Java tutorial
/* * #%L * AIW i2b2 ETL * %% * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2013 Emory University * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ package edu.emory.cci.aiw.i2b2etl.dest.metadata; import edu.emory.cci.aiw.i2b2etl.dest.metadata.conceptid.InvalidConceptCodeException; import edu.emory.cci.aiw.i2b2etl.dest.metadata.conceptid.ConceptId; import edu.emory.cci.aiw.i2b2etl.dest.metadata.conceptid.PropDefConceptId; import edu.emory.cci.aiw.i2b2etl.dest.metadata.conceptid.SimpleConceptId; import edu.emory.cci.aiw.i2b2etl.dest.config.Data; import edu.emory.cci.aiw.i2b2etl.dest.config.FolderSpec; import edu.emory.cci.aiw.i2b2etl.dest.config.Settings; import edu.emory.cci.aiw.i2b2etl.dest.table.ProviderDimension; import edu.emory.cci.aiw.i2b2etl.ksb.TableAccessReader; import edu.emory.cci.aiw.i2b2etl.ksb.QueryConstructor; import edu.emory.cci.aiw.i2b2etl.ksb.QueryExecutor; import edu.emory.cci.aiw.i2b2etl.ksb.ResultSetReader; import; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.swing.tree.TreeNode; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.arp.javautil.arrays.Arrays; import org.arp.javautil.collections.Collections; import org.arp.javautil.sql.ConnectionSpec; import org.protempa.KnowledgeSource; import org.protempa.KnowledgeSourceCache; import org.protempa.KnowledgeSourceReadException; import org.protempa.PropositionDefinition; import org.protempa.proposition.value.Value; /** * Maintains the concepts for the data being loaded into i2b2. The * {@link #init() } method <em>must</em> be called after constructing an * instance of this method before using any other methods. */ public final class Metadata { private static final PropositionDefinition[] EMPTY_PROPOSITION_DEFINITION_ARRAY = new PropositionDefinition[0]; private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(Metadata.class.getName()); private Concept conceptRoot; private final Map<ConceptId, Concept> conceptCache = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<List<Object>, ConceptId> conceptIdCache = new ReferenceMap<>(); private final Data dataSection; private final Settings settings; private final PropositionDefinition[] userDefinedPropositionDefinitions; private final String sourceSystemCode; private ProviderConceptTreeBuilder providerConceptTreeBuilder; private final KnowledgeSourceCache cache; private final FolderSpec[] folderSpecs; private final List<Concept> modifierRoots; private List<Concept> allRoots; private ConnectionSpec metaConnectionSpec; /** * * @param sourceSystemCode source system code {@link String} to use for * concepts created by this query results handler. It is truncated, if * necessary, to 50 characters to fit into the i2b2 database tables. Cannot * be <code>null</code>. * @param cache * @param knowledgeSource * @param userDefinedPropositionDefinitions * @param folderSpecs * @param settings * @param dataSection * @param metaConnectionSpec connection information for the i2b2 metadata * schema, or <code>null</code> to disable writing to the metadata schema. */ Metadata(String sourceSystemCode, KnowledgeSourceCache cache, KnowledgeSource knowledgeSource, PropositionDefinition[] userDefinedPropositionDefinitions, FolderSpec[] folderSpecs, Settings settings, Data dataSection, ConnectionSpec metaConnectionSpec) { if (knowledgeSource == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("knowledgeSource cannot be null"); } if (dataSection == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("dataSource cannot be null"); } if (folderSpecs == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("folderSpecs cannot be null"); } if (sourceSystemCode == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("sourceSystemCode cannot be null"); } if (cache == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("cache cannot be null"); } this.metaConnectionSpec = metaConnectionSpec; this.modifierRoots = new ArrayList<>(); this.sourceSystemCode = MetadataUtil.toSourceSystemCode(sourceSystemCode); if (userDefinedPropositionDefinitions == null) { this.userDefinedPropositionDefinitions = EMPTY_PROPOSITION_DEFINITION_ARRAY; } else { this.userDefinedPropositionDefinitions = userDefinedPropositionDefinitions.clone(); } this.cache = cache; this.settings = settings; this.dataSection = dataSection; this.folderSpecs = folderSpecs.clone(); } void init() throws OntologyBuildException { this.allRoots = new ArrayList<>(); String rootNodeDisplayName = settings.getRootNodeName(); if (rootNodeDisplayName != null) { try { this.conceptRoot = new Concept(SimpleConceptId.getInstance(rootNodeDisplayName, this), null, this); } catch (InvalidConceptCodeException ex) { throw new OntologyBuildException("Could not build ontology", ex); } this.conceptRoot.setDisplayName(rootNodeDisplayName); this.conceptRoot.setDataType(DataType.TEXT); this.conceptRoot.setSourceSystemCode(this.sourceSystemCode); this.allRoots.add(this.conceptRoot); } this.providerConceptTreeBuilder = new ProviderConceptTreeBuilder(this); try { constructTreePre(); SubtreeBuilder[] builders = { new PhenotypesBuilder(this.cache, this), new DemographicsBuilder(this.cache, this), this.providerConceptTreeBuilder }; for (SubtreeBuilder builder : builders) {; if (this.conceptRoot == null) { Concept[] builderRoot = builder.getRoots(); Arrays.addAll(this.allRoots, builderRoot); } } } catch (InvalidPromoteArgumentException | SQLException | IOException | UnknownPropositionDefinitionException | KnowledgeSourceReadException | InvalidConceptCodeException ex) { throwOntologyBuildException(ex); } assert !this.allRoots.contains(null) : "Null root concepts! " + this.allRoots; setI2B2PathsToConcepts(); } /** * Returns connection information for the i2b2 metadata schema. * * @return connection information for the i2b2 metadata schema, or * <code>null</code> if no metadata schema connection information was * provided in the destination configuration. */ public ConnectionSpec getMetaConnectionSpec() { return this.metaConnectionSpec; } public Settings getSettings() { return settings; } public Data getDataSection() { return dataSection; } public Concept getConceptRoot() { return this.conceptRoot; } public void addModifierRoot(Concept concept) { if (concept != null) { this.modifierRoots.add(concept); this.allRoots.add(concept); } } public Concept[] getModifierRoots() { return this.modifierRoots.toArray(new Concept[this.modifierRoots.size()]); } public Concept[] getAllRoots() { return this.allRoots.toArray(new Concept[this.allRoots.size()]); } public PropositionDefinition[] getPhenotypeDefinitions() { return userDefinedPropositionDefinitions.clone(); } /** * Returns the source system code used for concepts created by this query * results handler. * * @return a {@link String}, maximum 50 characters. Guaranteed not * <code>null</code>. */ public String getSourceSystemCode() { return this.sourceSystemCode; } public FolderSpec[] getFolderSpecs() { return this.folderSpecs.clone(); } public ProviderDimension addProvider(ProviderDimension providerDimension) throws InvalidConceptCodeException, SQLException { this.providerConceptTreeBuilder.add(providerDimension); return providerDimension; } Concept newContainerConcept(String displayName, String conceptCode) throws OntologyBuildException { ConceptId conceptId = SimpleConceptId.getInstance(displayName, this); Concept concept = newConcept(conceptId, conceptCode, getSourceSystemCode()); concept.setCVisualAttributes("CAE"); concept.setDisplayName(displayName); return concept; } Concept getOrCreateHardCodedFolder(String... conceptIdSuffixes) throws InvalidConceptCodeException { String conceptIdSuffix = StringUtils.join(conceptIdSuffixes, '|'); ConceptId conceptId = SimpleConceptId .getInstance(MetadataUtil.DEFAULT_CONCEPT_ID_PREFIX_INTERNAL + "|" + conceptIdSuffix, this); Concept root = getFromIdCache(conceptId); if (root == null) { root = createHardCodedFolder(conceptIdSuffix, conceptIdSuffixes[conceptIdSuffixes.length - 1]); } return root; } private Concept createHardCodedFolder(String conceptIdSuffix, String displayName) throws InvalidConceptCodeException { ConceptId conceptId = SimpleConceptId .getInstance(MetadataUtil.DEFAULT_CONCEPT_ID_PREFIX_INTERNAL + "|" + conceptIdSuffix, this); Concept root = new Concept(conceptId, null, this); root.setSourceSystemCode(this.sourceSystemCode); root.setDisplayName(displayName); root.setDataType(DataType.TEXT); addToIdCache(root); return root; } public Concept getFromIdCache(ConceptId conceptId) { synchronized (this.conceptCache) { return this.conceptCache.get(conceptId); } } public Concept getFromIdCache(String propId, String propertyName, Value value) { return getFromIdCache(PropDefConceptId.getInstance(propId, propertyName, value, this)); } public void addToIdCache(Concept concept) { synchronized (this.conceptCache) { if (!this.conceptCache.containsKey(concept.getId())) { this.conceptCache.put(concept.getId(), concept); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("concept already added!"); } } } public void putInConceptIdCache(List<Object> key, ConceptId conceptId) { synchronized (this.conceptIdCache) { if (!this.conceptIdCache.containsKey(key)) { this.conceptIdCache.put(key, conceptId); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("concept id already added!"); } } } public ConceptId getFromConceptIdCache(List<Object> key) { synchronized (this.conceptIdCache) { return this.conceptIdCache.get(key); } } public String[] extractDerived() throws KnowledgeSourceReadException { Set<String> potentialDerivedConceptCodes = new HashSet<>(); for (Concept r : getAllRoots()) { Enumeration<Concept> emu = r.depthFirstEnumeration(); while (emu.hasMoreElements()) { Concept concept = emu.nextElement(); if (concept.isDerived()) { potentialDerivedConceptCodes.add(concept.getId().getId()); } } } return potentialDerivedConceptCodes.toArray(new String[potentialDerivedConceptCodes.size()]); } public Concept newConcept(ConceptId conceptId, String conceptCodePrefix, String sourceSystemCode) throws OntologyBuildException { Concept concept = getFromIdCache(conceptId); if (concept == null) { try { concept = new Concept(conceptId, conceptCodePrefix, this); } catch (InvalidConceptCodeException ex) { throw new OntologyBuildException("Error building ontology", ex); } concept.setSourceSystemCode(MetadataUtil.toSourceSystemCode(sourceSystemCode)); concept.setDisplayName(concept.getConceptCode()); addToIdCache(concept); } else { throw new OntologyBuildException("Duplicate concept: " + concept.getConceptCode()); } return concept; } private void constructTreePre() throws IOException, SQLException, KnowledgeSourceReadException, UnknownPropositionDefinitionException, InvalidConceptCodeException, OntologyBuildException, InvalidPromoteArgumentException { for (FolderSpec folderSpec : this.folderSpecs) { processFolderSpec(folderSpec); } } private void processFolderSpec(FolderSpec folderSpec) throws InvalidConceptCodeException, KnowledgeSourceReadException, InvalidPromoteArgumentException, UnknownPropositionDefinitionException, OntologyBuildException { if (folderSpec.getProperty() == null) { PropositionConceptTreeBuilder propProxy = new PropositionConceptTreeBuilder(this.cache, folderSpec.getPropositions(), folderSpec.getConceptCodePrefix(), folderSpec.getValueType(), folderSpec.getModifiers(), folderSpec.isAlreadyLoaded(), this);; if (this.conceptRoot == null) { Arrays.addAll(this.allRoots, propProxy.getRoots()); } } else { for (String propId : folderSpec.getPropositions()) { ConceptId conceptId = PropDefConceptId.getInstance(propId, null, this); Concept concept = getFromIdCache(conceptId); if (concept == null) { concept = new Concept(conceptId, folderSpec.getConceptCodePrefix(), this); concept.setSourceSystemCode(this.sourceSystemCode); PropositionDefinition propDef = this.cache.get(propId); if (propDef != null) { concept.setDisplayName(propDef.getDisplayName()); } else { throw new UnknownPropositionDefinitionException(propId); } concept.setDataType(DataType.TEXT); concept.setAlreadyLoaded(folderSpec.isAlreadyLoaded()); addToIdCache(concept); if (this.conceptRoot != null) { this.conceptRoot.add(concept); } else { this.allRoots.add(concept); } } ValueSetConceptTreeBuilder vsProxy = new ValueSetConceptTreeBuilder(this.cache, folderSpec.getPropositions(), folderSpec.getProperty(), folderSpec.getConceptCodePrefix(), this);; } } } private static final QueryConstructor ALL_CONCEPTS_QUERY = new QueryConstructor() { @Override public void appendStatement(StringBuilder sql, String table) { sql.append("SELECT DISTINCT EK_UNIQUE_ID, C_FULLNAME FROM "); sql.append(table); } }; private void setI2B2PathsToConcepts() throws OntologyBuildException { Map<String, List<String>> result; if (this.metaConnectionSpec != null) { try (QueryExecutor qe = new QueryExecutor(this.metaConnectionSpec.getOrCreate(), ALL_CONCEPTS_QUERY, new TableAccessReader(this.metaConnectionSpec.getDatabaseProduct(), this.settings.getMetaTableName()))) { result = qe.execute(new ResultSetReader<Map<String, List<String>>>() { @Override public Map<String, List<String>> read(ResultSet rs) throws KnowledgeSourceReadException { Map<String, List<String>> result = new HashMap<>(); if (rs != null) { try { while ( { Collections.putList(result, rs.getString(1), rs.getString(2)); } } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new KnowledgeSourceReadException(ex); } } return result; } }); } catch (KnowledgeSourceReadException | SQLException ex) { throw new OntologyBuildException(ex); } } else { result = new HashMap<>(); } for (Concept c : getAllRoots()) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Enumeration<Concept> emu = c.preorderEnumeration(); boolean isInPhenotypes = false; while (emu.hasMoreElements()) { Concept concept = emu.nextElement(); TreeNode parent = concept.getParent(); if (parent != null && parent.equals(c)) { isInPhenotypes = false; } if (concept.getSymbol().equals("AIW|Phenotypes")) { isInPhenotypes = true; } Concept conceptFromCache = getFromIdCache(concept.getId()); if (conceptFromCache != null && (isInPhenotypes || !result.containsKey(conceptFromCache.getSymbol()))) { conceptFromCache.addHierarchyPath(concept.getFullName()); } if (conceptFromCache != null) { List<String> get = result.get(concept.getSymbol()); if (get != null) { for (String hp : get) { conceptFromCache.addHierarchyPath(hp); } } } } } } private static void throwOntologyBuildException(Throwable ex) throws OntologyBuildException { throw new OntologyBuildException("Error building ontology", ex); } }