Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Joseph Areeda <> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package edu.fullerton.ldvw; import edu.fullerton.viewerplugin.GUISupport; import com.areeda.jaDatabaseSupport.Database; import edu.fullerton.jspWebUtils.*; import edu.fullerton.ldvjutils.ImageCoordinate; import edu.fullerton.ldvjutils.LdvTableException; import edu.fullerton.ldvtables.ImageCoordinateTbl; import edu.fullerton.ldvtables.ImageGroupTable; import edu.fullerton.ldvtables.ImageTable; import edu.fullerton.ldvtables.ViewUser; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; /** * Display a page of images from our database * * @author Joseph Areeda <> */ class ImageHistory extends GUISupport { private int strt = 0; private int cnt = 25; private int cols = 1; private int imgCnt; private final ImageTable imgTbl; private final ImageGroupTable imgGrpTbl; private final String ourAction = "imagehistory"; private final String curUser; private String userWanted; private String groupWanted; private TreeSet<Integer> selected; private ArrayList<Integer> ids = null; // images to display private boolean keepSelections; private String submitAct; private final HttpServletRequest request; private final HttpServletResponse response; public ImageHistory(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Database db, Page vpage, ViewUser vuser) throws SQLException { super(db, vpage, vuser); this.request = request; this.response = response; imgTbl = new ImageTable(db); imgGrpTbl = new ImageGroupTable(db); userWanted = vuser.getCn(); curUser = vuser.getCn(); groupWanted = ""; selected = new TreeSet<>(); } /** * Process the command and display the images requested * * @throws SQLException * @throws WebUtilException * @throws LdvTableException */ void show() throws SQLException, WebUtilException, LdvTableException { vpage.includeJS("setChkBoxByClass.js"); processParams(); imgCnt = getImageList(); PageTable table = new PageTable(); table.setWidthPct(100); table.setColEqualWidth(cols); table.setBorder(3); table.setCellpadding(15); table.setCellspacing(5); PageTableRow imgRow = new PageTableRow(); int width = 0; if (cols > 1 && imgCnt > 1) { width = 1024 / cols; width = Math.max(width, 128); } if (ids == null) { ids = new ArrayList<>(); } for (Integer id : ids) { PageItemList pil = new PageItemList(); pil.add(getImageIdLine(id)); String url = String.format("%1$s?act=getImg&imgId=%2$d", getServletPath(), id); String imgName = String.format("Image #%1$d", id); PageItemImage piImg; if (width == 0) { // full size just show them the image piImg = new PageItemImage(url, imgName, null); ImageCoordinateTbl ict = new ImageCoordinateTbl(db); ImageCoordinate imgCord = ict.getCoordinate(id); if (imgCord != null) { vpage.includeJS("ShowTimeUnderMouse.js"); vpage.addLoadJS(imgCord.getHeadJS()); String className = imgCord.getClassName(); String imageIdname = String.format("%1$s_%2$d", className, id); String timeId = String.format("time_%1$d", id); piImg.setClassName(className); piImg.setId(imageIdname); vpage.addBodyJS(imgCord.getInitJS(imageIdname, timeId)); pil.add(piImg); PageItemString timeStr = new PageItemString("Click in image for time under mouse."); timeStr.setId(timeId); pil.add(timeStr); } else { pil.add(piImg); } } else { String thumbUrl = url + String.format("&width=%1$d", width); piImg = new PageItemImage(thumbUrl, imgName, null); piImg.addStyle("width", "100%"); PageItemImageLink thumb = new PageItemImageLink(url, piImg, "_blank"); pil.add(thumb); } pil.addBlankLines(2); imgRow.add(pil); if (imgRow.getColumnCount() >= cols) { table.addRow(imgRow); imgRow = new PageTableRow(); } } int lastRowCount = imgRow.getColumnCount(); if (lastRowCount < cols && lastRowCount > 0) { for (int i = lastRowCount; i <= cols; i++) { imgRow.add(); } table.addRow(imgRow); } PageForm frm = new PageForm(); String frmName = "imgHistory"; frm.addHidden("strt", Integer.toString(strt)); frm.setName(frmName); frm.setId(frmName); frm.setMethod("get"); frm.setAction(getServletPath() + "/"); frm.addHidden("act", "imagehistory"); frm.setNoSubmit(true); PageItem navBar = getNavBar(imgCnt, false, frmName); frm.add(navBar); frm.add(new PageItemBlanks(1)); frm.add(table); if (imgCnt > 10) { frm.add(new PageItemBlanks(1)); PageItem navBar2 = getNavBar(imgCnt, true, frmName); frm.add(navBar2); } frm.add(new PageItemBlanks(2)); if (keepSelections) { for (Integer sel : selected) { String sname = String.format("sel_%1$d", sel); frm.addHidden(sname, sname); } } vpage.add(frm); } //================= /** * Process the http request and fill in fields with the parameters and defaults */ private void processParams() throws LdvTableException { keepSelections = false; // depending on the command we may or may not want to pass // selections onto the next refresh submitAct = request.getParameter("submitAct"); submitAct = submitAct == null ? "" : submitAct; selected = getSelected(); String size = request.getParameter("size"); size = size == null ? "" : size; if (size.equalsIgnoreCase("large")) { cols = 1; cnt = 25; } else if (size.equalsIgnoreCase("med")) { cols = 3; cnt = 48; } else if (size.equalsIgnoreCase("small")) { cols = 5; cnt = 75; } else { cols = 1; cnt = 25; } String strtStr = request.getParameter("strt"); if (strtStr != null && strtStr.length() > 0) { strt = Integer.parseInt(strtStr); } else { strt = 0; } if (submitAct.equalsIgnoreCase("next")) { strt += cnt; keepSelections = true; } else if (submitAct.equalsIgnoreCase("prev")) { strt -= cnt; if (strt < 0) { strt = 0; } keepSelections = true; } else if (submitAct.equalsIgnoreCase("go")) { String pageNum = request.getParameter("pageNum").trim(); if (pageNum.matches("^\\d+$")) { strt = (Integer.parseInt(pageNum) - 1) * cnt; } keepSelections = true; } else if (submitAct.equalsIgnoreCase("go2")) { String pageNum = request.getParameter("pageNum2").trim(); if (pageNum.matches("^\\d+$")) { strt = (Integer.parseInt(pageNum) - 1) * cnt; } keepSelections = true; } else if (submitAct.equalsIgnoreCase("delete selected")) { for (Integer id : selected) { try { imgTbl.deleteById(id); } catch (SQLException ex) { // we'll ignore it for now } } selected.clear(); } String userSelected = request.getParameter("usrSel"); if (userSelected != null && !userSelected.isEmpty()) { int p = userSelected.indexOf("("); if (p > 0) { userSelected = userSelected.substring(0, p).trim(); } userWanted = userSelected; } String group = request.getParameter("group"); groupWanted = ""; if (group != null && !group.isEmpty()) { groupWanted = group; } processGroupOps(); } /** * if they requested a group maintenance operation do it here */ private void processGroupOps() throws LdvTableException { int nSelected = selected.size(); String selectedGroup = request.getParameter("op_group"); if (submitAct.equalsIgnoreCase("add to grp")) { if (nSelected < 1) { vpage.add("No images were selected for add to group operation"); } else { imgGrpTbl.addToGroup(curUser, selectedGroup, selected); } } else if (submitAct.equalsIgnoreCase("del from grp")) { if (nSelected < 1) { vpage.add("No images were selected for delete from group operation"); } else { imgGrpTbl.deleteFromGroup(curUser, selectedGroup, selected); } } else if (submitAct.equalsIgnoreCase("new grp")) { if (nSelected < 1) { vpage.add("No images were selected for create new group operation"); } else { String newGrp = request.getParameter("newGrpName"); if (newGrp == null || newGrp.isEmpty() || newGrp.equalsIgnoreCase("<new group name>")) { vpage.add("No name was entered for the new group."); } else { imgGrpTbl.addToGroup(curUser, newGrp, selected); } } } } /** * Get matching record count. * It has some smarts to deal with the possibility of selecting empty users or groups * That can happen if: * a) a group is selected for one user and they change to another without that group * b) they delete all images from a user or group * c) this is run before anyone creates an image * * @return number of records available for display */ private int getImageList() throws LdvTableException, SQLException { boolean gotGroup; imgCnt = 0; // check if they wanted a particular group or all from the user if (!groupWanted.isEmpty() && !groupWanted.equalsIgnoreCase("all")) { imgCnt = imgGrpTbl.getCount(userWanted, groupWanted); gotGroup = true; } else { imgCnt = (int) imgTbl.getDistinctRecordCount(userWanted); gotGroup = false; } // if that didn't work try all images for this user if (imgCnt == 0 && !groupWanted.isEmpty() && !groupWanted.equalsIgnoreCase("all")) { groupWanted = "All"; imgCnt = (int) imgTbl.getDistinctRecordCount(userWanted); gotGroup = false; } // if that didn't work try all images for all users if (imgCnt == 0 && (groupWanted.isEmpty() || groupWanted.equalsIgnoreCase("all")) && !userWanted.equalsIgnoreCase("all")) { userWanted = "All"; imgCnt = (int) imgTbl.getDistinctRecordCount(userWanted); gotGroup = false; } if (imgCnt > 0) { if (imgCnt < cnt) { strt = 0; } int stop = Math.min(strt + cnt, imgCnt); if (strt >= stop) { strt = Math.max(0, stop - cnt); } if (gotGroup) { ids = imgGrpTbl.getGroupMembers(userWanted, groupWanted, strt, stop); } else { ids = imgTbl.getImgList(strt, stop, userWanted); } } return imgCnt; } /** * Add a table of buttons/links and info to control display and deletion * * @param imgCnt total number of records in selection */ private PageItemList getNavBar(int imgCnt, boolean isBottom, String frmName) throws WebUtilException, LdvTableException, SQLException { PageItemList ret = new PageItemList(); PageTable navBar = new PageTable(); PageTableRow cmds = new PageTableRow(); // add next/prev buttons if applicable PageFormButton prevBtn = new PageFormButton("submitAct", "<", "Prev"); prevBtn.setEnabled(strt > 0); cmds.add(prevBtn); String botSuffix = isBottom ? "2" : ""; int curPage = strt / cnt + 1; int nPage = (imgCnt + cnt - 1) / cnt; PageItemList pageSel = new PageItemList(); pageSel.add("Page: "); PageFormText pageNum = new PageFormText("pageNum" + botSuffix, String.format("%1$,d", curPage)); pageNum.setSize(3); pageNum.setMaxLen(6); pageNum.addEvent("onchange", "historySubmit('Go" + botSuffix + "', this);"); pageSel.add(pageNum); pageSel.add(String.format(" of %d ", nPage)); cmds.add(pageSel); PageFormButton nextBtn = new PageFormButton("submitAct", ">", "Next"); nextBtn.setEnabled(curPage < nPage); cmds.add(nextBtn); int stop = Math.min(strt + cnt, imgCnt); String showing = String.format("Showing %1$d-%2$d for:", strt + 1, stop); cmds.add(showing); // add selection by user String cn = vuser.getCn(); TreeMap<String, Integer> ucounts = imgTbl.getCountByUser(); String[] usrs = new String[ucounts.size() + 1]; String sel = "All"; usrs[0] = "All"; int i = 1; for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : ucounts.entrySet()) { String u = entry.getKey(); Integer cnts = entry.getValue(); String opt = String.format("%1$s (%2$d)", u, cnts); if (userWanted.equalsIgnoreCase(u)) { sel = opt; } usrs[i] = opt; i++; } if (!isBottom) { // allow them to select another user (or all) PageFormSelect usrSel = new PageFormSelect("usrSel", usrs); usrSel.setSelected(sel); usrSel.addEvent("onchange", "this.form.submit()"); PageItemList owner = new PageItemList(); owner.add(new PageItemString("Owner: ", false)); owner.add(usrSel); cmds.add(owner); // Group selector TreeSet<String> groups = imgGrpTbl.getGroups(userWanted); if (!groups.isEmpty()) { PageItemList grpPIL = new PageItemList(); grpPIL.add(new PageItemString("Group: ", false)); groups.add("All"); PageFormSelect grpSel = new PageFormSelect("group"); grpSel.add(groups); String curGroup = request.getParameter("group"); if (curGroup != null && !curGroup.isEmpty() && groups.contains(curGroup)) { grpSel.setSelected(curGroup); } else { grpSel.setSelected("All"); } grpSel.addEvent("onchange", "document." + frmName + ".submit()"); grpPIL.add(grpSel); cmds.add(grpPIL); } } cmds.setClassAll("noborder"); navBar.addRow(cmds); ret.add(navBar); if (!isBottom) { // New table because this one has fewer columns and we want to hide it by default navBar = new PageTable(); navBar.setClassName("hidable"); navBar.addStyle("display", "none"); // allow them to change image size PageTableRow cmd2 = new PageTableRow(); String[] sizes = { "original", "small", "med" }; PageFormSelect sizeSel = new PageFormSelect("size", sizes); String curSize = request.getParameter("size"); if (curSize != null && !curSize.isEmpty() && ArrayUtils.contains(sizes, curSize)) { sizeSel.setSelected(curSize); } sizeSel.addEvent("onchange", "document." + frmName + ".submit()"); PageItemString lbl; lbl = new PageItemString("Size: ", false); lbl.setAlign(PageItem.Alignment.RIGHT); cmd2.add(lbl); PageTableColumn col; col = new PageTableColumn(sizeSel); cmd2.add(col); cmd2.add(); cmd2.add(); cmd2.setClassAll("noborder"); navBar.addRow(cmd2); cmd2 = new PageTableRow(); lbl = new PageItemString("Selections: ", false); lbl.setAlign(PageItem.Alignment.RIGHT); cmd2.add(lbl); PageFormButton selAll = new PageFormButton("selAll", "Select all", "selall"); selAll.setType("button"); selAll.addEvent("onclick", "setChkBoxByClass('selBox',true)"); cmd2.add(selAll); PageFormButton clrAll = new PageFormButton("selAll", "Clear all", "clrall"); clrAll.setType("button"); clrAll.addEvent("onclick", "setChkBoxByClass('selBox', false)"); cmd2.add(clrAll); cmd2.add(); cmd2.setClassAll("noborder"); navBar.addRow(cmd2); if (userWanted.equalsIgnoreCase(vuser.getCn()) || vuser.isAdmin()) { cmd2 = new PageTableRow(); lbl = new PageItemString("Delete images: ", false); lbl.setAlign(PageItem.Alignment.RIGHT); cmd2.add(lbl); col = new PageTableColumn(new PageFormSubmit("submitAct", "Delete Selected")); cmd2.add(col); cmd2.add(); cmd2.add(); cmd2.setClassAll("noborder"); navBar.addRow(cmd2); } PageTableRow grpRow = new PageTableRow(); lbl = new PageItemString("My groups: ", false); lbl.setAlign(PageItem.Alignment.RIGHT); grpRow.add(lbl); TreeSet<String> myGroup = imgGrpTbl.getGroups(curUser); if (!myGroup.contains("Favorites")) { myGroup.add("Favorites"); } myGroup.remove("Last result"); PageFormSelect grpSel = new PageFormSelect("op_group"); grpSel.add(myGroup); String curGroup = request.getParameter("groupSel"); if (curGroup != null && !curGroup.isEmpty() && myGroup.contains(curGroup)) { grpSel.setSelected(curGroup); } else { grpSel.setSelected("Favorites"); } grpRow.add(grpSel); grpRow.add(new PageFormSubmit("submitAct", "Add to grp")); grpRow.add(new PageFormSubmit("submitAct", "Del from grp")); grpRow.setClassAll("noborder"); navBar.addRow(grpRow); grpRow = new PageTableRow(); lbl = new PageItemString("New Group: ", false); lbl.setAlign(PageItem.Alignment.RIGHT); grpRow.add(lbl); PageFormText grpNameTxt = new PageFormText("newGrpName", "<new group name>"); grpNameTxt.addEvent("onfocus", "if(this.value == '<new group name>'){ this.value = ''; }"); grpNameTxt.addEvent("onblur", "if(this.value == ''){ this.value = '<new group name>'; }"); grpRow.add(grpNameTxt); PageFormSubmit newGrpBtn = new PageFormSubmit("submitAct", "New grp"); grpRow.add(newGrpBtn); grpRow.add(); grpRow.setClassAll("noborder"); navBar.addRow(grpRow); ret.add(navBar); PageItemString optBtn = new PageItemString("+More options"); optBtn.addEvent("onclick", "showByClass('hidable',this)"); optBtn.setClassName("showCmd"); ret.addBlankLines(1); ret.add(optBtn); } vpage.includeJS("showByClass.js"); return ret; } private PageItemList getImageIdLine(int id) throws LdvTableException { PageItemList idLine = new PageItemList(); PageFormCheckbox sel = new PageFormCheckbox("sel_" + Integer.toString(id), "Select"); sel.setClassName("selBox"); idLine.add(sel); idLine.add(String.format(". Image # %d, - ", id)); idLine.add(imgTbl.getIdInfo(id)); return idLine; } /** * if they checked anything return a list of image IDs * @return IDs of selected images */ private TreeSet<Integer> getSelected() { TreeSet<Integer> ret = new TreeSet<>(); Map<String, String[]> parameterMap = request.getParameterMap(); for (String p : parameterMap.keySet()) { if (p.toLowerCase().startsWith("sel_")) { String sn = p.substring(4); if (sn.matches("^\\d+$")) { Integer id = Integer.parseInt(sn); ret.add(id); } } } return ret; } }