Java tutorial
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at */ package edu.harvard.hms.dbmi.bd2k.irct.ri.i2b2transmart; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.json.Json; import javax.json.JsonArray; import javax.json.JsonException; import javax.json.JsonObject; import javax.json.JsonReader; import javax.json.JsonValue; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.NameValuePair; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.entity.UrlEncodedFormEntity; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair; import edu.harvard.hms.dbmi.bd2k.irct.exception.ResourceInterfaceException; import edu.harvard.hms.dbmi.bd2k.irct.model.find.FindByPath; import edu.harvard.hms.dbmi.bd2k.irct.model.find.FindInformationInterface; import edu.harvard.hms.dbmi.bd2k.irct.model.ontology.Entity; import edu.harvard.hms.dbmi.bd2k.irct.model.ontology.OntologyRelationship; import edu.harvard.hms.dbmi.bd2k.irct.model.query.ClauseAbstract; import edu.harvard.hms.dbmi.bd2k.irct.model.query.Query; import edu.harvard.hms.dbmi.bd2k.irct.model.query.SelectClause; import edu.harvard.hms.dbmi.bd2k.irct.model.query.WhereClause; import edu.harvard.hms.dbmi.bd2k.irct.model.resource.PrimitiveDataType; import edu.harvard.hms.dbmi.bd2k.irct.model.resource.ResourceState; import edu.harvard.hms.dbmi.bd2k.irct.model.result.Result; import edu.harvard.hms.dbmi.bd2k.irct.model.result.ResultDataType; import edu.harvard.hms.dbmi.bd2k.irct.model.result.ResultStatus; import edu.harvard.hms.dbmi.bd2k.irct.model.result.exception.PersistableException; import edu.harvard.hms.dbmi.bd2k.irct.model.result.exception.ResultSetException; import edu.harvard.hms.dbmi.bd2k.irct.model.result.tabular.Column; import edu.harvard.hms.dbmi.bd2k.irct.model.result.tabular.ResultSet; import; import edu.harvard.hms.dbmi.bd2k.irct.ri.i2b2.I2B2XMLResourceImplementation; /** * An implementation of a resource that communicates with the tranSMART * instance. It extends the i2b2 XML resource implementation. * */ public class I2B2TranSMARTResourceImplementation extends I2B2XMLResourceImplementation { private String transmartURL; @Override public void setup(Map<String, String> parameters) throws ResourceInterfaceException { String[] strArray = { "resourceName", "resourceURL", "transmartURL", "domain" }; if (!parameters.keySet().containsAll(Arrays.asList(strArray))) { throw new ResourceInterfaceException("Missing parameters"); } this.transmartURL = parameters.get("transmartURL"); super.setup(parameters); } @Override public List<Entity> getPathRelationship(Entity path, OntologyRelationship relationship, SecureSession session) throws ResourceInterfaceException { List<Entity> returns = super.getPathRelationship(path, relationship, session); // Get the counts from the tranSMART server try { HttpClient client = createClient(session); String basePath = path.getPui(); String[] pathComponents = basePath.split("/"); if (pathComponents.length > 3) { String myPath = "\\"; for (String pathComponent : Arrays.copyOfRange(pathComponents, 3, pathComponents.length)) { myPath += "\\" + pathComponent; } basePath = pathComponents[0] + "/" + pathComponents[1] + "/" + pathComponents[2]; HttpPost post = new HttpPost(this.transmartURL + "/chart/childConceptPatientCounts"); List<NameValuePair> formParameters = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); formParameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("charttype", "childconceptpatientcounts")); formParameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("concept_key", myPath + "\\")); formParameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("concept_level", "")); post.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(formParameters)); HttpResponse response = client.execute(post); JsonReader jsonReader = Json.createReader(response.getEntity().getContent()); JsonObject counts = jsonReader.readObject().getJsonObject("counts"); for (Entity singleReturn : returns) { String singleReturnMyPath = convertPUItoI2B2Path(singleReturn.getPui()); if (counts.containsKey(singleReturnMyPath)) { singleReturn.getCounts().put("count", counts.getInt(singleReturnMyPath)); } } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return returns; } @Override public Result runQuery(SecureSession session, Query query, Result result) throws ResourceInterfaceException { result = super.runQuery(session, query, result); if (result.getResultStatus() != ResultStatus.ERROR) { String resultInstanceId = result.getResourceActionId(); String resultId = resultInstanceId.split("\\|")[2]; try { // Wait for it to be either ready or fail result = checkForResult(session, result); while ((result.getResultStatus() != ResultStatus.ERROR) && (result.getResultStatus() != ResultStatus.COMPLETE)) { Thread.sleep(3000); result = checkForResult(session, result); } if (result.getResultStatus() == ResultStatus.ERROR) { return result; } result.setResultStatus(ResultStatus.RUNNING); // Loop through the select clauses to build up the select string String gatherAllEncounterFacts = "false"; Map<String, String> aliasMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (ClauseAbstract clause : query.getClauses().values()) { if (clause instanceof SelectClause) { SelectClause selectClause = (SelectClause) clause; String pui = convertPUItoI2B2Path(selectClause.getParameter().getPui()); aliasMap.put(pui, selectClause.getAlias()); } else if (clause instanceof WhereClause) { WhereClause whereClause = (WhereClause) clause; String encounter = whereClause.getStringValues().get("ENCOUNTER"); if ((encounter != null) && (encounter.equalsIgnoreCase("yes"))) { gatherAllEncounterFacts = "true"; } } } if (!aliasMap.isEmpty()) { ResultSet rs = (ResultSet) result.getData(); if (rs.getSize() == 0) { rs = createInitialDataset(result, aliasMap, gatherAllEncounterFacts); result.setData(rs); } // Loop through the columns submitting and appending to the // rows every 10 List<String> parameterList = new ArrayList<String>(); int counter = 0; String parameters = ""; for (String param : aliasMap.keySet()) { if (counter == 10) { parameterList.add(parameters); counter = 0; parameters = ""; } if (!parameters.equals("")) { parameters += "|"; } parameters += param; } if (!parameters.equals("")) { parameterList.add(parameters); } for (String parameter : parameterList) { // Call the tranSMART API to get the dataset String url = this.transmartURL + "/ClinicalData/retrieveClinicalData?rid=" + resultId + "&conceptPaths=" + URLEncoder.encode(parameter, "UTF-8") + "&gatherAllEncounterFacts=" + gatherAllEncounterFacts; HttpClient client = createClient(session); HttpGet get = new HttpGet(url); try { HttpResponse response = client.execute(get); JsonReader reader = Json.createReader(response.getEntity().getContent()); JsonArray arrayResults = reader.readArray(); // Convert the dataset to Tabular format result = convertJsonToResultSet(result, arrayResults, aliasMap, gatherAllEncounterFacts); } catch (JsonException e) { } } } // Set the status to complete result.setResultStatus(ResultStatus.COMPLETE); } catch (InterruptedException | UnsupportedOperationException | IOException | ResultSetException | PersistableException e) { result.setResultStatus(ResultStatus.ERROR); result.setMessage(e.getMessage()); } } return result; } private ResultSet createInitialDataset(Result result, Map<String, String> aliasMap, String gatherAllEncounterFacts) throws ResultSetException { ResultSet rs = (ResultSet) result.getData(); // Set up the columns Column idColumn = new Column(); idColumn.setName("PATIENT_NUM"); idColumn.setDataType(PrimitiveDataType.STRING); rs.appendColumn(idColumn); if (gatherAllEncounterFacts.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { Column encounterColumn = new Column(); encounterColumn.setName("ENCOUNTER_NUM"); encounterColumn.setDataType(PrimitiveDataType.STRING); rs.appendColumn(encounterColumn); } for (String aliasKey : aliasMap.keySet()) { Column newColumn = new Column(); if (aliasMap.get(aliasKey) == null) { newColumn.setName(aliasKey); } else { newColumn.setName(aliasMap.get(aliasKey)); } newColumn.setDataType(PrimitiveDataType.STRING); rs.appendColumn(newColumn); } return rs; } private Result convertJsonToResultSet(Result result, JsonArray arrayResults, Map<String, String> aliasMap, String gatherAllEncounterFacts) throws ResultSetException, PersistableException { // If the resultset is empty create the initial result set ResultSet rs = (ResultSet) result.getData(); // Create the initial Matrix Map<String, Map<String, String>> dataMatrix = new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>(); String pivot = "PATIENT_NUM"; if (gatherAllEncounterFacts.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { pivot = "ENCOUNTER_NUM"; } for (JsonValue val : arrayResults) { JsonObject obj = (JsonObject) val; String rowId = obj.getString(pivot); if (!dataMatrix.containsKey(rowId)) { dataMatrix.put(rowId, new HashMap<String, String>()); } dataMatrix.get(rowId).put(obj.getString("CONCEPT_PATH"), obj.getString("VALUE")); } // Loop through the result set and add the information in the matrix to // the result set rs.first(); while ( { String rsRowId = rs.getString(pivot); if (dataMatrix.containsKey(rsRowId)) { Map<String, String> newRowData = dataMatrix.get(rsRowId); for (String colKeySet : newRowData.keySet()) { // Check to see if an alias exists if (aliasMap.get(colKeySet) != null) { rs.updateString(aliasMap.get(colKeySet), newRowData.get(colKeySet)); } else { rs.updateString(colKeySet, newRowData.get(colKeySet)); } } dataMatrix.remove(rsRowId); } } // If the information is still in the matrix add it to the result set at // the end for (String rowId : dataMatrix.keySet()) { rs.appendRow(); rs.updateString(pivot, rowId); Map<String, String> newRowData = dataMatrix.get(rowId); for (String colKeySet : newRowData.keySet()) { // Check to see if an alias exists if (aliasMap.get(colKeySet) != null) { rs.updateString(aliasMap.get(colKeySet), newRowData.get(colKeySet)); } else { rs.updateString(colKeySet, newRowData.get(colKeySet)); } } } // Add results back result.setData(rs); return result; } @Override public Result getResults(SecureSession session, Result result) throws ResourceInterfaceException { // This method only exists so the results for i2b2XML do not get called return result; } @Override public ResourceState getState() { return resourceState; } @Override public ResultDataType getQueryDataType(Query query) { return ResultDataType.TABULAR; } @Override public String getType() { return "i2b2/tranSMART"; } @Override public List<Entity> find(Entity path, FindInformationInterface findInformation, SecureSession session) throws ResourceInterfaceException { List<Entity> returns = new ArrayList<Entity>(); if (findInformation instanceof FindByPath) { FindByPath findPath = (FindByPath) findInformation; if (findInformation.getValues().containsKey("tmObservationOnly")) { returns = searchObservationOnly(findPath.getValues().get("term"), findPath.getValues().get("strategy"), session, findPath.getValues().get("tmObservationOnly")); } else { returns = searchObservationOnly(findPath.getValues().get("term"), findPath.getValues().get("strategy"), session, "FALSE"); } } else { returns = super.find(path, findInformation, session); } return returns; } public List<Entity> searchObservationOnly(String searchTerm, String strategy, SecureSession session, String onlObs) { List<Entity> entities = new ArrayList<Entity>(); try { URI uri = new URI(this.transmartURL.split("://")[0], this.transmartURL.split("://")[1].split("/")[0], "/" + this.transmartURL.split("://")[1].split("/")[1] + "/textSearch/findPaths", "oblyObs=" + onlObs + "&term=" + searchTerm, null); HttpClient client = createClient(session); HttpGet get = new HttpGet(uri); HttpResponse response = client.execute(get); JsonReader reader = Json.createReader(response.getEntity().getContent()); JsonArray arrayResults = reader.readArray(); for (JsonValue val : arrayResults) { JsonObject returnObject = (JsonObject) val; Entity returnedEntity = new Entity(); returnedEntity .setPui("/" + this.resourceName + converti2b2Path(returnObject.getString("conceptPath"))); if (!returnObject.isNull("text")) { returnedEntity.getAttributes().put("text", returnObject.getString("text")); } entities.add(returnedEntity); } } catch (URISyntaxException | JsonException | IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return entities; } private String convertPUItoI2B2Path(String pui) { String[] singleReturnPathComponents = pui.split("/"); String singleReturnMyPath = ""; for (String pathComponent : Arrays.copyOfRange(singleReturnPathComponents, 4, singleReturnPathComponents.length)) { singleReturnMyPath += "\\" + pathComponent; } singleReturnMyPath += "\\"; return singleReturnMyPath; } }