Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2012 University of Denver
 * Author Chet Rebman
 * This file is part of FedoraApp.
 * FedoraApp is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * FedoraApp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with FedoraApp.  If not, see <>.

import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;


//import gov.loc.repository.bagger.bag.impl.DefaultBag;

import gov.loc.repository.bagger.domain.JSonBagger;
import gov.loc.repository.bagger.profile.BaggerProfileStore;
import gov.loc.repository.bagit.FetchTxt;
import gov.loc.repository.bagit.verify.impl.CompleteVerifierImpl;
import gov.loc.repository.bagit.verify.impl.ParallelManifestChecksumVerifier;
import gov.loc.repository.bagit.verify.impl.ValidVerifierImpl;

import gov.loc.repository.bagger.bag.impl.DefaultBag;

public class BagHandler {

     * Logger for this class and subclasses.
    protected final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());

     * 'bagit' is the delimiter used in <br>
     * gov.loc.repository.bagger.bag.impl.DefaultBag.getBaseUrl(FetchTxt)
    static String DEFAULT_BAG_URL_DELIMITER = "bagit";

    static final String FILE_TRANSFER_ABORTED = "Thread aborted by user while tring to download bagit data files";

    private DefaultBag myBag = null;

    BatchIngestOptions batchOptions = null;
    String myRootDir = null; // this directory contains the bag.
    String myBagFileName = null;
    String myBagName = null;
    String myBagDirectoryPath = null; // this is the directory of the actual bag
    String myWorkDir = null;
    String myFilesDir = null;
    String myCompletedBatchFileDir = null;
    String myFailedBatchFileDir = null;

    public BagHandler() {
        // constructor

     * Create a bag extraction handler for the batchIngest, it uses the settings in the file, 
     * This is heavily tied to the batch ingest and is not intended for generic use.
     * @param batchOptions
     * @param bagFileName
     * @throws Exception
    public BagHandler(BatchIngestOptions batchOptions, String bagFileName) throws Exception {
        this.batchOptions = batchOptions;
        this.myBagFileName = bagFileName;
        //   this.myBagName        = bagFileName.replace( FedoraAppConstants.BAGIT_FILE_SUFFIX, "" );
        //   this.myBagName        = this.myBagName.replace( FedoraAppConstants.BATCH_FILE_IDENTIFIER, "" );   
        //   this.myBagName        = this.myBagName.replace( FedoraAppConstants.REMOTE_TASK_NAME_SUFFIX, "" );      

        String workDirName = ProgramProperties
        String filesDirName = ProgramProperties
        String completedBatchFileDirName = ProgramProperties
        String failedBatchFileDirName = ProgramProperties

        String batchSpaceURL = ProgramProperties

        String batchSpace = new URL(batchSpaceURL).getFile();

        this.myWorkDir = batchSpace + this.batchOptions.getInstitution() + "/" + this.batchOptions.getBatchSet()
                + "/" + workDirName + "/";
        this.myFilesDir = batchSpace + this.batchOptions.getInstitution() + "/" + this.batchOptions.getBatchSet()
                + "/" + filesDirName + "/";
        this.myCompletedBatchFileDir = batchSpace + this.batchOptions.getInstitution() + "/"
                + this.batchOptions.getBatchSet() + "/" + completedBatchFileDirName + "/";
        this.myFailedBatchFileDir = batchSpace + this.batchOptions.getInstitution() + "/"
                + this.batchOptions.getBatchSet() + "/" + failedBatchFileDirName + "/";

        this.myRootDir = batchSpace + this.batchOptions.getInstitution() + "/" + this.batchOptions.getBatchSet()
                + "/" + workDirName + "/";

     * Extracts bag, downloads all PCO files (in fetch.txt), checks bag validity, moves PCOs and batch file to correct locations, 
     * The batch file will have 'batch_' prepended and if original file has '_REMOTE' in the file name, '_REMOTE.xml' will
     * be appended to the batch file name. Finally the bag directory tree is deleted, and the bag file is moved to the completed 
     * batch files directory.<br>
     *    <br>   
     * We handle existing files different for manual and remote ingest. For manual we throw an exception, for remote
     * we add the FedoraAppConstants.DUPLICATE_FILE_SUFFIX and continue processing. This allows an external user the
     * chance to recover from a failed ingest by posting a fixed bagit file with the same name. Otherwise someone would
     * have to log onto the server to "fix" things.     We determine if an ingest is remote based on the bag file name ie
     * does it have a FedoraAppConstants.REMOTE_TASK_NAME_SUFFIX suffix.
     * @see FedoraAppConstants#BATCH_FILE_IDENTIFIER
     * @see FedoraAppConstants#BAGIT_FILE_SUFFIX
     * @see FedoraAppConstants#BATCH_FILE_SUFFIX
     * @see FedoraAppConstants#REMOTE_TASK_NAME_SUFFIX
     * @see FedoraAppConstants.DUPLICATE_FILE_SUFFIX
     * @throws Exception
    public void batchIngestExtractRetrieveAndMove() throws Exception {

        BatchThreadManager.setBatchSetStatus(this.batchOptions.getBatchSetName(), "Validating Bag");

        if (this.validateBag(this.myBag)) {
            BatchThreadManager.setBatchSetStatus(this.batchOptions.getBatchSetName(), "Valid Bag");
            System.out.println("Valid Bag");
  "Valid Bag");
        } else {
            System.out.println("ERROR: Invalid Bag");
            this.logger.error("ERROR: invalid bag:" + this.myBagName);
            throw new BagitInvalidException("ERROR: invalid bag:" + this.myBagName);



     * This function OVERWRITES. We assumes the bag name was checked as unique in the work directory and has already been extracted, throwing
     * and error will be of no value.
     * @throws IOException
    private void deleteBagDirMoveBagToCompletedDir() throws IOException {"Move bag file:" + this.myBagFileName + " to " + this.myCompletedBatchFileDir);
        FileUtil.deleteDirectoryTree(new File(this.myBagDirectoryPath));

        File moveFile = new File(this.myCompletedBatchFileDir + this.myBagFileName);

        File bagFile = new File(this.myRootDir + this.myBagFileName);


     * Accepts a directory or a zip file.
     * @param rootDir
     * @param bagFileName
     * @throws Exception
    private void extractBagAndRetrieveFiles() throws Exception {
        String completeBagPathAndFileName = "";
        if (myRootDir.endsWith("" + File.separatorChar)) {
            completeBagPathAndFileName = myRootDir + this.myBagFileName;
        } else {
            completeBagPathAndFileName = myRootDir + File.separatorChar + this.myBagFileName;

        this.myBagName = new Zipper().getZipTopLevelDirectory(completeBagPathAndFileName);

         * DefaultBag(below) accepts files or directories, we want the directory.
        this.myBagDirectoryPath = this.myRootDir + this.myBagName;

         * We handle existing files different for manual and remote ingest. For manual we throw an exception, for remote
         * we add the FedoraAppConstants.DUPLICATE_FILE_SUFFIX and continue processing. This allows an external user the
         * chance to recover from a failed ingest by posting a fixed bagit file with the same name. Otherwise someone would
         * have to log onto the server to "fix" things. We determine if an ingest is remote based on the bag file name ie
         * does it have a FedoraAppConstants.REMOTE_TASK_NAME_SUFFIX suffix.
        File bagitDirectory = new File(this.myBagDirectoryPath);
        if (bagitDirectory.exists()) {
            if (this.myBagFileName.contains(FedoraAppConstants.REMOTE_TASK_NAME_SUFFIX)) {
                // move the bagit file so that we don't keep trying to process it.   
                //File tempFile =    new File( this.myWorkDir           + File.separatorChar + this.myBagFileName );
                //tempFile.renameTo( new File( this.myFailedBatchFileDir + File.separatorChar + this.myBagFileName ) );

                String newFileName = FileUtil.getUniqueFileName(this.myBagDirectoryPath);
                bagitDirectory.renameTo(new File(newFileName + FedoraAppConstants.REMOTE_TASK_NAME_SUFFIX
                        + FedoraAppConstants.DUPLICATE_FILE_SUFFIX));
                bagitDirectory = new File(this.myBagDirectoryPath);

            } else {
                throw new Exception("ERROR: bag directory already exists:" + this.myBagDirectoryPath);
        extractBag(this.myRootDir, completeBagPathAndFileName, this.myBagFileName);

        this.myBag = getNewDefaultBag(this.myBagDirectoryPath);

         * A Holey bag is one that includes fetch.txt, which points to URLs instead of local files.
        if (this.myBag.isHoley()) {
            FetchTxt fetchText = this.myBag.getFetchTxt();
            fetchNeededFiles(this.myRootDir, this.myBag.getBaseUrl(fetchText), this.myBag.getFetchPayload(),


     * Get a new Default bag based on an existing bag directory structure.
     * @param bagDirectory
     * @return
    public DefaultBag getNewDefaultBag(String bagDirectory) {
         * You must initialize the profileStore or DefaultBag will throw an exception.
         * FYI BaggerProfileStore initialization is defined in...
         * bagger-business/src/main/resources/gov/loc/repository/bagger/ctx/common/business-layer-context.xmlbagger-business/src/main/resources/gov/loc/repository/bagger/ctx/common/business-layer-context.xml
        JSonBagger json = new JSonBagger();
        BaggerProfileStore profileStore = new BaggerProfileStore(json);

        return new DefaultBag(new File(bagDirectory), "0.96");

     * This routing will try to retrieve a file FOREVER, retrying every 10 seconds, the fedoraApp status screen will be updated 
     * and the the user can abort the ingest from there. If the user aborts the ingest a BagitInvalidException is thrown
     * @param rootDir
     * @param baseUrl
     * @param bagPayLoad
     * @param bagName
     * @throws MalformedURLException
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws BagitInvalidException Thrown for invalid bag or user abort (see method description).
    private void fetchNeededFiles(String rootDir, String baseUrl, List<String> bagPayLoad, String bagName)
            throws MalformedURLException, IOException, BagitInvalidException {
        for (String payloadUrl : bagPayLoad) {
            if (payloadUrl.contains("data/")) {
                String msg = "Fetching " + baseUrl + BagHandler.DEFAULT_BAG_URL_DELIMITER + "/" + payloadUrl;
                BatchThreadManager.setBatchSetStatus(this.batchOptions.getBatchSetName(), msg);

                String getUrl = baseUrl + BagHandler.DEFAULT_BAG_URL_DELIMITER + "/" + payloadUrl;
                String outputPathAndFile = rootDir + bagName + "/" + payloadUrl;

                 * Let's try to fetch bagit file, if we can't, we retry every 10 seconds, We will top logging after 10 attempts, but
                 * will hang here forever! The fedoraApp status screen is updated and the user should be able to click the 
                 * 'Stop Ingest' button.
                boolean fetchReady = false;
                int logErrorCount = 0;
                do {
                    try {
               URL(getUrl), new File(outputPathAndFile));
                        fetchReady = true;
                    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                        this.logger.error("Malformed URL in bagit file: Aborting ingest: " + e.getMessage());
                        FileUtil.deleteDirectoryTree(new File(this.myBagDirectoryPath));
                        throw new BagitInvalidException(e.getMessage());
                    } catch (ConnectException e) {

                                "ERROR: Unable to fetch File:" + getUrl + "-" + e.getMessage());
                        if (logErrorCount < 10) {
                            this.logger.error("Unable to fetch bagit file:" + getUrl + "-" + e.getMessage());
                        if (logErrorCount == 10) {
                                    .error("Still unable to fetch bagit File, this error will longer be logged.");

                        try {
                            Thread.sleep(10 * 1000);
                        } catch (InterruptedException e1) {
                    } catch (Exception e) {

                        this.logger.error("Bagit Exception: Aborting ingest: " + e.getMessage());
                        FileUtil.deleteDirectoryTree(new File(this.myBagDirectoryPath));
                        throw new BagitInvalidException(e.getMessage());
                    } finally {
                         * We may be stuck in this loop if we are unable to retrieve files from the server. Fortunately the use
                         * can stop the ingest through the manual ingest gui. We handle that condition here.
                        if (!BatchIngestThreadManager.isBatchSetThreadExists(this.batchOptions.getBatchSetName())) {
                            throw new BagitInvalidException(FILE_TRANSFER_ABORTED);

                        String status = BatchThreadManager.getBatchSetStatus(this.batchOptions.getBatchSetName());
                        if (status.equals(BatchThreadManager.USER_HARD_STOP_RECIEVED)
                                || status.equals(BatchIngestThreadManager.USER_STOP_RECIEVED)) {
                            throw new BagitInvalidException(FILE_TRANSFER_ABORTED);

                } while (!fetchReady);


     * Validates an unzipped bag directory.
     * @param bagDirectoryPath
     * @return
    public boolean validateBag(String bagDirectoryPath) {
        DefaultBag testBag = this.getNewDefaultBag(bagDirectoryPath);

        return this.validateBag(testBag);

    private void extractBag(String myRootDir, String completeBagPathAndFileName, String bagFileName)
            throws Exception {
        String msg = "Exctacting bag " + bagFileName;
        BatchThreadManager.setBatchSetStatus(this.batchOptions.getBatchSetName(), msg);;

        if (completeBagPathAndFileName.endsWith(FedoraAppConstants.BAGIT_FILE_SUFFIX)) {
            new Zipper().uncompress_zip(myRootDir, completeBagPathAndFileName);

    public boolean validateBag(DefaultBag bag) {
        CompleteVerifierImpl completeVerifier = new CompleteVerifierImpl();

        ParallelManifestChecksumVerifier manifestVerifier = new ParallelManifestChecksumVerifier();

        ValidVerifierImpl validVerifier = new ValidVerifierImpl(completeVerifier, manifestVerifier);

        String result = bag.validateBag(validVerifier);

        if (result == null) {
            return true;

        return false;

     * Move PCO files to the files directory and move any batch command file into the work directory last, 
     * so that if it gets processed by a task, the files it needs are already in place.
     * /
    private void movePcoFiles() throws Exception {
        List<String> bagPayLoad = this.myBag.getFetchPayload();

        File filesDirectory = new File(this.myFilesDir);
        File workDirectory = new File(this.myWorkDir);
        File batchFile = null;
        File destinationFile = null;
        String newBatchFileName = null;

        boolean success = false;
        for (String payloadUrl : bagPayLoad) {
            if (payloadUrl.contains("data/")) {
                if (payloadUrl.toLowerCase().endsWith(FedoraAppConstants.BATCH_FILE_SUFFIX)) {
                    newBatchFileName = payloadUrl.replace("data/", "");
                    if (!newBatchFileName.contains(FedoraAppConstants.BATCH_FILE_IDENTIFIER)) {
                        newBatchFileName = FedoraAppConstants.BATCH_FILE_IDENTIFIER + newBatchFileName;
                    if (this.myBagFileName.contains(FedoraAppConstants.REMOTE_TASK_NAME_SUFFIX)) {
                        newBatchFileName = newBatchFileName.replace(FedoraAppConstants.BATCH_FILE_SUFFIX,
                                FedoraAppConstants.REMOTE_TASK_NAME_SUFFIX + FedoraAppConstants.BATCH_FILE_SUFFIX);
                    batchFile = new File(this.myBagDirectoryPath + File.separatorChar
                            + payloadUrl.replace('/', File.separatorChar));
                } else {
                    File fileToMove = new File(
                            this.myBagDirectoryPath + File.separator + payloadUrl.replace('/', File.separatorChar));

                     * We handle existing files different for manual and remote ingest. For manual we throw an exception, for remote
                     * we add the FedoraAppConstants.DUPLICATE_FILE_SUFFIX and continue processing. This allows an external user the
                     * chance to recover from a failed ingest by posting a fixed bagit file with the same name. Otherwise someone would
                     * have to log onto the server to "fix" things.
                    destinationFile = new File(filesDirectory, fileToMove.getName());
                    if (destinationFile.exists()) {
                        if (this.myBagFileName.contains(FedoraAppConstants.REMOTE_TASK_NAME_SUFFIX)) {
                            String duplicateName = FileUtil.getUniqueFileName(fileToMove.getName());
                            File duplicateFile = new File(filesDirectory,
                                    duplicateName + FedoraAppConstants.REMOTE_TASK_NAME_SUFFIX
                                            + FedoraAppConstants.DUPLICATE_FILE_SUFFIX);
                        } else {
                            throw new Exception("ERROR: file already exists! " + destinationFile.getAbsolutePath());

                    String msg = "Moving " + fileToMove.getAbsolutePath() + " to "
                            + destinationFile.getAbsolutePath();
                    BatchThreadManager.setBatchSetStatus(this.batchOptions.getBatchSetName(), msg);

                    success = fileToMove.renameTo(destinationFile);
                    if (!success) {
                        throw new Exception("ERROR: unable to move file " + fileToMove.getAbsolutePath() + " to "
                                + destinationFile.getAbsolutePath());
        } // for

         * Must move batch command file last, so that if it gets processed by a task, the files are already in place.
        if (batchFile != null) {
            destinationFile = new File(workDirectory, newBatchFileName);

            if (destinationFile.exists()) {
                if (destinationFile.getName().contains(FedoraAppConstants.REMOTE_TASK_NAME_SUFFIX)) {
                    String duplicateName = FileUtil.getUniqueFileName(newBatchFileName);
                    File duplicateFile = new File(workDirectory,
                            duplicateName + FedoraAppConstants.DUPLICATE_FILE_SUFFIX);
                    destinationFile = new File(workDirectory, newBatchFileName);
                } else {
                    throw new Exception("ERROR: file already exists! " + destinationFile.getAbsolutePath());


            String msg = "Moving " + batchFile.getAbsolutePath() + " to " + destinationFile.getAbsolutePath();

            success = batchFile.renameTo(destinationFile);
            if (!success) {
                throw new Exception("ERROR: unable to move file " + batchFile.getAbsolutePath() + " to "
                        + destinationFile.getAbsolutePath());

        } else {
            throw new Exception("ERROR: the bag is missing a batch file! (*.xml)");

} // BagHandler