Java tutorial
/* * The MIT License * * Copyright 2016 Georgia Tech PMASE 2014 Cohort Team Awesome. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package edu.gatech.pmase.capstone.awesome.impl.output; import edu.gatech.pmase.capstone.awesome.objects.AbstractArchitectureOption; import edu.gatech.pmase.capstone.awesome.objects.ArchitectureOptionAttribute; import edu.gatech.pmase.capstone.awesome.objects.DRTSArchitectureResult; import edu.gatech.pmase.capstone.awesome.objects.enums.DisasterEffect; import edu.gatech.pmase.capstone.awesome.objects.enums.TerrainEffect; import edu.gatech.pmase.capstone.awesome.util.DisasterResponseTradeStudyPropertiesSingleton; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.time.ZonedDateTime; import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import java.time.format.FormatStyle; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.exceptions.InvalidFormatException; import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.OPCPackage; import org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.ParagraphAlignment; import org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.XWPFDocument; import org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.XWPFParagraph; import org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.XWPFRun; import org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.XWPFTable; import org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.XWPFTableCell; import org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.XWPFTableRow; import org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.CTTcPr; import org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.CTVerticalJc; import org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.STVerticalJc; /** * Outputs the results of Trade Study into a file. */ public class DisasterResponseTradeStudyOutputer implements IDisasterResponseTradeStudyOutputter { /** * Logger. */ private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(DisasterResponseTradeStudyOutputer.class); /** * Index for the architecture results table in the template file. */ private static final int ARCH_RESULT_TABLE_INDEX = 0; /** * Index for the selected disaster table in the template file. */ private static final int SELECTED_DISASTER_TABLE_INDEX = 1; /** * Index for the selected terrain table in the template file. */ private static final int SELECTED_TERRAIN_TABLE_INDEX = 2; /** * Index for the platform weighting table in the template file. */ private static final int PLATFORM_WEIGHTING_TABLE_INDEX = 3; /** * Index for the comms weighting table in the template file. */ private static final int COMM_WEIGHTING_TABLE_INDEX = 4; /** * Index for the sensor weighting table in the template file. */ private static final int SENSOR_WEIGHTING_TABLE_INDEX = 5; /** * Index for the report details paragraph in the template file. */ private static final int REPORT_DETAILS_ROW_INDEX = 2; /** * Unicode character to use for checkmark. */ private static final String CHECKMARK_UNICODE = "\u2713"; /** * Decimal format to print the attribute weighting results with. */ private static final DecimalFormat weightingFormat = new DecimalFormat("#.###"); /** * Date formatter to print the report generated date with. */ private static final DateTimeFormatter fileNameFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd-kk-mm-ss-A"); /** * Date formatter to add time and date to output filename. fileNameFormatter */ private static final DateTimeFormatter outputFileFormatter = DateTimeFormatter .ofLocalizedDateTime(FormatStyle.FULL); /** * Mapping of disaster effects to the table column index in the disaster * effect table. */ private static final Map<DisasterEffect, Integer> disEffectColsMap = new HashMap<>(); /** * Mapping of terrain effects to the table column index in the terrain * effects table. */ private static final Map<String, Integer> terEffectColsMap = new HashMap<>(); /** * RGB Color to use for text when no architecture was found. */ private static final String NO_OPT_TEXT_COLOR = "922B21"; /** * Time and date the calculation was started. */ private ZonedDateTime now; /** * Populate map with col indices. */ static { // map disaster effects disEffectColsMap.put(DisasterEffect.FLOOD, 1); disEffectColsMap.put(DisasterEffect.DEBRIS, 2); disEffectColsMap.put(DisasterEffect.SMOKE_DUST, 3); disEffectColsMap.put(DisasterEffect.GROUND_INSTABILITY, 4); disEffectColsMap.put(DisasterEffect.LAND_SLIDE, 5); disEffectColsMap.put(DisasterEffect.MUD_SLIDE, 6); disEffectColsMap.put(DisasterEffect.STRUCTURAL_DAMAGE, 7); disEffectColsMap.put(DisasterEffect.HIGH_WIND, 8); disEffectColsMap.put(DisasterEffect.HAZARDOUS_MATERIAL_SPILL, 9); disEffectColsMap.put(DisasterEffect.RADIOLOGICAL_SPILL, 10); disEffectColsMap.put(DisasterEffect.LAVA, 11); disEffectColsMap.put(DisasterEffect.ASH, 12); disEffectColsMap.put(DisasterEffect.FIRE, 13); disEffectColsMap.put(DisasterEffect.INFRASTRUCTURE_BREAKDOWN, 14); // map terrain effects terEffectColsMap.put("Elevation", 1); terEffectColsMap.put("Roads", 2); terEffectColsMap.put("Bridges", 3); terEffectColsMap.put("Foliage", 4); terEffectColsMap.put("Wetness", 5); terEffectColsMap.put("Streams", 6); terEffectColsMap.put("Beach", 7); terEffectColsMap.put("Water Ways", 8); terEffectColsMap.put("Urbanization", 9); terEffectColsMap.put("Range", 10); terEffectColsMap.put("Population", 11); terEffectColsMap.put("Persistence", 12); terEffectColsMap.put("Trafficability", 13); terEffectColsMap.put("Slope", 14); } @Override public Path createOutputFile(final List<DRTSArchitectureResult> results, final List<DisasterEffect> selectedDisasterEffects, final List<TerrainEffect> selectedTerrainEffects) throws IOException, InvalidFormatException { // set time now =;"Creating results architecture file."); final String filename = "DRTS-Results-" + fileNameFormatter.format(now) + ".docx"; // create paths final Path templatePath = Paths.get( DisasterResponseTradeStudyPropertiesSingleton.getInstance().getResultsDirectory(), DisasterResponseTradeStudyPropertiesSingleton.getInstance().getResultsTemplate()); final Path resultsDir = Paths .get(DisasterResponseTradeStudyPropertiesSingleton.getInstance().getResultsDirectory()); Path resultPath = Paths .get(DisasterResponseTradeStudyPropertiesSingleton.getInstance().getResultsDirectory(), filename); // copy template file final File workbookFile = templatePath.toFile(); if (workbookFile.exists() && !workbookFile.isDirectory() && workbookFile.canRead()) { LOGGER.debug("Using results template file: " + workbookFile.getAbsolutePath()); final XWPFDocument xdoc = new XWPFDocument(; // get table final List<XWPFTable> tables = xdoc.getTables(); // set values DRTSArchitectureResult result = null; if (null != results && !results.isEmpty()) { result = results.get(0); // create platform weightings table this.createOptionWeightingTable(result.getPlatform(), tables.get(PLATFORM_WEIGHTING_TABLE_INDEX)); // create comm weighting table this.createOptionWeightingTable(result.getComms(), tables.get(COMM_WEIGHTING_TABLE_INDEX)); // create sensor weighting table this.createOptionWeightingTable(result.getSensor(), tables.get(SENSOR_WEIGHTING_TABLE_INDEX)); } else { LOGGER.warn("No architecture result found, cannot place into output result."); } // create arch table this.createArchTable(result, tables.get(ARCH_RESULT_TABLE_INDEX)); // create disaster effect table this.createSelectedDisasterTable(selectedDisasterEffects, tables.get(SELECTED_DISASTER_TABLE_INDEX)); // create selected terrain table this.createSelectedTerrainTable(selectedTerrainEffects, tables.get(SELECTED_TERRAIN_TABLE_INDEX)); // create details this.createReportDetails(xdoc); // get result file final File resultFile = resultPath.toFile(); LOGGER.debug("Trying to use result file: " + resultFile.getAbsolutePath()); LOGGER.debug("Result file is in result directory: " + resultsDir.toAbsolutePath()); if (!resultFile.isDirectory() && Files.isDirectory(resultsDir) && Files.isWritable(resultsDir)) { LOGGER.debug("Creating result file: " + resultFile.getAbsolutePath()); // write out result try (final FileOutputStream outStream = new FileOutputStream(resultFile)) { xdoc.write(outStream); } } else { LOGGER.error("Cannot create output result file at path: " + resultFile.getAbsolutePath()); resultPath = null; } } else { LOGGER.error("Cannot read input workbook file at path: " + templatePath.toString()); resultPath = null; } return resultPath; } /** * Creates the architecture result table. * * @param result the top architecture result. * @param table the table to create the architecture in */ private void createArchTable(final DRTSArchitectureResult result, final XWPFTable table) { final XWPFTableCell platLabel = table.getRow(1).getCell(0); platLabel.setVerticalAlignment(XWPFTableCell.XWPFVertAlign.CENTER); final XWPFTableCell commLabel = table.getRow(2).getCell(0); commLabel.setVerticalAlignment(XWPFTableCell.XWPFVertAlign.CENTER); final XWPFTableCell sensorLabel = table.getRow(3).getCell(0); sensorLabel.setVerticalAlignment(XWPFTableCell.XWPFVertAlign.CENTER); if (null != result) { LOGGER.debug("Adding architecture result to output file: " + result.toString()); platLabel.setText(result.getPlatform().getLabel()); final XWPFTableCell platDetails = table.getRow(1).getCell(2); platDetails.setVerticalAlignment(XWPFTableCell.XWPFVertAlign.CENTER); this.createArchitectureAttributeDescription(platDetails, result.getPlatform().getPrioritizationAttributess()); commLabel.setText(result.getComms().getLabel()); final XWPFTableCell commDetails = table.getRow(2).getCell(2); commDetails.setVerticalAlignment(XWPFTableCell.XWPFVertAlign.CENTER); this.createArchitectureAttributeDescription(commDetails, result.getComms().getPrioritizationAttributess()); sensorLabel.setText(result.getSensor().getLabel()); final XWPFTableCell sensorDetails = table.getRow(3).getCell(2); sensorDetails.setVerticalAlignment(XWPFTableCell.XWPFVertAlign.CENTER); this.createArchitectureAttributeDescription(sensorDetails, result.getSensor().getPrioritizationAttributess()); } else { LOGGER.debug("No result found, cannot create architecture options"); DisasterResponseTradeStudyOutputer.createNoOptionText(platLabel, "Platform"); DisasterResponseTradeStudyOutputer.createNoOptionText(commLabel, "Communications Option"); DisasterResponseTradeStudyOutputer.createNoOptionText(sensorLabel, "Sensor Option"); } } /** * Creates the selected disaster effects table. * * @param selectedDisasterEffects the disaster effects selected by the user. * @param table the table to write the selected disaster effects to */ private void createSelectedDisasterTable(final List<DisasterEffect> selectedDisasterEffects, final XWPFTable table) { for (final DisasterEffect effect : selectedDisasterEffects) { final Integer index = disEffectColsMap.get(effect); if (null != index) { LOGGER.debug( "Adding DisasterEffect " + + " to result document at table index: " + index); final XWPFTableCell effectIndicatorCell = table.getRow(index).getCell(1); effectIndicatorCell.setVerticalAlignment(XWPFTableCell.XWPFVertAlign.CENTER); effectIndicatorCell.setText(CHECKMARK_UNICODE); } else { LOGGER.warn("Could not find index to place DisasterEffect: " + + " in output file."); } } } /** * Creates the terrain effects table. * * @param selectedTerrainEffects the terrain effects selected but the user * @param table the table to write the terrain effects in. */ private void createSelectedTerrainTable(final List<TerrainEffect> selectedTerrainEffects, final XWPFTable table) { for (final TerrainEffect eff : selectedTerrainEffects) { final Integer index = terEffectColsMap.get(eff.terrainLabel); if (null != index) { LOGGER.debug("Adding TerrainEffect " + + " to result document at table index: " + index); final XWPFTableCell effectValueCell = table.getRow(index).getCell(1); effectValueCell.setVerticalAlignment(XWPFTableCell.XWPFVertAlign.CENTER); effectValueCell.setText(Integer.toString(eff.codeNum)); final XWPFTableCell effectDescCell = table.getRow(index).getCell(2); effectDescCell.setVerticalAlignment(XWPFTableCell.XWPFVertAlign.CENTER); effectDescCell.setText(eff.codeMeaning); } else { LOGGER.warn("Could not find index to place TerrainEffect: " + + " in output file."); } } } /** * Creates an options weighting table for the provided option. * * @param option the option to create the table for * @param table the table to create the option in */ private void createOptionWeightingTable(final AbstractArchitectureOption option, final XWPFTable table) { LOGGER.debug("Adding architeacture option weighting table for option: " + option.getLabel()); for (final ArchitectureOptionAttribute attr : option.getPrioritizationAttributess()) { LOGGER.debug("Adding architeacture option weighting value: " + attr.getLabel() + " with priority value: " + Double.toString(attr.getPriority())); LOGGER.debug(attr.toString()); final XWPFTableRow row = table.createRow(); final XWPFTableCell attrLabel = row.getCell(0); attrLabel.setVerticalAlignment(XWPFTableCell.XWPFVertAlign.CENTER); attrLabel.setText(attr.getLabel() + " (" + attr.getUnits() + ")"); final XWPFTableCell attrWeighting = row.getCell(1); attrWeighting.setVerticalAlignment(XWPFTableCell.XWPFVertAlign.CENTER); attrWeighting.setText(weightingFormat.format(attr.getPriority() * 100.00) + "%"); final CTTcPr pr = attrWeighting.getCTTc().addNewTcPr(); final CTVerticalJc alng = pr.addNewVAlign(); alng.setVal(STVerticalJc.BOTH); } } /** * Creates the architecture attribute description cell. * * @param detailsCell the cell to create the description in * @param attrs the attributes to put into the description */ private void createArchitectureAttributeDescription(final XWPFTableCell detailsCell, final List<ArchitectureOptionAttribute> attrs) { for (int x = 0; x < attrs.size(); x++) { final ArchitectureOptionAttribute attr = attrs.get(x); LOGGER.debug("Creating architecture option description for attribute: " + attr.getLabel()); final XWPFParagraph para; if (x == 0) { para = detailsCell.getParagraphs().get(0); } else { para = detailsCell.addParagraph(); } final XWPFRun rh = para.createRun(); rh.setText(DisasterResponseTradeStudyOutputer.createAttribtueString(attr)); para.setAlignment(ParagraphAlignment.CENTER); } } /** * Creates the report details paragraph. * * @param xdoc the document to create the paragraph in */ private void createReportDetails(final XWPFDocument xdoc) { final Locale currentLocale = Locale.getDefault(); LOGGER.debug("Creating report details"); final XWPFParagraph para = xdoc.getParagraphs().get(REPORT_DETAILS_ROW_INDEX); final XWPFRun run1 = para.createRun(); run1.setBold(true); run1.setText("Date Report Generated: "); final XWPFRun run2 = para.createRun(); run2.setBold(false); run2.setText(outputFileFormatter.format(now)); run2.addBreak(); final XWPFRun run3 = para.createRun(); run3.setBold(true); run3.setText("Country Report Generated: "); final XWPFRun run4 = para.createRun(); run4.setBold(false); run4.setText(currentLocale.getDisplayCountry()); } /** * Creates output for architecture options if no architecture was found. * * @param label the cell with the label * @param optionName the name of the option to place */ private static void createNoOptionText(final XWPFTableCell label, final String optionName) { LOGGER.debug("Creationg No Option Text for option: " + optionName); final XWPFParagraph platPara = label.getParagraphs().get(0); final XWPFRun rh = platPara.createRun(); rh.setColor(DisasterResponseTradeStudyOutputer.NO_OPT_TEXT_COLOR); rh.setText("No " + optionName + " Satisfies Selections"); platPara.setAlignment(ParagraphAlignment.CENTER); } /** * Creates the string to use for attribute descriptions. * * @param attr the attribute to create the string for * * @return the String to use. */ private static String createAttribtueString(final ArchitectureOptionAttribute attr) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); final Class clazz = attr.getType(); if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { final Number num = (Number) attr.getOriginalValue(); sb.append(attr.getLabel()).append(": ").append(num.toString()); } if (attr.getUnits() != null) { sb.append(" ").append(attr.getUnits()); } return sb.toString(); } }