Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Angel Conde Manjon neuw84 at * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package edu.ehu.galan.lite; import edu.ehu.galan.lite.algorithms.ranked.supervised.tfidf.TFIDFAlgorithm; import edu.ehu.galan.lite.algorithms.ranked.unsupervised.cvalue.CValueAlgortithm; import edu.ehu.galan.lite.algorithms.ranked.unsupervised.cvalue.filters.english.AdjPrepNounFilter; import edu.ehu.galan.lite.algorithms.ranked.unsupervised.kpminer.KPMinerAlgorithm; import edu.ehu.galan.lite.algorithms.ranked.unsupervised.rake.RakeAlgorithm; import edu.ehu.galan.lite.algorithms.unranked.supervised.freeLingNerEn.FreeLingNerAlgorithm; import edu.ehu.galan.lite.algorithms.unranked.supervised.shallowParsingGrammar.cg3.ShallowParsingGrammarAlgortithm; import; import edu.ehu.galan.lite.mixer.disambiguation.cValueWikiminerDisambiguation.CValueWikiDisambiguator; import edu.ehu.galan.lite.mixer.mapping.wikipedia.wikiminer.WikiMinerMap; import edu.ehu.galan.lite.mixer.relatedness.CValueWikiMinerRelationship.CValueWikiRelationship; import edu.ehu.galan.lite.mixer.utils.DuplicateRemoval; import edu.ehu.galan.lite.model.Corpus; import edu.ehu.galan.lite.model.Document; import edu.ehu.galan.lite.parsers.AbstractDocumentReader; import edu.ehu.galan.lite.parsers.english.PlainTextDocumentReaderIXAEn; import edu.ehu.galan.lite.parsers.spanish.PlainTextDocumentReaderIXAEs; import edu.ehu.galan.lite.stemmers.CaseStemmer; import edu.ehu.galan.lite.utils.AlgorithmRunner; import edu.ehu.galan.lite.utils.wikiminer.WikiminnerHelper; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import net.sf.ehcache.Cache; import net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; /** * Class that implements a command line interface for LiTe * * @author Angel Conde Manjon */ public class Lite { private static Cache cache; /** * Main entry point for LiTe from the command Line use -h option for help * * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { // create Options object Options options = new Options(); Option corpus = new Option("c", true, "the location (directory) of the corpus to process, containing only one document at the moment"); Option language = new Option("l", true, "the language of the corpus (lowercase ISO format, for example 'en'"); Option algorithms = new Option("a", true, "the algorithms you want to process separated by commas: \n" + "see the documentation for see the available algorithms for each language"); Option help = new Option("h", false, "print this message"); Option resources = new Option("r", true, "the location of the lite resources folder"); Option output = new Option("o", true, "The directory where the results will be stored, by default the one where the vm has been launched"); Option listAlgs = new Option("listAlgs", false, " Algorithm list names with the supported languages (remember that the cvalue will be processed chosen or not):\n" + "===================================================\n" + "tfidf => processes the TFIDF algorithm, process terms of the input document using the Wikipedia corpus as IDF (en,es)\n" + "cvalue => processes the CValue altorithm for the inputdocument, CValue is processed whether is chosed or not! (en, es)\n" + "shallow => processes the shallow parsing grammar algorithm (en)\n" + "rake => processes the rake algorithm (language agnostig)\n" + "kpminer => processes the KPMiner algorithm (en)\n" + "chisquare => processes the ChiSquare using the NLTK toolkit (language agnostic)\n" + "pmi=> processes the Point Mutual Information using the NLTK toolkit (language agnostic)\n" + "likehood=> processes the Likehood Ratio using the NLTK toolkit (language agnostic)\n" + "tstudent=> processes the T-Student using the NLTK toolkit (language agnostic)\n" + "rawfreq=> processes the raw frequency algorithm using the NLTK toolkit (language agnostic)\n" + "freelingner=> processes the FreeLing ner algorithm via external call(es, en)\n"); options.addOption(resources); options.addOption(corpus); options.addOption(language); options.addOption(algorithms); options.addOption(listAlgs); options.addOption(output); // automatically generate the help statement HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); String[] s = new String[] {}; // create the parser CommandLineParser parser = new org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser(); try { // parse the command line arguments CommandLine line = parser.parse(options, args); if (line.hasOption('c') && line.hasOption('l') && line.hasOption('a') && line.hasOption('r')) { if (!line.getOptionValue('l').equals("en") && !line.getOptionValue("l").equals("es")) { System.out.println( "Supported languages \"en\" or \"es\", however you may use the statistical algorithms via the API"); } else { String outputDir = ""; if (line.hasOption('o')) { outputDir = line.getOptionValue('o'); } String lang = line.getOptionValue('l'); Corpus cor = new Corpus(line.getOptionValue('l')); cor.loadCorpus(line.getOptionValue('c'), Document.SourceType.wikipedia); String res = line.getOptionValue('r'); List<String> algs = Arrays.asList(line.getOptionValue('a').split(",")); System.out.println("Processing.... (it may take a while...)"); runner(lang, res + File.separator, algs, cor, outputDir); } } if (line.hasOption('c') && line.hasOption('l') && line.hasOption('r')) { if (!line.getOptionValue('l').equals("en") && !line.getOptionValue("l").equals("es")) { System.out.println( "Supported languages \"en\" or \"es\", however you may use the statistical algorithms via the API"); } else { String outputDir = ""; if (line.hasOption('o')) { outputDir = line.getOptionValue('o'); } System.out.println( "Processing with default algorithms (TFIDF/CValue).... (it may take a while...)"); Corpus cor = new Corpus(line.getOptionValue('l')); String res = line.getOptionValue('r'); cor.loadCorpus(line.getOptionValue('c'), Document.SourceType.wikipedia); String lang = line.getOptionValue('l'); List<String> algos = null; switch (lang) { case "es": { String[] algs = { "cvalue", "tfidf", "rake" }; algos = Arrays.asList(algs); break; } case "en": { String[] algs = { "cvalue", "tfidf", "rake" }; algos = Arrays.asList(algs); break; } } runner(lang, res + File.separator, algos, cor, outputDir); } } else if (line.hasOption("h")) { formatter.printHelp("LiTe: a language indepent term extractor", options); } else if (line.getOptions().length == 0) { formatter.printHelp("LiTe: a language indepent term extractor", options); } else { System.err.println("The 'c', 'l' and 'r' arguments are required \n"); formatter.printHelp("LiTe: a language indepent term extractor", options); } } catch (ParseException exp) { // oops, something went wrong System.err.println("Parsing failed. Reason: " + exp.getMessage() + "\n"); formatter.printHelp("LiTe: a language indepent term extractor", options); } } private static void runner(String lang, String resources, List<String> algs, Corpus corpus, String outDir) { System.setProperty("net.sf.ehcache.enableShutdownHook", "true"); if (CacheManager.getCacheManager("ehcacheLitet.xml") == null) { CacheManager.create("ehcacheLitet.xml"); } Properties props = new Properties(); try { props.load(new FileInputStream(resources + "lite/configs/general.conf")); } catch (IOException ex) { System.err.println("Check the resources dir: " + ex.getMessage()); } AbstractDocumentReader parser = null; AlgorithmRunner runner = new AlgorithmRunner(); CValueAlgortithm cvalue = new CValueAlgortithm(); switch (lang) { case "en": cvalue.addNewProcessingFilter(new AdjPrepNounFilter()); parser = new PlainTextDocumentReaderIXAEn(); break; case "es": cvalue.addNewProcessingFilter( new edu.ehu.galan.lite.algorithms.ranked.unsupervised.cvalue.filters.spanish.NounAdjOpenFilter()); parser = new PlainTextDocumentReaderIXAEs(); break; } runner.submitAlgorithm(cvalue); //TODO: do this via java reflection for (int i = 0; i < algs.size(); i++) { switch (algs.get(i)) { case "TFIDF": { TFIDFAlgorithm tf = new TFIDFAlgorithm(new CaseStemmer(CaseStemmer.CaseType.lowercase), lang); runner.submitAlgorithm(tf); break; } case "FreeLing NER": { FreeLingNerAlgorithm alg = null; switch (lang) { case "en": alg = new FreeLingNerAlgorithm(resources + "lite" + File.separator + "configs" + File.separator + "freeling" + File.separator + "enPOSMW.cfg"); break; case "es": alg = new FreeLingNerAlgorithm(resources + "lite" + File.separator + "configs" + File.separator + "freeling" + File.separator + "esPOSMW.cfg"); break; } runner.submitAlgorithm(alg); break; } case "KP-Miner": { if (lang.equals("en")) { KPMinerAlgorithm kp = new KPMinerAlgorithm(); runner.submitAlgorithm(kp); } break; } case "Shallow Parsing Grammar": { if (lang.equals("en")) { ShallowParsingGrammarAlgortithm a = new ShallowParsingGrammarAlgortithm(resources + "lite" + File.separator + "grammars" + File.separator + "Cg2EnGrammar.grammar", props.getProperty("tmpDir") + File.separator + "cg3"); runner.submitAlgorithm(a); } break; } case "RAKE": { RakeAlgorithm ex = new RakeAlgorithm(); switch (lang) { case "en": ex.loadStopWordsList(resources + "lite/stopWordLists/RakeStopLists/SmartStopListEn"); break; case "es": ex.loadStopWordsList(resources + "lite/stopWordLists/RakeStopLists/SpanishCustomEs"); break; } ex.loadPunctStopWord(resources + "lite/stopWordLists/RakeStopLists/RakePunctDefaultStopList"); runner.submitAlgorithm(ex); break; } } } //load stop list List<String> standardStop = null; try { standardStop = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(resources + "lite/stopWordLists/standardStopList"), StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } catch (IOException e1x) { System.err.println("Check your resources dir: " + e1x.getMessage()); } WikiminnerHelper helper = WikiminnerHelper.getInstance(resources); helper.setLanguage(lang); //we may operate in local mode (using Wikiminer as API instead of interacting via REST api helper.setLocalMode(props.getProperty("localMode").equals("true"), "/home/angel/nfs/wikiminer/configs/wikipedia"); WikiMinerMap wikimapping = new WikiMinerMap(resources, helper); CValueWikiDisambiguator disambiguator = new CValueWikiDisambiguator(resources, helper); CValueWikiRelationship relate = new CValueWikiRelationship(resources, helper); WikipediaData data = new WikipediaData(resources, helper); if (!(props.getProperty("localMode")).equals("true")) { helper.openConnection(); } helper.openConnection(); while (!corpus.getDocQueue().isEmpty()) { Document doc = corpus.getDocQueue().poll(); doc.setSource(Document.SourceType.wikipedia); parser.readSource(doc.getPath()); doc.setSentenceList(parser.getSentenceList()); doc.setTokenList(parser.getTokenizedSentenceList()); System.out.println(doc.getName()); runner.runAlgorihms(doc, resources); doc.applyGlobalStopWordList(standardStop); doc.mapThreshold(1.9f, new String[] { "CValue" }); doc.mapThreshold(0.00034554f, new String[] { "TFIDF" }); doc.removeAndMixTerms(); //map document wikimapping.mapCorpus(doc); disambiguator.disambiguateTopics(doc); //we may disambiguate topics that do not disambiguated correctly DuplicateRemoval.disambiguationRemoval(doc); DuplicateRemoval.topicDuplicateRemoval(doc); //obtain the wiki links,labels, etc data.processDocument(doc); //measure domain relatedness relate.relate(doc); //save the results Document.saveJsonToDir(outDir, doc); } if (props.getProperty("localMode").equals("true")) { helper.closeWikipedia(); } else { helper.closeConnection(); } CacheManager.getInstance().shutdown(); System.exit(0); } }