Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Institute for Computational Biomedicine, * Weill Medical College of Cornell University * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.BooleanUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringBuilder; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.rosuda.JRI.REXP; import org.rosuda.JRI.RVector; import org.rosuda.JRI.Rengine; import java.util.Locale; /** * Java/R implementation of ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software Algorithm 643 * FEXACT. * <p> * This requires native R libraries and rJava to be installed. From the R * console enter: * <p> <em>install.packages('rJava')</em></p> * <p>When running the Java code, you need to add the R and rJava libraries to the library path. * For example on windows, add * <em>-Djava.library.path="C:\Program Files (x86)\R\R-2.10.1\library\rJava\jri"</em>. On * Unix, add the R and JRI paths to the <em>LD_LIBRARY_PATH</em> environment variable. * * @see <a href=""> *</a> * @see <a href="">The R Project for Statistical Computing</a> * @see <a href="">rJava</a> */ public final class FisherExact { /** * Used to log debug and informational messages. */ private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(FisherExact.class); /** * Error string indicating R was not able to execute the fisher test. */ private static final String R_NOT_AVAILABLE = "R is not available."; /** * Create a new fisher exact test object. */ private FisherExact() { super(); } /** * Performs Fisher's exact test for testing the null of independence of rows and columns * in a contingency table with fixed marginals. * <p/> * The order of the values in the table are "by column" so that if the array contains * (1,2,3,11,12,13) and nrows = 3, ncols = 2, the following matrix is created:<br/> * <pre> * C1 C2 * R1 1 11 * R2 2 12 * R3 3 13 * </pre> * * @param vector An array of integer values used to populate the matrtix to be evaluated. * @param nrows The number of rows in the resulting martrix * @param ncols The number of columns in the resulting matrix * @param alternativeHypothesis The alternative hypothesis to use for the calculation * @param hybrid Whether exact probabilities are computed (false) or a hybrid approximation * (true) is made (only used if the data is larger than a 2 by 2 table) * @return The result from the fisher test (should never be null) */ public static Result fexact(final int[] vector, final int nrows, final int ncols, final AlternativeHypothesis alternativeHypothesis, final boolean hybrid) { assert vector != null : "Input vector cannot be null"; assert vector.length > 0 : "Input vector cannot be empty"; assert nrows >= 2 && ncols >= 2 : "Must have at least 2 rows and columns"; final Result result; final Rengine rengine = GobyRengine.getInstance().getRengine(); if (rengine != null && rengine.isAlive()) { final boolean vectorAssignResult = rengine.assign("vector", vector); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Vector assigned: " + vectorAssignResult); final REXP vectorExpression = rengine.eval("vector"); LOG.debug("Vector: " + vectorExpression); } final StringBuilder fisherExpression = new StringBuilder(128); fisherExpression.append("fisher.test(matrix(vector,"); fisherExpression.append(nrows); fisherExpression.append(','); fisherExpression.append(ncols); fisherExpression.append("), hybrid="); fisherExpression.append(BooleanUtils.toStringTrueFalse(hybrid).toUpperCase(Locale.getDefault())); fisherExpression.append(", alternative=\""); fisherExpression.append(alternativeHypothesis); fisherExpression.append("\")"); final boolean is2x2 = nrows == 2 && ncols == 2; result = evaluateFisherExpression(rengine, fisherExpression.toString(), is2x2); } else { LOG.warn(R_NOT_AVAILABLE); result = new Result(); } return result; } /** * Performs Fisher's exact test for testing the null of independence of rows and columns * in a contingency table with fixed marginals. * <p/> * The order of the values in the table are "by column" so that if the array contains * (1,2,3,11,12,13) and nrows = 3, ncols = 2, the following matrix is created:<br/> * <pre> * C1 C2 * R1 1 11 * R2 2 12 * R3 3 13 * </pre> * * @param vector An array of integer values used to populate the matrtix to be evaluated. * @param nrows The number of rows in the resulting martrix * @param ncols The number of columns in the resulting matrix * @param alternativeHypothesis The alternative hypothesis to use for the calculation * @return The result from the fisher test (should never be null) */ public static Result fexact(final int[] vector, final int nrows, final int ncols, final AlternativeHypothesis alternativeHypothesis) { return fexact(vector, nrows, ncols, alternativeHypothesis, false); } /** * Performs Fisher's exact test using two input vectors. * * @param factor1 * @param factor2 * @param alternativeHypothesis The alternative hypothesis to use for the calculation * @param hybrid Wheter exact probabilities are computed (false) or a hybrid approximation * (true) is made * @return The result from the fisher test (should never be null) */ public static Result fexact(final int[] factor1, final int[] factor2, final AlternativeHypothesis alternativeHypothesis, final boolean hybrid) { assert factor1 != null && factor2 != null : "Input vector cannot be null"; assert factor1.length == factor2.length : "Length of the two input vectors must be equal"; final Result result; final Rengine rengine = GobyRengine.getInstance().getRengine(); if (rengine != null && rengine.isAlive()) { final boolean xAssignResult = rengine.assign("x", factor1); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("X assigned: " + xAssignResult); final REXP xExpression = rengine.eval("x"); LOG.debug("X: " + xExpression); } final boolean yAssignResult = rengine.assign("y", factor2); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Y assigned: " + yAssignResult); final REXP yExpression = rengine.eval("y"); LOG.debug("Y: " + yExpression); } final StringBuilder fisherExpression = new StringBuilder(128); fisherExpression.append("fisher.test(x, y, hybrid="); fisherExpression.append(BooleanUtils.toStringTrueFalse(hybrid).toUpperCase(Locale.getDefault())); fisherExpression.append(", alternative=\""); fisherExpression.append(alternativeHypothesis); fisherExpression.append("\")"); final boolean is2x2 = factor1.length == 2 && factor2.length == 2; result = evaluateFisherExpression(rengine, fisherExpression.toString(), is2x2); } else { LOG.warn(R_NOT_AVAILABLE); result = new Result(); // return an empty/default result object } return result; } /** * Pass the fisher expression to R for computation. * * @param rengine The R engine to use to calcuate the results. * @param fisherExpression The string representing the expression to evaluate. * @param is2x2matrix Whether or not the data being evaluated represents a 2x2 matrix * @return The results of the evaluation (may be null if an exception interrupts the calculation) */ private static Result evaluateFisherExpression(final Rengine rengine, final String fisherExpression, final boolean is2x2matrix) { // evaluate the R expression if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("About to evaluate: " + fisherExpression); } final REXP fisherResultExpression = rengine.eval(fisherExpression); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(fisherResultExpression); } if (fisherResultExpression == null) { return null; } // the result from R is a vector/map of values final RVector fisherResultVector = fisherResultExpression.asVector(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(fisherResultVector); } // extract the p-value final REXP pValueExpression ="p.value"); final double pValue; if (pValueExpression != null) { pValue = pValueExpression.asDouble(); } else { pValue = Double.NaN; } // extract the alternative hypothesis final REXP alternativeExpression ="alternative"); final String alternative = alternativeExpression.asString(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("alternative: " + alternative); } final AlternativeHypothesis alternativeHypothesis = AlternativeHypothesis .valueOf(StringUtils.remove(alternative, '.')); // some values are only returned when the input was a 2x2 matrix final double estimate; final double[] confidenceInterval; final double oddsRatio; if (is2x2matrix) { final REXP estimateExpression ="estimate"); if (estimateExpression != null) { estimate = estimateExpression.asDouble(); } else { estimate = Double.NaN; } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(estimateExpression); LOG.debug("estimate: " + estimate); } final REXP confidenceIntervalExpression =""); if (confidenceIntervalExpression != null) { confidenceInterval = confidenceIntervalExpression.asDoubleArray(); } else { confidenceInterval = ArrayUtils.EMPTY_DOUBLE_ARRAY; } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(confidenceIntervalExpression); LOG.debug("confidenceInterval: " + ArrayUtils.toString(confidenceInterval)); } final REXP oddsRatioExpression ="null.value"); if (oddsRatioExpression != null) { oddsRatio = oddsRatioExpression.asDouble(); } else { oddsRatio = Double.NaN; } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(oddsRatioExpression); LOG.debug("oddsRatio: " + ArrayUtils.toString(oddsRatio)); } } else { // these values are not present in the 2xN case estimate = Double.NaN; confidenceInterval = ArrayUtils.EMPTY_DOUBLE_ARRAY; oddsRatio = Double.NaN; } return new Result(pValue, confidenceInterval, estimate, oddsRatio, alternativeHypothesis); } /** * Performs Fisher's exact test for testing the null of independence of rows and columns * in a contingency table with fixed marginals. * <p/> * The order of the values in the table are "by row" so that if the array contains * (1,2,3,11,12,13) and nrows = 2, ncols = 3, the following matrix is created:<br/> * <pre> * C1 C2 C3 * R1 1 2 3 * R2 11 12 13 * </pre> * * @param vector An array of integer values used to populate the matrtix to be evaluated. * @param nrows The number of rows in the resulting matrix * @param ncols The number of columns in the resulting matrix * @return The result from the fisher test (should never be null) */ public static Result fexact(final int[] vector, final int nrows, final int ncols) { return fexact(vector, nrows, ncols, AlternativeHypothesis.twosided, false); } /** * Performs Fisher's exact test for testing the null of independence of rows and columns * in a contingency table with fixed marginals. * <p/> * The parameters to this method create a matrix of the following form. * <pre> * C1 C2 * R1 r1c1 r1c2 * R2 r2c1 r2c2 * </pre> * * @param r1c1 Value for row1/column1 of the contingency matrix * @param r2c1 Value for row1/column1 of the contingency matrix * @param r1c2 Value for row1/column2 of the contingency matrix * @param r2c2 Value for row2/column2 of the contingency matrix * @return The result from the fisher test (should never be null) */ public static Result fexact(final int r1c1, final int r2c1, final int r1c2, final int r2c2) { return fexact(new int[] { r1c1, r2c1, r1c2, r2c2 }, 2, 2); } public static Result fexactLesser(final int r1c1, final int r2c1, final int r1c2, final int r2c2) { return fexact(new int[] { r1c1, r2c1, r1c2, r2c2 }, 2, 2, AlternativeHypothesis.less, false); } /** * Calculates the 2-tailed p-value, using the the same input data parameters as * {@link gominer.Fisher#fisher(int, int, int, int)}. * * @param totalChanged The number of genes changed in the experiment N1 * @param changedInNode The number of genes changed in a particular node x * @param total The total number of genes in the experiment (changed and unchanged) N1+N2 * @param inNode The number of genes in the node (changed and unchanged) x+y * @return The computed 2-tailed p-value */ public static double twoTailed(final int totalChanged, final int changedInNode, final int total, final int inNode) { final int[] vector = new int[4]; vector[0] = changedInNode; vector[1] = totalChanged - changedInNode; vector[2] = inNode - changedInNode; vector[3] = (total - inNode) - (totalChanged - changedInNode); final Result result = fexact(vector, 2, 2, AlternativeHypothesis.twosided, false); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(result); } return result.getPValue(); } /** * Calculates the 1-tailed greater p-value, using the the same input data parameters as * {@link gominer.Fisher#fisher(int, int, int, int)}. * * @param totalChanged The number of genes changed in the experiment N1 * @param changedInNode The number of genes changed in a particular node x * @param total The total number of genes in the experiment (changed and unchanged) N1+N2 * @param inNode The number of genes in the node (changed and unchanged) x+y * @return The computed one-tailed p-value */ public static double greater(final int totalChanged, final int changedInNode, final int total, final int inNode) { final int[] vector = new int[4]; vector[0] = changedInNode; vector[1] = totalChanged - changedInNode; vector[2] = inNode - changedInNode; vector[3] = (total - inNode) - (totalChanged - changedInNode); final Result result = fexact(vector, 2, 2, AlternativeHypothesis.greater, false); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(result); } return result.getPValue(); } /** * Calculates the 1-tailed lesser p-value, using the the same input data parameters as * {@link gominer.Fisher#fisher(int, int, int, int)}. * * @param totalChanged The number of genes changed in the experiment N1 * @param changedInNode The number of genes changed in a particular node x * @param total The total number of genes in the experiment (changed and unchanged) N1+N2 * @param inNode The number of genes in the node (changed and unchanged) x+y * @return The computed one-tailed p-value */ public static double lesser(final int totalChanged, final int changedInNode, final int total, final int inNode) { final int[] vector = new int[4]; vector[0] = changedInNode; vector[1] = totalChanged - changedInNode; vector[2] = inNode - changedInNode; vector[3] = (total - inNode) - (totalChanged - changedInNode); final Result result = fexact(vector, 2, 2, AlternativeHypothesis.less, false); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(result); } return result.getPValue(); } /** * Indicates the alternative hypothesis used in the 2x2 case. */ public enum AlternativeHypothesis { /** * Two-sided tests are based on the probabilities of the tables, and take as "more extreme" * all tables with probabilities less than or equal to that of the observed table, the * p-value being the sum of such probabilities. */ twosided { /** * The value that R uses has a "." in the string which is not valid for Java enum. * @return The string value that R uses for "two sided" */ @Override public String toString() { return "two.sided"; } }, /** * For 2 by 2 tables, the null of conditional independence is equivalent to the * hypothesis that the odds ratio equals one. "Exact" inference can be based on * observing that in general, given all marginal totals fixed, the first element * of the contingency table has a non-central hypergeometric distribution with * non-centrality parameter given by the odds ratio (Fisher, 1935). The alternative * for a one-sided test is based on the odds ratio, so alternative = "greater" * is a test of the odds ratio being bigger than 1. */ greater, /** * For 2 by 2 tables, the null of conditional independence is equivalent to the * hypothesis that the odds ratio equals one. "Exact" inference can be based on * observing that in general, given all marginal totals fixed, the first element * of the contingency table has a non-central hypergeometric distribution with * non-centrality parameter given by the odds ratio (Fisher, 1935). The alternative * for a one-sided test is based on the odds ratio, so alternative = "less" * is a test of the odds ratio being smaller than 1. */ less } /** * Result from the fisher exact test. Note that some fields may only considered * valid when the input was a 2 by 2 contingency matrix. */ public static class Result { /** * Indicates that R did in fact return the results contained in this object. */ private final boolean valid; /** * The p-value returned by the test. */ private final double pValue; /** * A confidence interval for the odds ratio. Only present in the 2 by 2 case. */ private final double[] confidenceInterval; /** * An estimate of the odds ratio. Note that the conditional Maximum Likelihood * Estimate (MLE) rather than the unconditional MLE (the sample odds ratio) is used. * Only present in the 2 by 2 case. */ private final double estimate; /** * The odds ratio. Only present in the 2 by 2 case */ private final double oddsRatio; /** * Indicates the alternative hypothesis used to compute the result. * Only used in the 2 by 2 case. */ private final AlternativeHypothesis alternativeHypothesis; /** * Used to create an invalid result. */ private Result() { super(); this.pValue = Double.NaN; this.confidenceInterval = ArrayUtils.EMPTY_DOUBLE_ARRAY; this.estimate = Double.NaN; this.oddsRatio = Double.NaN; this.alternativeHypothesis = AlternativeHypothesis.twosided; valid = false; } /** * Used to create a result containing only pValues. All other fields are * set to default values. * * @param pValue The pValue of the result. */ public Result(final double pValue) { this(pValue, ArrayUtils.EMPTY_DOUBLE_ARRAY, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, AlternativeHypothesis.twosided); } /** * Used to create a result containing values returned by the R fisher exact method. * * @param pValue The pValue of the result. * @param confidenceInterval The confidence interval for the odds ratio. * @param estimate The estimate of the odds ratio * @param oddsRatio The odds ratio * @param alternativeHypothesis The alternative hypothesis used to compute the result */ public Result(final double pValue, final double[] confidenceInterval, final double estimate, final double oddsRatio, final AlternativeHypothesis alternativeHypothesis) { super(); this.pValue = pValue; this.confidenceInterval = confidenceInterval; this.estimate = estimate; this.oddsRatio = oddsRatio; this.alternativeHypothesis = alternativeHypothesis; valid = true; } /** * Indicates that R did in fact return the results contained in this object. * * @return whether or not values were actually computed or an error occurred */ public boolean isValid() { return valid; } /** * Get the p-value returned by the test or {@link Double#NaN} if R was not avaialble. * * @return The p-value */ public double getPValue() { return pValue; } /** * Get a confidence interval for the odds ratio. Will be an empty array if the input * was not a 2 by 2 matrix or R was not avaialble. * * @return A confidence interval for the odds ratio */ public double[] getConfidenceInterval() { return confidenceInterval; } /** * Get an estimate of the odds ratio. Will be {@link Double#NaN} if the input * was not a 2 by 2 matrix or R was not avaialble. * * @return An estimate of the odds ratio */ public double getEstimate() { return estimate; } /** * Get the odds ratio. Will be {@link Double#NaN} if the input * was not a 2 by 2 matrix or R was not avaialble. * * @return The odds ratio */ public double getOddsRatio() { return oddsRatio; } /** * Get the alternative hypothesis used to compute the result. Will be * {@link} if * the input was not a 2 by 2 matrix or R was not avaialble. * * @return the alternative hypothesis used to compute the result */ public AlternativeHypothesis getAlternativeHypothesis() { return alternativeHypothesis; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String toString() { return new ToStringBuilder(this).append("pValue", pValue) .append("confidenceInterval", confidenceInterval).append("estimate", estimate) .append("oddsRatio", oddsRatio).append("alternativeHypothesis", alternativeHypothesis) .append("valid", valid).toString(); } } }