Source code

Java tutorial


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// Copyright (c) 2016 by The President and Fellows of Harvard College
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is
// distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
// See the License for the specific language governing permission and limitations under the License.

package edu.harvard.hul.ois.fits;

import java.math.BigDecimal;

import org.apache.commons.lang.math.NumberUtils;

/** This class handles the transformation of the numerator and denominator
 * contained within a Ratio used in Ebucore XML to normalized values.
 * For example, if the numerator is 2.22 and the denominator is 1, the
 * numerator is converted to 222 and the denominator is converted to 100,
 * thus eliminating the decimal places, and essentially transforming them into
 * integers.
 * If the value passed in is null, or invalid, we will get a numerator and
 * denominator value of 0.
public class EbuCoreNormalizedRatio {

    private int normalizedNumerator;
    private int normalizedDenominator;
    public final static String DECIMAL = ".";
    public final static String COLON = ":";

    public EbuCoreNormalizedRatio(String ratioStr) {

        // This should not happen
        if (ratioStr == null || ratioStr.length() < 1)

        // Handles the conversion of a single decimal value to an x:y ratio, if
        // necessary
        ratioStr = convertDecimalToRatio(ratioStr);

        // If we don't have a proper ratio, just return
        // TODO: Should we throw an exception here?
        if (!ratioStr.contains(COLON))

        String[] splitValues = ratioStr.split(EbuCoreNormalizedRatio.COLON);
        // TODO: throw exception if there are not 2 pieces
        if (splitValues != null && splitValues.length == 2) {
            // Normalize the ratio, if necessary
            normalizeRatio(splitValues[0], splitValues[1]);


    private void normalizeRatio(String numerator, String denominator) {

        // Verify that the strings passed in are both numbers
        if (!NumberUtils.isNumber(numerator) || !NumberUtils.isNumber(denominator)) {

        // We only need to normalize the values if one contains a decimal
        if (numerator.contains(DECIMAL) || denominator.contains(DECIMAL)) {
            BigDecimal numBD = new BigDecimal(numerator);
            BigDecimal denomBD = new BigDecimal(denominator);

            double multiplier = getMultiplierForRatio(numBD, denomBD);
            this.normalizedNumerator = numBD.multiply(new BigDecimal(multiplier)).intValue();
            this.normalizedDenominator = denomBD.multiply(new BigDecimal(multiplier)).intValue();

        // Must be an integer
        else {
            // set the denormalized value
            this.normalizedNumerator = new Integer(numerator).intValue();
            this.normalizedDenominator = new Integer(denominator).intValue();


     * If the AspectRatio is a single decimal value, such as "1.067" this will
     * convert it to an x:y ratio. Otherwise it will return the original ratioStr
     * @param ratioStr The decimal representation of the aspect ratio to convert
     * @return
    private String convertDecimalToRatio(String ratioStr) {

        // If this isn't a decimal value such as 1.067, we don't need to convert it
        if (!NumberUtils.isNumber(ratioStr) || !ratioStr.contains(DECIMAL)) {
            return ratioStr;
        // Convert the value to an x:y representation by revising it to ratioStr:1
        return ratioStr + COLON + "1";

     * Return the value required to normalize a ratio. For example, if the
     * numerator is 2.22 and the denominator is 1, the multiplier will be
     * 100. This is the number used to multiply both the numerator and the
     * denominator to remove any decimal positions.
     * @param numBD The numerator as a BigDecimal
     * @param denomBD The denominator as a BigDecimal
     * @return
    private double getMultiplierForRatio(BigDecimal numBD, BigDecimal denomBD) {

        int numDecimal = getNumberOfDecimalPlaces(numBD);
        int tmpNumDecimal = getNumberOfDecimalPlaces(denomBD);
        if (tmpNumDecimal > numDecimal)
            numDecimal = tmpNumDecimal;
        return Math.pow(10, numDecimal);

     * Returns the number of decimal places in the number.
     * @param bigDec
     * @return
    private int getNumberOfDecimalPlaces(BigDecimal bigDec) {
        String strTrim = bigDec.stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString();
        int index = strTrim.indexOf(DECIMAL);
        return index < 0 ? 0 : strTrim.length() - index - 1;

    public int getNormalizedNumerator() {
        return normalizedNumerator;

    public int getNormalizedDenominator() {
        return normalizedDenominator;
