Java tutorial
/* * JCAT - TAC Market Design Competition Platform * Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Jinzhong Niu, Kai Cai * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ package; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Observable; import java.util.Observer; import org.apache.commons.collections15.Buffer; import org.apache.commons.collections15.BufferUtils; import org.apache.commons.collections15.buffer.UnboundedFifoBuffer; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.cuny.event.Event; import edu.cuny.event.EventEngine; import edu.cuny.prng.GlobalPRNG; import edu.cuny.random.Uniform; import edu.cuny.util.Galaxy; import edu.cuny.util.ParamClassLoadException; import edu.cuny.util.Parameter; import edu.cuny.util.ParameterDatabase; import edu.cuny.util.Parameterizable; /** * <p> * A generic class featuring the common behavior of market (specialist) clients * and trader clients. * </p> * * <p> * <b>Parameters</b> * </p> * <table> * * <tr> * <td valign=top><i>base</i><tt>.type</tt><br> * <font size=-1>string beginning with <tt>SELLER</tt>, <tt>BUYER</tt>, or * <tt>SEPECIALIST</tt></font></td> * <td valign=top>the type of client</td> * </tr> * * <tr> * <td valign=top><i>base</i><tt>.id</tt><br> * <font size=-1>string</font></td> * <td valign=top>the id the client wants to be assigned (optional)</td> * </tr> * * <tr> * <td valign=top><i>base</i><tt>.conntrialmax</tt><br> * <font size=-1>int >=1 (<code>1000</code> by default)</font></td> * <td valign=top>the maximum number of attempts to connect to server</td> * </tr> * * <tr> * <td valign=top><i>base</i><tt>.logging</tt><br> * <font size=-1>boolean (<code>false</code> by default)</font></td> * <td valign=top>whether to generate logging info</td> * </tr> * * <tr> * <td valign=top><i>base</i><tt>.report</tt><br> * <font size=-1>class, inherits {@link GameReport}</font></td> * <td valign=top>a report collecting information on activiites on this market</td> * </tr> * * </table> * * <p> * <b>Default Base</b> * </p> * <table> * <tr> * <td valign=top><tt>game_client</tt></td> * </tr> * </table> * * @author Jinzhong Niu * @version $Revision: 1.72 $ * */ public abstract class GameClient implements Parameterizable, Runnable, ConnectionListener<CatpMessage>, AuctionEventListener, Observer { static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(GameClient.class); public static final String P_CONNECTION_TRIAL_MAX = "conntrialmax"; public static final String P_TYPE = "type"; public static final String P_ID = "id"; public static final String P_LOGGING = "logging"; public static final String P_REPORT = "report"; public static final String P_DEF_BASE = "game_client"; protected ClientConnector<CatpMessage> clientConnector; protected ReactiveConnection<CatpMessage> connection; /** * the maximal number of connection attempts to make */ protected int connTrialMax = 1000; /** * receives and processes event-dispatching tasks. */ protected Dispatcher dispatcher; protected LinkedList<AuctionEventListener> eventListeners; /** * self-initiated on-going sessions on current trading day. */ protected Buffer<CatpProactiveSession> proactiveSessions; /** * sessions that are possibly initiated by the server at the moment. */ protected CatpReactiveSession reactiveSessions[]; /** * the type of this client. */ protected String type; /** * the id of this client. */ protected String clientId; protected ClientRegistry registry; /** * data report. */ protected GameReport report; /** * the current catp tag that is used to validate the timestamp of messages. */ protected String tag = "init"; protected boolean logging = false; protected CatpInfrastructure infrast; protected EventEngine eventEngine; protected GlobalPRNG prng; /***************************************************************************** * * constructors and setup * ****************************************************************************/ public GameClient() { eventEngine = Galaxy.getInstance().getTyped(Game.P_CAT, EventEngine.class); prng = Galaxy.getInstance().getTyped(Game.P_CAT, GlobalPRNG.class); infrast = Galaxy.getInstance().getTyped(Game.P_CAT, CatpInfrastructure.class); clientConnector = infrast.createClientConnector(); dispatcher = new SynchronousDispatcher(); eventListeners = new LinkedList<AuctionEventListener>(); proactiveSessions = BufferUtils.synchronizedBuffer(new UnboundedFifoBuffer<CatpProactiveSession>()); registry = createRegistry(); addAuctionEventListener(this); addAuctionEventListener(registry); } protected abstract ClientRegistry createRegistry(); public void setup(final ParameterDatabase parameters, final Parameter base) { final Parameter defBase = new Parameter(GameClient.P_DEF_BASE); connTrialMax = parameters.getIntWithDefault(base.push(GameClient.P_CONNECTION_TRIAL_MAX), defBase.push(GameClient.P_CONNECTION_TRIAL_MAX), connTrialMax); type = parameters.getStringWithDefault(base.push(GameClient.P_TYPE), null, type); clientId = parameters.getStringWithDefault(base.push(GameClient.P_ID), null, null); logging = parameters.getBoolean(base.push(GameClient.P_LOGGING), null, false); try { report = parameters.getInstanceForParameter(base.push(GameClient.P_REPORT), defBase.push(GameClient.P_REPORT), GameReport.class); addAuctionEventListener(report); } catch (final ParamClassLoadException e) { report = null; } if ((report != null) && (report instanceof Parameterizable)) { ((Parameterizable) report).setup(parameters, base.push(GameClient.P_REPORT)); } } protected void cleanUpGamely() { clearPendingProactiveSessions(); } protected void cleanUpDaily() { clearPendingProactiveSessions(); } public String getId() { return clientId; } public void setId(final String clientId) { this.clientId = clientId; } public String getType() { return type; } public void setType(final String type) { this.type = type; } /** * Add a new market data report. * * @param newReport * The new report to add. */ public void addReport(final GameReport newReport) { if (report == null) { // no report available setReport(newReport); } else { if (!(report instanceof CombiGameReport)) { // current report is a primitive report, create a combi report final GameReport oldReport = report; setReport(new CombiGameReport()); ((CombiGameReport) report).addReport(oldReport); } ((CombiGameReport) report).addReport(newReport); } } public void setReport(final GameReport newReport) { removeAuctionEventListener(report); report = newReport; removeAuctionEventListener(newReport); addAuctionEventListener(report); } public GameReport getReport() { return report; } /***************************************************************************** * * connection related * ****************************************************************************/ protected void connectToServer() { int i = connTrialMax; loginfo(clientId + " (proposed) connecting to " + infrast + " ... "); Connection<CatpMessage> conn = null; while ((i--) >= 0) { try { conn = clientConnector.connect(); break; } catch (final ConnectionException e) { try { Thread.sleep(200); } catch (final InterruptedException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } catch (final Exception e) { GameClient.logger.error(e.toString()); } } if (conn == null) { GameClient.logger.error("Failed to connect to server after " + connTrialMax + " attempts!"); return; } else { connection = ListenableConnection.makeReactiveConnection(conn); try { connection.setListener(this);; } catch (final CatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); GameClient.logger.fatal(e.toString()); return; } } loginfo(clientId + " (proposed) connected."); } protected void close() { reactiveSessions = new CatpReactiveSession[] {}; proactiveSessions.clear(); try { connection.close(); loginfo(clientId + " closed connection."); } catch (final ConnectionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); GameClient.logger.fatal("Error in closing connection. ", e); } } public void run() { connectToServer(); if (connection == null) { return; } final CatpRequest request = CatpRequest.createRequest(CatpMessage.CHECKIN, new String[] { CatpMessage.TYPE, type, CatpMessage.VERSION, CatpMessage.CURRENT_VERSION }); if (clientId != null) { request.addHeader(CatpMessage.ID, clientId); } final CatpProactiveSession session = new CheckInSession(request); startProactiveSession(session); } /***************************************************************************** * * session related * ****************************************************************************/ protected void startProactiveSession(final CatpProactiveSession session) { proactiveSessions.add(session); try { session.sendRequest(); } catch (final CatException e) { proactiveSessions.remove(session); GameClient.logger.error("Failed to send request: \n" + session.getRequest()); } } protected void setExpectedReactiveSession(final CatpReactiveSession session) { setExpectedReactiveSessions(new CatpReactiveSession[] { session }); } protected void setExpectedReactiveSessions(final CatpReactiveSession sessions[]) { reactiveSessions = sessions; } protected void dectedAndRunReactiveSessions(final CatpRequest request, final CatpReactiveSession sessions[]) { CatpResponse response = null; CatpReactiveSession session = null; for (final CatpReactiveSession session2 : sessions) { try { session = (CatpReactiveSession) session2.clone(); session.processRequest(request); return; } catch (final CatpMessageException e) { if (session.isProcessed()) { final String s = "Failed in processing request from server in " + session.getClass().getSimpleName() + "."; try { if (e instanceof CatpMessageInvalidException) { response = CatpResponse.createResponse(CatpMessage.INVALID, new String[] { CatpMessage.TEXT, s + " Error:" + e.toString() }); response.setTag(request.getTag()); connection.sendMessage(response); } else if (e instanceof CatpMessageErrorException) { response = CatpResponse.createResponse(CatpMessage.ERROR, new String[] { CatpMessage.TEXT, s + " Error:" + e.toString() }); response.setTag(request.getTag()); connection.sendMessage(response); } GameClient.logger.error(s + " Request:\n" + request, e); } catch (final CatException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); GameClient.logger.error(s + "\n Failed to send error response as well.", e1); } close(); return; } } catch (final CatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); GameClient.logger.fatal(e); } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); GameClient.logger.fatal(e); } } } protected void clearPendingProactiveSessions() { final CatpProactiveSession sessions[] = proactiveSessions.toArray(new CatpProactiveSession[0]); if (sessions.length > 0) { "< Pending proactive sessions at " + getClass().getSimpleName() + " named " + getId() + "\n"); for (final CatpProactiveSession session : sessions) {" pending proactive session: " + session); }">\n"); for (final CatpProactiveSession session : sessions) { session.forceOut(); proactiveSessions.remove(session); } } } protected class CheckInSession extends CatpProactiveSession { public CheckInSession(final CatpRequest request) { super(connection, request); } public void processResponse(final CatpResponse response) throws CatException { super.processResponse(response); // tells the local server, if applicable, that I'm in ! eventEngine.dispatchEvent(GameClient.class, new Event(this, CatpMessage.CHECKIN)); if (response.getStatusCode().equalsIgnoreCase(CatpResponse.OK)) { final String id_assigned = response.getHeader(CatpMessage.ID); if ((id_assigned == null) || (id_assigned.length() == 0)) { /* proposed id passed by the server */ if (clientId == null) { /* if no proposed id, an id from server is expected. */ throw new CatpMessageErrorException("Client ID expected !"); } } else { /* use the id assigned by the server */ clientId = id_assigned; } setExpectedReactiveSessions(new CatpReactiveSession[] { new SyncSession(), new GameStartingSession(), new OracleSession("CheckedIn") }); dispatchEvent(new IdAssignedEvent(clientId)); reportDynamics("checked in"); loginfo(clientId + " checked in."); } else { throw new CatpMessageErrorException( "Unexpected " + response.getStatusCode() + " response received !"); } } public String toString() { return "CheckInSession"; } } protected class SubscribeToSpecialistSession extends CatpProactiveSession { private final String specialistIds[]; public SubscribeToSpecialistSession(final String specialistIds[]) { super(connection); this.specialistIds = specialistIds; setRequest(CatpRequest.createRequest(CatpMessage.SUBSCRIBE, new String[] { CatpMessage.ID, CatpMessage.concatenate(specialistIds) })); getRequest().setTag(tag); } public void processResponse(final CatpResponse response) throws CatException { super.processResponse(response); if (response.getStatusCode().equalsIgnoreCase(CatpResponse.OK)) { for (final String specialistId : specialistIds) { dispatchEvent(new SubscriptionEvent(getId(), specialistId)); } } else { /* * no longer throw exception, simply overlook the failure. * * this could be caused by the failure of a specialist to be subscribed. */ final CatpMessageErrorException e = new CatpMessageErrorException( "Unexpected " + response.getStatusCode() + " response received !"); e.printStackTrace(); } } } protected class GameStartingSession extends CatpReactiveSession { public GameStartingSession() { super(connection, CatpMessage.OPTIONS, CatpMessage.GAMESTARTING); } public void processRequest(final CatpRequest request) throws CatException { super.processRequest(request); printGameInfo(); tag = request.getTag(); setExpectedReactiveSessions(new CatpReactiveSession[] { new PostTraderSession(), new PostSpecialistSession(), new GameStartedSession(), new OracleSession("GameStarting") }); int[] durations = null; final GameStartingEvent event = new GameStartingEvent(); try { durations = CatpMessage.parseIntegers(request.getHeader(CatpMessage.VALUE)); if ((durations == null) || (durations.length != 2)) { GameClient.logger.error( "2 ints expected as day length and round length info in OPTIONS GameStarting request !"); } else { event.setDayLen(durations[0]); event.setRoundLen(durations[1]); } } catch (final CatException e) { GameClient.logger.error( "Failed to parse out day length and round length info in OPTIONS GameStarting request !", e); } addEventDispatchingTask(event); final CatpResponse response = CatpResponse.createResponse(CatpMessage.OK); response.setTag(request.getTag()); sendMessage(response); processEventDispatchingTasks(); } } protected class GameStartedSession extends CatpReactiveSession { public GameStartedSession() { super(connection, CatpMessage.OPTIONS, CatpMessage.GAMESTARTED); } public void processRequest(final CatpRequest request) throws CatException { super.processRequest(request); setExpectedReactiveSessions( new CatpReactiveSession[] { getDayOpeningSessionInstance(), new OracleSession("GameStarted") }); addEventDispatchingTask(new GameStartedEvent()); final CatpResponse response = CatpResponse.createResponse(CatpMessage.OK); response.setTag(request.getTag()); sendMessage(response); processEventDispatchingTasks(); } } protected class GameOverSession extends CatpReactiveSession { public GameOverSession() { super(connection, CatpMessage.OPTIONS, CatpMessage.GAMEOVER); } public void processRequest(final CatpRequest request) throws CatException { super.processRequest(request); tag = request.getTag(); cleanUpGamely(); setExpectedReactiveSessions( new CatpReactiveSession[] { new GameStartingSession(), new OracleSession("GameOver") }); addEventDispatchingTask(new GameOverEvent()); final CatpResponse response = CatpResponse.createResponse(CatpMessage.OK); response.setTag(request.getTag()); sendMessage(response); processEventDispatchingTasks(); } } protected abstract CatpReactiveSession getDayOpeningSessionInstance(); protected abstract CatpReactiveSession getDayOpenedSessionInstance(); protected class DayClosedSession extends CatpReactiveSession { public DayClosedSession() { super(connection, CatpMessage.OPTIONS, CatpMessage.DAYCLOSED); } public void processRequest(final CatpRequest request) throws CatException { super.processRequest(request); final String idList = request.getHeader(CatpMessage.ID); if (idList == null) { throw new CatpMessageErrorException( "Invalid specialist id list in " + reqType + " " + typeHeader + " request !"); } else { final String ids[] = CatpMessage.parseStrings(idList); final String popularityList = request.getHeader(CatpMessage.VALUE); final int popularities[] = CatpMessage.parseIntegers(popularityList); if (ids.length != popularities.length) { throw new CatpMessageErrorException( "Inconsistent popularity list in " + reqType + " " + typeHeader + " request !"); } Specialist specialist = null; for (final String id2 : ids) { specialist = registry.getSpecialist(id2); if (specialist == null) { GameClient.logger.debug("Unknown specialist " + id2 + " in " + reqType + " " + typeHeader + " request to " + clientId + " !"); } } cleanUpDaily(); setExpectedReactiveSessions(new CatpReactiveSession[] { new GameOverSession(), getDayOpeningSessionInstance(), new OracleSession("DayClosed") }); for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { specialist = registry.getSpecialist(ids[i]); if (specialist != null) { addEventDispatchingTask(new RegisteredTradersAnnouncedEvent(specialist, popularities[i])); } } final DayClosedEvent event = new DayClosedEvent(); event.setTime(CatpMessage.parseIntegers(request.getHeader(CatpMessage.TIME))); addEventDispatchingTask(event); final CatpResponse response = CatpResponse.createResponse(CatpMessage.OK); response.setTag(request.getTag()); sendMessage(response); processEventDispatchingTasks(); if (logging) { registry.printStatus(); } } } } protected class RoundOpenedSession extends CatpReactiveSession { public RoundOpenedSession() { super(connection, CatpMessage.OPTIONS, CatpMessage.ROUNDOPENED); } public void processRequest(final CatpRequest request) throws CatException { super.processRequest(request); final int time[] = CatpMessage.parseIntegers(request.getHeader(CatpMessage.TIME)); printRoundInfo(time[1]); final RoundOpenedEvent event = new RoundOpenedEvent(); event.setTime(time); addEventDispatchingTask(event); final CatpResponse response = CatpResponse.createResponse(CatpMessage.OK); response.setTag(request.getTag()); sendMessage(response); processEventDispatchingTasks(); } } protected class RoundClosingSession extends CatpReactiveSession { public RoundClosingSession() { super(connection, CatpMessage.OPTIONS, CatpMessage.ROUNDCLOSING); } public void processRequest(final CatpRequest request) throws CatException { super.processRequest(request); final RoundClosingEvent event = new RoundClosingEvent(); event.setTime(CatpMessage.parseIntegers(request.getHeader(CatpMessage.TIME))); addEventDispatchingTask(event); final CatpResponse response = CatpResponse.createResponse(CatpMessage.OK); response.setTag(request.getTag()); sendMessage(response); processEventDispatchingTasks(); } } protected class RoundClosedSession extends CatpReactiveSession { public RoundClosedSession() { super(connection, CatpMessage.OPTIONS, CatpMessage.ROUNDCLOSED); } public void processRequest(final CatpRequest request) throws CatException { super.processRequest(request); final RoundClosedEvent event = new RoundClosedEvent(); event.setTime(CatpMessage.parseIntegers(request.getHeader(CatpMessage.TIME))); addEventDispatchingTask(event); final CatpResponse response = CatpResponse.createResponse(CatpMessage.OK); response.setTag(request.getTag()); sendMessage(response); processEventDispatchingTasks(); } } protected class PostSession extends CatpReactiveSession { public PostSession(final String typeHeader) { super(connection, CatpMessage.POST, typeHeader); } } protected class PostFeeSession extends PostSession { public PostFeeSession() { super(CatpMessage.FEE); } public void processRequest(final CatpRequest request) throws CatException { super.processRequest(request); final String marketId = request.getHeader(CatpMessage.ID); Specialist specialist = null; double fees[] = null; if ((marketId == null) || (marketId.length() == 0)) { throw new CatpMessageErrorException( "Empty market id in " + reqType + " " + typeHeader + " request !"); } else if (registry.getSpecialist(marketId) == null) { GameClient.logger.error(marketId + " is not in " + clientId + "'s specialist list:"); GameClient.logger.error(registry.getSpecialistIds()); GameClient.logger.error("fees charged by " + marketId + " are disregarded !\n"); /* not a severe problem, do not throw an exception any more */ // throw new CatpMessageInvalidException("Invalid market id in " + // reqType // + " " + typeHeader + " request !"); } else { final String priceList = request.getHeader(CatpMessage.VALUE); fees = CatpMessage.parseDoubles(priceList); if ((fees == null) || (fees.length != 5)) { throw new CatpMessageErrorException( "Invalid price list in " + reqType + " " + typeHeader + " request !"); } specialist = registry.getSpecialist(marketId); } /* forward the event only when the specialist is known */ if (specialist != null) { specialist.setFees(fees); final FeesAnnouncedEvent event = new FeesAnnouncedEvent(specialist); addEventDispatchingTask(event); } final CatpResponse response = CatpResponse.createResponse(CatpMessage.OK); response.setTag(request.getTag()); sendMessage(response); processEventDispatchingTasks(); } } protected class PostClientListSession extends PostSession { protected String idList; public PostClientListSession(final String typeHeader) { super(typeHeader); } public void processRequest(final CatpRequest request) throws CatException { super.processRequest(request); idList = request.getHeader(CatpMessage.ID); if (idList == null) { throw new CatpMessageErrorException( "Valid ID header expected in " + reqType + " " + typeHeader + " request !"); } } } protected class PostTraderSession extends PostClientListSession { public PostTraderSession() { super(CatpMessage.TRADER); } public void processRequest(final CatpRequest request) throws CatException { super.processRequest(request); final String traderIds[] = CatpMessage.parseStrings(idList); final List<Trader> traderList = new LinkedList<Trader>(); Trader trader = null; for (final String traderId : traderIds) { trader = registry.getTrader(traderId); if (trader == null) { trader = registry.addTrader(traderId, null, traderId.toLowerCase().startsWith(CatpMessage.SELLER.toLowerCase())); } traderList.add(trader); } final AvailableTradersAnnouncedEvent event = new AvailableTradersAnnouncedEvent(traderList); addEventDispatchingTask(event); final CatpResponse response = CatpResponse.createResponse(CatpMessage.OK); response.setTag(request.getTag()); sendMessage(response); processEventDispatchingTasks(); } } protected class PostSpecialistSession extends PostClientListSession { public PostSpecialistSession() { super(CatpMessage.SPECIALIST); } public void processRequest(final CatpRequest request) throws CatException { super.processRequest(request); final String specialistIds[] = CatpMessage.parseStrings(idList); // NOTE: it's crucial to use a data structure that has predictable // iterating order to obtain reproducibility final List<Specialist> specialistList = new LinkedList<Specialist>(); Specialist specialist = null; for (final String specialistId : specialistIds) { specialist = registry.getSpecialist(specialistId); if (specialist == null) { specialist = registry.addSpecialist(specialistId); } specialistList.add(specialist); } final AvailableMarketsAnnouncedEvent event = new AvailableMarketsAnnouncedEvent(specialistList); addEventDispatchingTask(event); final CatpResponse response = CatpResponse.createResponse(CatpMessage.OK); response.setTag(request.getTag()); sendMessage(response); processEventDispatchingTasks(); } } protected class PostProfitSession extends PostSession { public PostProfitSession() { super(CatpMessage.PROFIT); } public void processRequest(final CatpRequest request) throws CatException { super.processRequest(request); final String idList = request.getHeader(CatpMessage.ID); if (idList == null) { throw new CatpMessageErrorException( "Null specialist id list in " + reqType + " " + typeHeader + " request !"); } else { final String ids[] = CatpMessage.parseStrings(idList); final String profitList = request.getHeader(CatpMessage.VALUE); final double profits[] = CatpMessage.parseDoubles(profitList); if (profits.length != ids.length) { throw new CatpMessageErrorException( "Inconsistent profit list in " + reqType + " " + typeHeader + " request !"); } for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { Specialist specialist = registry.getSpecialist(ids[i]); if (specialist == null) {"Unknown specialist " + ids[i] + " in " + reqType + " " + typeHeader + " request to " + clientId + " !"); specialist = registry.addSpecialist(ids[i]); } specialist.getAccount().setBalance(profits[i]); } } final Iterator<Specialist> iterator = registry.getSpecialists().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { addEventDispatchingTask(new ProfitAnnouncedEvent(; } final CatpResponse response = CatpResponse.createResponse(CatpMessage.OK); response.setTag(request.getTag()); sendMessage(response); processEventDispatchingTasks(); } } protected class PostShoutSession extends PostSession { public PostShoutSession(final String typeHeader) { super(typeHeader); } public void processRequest(final CatpRequest request) throws CatException { super.processRequest(request); final String idList = request.getHeader(CatpMessage.ID); final String ids[] = CatpMessage.parseStrings(idList); if ((ids == null) || (ids.length != 3)) { throw new CatpMessageErrorException( "Invalid id list in " + reqType + " " + typeHeader + " request !"); } else { try { final double price = request.getDoubleHeader(CatpMessage.VALUE); final Shout shout = new Shout(ids[0], 1, price, typeHeader.equals(CatpMessage.BID)); shout.setState(Shout.PLACED); Trader trader = registry.getTrader(ids[1]); if (trader == null) { GameClient.logger.error(shout.getId() + " came from unknown trader " + ids[1]); // record this unknown trader trader = registry.addTrader(ids[1], null, shout.isAsk()); } shout.setTrader(trader); Specialist specialist = registry.getSpecialist(ids[2]); if (specialist == null) { GameClient.logger.error(shout.getId() + " placed at an unknown specialist " + ids[2]); // record this unknown specialist specialist = registry.addSpecialist(ids[2]); } shout.setSpecialist(specialist); // trader client and market client behave differently here // postShoutReceived(shout); final Shout currentShout = registry.getShout(shout.getId()); if (currentShout != null) { if ((currentShout.getTrader() != null) && (shout.getTrader() != currentShout.getTrader())) { GameClient.logger.fatal("Posted shout already existing in local registry !" + " The two shouts are unexpectedly from different traders !"); GameClient.logger.fatal("shout: " + shout); GameClient.logger.fatal("currentShout: " + currentShout); } if (shout.getSpecialist() != currentShout.getSpecialist()) { GameClient.logger.fatal("Posted shout already existing in local registry !" + " The two shouts are unexpectedly associated with different specialists !"); GameClient.logger.fatal("shout: " + shout); GameClient.logger.fatal("currentShout: " + currentShout); } if (currentShout.isMatched()) { // this should never be reached ! GameClient.logger.fatal( "Posted shout came after its existing record in the local registry is set MATCHED at " + clientId + " !"); GameClient.logger.error("shout: " + shout); GameClient.logger.error("currentShout: " + currentShout); } } //"\t ----- Shouts ------ " + shouts.keySet()); if (Shout.TRACE) {"\t CSp: " + shout); } final AuctionEvent event = new ShoutPostedEvent(shout); final int time[] = CatpMessage.parseIntegers(request.getHeader(CatpMessage.TIME)); event.setTime(time); addEventDispatchingTask(event); final CatpResponse response = CatpResponse.createResponse(CatpMessage.OK); response.setTag(request.getTag()); sendMessage(response); } catch (final CatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); GameClient.logger.error(e); final CatpResponse response = CatpResponse.createResponse(CatpMessage.ERROR, new String[] { CatpMessage.TEXT, "Failed to obtain shout price in POST " + typeHeader + " message !" }); response.setTag(request.getTag()); sendMessage(response); } processEventDispatchingTasks(); } } } // /** // * This method should be implemented by {@link TraderClient} and // * {@link MarketClient} respectively to check the validity of the posted // * shout. // * // * @param shout // * the posted shout. // */ // protected abstract void postShoutReceived(Shout shout); protected class PostAskSession extends PostShoutSession { public PostAskSession() { super(CatpMessage.ASK); } } protected class PostBidSession extends PostShoutSession { public PostBidSession() { super(CatpMessage.BID); } } protected class PostTransactionSession extends PostSession { public PostTransactionSession() { super(CatpMessage.TRANSACTION); } public void processRequest(final CatpRequest request) throws CatException { super.processRequest(request); final String idList = request.getHeader(CatpMessage.ID); final String ids[] = CatpMessage.parseStrings(idList); if ((ids == null) || (ids.length != 4)) { throw new CatpMessageErrorException( "Invalid id list in " + reqType + " " + typeHeader + " request !"); } else { try { final String priceList = request.getHeader(CatpMessage.VALUE); final double prices[] = CatpMessage.parseDoubles(priceList); if ((prices == null) || (prices.length != 3)) { throw new CatpMessageErrorException( "Invalid price list in " + reqType + " " + typeHeader + " request !"); } else { final int quantity = 1; final int time[] = CatpMessage.parseIntegers(request.getHeader(CatpMessage.TIME)); Specialist specialist = registry.getSpecialist(ids[3]); if (specialist == null) { GameClient.logger.error( "Transaction " + ids[0] + " made at an unknown specialist " + ids[3] + " !"); // record this unknown specialist specialist = registry.addSpecialist(ids[3]); } final Shout ask = createPostedMatchedShout(ids[1], quantity, prices[1], false, specialist); final Shout bid = createPostedMatchedShout(ids[2], quantity, prices[2], true, specialist); final Transaction transaction = new Transaction(ids[0], ask, bid, prices[0]); transaction.setSpecialist(specialist); // trader client and market client behave differently here postTransactionReceived(transaction); AuctionEvent event = null; event = new TransactionPostedEvent(transaction); event.setTime(time); addEventDispatchingTask(event); final CatpResponse response = CatpResponse.createResponse(CatpMessage.OK); response.setTag(request.getTag()); sendMessage(response); } } catch (final CatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); GameClient.logger.error(e); final CatpResponse response = CatpResponse.createResponse(CatpMessage.ERROR, new String[] { CatpMessage.TEXT, "Failed to obtain transaction price in POST TRANSACTION message !" }); response.setTag(request.getTag()); sendMessage(response); } processEventDispatchingTasks(); } } protected Shout createPostedMatchedShout(final String shoutId, final int quantity, final double price, final boolean isBid, Specialist specialist) { final Shout matchedShout = GameClient.createMatchedShoutSimple(shoutId, quantity, price, isBid, specialist); final Shout recordedShout = registry.getShout(shoutId); if (recordedShout == null) { // no record of matched shout, error GameClient.logger.fatal(clientId + " does not have record of posted transacted shout !"); GameClient.logger.fatal("matchedShout: " + matchedShout); } else { // know this shout before checkAndUpdateMatchedShout(matchedShout, recordedShout); } return matchedShout; } } /** * creates a shout with a matched state. * * @param shoutId * @param quantity * @param price * @param isBid * @param specialist * @return the matched shout. */ protected static Shout createMatchedShoutSimple(final String shoutId, final int quantity, final double price, final boolean isBid, Specialist specialist) { final Shout matchedShout = new Shout(shoutId, quantity, price, isBid); matchedShout.setSpecialist(specialist); matchedShout.setState(Shout.MATCHED); return matchedShout; } /** * checks the information in a matched shout against the existing record. * * @param matchedShout * the matched shout * @param recordedShout * the existing record of the matched shout, which is from the local * registry */ protected void checkAndUpdateMatchedShout(Shout matchedShout, Shout recordedShout) { if (recordedShout.getSpecialist() == null) { // every shout should have a specialist set GameClient.logger.error("Null specialist in the previous record of the shout in a transaction !"); GameClient.logger.error("recordedShout: " + recordedShout); } else if (recordedShout.getSpecialist() != matchedShout.getSpecialist()) { GameClient.logger.error("Existing shout should have been placed at specialist " + matchedShout.getSpecialist().getId() + " that made the transaction !"); GameClient.logger.error("recordedShout: " + recordedShout); } if (recordedShout.getPrice() != matchedShout.getPrice()) { // modified shout not received, so local price not updated // show error message only, do not try to correct anything GameClient.logger.error("Existing record of matched shout has a different price from " + matchedShout.getPrice() + " in the transaction posted to " + clientId + " !"); GameClient.logger.error("recordedShout: " + recordedShout); } // use the trader info in the existing shout matchedShout.setTrader(recordedShout.getTrader()); } /** * This method should be implemented by {@link TraderClient} and * {@link MarketClient} respectively to check the validity of the posted * transaction. * * @param transaction * the posted transaction */ protected abstract void postTransactionReceived(Transaction transaction); /** * For a failed client to reconnect in and synchronize with the game. */ protected class SyncSession extends CatpReactiveSession { public SyncSession() { super(connection, null); } public void processRequest(final CatpRequest request) throws CatException { setProcessed(true); if (request == null) { throw new CatpMessageErrorException("Empty request received while synchronization."); } else if (CatpMessage.OPTIONS.equalsIgnoreCase(request.getType())) { if (CatpMessage.GAMESTARTING.equalsIgnoreCase(request.getHeader(CatpMessage.TYPE))) { /* this is a fresh start, pass on to GameStartingSession */ setProcessed(false); throw new CatpMessageErrorException( "Simply pass the request to the following GameStartingSession."); } else if (CatpMessage.DAYCLOSED.equalsIgnoreCase(request.getHeader(CatpMessage.TYPE))) { /* * reconnect and restart, sends events to do necessary initialization * and sync on day closed */ dispatchEvent(new GameStartingEvent()); dispatchEvent(new GameStartedEvent()); // do what POST SPECIALIST does based on info in OPTIONS DAYCLOSED final String idList = request.getHeader(CatpMessage.ID); String specialistIds[] = new String[0]; if (idList != null) { specialistIds = CatpMessage.parseStrings(idList); } for (final String specialistId : specialistIds) { if (registry.getSpecialist(specialistId) != null) { /* * possibly the original specialist list are available, so do not * overwrite */ } else { registry.addSpecialist(specialistId); } } /* TODO: use more ways to get latest specialist list */ final AvailableMarketsAnnouncedEvent event = new AvailableMarketsAnnouncedEvent( registry.getSpecialists()); dispatchEvent(event); setExpectedReactiveSessions(new CatpReactiveSession[] { new GameOverSession(), getDayOpeningSessionInstance(), new OracleSession("DayClosed") }); } /* end of day closed processing */ } /* end of options request processing */ /* always respond with OK */ final CatpResponse response = CatpResponse.createResponse(CatpMessage.OK); response.setTag(request.getTag()); sendMessage(response); } } /** * a session deals with all unexpected request. */ protected class OracleSession extends CatpReactiveSession { String state; public OracleSession(final String state) { super(connection, null); this.state = state; } public void processRequest(final CatpRequest request) throws CatException { setProcessed(true); if (!connection.isClosed()) { String responseType; if (request.getType().equalsIgnoreCase(CatpMessage.ASK) || request.getType().equalsIgnoreCase(CatpMessage.BID) || request.getType().equalsIgnoreCase(CatpMessage.POST)) { responseType = CatpMessage.INVALID; } else { responseType = CatpMessage.ERROR; } GameClient.logger .error(clientId + " failed in processing request following " + state + ": \n" + request); showSessions(reactiveSessions); final CatpResponse response = CatpResponse.createResponse(responseType, new String[] { CatpMessage.TYPE, CatpMessage.WRONGTIME, CatpMessage.TEXT, "Requested at a wrong time " + state + "." }); if (request.getTag() == null) { GameClient.logger.error("No tag found in request from server: \n" + request); } else { response.setTag(request.getTag()); } sendMessage(response); } } public String getState() { return state; } public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName() + "(" + state + ")"; } } /***************************************************************************** * * auction listener related * ****************************************************************************/ public void addAuctionEventListener(final AuctionEventListener listener) { if (!eventListeners.contains(listener)) { eventListeners.add(listener); } else { GameClient.logger.error("Attempts to add duplicate event listerners to " + clientId + " !"); } } public void removeAuctionEventListener(final AuctionEventListener listener) { if (eventListeners != null) { eventListeners.remove(listener); } else { GameClient.logger.warn("Failed in removing event listeners to " + clientId + " !"); } } protected void dispatchEvent(final AuctionEvent event) { addEventDispatchingTask(event); processEventDispatchingTasks(); } protected void addEventDispatchingTask(final AuctionEvent event) { /* consider resource pool of dispatching tasks in the future */ final EventDispatchingTaskOnClientSide task = new EventDispatchingTaskOnClientSide(eventListeners, event); task.addObserver(this); dispatcher.addTask(task); } protected void processEventDispatchingTasks() { dispatcher.process(); } public void update(final Observable o, final Object arg) { if (o instanceof EventDispatchingTaskOnClientSide) { // event dispatching failed final EventDispatchingTaskOnClientSide task = (EventDispatchingTaskOnClientSide) o; final AuctionEvent event = task.getEvent(); final AuctionEventListener listener = (AuctionEventListener) arg; // failed to dispatch event to listener // TODO: to deal with aftermath? GameClient.logger.error(clientId + " failed in dispatching " + event + " to " + listener + " !"); } } /***************************************************************************** * * message processing related * ****************************************************************************/ public synchronized void messageArrived(final CatpMessage msg) { CatpResponse response = null; CatpRequest request = null; if (msg == null) { if (!proactiveSessions.isEmpty()) { // catp connection problem occurred GameClient.logger.error("Error in " + clientId + " getting message from connection with server !"); } close(); } else { if (msg instanceof CatpResponse) { response = (CatpResponse) msg; if (proactiveSessions.isEmpty()) { GameClient.logger.error("Unexpected response received from server :\n" + response); close(); } else { final CatpProactiveSession session = proactiveSessions.remove(); try { session.processResponse(response); return; } catch (final CatpMessageException e) { e.printStackTrace(); GameClient.logger.error("Failed in " + session.getClass().getSimpleName() + " with the response from server : \n" + response, e); } catch (final CatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); GameClient.logger.fatal(e); } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); GameClient.logger.fatal("Exception while processing response: \n" + response, e); } close(); } } else { request = (CatpRequest) msg; dectedAndRunReactiveSessions(request, reactiveSessions); } } } /***************************************************************************** * * others * ****************************************************************************/ public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName(); } /***************************************************************************** * * debugging * ****************************************************************************/ protected void reportDynamics(final String info) { reportDynamics(clientId, info); } public void reportDynamics(final String clientId, final String info) { final Event te = new Event(clientId); te.setValue(ClientDynamicsReport.ID, clientId); te.setValue(ClientDynamicsReport.INFO, info); eventEngine.dispatchEvent(ClientDynamicsReport.class, te); } protected void showSessions(final Object sessions[]) { if (sessions.length > 0) {"< " + getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + clientId + "\n"); } for (final Object session : sessions) {"\t session: " + session.toString()); } if (sessions.length > 0) {">\n"); } } protected void printGameInfo() { loginfo("Game\n"); } protected void printDayInfo(final int day) { loginfo("\n Game day " + day + "\n"); // Added in March 21, 2012 to monitor the params within my valuers // UpdatingDailyRandomValuerGenerator valuer = new UpdatingDailyRandomValuerGenerator(); // valuer.getPrior(); // valuer.getPosterior(); // loginfo(valuer.toString()); } protected void printRoundInfo(final int round) { loginfo(" Game round " + round + "\n"); } protected void loginfo(final String msg) { if (logging) {; } } /***************************************************************************** * * methods for testing the impact of session timeout * ****************************************************************************/ /* * tells whether a timeout has occurred or not. */ boolean tried = false; protected void testMarketTimeout() { if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(CatpMessage.SPECIALIST) && clientId.equalsIgnoreCase("CH")) { testTimeout(); } } protected void testTraderTimeout() { if (clientId.equalsIgnoreCase("buyerZIC_19")) { testTimeout(); } } protected void testTimeout() { final Uniform uniform = new Uniform(0, 1, prng.getEngine()); if ((uniform.nextDouble() < 1) && !tried) { synchronized (uniform) { try { tried = true;"Triggering timeout ...\n"); // the time to wait should be no shorter than the length of session // timeout in parameter file uniform.wait(10000); } catch (final InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } }