Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Joseph Areeda <joseph.areeda at> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package edu.fullerton.ldvplugin; import com.areeda.jaDatabaseSupport.Database; import edu.fullerton.jspWebUtils.Page; import edu.fullerton.jspWebUtils.PageItem; import edu.fullerton.jspWebUtils.PageItemList; import edu.fullerton.jspWebUtils.PageItemString; import edu.fullerton.jspWebUtils.WebUtilException; import edu.fullerton.ldvjutils.BaseChanSelection; import edu.fullerton.ldvjutils.ImageCoordinate; import edu.fullerton.ldvjutils.LdvTableException; import edu.fullerton.ldvtables.ImageCoordinateTbl; import edu.fullerton.ldvtables.ImageTable; import edu.fullerton.ldvtables.ViewUser; import edu.fullerton.plugindefn.PluginController; import edu.fullerton.viewerplugin.ChanDataBuffer; import edu.fullerton.viewerplugin.ExternalProgramManager; import edu.fullerton.viewerplugin.PlotProduct; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; /** * An abstract base class for plot generators that are external programs * * @author Joseph Areeda <joseph.areeda at> */ public abstract class ExternalPlotManager extends ExternalProgramManager implements PlotProduct { protected Map<String, String[]> paramMap; protected String contextPath; protected String servletPath; protected Database db; protected Page vpage; protected ViewUser vuser; protected ImageCoordinate imgCoord; protected String enableKey; protected String dispFormat; protected int width; protected int height; protected List<BaseChanSelection> baseChans; public ExternalPlotManager(Database db, Page vpage, ViewUser vuser) { this.db = db; this.vpage = vpage; this.vuser = vuser; enableKey = "no way should this string be a key in the parameter map"; } public void setup(Database db, Page vpage, ViewUser vuser) { this.db = db; this.vpage = vpage; this.vuser = vuser; } public void setParammap(Map<String, String[]> parammap) { paramMap = new TreeMap<>(); paramMap.putAll(parammap); } @Override public void setParameters(Map<String, String[]> parameterMap) { setParammap(parameterMap); } @Override public void setChanList(List<BaseChanSelection> baseChans) { this.baseChans = baseChans; } public void setContextPath(String contextPath) { this.contextPath = contextPath; } public void setServletPath(String servletPath) { this.servletPath = servletPath; } @Override public boolean isSelected() { boolean ret = false; if (paramMap != null) { ret = paramMap.containsKey(enableKey); } return ret; } /** * The enable key is the parameter name of the checkbox that activates this progduct * * @return key name */ @Override public String getEnableKey() { return enableKey; } /** * As part of remembering where we came from, form values are passed back and forth to select * more. Here we use the previous value or default for the specified key * * @param key - Parameter name for this field * @param idx - Index into value array, 0 if only 1 value allowed * @param def - default value if no parameter or parameter is empty * @return */ public String getPrevValue(String key, int idx, String def) { String ret = def; String[] prev = paramMap.get(key); if (prev != null && prev.length > idx && !prev[0].isEmpty()) { ret = prev[idx]; } return ret; } /** * Checkboxes are a bit difficult because their key only gets sent if it's checked. So we don't * really know if it's the first time thru with no values for anything or they unchecked it. * * @param key - parameter name * @return true if parameter is available */ public boolean getPrevValue(String key) { boolean ret = paramMap.containsKey(key); return ret; } /** * Call an external (command line) program that produces a single image. Store the image in our * Image table and add it to the results page * * @param cmd the command to run * @param outFile the full path to the file that should be produced * @param prog name of the program used for error messages * @param chan channel name used for error messages * @return image id of saved image or 0 if nothing saved * @throws WebUtilException any problem in the process * @throws edu.fullerton.ldvjutils.LdvTableException problems with our database */ public int callProgramSaveOutput(String cmd, File outFile, String prog, String chan) throws WebUtilException, LdvTableException { int imgId = 0; String erm = ""; try { ExternalProgramManager epm = new ExternalProgramManager(); if (epm.runExternalProgram(cmd)) { String stdOut = epm.getStdout(); boolean hasImgPos; hasImgPos = getImgPosInfo(stdOut); ImageTable itbl = new ImageTable(db); // read in the output image long len = outFile.length(); if (len > 1000) { byte[] imgBytes = new byte[(int) len]; FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(outFile); int rlen =; ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(imgBytes); imgId = itbl.addImg(vuser.getCn(), bis, "image/png"); if (hasImgPos) { imgCoord.setImgId(imgId); ImageCoordinateTbl ict = new ImageCoordinateTbl(db); ict.add(imgCoord); } } else { erm += prog + " exited normally but output file is invalid.<br/>"; } outFile.delete(); } else { erm += String.format("Error on chan: %1$s<br/>", chan); erm += String.format("Command: %1$s<br/>", cmd); } if (!erm.isEmpty()) { PageItemString ermStr = new PageItemString(erm, false); vpage.add(ermStr); vpage.addBlankLines(1); PageItemString cmdStr = new PageItemString("Command:<br/>" + cmd, false); vpage.add(cmdStr); vpage.addBlankLines(2); vpage.add(new PageItemString("stderr:<br/>", false)); vpage.add(new PageItemString(epm.getStderr(), false)); vpage.addBlankLines(1); vpage.add(new PageItemString("stdout:<br/>", false)); vpage.add(new PageItemString(epm.getStdout(), false)); } } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | SQLException | IOException ex) { throw new WebUtilException("Creating " + prog + " output: " + ex.getLocalizedMessage()); } return imgId; } public ArrayList<File> getAllImgFiles(File dir) throws WebUtilException { HashSet<String> extensions; extensions = new HashSet<>(); extensions.add("png"); extensions.add("jpg"); extensions.add("gif"); ArrayList<File> ret = new ArrayList<>(); if (!dir.isDirectory() || !dir.canRead()) { throw new WebUtilException("Can't access output directory: " + dir.getAbsolutePath()); } File[] listFiles = dir.listFiles(); for (File file : listFiles) { String ext = FilenameUtils.getExtension(file.getAbsolutePath()).toLowerCase(); if (extensions.contains(ext)) { // acceptable type ret.add(file); } else { file.delete(); } } return ret; } /** * Create and write data from a ChanDataBuffer to a CSV file for use by the external program as input * @param dbuf the data buffer to write * @return object representing file with the data * @throws IOException some problem writing the file */ public File mkTempInputFile(ChanDataBuffer dbuf) throws IOException { File out = File.createTempFile("ldvw", ".csv", new File("/tmp")); try (FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(out)) { float[] data = dbuf.getData(); for (float d : data) { fw.append(String.format("%1$.7f\n", d)); } } return out; } /** * Create and write data from a ChanDataBuffer to a CSV file for use by the external program as * input * * @param dbuf the data buffer to write * @return object representing file with the data * @throws IOException some problem writing the file */ public File mkTempBinInputFile(ChanDataBuffer dbuf) throws IOException { File out = File.createTempFile("ldvw-", ".dat", new File("/tmp")); if (out.exists()) { out.delete(); } try (DataOutputStream output = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(out))) { float[] data = dbuf.getData(); int nsample = data.length; for (int i = 0; i < nsample; i++) { double x; x = data[i]; output.writeDouble(x); } } return out; } /** * Read a result file with only 1 double value per line * @param in the file to read * @return values as an array * @throws FileNotFoundException you know * @throws IOException read problem * @throws WebUtilException conversion problem */ public Double[] rdRes1File(File in) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, WebUtilException { ArrayList<Double> data = new ArrayList<>(); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(in)); String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { try { Double it = Double.parseDouble(line); data.add(it); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { throw new WebUtilException("rdRes1File: can't parse input data (" + line + ")"); } } Double[] ret = null; ret = data.toArray(ret); return ret; } public double[][] rdXYFile(File in) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, WebUtilException { ArrayList<double[]> data = new ArrayList<>(); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(in)); String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { try { String[] vals = line.split(","); double[] it = new double[2]; it[0] = Double.parseDouble(vals[0]); it[1] = Double.parseDouble(vals[1]); data.add(it); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { throw new WebUtilException("rdRes1File: can't parse input data (" + line + ")"); } } double[][] ret = new double[1][2]; ret = data.toArray(ret); return ret; } public double[][] rdBinXYFile(File in) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, WebUtilException { ArrayList<double[]> data = new ArrayList<>(); DataInputStream input = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(in)); try { while (true) { double[] it = new double[2]; it[0] = input.readDouble(); it[1] = input.readDouble(); data.add(it); } } catch (EOFException eof) { // we're good } catch (IOException ex) { String ermsg = "Reading binary xy data from file: " + ex.getClass().getSimpleName(); ermsg += " - " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(); throw new WebUtilException(ermsg); } // return as array double[][] ret = new double[1][2]; ret = data.toArray(ret); return ret; } /** * Some plot products contain position and time information for javascript functions * These are included in the program output with a line of the form: * #imgPos ODC (x0,y0, w,h, strt, dur): 205, 28, 814, 437, 1068422416, 240 * * This routine looks through the output and if it finds that line it sets fields. * @param stdOut the output of the program * @return true if the line was found and fields are set */ private boolean getImgPosInfo(String stdOut) { boolean ret = false; BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(stdOut)); String strtStr = "#imgPos\\s+(\\w+)"; String posStr = "(\\d+),\\s*(\\d+),\\s*(\\d+),\\s*(\\d+),\\s*(\\d+),\\s*(\\d+)(,\\s*(\\d+),\\s*(\\d+))?"; try { String line; Pattern posPat = Pattern.compile(posStr); Pattern strtPat = Pattern.compile(strtStr); while ((line = br.readLine()) != null && imgCoord == null) { Matcher strtMat = strtPat.matcher(line); if (strtMat.find()) { String prod =; Matcher posMat = posPat.matcher(line); if (posMat.find()) { imgCoord = new ImageCoordinate(); imgCoord.setProduct(prod); imgCoord.setImgX0(Integer.parseInt(; imgCoord.setImgY0(Integer.parseInt(; imgCoord.setImgWd(Integer.parseInt(; imgCoord.setImgHt(Integer.parseInt(; imgCoord.setX0(Double.parseDouble(; imgCoord.setxN(Double.parseDouble(; String y0str =; if (y0str != null) { imgCoord.setY0(Double.parseDouble(y0str)); imgCoord.setyN(Double.parseDouble(; } ret = true; } } } } catch (IOException | NumberFormatException ex) { ret = false; imgCoord = null; } return ret; } public int importImage(File img, String mime) throws WebUtilException { return importImage(img, mime, ""); } public int importImage(File img, String mime, String description) throws WebUtilException { int imgId = 0; try { ImageTable itbl = new ImageTable(db); // read in the output image long len = img.length(); if (len > 1000) { byte[] imgBytes = new byte[(int) len]; FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(img); int rlen =; ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(imgBytes); imgId = itbl.addImg(vuser.getCn(), bis, mime); if (!description.isEmpty()) { itbl.addDescription(imgId, description); } } } catch (SQLException | IOException | NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) { throw new WebUtilException("Importing image to database", ex); } return imgId; } public PageItem getErrorMessage(String product, List<String> cmd) { PageItemList ret = new PageItemList(); String stderr = getStderr(); String stdout = getStdout(); StringBuilder cmdStr = new StringBuilder(); for (String s : cmd) { if (s.contains(" ")) { s = "'" + s + "'"; } cmdStr.append(s).append(" "); } ret.add("There was an error in generating coherence plot."); ret.addBlankLines(2); ret.add("Command:"); ret.addBlankLines(1); ret.add(cmdStr.toString()); ret.addBlankLines(2); ret.add(String.format("Returned status: %1$d", getStatus())); ret.addBlankLines(2); ret.addLine("Stdout:"); PageItemString out = new PageItemString(stdout.replace("\n", "<br>"), false); ret.add(out); ret.addBlankLines(2); ret.addLine("Stderr:"); PageItemString err = new PageItemString(stderr.replace("\n", "<br>"), false); ret.add(err); return ret; } /** * Create one or more plots from data provided * * @param dbuf data buffers with full descriptors * @param compact flag that image is small so minimize text added * @return list of image IDs of product images saved to the database * @throws WebUtilException */ @Override public abstract ArrayList<Integer> makePlot(ArrayList<ChanDataBuffer> dbuf, boolean compact) throws WebUtilException; /** * External programs that are based on the PluginController/PluginManager classes all make their * plots the same way. This does the work for the Manager class. * * @param pc - PluginController contains the form to argument transforms * @param dbuf - describes the input data * @param compact - flag to make labels as short as possible * @return list of image IDs now in our database */ public ArrayList<Integer> makePcPlot(PluginController pc, ArrayList<ChanDataBuffer> dbuf, boolean compact) throws WebUtilException { ArrayList<Integer> ret = new ArrayList<>(); try { pc.setFormParameters(paramMap); List<String> cmd = pc.getCommandArray(dbuf, paramMap); String cmdStr = pc.getCommandLine(dbuf, paramMap); vpage.addLine("Command used to generate plot:"); vpage.add(cmdStr); vpage.addBlankLines(2); if (runExternalProgram(cmd, "")) { File img = pc.getTempFile(); Integer imgNum = addImg2Db(img, db, vuser.getCn()); ret.add(imgNum); } else { sendExternalOutput(); } } catch (LdvTableException ex) { String ermsg = getProductName() + " failed to save image. LdvTableException: " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(); throw new WebUtilException(ermsg); } return ret; } private void sendExternalOutput() { int stat = getStatus(); String txtOutput = String.format("%1$s: Status: %2$d Output:<br>%3$s", getProductName(), stat, getStdout()); vpage.add(new PageItemString(txtOutput, false)); vpage.addBlankLines(1); txtOutput = String.format("%1$s <br>Stderr: %2$s", getProductName(), getStderr()); vpage.add(new PageItemString(txtOutput, false)); vpage.addBlankLines(1); } /** * flag to say whether we can accept all data sets at one time or one for each call default is * one per call, override in the plugin if you can take multiples * * @return true if you want a bunch of datasets */ @Override public abstract boolean isStackable(); /** * Determines whether the PluginManager creates an image description for each image in the list * or if the product itself creates the description * * @return true if the PluginManager should do it, false if the product does it */ @Override public boolean needsImageDescriptor() { return true; } /** * Set the dimensions of the resulting image * * @param width in pixels * @param height in pixels */ @Override public void setSize(int width, int height) { this.width = width; this.height = height; } /** * Get the external name of this product for selection and results page * * @return descriptive name */ @Override public abstract String getProductName(); /** * Return html object that displays all user settable parameters * * @param enableKey - parameter name for the switch that enables this product * @param nSel - number of input datasets available * @param multDisp - I'm not sure * @todo figure out if we still need/want multDisp parameter * @return the html object * @throws edu.fullerton.jspWebUtils.WebUtilException */ @Override public abstract PageItem getSelector(String enableKey, int nSel, String[] multDisp) throws WebUtilException; /** * Does this product want the PlotManager to get data, or does it do it itself * * @return true if PlotManager is to get the data */ @Override public boolean needsDataXfer() { return false; } /** * Stacked/single selector * * @param dispFormat */ @Override public void setDispFormat(String dispFormat) { this.dispFormat = dispFormat; } /** * Some products run in the background and do not return a list of images to display. * * @return true if caller should expect a non-empty list of images. */ @Override public boolean hasImages() { return true; } }