Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 University of Denver * Author Chet Rebman * * This file is part of FedoraApp. * * FedoraApp is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * FedoraApp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with FedoraApp. If not, see <>. */ /** * Utilities that query the Fedora Resource Index. In fedoraApp, these are mainly used to * discover Islandora collections and Content Models. */ package; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethod; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.UsernamePasswordCredentials; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.auth.AuthScope; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class ResourceIndexUtils { public static final String QUOTE = "\""; public static final String APOST = "\'"; public static final String COLLECTION_POLICY_DATASTREAM = "COLLECTION_POLICY"; public static final String ISLANDORA_TOP_COLLECTION = "islandora:top"; // changed to islandora:root in later version /** * Gets all NON-Islandora collections beneath the islandora:top level collection. * <br> * NOTE all islandora:* namespace collections are excluded. * * @see FedoraAppBatchIngestController#getAdministrator() * @param administrator The administrator is just used to get host,port,user,pwd info. * @return all top level islandora collections */ public static ArrayList getAllIslandoraChildCollections(Administrator administrator) { return ResourceIndexUtils.getChildCollections(administrator, ISLANDORA_TOP_COLLECTION); } /** * Get a list of all objects in the topCollection that are also collections * * @see FedoraAppBatchIngestController#getAdministrator() * @param administrator The administrator is just used to get host,port,user,password info. * @param topCollection * * @return all objects in the topCollection that are also collections */ public static ArrayList getChildCollections(Administrator administrator, String topCollection) { return getChildren(administrator, topCollection, true); } /** * * Get a list of all objects in the topCollection. * * * @see FedoraAppBatchIngestController#getAdministrator() * @param administrator The administrator is just used to get host,port,user,password info. * @param topCollection * * @return all objects in the topCollection that are also collections */ public static ArrayList<String> getChildObjects(Administrator administrator, String topCollection) { return getChildren(administrator, topCollection, false); } /** * * Get a list of all objects in the topCollection. The administrator is just used to get host,port,user, and pwd info. * The call to the resource index is actually via httpClient and rest call. * * @see FedoraAppBatchIngestController#getAdministrator() * @param administrator The administrator is just used to get host,port,user,password info. * @param topCollection * @param onlyCollections =true to return only collection objects * * @return all object pids in the topCollection that are also collections */ private static ArrayList<String> getChildren(Administrator administrator, String topCollection, boolean onlyCollections) { final String host = administrator.getHost(); final int port = administrator.getPort(); String userName = administrator.getUserName(); String pwd = administrator.getUserPassword(); String realm = null; // "realm is actually Fedora or Fedora Repository Server" ArrayList<String> children = new ArrayList<String>(); String UTF_8_ENCONDING = "UTF-8"; String type = "tuples"; String flush = "false"; // optional default false; String lang = "itql"; String format = "CSV"; String limit = "100"; // optional default unlimited; NOT USED String distinct = "off"; // optional default off; String stream = "off"; // optional default off; String query = "select $subject from <#ri> where ( $subject <fedora-rels-ext:isMemberOfCollection><info:fedora/" + topCollection + "> )"; // TBD kludge, I don't have time to do things right. String query_2 = "select $subject from <#ri> where ( $subject <fedora-rels-ext:isMemberOf><info:fedora/" + topCollection + "> )"; String queryEncoded; String queryEncoded_2; HttpClient myClient = null; HttpMethod method = null; HttpMethod method_2 = null; try { queryEncoded = URLEncoder.encode(query, UTF_8_ENCONDING); queryEncoded_2 = URLEncoder.encode(query_2, UTF_8_ENCONDING); myClient = new HttpClient(); String finalQuery = "http://" + host + ":" + port + "/fedora/risearch?type=" + type + "&lang=" + lang + "&format=" + format + "&distinct=" + distinct + "&stream=" + stream + "&query=" + queryEncoded; String finalQuery_2 = "http://" + host + ":" + port + "/fedora/risearch?type=" + type + "&lang=" + lang + "&format=" + format + "&distinct=" + distinct + "&stream=" + stream + "&query=" + queryEncoded_2; method = new GetMethod(finalQuery); method_2 = new GetMethod(finalQuery_2); myClient.getState().setCredentials(new AuthScope(host, port, realm), new UsernamePasswordCredentials(userName, pwd)); method.setDoAuthentication(true); myClient.getParams().setAuthenticationPreemptive(true); myClient.executeMethod(method); String response = method.getResponseBodyAsString(); String lines[] = response.split("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { if (!lines[i].contains("islandora") && !lines[i].equalsIgnoreCase("\"subject\"")) { String collectionPid = lines[i].replace("info:fedora/", ""); if (onlyCollections) { if (isCollection(administrator, collectionPid)) { children.add(collectionPid); } } else { children.add(collectionPid); } } } myClient.executeMethod(method_2); String response_2 = method_2.getResponseBodyAsString(); String lines_2[] = response_2.split("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < lines_2.length; i++) { if (!lines_2[i].contains("islandora") && !lines_2[i].equalsIgnoreCase("\"subject\"")) { String collectionPid = lines_2[i].replace("info:fedora/", ""); if (onlyCollections) { if (isCollection(administrator, collectionPid)) { children.add(collectionPid); } } else { children.add(collectionPid); } } } } catch (Exception e) { children.add("Unable to get Collections:" + e); return children; } finally { method.releaseConnection(); method_2.releaseConnection(); } return children; } /** * Gets all islandora collection names and their titles beneath the islandora:top level collection in the namespace * <br> "" (empty string) * will get all. The administrator is just used to get host,port,user,pwd info. * The call to the resource index is actually via httpClient and rest call. * <br> * NOTE all islandora:* namespace collections are excluded. * * @see FedoraAppBatchIngestController#getAdministrator() * @param administrator The administrator is just used to get host,port,user,password info. * @param namespace * @return map of collection names and titles. */ public static Map<String, String> getAllIslandoraChildCollectionsMap(Administrator administrator, String namespace) { return ResourceIndexUtils.getChildCollectionsMap(administrator, ISLANDORA_TOP_COLLECTION, namespace); } /** USED 2-2-12 * * The administrator is just used to get host,port,user,pwd info. * The call to the resource index is actually via httpClient and rest call. * * @param topCollection such as islandora:top or codu:top * @param namespace the names space of collections below the topCollection. <br> * <br> * For example, to retrieve the collection names for coduDuMaps and coduDuPicture...<br> <br> * islandora:top - use topCollection=islandora:top and namespace=codu <br> *   codu:duMaps <br> *   codu:duPictures <br> *   xxxx:yyyy <br> *   zzzz:wwww <br><br> * OR <br><br> * islandora:top <br> *   codu:top - use topCollection=codu:top and namespace=codu <br> *     codu:duMaps <br> *     codu:duPictures <br> * * @param administrator The administrator is just used to get host,port,user,password info. * @param topCollection * @param nameSpace * * @return map of collection names and titles. */ public static Map<String, String> getChildCollectionsMap(Administrator administrator, String topCollection, String namespace) { final String host = administrator.getHost(); final int port = administrator.getPort(); String userName = administrator.getUserName(); String pwd = administrator.getUserPassword(); String realm = null; // "realm is actually Fedora or Fedora Repository Server" Map<String, String> collectionMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); String UTF_8_ENCONDING = "UTF-8"; String type = "tuples"; String flush = "false"; // optional default false; String lang = "itql"; String format = "CSV"; String limit = "100"; // optional default unlimited; String distinct = "off"; // optional default off; String stream = "off"; // optional default off; String query = "select $subject $title from <#ri> where ( $subject <fedora-model:label> $title and $subject <fedora-rels-ext:isMemberOfCollection><info:fedora/" + topCollection + "> ) order by $title"; // tbd quick kludge String query_2 = "select $subject $title from <#ri> where ( $subject <fedora-model:label> $title and $subject <fedora-rels-ext:isMemberOf><info:fedora/" + topCollection + "> ) order by $title"; String queryEncoded; String queryEncoded_2; HttpMethod method = null; HttpMethod method_2 = null; try { queryEncoded = URLEncoder.encode(query, UTF_8_ENCONDING); queryEncoded_2 = URLEncoder.encode(query_2, UTF_8_ENCONDING); HttpClient myClient = new HttpClient(); method = new GetMethod("http://" + host + ":" + port + "/fedora/risearch?type=" + type + "&lang=" + lang + "&format=" + format + "&limit=" + limit + "&distinct=" + distinct + "&stream=" + stream + "&query=" + queryEncoded); method_2 = new GetMethod("http://" + host + ":" + port + "/fedora/risearch?type=" + type + "&lang=" + lang + "&format=" + format + "&limit=" + limit + "&distinct=" + distinct + "&stream=" + stream + "&query=" + queryEncoded_2); myClient.getState().setCredentials(new AuthScope(host, port, realm), new UsernamePasswordCredentials(userName, pwd)); method.setDoAuthentication(true); myClient.getParams().setAuthenticationPreemptive(true); myClient.executeMethod(method); String response = method.getResponseBodyAsString(); String lines[] = response.split("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { if (!lines[i].contains("islandora") && !lines[i].equalsIgnoreCase("\"subject\",\"title\"")) { String singleLine = lines[i].replace("info:fedora/", ""); if (!singleLine.startsWith(namespace)) { continue; } String[] pieces = singleLine.split(","); String collectionName = pieces[0]; String collectionTitle = pieces[1]; if (isCollection(administrator, collectionName)) // collectionName is the pid { collectionMap.put(collectionName, collectionTitle); } } } myClient.executeMethod(method_2); String response_2 = method.getResponseBodyAsString(); String lines_2[] = response_2.split("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < lines_2.length; i++) { if (!lines_2[i].contains("islandora") && !lines_2[i].equalsIgnoreCase("\"subject\",\"title\"")) { String singleLine = lines_2[i].replace("info:fedora/", ""); if (!singleLine.startsWith(namespace)) { continue; } String[] pieces = singleLine.split(","); String collectionName = pieces[0]; String collectionTitle = pieces[1]; if (isCollection(administrator, collectionName)) // collectionName is the pid { collectionMap.put(collectionName, collectionTitle); } } } } catch (Exception e) { collectionMap.put("", "Unable to get Collections:" + e); return collectionMap; } finally { method.releaseConnection(); method_2.releaseConnection(); } return collectionMap; } /** USED 2-2-12 * * Get all content models for a collection. If this object is not a collection, an empty map is returned. * We return pid:pid (key and value both = pid) because we want to use the pid for the label in the form rather then the actual label. * * The administrator is just used to get host,port,user,pwd info. * The call to the resource index is actually via httpClient and rest call. * * @see FedoraAppBatchIngestController#getAdministrator() * @param administrator The administrator is just used to get host,port,user,password info. * @param collectionPID * @return map of pid and pid for all content models in the collection (see above). */ public static Map<String, String> getAllIslandoraCollectionContentModelsMap(Administrator administrator, String collectionPID) { Map<String, String> contentModelMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); String dsID = "COLLECTION_POLICY"; try { Downloader dl = new Downloader(administrator, administrator.getHost(), administrator.getPort(), administrator.getUserName(), administrator.getUserPassword()); InputStream is = dl.getDatastreamContent(collectionPID, dsID, null); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is, "UTF-8")); String oneLine = reader.readLine(); while (oneLine != null) { if (oneLine.contains("content_model ")) { int startIndex = oneLine.indexOf("pid"); int endIndex = oneLine.indexOf(QUOTE, startIndex + 5); if (endIndex == -1) { endIndex = oneLine.indexOf(APOST, startIndex + 5); } String pid = ""; String name = ""; if (startIndex > -1 && endIndex > -1) { pid = oneLine.substring(startIndex + 5, endIndex); } else { continue; } startIndex = oneLine.indexOf("name"); endIndex = oneLine.indexOf(QUOTE, startIndex + 6); if (endIndex == -1) { endIndex = oneLine.indexOf(APOST, startIndex + 6); } if (startIndex > -1 && endIndex > -1) { name = oneLine.substring(startIndex + 6, endIndex); } else { continue; } if (name.length() > 0 && pid.length() > 0) { contentModelMap.put(pid, pid); } } oneLine = reader.readLine(); } } catch (Exception e) { // TBD need to log System.out.println("Unable to get content model for " + collectionPID + " - " + e.getMessage()); } return contentModelMap; } /** USED 2-2-12 * * Try to access the COLLECTION_POLICY datastream to determine if this is a collection. * On any error we assume object is NOT a collection. * * @see FedoraAppBatchIngestController#getAdministrator() * @param administrator The administrator is just used to get host,port,user,password info. * @param collectionPID * @return true if object is a collection */ public static boolean isCollection(Administrator administrator, String collectionPID) { boolean isCollection = false; try { Downloader dl = new Downloader(administrator, administrator.getHost(), administrator.getPort(), administrator.getUserName(), administrator.getUserPassword()); InputStream is = dl.getDatastreamContent(collectionPID, COLLECTION_POLICY_DATASTREAM, null); is.close(); isCollection = true; } catch (Exception e) { //System.out.println( "Warning "+collectionPID+" is not a collection" ); // we assume the error is a 404 error caused by this not being a collection. } return isCollection; } /** * Return true an object exists in an collection, this object may or may not be another collection, A COLLECTION OBJECT is considered to * be a member of it's own Collection!!. This is needed for fedoraProxy. When fedoraProxy get's a request it always verifies that * the requested object is within a web-sites collection for security reasons. Therefore if we want to get a a datastream within * a collection object, it has to pass the isObjectInCollection() test. <br> * If the collection object or the object is null, return false. * * The administrator is just used to get the host,port,user, and pwd info. * The call to the resource index is actually via httpClient and rest call. * * @see #isCollection(Administrator, String) * @see FedoraAppBatchIngestController#getAdministrator() * @param administrator The administrator is just used to get host,port,user,password info. * @param collectionPid * @param object * @return true if object is a child of the collection */ public static boolean isObjectInCollection(Administrator administrator, String collectionPid, String object) { if (collectionPid == null || object == null) { return false; } /* * If the collection and the object are the same return true, see description above. */ if (collectionPid.equalsIgnoreCase(object)) { return true; } try { String namespace = object.split(":")[0]; ArrayList allChidren = getChildObjects(administrator, collectionPid); if (allChidren.contains(object)) { return true; } else { return false; } } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } /** * See if an object exists in an collection, this object may or may not be another collection. * * @param host * @param port * @param userName * @param password * @param collectionPid * @param object * @return true if object is in the collection */ public static boolean isObjectInCollection(String host, int port, String userName, String password, String collectionPid, String object) { boolean result = false; try { Administrator administrator = FedoraAppUtil.getAdministrator(host, port, userName, password); return isObjectInCollection(administrator, collectionPid, object); } catch (FatalException e) { // TBD need to log System.out.println("Unable to process isObjectInCollection:" + e.getMessage()); return false; } } /** * Verify that the Collection and Content model contained in the batchOptions object exist. * * @param administrator The administrator is just used to get host,port,user,password info. * @param batchOptions contains the collection and content model. * @throws FatalException used to stop entire batch operation, since all of the rest of the batch files will fail. * @throws Exception used to just log the error, this is used in a mixed ingest (determined by batchOptions.getBatchSet() == mixed ) */ public static void verifyValidCollectionAndContentModel(Administrator administrator, BatchIngestOptions batchOptions) throws FatalException, Exception { String collectionPID = batchOptions.getFedoraCollection().trim(); String contentModelPID = batchOptions.getFedoraContentModel().trim(); boolean result = false; if (isCollection(administrator, collectionPID)) { Map map = getAllIslandoraCollectionContentModelsMap(administrator, collectionPID); // map.put( contentModelPID, contentModelPID ); this is handy when debugging if (!map.containsKey(contentModelPID)) { if (batchOptions.getBatchSet().equalsIgnoreCase(FedoraAppConstants.MIXED_CONTENT_DIRECTORY)) { throw new Exception("Invalid contentModel: " + contentModelPID); // will not stop batch.l } else { throw new FatalException("Invalid contentModel: " + contentModelPID); // will stop entire batch operation. } } } else { if (batchOptions.getBatchSet().equalsIgnoreCase(FedoraAppConstants.MIXED_CONTENT_DIRECTORY)) { throw new Exception("Invalid ingest collection: " + collectionPID); // will not stop batch.l } else { throw new FatalException("Invalid ingest collection: " + collectionPID);// will stop entire batch operation. } } } } // ResourceIndexUtils