Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2014 angel * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package edu.ehu.galan.wiki2wordnet.wikipedia2wordnet; import edu.ehu.galan.wiki2wordnet.wikipedia2wordnet.utils.UKBUtils; import edu.ehu.galan.wiki2wordnet.wikipedia2wordnet.utils.FileUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Function; import org.apache.commons.compress.compressors.CompressorException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import static; /** * Class that groups the Wikipedia to Wordnet utils * * @author Angel Conde Manjon */ public class Mapper { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Mapper.class); /** * Loads the mappings file from Wordnet 3.0 Fernando P.h.D thessis BZ2 format * * * @param pFileMappings - The bz2 file containing the mappings * @return HashMap<String,Wiki2WordnetMapping> - containing the mappings * (wikiTitle,Wiki2WordnetMapping) * */ public static HashMap<String, Wiki2WordnetMapping> loadFernandoMappings(String pFileMappings) { try { BufferedReader reader = null; String inputLine; reader = FileUtils.getBufferedReaderForBZ2File(pFileMappings); HashMap<String, Wiki2WordnetMapping> mappings = new HashMap<>(); String wikiTitle; String wordnetSynset; while ((inputLine = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (!inputLine.isEmpty()) { String[] line = inputLine.split("\t"); wordnetSynset = line[0]; String[] data = line[2].split("#"); String wikiId = data[0]; wikiTitle = data[1].replaceAll("_", " "); String wordnetName = line[1].replaceAll("_", " "); float confidence = Float.parseFloat(data[2]); mappings.put(wikiTitle, new Wiki2WordnetMapping(wikiTitle, wordnetName, Integer.parseInt(wordnetSynset), Integer.parseInt(wikiId), confidence, Wiki2WordnetMapping.WordnetType.noun)); } } return mappings; } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { logger.error("File with babelnet mappings not found ", ex); } catch (CompressorException | IOException ex) { logger.error("Error with the bz2 format of IO exception: ", ex); } return null; } /** * Loads the mappings file extracted from Babelnet 2.0.1 to Wordnet 3.0 in BZ2 format * * @param pFileMappings - The bz2 file containing the mappings * @return HashMap<String,Wiki2WordnetMapping> - containing the mappings * (wikiTitle,Wiki2WordnetMapping) * */ public static HashMap<String, List<Wiki2WordnetMapping>> loadBabelnetMappings(String pFileMappings) { try { BufferedReader reader = null; String inputLine; reader = FileUtils.getBufferedReaderForBZ2File(pFileMappings); HashMap<String, List<Wiki2WordnetMapping>> mappings = new HashMap<>(); String wikiTitle; String wordnetSynset; String wordnetType; Wiki2WordnetMapping.WordnetType type; while ((inputLine = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (!inputLine.isEmpty()) { if (inputLine.contains("WIKI:EN")) { String[] line = inputLine.split("WIKI:EN")[1].split("\t"); String linsp[] = inputLine.split("\t"); String typ = linsp[2]; wordnetSynset = inputLine.split("\t")[1]; String wordnetTittle = linsp[3].split("#")[0].replaceAll("_", " "); wordnetType = wordnetSynset.substring(wordnetSynset.length() - 2, wordnetSynset.length() - 1); wordnetSynset = wordnetSynset.substring(1, wordnetSynset.length() - 2); if (wordnetSynset.contains(",")) { wordnetSynset = wordnetSynset.split(",")[0]; wordnetType = wordnetSynset.substring(wordnetSynset.length() - 1, wordnetSynset.length()); wordnetSynset = wordnetSynset.substring(0, wordnetSynset.length() - 1); } else { String wordnetS = wordnetSynset; wordnetType = wordnetSynset.substring(wordnetSynset.length() - 1, wordnetSynset.length()); wordnetSynset = wordnetS; } switch (wordnetType) { case "n": type = Wiki2WordnetMapping.WordnetType.noun; break; case "v": type = Wiki2WordnetMapping.WordnetType.verb; break; default: type = Wiki2WordnetMapping.WordnetType.noun; } wikiTitle = line[0].substring(1); if (mappings.containsKey(wikiTitle)) { mappings.get(wikiTitle).add(new Wiki2WordnetMapping(wikiTitle, Integer.parseInt(wordnetSynset), wordnetTittle, typ, type)); } else { List<Wiki2WordnetMapping> list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add(new Wiki2WordnetMapping(wikiTitle, Integer.parseInt(wordnetSynset), wordnetTittle, typ, type)); mappings.put(wikiTitle, list); } } } } return mappings; } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { logger.error("File with babelnet mappings not found ", ex); } catch (CompressorException | IOException ex) { logger.error("Error with the bz2 format of IO exception: ", ex); } return null; } /** * Maps LiteWi loaded topics (LionTopics) that have a Wikipedia Mapping to WordNet using * Babelnet and Fernando's work. * * @param pBabelnetMappings - Babelnet Mappings * @param pFernandoMappings - Samuel Fernando Mappings * @param pWikiTitles - The List of Wipedia articles that will be mapped to WordNet * @param pDesambiguationContext - The reference topics that will be used as context, MUST HAVE * an unique wordnet mapping (synset) in babelnet/fernando mappings * @param pFile - The file where the ubk will be processed in case its needed * @param pWordnet - A Wordnet dict using library with WordNet 3.0 * @param pUkbBinDir - The dir where the ukb binaries are * @return - a hashmap with the wikititles / synsets pairs */ public static HashMap<String, Integer> babelnetFernandoToWordnet( HashMap<String, List<Wiki2WordnetMapping>> pBabelnetMappings, HashMap<String, Wiki2WordnetMapping> pFernandoMappings, List<String> pWikiTitles, String pFile, IDictionary pWordnet, List<String> pDesambiguationContext, String pUkbBinDir) { HashMap<String, Integer> mappings = new HashMap<>(pWikiTitles.size()); HashMap<String, List<Wiki2WordnetMapping>> ukbList = new HashMap<>(); if (pBabelnetMappings != null && pFernandoMappings != null) { pWikiTitles.addAll(pDesambiguationContext); for (String title : pWikiTitles) { List<Wiki2WordnetMapping> babelMapping = null; Wiki2WordnetMapping fernandoMapping = null; if (pBabelnetMappings.containsKey(title)) { babelMapping = pBabelnetMappings.get(title); } if (pFernandoMappings.containsKey(title)) { fernandoMapping = pFernandoMappings.get(title); } if (babelMapping != null && fernandoMapping == null) { if (babelMapping.size() == 1) { mappings.put(title, babelMapping.get(0).getWordNetSynset()); } else if (babelMapping.size() > 1) { ukbList.put(title, babelMapping); int l = title.split("\\s").length; for (Wiki2WordnetMapping babelMapping1 : babelMapping) { int l1 = babelMapping1.getWordnetTitle().split("\\s+").length; if (l == l1) { mappings.put(title, babelMapping1.getWordNetSynset()); break; } } if (!mappings.containsKey(title)) { mappings.put(title, babelMapping.get(0).getWordNetSynset()); } } } else if (babelMapping == null && fernandoMapping != null) { mappings.put(title, fernandoMapping.getWordNetSynset()); } else if (babelMapping != null && fernandoMapping != null) { if (babelMapping.size() == 1) { if (babelMapping.get(0).getWordNetSynset() == fernandoMapping.getWordNetSynset()) { mappings.put(title, +fernandoMapping.getWordNetSynset()); } else { List<Wiki2WordnetMapping> maps = new ArrayList<>(); maps.add(fernandoMapping); maps.add(babelMapping.get(0)); ukbList.put(title, maps); mappings.put(title, fernandoMapping.getWordNetSynset()); } } else { List<Wiki2WordnetMapping> maps = new ArrayList<>(); maps.add(fernandoMapping); maps.addAll(babelMapping); ukbList.put(title, maps); int l = title.split("\\s+").length; for (Wiki2WordnetMapping babelMapping1 : babelMapping) { int l1 = babelMapping1.getWordnetTitle().split("\\s+").length; if (l == l1) { mappings.put(title, babelMapping1.getWordNetSynset()); break; } } if (mappings.get(title) == -1) { mappings.put(title, fernandoMapping.getWordNetSynset()); } } } } } else { logger.error("No mappings provided"); } if (!ukbList.isEmpty()) { disambiguateUKB(ukbList, pDesambiguationContext, pFile, pWordnet, mappings, pUkbBinDir); } for (String context : pDesambiguationContext) { mappings.remove(context); } return mappings; } private static void disambiguateUKB(HashMap<String, List<Wiki2WordnetMapping>> pUkbList, List<String> pDesambContext, String pFile, IDictionary pWordnet, HashMap<String, Integer> pMappings, String pUkbBinDir) { logger.debug("Desambiguating Wornet synsets via UKB method"); HashMap<String, List<String>> toDisam = new HashMap<>(); logger.debug("Finding gold topics for disambiguation..."); Function<String, String> contextSynsets = (String t) -> pWordnet .getSynset(new SynsetID(pMappings.get(t), POS.NOUN)).getWords().get(0).getLemma(); List<String> context =; for (String topics21 : pUkbList.keySet()) { toDisam.put(pWordnet.getSynset(new SynsetID(pMappings.get(topics21), POS.NOUN)).getWords().get(0) .getLemma().toLowerCase(), context); } UKBUtils.prepareInput(toDisam, pFile); HashMap<String, Integer> synsets = UKBUtils.processUKB(pUkbBinDir, pFile); if (toDisam.size() == synsets.size()) { for (String topics21 : pUkbList.keySet()) { Integer inte = synsets.get(pWordnet.getSynset(new SynsetID(pMappings.get(topics21), POS.NOUN)) .getWords().get(0).getLemma().toLowerCase()); pMappings.put(topics21, inte); } logger.debug("UKB disambiguation using WordNet finished"); } else { logger.error("The number of topics to disambiguate via ukb must be the same than the ouput size"); } } }