool t : toolbelt.getTools()) { t.resetOutput(); } return result; } public ToolBelt getToolbelt() { return toolbelt; } }