Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2009 Humboldt University of Berlin, INRIA. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * */ package edu.eurac.commul.pepperModules.mmax2; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.corpus_tools.pepper.modules.exceptions.PepperModuleException; import org.corpus_tools.salt.SDATATYPE; import org.corpus_tools.salt.core.SAbstractAnnotation; import org.corpus_tools.salt.core.SLayer; import org.corpus_tools.salt.core.SRelation; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; class Salt2MMAXMapping { public static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Salt2MMAX2Mapper.class); // the element that conditions can hold to a mapping public static final String MAPPING_NODE_NAME = "mapping"; public static final String MAPPING_INFOS_NODE_NAME = "mapping_infos"; public static final String CONDITION_NODE_NAME = "condition"; public static final String AND_MATCH_CONDITION = "and"; public static final String OR_MATCH_CONDITION = "or"; public static final String NOT_MATCH_CONDITION = "not"; public static final String SANN_MAPPING_ASS_SCHEME = "ass_scheme"; public static final String SANN_MAPPING_ASS_ATTR = "ass_attr"; public static final String SANN_SNAME_CONDITION = "sname_cond"; public static final String SANN_NS_CONDITION = "namespace_cond"; public static final String SANN_SLAYER_CONDITION = "slayer_cond"; public static final String SANN_STR_VALUE_CONDITION = "string_value_cond"; public static final String SANN_NS_REGEXP = "namespace_regexp"; public static final String SANN_SLAYER_REGEXP = "slayer_regexp"; public static final String SANN_SNAME_REGEXP = "sname_regexp"; public static final String SANN_STRING_VALUE_REGEXP = "value_regexp"; public static final String SREL_MAPP_SOURCE_SCHEME_NAME = "source_scheme"; public static final String SREL_MAPP_TARGET_SCHEME_NAME = "target_scheme"; public static final String SREL_MAPP_POINTER_ATTR_NAME = "source_attr"; public static final String SREL_SNAME_CONDITION = "sname_cond"; public static final String SREL_STYPE_CONDITION = "stype_cond"; public static final String SREL_SLAYER_CONDITION = "slayer_cond"; public static final String SREL_SOURCE_TYPE_CONDITION = "source_type_cond"; public static final String SREL_TARGET_TYPE_CONDITION = "target_type_cond"; public static final String SREL_SNAME_REGEXP = "sname_regexp"; public static final String SREL_SLAYER_REGEXP = "slayer_regexp"; public static final String SREL_STYPE_REGEXP = "stype_regexp"; public static final String SREL_SOURCE_TYPE_REGEXP = "source_type_regexp"; public static final String SREL_TARGET_TYPE_REGEXP = "target_type_regexp"; public static ArrayList<SAnnotationMapping> getSAnnotationMappingsFromFile(MMAX2ExporterProperties props) { ArrayList<SAnnotationMapping> mappings = new ArrayList<SAnnotationMapping>(); if (props.getSAnnotationMappingsFilePath() != null) { DocumentBuilder documentBuilder; try { documentBuilder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder(); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { throw new PepperModuleException(e.getMessage(), e); } File configurationFile = new File(props.getSAnnotationMappingsFilePath()); NodeList nodes = null; try { nodes = documentBuilder.parse(configurationFile).getDocumentElement().getChildNodes(); } catch (SAXException e) { throw new PepperModuleException(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new PepperModuleException(e.getMessage(), e); } for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node xmlNode = nodes.item(i); if (xmlNode.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { continue; } String nodeName = xmlNode.getNodeName(); if (nodeName.equals(MAPPING_NODE_NAME)) { Node mapping_infos = null; Node condition_infos = null; NodeList sub_nodes = xmlNode.getChildNodes(); for (int j = 0; j < sub_nodes.getLength(); j++) { Node sub_xmlNode = sub_nodes.item(j); if (sub_xmlNode.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { continue; } String sub_nodeName = sub_xmlNode.getNodeName(); if (sub_nodeName.equals(MAPPING_INFOS_NODE_NAME)) { if (mapping_infos == null) { mapping_infos = sub_xmlNode; } else { throw new PepperModuleException( "More than one mapping infos defined on SAnnotation Mapping '" + xmlNode + "'"); } } else if (sub_nodeName.equals(CONDITION_NODE_NAME)) { if (condition_infos == null) { condition_infos = sub_xmlNode; } else { throw new PepperModuleException( "More than one match condition defined on SAnnotation Mapping '" + xmlNode + "'"); } } else { throw new PepperModuleException("Unknown type of Node '" + sub_xmlNode + "' with name '" + sub_nodeName + "' on SAnnotation Mapping '" + xmlNode + "'"); } } NamedNodeMap mapping_attributes = mapping_infos.getAttributes(); Node associatedSchemeNameAttribute = mapping_attributes.getNamedItem(SANN_MAPPING_ASS_SCHEME); if (associatedSchemeNameAttribute == null) { throw new PepperModuleException("associated scheme name '" + SANN_MAPPING_ASS_SCHEME + "' on SAnnotation Mapping infos Node '" + mapping_infos + "' is not defined..."); } String associatedSchemeName = associatedSchemeNameAttribute.getNodeValue(); mapping_attributes.removeNamedItem(SANN_MAPPING_ASS_SCHEME); Node associatedAttributeNameAttribute = mapping_attributes.getNamedItem(SANN_MAPPING_ASS_ATTR); if (associatedAttributeNameAttribute == null) { throw new PepperModuleException("associated attribute name '" + SANN_MAPPING_ASS_ATTR + "' on SAnnotation Mapping infos Node '" + mapping_infos + "' is not defined..."); } String associatedAttributeName = associatedAttributeNameAttribute.getNodeValue(); mapping_attributes.removeNamedItem(SANN_MAPPING_ASS_ATTR); SAnnotationMatchCondition condition = parseSAnnotationMatchCondition(condition_infos); if (mapping_attributes.getLength() != 0) { ArrayList<String> unknownAttributes = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int j = 0; j < mapping_attributes.getLength(); j++) { unknownAttributes.add(mapping_attributes.item(j).getNodeName()); } throw new PepperModuleException( "Unknown attributes '" + StringUtils.join(unknownAttributes, ",") + "' on SAnnotation Mapping infos Node '" + mapping_infos + "'"); } mappings.add(new SAnnotationMapping(condition, associatedSchemeName, associatedAttributeName)); } else if (xmlNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { throw new PepperModuleException("Unknown type of Node among Mapping nodes '" + xmlNode + "' with name '" + nodeName + "'"); } } } return mappings; } public static SAnnotationMatchCondition parseSAnnotationMatchCondition(Node node) { String nodeName = node.getNodeName(); if (nodeName.equals(CONDITION_NODE_NAME)) { return parseMainSAnnotationMatchCondition(node); } else if (nodeName.equals(AND_MATCH_CONDITION)) { return parseSAnnotationAndMatchCondition(node); } else if (nodeName.equals(OR_MATCH_CONDITION)) { return parseSAnnotationOrMatchCondition(node); } else if (nodeName.equals(NOT_MATCH_CONDITION)) { return parseSAnnotationNotMatchCondition(node); } else if (nodeName.equals(SANN_SLAYER_CONDITION)) { return parseSAnnotationSLayerMatchCondition(node); } else if (nodeName.equals(SANN_SNAME_CONDITION)) { return parseSAnnotationSNameMatchCondition(node); } else if (nodeName.equals(SANN_NS_CONDITION)) { return parseSAnnotationNameSpaceMatchCondition(node); } else if (nodeName.equals(SANN_STR_VALUE_CONDITION)) { return parseSAnnotationStringValueMatchCondition(node); } else { throw new PepperModuleException("Unknown SAnnotation match condition type '" + nodeName + "'"); } } public static SAnnotationMatchCondition parseMainSAnnotationMatchCondition(Node node) { Node condition_node = null; NodeList nodes = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node sub_node = nodes.item(i); if (sub_node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { if (condition_node == null) { condition_node = sub_node; } else { throw new PepperModuleException( "A condition node of a mapping should have only one \"super\" condition, found two: '" + condition_node + "' and '" + sub_node + "'"); } } } return parseSAnnotationMatchCondition(condition_node); } public static SAnnotationAndMatchCondition parseSAnnotationAndMatchCondition(Node node) { ArrayList<SAnnotationMatchCondition> subconditions = new ArrayList<SAnnotationMatchCondition>(); NodeList nodes = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node xmlNode = nodes.item(i); if (xmlNode.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { continue; } subconditions.add(parseSAnnotationMatchCondition(xmlNode)); } if (subconditions.size() < 1) { throw new PepperModuleException("And Match condition '" + node + "' has no sub conditions..."); } return new SAnnotationAndMatchCondition(subconditions); } public static SAnnotationOrMatchCondition parseSAnnotationOrMatchCondition(Node node) { ArrayList<SAnnotationMatchCondition> subconditions = new ArrayList<SAnnotationMatchCondition>(); NodeList nodes = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node xmlNode = nodes.item(i); if (xmlNode.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { continue; } subconditions.add(parseSAnnotationMatchCondition(xmlNode)); } if (subconditions.size() < 1) { throw new PepperModuleException("And Match condition '" + node + "' has no sub conditions..."); } return new SAnnotationOrMatchCondition(subconditions); } public static SAnnotationNotMatchCondition parseSAnnotationNotMatchCondition(Node node) { SAnnotationMatchCondition subcondition = null; NodeList nodes = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node xmlNode = nodes.item(i); if (xmlNode.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { continue; } SAnnotationMatchCondition local_sub_condition = parseSAnnotationMatchCondition(xmlNode); if (subcondition != null) { throw new PepperModuleException("Not Match condition '" + node + "' has several conditions..."); } else { subcondition = local_sub_condition; } } if (subcondition == null) { throw new PepperModuleException("And Match condition '" + node + "' has no sub conditions..."); } return new SAnnotationNotMatchCondition(subcondition); } public static SAnnotationSNameMatchCondition parseSAnnotationSNameMatchCondition(Node node) { NamedNodeMap attributes = node.getAttributes(); Node snameAttributeNode = attributes.getNamedItem(SANN_SNAME_REGEXP); String nameRegExp = null; if (snameAttributeNode != null) { nameRegExp = snameAttributeNode.getNodeValue(); attributes.removeNamedItem(SANN_SNAME_REGEXP); } else { throw new PepperModuleException("'" + SANN_SNAME_REGEXP + "' attribute not found on SAnnotation SName Match Condition '" + node + "'"); } if (attributes.getLength() != 0) { throw new PepperModuleException( "Additional unexpected attributes found on SAnnotation SName Match Condition '" + node + "'"); } return new SAnnotationSNameMatchCondition(Pattern.compile(nameRegExp)); } public static SAnnotationSLayerMatchCondition parseSAnnotationSLayerMatchCondition(Node node) { NamedNodeMap attributes = node.getAttributes(); Node slayerAttributeNode = attributes.getNamedItem(SANN_SLAYER_REGEXP); String slayerRegExp = null; if (slayerAttributeNode != null) { slayerRegExp = slayerAttributeNode.getNodeValue(); attributes.removeNamedItem(SANN_SLAYER_REGEXP); } else { throw new PepperModuleException("'" + SANN_SLAYER_REGEXP + " attribute not found on SAnnotation SLayer Match Condition '" + node + "'"); } if (attributes.getLength() != 0) { throw new PepperModuleException( "Additional unexpected attributes found on SAnnnotation SLayer Match Condition '" + node + "'"); } return new SAnnotationSLayerMatchCondition(Pattern.compile(slayerRegExp)); } public static SAnnotationNameSpaceMatchCondition parseSAnnotationNameSpaceMatchCondition(Node node) { NamedNodeMap attributes = node.getAttributes(); Node nsAttributeNode = attributes.getNamedItem(SANN_NS_REGEXP); String nsRegExp = null; if (nsAttributeNode != null) { nsRegExp = nsAttributeNode.getNodeValue(); attributes.removeNamedItem(SANN_NS_REGEXP); } else { throw new PepperModuleException("'" + SANN_NS_REGEXP + "' attribute not found on SAnnotation NameSpace Match Condition '" + node + "'"); } if (attributes.getLength() != 0) { throw new PepperModuleException( "Additional unexpected attributes found on SAnnotation NameSpace Match Condition '" + node + "'"); } return new SAnnotationNameSpaceMatchCondition(Pattern.compile(nsRegExp)); } public static SAnnotationStringValueMatchCondition parseSAnnotationStringValueMatchCondition(Node node) { NamedNodeMap attributes = node.getAttributes(); Node stringValueAttributeNode = attributes.getNamedItem(SANN_STRING_VALUE_REGEXP); String stringValueRegExp = null; if (stringValueAttributeNode != null) { stringValueRegExp = stringValueAttributeNode.getNodeValue(); attributes.removeNamedItem(SANN_STRING_VALUE_REGEXP); } else { throw new PepperModuleException("'" + SANN_STRING_VALUE_REGEXP + "' attribute not found on SAnnotation String Value Match Condition '" + node + "'"); } if (attributes.getLength() != 0) { throw new PepperModuleException( "Additional unexpected attributes found on SAnnotation String Value Match Condition '" + node + "'"); } return new SAnnotationStringValueMatchCondition(Pattern.compile(stringValueRegExp)); } public static ArrayList<SRelationMapping> getSRelationMappingsFromFile(MMAX2ExporterProperties props) { ArrayList<SRelationMapping> mappings = new ArrayList<SRelationMapping>(); if (props.getSRelationMappingsFilePath() != null) { DocumentBuilder documentBuilder; try { documentBuilder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder(); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { throw new PepperModuleException(e.getMessage(), e); } File configurationFile = new File(props.getSRelationMappingsFilePath()); NodeList nodes = null; try { nodes = documentBuilder.parse(configurationFile).getDocumentElement().getChildNodes(); } catch (SAXException e) { throw new PepperModuleException(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new PepperModuleException(e.getMessage(), e); } for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node xmlNode = nodes.item(i); if (xmlNode.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { continue; } String nodeName = xmlNode.getNodeName(); if (nodeName.equals(MAPPING_NODE_NAME)) { Node mapping_infos = null; Node condition_infos = null; NodeList sub_nodes = xmlNode.getChildNodes(); for (int j = 0; j < sub_nodes.getLength(); j++) { Node sub_xmlNode = sub_nodes.item(j); if (sub_xmlNode.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { continue; } String sub_nodeName = sub_xmlNode.getNodeName(); if (sub_nodeName.equals(MAPPING_INFOS_NODE_NAME)) { if (mapping_infos == null) { mapping_infos = sub_xmlNode; } else { throw new PepperModuleException( "More than one mapping infos defined on SRelation Mapping '" + xmlNode + "'"); } } else if (sub_nodeName.equals(CONDITION_NODE_NAME)) { if (condition_infos == null) { condition_infos = sub_xmlNode; } else { throw new PepperModuleException( "More than one match condition defined on SRelation Mapping '" + xmlNode + "'"); } } else if (!sub_nodeName.equals("")) { throw new PepperModuleException("Unknown type of Node '" + sub_xmlNode + "' with name '" + sub_nodeName + "' on SRelation Mapping '" + xmlNode + "'"); } } NamedNodeMap mapping_attributes = mapping_infos.getAttributes(); Node sourceDestSchemeNode = mapping_attributes.getNamedItem(SREL_MAPP_SOURCE_SCHEME_NAME); if (sourceDestSchemeNode == null) { throw new PepperModuleException("Source destination scheme '" + SREL_MAPP_SOURCE_SCHEME_NAME + "' on SRelation Mapping infos Node '" + mapping_infos + "' is not defined..."); } mapping_attributes.removeNamedItem(SREL_MAPP_SOURCE_SCHEME_NAME); String sourceSchemeName = sourceDestSchemeNode.getNodeValue(); Node targetDestSchemeNode = mapping_attributes.getNamedItem(SREL_MAPP_TARGET_SCHEME_NAME); if (targetDestSchemeNode == null) { throw new PepperModuleException("Target destination scheme '" + SREL_MAPP_TARGET_SCHEME_NAME + "' on SRelation Mapping infos Node '" + mapping_infos + "' is not defined..."); } mapping_attributes.removeNamedItem(SREL_MAPP_TARGET_SCHEME_NAME); String targetSchemeName = targetDestSchemeNode.getNodeValue(); Node destAttrNode = mapping_attributes.getNamedItem(SREL_MAPP_POINTER_ATTR_NAME); if (destAttrNode == null) { throw new PepperModuleException("Source attribute '" + SREL_MAPP_POINTER_ATTR_NAME + "' on SRelation Mapping infos Node '" + mapping_infos + "' is not defined..."); } mapping_attributes.removeNamedItem(SREL_MAPP_POINTER_ATTR_NAME); String attrName = destAttrNode.getNodeValue(); SRelationMatchCondition condition = parseSRelationMatchCondition(condition_infos); if (mapping_attributes.getLength() != 0) { ArrayList<String> unknownAttributes = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int j = 0; j < mapping_attributes.getLength(); j++) { unknownAttributes.add(mapping_attributes.item(j).getNodeName()); } throw new PepperModuleException( "Unknown attributes '" + StringUtils.join(unknownAttributes, ",") + "' on SRelation Mapping infos Node '" + mapping_infos + "'"); } mappings.add(new SRelationMapping(condition, sourceSchemeName, targetSchemeName, attrName)); } else { throw new PepperModuleException("Unknown type of Node among Mapping nodes '" + xmlNode + "' with name '" + nodeName + "'"); } } } return mappings; } public static SRelationMatchCondition parseSRelationMatchCondition(Node node) { String nodeName = node.getNodeName(); if (nodeName.equals(CONDITION_NODE_NAME)) { return parseMainSRelationMatchCondition(node); } else if (nodeName.equals(AND_MATCH_CONDITION)) { return parseSRelationAndMatchCondition(node); } else if (nodeName.equals(OR_MATCH_CONDITION)) { return parseSRelationOrMatchCondition(node); } else if (nodeName.equals(NOT_MATCH_CONDITION)) { return parseSRelationNotMatchCondition(node); } else if (nodeName.equals(SREL_STYPE_CONDITION)) { return parseSRelationSTypeMatchCondition(node); } else if (nodeName.equals(SREL_SLAYER_CONDITION)) { return parseSRelationSLayerMatchCondition(node); } else if (nodeName.equals(SREL_SNAME_CONDITION)) { return parseSRelationSNameMatchCondition(node); } else if (nodeName.equals(SREL_SOURCE_TYPE_CONDITION)) { return parseSRelationSourceTypeMatchCondition(node); } else if (nodeName.equals(SREL_TARGET_TYPE_CONDITION)) { return parseSRelationTargetTypeMatchCondition(node); } else { throw new PepperModuleException("Unknown SRelation match condition type '" + nodeName + "'"); } } public static SRelationMatchCondition parseMainSRelationMatchCondition(Node node) { Node condition_node = null; NodeList nodes = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node sub_node = nodes.item(i); if (sub_node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { if (condition_node == null) { condition_node = sub_node; } else { throw new PepperModuleException( "A condition node of a mapping should have only one \"super\" condition, found two: '" + condition_node + "' and '" + sub_node + "'"); } } } return parseSRelationMatchCondition(condition_node); } public static SRelationAndMatchCondition parseSRelationAndMatchCondition(Node node) { ArrayList<SRelationMatchCondition> subconditions = new ArrayList<SRelationMatchCondition>(); NodeList nodes = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node xmlNode = nodes.item(i); if (xmlNode.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { continue; } subconditions.add(parseSRelationMatchCondition(xmlNode)); } if (subconditions.size() < 1) { throw new PepperModuleException("And match condition '" + node + "' has no sub conditions..."); } return new SRelationAndMatchCondition(subconditions); } public static SRelationOrMatchCondition parseSRelationOrMatchCondition(Node node) { ArrayList<SRelationMatchCondition> subconditions = new ArrayList<SRelationMatchCondition>(); NodeList nodes = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node xmlNode = nodes.item(i); if (xmlNode.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { continue; } subconditions.add(parseSRelationMatchCondition(xmlNode)); } if (subconditions.size() < 1) { throw new PepperModuleException("Or Match condition '" + node + "' has no sub conditions..."); } return new SRelationOrMatchCondition(subconditions); } public static SRelationNotMatchCondition parseSRelationNotMatchCondition(Node node) { SRelationMatchCondition subcondition = null; NodeList nodes = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node xmlNode = nodes.item(i); if (xmlNode.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { continue; } SRelationMatchCondition local_sub_condition = parseSRelationMatchCondition(xmlNode); if (subcondition != null) { throw new PepperModuleException("Not Match condition '" + node + "' has several conditions..."); } else { subcondition = local_sub_condition; } } if (subcondition == null) { throw new PepperModuleException("And Match condition '" + node + "' has no sub conditions..."); } return new SRelationNotMatchCondition(subcondition); } public static SRelationSNameMatchCondition parseSRelationSNameMatchCondition(Node node) { NamedNodeMap attributes = node.getAttributes(); Node snameAttributeNode = attributes.getNamedItem(SREL_SNAME_REGEXP); String snameRegExp = null; if (snameAttributeNode != null) { snameRegExp = snameAttributeNode.getNodeValue(); attributes.removeNamedItem(SREL_SNAME_REGEXP); } else { throw new PepperModuleException("'" + SREL_SNAME_REGEXP + " attribute not found on SRelation SName Match Condition '" + node + "'"); } if (attributes.getLength() != 0) { throw new PepperModuleException( "Additional unexpected attributes found on SRelation SName Match Condition '" + node + "'"); } return new SRelationSNameMatchCondition(Pattern.compile(snameRegExp)); } public static SRelationSTypeMatchCondition parseSRelationSTypeMatchCondition(Node node) { NamedNodeMap attributes = node.getAttributes(); Node stypeAttributeNode = attributes.getNamedItem(SREL_STYPE_REGEXP); String stypeRegExp = null; if (stypeAttributeNode != null) { stypeRegExp = stypeAttributeNode.getNodeValue(); attributes.removeNamedItem(SREL_STYPE_REGEXP); } else { throw new PepperModuleException("'" + SREL_STYPE_REGEXP + " attribute not found on SRelation SType Match Condition '" + node + "'"); } if (attributes.getLength() != 0) { throw new PepperModuleException( "Additional unexpected attributes found on SRelation SType Match Condition '" + node + "'"); } return new SRelationSTypeMatchCondition(Pattern.compile(stypeRegExp)); } public static SRelationSLayerMatchCondition parseSRelationSLayerMatchCondition(Node node) { NamedNodeMap attributes = node.getAttributes(); Node slayerAttributeNode = attributes.getNamedItem(SREL_SLAYER_REGEXP); String slayerRegExp = null; if (slayerAttributeNode != null) { slayerRegExp = slayerAttributeNode.getNodeValue(); attributes.removeNamedItem(SREL_SLAYER_REGEXP); } else { throw new PepperModuleException("'" + SREL_SLAYER_REGEXP + " attribute not found on SRelation SLayer Match Condition '" + node + "'"); } if (attributes.getLength() != 0) { throw new PepperModuleException( "Additional unexpected attributes found on SRelation SLayer Match Condition '" + node + "'"); } return new SRelationSLayerMatchCondition(Pattern.compile(slayerRegExp)); } public static SRelationSourceTypeMatchCondition parseSRelationSourceTypeMatchCondition(Node node) { NamedNodeMap attributes = node.getAttributes(); Node sourceTypeAttributeNode = attributes.getNamedItem(SREL_SOURCE_TYPE_REGEXP); String sourceTypeRegExp = null; if (sourceTypeAttributeNode != null) { sourceTypeRegExp = sourceTypeAttributeNode.getNodeValue(); attributes.removeNamedItem(SREL_SOURCE_TYPE_REGEXP); } else { throw new PepperModuleException("'" + SREL_SOURCE_TYPE_REGEXP + " attribute not found on SRelation SourceType Match Condition '" + node + "'"); } if (attributes.getLength() != 0) { throw new PepperModuleException( "Additional unexpected attributes found on SRelation SourceType Match Condition '" + node + "'"); } return new SRelationSourceTypeMatchCondition(Pattern.compile(sourceTypeRegExp)); } public static SRelationTargetTypeMatchCondition parseSRelationTargetTypeMatchCondition(Node node) { NamedNodeMap attributes = node.getAttributes(); Node targetTypeAttributeNode = attributes.getNamedItem(SREL_TARGET_TYPE_REGEXP); String targetTypeRegExp = null; if (targetTypeAttributeNode != null) { targetTypeRegExp = targetTypeAttributeNode.getNodeValue(); attributes.removeNamedItem(SREL_TARGET_TYPE_REGEXP); } else { throw new PepperModuleException("'" + SREL_TARGET_TYPE_REGEXP + " attribute not found on SRelation TargetType Match Condition '" + node + "'"); } if (attributes.getLength() != 0) { throw new PepperModuleException( "Additional unexpected attributes found on SRelation TargetType Match Condition '" + node + "'"); } return new SRelationTargetTypeMatchCondition(Pattern.compile(targetTypeRegExp)); } } /** * This class models a condition for performing a mapping over an attribute * @author Lionel Nicolas * */ class SAnnotationMapping { private String associatedSchemeName;// the name of the scheme into which the mapping should be performed private String associatedAttributeName; // the name of the attribute into which the mapping should be performed private SAnnotationMatchCondition condition; SAnnotationMapping(SAnnotationMatchCondition condition, String associatedSchemeName, String associatedAttributeName) { this.condition = condition; this.associatedSchemeName = associatedSchemeName; this.associatedAttributeName = associatedAttributeName; } public boolean isMatched(SAbstractAnnotation sannotation, Set<SLayer> sLayers) { boolean answer = this.condition.isMatched(sannotation, sLayers); return answer; } public String getAssociatedSchemeName() { return this.associatedSchemeName; } public String getAssociatedAttributeName() { return this.associatedAttributeName; } public String toString() { return this.associatedSchemeName + ":" + this.associatedAttributeName; } } abstract class SAnnotationMatchCondition { public abstract boolean isMatched(SAbstractAnnotation sannotation, Set<SLayer> sLayers); } class SAnnotationStringValueMatchCondition extends SAnnotationMatchCondition { private Pattern stringValuePattern; public SAnnotationStringValueMatchCondition(Pattern stringValuePattern) { this.stringValuePattern = stringValuePattern; } public boolean isMatched(SAbstractAnnotation sannotation, Set<SLayer> sLayers) { String stringValue = ""; SDATATYPE dataType = sannotation.getValueType(); switch (dataType) { case SBOOLEAN: stringValue = "" + sannotation.getValue_SBOOLEAN(); break; case SFLOAT: stringValue = "" + sannotation.getValue_SFLOAT(); break; case SNUMERIC: stringValue = "" + sannotation.getValue_SNUMERIC(); break; case STEXT: stringValue = "" + sannotation.getValue_STEXT(); break; case SURI: stringValue = "" + sannotation.getValue_SURI(); break; case SOBJECT: stringValue = "" + sannotation.getValue_SOBJECT().toString(); break; default: throw new PepperModuleException("Unknown type of SDATATYPE '" + dataType + "'"); } return this.stringValuePattern.matcher(stringValue).matches(); } } class SAnnotationAndMatchCondition extends SAnnotationMatchCondition { ArrayList<SAnnotationMatchCondition> subConditions; public SAnnotationAndMatchCondition(ArrayList<SAnnotationMatchCondition> subConditions) { this.subConditions = subConditions; } public boolean isMatched(SAbstractAnnotation sannotation, Set<SLayer> sLayers) { for (SAnnotationMatchCondition scondition : this.subConditions) { boolean answer = scondition.isMatched(sannotation, sLayers); System.out.println("Answer on " + scondition + " => " + answer); if (answer == false) { return false; } } return true; } } class SAnnotationOrMatchCondition extends SAnnotationMatchCondition { ArrayList<SAnnotationMatchCondition> subConditions; public SAnnotationOrMatchCondition(ArrayList<SAnnotationMatchCondition> subConditions) { this.subConditions = subConditions; } public boolean isMatched(SAbstractAnnotation sannotation, Set<SLayer> sLayers) { for (SAnnotationMatchCondition scondition : this.subConditions) { boolean answer = scondition.isMatched(sannotation, sLayers); if (answer == true) { return true; } } return false; } } class SAnnotationNotMatchCondition extends SAnnotationMatchCondition { SAnnotationMatchCondition subCondition; public SAnnotationNotMatchCondition(SAnnotationMatchCondition subCondition) { this.subCondition = subCondition; } public boolean isMatched(SAbstractAnnotation sannotation, Set<SLayer> sLayers) { return !this.subCondition.isMatched(sannotation, sLayers); } } class SAnnotationSNameMatchCondition extends SAnnotationMatchCondition { private Pattern sNamePattern; public SAnnotationSNameMatchCondition(Pattern sNamePattern) { this.sNamePattern = sNamePattern; } public boolean isMatched(SAbstractAnnotation sannotation, Set<SLayer> sLayers) { return this.sNamePattern.matcher(sannotation.getName()).matches(); } } class SAnnotationNameSpaceMatchCondition extends SAnnotationMatchCondition { private Pattern nameSpacePattern; public SAnnotationNameSpaceMatchCondition(Pattern nameSpacePattern) { this.nameSpacePattern = nameSpacePattern; } public boolean isMatched(SAbstractAnnotation sannotation, Set<SLayer> sLayers) { return this.nameSpacePattern.matcher(sannotation.getNamespace()).matches(); } } class SAnnotationSLayerMatchCondition extends SAnnotationMatchCondition { private Pattern sLayerNamePattern; public SAnnotationSLayerMatchCondition(Pattern sLayerNamePattern) { this.sLayerNamePattern = sLayerNamePattern; } public boolean isMatched(SAbstractAnnotation sannotation, Set<SLayer> sLayers) { boolean answer = true; boolean hasMatchedSomething = false; for (SLayer sLayer : sLayers) { hasMatchedSomething = true; answer = answer && this.sLayerNamePattern.matcher(sLayer.getName()).matches(); } return hasMatchedSomething && answer; } } /** * This class models a condition for performing a mapping over a SRelation * @author Lionel Nicolas * */ class SRelationMapping { private String sourceAssociatedSchemeName;// the name of the scheme into which a SContainer for the source node of the SRelation should be mapped private String targetAssociatedSchemeName;// the name of the scheme into which a SContainer for the target node of the SRelation should be mapped private String associatedPointerAttributeName;// the name of the pointer attribute of the SContainer of the source node that will represent the SRelation private SRelationMatchCondition matchCondition; public SRelationMapping(SRelationMatchCondition matchCondition, String sourceAssociatedSchemeName, String targetAssociatedSchemeName, String associatedPointerAttributeName) { this.matchCondition = matchCondition; this.sourceAssociatedSchemeName = sourceAssociatedSchemeName; this.targetAssociatedSchemeName = targetAssociatedSchemeName; this.associatedPointerAttributeName = associatedPointerAttributeName; } public boolean isMatched(SRelation srelation) { return this.matchCondition.isMatched(srelation); } public String getSourceAssociatedSchemeName() { return this.sourceAssociatedSchemeName; } public String getTargetAssociatedSchemeName() { return this.targetAssociatedSchemeName; } public String getPointedAssociatedAttributeName() { return this.associatedPointerAttributeName; } public String toString() { return this.sourceAssociatedSchemeName + ":" + this.associatedPointerAttributeName + " ==> " + this.targetAssociatedSchemeName; } } abstract class SRelationMatchCondition { public abstract boolean isMatched(SRelation srelation); } class SRelationAndMatchCondition extends SRelationMatchCondition { ArrayList<SRelationMatchCondition> subConditions; public SRelationAndMatchCondition(ArrayList<SRelationMatchCondition> subConditions) { this.subConditions = subConditions; } public boolean isMatched(SRelation srelation) { for (SRelationMatchCondition scondition : this.subConditions) { boolean answer = scondition.isMatched(srelation); if (answer == false) { return false; } } return true; } } class SRelationOrMatchCondition extends SRelationMatchCondition { ArrayList<SRelationMatchCondition> subConditions; public SRelationOrMatchCondition(ArrayList<SRelationMatchCondition> subConditions) { this.subConditions = subConditions; } public boolean isMatched(SRelation srelation) { for (SRelationMatchCondition scondition : this.subConditions) { boolean answer = scondition.isMatched(srelation); if (answer == true) { return true; } } return false; } } class SRelationNotMatchCondition extends SRelationMatchCondition { SRelationMatchCondition subCondition; public SRelationNotMatchCondition(SRelationMatchCondition subCondition) { this.subCondition = subCondition; } public boolean isMatched(SRelation srelation) { return !this.subCondition.isMatched(srelation); } } class SRelationSTypeMatchCondition extends SRelationMatchCondition { private Pattern typeNamePattern; public SRelationSTypeMatchCondition(Pattern typeNamePattern) { this.typeNamePattern = typeNamePattern; } public boolean isMatched(SRelation srelation) { boolean answer = true; boolean hasMatchedSomething = false; hasMatchedSomething = true; answer = answer && this.typeNamePattern.matcher(srelation.getType()).matches(); return hasMatchedSomething && answer; } } class SRelationSLayerMatchCondition extends SRelationMatchCondition { private Pattern sLayerNamePattern; public SRelationSLayerMatchCondition(Pattern sLayerNamePattern) { this.sLayerNamePattern = sLayerNamePattern; } public boolean isMatched(SRelation srelation) { boolean answer = true; boolean hasMatchedSomething = false; for (Iterator<SLayer> it = srelation.getLayers().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { SLayer sLayer =; hasMatchedSomething = true; answer = answer && this.sLayerNamePattern.matcher(sLayer.getName()).matches(); } return hasMatchedSomething && answer; } } class SRelationSNameMatchCondition extends SRelationMatchCondition { private Pattern sNamePattern; public SRelationSNameMatchCondition(Pattern sNamePattern) { this.sNamePattern = sNamePattern; } public boolean isMatched(SRelation srelation) { return this.sNamePattern.matcher(srelation.getName()).matches(); } } class SRelationSourceTypeMatchCondition extends SRelationMatchCondition { private Pattern sourceTypeNamePattern; public SRelationSourceTypeMatchCondition(Pattern sourceTypeNamePattern) { this.sourceTypeNamePattern = sourceTypeNamePattern; } public boolean isMatched(SRelation srelation) { return this.sourceTypeNamePattern.matcher(srelation.getSource().getClass().getName().substring(1)) .matches(); } } class SRelationTargetTypeMatchCondition extends SRelationMatchCondition { private Pattern targetTypeNamePattern; public SRelationTargetTypeMatchCondition(Pattern targetTypeNamePattern) { this.targetTypeNamePattern = targetTypeNamePattern; } public boolean isMatched(SRelation srelation) { return this.targetTypeNamePattern.matcher(srelation.getTarget().getClass().getName().substring(1)) .matches(); } }