Java tutorial
/** * Strategy Engine for Programming Intelligent Agents (SEPIA) Copyright (C) 2012 Case Western Reserve University This file is part of SEPIA. SEPIA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. SEPIA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with SEPIA. If not, see <>. */ package edu.cwru.sepia.environment; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import edu.cwru.sepia.action.Action; import edu.cwru.sepia.agent.Agent; import edu.cwru.sepia.agent.ThreadIntermediary; import edu.cwru.sepia.model.Model; import edu.cwru.sepia.model.history.History; import edu.cwru.sepia.model.state.State.StateView; import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration; /** * Simulates the environment component in a standard Reinforcement Learning setting. * One can run episodes from this class. * */ public class Environment { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Environment.class.getCanonicalName()); public void forceNewEpisode() { step = 0; model.createNewWorld(); turnTracker.newEpisodeAndStep(); } private final int DELAY_MS; private Agent[] connectedagents; private ThreadIntermediary[] agentIntermediaries; private Model model; private int step; private TurnTracker turnTracker; public Environment(Agent[] connectedagents, Model model, int seed, Configuration configuration) { this(connectedagents, model, readTurnTrackerFromPrefs(seed, configuration), configuration); } /** * Do some reflection to read the type of tracker to use and call its constructor with a random if possible, * and failing that, no argument. * @param seed * @return */ private static TurnTracker readTurnTrackerFromPrefs(int seed, Configuration configuration) { TurnTracker toReturn = null; String trackerName = configuration.getString("TurnTracker", "edu.cwru.sepia.environment.SimultaneousTurnTracker"); Class<?> trackerClass = null; try { trackerClass = Class.forName(trackerName); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to find class for TurnTracker " + trackerName, e); } try { toReturn = (TurnTracker) trackerClass.getConstructor(Random.class).newInstance(new Random(seed)); } catch (Exception e) { try { toReturn = (TurnTracker) trackerClass.getConstructor().newInstance(); } catch (Exception e1) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to create an instance of TurnTracker " + trackerName, e); } } if (toReturn == null) {"No TurnTracker was specified or instantiation failed; using SimultaneousTurnTracker"); return new SimultaneousTurnTracker(new Random(seed)); } else return toReturn; } public Environment(Agent[] connectedagents, Model model, TurnTracker turnTracker, Configuration configuration) { this.connectedagents = connectedagents; agentIntermediaries = new ThreadIntermediary[connectedagents.length]; for (int ag = 0; ag < connectedagents.length; ag++) { agentIntermediaries[ag] = new ThreadIntermediary(connectedagents[ag]); new Thread(agentIntermediaries[ag]).start(); } this.model = model; DELAY_MS = configuration.getInt("InterruptTime", -1); this.turnTracker = turnTracker; Integer[] players = model.getState().getView(Agent.OBSERVER_ID).getPlayerNumbers(); for (Integer player : players) { turnTracker.addPlayer(player); } turnTracker.newEpisodeAndStep(); model.setTurnTracker(turnTracker); } public final Agent[] getAgents() { return connectedagents; } public final Model getModel() { return model; } public final void runEpisode() throws InterruptedException { logger.fine("Running a new episode"); forceNewEpisode(); while (!isTerminated()) { step(); } terminalStep(); logger.fine("Episode terminated"); } public boolean isTerminated() { return model.isTerminated(); } /** * Step through an episode * @return Return whether it has terminated. * @throws InterruptedException */ public boolean step() throws InterruptedException { //grab states and histories StateView[] states = new StateView[connectedagents.length]; History.HistoryView[] histories = new History.HistoryView[connectedagents.length]; CountDownLatch[] actionLatches = new CountDownLatch[connectedagents.length]; boolean[] isAgentsTurn = new boolean[connectedagents.length]; long[] endTimes = new long[connectedagents.length]; for (int ag = 0; ag < connectedagents.length; ag++) { isAgentsTurn[ag] = turnTracker.isAgentsTurn(connectedagents[ag]); if (isAgentsTurn[ag]) { int playerNumber = connectedagents[ag].getPlayerNumber(); states[ag] = model.getState().getView(playerNumber); histories[ag] = model.getHistory().getView(playerNumber); endTimes[ag] = System.currentTimeMillis() + DELAY_MS; } } //And run them for (int ag = 0; ag < connectedagents.length; ag++) { if (isAgentsTurn[ag]) { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { logger.finer("Step " + step + ": Agent with player number: " + connectedagents[ag].getPlayerNumber() + "'s turn. " + (turnTracker.hasHadTurnBefore(connectedagents[ag].getPlayerNumber()) ? "Has had turn" : "First turn")); } actionLatches[ag] = agentIntermediaries[ag].submitState(states[ag], histories[ag], turnTracker.hasHadTurnBefore(connectedagents[ag].getPlayerNumber()) ? ThreadIntermediary.StateType.MIDDLE : ThreadIntermediary.StateType.INITIAL); } } for (int ag = 0; ag < connectedagents.length; ag++) { if (isAgentsTurn[ag]) { //Wait for the actions to be ready if (DELAY_MS >= 0) { //if there is a positive delay, only give it that long to process actionLatches[ag].await(endTimes[ag] - System.currentTimeMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } else { //if the delay is negative (IE: nonsense), wait as long as you need actionLatches[ag].await(); } //Get the responses Collection<Action> actionMapTemp = agentIntermediaries[ag].retrieveActions(); if (actionMapTemp != null) //If there were responses { Collection<Action> copy = new ArrayList<Action>(actionMapTemp); model.addActions(copy, connectedagents[ag].getPlayerNumber()); } } } logger.fine("Executing one step of the model"); model.executeStep(); step++; logger.fine("Notifying TurnTracker of new step"); turnTracker.newStep(); return model.isTerminated(); } public final void terminalStep() { logger.fine("Notifying agents of terminal step"); for (int i = 0; i < connectedagents.length; i++) { int playerNumber = connectedagents[i].getPlayerNumber(); connectedagents[i].terminalStep(model.getState().getView(playerNumber), model.getHistory().getView(playerNumber)); } } public int getStepNumber() { return step; } }