Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center and SemanticBits
 * Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License.
 * See for details.
package edu.duke.cabig.c3pr.dao;

import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.hibernate.Criteria;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.criterion.CriteriaSpecification;
import org.hibernate.criterion.Example;
import org.hibernate.criterion.Expression;
import org.hibernate.criterion.MatchMode;
import org.hibernate.criterion.Order;
import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions;
import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException;
import org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateCallback;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;

import com.semanticbits.coppa.infrastructure.RemoteSession;

import edu.duke.cabig.c3pr.constants.C3PRUserGroupType;
import edu.duke.cabig.c3pr.constants.ContactMechanismType;
import edu.duke.cabig.c3pr.constants.StatusType;
import edu.duke.cabig.c3pr.dao.query.ResearchStaffQuery;
import edu.duke.cabig.c3pr.domain.C3PRUser;
import edu.duke.cabig.c3pr.domain.ContactMechanism;
import edu.duke.cabig.c3pr.domain.HealthcareSite;
import edu.duke.cabig.c3pr.domain.PersonUser;
import edu.duke.cabig.c3pr.domain.RemotePersonUser;
import edu.duke.cabig.c3pr.exception.C3PRBaseException;
import edu.duke.cabig.c3pr.exception.C3PRBaseRuntimeException;
import edu.duke.cabig.c3pr.utils.RoleBasedHealthcareSitesAndStudiesDTO;
import edu.duke.cabig.c3pr.utils.SecurityUtils;
import gov.nih.nci.cabig.ctms.suite.authorization.ProvisioningSession;
import gov.nih.nci.cabig.ctms.suite.authorization.ProvisioningSessionFactory;
import gov.nih.nci.cabig.ctms.suite.authorization.ScopeType;
import gov.nih.nci.cabig.ctms.suite.authorization.SuiteRole;
import gov.nih.nci.cabig.ctms.suite.authorization.SuiteRoleMembership;

 * Hibernate implementation of PersonUserDao.
 * @see edu.duke.cabig.c3pr.dao.PersonUserDao
 * @author Vinay Gangoli, Priyatam
public class PersonUserDao extends GridIdentifiableDao<PersonUser> {

    /** The log. */
    private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(PersonUserDao.class);

    private static final List<String> SUBSTRING_MATCH_PROPERTIES = Arrays.asList("firstName", "lastName");

    /** The Constant EXTRA_PARAMS. */
    private static final List<Object> EXTRA_PARAMS = Collections.emptyList();

    /** The remote session. */
    private RemoteSession remoteSession;

    /** The user provisioning manager. */
    private UserProvisioningManager userProvisioningManager;

    /** The provisioning session factory. This is from Suite Authorization Project for the unified roles*/
    private ProvisioningSessionFactory provisioningSessionFactory;

    /** The healthcare site dao. */
    private HealthcareSiteDao healthcareSiteDao;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see edu.duke.cabig.c3pr.dao.C3PRBaseDao#domainClass()
    public Class<PersonUser> domainClass() {
        return PersonUser.class;

     * Initialize.
     * @param personUser the research staff
    public void initialize(PersonUser personUser) {
        for (HealthcareSite healthcareSite : personUser.getHealthcareSites()) {

     * Flush.
    @Transactional(readOnly = false)
    public void flush() {

     * Gets the by sub name and sub email.
     * @param subnames the subnames
     * @return the by sub name and sub email
    public List<PersonUser> getBySubNameAndSubEmail(String[] subnames) {
        String queryTemplate = "LOWER(o.firstName) LIKE ? or LOWER(o.lastName) LIKE ? or LOWER(cm.value) LIKE ?";
        return getHibernateTemplate()
                .find("select distinct o from edu.duke.cabig.c3pr.domain.PersonUser o , ContactMechanism cm "
                        + "where cm = any elements(o.contactMechanisms) and "
                        + buildSubNameQuery(queryTemplate, subnames.length), buildSubNames(subnames, 3));

     * Search by example.
     * @param personUser the staff
     * @param isWildCard the is wild card
     * @return the list
    public List<PersonUser> searchByExample(PersonUser personUser, boolean isWildCard, String emailAddress) {

        // get the remote staff and update the database first
        RemotePersonUser remotePersonUser = convertToRemotePersonUser(personUser);

        List<PersonUser> result = new ArrayList<PersonUser>();

        Example example = Example.create(personUser).excludeZeroes().ignoreCase();
        try {
            Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(PersonUser.class);

            if (isWildCard) {
                if (personUser.getHealthcareSites().size() > 0) {
                            "%" + personUser.getHealthcareSites().get(0).getName() + "%"));
                    // As per discussion in search by example staff will have only one healthcare site
                if (!StringUtils.isBlank(emailAddress)) {
                    Criteria emailCriteria = criteria.createCriteria("contactMechanisms");
                    emailCriteria.add(Restrictions.ilike("value", "%" + emailAddress + "%"));
                    //emailCriteria.add(Restrictions.ilike("type", ContactMechanismType.EMAIL)); 
                result = criteria.list();
            } else {
                result = criteria.add(example).list();
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return result;

     * Search research staff.
     * @param query the query
     * @return the list
    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
    public List<PersonUser> searchResearchStaff(final ResearchStaffQuery query) {
        String queryString = query.getQueryString();
        log.debug("::: " + queryString.toString());
        return (List<PersonUser>) getHibernateTemplate().execute(new HibernateCallback() {
            public Object doInHibernate(final Session session) throws HibernateException, SQLException {
                org.hibernate.Query hiberanteQuery = session.createQuery(query.getQueryString());
                Map<String, Object> queryParameterMap = query.getParameterMap();
                for (String key : queryParameterMap.keySet()) {
                    Object value = queryParameterMap.get(key);
                    hiberanteQuery.setParameter(key, value);
                return hiberanteQuery.list();

     * Gets the by assigned identifier. Looks for local and remote
     * @param assignedIdentifier
     *            the assigned identifier
     * @return the research staff
    public PersonUser getByAssignedIdentifierFromLocal(String assignedIdentifier) {
        PersonUser result = null;
        try {
            result = (PersonUser) (getHibernateTemplate()
                    .find("from PersonUser rs where rs.assignedIdentifier = '" + assignedIdentifier + "'").get(0));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.debug("User with assignedIdentifier " + assignedIdentifier + " does not exist. Returning null");
        return result;

     * Gets the by login id.
     * @param loginId the login id
     * @return the by login id
    public PersonUser getByLoginId(String loginId) {
        PersonUser result = null;
        try {
            result = (PersonUser) (getHibernateTemplate()
                    .find("from PersonUser rs where rs.loginId = '" + loginId + "'").get(0));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.debug("User with loginId " + loginId + " does not exist. Returning null");
        return result;

     * Gets the by assigned identifier. If we find a match in local db dont go to COPPA.
     * Goto Coppa if no match is found in local db.
     * We always defer to local db in cases of queries where only one result is expected.
     * @param assignedIdentifier - the assigned identifier
     * @return the research staff
    public PersonUser getByAssignedIdentifier(String assignedIdentifier) {
        PersonUser researchStaff = getByAssignedIdentifierFromLocal(assignedIdentifier);
        if (researchStaff == null) {
            //get the remote staff and update the database
            RemotePersonUser remoteResearchStaff = new RemotePersonUser();

            //now run the query against the db after saving the retrieved data
            PersonUser result = null;
            try {
                result = (PersonUser) (getHibernateTemplate()
                        .find("from PersonUser rs where rs.assignedIdentifier = '" + assignedIdentifier + "'")
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.debug("User with assignedIdentifier " + assignedIdentifier + " does not exist. Returning null");
            return result;
        return researchStaff;

     * Gets the by external identifier. Created for the remote research staff
     * use case.
     * @param externalIdentifier the external identifier
     * @return the PersonUser List
    public List<PersonUser> getByExternalIdentifierFromLocal(String externalIdentifier) {
        List<PersonUser> researchStaffList = new ArrayList<PersonUser>();
                .find("from RemotePersonUser rs where rs.externalId = '" + externalIdentifier + "' "));
        return researchStaffList;

     * Convert to remote research staff. Only include the properties that COPPA
     * understands
     * @param personUser
     *            the research staff
     * @return the remote research staff
    private RemotePersonUser convertToRemotePersonUser(PersonUser personUser) {
        if (personUser instanceof RemotePersonUser) {
            return (RemotePersonUser) personUser;

        RemotePersonUser remoteResearchStaff = new RemotePersonUser();
        for (HealthcareSite hcSite : personUser.getHealthcareSites()) {
        return remoteResearchStaff;

     * First gets the staff from COPPA based on the hcs.nciCode and saves it to
     * the db. Since hcs is not transient it is saved along with the staff. If
     * hcs is null..then gets all the new staff from COPPA and saves them to the
     * database Then gets btoh the local and remote research staff by
     * organization nci institute code from the database.
     * @param healthcareSite the healthcare site
     * @return the research staff by organization nci institute code
    public List<PersonUser> getPersonUsersByOrganizationNCIInstituteCode(HealthcareSite healthcareSite) {
        RemotePersonUser remoteResearchStaff = new RemotePersonUser();

        //run a query against the updated database to get all research staff
        return getResearchStaffByOrganizationCtepCodeFromLocal(healthcareSite, false);

     * Gets the research staff by organization ctep code from local.
     * @param healthcareSite the healthcare site
     * @param isUser returns staff who are users if passed as true else returns all staff
     * @return the research staff by organization ctep code from local
    public List<PersonUser> getResearchStaffByOrganizationCtepCodeFromLocal(HealthcareSite healthcareSite,
            boolean isUser) {
        //run a query against the updated database to get all research staff
        Criteria researchStaffCriteria = getHibernateTemplate().getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession()
        if (isUser) {

        Criteria healthcareSiteCriteria = researchStaffCriteria.createCriteria("healthcareSites");
        Criteria identifiersAssignedToOrganizationCriteria = healthcareSiteCriteria

                .add(Expression.eq("value", healthcareSite.getPrimaryIdentifier()));
        identifiersAssignedToOrganizationCriteria.add(Expression.eq("primaryIndicator", Boolean.TRUE));

        return researchStaffCriteria.list();

     * Gets the remote research staff by organization nci institute code from
     * the resolver and updates the db.
     * @param remoteResearchStaff the remote research staff
     * @return the research staff by organization nci institute code
    public List<RemotePersonUser> getRemoteResearchStaffFromResolverByExample(
            RemotePersonUser remoteResearchStaff) {
        List<Object> objectList = remoteSession.find(remoteResearchStaff);
        List<RemotePersonUser> researchStaffList = new ArrayList<RemotePersonUser>();

        RemotePersonUser retrievedRemoteResearchStaff;
        for (Object object : objectList) {
            retrievedRemoteResearchStaff = (RemotePersonUser) object;
            List<HealthcareSite> healthcareSites = new ArrayList<HealthcareSite>();
            if (healthcareSites.size() > 0) {
                // If the organization attached to the staff is in the db use it. Else create it.
                for (HealthcareSite hcs : healthcareSites) {
                    HealthcareSite matchingHealthcareSiteFromDb = healthcareSiteDao
                    if (matchingHealthcareSiteFromDb == null) {
                        log.error("No Organization exists for the CTEP Code:" + hcs.getPrimaryIdentifier());
                        try {
                        } catch (C3PRBaseRuntimeException e) {
                    } else {
                        // we have the retrieved staff's Org in our up with the same
            } else {
                //If the resolver hasn't set the hcs, it can't be saved. We don't save staff without organization.
                log.error("RemoteResearchStaffResolver returned staff without organization!");
        return researchStaffList;

     * Update database with remote content.
     * @param remoteResearchStaffList
     *            the remote research staff list
    private void updateDatabaseWithRemoteContent(List<RemotePersonUser> remoteResearchStaffList) {

        try {
            for (RemotePersonUser remoteResearchStaff : remoteResearchStaffList) {
                List<PersonUser> researchStaffFromDatabase = getByExternalIdentifierFromLocal(
                PersonUser preExistingStaff = null;
                if (researchStaffFromDatabase.size() > 0) {
                    // this guy already exists as remote staff...simply update the collections . i.e contact mech and orgs.
                    preExistingStaff = researchStaffFromDatabase.get(0);
                    updateContactMechanisms(preExistingStaff, remoteResearchStaff);
                    for (HealthcareSite healthcareSite : remoteResearchStaff.getHealthcareSites()) {
                        if (!preExistingStaff.getHealthcareSites().contains(healthcareSite)) {
                } else {
                    // Ensure the staff has an organization and that its assignedId is unique.
                    if (remoteResearchStaff.getHealthcareSites().size() > 0) {
                        PersonUser researchStaffWithMatchingAssignedIdentifier = getByAssignedIdentifierFromLocal(
                        if (researchStaffWithMatchingAssignedIdentifier == null) {
                        } else {
                            log.error("Unable to save Remote Staff : " + remoteResearchStaff.getFullName()
                                    + " as it's NCI Identifier: " + remoteResearchStaff.getAssignedIdentifier()
                                    + " is already in the database.");
                    } else {
                                "Unable to save this Remote Staff as it doesn't have a healthcareSite associated with it."
                                        + remoteResearchStaff.getFullName());
        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
        } catch (C3PRBaseException e) {

     * Update contact mechanisms.
     * @param staffToBeUpdated the staff to be updated
     * @param staffToBeDiscarded the staff to be discarded
    private void updateContactMechanisms(PersonUser staffToBeUpdated, PersonUser staffToBeDiscarded) {
        for (ContactMechanism cm : staffToBeDiscarded.getContactMechanisms()) {
            if (cm.getType().equals(ContactMechanismType.EMAIL)) {
            if (cm.getType().equals(ContactMechanismType.Fax)) {
            if (cm.getType().equals(ContactMechanismType.PHONE)) {

    * Creates only the research staff.
    * @param researchStaff the research staff
    * @return the research staff
    * @throws C3PRBaseException the C3PR base exception
    public PersonUser createResearchStaff(PersonUser researchStaff) throws C3PRBaseException {
        return createOrModifyPersonUser(researchStaff, false, null, null);

     * Gets the cSM user.
     * @param user the user
     * @return the cSM user
     * @throws CSObjectNotFoundException the cS object not found exception
    public User getCSMUser(C3PRUser user) throws CSObjectNotFoundException {
        return userProvisioningManager.getUserById(user.getLoginId());

     * Populate csm user.
     * @param c3prUser the c3pr user
     * @param csmUser the csm user
    private void populateCSMUser(C3PRUser c3prUser, csmUser) {
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(c3prUser.getPhone())) {

     * This method queries the external system to fetch all the matching
     * ResearchStaff.
     * @param researchStaff the research staff
     * @return the remote research staff
    public List<PersonUser> getRemoteResearchStaff(final PersonUser researchStaff) {
        PersonUser searchCriteria = new RemotePersonUser();
        List<PersonUser> remoteResearchStaffs = (List) remoteSession.find(searchCriteria);
        return remoteResearchStaffs;

     * Creates or modifies staff and csmUser; assign groups and save/update Staff
     * 1. To create/merge Staff only: createCsmUser=false and username should be blank or null. personUser must have assigned id.
     * 2. To create/merge CSM user only: pass in personUser without assigned id. PersonUser will be saved but wont have an assignedId. provide username.
     * 3. To create/merge Staff and CSM User both:personUser must have assigned id. provide username.
     * Call via PersonUserRepositoryImpl and never directly.
     * @param personUser the staff
     * @param createCsmUser the create csm user
     * @param username the username
     * @param associationMap the association map. only used if creating user.
     * @param hasAccessToAllSites the has access to all sites. only used if creating user.
     * @return the research staff
     * @throws C3PRBaseException the C3PR base exception
    public PersonUser createOrModifyPersonUser(PersonUser personUser, boolean createCsmUser, String username,
            List<RoleBasedHealthcareSitesAndStudiesDTO> listAssociation) throws C3PRBaseException {
        if (createCsmUser || StringUtils.isNotBlank(username)) {
            saveOrUpdateCSMUser(personUser, username, listAssociation);
        } else {
            log.debug("Not creating csm user as createCsmUser flag is set to false.");

        log.debug("Saving Research Staff");
        personUser = saveOrUpdatePersonUser(personUser);

        return personUser;

     * Save or update the PersonUser. Does not save CSM User. Doesnt save if
     * staff's assignedID is not null and already in the system
     * @param personUser the person user
     * @return the person user
    public PersonUser saveOrUpdatePersonUser(PersonUser personUser) {
        if (personUser.getId() == null) {
            if (personUser.getAssignedIdentifier() != null
                    && getByAssignedIdentifierFromLocal(personUser.getAssignedIdentifier()) != null) {
                log.error("Save aborted as Research Staff with AssignedIdentifier "
                        + personUser.getAssignedIdentifier() + " already exists in the system.");
                return personUser;
        } else {
            personUser = (PersonUser) merge(personUser);
        return personUser;

     * Creates or modifies the csm user. Also assigns the studies and sites from the association map provided.
     * @param personUser the person user
     * @param username the CSM username
     * @param associationMap the association map
     * @param hasAccessToAllSites the has access to all sites
     * @return the user
     * @throws C3PRBaseException the c3pr base exception
    private User saveOrUpdateCSMUser(PersonUser personUser, String username,
            List<RoleBasedHealthcareSitesAndStudiesDTO> listAssociation) throws C3PRBaseException { csmUser = new;
        boolean csmUserExists = false;
        try {
            csmUser = getCSMUser(personUser);
            if (csmUser != null) {
                csmUserExists = true;
        } catch (CSObjectNotFoundException e) {
            log.debug("CSM user does not exist.");

        //create a CSM user if he doesn't exist and a username has been provided
        if (!csmUserExists && StringUtils.isNotBlank(username)) {
            try {
                log.debug("Creating CSM user.");
                populateCSMUser(personUser, csmUser);
                csmUser.setPassword(((edu.duke.cabig.c3pr.domain.User) personUser).generatePassword());
                UserDao.addUserToken((edu.duke.cabig.c3pr.domain.User) personUser);
            } catch (CSTransactionException e) {
                throw new C3PRBaseException("Could not create user", e);
        } else {
            //modify the existing csmUser
            log.debug("Updating existing CSM user.");
            try {
                populateCSMUser(personUser, csmUser);
                //update endDate (for user status) if necessary
                updateEndDate(personUser, csmUser);
            } catch (CSTransactionException e) {
                throw new C3PRBaseException("not able to update CSM user", e);

        if (listAssociation != null) {
            assignRolesStudiesAndOrganizationsToUser(csmUser, listAssociation);
        return csmUser;

     * Update end date. Set it to null to activate user and set it to today to de-activate user.
     * @param personUser the person user
     * @param csmUser the csm user
    private void updateEndDate(PersonUser personUser, User csmUser) {
        boolean isDeactivated = SecurityUtils.isUserDeactivated(csmUser.getEndDate());
        if (isDeactivated == true && personUser.getUserStatus().equals(StatusType.AC.getName())) {
            //activate user
        if (isDeactivated == false && personUser.getUserStatus().equals(StatusType.IN.getName())) {
            //de-activate user

     * Assign roles to organization.
     * @param c3prUser the c3pr user
     * @param csmUser the csm user
     * @param associationMap the association map
     * @param hasAccessToAllSites the has access to all sites
     * @return the C3PR user
    private void assignRolesStudiesAndOrganizationsToUser(User csmUser,
            List<RoleBasedHealthcareSitesAndStudiesDTO> listAssociation) {

        ProvisioningSession provisioningSession = provisioningSessionFactory.createSession(csmUser.getUserId());
        C3PRUserGroupType groupArray[] = C3PRUserGroupType.values();
        for (RoleBasedHealthcareSitesAndStudiesDTO dataHolder : listAssociation) {
            setSitesAndStudies(csmUser, provisioningSession, dataHolder);
            //if any of the global roles are unchecked for every site then delete them.
            for (int i = 0; i < groupArray.length; i++) {
                if (groupArray[i] != null && groupArray[i].equals(dataHolder.getGroup())) {
                    groupArray[i] = null;
        deleteRole(provisioningSession, groupArray);

     * Sets the sites and studies.
     * @param suiteRoleMembership the suite role membership
     * @param healthcareSite the healthcare site
     * @param hasAccessToAllSites the has access to all sites
    private void setSitesAndStudies(User csmUser, ProvisioningSession provisioningSession,
            RoleBasedHealthcareSitesAndStudiesDTO roleBasedHealthcareSitesAndStudiesHolder) {

        //iterate over the newly assigned c3prGroup list and add/edit the corresponding
        //suiteRoleMemberships in the user's provisioningSession
        boolean hasAccessToAllSites = roleBasedHealthcareSitesAndStudiesHolder.getHasAllSiteAccess();
        boolean hasAccessToAllStudies = roleBasedHealthcareSitesAndStudiesHolder.getHasAllStudyAccess();

        SuiteRole suiteRole = C3PRUserGroupType
        SuiteRoleMembership suiteRoleMembership = provisioningSession.getProvisionableRoleMembership(suiteRole);
        if (suiteRole != null) {
            if (!suiteRole.getScopes().contains(ScopeType.STUDY)
                    && !suiteRole.getScopes().contains(ScopeType.SITE)) {
                //provisioning for global non site scoped role with all site access
            } else {
                SuiteRoleMembership newSuiteRoleMembership = new SuiteRoleMembership(suiteRole, null, null);
                if (suiteRole.getScopes().contains(ScopeType.SITE)) {
                    //Get the suiteRoleMembership and edit it with the new changes
                    //global_role is po_mgr: giving him all site access as c3pr requirement.
                    if (hasAccessToAllSites
                            || suiteRole.equals(SecurityUtils.PERSON_AND_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION_MANAGER)) {
                    } else {
                        //This ensures the SRM doesn't have all-site access since the all site access chkbox was unchecked.
                        //Expects the String to be in the following format "NC010".
                        for (String hcs : roleBasedHealthcareSitesAndStudiesHolder.getSites()) {
                if (suiteRole.getScopes().contains(ScopeType.STUDY)) {
                    if (hasAccessToAllStudies) {
                    } else {
                        //This ensures the SRM doesn't have all-study access since the all study access chkbox was unchecked.
                        //Expects the String to be in the following format "CCAI-123".
                        for (String studyId : roleBasedHealthcareSitesAndStudiesHolder.getStudies()) {

     * Delete roles specified in the array. This comes into play when the allSiteAccess chk box is checked.
     * When the allSite chkbox is checked we cannot delete individual site-roles.  We only delete those roles
     * which are unchecked for all sites.
     * @param provisioningSession the provisioning session
     * @param groupArray the group array
    private void deleteRole(ProvisioningSession provisioningSession, C3PRUserGroupType[] groupArray) {
        SuiteRole suiteRole;
        for (int i = 0; i < groupArray.length; i++) {
            if (groupArray[i] != null) {
                suiteRole = C3PRUserGroupType

     * Gets the groups for user.
     * @return the groups for user
    public List<C3PRUserGroupType> getGroupsForUser(User csmUser) {

        List<C3PRUserGroupType> groupList = new ArrayList<C3PRUserGroupType>();
        try {
            Set<Group> groups = userProvisioningManager.getGroups(csmUser.getUserId().toString());
            Iterator<Group> iter = groups.iterator();
            String groupName;
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                groupName = ((Group);
        } catch (CSObjectNotFoundException e) {
        return groupList;

     * Gets a list of organizations on which the user has the passed in role.
     * The associated orgs are generally fetched from the staff but this
     * is Used to fetch the orgs associated to a user.
     * @param csmUser the csm user
     * @param c3prUserGroupType the c3pr user group type
     * @return the organization ids for user
    public List<String> getOrganizationIdsForUser(User csmUser, C3PRUserGroupType c3prUserGroupType) {
        Set<String> organizationIdSet = new HashSet<String>();
        if (!SecurityUtils.isGlobalRole(c3prUserGroupType)) {
            ProvisioningSession provisioningSession = provisioningSessionFactory.createSession(csmUser.getUserId());
            return getOrganizationIdsForUser(provisioningSession, c3prUserGroupType);
        return new ArrayList<String>(organizationIdSet);

     * Gets the organization ids for user.
     * @param provisioningSession the provisioning session
     * @param c3prUserGroupType the c3pr user group type
     * @return the organization ids for user
    public List<String> getOrganizationIdsForUser(ProvisioningSession provisioningSession,
            C3PRUserGroupType c3prUserGroupType) {
        Set<String> organizationIdSet = new HashSet<String>();
        if (!SecurityUtils.isGlobalRole(c3prUserGroupType)) {
            SuiteRole suiteRole = C3PRUserGroupType.getUnifiedSuiteRole(c3prUserGroupType);
            SuiteRoleMembership suiteRoleMembership = provisioningSession.getProvisionableRoleMembership(suiteRole);
            //add all site identifiers to a set
            if (suiteRoleMembership.hasSiteScope() && !suiteRoleMembership.isAllSites()) {
        return new ArrayList<String>(organizationIdSet);

     * Gets a list of studies on which the user has the passed in role.
     * @param csmUser the csm user
     * @param c3prUserGroupType the c3pr user group type
     * @return the study ids for user
    public List<String> getStudyIdsForUser(User csmUser, C3PRUserGroupType c3prUserGroupType) {
        Set<String> studyIdSet = new HashSet<String>();
        if (!SecurityUtils.isGlobalRole(c3prUserGroupType)) {
            ProvisioningSession provisioningSession = provisioningSessionFactory.createSession(csmUser.getUserId());
            return getStudyIdsForUser(provisioningSession, c3prUserGroupType);
        return new ArrayList<String>(studyIdSet);

     * Gets the study ids for user.
     * @param provisioningSession the provisioning session
     * @param c3prUserGroupType the c3pr user group type
     * @return the study ids for user
    public List<String> getStudyIdsForUser(ProvisioningSession provisioningSession,
            C3PRUserGroupType c3prUserGroupType) {
        Set<String> studyIdSet = new HashSet<String>();

        SuiteRoleMembership suiteRoleMembership;
        SuiteRole suiteRole = C3PRUserGroupType.getUnifiedSuiteRole(c3prUserGroupType);
        suiteRoleMembership = provisioningSession.getProvisionableRoleMembership(suiteRole);
        //add all site identifiers to a set
        if (suiteRoleMembership.hasStudyScope() && !suiteRoleMembership.isAllStudies()) {
        return new ArrayList<String>(studyIdSet);

     * Checks for all site access. Returns false if user is not scoped by site at all.
     * @return true, if successful
    public boolean getHasAccessToAllSites(User csmUser, C3PRUserGroupType group) {
        ProvisioningSession provisioningSession = provisioningSessionFactory.createSession(csmUser.getUserId());
        return getHasAccessToAllSites(provisioningSession, group);

     * Gets the checks for access to all sites.
     * @param provisioningSession the provisioning session
     * @param group the group
     * @return the checks for access to all sites
    public boolean getHasAccessToAllSites(ProvisioningSession provisioningSession, C3PRUserGroupType group) {
        SuiteRoleMembership suiteRoleMembership;
        SuiteRole suiteRole;
        //global roles are not considered for the all sites access checkbox value.
        suiteRole = C3PRUserGroupType.getUnifiedSuiteRole(group);
        if (suiteRole.getScopes().contains(ScopeType.SITE)) {
            suiteRoleMembership = provisioningSession.getProvisionableRoleMembership(suiteRole);
            //include roles that are scoped by site and have access to all sites or the site in question
            if (suiteRoleMembership.isAllSites()) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * Gets the checks for access to all studies. Returns false if user is not scoped by study at all.
     * @param csmUser the csm user
     * @param group the group
     * @return the checks for access to all studies
    public boolean getHasAccessToAllStudies(User csmUser, C3PRUserGroupType group) {
        ProvisioningSession provisioningSession = provisioningSessionFactory.createSession(csmUser.getUserId());
        return getHasAccessToAllStudies(provisioningSession, group);

     * Gets the provisioning session.
     * @param csmUser the csm user
     * @return the provisioning session
    public ProvisioningSession getProvisioningSession(User csmUser) {
        return provisioningSessionFactory.createSession(csmUser.getUserId());

     * Gets the checks for access to all studies.
     * @param provisioningSession the provisioning session
     * @param group the group
     * @return the checks for access to all studies
    public boolean getHasAccessToAllStudies(ProvisioningSession provisioningSession, C3PRUserGroupType group) {
        SuiteRoleMembership suiteRoleMembership;
        SuiteRole suiteRole;
        //global roles are not considered for the all studies access checkbox value.
        suiteRole = C3PRUserGroupType.getUnifiedSuiteRole(group);
        if (suiteRole.getScopes().contains(ScopeType.STUDY)) {
            suiteRoleMembership = provisioningSession.getProvisionableRoleMembership(suiteRole);
            //include roles that are scoped by site and have access to all sites or the site in question
            if (suiteRoleMembership.isAllStudies()) {
                return true;
        return false;

    * Gets the staff scoped by study. 
    * Used mainly to display study scoped personnel(e.g reg and data readers) on study_personnel page.
    * @param staffList the staff list
    * @return the staff scoped by study
    public HashMap<PersonUser, List<String>> getStaffScopedByStudy(List<PersonUser> staffList,
            HealthcareSite healthcareSite) {
        HashMap<PersonUser, List<String>> reducedHcsRsMap = new HashMap<PersonUser, List<String>>();
        User user = null;
        for (PersonUser researchStaff : staffList) {
            try {
                user = getCSMUser(researchStaff);
            } catch (CSObjectNotFoundException e) {
                logger.error("Failed to load user for :" + researchStaff.getFirstName());
            if (user != null) {
                for (C3PRUserGroupType role : C3PRUserGroupType.getStudyScopedRoles()) {
                    try {
                        if (userProvisioningManager.checkPermission(user.getLoginName(),
                                "HealthcareSite." + healthcareSite.getPrimaryIdentifier(), role.getCode())
                                || (userProvisioningManager.checkPermission(user.getLoginName(), "HealthcareSite",
                                        role.getCode()))) {
                            //add this rs with corresponding studyScoped role to the hashmap of staff vs roles
                            if (reducedHcsRsMap.containsKey(researchStaff)) {
                                ((ArrayList<String>) reducedHcsRsMap.get(researchStaff)).add(role.getCode());

                            } else {
                                ArrayList<String> roleList = new ArrayList<String>();
                                reducedHcsRsMap.put(researchStaff, roleList);
                    } catch (CSObjectNotFoundException e) {
                    } catch (CSException e) {
            } else {
                log.warn("No csm user exists for staff with first Name: " + researchStaff.getFirstName());
        return reducedHcsRsMap;

    public List<PersonUser> getAllStudyScopedStaff(List<PersonUser> staffList, HealthcareSite healthcareSite) {
        Set<PersonUser> researchStaffSet = new HashSet<PersonUser>();
        User user = null;
        for (PersonUser researchStaff : staffList) {
            try {
                user = getCSMUser(researchStaff);
            } catch (CSObjectNotFoundException e) {
                logger.error("Failed to load user for :" + researchStaff.getFirstName());
            if (user != null) {
                for (C3PRUserGroupType role : C3PRUserGroupType.getStudyScopedRoles()) {
                    try {
                        if (userProvisioningManager.checkPermission(user.getLoginName(), "Study", role.getCode())) {
                    } catch (CSObjectNotFoundException e) {
                    } catch (CSException e) {
            } else {
                log.warn("No csm user exists for staff with first Name: " + researchStaff.getFirstName());

        return new ArrayList<PersonUser>(researchStaffSet);

     * Check user access for site for the role that is passed in.
     * @param csmUser the csm user
     * @param healthcareSite the healthcare site
     * @param role the role
     * @return true, if successful
    public boolean checkUserAccessForSite(User csmUser, HealthcareSite healthcareSite,
            List<C3PRUserGroupType> roles) {
        for (C3PRUserGroupType role : roles) {
            try {
                if (userProvisioningManager.checkPermission(csmUser.getLoginName(),
                        "HealthcareSite." + healthcareSite.getPrimaryIdentifier(), role.getCode())
                        || (userProvisioningManager.checkPermission(csmUser.getLoginName(), "HealthcareSite",
                                role.getCode()))) {
                    return true;
            } catch (CSObjectNotFoundException e) {
            } catch (CSException e) {
        return false;

     * Gets the provisioning session factory.
     * @return the provisioning session factory
    public ProvisioningSessionFactory getProvisioningSessionFactory() {
        return provisioningSessionFactory;

     * Sets the provisioning session factory.
     * @param provisioningSessionFactory the new provisioning session factory
    public void setProvisioningSessionFactory(ProvisioningSessionFactory provisioningSessionFactory) {
        this.provisioningSessionFactory = provisioningSessionFactory;

     * Moved csm related save/merge code here from personnelServiceImpl for coppa integration
     * Sets the user provisioning manager.
     * @param userProvisioningManager the new user provisioning manager
    public void setUserProvisioningManager(UserProvisioningManager userProvisioningManager) {
        this.userProvisioningManager = userProvisioningManager;

     * Sets the remote session.
     * @param remoteSession the new remote session
    public void setRemoteSession(RemoteSession remoteSession) {
        this.remoteSession = remoteSession;

     * Sets the healthcare site dao.
     * @param healthcareSiteDao the new healthcare site dao
    public void setHealthcareSiteDao(HealthcareSiteDao healthcareSiteDao) {
        this.healthcareSiteDao = healthcareSiteDao;