Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


  Copyright 2006 by Sean Luke and George Mason University
  Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
  See the file "LICENSE" for more information


import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;

import edu.gmu.cs.sim.util.Bag;
import edu.gmu.cs.sim.util.IntBag;
import edu.gmu.cs.sim.util.gui.ColorWell;
import edu.gmu.cs.sim.util.gui.NumberTextField;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot;
import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYItemRenderer;

// From JFreeChart

/** A SeriesAttributes used for user control pf time series created with TimeSeriesCharGenerator.
 This is done largely through the
 manipulation of XYSeries objects and features of the XYPlot class. */

public class TimeSeriesAttributes extends SeriesAttributes {
    /** A dash */
    static final float DASH = 6;
    /** A dot */
    static final float DOT = 1;
    /** A short space */
    static final float SPACE = 3;
    /** A long space */
    static final float SKIP = DASH;

    public static final int PATTERN_SOLID = 0;
    public static final int PATTERN_LONG_DASH = 1;
    public static final int PATTERN_STRETCH_DASH = 2;
    public static final int PATTERN_DASH = 3;
    public static final int PATTERN_DASH_DASH_DOT = 4;
    public static final int PATTERN_DASH_DOT = 5;
    public static final int PATTERN_DASH_DOT_DOT = 6;
    public static final int PATTERN_DOT = 7;
    public static final int PATTERN_STRETCH_DOT = 8;

    /** Nine dash combinations that the user might find helpful. */
    static final float[][] dashPatterns = { { DASH, 0.0f }, // --------
            { DASH * 2, SKIP }, // -- -- --
            { DASH, SKIP }, // -  -  -
            { DASH, SPACE }, // - - - -
            { DASH, SPACE, DASH, SPACE, DOT, SPACE }, // - - . - - .
            { DASH, SPACE, DOT, SPACE, }, // - . - .
            { DASH, SPACE, DOT, SPACE, DOT, SPACE }, // - . . - . .
            { DOT, SPACE }, // . . . .
            { DOT, SKIP } // .  .  .  .

    /** How much we should stretch the dashPatterns listed above.  1.0 is normal. */
    float stretch;
    NumberTextField stretchField;
    /** Line thickness. */
    float thickness;
    NumberTextField thicknessField;
    /** Line dash pattern (one of the dashPatterns above). */
    int dashPattern;
    JComboBox dashPatternList;
    /** Line color. */
    Color strokeColor;
    ColorWell strokeColorWell;

    public void setThickness(double value) {

    public double getThickness() {
        return (double) (thicknessField.getValue());

    public void setStretch(double value) {

    public double getStretch() {
        return (double) (stretchField.getValue());

    public void setDashPattern(int value) {
        if (value >= 0 && value < dashPatterns.length) {
            dashPattern = value;

    public int getDashPattern() {
        return dashPatternList.getSelectedIndex();

    public void setStrokeColor(Color value) {
        strokeColorWell.setColor(strokeColor = value);

    public Color getStrokeColor() {
        return strokeColor;

    /** The time series in question.  */
    XYSeries series;

    public XYSeries getSeries() {
        return series;

    /** Clears the existing internal XYSeries, then adds all the series elements in the provided XYSeries to the
     internal XYSeries.  Does not notify the chart to update.
    public void setSeries(XYSeries series) {
        int count = series.getItemCount();
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            this.series.add(series.getDataItem(i), true);

    public void setSeriesName(String val) {
        series.setKey(new ChartGenerator.UniqueString(val));
    } // bypasses super.setSeriesName

    public String getSeriesName() {
        return "" + series.getKey();
    } // bypasses super.getSeriesName

    public void clear() {

    /** Builds a TimeSeriesAttributes with the given generator, series, and index for the series. */
    public TimeSeriesAttributes(ChartGenerator generator, XYSeries series, int index,
            SeriesChangeListener stoppable) {
        super(generator, "" + series.getKey(), index, stoppable);
        this.series = series;

    public void rebuildGraphicsDefinitions() {
        float[] newDashPattern = new float[dashPatterns[dashPattern].length];
        for (int x = 0; x < newDashPattern.length; x++) {
            if (stretch * thickness > 0) {
                newDashPattern[x] = dashPatterns[dashPattern][x] * stretch * thickness; // include thickness so we dont' get overlaps -- will this confuse users?

        XYItemRenderer renderer = (XYItemRenderer) (((XYPlot) getPlot()).getRenderer());

        // we do two different BasicStroke options here because recent versions of Java (for example, 1.6.0_35_b10-428-11M3811 on Retina Displays)
        // break when defining solid strokes as { X, 0.0 } even though that's perfecty cromulent.  So instead we hack it so that the "solid" stroke
        // is done using a different constructor.

        renderer.setSeriesStroke(getSeriesIndex(), ((dashPattern == 0) ? // solid
                new BasicStroke(thickness, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND, 0)
                : new BasicStroke(thickness, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND, 0, newDashPattern, 0)));

        renderer.setSeriesPaint(getSeriesIndex(), strokeColor);

    public void buildAttributes() {
        // The following three variables aren't defined until AFTER construction if
        // you just define them above.  So we define them below here instead.

        dashPattern = 0; // dashPatterns[0];
        stretch = 1.0f;
        thickness = 2.0f;

        // strokeColor =;  // rebuildGraphicsDefinitions will get called by our caller afterwards
        XYItemRenderer renderer = (((XYPlot) getPlot()).getRenderer());

        // NOTE:
        // Paint paint = renderer.getSeriesPaint(getSeriesIndex());        
        // In JFreeChart 1.0.6 getSeriesPaint returns null!!!
        // You need lookupSeriesPaint(), but that's not backward compatible.
        // The only thing consistent in all versions is getItemPaint 
        // (which looks like a gross miss-use, but gets the job done)

        Paint paint = renderer.getItemPaint(getSeriesIndex(), -1);

        strokeColor = (Color) paint;

        strokeColorWell = new ColorWell(strokeColor) {
            public Color changeColor(Color c) {
                strokeColor = c;
                return c;
        addLabelled("Color", strokeColorWell);

        thicknessField = new NumberTextField(2.0, true) {
            public double newValue(double newValue) {
                if (newValue < 0.0) {
                    newValue = currentValue;
                thickness = (float) newValue;
                return newValue;
        addLabelled("Width", thicknessField);

        dashPatternList = new JComboBox();
        dashPatternList.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel(
                new java.util.Vector(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "Solid", "__  __  __", "_  _  _  _", "_ _ _ _ _",
                        "_ _ . _ _ .", "_ . _ . _ .", "_ . . _ . .", ". . . . . . .", ".  .  .  .  ." }))));
        dashPatternList.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                dashPattern = dashPatternList.getSelectedIndex(); // dashPatterns[dashPatternList.getSelectedIndex()];
        addLabelled("Dash", dashPatternList);
        stretchField = new NumberTextField(1.0, true) {
            public double newValue(double newValue) {
                if (newValue < 0.0) {
                    newValue = currentValue;
                stretch = (float) newValue;
                return newValue;
        addLabelled("Stretch", stretchField);

    public boolean possiblyCull() {
        DataCuller dataCuller = ((TimeSeriesChartGenerator) generator).getDataCuller();
        if (dataCuller != null && dataCuller.tooManyPoints(series.getItemCount())) {
            deleteItems(dataCuller.cull(getXValues(), true));
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    void deleteItems(IntBag items) {
        Bag tmpBag = new Bag();

        if (items.numObjs == 0) {

        int currentTabooIndex = 0;
        int currentTaboo = items.objs[0];
        Iterator iter = series.getItems().iterator();
        int index = 0;
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            Object o =;
            if (index == currentTaboo) {
                //skip the copy, let's move on to next taboo index
                if (currentTabooIndex < items.numObjs - 1) {
                    currentTaboo = items.objs[currentTabooIndex];
                } else {
                    currentTaboo = -1;//no more taboos
            } else//save o
        //now we clear the series and then put back the saved objects only.
        //In my test this did not cause the chart to flicker.
        //But if it does, one could do an update for the part the will be refill and 
        //only clear the rest using delete(start, end).
        for (int i = 0; i < tmpBag.numObjs; i++) {
            series.add((XYDataItem) (tmpBag.objs[i]), false);//no notifying just yet.
        //it doesn't matter that I clear this twice in a row 
        //(once here, once at next time through this fn), the second time is O(1).

    double[] getXValues() {
        double[] xValues = new double[series.getItemCount()];
        for (int i = 0; i < xValues.length; i++) {
            xValues[i] = series.getX(i).doubleValue();
        return xValues;
