Java tutorial
package edu.emory.cci.aiw.i2b2etl.dest.table; /* * #%L * AIW i2b2 ETL * %% * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2015 Emory University * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import edu.emory.cci.aiw.i2b2etl.dest.config.Settings; import edu.emory.cci.aiw.i2b2etl.dest.metadata.Concept; import edu.emory.cci.aiw.i2b2etl.dest.metadata.conceptid.ConceptId; import edu.emory.cci.aiw.i2b2etl.dest.metadata.DataType; import edu.emory.cci.aiw.i2b2etl.dest.metadata.conceptid.InvalidConceptCodeException; import edu.emory.cci.aiw.i2b2etl.dest.metadata.Metadata; import edu.emory.cci.aiw.i2b2etl.dest.metadata.MetadataUtil; import edu.emory.cci.aiw.i2b2etl.dest.metadata.conceptid.SimpleConceptId; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.arp.javautil.sql.ConnectionSpec; import org.protempa.proposition.Proposition; import org.protempa.proposition.UniqueId; import org.protempa.proposition.value.Value; /** * * @author arpost */ public class ProviderDimensionFactory { private static final String PROVIDER_ID_PREFIX = MetadataUtil.DEFAULT_CONCEPT_ID_PREFIX_INTERNAL + "|Provider:"; private static final String NOT_RECORDED_PROVIDER_ID = PROVIDER_ID_PREFIX + "NotRecorded"; private static final Calendar CAL; private static final Date PROVIDER_NOT_RECORDED_DATE; static { CAL = Calendar.getInstance(); CAL.clear(); CAL.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/New_York")); /* * Need to update every time the no-provider record is changed. */ CAL.set(2016, Calendar.FEBRUARY, 24, 0, 0, 0); PROVIDER_NOT_RECORDED_DATE = CAL.getTime(); } private final Metadata metadata; private final ProviderDimensionHandler providerDimensionHandler; public ProviderDimensionFactory(Metadata metadata, Settings settings, ConnectionSpec dataConnectionSpec) throws SQLException { this.metadata = metadata; this.providerDimensionHandler = new ProviderDimensionHandler(dataConnectionSpec); } private static enum DateType { CREATED, UPDATED, DELETED, DOWNLOADED } public ProviderDimension getInstance(Proposition encounterProp, String fullNameReference, String fullNameProperty, String firstNameReference, String firstNameProperty, String middleNameReference, String middleNameProperty, String lastNameReference, String lastNameProperty, Map<UniqueId, Proposition> references) throws InvalidConceptCodeException, SQLException { Set<String> sources = new HashSet<>(4); String firstName = extractNamePart(firstNameReference, firstNameProperty, encounterProp, references, sources); String middleName = extractNamePart(middleNameReference, middleNameProperty, encounterProp, references, sources); String lastName = extractNamePart(lastNameReference, lastNameProperty, encounterProp, references, sources); String fullName = extractNamePart(fullNameReference, fullNameProperty, encounterProp, references, sources); if (fullName == null) { fullName = constructFullName(firstName, middleName, lastName); } String id; String source; Date updated; Date downloaded; Date deleted; if (!sources.isEmpty()) { id = PROVIDER_ID_PREFIX + fullName; source = MetadataUtil.toSourceSystemCode(StringUtils.join(sources, " & ")); updated = extract(DateType.UPDATED, fullNameReference, firstNameReference, middleNameReference, lastNameReference, encounterProp, references); if (updated == null) { updated = extract(DateType.CREATED, fullNameReference, firstNameReference, middleNameReference, lastNameReference, encounterProp, references); } downloaded = extract(DateType.DOWNLOADED, fullNameReference, firstNameReference, middleNameReference, lastNameReference, encounterProp, references); deleted = extract(DateType.DELETED, fullNameReference, firstNameReference, middleNameReference, lastNameReference, encounterProp, references); } else { id = NOT_RECORDED_PROVIDER_ID; source = this.metadata.getSourceSystemCode(); fullName = "Not Recorded"; updated = PROVIDER_NOT_RECORDED_DATE; downloaded = null; deleted = null; } ConceptId cid = SimpleConceptId.getInstance(id, this.metadata); Concept concept = this.metadata.getFromIdCache(cid); boolean found = concept != null; if (!found) { concept = new Concept(cid, null, this.metadata); concept.setSourceSystemCode(source); concept.setDisplayName(fullName); concept.setDataType(DataType.TEXT); concept.setInUse(true); concept.setFactTableColumn("provider_id"); concept.setTableName("provider_dimension"); concept.setColumnName("provider_path"); this.metadata.addToIdCache(concept); } ProviderDimension providerDimension = new ProviderDimension(); providerDimension.setConcept(concept); providerDimension.setSourceSystem(source); providerDimension.setUpdated(TableUtil.setTimestampAttribute(updated)); providerDimension.setDownloaded(TableUtil.setTimestampAttribute(downloaded)); providerDimension.setDeleted(TableUtil.setTimestampAttribute(deleted)); if (!found) { this.metadata.addProvider(providerDimension); providerDimensionHandler.insert(providerDimension); } return providerDimension; } public void close() throws SQLException { this.providerDimensionHandler.close(); } private Date extract(DateType dateType, String fullNameReference, String firstNameReference, String middleNameReference, String lastNameReference, Proposition encounterProp, Map<UniqueId, Proposition> references) { Date updated = null; if (fullNameReference != null) { updated = extract(dateType, fullNameReference, encounterProp, references); } if (firstNameReference != null) { Date u = extract(dateType, firstNameReference, encounterProp, references); if (u != null) { if (updated == null || u.after(updated)) { updated = u; } } } if (middleNameReference != null) { Date u = extract(dateType, middleNameReference, encounterProp, references); if (u != null) { if (updated == null || u.after(updated)) { updated = u; } } } if (lastNameReference != null) { Date u = extract(dateType, lastNameReference, encounterProp, references); if (u != null) { if (updated == null || u.after(updated)) { updated = u; } } } return updated; } private Date extract(DateType dateType, String reference, Proposition encounterProp, Map<UniqueId, Proposition> references) { if (reference != null) { Proposition provider = resolveReference(encounterProp, reference, references); if (provider != null) { switch (dateType) { case CREATED: return provider.getCreateDate(); case UPDATED: return provider.getUpdateDate(); case DELETED: return provider.getDeleteDate(); case DOWNLOADED: return provider.getDownloadDate(); default: throw new AssertionError("unexpected dateType " + dateType); } } else { return null; } } else { return null; } } private String extractNamePart(String namePartReference, String namePartProperty, Proposition encounterProp, Map<UniqueId, Proposition> references, Set<String> sources) { if (namePartReference != null && namePartProperty != null) { Proposition provider = resolveReference(encounterProp, namePartReference, references); extractSource(sources, provider); return getNamePart(provider, namePartProperty); } else { return null; } } private void extractSource(Set<String> sources, Proposition provider) { if (provider != null) { sources.add(provider.getSourceSystem().getStringRepresentation()); } } private Proposition resolveReference(Proposition encounterProp, String namePartReference, Map<UniqueId, Proposition> references) { Proposition provider; List<UniqueId> providerUIDs = encounterProp.getReferences(namePartReference); int size = providerUIDs.size(); if (size > 0) { if (size > 1) { Logger logger = TableUtil.logger(); logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Multiple providers found for {0}, using only the first one", encounterProp); } provider = references.get(providerUIDs.get(0)); } else { provider = null; } return provider; } private String getNamePart(Proposition provider, String namePartProperty) { String namePart; if (provider != null) { namePart = getProperty(namePartProperty, provider); } else { namePart = null; } return namePart; } private String getProperty(String nameProperty, Proposition provider) { String name; if (nameProperty != null) { Value firstNameVal = provider.getProperty(nameProperty); if (firstNameVal != null) { name = firstNameVal.getFormatted(); } else { name = null; } } else { name = null; } return name; } private String constructFullName(String firstName, String middleName, String lastName) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); if (lastName != null) { result.append(lastName); } result.append(", "); if (firstName != null) { result.append(firstName); } if (middleName != null) { if (firstName != null) { result.append(' '); } result.append(middleName); } return result.toString(); } }