Java tutorial
/* * #%L * Eureka Services * %% * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2013 Emory University * %% * This program is dual licensed under the Apache 2 and GPLv3 licenses. * * Apache License, Version 2.0: * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * GNU General Public License version 3: * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program. If not, see * <>. * #L% */ package edu.emory.cci.aiw.cvrg.eureka.etl.spreadsheet; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; import org.apache.poi.hssf.util.CellReference; import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.exceptions.InvalidFormatException; import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.exceptions.InvalidOperationException; import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.OPCPackage; import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.PackageAccess; import; import; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFSheet; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * An implementation of the {@link DataProvider} interface, using an Excel * workbook as the data source. * * @author hrathod * */ public class XlsxDataProvider implements DataProvider { /** * The standard date format for data held in the workbook. */ private static ThreadLocal<DateFormat> dateFormat = new ThreadLocal<DateFormat>() { @Override protected SimpleDateFormat initialValue() { return new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss"); } }; /** * The class level logger. */ private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(XlsxDataProvider.class); /** * Log message template for a missing required worksheet. Takes one * parameter, the worksheet name. */ private final MessageFormat logErrorMessage; /** * Exception message for a missing required worksheet. Takes one parameter, * the worksheet name. */ private final MessageFormat exceptionErrorMessage; /** * A handle to the input stream so we can close it. */ private final OPCPackage opcPackage; /** * Holds the workbook associated with the data file. */ private final XSSFWorkbook workbook; /** * The list of patients parsed from the data file. */ private List<Patient> patients; /** * The list of providers parsed from the data file. */ private List<Provider> providers; /** * The list of encounters parsed from the data file. */ private List<Encounter> encounters; /** * The list of CPT codes parsed from the data file. */ private List<CPT> cpts; /** * The list of ICD9 Diagnostic codes parsed from the data file. */ private List<Icd9Diagnosis> icd9Diagnoses; /** * The list of ICD9 Procedure codes parsed from the data file. */ private List<Icd9Procedure> icd9Procedures; /** * The list of medications parsed from the data file. */ private List<Medication> medications; /** * The list of labs parsed from the data file. */ private List<Lab> labs; /** * The list of vitals parsed from the data file. */ private List<Vital> vitals; private final ResourceBundle messages; private final File dataFile; /** * Create the data provider from the given data file. * * @param inDataFile The Excel workbook file to use as the data store. * @throws DataProviderException Thrown when the workbook can not be * accessed, or parsed correctly. */ public XlsxDataProvider(File inDataFile, Locale locale) throws DataProviderException { if (inDataFile == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("inDataFile cannot be null"); } this.logErrorMessage = new MessageFormat(MessageFormat.format("Spreadsheet {0} is missing required sheet", new Object[] { inDataFile.getAbsolutePath() }) + " {0}"); this.exceptionErrorMessage = new MessageFormat("Required worksheet {0} is missing"); try { LOGGER.debug("Creating workbook from {}", inDataFile.getAbsolutePath()); this.opcPackage =, PackageAccess.READ); this.workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(this.opcPackage); this.validateWorksheets(); } catch (InvalidFormatException | InvalidOperationException ex) { throw new DataProviderException("Invalid XLSX file", ex); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new DataProviderException("Error reading XLSX file", ioe); } this.messages = locale != null ? ResourceBundle.getBundle("Messages", locale) : ResourceBundle.getBundle("Messages"); this.dataFile = inDataFile; } /** * Make sure that all the necessary worksheets are present in the given * workbook. * * @throws DataProviderException Thrown if there are missing worksheets in * the given workbook. */ private void validateWorksheets() throws DataProviderException { String[] requiredSheetNames = new String[] { "patient", "provider", "encounter" }; for (String sheetName : requiredSheetNames) { XSSFSheet sheet = this.workbook.getSheet(sheetName); if (sheet == null) { throw new DataProviderException(this.exceptionErrorMessage.format(new String[] { sheetName })); } } } public File getDataFile() { return dataFile; } @Override public List<Patient> getPatients() throws DataProviderException { if (this.patients == null) { this.patients = this.readPatients(); } return this.patients; } @Override public List<Provider> getProviders() throws DataProviderException { if (this.providers == null) { this.providers = this.readProviders(); } return this.providers; } @Override public List<Encounter> getEncounters() throws DataProviderException { if (this.encounters == null) { this.encounters = this.readEncounters(); } return this.encounters; } @Override public List<CPT> getCptCodes() throws DataProviderException { if (this.cpts == null) { this.cpts = this.readCpts(); } return this.cpts; } @Override public List<Icd9Diagnosis> getIcd9Diagnoses() throws DataProviderException { if (this.icd9Diagnoses == null) { this.icd9Diagnoses = this.readIcd9Diagnoses(); } return this.icd9Diagnoses; } @Override public List<Icd9Procedure> getIcd9Procedures() throws DataProviderException { if (this.icd9Procedures == null) { this.icd9Procedures = this.readIcd9Procedures(); } return this.icd9Procedures; } @Override public List<Medication> getMedications() throws DataProviderException { if (this.medications == null) { this.medications = this.readMedications(); } return this.medications; } @Override public List<Lab> getLabs() throws DataProviderException { if (this.labs == null) { this.labs = this.readLabs(); } return this.labs; } @Override public List<Vital> getVitals() throws DataProviderException { if (this.vitals == null) { this.vitals = this.readVitals(); } return this.vitals; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { if (this.opcPackage != null) { this.opcPackage.revert(); //Close without saving. } } /** * Convenience method to read a required sheet and throw an exception if the * sheet is not present. * * @param sheetName the sheet's name. * @return the sheet, guaranteed not <code>null</code>. * @throws DataProviderException if the sheet is not present. */ private XSSFSheet readRequiredSheet(String sheetName) throws DataProviderException { XSSFSheet sheet = this.workbook.getSheet(sheetName); if (sheet == null) { LOGGER.error(this.logErrorMessage.format(sheetName)); throw new DataProviderException(this.exceptionErrorMessage.format(sheetName)); } return sheet; } /** * Parse the list of patients from the workbook. * * @return A list of {@link Patient} objects. */ private List<Patient> readPatients() throws DataProviderException { XSSFSheet sheet = readRequiredSheet("patient"); String sheetName = sheet.getSheetName(); List<Patient> result = new ArrayList<>(); Iterator<Row> rows = sheet.rowIterator();; // skip header row while (rows.hasNext()) { Row row =; Patient patient = new Patient(); patient.setId(readLongValue(sheetName, row.getCell(0))); patient.setFirstName(readStringValue(sheetName, row.getCell(1))); patient.setLastName(readStringValue(sheetName, row.getCell(2))); patient.setDateOfBirth(readDateValue(sheetName, row.getCell(3))); patient.setLanguage(readStringValue(sheetName, row.getCell(4))); patient.setMaritalStatus(readStringValue(sheetName, row.getCell(5))); patient.setRace(readStringValue(sheetName, row.getCell(6))); patient.setGender(readStringValue(sheetName, row.getCell(7))); result.add(patient); } return result; } /** * Parse the list of providers in the workbook. * * @return A list of {@link Provider} objects. */ private List<Provider> readProviders() throws DataProviderException { XSSFSheet sheet = readRequiredSheet("provider"); String sheetName = sheet.getSheetName(); List<Provider> result = new ArrayList<>(); Iterator<Row> rows = sheet.rowIterator();; // skip header row while (rows.hasNext()) { Row row =; Provider provider = new Provider(); provider.setId(readLongValue(sheetName, row.getCell(0))); provider.setFirstName(readStringValue(sheetName, row.getCell(1))); provider.setLastName(readStringValue(sheetName, row.getCell(2))); result.add(provider); } return result; } /** * Parse the list of encounters in the workbook. * * @return A list of {@link Encounter} objects. */ private List<Encounter> readEncounters() throws DataProviderException { XSSFSheet sheet = readRequiredSheet("encounter"); String sheetName = sheet.getSheetName(); List<Encounter> result = new ArrayList<>(); Iterator<Row> rows = sheet.rowIterator(); LOGGER.debug("Encounter iterator: {}", Integer.valueOf(rows.hashCode()));; // skip header row while (rows.hasNext()) { Row row =; Encounter encounter = new Encounter(); encounter.setId(readLongValue(sheetName, row.getCell(0))); encounter.setPatientId(readLongValue(sheetName, row.getCell(1))); encounter.setProviderId(readLongValue(sheetName, row.getCell(2))); encounter.setStart(readDateValue(sheetName, row.getCell(3))); encounter.setEnd(readDateValue(sheetName, row.getCell(4))); encounter.setType(readStringValue(sheetName, row.getCell(5))); encounter.setDischargeDisposition(readStringValue(sheetName, row.getCell(6))); result.add(encounter); } return result; } /** * Parse the list of CPT codes in the workbook. * * @return A list of {@link CPT} objects. */ private List<CPT> readCpts() throws DataProviderException { XSSFSheet sheet = this.workbook.getSheet("eCPT"); List<CPT> result = new ArrayList<>(); if (sheet != null) { String sheetName = sheet.getSheetName(); Iterator<Row> rows = sheet.rowIterator();; // skip header row while (rows.hasNext()) { Row row =; CPT cpt = new CPT(); cpt.setId(readStringValue(sheetName, row.getCell(0))); cpt.setEncounterId(readLongValue(sheetName, row.getCell(1))); cpt.setTimestamp(readDateValue(sheetName, row.getCell(2))); cpt.setEntityId(readStringValue(sheetName, row.getCell(3))); result.add(cpt); } } return result; } /** * Parse the list of ICD9 Diagnostic codes present in the workbook. * * @return A list of {@link Icd9Diagnosis} objects. */ private List<Icd9Diagnosis> readIcd9Diagnoses() throws DataProviderException { XSSFSheet sheet = this.workbook.getSheet("eICD9D"); List<Icd9Diagnosis> result = new ArrayList<>(); if (sheet != null) { String sheetName = sheet.getSheetName(); Iterator<Row> rows = sheet.rowIterator();; // skip header row Map<Long, Integer> ranksByEncounter = new HashMap<>(); while (rows.hasNext()) { Row row =; Icd9Diagnosis diagnosis = new Icd9Diagnosis(); diagnosis.setId(readStringValue(sheetName, row.getCell(0))); Long encId = readLongValue(sheetName, row.getCell(1)); diagnosis.setEncounterId(encId); diagnosis.setTimestamp(readDateValue(sheetName, row.getCell(2))); diagnosis.setEntityId(readStringValue(sheetName, row.getCell(3))); Integer rank = ranksByEncounter.get(encId); if (rank == null) { diagnosis.setRank(1); ranksByEncounter.put(encId, 1); } else { int newRank = rank + 1; diagnosis.setRank(newRank); ranksByEncounter.put(encId, newRank); } result.add(diagnosis); } } return result; } /** * Parse the list of ICD9 Procedure codes present in the workbook. * * @return A list of {@link Icd9Procedure} objects. */ private List<Icd9Procedure> readIcd9Procedures() throws DataProviderException { XSSFSheet sheet = this.workbook.getSheet("eICD9P"); List<Icd9Procedure> result = new ArrayList<>(); if (sheet != null) { String sheetName = sheet.getSheetName(); Iterator<Row> rows = sheet.rowIterator();; // skip header row while (rows.hasNext()) { Row row =; Icd9Procedure procedure = new Icd9Procedure(); procedure.setId(readStringValue(sheetName, row.getCell(0))); procedure.setEncounterId(readLongValue(sheetName, row.getCell(1))); procedure.setTimestamp(readDateValue(sheetName, row.getCell(2))); procedure.setEntityId(readStringValue(sheetName, row.getCell(3))); result.add(procedure); } } return result; } /** * Parse the list of medications present in the workbook. * * @return A list of {@link Medication} objects. */ private List<Medication> readMedications() throws DataProviderException { XSSFSheet sheet = this.workbook.getSheet("eMEDS"); List<Medication> result = new ArrayList<>(); if (sheet != null) { String sheetName = sheet.getSheetName(); Iterator<Row> rows = sheet.rowIterator();; // skip header row while (rows.hasNext()) { Row row =; Medication medication = new Medication(); medication.setId(readStringValue(sheetName, row.getCell(0))); medication.setEncounterId(readLongValue(sheetName, row.getCell(1))); medication.setTimestamp(readDateValue(sheetName, row.getCell(2))); medication.setEntityId(readStringValue(sheetName, row.getCell(3))); result.add(medication); } } return result; } /** * Parse the list of labs present in the workbook's "eLABS" worksheet. * * @return A list of {@link Lab} objects. */ private List<Lab> readLabs() throws DataProviderException { XSSFSheet sheet = this.workbook.getSheet("eLABS"); List<Lab> result = new ArrayList<>(); if (sheet != null) { String sheetName = sheet.getSheetName(); Iterator<Row> rows = sheet.rowIterator();; // skip header row while (rows.hasNext()) { Row row =; Lab lab = new Lab(); lab.setId(readStringValue(sheetName, row.getCell(0))); lab.setEncounterId(readLongValue(sheetName, row.getCell(1))); lab.setTimestamp(readDateValue(sheetName, row.getCell(2))); lab.setEntityId(readStringValue(sheetName, row.getCell(3))); lab.setResultAsStr(readStringValue(sheetName, row.getCell(4))); lab.setResultAsNum(readDoubleValue(sheetName, row.getCell(5))); lab.setUnits(readStringValue(sheetName, row.getCell(6))); lab.setFlag(readStringValue(sheetName, row.getCell(7))); result.add(lab); } } return result; } /** * Parse the list of vitals present in the workbook's "eVITALS" worksheet. * * @return A list of {@link Vital} objects. */ private List<Vital> readVitals() throws DataProviderException { XSSFSheet sheet = this.workbook.getSheet("eVITALS"); List<Vital> result = new ArrayList<>(); if (sheet != null) { String sheetName = sheet.getSheetName(); Iterator<Row> rows = sheet.rowIterator();; // skip header row while (rows.hasNext()) { Row row =; Vital vital = new Vital(); vital.setId(readStringValue(sheetName, row.getCell(0))); vital.setEncounterId(readLongValue(sheetName, row.getCell(1))); vital.setTimestamp(readDateValue(sheetName, row.getCell(2))); vital.setEntityId(readStringValue(sheetName, row.getCell(3))); vital.setResultAsStr(readStringValue(sheetName, row.getCell(4))); vital.setResultAsNum(readDoubleValue(sheetName, row.getCell(5))); vital.setUnits(readStringValue(sheetName, row.getCell(6))); vital.setFlag(readStringValue(sheetName, row.getCell(7))); result.add(vital); } } return result; } /** * Read a date value from the given spreadsheet cell. * * @param cell The cell to read the value from. * @return The date in the cell, if valid, null otherwise. */ private Date readDateValue(String sheetName, Cell cell) throws DataProviderException { Date result = null; String value = readStringValue(sheetName, cell); if (value != null) { try { result = dateFormat.get().parse(value); } catch (ParseException e) { throwException(sheetName, cell, e.getMessage(), e); } } return result; } /** * Read a string value from the given cell. * * @param cell The cell to read value from. * @return A String containing the cell value, if valid, null otherwise. */ private String readStringValue(String sheetName, Cell cell) throws DataProviderException { String result = null; if (cell != null) { try { int cellType = cell.getCellType(); if (cellType == Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING) { result = cell.getStringCellValue(); } else if (cellType == Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC) { result = Double.toString(cell.getNumericCellValue()); } else if (cellType == Cell.CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN) { result = Boolean.toString(cell.getBooleanCellValue()); } else { throwException(sheetName, cell, "Cell type must be a number, string, boolean or blank"); } } catch (Exception e) { throwException(sheetName, cell, e.getMessage(), e); } } return result; } private void throwException(String sheetName, Cell cell, String problemDescription) throws DataProviderException { throwException(sheetName, cell, problemDescription, null); } private void throwException(String sheetName, Cell cell, String problemDescription, Exception cause) throws DataProviderException { String msgTemplate = messages.getString("xlsxDataProvider.error.parsing"); CellReference cellRef = new CellReference(cell.getRowIndex(), cell.getColumnIndex()); String msg = MessageFormat.format(msgTemplate, sheetName, cellRef.formatAsString(), problemDescription); throw new DataProviderException(msg, cause); } /** * Read a numerical value as a Long type from the given cell. * * @param cell The cell to read the value from. * @return A Long containing the cell's value, if valid, null otherwise. */ private Long readLongValue(String sheetName, Cell cell) throws DataProviderException { Long result = null; if (cell != null) { try { Double value = new Double(cell.getNumericCellValue()); result = Long.valueOf(value.longValue()); } catch (Exception e) { throwException(sheetName, cell, e.getMessage(), e); } } return result; } /** * Read the give cell's value as a Double type. * * @param cell The cell to read the value from. * @return A Double containing the cell value, if valid, null otherwise. */ private Double readDoubleValue(String sheetName, Cell cell) throws DataProviderException { Double result = null; if (cell != null) { try { double value = cell.getNumericCellValue(); result = Double.valueOf(value); } catch (Exception e) { throwException(sheetName, cell, e.getMessage(), e); } } return result; } }