Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


Copyright (c) 2014 Andrew Rosenberg
This file is part of the AuToBI prosodic analysis package.
AuToBI is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
AuToBI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with AuToBI.  If not, see <>.

package edu.cuny.qc.speech.AuToBI;

import edu.cuny.qc.speech.AuToBI.core.*;
import jnt.FFT.RealDoubleFFT_Radix2;
import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.rank.Percentile;

import javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream;
import javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem;
import javax.sound.sampled.UnsupportedAudioFileException;
import java.util.ArrayList;

 * A class to extract Pitch from WavData using Paul Boersma's Sound_to_Pitch algorithm included in Praat.
 * <p/>
 * PitchExtractor can be used as a stand alone, entry point class or as an object within code.
 * <p/>
 * The main function reads a wave file and generates prints a listing of the pitch information to the console.
public class PitchExtractor extends SampledDataAnalyzer {

    private final static int NUM_VALUE_INTERPOLATE_NEAREST = 0;
    private final static int NUM_VALUE_INTERPOLATE_LINEAR = 1;
    private final static int NUM_VALUE_INTERPOLATE_CUBIC = 2;
    // Higher values than 2 yield a true sinc interpolation. Here are some examples:
    private final static int NUM_VALUE_INTERPOLATE_SINC70 = 70;
    private final static int NUM_VALUE_INTERPOLATE_SINC700 = 700;

    private final static int NUM_PEAK_INTERPOLATE_NONE = 0;
    private final static int NUM_PEAK_INTERPOLATE_PARABOLIC = 1;
    private final static int NUM_PEAK_INTERPOLATE_CUBIC = 2;
    private final static int NUM_PEAK_INTERPOLATE_SINC70 = 3;
    private final static int NUM_PEAK_INTERPOLATE_SINC700 = 4;

     * Constructs a new PitchExtractor and associate wave data to process.
     * @param wav the wave data.
    public PitchExtractor(WavData wav) {
        this.wav = wav;

     * Call Paul Boersma's getPitch with no parameters.
     * @return A list of TimeValuePairs containing pitch information
     * @throws edu.cuny.qc.speech.AuToBI.core.AuToBIException if there are problems
    public Contour soundToPitch() throws AuToBIException {
        // Default min and max pitch values.
        double min_pitch = 50;
        double max_pitch = 500;
        return soundToPitch(0.01, min_pitch, max_pitch);

     * Call Paul Boersma's getPitch function with default parameters
     * @param time_step The time step to extract values at
     * @param min_pitch The minimum valid pitch
     * @param max_pitch The maximum valid pitch
     * @return a list of pitch points
     * @throws AuToBIException if there are problems
    public Contour soundToPitch(double time_step, double min_pitch, double max_pitch) throws AuToBIException {
        return soundToPitchAc(time_step, min_pitch, 3.0, 15, 0.03, 0.45, 0.01, 0.35, 0.14, max_pitch);

     * Calls getPitch with no paramters, automatically setting the min and max values for more precise estimation.
     * <p/>
     * This is based on the DeLooze and Rauzy (Automatic Detection and Prediction of Topic Changes
     * Through Automatic Detection of Register variations and Pause Duration. De Looze and Rauzy. 2009)
     * It's usefulness was described by The importance of optimal parameter setting for pitch extraction. 2010. Acoustical
     * Society of America. Evanini, Lai and Zechner.
    public Contour soundToPitchTwoPass() throws AuToBIException {
        // initial min and max values.
        Contour c = soundToPitch(0.01, 50, 400);

        // identify relevant percentile values
        Percentile p = new Percentile();
        double[] values = new double[c.contentSize()];
        int i = 0;
        for (Pair<Double, Double> tvp : c) {
            values[i++] = tvp.second;
        double q35 = p.evaluate(values, 35.);
        double q65 = p.evaluate(values, 65.);

        // run getPitch again
        return soundToPitch(0.01, q35 * 0.72 - 10, q65 * 1.9 + 10);

     * A Java implementation of Paul Boersma's pitch extraction algorithm. Implemented in Praat, and called by To
     * Pitch(ac)...
     * @param time_step            The time step to extract pitch values at
     * @param min_pitch            The minimum valid pitch
     * @param periods_per_window   Number of periods per window
     * @param max_candidates       The number of pitch candidates to consider
     * @param silence_thresh       The silence threshold
     * @param voicing_thresh       The voicing threshold
     * @param octave_cost          The octave cost
     * @param octave_jump_cost     The octave jump cost
     * @param voiced_unvoiced_cost The voiced to unvoiced transition cost
     * @param max_pitch            THe maximum valid pitch
     * @return A list of TimeValuePairs containing pitch information
     * @throws AuToBIException if there's a problem
    public Contour soundToPitchAc(double time_step, double min_pitch, double periods_per_window, int max_candidates,
            double silence_thresh, double voicing_thresh, double octave_cost, double octave_jump_cost,
            double voiced_unvoiced_cost, double max_pitch) throws AuToBIException {
        double duration;
        double t0;
        int i, j;
        double dt_window; /* Window length in seconds. */
        int nsamp_window, halfnsamp_window; /* Number of samples per window. */
        int nFrames;
        int maximumLag;
        int iframe, nsampFFT;
        double frame[][];
        double ac[];
        double window[];
        double windowR[];
        double globalPeak;
        double interpolation_depth;
        int nsamp_period, halfnsamp_period; /* Number of samples in longest period. */
        int brent_ixmax, brent_depth;

        if (max_candidates < max_pitch / min_pitch)
            max_candidates = (int) Math.floor(max_pitch / min_pitch);

        if (time_step <= 0.0) {
            time_step = periods_per_window / min_pitch / 4.0; /* e.g. 3 periods, 75 Hz: 10 milliseconds. */

        // Exclusively implementing the AC_HANNING case
        brent_depth = NUM_PEAK_INTERPOLATE_SINC70;
        interpolation_depth = 0.5;
        duration = wav.getDuration();
        if (min_pitch < periods_per_window / duration) {
            throw new AuToBIException("For this Sound, the parameter 'minimum pitch' may not be less than "
                    + (periods_per_window / duration) + " Hz.");

        * Determine the number of samples in the longest period.
        * We need this to compute the local mean of the sound (looking one period in both directions),
        * and to compute the local peak of the sound (looking half a period in both directions).
        nsamp_period = (int) Math.floor(1 / wav.getFrameSize() / min_pitch);
        halfnsamp_period = nsamp_period / 2 + 1;

        if (max_pitch > 0.5 / wav.getFrameSize())
            max_pitch = 0.5 / wav.getFrameSize();

        * Determine window length in seconds and in samples.
        dt_window = periods_per_window / min_pitch;
        nsamp_window = (int) Math.floor(dt_window / wav.getFrameSize());
        halfnsamp_window = nsamp_window / 2 - 1;
        if (halfnsamp_window < 2) {
            throw new AuToBIException("Analysis window too short.");
        nsamp_window = halfnsamp_window * 2;

        * Determine the maximum lag.
        maximumLag = (int) (Math.floor(nsamp_window / periods_per_window) + 2);
        if (maximumLag > nsamp_window)
            maximumLag = nsamp_window;

        if (wav.getDuration() < dt_window) {
            throw new AuToBIException("Wav data is shorter than pitch analysis window.");

        Pair<Integer, Double> pair = getNFramesAndStartTime(time_step, dt_window);
        nFrames = pair.first;
        t0 = pair.second;

        * Create the resulting pitch contour.
        Contour pitch = new Contour(t0, time_step, nFrames);

        * Compute the global absolute peak for determination of silence threshold.
        globalPeak = 0.0;
        for (int channel = 0; channel < wav.numberOfChannels; ++channel) {
            double mean = 0.0;
            for (i = 0; i < wav.getNumSamples(); ++i) {
                mean += wav.getSample(channel, i);
            mean /= wav.getNumSamples();
            for (i = 0; i < wav.getNumSamples(); ++i) {
                double value = Math.abs(wav.getSample(channel, i) - mean);
                if (value > globalPeak)
                    globalPeak = value;
        if (globalPeak == 0.0) {
            return pitch;

        * Compute the number of samples needed for doing FFT.
        * To avoid edge effects, we have to append zeroes to the window.
        * The maximum lag considered for maxima is maximumLag.
        * The maximum lag used in interpolation is nsamp_window * interpolation_depth.
        nsampFFT = 1;
        while (nsampFFT < nsamp_window * (1 + interpolation_depth))
            nsampFFT *= 2;

        * Create buffers for autocorrelation analysis.
        frame = new double[wav.numberOfChannels][nsampFFT];

        windowR = new double[nsampFFT];
        window = new double[nsamp_window];
        ac = new double[nsampFFT];

        /* Hanning window. */
        for (i = 0; i < nsamp_window; i++) {
            window[i] = 0.5 - 0.5 * Math.cos((i + 1) * 2 * Math.PI / (nsamp_window + 1));

        * Compute the normalized autocorrelation of the window.
        for (i = 0; i < nsamp_window; i++) {
            windowR[i] = window[i];
        for (i = nsamp_window; i < nsampFFT; ++i) {
            windowR[i] = 0.0;

        // Forward FFT
        RealDoubleFFT_Radix2 window_fft = new RealDoubleFFT_Radix2(nsampFFT);

        windowR[0] *= windowR[0];
        for (i = 1; i < nsampFFT; ++i) {
            // calculate the power spectrum
            // absolute value of the fft
            if (i <= nsampFFT / 2) {
                // The real part
                windowR[i] = windowR[i] * windowR[i] + windowR[nsampFFT - i] * windowR[nsampFFT - i];
            } else {
                // The imaginary part
                windowR[i] = 0;

        for (i = 1; i < nsamp_window; i++) {
            windowR[i] = windowR[i] / windowR[0]; /* Normalize. */
        windowR[0] = 1.0;

        brent_ixmax = (int) (nsamp_window * interpolation_depth);
        int[] imax = new int[max_candidates];

        // Start to calculate pitch
        ArrayList<PitchFrame> pitchFrames = new ArrayList<PitchFrame>();
        for (iframe = 0; iframe < nFrames; iframe++) {

            // It's unclear to me what Sound_to_Pitch.c:224 means
            //  Pitch_Frame pitchFrame = & thy frame [iframe];
            // it seems as though there are two 'frame' variables.
            // 'thy frame' is an array of Pitch_Frames with nFrames elements
            // 'frame' is a channels by nsampFFT matrix

            PitchFrame pitchFrame = new PitchFrame();
            double t = indexToX(t0, time_step, iframe);
            double localPeak;
            int leftSample = xToLowIndex(0.0, wav.getFrameSize(), t);
            int rightSample = leftSample + 1;
            int startSample, endSample;

            double localMean[] = new double[wav.numberOfChannels];
            for (int channel = 0; channel < wav.numberOfChannels; ++channel) {
                * Compute the local mean; look one longest period to both sides.
                startSample = Math.max(0, rightSample - nsamp_period);
                endSample = Math.min(wav.getNumSamples(), leftSample + nsamp_period);

                localMean[channel] = 0.0;
                for (i = startSample; i <= endSample; i++) {
                    localMean[channel] += wav.getSample(channel, i);
                localMean[channel] /= 2 * nsamp_period;

                * Copy a window to a frame and subtract the local mean.
                * We are going to kill the DC component before windowing.
                startSample = Math.max(0, rightSample - halfnsamp_window);
                //endSample = Math.min(wav.getNumSamples()-1, leftSample + halfnsamp_window);
                for (j = 0, i = startSample; j < nsamp_window; j++)
                    frame[channel][j] = (wav.getSample(channel, i++) - localMean[channel]) * window[j];
                for (j = nsamp_window + 1; j < nsampFFT; j++)
                    frame[channel][j] = 0.0;

            * Compute the local peak; look half a longest period to both sides.
            localPeak = 0.0;
            if ((startSample = halfnsamp_window + 1 - halfnsamp_period) < 1) {
                startSample = 0;
            if ((endSample = halfnsamp_window + halfnsamp_period) > nsamp_window)
                endSample = nsamp_window;

            for (int channel = 0; channel < wav.numberOfChannels; ++channel) {
                for (j = startSample; j <= endSample; j++) {
                    double value = Math.abs(frame[channel][j]);
                    if (value > localPeak)
                        localPeak = value;

            pitchFrame.setIntensity(localPeak > globalPeak ? 1.0 : localPeak / globalPeak);

            * The FFT of the autocorrelation is the power spectrum.
            for (i = 0; i < nsampFFT; i++) {
                ac[i] = 0.0;

            for (int channel = 0; channel < wav.numberOfChannels; ++channel) {

                // FFT forward
                RealDoubleFFT_Radix2 frame_fft = new RealDoubleFFT_Radix2(nsampFFT);
                ac[0] += frame[channel][0] * frame[channel][0]; /* DC component. */
                for (i = 1; i < nsampFFT - 1; ++i) {
                    /* Power spectrum. */
                    if (i <= nsampFFT / 2) {
                        // The real part
                        ac[i] += frame[channel][i] * frame[channel][i]
                                + frame[channel][nsampFFT - i] * frame[channel][nsampFFT - i];
            // FFT backward
            RealDoubleFFT_Radix2 ac_fft = new RealDoubleFFT_Radix2(nsampFFT);

            * Normalize the autocorrelation to the value with zero lag,
            * and divide it by the normalized autocorrelation of the window.
            NegativeSymmetricList r = new NegativeSymmetricList();
            for (i = 0; i < brent_ixmax; i++) {
                r.add(ac[i + 1] / (ac[0] * windowR[i + 1]));

            * Register the first candidate, which is always present: voicelessness.
            pitchFrame.getCandidate(0).frequency = 0.0; // Voiceless: always present.
            pitchFrame.getCandidate(0).strength = 0.0;

            * Shortcut: absolute silence is always voiceless.
            * Go to next frame.
            if (localPeak == 0) {

            * Find the strongest maxima of the correlation of this frame,
            * and register them as candidates.
            imax[1] = 0;
            for (i = 1; i < maximumLag && i < brent_ixmax; i++) {
                if (r.get(i) > 0.5 * voicing_thresh && /* Not too unvoiced? */
                        r.get(i) > r.get(i - 1) && r.get(i) >= r.get(i + 1)) /* Maximum? */ {
                    int place = 0;

                    * Use parabolic interpolation for first estimate of frequency,
                    * and sin(x)/x interpolation to compute the strengths of this frequency.
                    double dr = 0.5 * (r.get(i + 1) - r.get(i - 1)),
                            d2r = 2 * r.get(i) - r.get(i - 1) - r.get(i + 1);

                    double frequencyOfMaximum = 1.0 / wav.getFrameSize() / (i + dr / d2r);
                    int offset = -brent_ixmax - 1;
                    double strengthOfMaximum = /* method & 1 ? */
                            interpolateSinc(r, offset, brent_ixmax - offset,
                                    1.0 / wav.getFrameSize() / frequencyOfMaximum - offset, 30)
                    /* : r [i] + 0.5 * dr * dr / d2r */;

                    /* High values due to short windows are to be reflected around 1. */
                    if (strengthOfMaximum > 1.0)
                        strengthOfMaximum = 1.0 / strengthOfMaximum;

                    * Find a place for this maximum.
                    if (pitchFrame.getNumCandidates() < max_candidates) { /* Is there still a free place? */
                        place = pitchFrame.getNumCandidates();
                    } else {
                        /* Try the place of the weakest candidate so far. */
                        double weakest = 1;
                        int iweak;
                        for (iweak = 1; iweak < max_candidates; ++iweak) {
                            /* High frequencies are to be favoured */
                            /* if we want to analyze a perfectly periodic signal correctly. */
                            double localStrength = pitchFrame.getCandidate(iweak).strength - octave_cost
                                    * Math.log(min_pitch / pitchFrame.getCandidate(iweak).frequency) / Math.log(2);
                            if (localStrength < weakest) {
                                weakest = localStrength;
                                place = iweak;
                        /* If this maximum is weaker than the weakest candidate so far, give it no place. */
                        if (strengthOfMaximum
                                - octave_cost * Math.log(min_pitch / frequencyOfMaximum) / Math.log(2) <= weakest) {
                            place = -1;
                    /* Have we found a place for this candidate? */
                    if (place >= 0) {
                        pitchFrame.getCandidate(place).frequency = frequencyOfMaximum;
                        pitchFrame.getCandidate(place).strength = strengthOfMaximum;
                        imax[place] = i;
            * Second pass: for extra precision, maximize sin(x)/x interpolation ('sinc').
            for (i = 1; i < pitchFrame.getNumCandidates(); i++) {
                if (pitchFrame.getCandidate(i).frequency > 0.0) {
                    double xmid;
                    double ymid;
                    int offset = -brent_ixmax - 1;

                    Pair<Double, Double> max_results = improveMaximum(r, offset, brent_ixmax - offset,
                            imax[i] - offset,
                            pitchFrame.getCandidate(i).frequency > 0.3 / wav.getFrameSize()
                                    ? NUM_PEAK_INTERPOLATE_SINC700
                                    : brent_depth);

                    ymid = max_results.first;
                    xmid = max_results.second;

                    xmid += offset;
                    pitchFrame.getCandidate(i).frequency = 1.0 / wav.getFrameSize() / xmid;

                    if (ymid > 1.0)
                        ymid = 1.0 / ymid;
                    pitchFrame.getCandidate(i).strength = ymid;
        } /* Next frame. */

        // Use path finding with constraints to find the lowest cost path through pitch candidates
        pitch = pathFinder(pitchFrames, silence_thresh, voicing_thresh, octave_cost, octave_jump_cost,
                voiced_unvoiced_cost, max_pitch, max_candidates, time_step, t0);

        return pitch;

     * Identify the lowest cost path through the PitchFrames given the supplied costs.  The result is a sequence of pitch
     * values corresponding to this lowest cost path through the candidates.
     * @param pitchFrames        The pitch frames with candidate frequencies and strengths
     * @param silenceThresh      a threshold to determine if a frame is silent or not
     * @param voicingThresh      a threshold to determine if a frame contains voicing or not.
     * @param octaveCost         a cost associated with a frequency an octave from the maximum pitch
     * @param octaveJumpCost     a cost associated with being an octave from the previous frame -- pitch halving and
     *                           doubling
     * @param voicedUnvoicedCost the cost for converting from voiced to unvoiced
     * @param maxPitch           The maximum pitch value
     * @param max_candidates     The maximum number of candidates for each frame
     * @param time_step          The timestep for each frame in PitchFrames
     * @param t0                 the time of the initial pitch frame
     * @return The most likely path through the pitch candidates.
    private PitchContour pathFinder(ArrayList<PitchFrame> pitchFrames, double silenceThresh, double voicingThresh,
            double octaveCost, double octaveJumpCost, double voicedUnvoicedCost, double maxPitch,
            int max_candidates, double time_step, double t0) {
        PitchContour pitch = new PitchContour(t0, time_step, pitchFrames.size());
        int place;
        double maximum, value;
        double delta[][];
        int psi[][];
        /* Next three lines 20011015 */
        double timeStepCorrection = 0.01 / time_step;
        octaveJumpCost *= timeStepCorrection;
        voicedUnvoicedCost *= timeStepCorrection;

        delta = new double[pitchFrames.size()][max_candidates];
        psi = new int[pitchFrames.size()][max_candidates];

        for (int iframe = 0; iframe < pitchFrames.size(); iframe++) {
            PitchFrame frame = pitchFrames.get(iframe);
            double unvoicedStrength = silenceThresh <= 0 ? 0
                    : 2 - frame.getIntensity() / (silenceThresh / (1 + voicingThresh));
            unvoicedStrength = voicingThresh + (unvoicedStrength > 0 ? unvoicedStrength : 0);
            for (int icand = 0; icand < frame.getNumCandidates(); ++icand) {
                PitchCandidate candidate = frame.getCandidate(icand);
                boolean voiceless = candidate.frequency == 0 || candidate.frequency > maxPitch;
                delta[iframe][icand] = voiceless ? unvoicedStrength
                        : candidate.strength - octaveCost * Math.log(maxPitch / candidate.frequency) / Math.log(2);

        /* Look for the most probable path through the maxima. */
        /* There is a cost for the voiced/unvoiced transition, */
        /* and a cost for a frequency jump. */

        for (int iframe = 1; iframe < pitchFrames.size(); iframe++) {
            PitchFrame prevFrame = pitchFrames.get(iframe - 1);
            PitchFrame curFrame = pitchFrames.get(iframe);
            double prevDelta[] = delta[iframe - 1];
            double curDelta[] = delta[iframe];
            int curPsi[] = psi[iframe];
            for (int icand2 = 0; icand2 < curFrame.getNumCandidates(); icand2++) {
                double f2 = curFrame.getCandidate(icand2).frequency;
                maximum = -1e30;
                place = 0;
                for (int icand1 = 0; icand1 < prevFrame.getNumCandidates(); icand1++) {
                    double f1 = prevFrame.getCandidate(icand1).frequency;
                    double transitionCost;
                    boolean previousVoiceless = f1 <= 0 || f1 >= maxPitch;
                    boolean currentVoiceless = f2 <= 0 || f2 >= maxPitch;
                    if (currentVoiceless) {
                        if (previousVoiceless) {
                            transitionCost = 0; // both voiceless
                        } else {
                            transitionCost = voicedUnvoicedCost; // voiced-to-unvoiced transition
                    } else {
                        if (previousVoiceless) {
                            transitionCost = voicedUnvoicedCost; // unvoiced-to-voiced transition
                        } else {
                            transitionCost = octaveJumpCost * Math.abs(Math.log(f1 / f2) / Math.log(2)); // both voiced
                    value = prevDelta[icand1] - transitionCost + curDelta[icand2];
                    if (value > maximum) {
                        maximum = value;
                        place = icand1;
                curDelta[icand2] = maximum;
                curPsi[icand2] = place;

        /* Find the end of the most probable path. */
        place = 0;
        maximum = delta[pitchFrames.size() - 1][place];
        for (int icand = 1; icand < pitchFrames.get(pitchFrames.size() - 1).getNumCandidates(); icand++) {
            if (delta[pitchFrames.size() - 1][icand] > maximum) {
                place = icand;
                maximum = delta[pitchFrames.size() - 1][place];

        /* Backtracking: follow the path backwards. */
        for (int iframe = pitchFrames.size() - 1; iframe >= 0; iframe--) {
            PitchFrame frame = pitchFrames.get(iframe);
            PitchCandidate help = frame.getCandidate(0);
            frame.setCandidate(0, frame.getCandidate(place));
            frame.setCandidate(place, help);
            place = psi[iframe][place];

        /* Pull formants: devoice frames with frequencies between maxPitch and ceiling2. */
        for (int i = 0; i < pitchFrames.size(); ++i) {
            if (pitchFrames.get(i).getCandidate(0).frequency > 0) { // voiced
                pitch.set(i, pitchFrames.get(i).getCandidate(0).frequency);
            // Set voicing strength whether voiced or unvoiced.
            pitch.setStrength(i, pitchFrames.get(i).getCandidate(0).strength);
        return pitch;

     * Update the maximum extimation using some interpolation strategy.
     * <p/>
     * In this implementation we only use sinc (sin(x)/x) interpolation.
     * @param r             The List to identify a new maximum for array to find the
     * @param offset        The starting point into r
     * @param nx            The size of the window to analyse to find a new maximum
     * @param ixmid         The index of the current maximum.
     * @param interpolation The interpolation strategy
     * @return a pair containing the new maximum value and its corresponding index in the x domain -- which may not
     * correspond to a valid index.
    private Pair<Double, Double> improveMaximum(NegativeSymmetricList r, int offset, int nx, int ixmid,
            int interpolation) {
        if (ixmid <= 0) {
            double ixmid_real = 0;
            return new Pair<Double, Double>(r.get(offset), ixmid_real);

        if (ixmid >= nx) {
            return new Pair<Double, Double>(r.get(nx + offset), (double) nx);
        if (interpolation <= NUM_PEAK_INTERPOLATE_NONE) {
            return new Pair<Double, Double>(r.get(ixmid + offset), (double) ixmid);

        if (interpolation == NUM_PEAK_INTERPOLATE_PARABOLIC) {
            double dy = 0.5 * (r.get(ixmid + 1 + offset) - r.get(ixmid - 1 + offset));
            double d2y = 2 * r.get(ixmid + offset) - r.get(ixmid - 1 + offset) - r.get(ixmid + 1 + offset);
            double ixmid_real = ixmid + dy / d2y;
            return new Pair<Double, Double>(r.get(ixmid) + 0.5 * dy * dy / d2y, ixmid_real);

        // Sinc interpolation
        int depth = interpolation == NUM_PEAK_INTERPOLATE_SINC70 ? 70 : 700;
        Pair<Double, Double> brent_results = minimizeBrent(r, offset, depth, nx, ixmid - 1, ixmid + 1, 1e-10);
        double ixmid_real = brent_results.first;
        return new Pair<Double, Double>(-brent_results.second, ixmid_real);

     * Use Brent's method to minimize the sinc interpolation function.
     * @param r      The array to find the minimum
     * @param offset the offset into r
     * @param depth  the maximum depth of interpolation
     * @param ixmax  the maximum index in the window used for interpolation
     * @param a      The current lower bound to analyse to find a new minimum
     * @param b      The current upper bound to analyse to find a new minimum
     * @param tol    a numerical tolerance term
     * @return a new minimum paired by the x value and the y value.
    private Pair<Double, Double> minimizeBrent(NegativeSymmetricList r, int offset, int depth, int ixmax, double a,
            double b, double tol) {

        final double NUM_goldenSection = 0.6180339887498948482045868343656381177203;
        final double epsilon = 0.00001;
        double x, v, fv, w, fw;
        final double golden = 1 - NUM_goldenSection;
        final double sqrt_epsilon = Math.sqrt(epsilon);
        long iter, itermax = 60;

        /* First step - golden section */

        v = a + golden * (b - a);
        fv = improve_evaluate(v, r, offset, ixmax, depth);
        x = v;
        w = v;
        double fx = fv;
        fw = fv;

        for (iter = 1; iter <= itermax; iter++) {
            double range = b - a;
            double middle_range = (a + b) / 2;
            double tol_act = sqrt_epsilon * Math.abs(x) + tol / 3;
            double new_step; /* Step at this iteration */

            if (Math.abs(x - middle_range) + range / 2 <= 2 * tol_act) {
                return new Pair<Double, Double>(x, fx);

            /* Obtain the golden section step */
            new_step = golden * (x < middle_range ? b - x : a - x);

            /* Decide if the parabolic interpolation can be tried   */
            if (Math.abs(x - w) >= tol_act) {
                   Interpolation step is calculated as p/q;
                   division operation is delayed until last moment.
                double p, q, t;

                t = (x - w) * (fx - fv);
                q = (x - v) * (fx - fw);
                p = (x - v) * q - (x - w) * t;
                q = 2 * (q - t);

                if (q > 0) {
                    p = -p;
                } else {
                    q = -q;

                   If x+p/q falls in [a,b], not too close to a and b,
                   and isn't too large, it is accepted.
                   If p/q is too large then the golden section procedure can
                   reduce [a,b] range.
                if (Math.abs(p) < Math.abs(new_step * q) && p > q * (a - x + 2 * tol_act)
                        && p < q * (b - x - 2 * tol_act)) {
                    new_step = p / q;

            /* Adjust the step to be not less than tolerance. */
            if (Math.abs(new_step) < tol_act) {
                new_step = new_step > 0 ? tol_act : -tol_act;

            /* Obtain the next approximation to min   and reduce the enveloping range */
            double t = x + new_step; /* Tentative point for the min   */
            double ft = improve_evaluate(t, r, offset, ixmax, depth);

                   If t is a better approximation, reduce the range so that
                   t would fall within it. If x remains the best, reduce the range
                   so that x falls within it.

            if (ft <= fx) {
                if (t < x) {
                    b = x;
                } else {
                    a = x;

                v = w;
                w = x;
                x = t;
                fv = fw;
                fw = fx;
                fx = ft;
            } else {
                if (t < x) {
                    a = t;
                } else {
                    b = t;

                if (ft <= fw || w == x) {
                    v = w;
                    w = t;
                    fv = fw;
                    fw = ft;
                } else if (ft <= fv || v == x || v == w) {
                    v = t;
                    fv = ft;
        return new Pair<Double, Double>(x, fx);

     * Improve the maximum value using sinewave interpolation rather than identifying the maximum value in the array r.
     * @param x      the index of the current maximum
     * @param r      the array containing the data
     * @param offset the offset to start analysing the data
     * @param ixmax  the length of the analysis window
     * @param depth  the maximum depth of the interpolation.
     * @return the new maximal value
    private double improve_evaluate(double x, NegativeSymmetricList r, int offset, int ixmax, int depth) {
        double y = interpolateSinc(r, offset, ixmax, x, depth);
        return -y;

     * Sinewave interpolation.
     * @param r      The data.
     * @param offset An offset into the data array to start from
     * @param nx     The highest index to analyze for the interpolation
     * @param x      The point to interpolate
     * @param depth  The maximum interpolation depth.
     * @return sinewave interpolation value
    private double interpolateSinc(NegativeSymmetricList r, int offset, int nx, double x, int depth) {
        int ix, midleft = (int) Math.floor(x), midright = midleft + 1, left, right;
        double result = 0.0, a, halfsina, aa, daa, cosaa, sinaa, cosdaa, sindaa;

        // Simple interpolation cases.
        if (nx < 1)
            return Double.NaN;
        if (x > nx)
            return r.get(nx + offset);
        if (x < 0)
            return r.get(offset);
        if (x == midleft)
            return r.get(midleft + offset);
        /* 1 < x < nx && x not integer: interpolate. */
        if (depth > midright - 1)
            depth = midright - 1;
        if (depth > nx - midleft)
            depth = nx - midleft;
            return r.get((int) Math.floor(x + 0.5));
        if (depth == NUM_VALUE_INTERPOLATE_LINEAR) {
            return r.get(midleft + offset) + (x - midleft) * (r.get(midright + offset) - r.get(midleft + offset));
        if (depth == NUM_VALUE_INTERPOLATE_CUBIC) {
            double yl = r.get(midleft + offset), yr = r.get(midright + offset);
            double dyl = 0.5 * (yr - r.get(midleft - 1 + offset)), dyr = 0.5 * (r.get(midright + 1 + offset) - yl);
            double fil = x - midleft, fir = midright - x;
            return yl * fir + yr * fil
                    - fil * fir * (0.5 * (dyr - dyl) + (fil - 0.5) * (dyl + dyr - 2 * (yr - yl)));

        left = midright - depth;
        right = midleft + depth;

        a = Math.PI * (x - midleft);
        halfsina = 0.5 * Math.sin(a);
        aa = a / (x - left + 1);
        cosaa = Math.cos(aa);
        sinaa = Math.sin(aa);
        daa = Math.PI / (x - left + 1);
        cosdaa = Math.cos(daa);
        sindaa = Math.sin(daa);
        for (ix = midleft; ix >= left; ix--) {
            double d = halfsina / a * (1.0 + cosaa), help;
            result += r.get(ix + offset) * d;
            a += Math.PI;
            help = cosaa * cosdaa - sinaa * sindaa;
            sinaa = cosaa * sindaa + sinaa * cosdaa;
            cosaa = help;
            halfsina = -halfsina;
        a = Math.PI * (midright - x);
        halfsina = 0.5 * Math.sin(a);
        aa = a / (right - x + 1);
        cosaa = Math.cos(aa);
        sinaa = Math.sin(aa);
        daa = Math.PI / (right - x + 1);
        cosdaa = Math.cos(daa);
        sindaa = Math.sin(daa);
        for (ix = midright; ix <= right; ix++) {
            double d = halfsina / a * (1.0 + cosaa), help;
            result += r.get(ix + offset) * d;
            a += Math.PI;
            help = cosaa * cosdaa - sinaa * sindaa;
            sinaa = cosaa * sindaa + sinaa * cosdaa;
            cosaa = help;
            halfsina = -halfsina;
        return result;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        File file = new File(args[0]);
        AudioInputStream soundIn = null;
        try {
            soundIn = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)));
        } catch (UnsupportedAudioFileException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {

        WavReader reader = new WavReader();
        WavData wav;
        try {

            if (args.length > 1) {
                wav =, Double.parseDouble(args[1]), Double.parseDouble(args[2]));
            } else {
                wav =;

            PitchExtractor pitchExtractor = new PitchExtractor(wav);
            PitchContour pitch = (PitchContour) pitchExtractor.soundToPitch();

            System.out.println("pitch points:" + pitch.size());

            for (int i = 0; i < pitch.size(); ++i) {
                System.out.println("point[" + i + "]: " + pitch.get(i) + " -- " + pitch.timeFromIndex(i) + ":"
                        + pitch.getStrength(i));
        } catch (AuToBIException e) {