Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Institute for Computational Biomedicine, * Weill Medical College of Cornell University * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import com.martiansoftware.jsap.JSAPException; import com.martiansoftware.jsap.JSAPResult; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntOpenHashSet; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntSet; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2ObjectMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectArraySet; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectList; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectOpenHashSet; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectSet; import; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; /** * Reads a compact alignment and determines Fisher P-values comparing pairs of samples within a group. * <p/> * @author Fabien Campagne * Date: May 4, 2010 * Time: 11:05:47 AM */ public class WithinGroupVariabilityMode extends AbstractGobyMode { /** * Used to log debug and informational messages. */ private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(WithinGroupVariabilityMode.class); /** * The mode name. */ private static final String MODE_NAME = "within-group-variability"; /** * The mode description help text. */ private static final String MODE_DESCRIPTION = "Estimate variability within groups for each element of differential expression."; private String[] inputFiles; private String[] basenames; /** * The output file for transcript counts. */ private String outputFile; /** * The output file giving summary statistics for differential expression between groups. */ private String statsFilename; private boolean doComparison; /* The set of normalization methods to use for the comparison. */ private ObjectArraySet<NormalizationMethod> normalizationMethods; private ObjectOpenHashSet<String> includeAnnotationTypes; private final boolean transcripts = false; @Override public String getModeName() { return MODE_NAME; } @Override public String getModeDescription() { return MODE_DESCRIPTION; } /** * Configure. * * @param args command line arguments * @return this object for chaining * @throws error parsing * @throws com.martiansoftware.jsap.JSAPException * error parsing */ @Override public AbstractCommandLineMode configure(final String[] args) throws IOException, JSAPException { final JSAPResult jsapResult = parseJsapArguments(args); inputFiles = jsapResult.getStringArray("input"); final ObjectSet<String> basenameSet = new ObjectOpenHashSet<String>(); for (final String inputFile : inputFiles) { basenameSet.add(AlignmentReaderImpl.getBasename(inputFile)); } basenames = basenameSet.toArray(new String[basenameSet.size()]); statsFilename = jsapResult.getString("stats"); outputFile = jsapResult.getString("output"); final String includeReferenceNameCommas = jsapResult.getString("include-reference-names"); includeReferenceNames = new ObjectOpenHashSet<String>(); if (includeReferenceNameCommas != null) { includeReferenceNames.addAll(Arrays.asList(includeReferenceNameCommas.split("[,]"))); System.out.println("Will write counts for the following sequences:"); for (final String name : includeReferenceNames) { System.out.println(name); } filterByReferenceNames = true; } parseAnnotations(jsapResult); return this; } private void parseAnnotations(final JSAPResult jsapResult) { annotationFile = jsapResult.getString("annotation"); final String includeAnnotationTypeCommas = jsapResult.getString("include-annotation-types"); includeAnnotationTypes = new ObjectOpenHashSet<String>(); if (includeAnnotationTypeCommas != null) { includeAnnotationTypes.addAll(Arrays.asList(includeAnnotationTypeCommas.split("[,]"))); for (final String name : includeAnnotationTypes) { if (name.equals("gene") || name.equals("other") || name.equals("exon")) { continue; } else { System.out.println("Please enter a valid annotation type. " + "Valid annotation types include gene, exon, and or other."); System.exit(1); } System.out.println("Will write counts for the following annotation types:"); System.out.println(name); } } } /** * The annotation file. */ private String annotationFile; private final DifferentialExpressionCalculator deCalculator = new DifferentialExpressionCalculator(); /** * Run the map2text mode. * * @throws error reading / writing */ @Override public void execute() throws IOException { // each sample belongs to its own group: for (final String sample : basenames) { final String basename = AlignmentReaderImpl.getBasename(FilenameUtils.getBaseName(sample)); deCalculator.defineGroup(basename); deCalculator.associateSampleToGroup(basename, basename); } System.out.println("Reading annotations from " + annotationFile); final Object2ObjectMap<String, ObjectList<Annotation>> allAnnots = CompactAlignmentToAnnotationCountsMode .readAnnotations(annotationFile); for (final String basename : basenames) { if (outputFile == null) { outputFile = basename; } if (transcripts) { processTranscriptAlignment(basename); } else { processOneBasename(allAnnots, basename); } outputFile = null; } PrintWriter statsOutput = null; try { statsOutput = new PrintWriter(statsFilename); DifferentialExpressionResults results = null; results = null; final NormalizationMethod method = new BullardUpperQuartileNormalization(); // evaluate differences between samples: int i = 0; int j = 0; final boolean[][] done = new boolean[basenames.length][basenames.length]; for (i = 0; i < basenames.length; i++) { for (j = 0; j < basenames.length; j++) { if (i != j && !done[i][j]) { final String sample1 = basenames[i]; final String sample2 = basenames[j]; // consider each pair of samples only once: final String basename1 = AlignmentReaderImpl .getBasename(FilenameUtils.getBaseName(sample1)); final String basename2 = AlignmentReaderImpl .getBasename(FilenameUtils.getBaseName(sample2)); method.normalize(deCalculator, basename1, basename2); results =, method, new FisherExactRCalculator(), basename1, basename2); done[i][j] = true; done[j][i] = true; } } } results =, method, new AverageFisherRCalculator()); if (results != null) { results.write(statsOutput, '\t', deCalculator); } else { System.out.println("No results were produced. Make sure R is configured properly."); } IOUtils.closeQuietly(statsOutput); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(statsOutput); } } private boolean filterByReferenceNames; private ObjectSet<String> includeReferenceNames; private void processOneBasename(final Object2ObjectMap<String, ObjectList<Annotation>> allAnnots, final String inputBasename) throws IOException { final AlignmentReaderImpl reader = new AlignmentReaderImpl(inputBasename); reader.readHeader(); final int numberOfReferences = reader.getNumberOfTargets(); final DoubleIndexedIdentifier referenceIds = new DoubleIndexedIdentifier(reader.getTargetIdentifiers()); reader.close(); System.out.println(String.format("Alignment contains %d reference sequences", numberOfReferences)); final AnnotationCount[] algs = new AnnotationCount[numberOfReferences]; final IntSet referencesToProcess = new IntOpenHashSet(); // create count writers, one for each reference sequence in the alignment: for (int referenceIndex = 0; referenceIndex < numberOfReferences; referenceIndex++) { final String referenceName = referenceIds.getId(referenceIndex).toString(); if (filterByReferenceNames) { if (includeReferenceNames.contains(referenceName)) { // subset of reference names selected by the command line: referencesToProcess.add(referenceIndex); } } else { // process each sequence: referencesToProcess.add(referenceIndex); } if (referencesToProcess.contains(referenceIndex)) { algs[referenceIndex] = new AnnotationCount(); algs[referenceIndex].getBaseCounter().startPopulating(); } } final AlignmentReader referenceReader = new AlignmentReaderImpl(inputBasename); referenceReader.readHeader(); // read the alignment: System.out.println("Loading alignment " + inputBasename + ".."); int numAlignedReadsInSample = 0; for (final Alignments.AlignmentEntry alignmentEntry : referenceReader) { final int referenceIndex = alignmentEntry.getTargetIndex(); if (referencesToProcess.contains(referenceIndex)) { final int startPosition = alignmentEntry.getPosition(); final int alignmentLength = alignmentEntry.getQueryAlignedLength(); //shifted the ends populating by 1 for (int i = 0; i < alignmentEntry.getMultiplicity(); ++i) { algs[referenceIndex].populate(startPosition, startPosition + alignmentLength); ++numAlignedReadsInSample; } } } reader.close(); final String sampleId = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(inputBasename); deCalculator.setNumAlignedInSample(sampleId, numAlignedReadsInSample); observeCounts(allAnnots, inputBasename, referenceIds, algs, referencesToProcess); } private void observeCounts(final Object2ObjectMap<String, ObjectList<Annotation>> allAnnots, final String inputBasename, final DoubleIndexedIdentifier referenceIds, final AnnotationCount[] algs, final IntSet referencesToProcess) throws IOException { // collect all element ids: int numberOfElements = 0; int numberOfGenes = 0; int numberOfExons = 0; int numberOfIntrons = 0; for (final int referenceIndex : referencesToProcess) { final String chromosomeName = referenceIds.getId(referenceIndex).toString(); if (!allAnnots.containsKey(chromosomeName)) { continue; } final ObjectList<Annotation> annots = allAnnots.get(chromosomeName); for (final Annotation annot : annots) { final String geneID = annot.getId(); final int numExons = annot.getSegments().size(); final int numberIntrons = numExons - 1; if (includeAnnotationTypes.contains("gene")) { final int index = deCalculator.defineElement(geneID, DifferentialExpressionCalculator.ElementType.GENE); deCalculator.defineElementLength(index, annot.getLength()); numberOfGenes++; numberOfElements++; } if (includeAnnotationTypes.contains("exon")) { for (int i = 0; i < numExons; i++) { final Segment exonSegment = annot.getSegments().get(i); final String exonID = exonSegment.getId(); final int index = deCalculator.defineElement(exonID, DifferentialExpressionCalculator.ElementType.EXON); deCalculator.defineElementLength(index, annot.getLength()); numberOfExons++; numberOfElements++; } } if (includeAnnotationTypes.contains("other")) { for (int i = 0; i < numExons; i++) { if (i < numberIntrons) { final Segment segment = annot.getSegments().get(i); final int intronStart = segment.getEnd() + 1; final Segment intronSegment = annot.getSegments().get(i + 1); final int intronEnd = intronSegment.getStart() - 1; final int intronLength = intronEnd - intronStart + 1; final String intronID = segment.getId() + "-" + intronSegment.getId(); final int index = deCalculator.defineElement(intronID, DifferentialExpressionCalculator.ElementType.OTHER); deCalculator.defineElementLength(index, intronLength); numberOfIntrons++; numberOfElements++; } } } } }"%d Genes %d exons %d other total %d ", numberOfGenes, numberOfExons, numberOfIntrons, numberOfElements)); deCalculator.reserve(numberOfElements, basenames.length); int numberOfAnottationCountsWritten = 0; for (final int referenceIndex : referencesToProcess) { final String chromosomeName = referenceIds.getId(referenceIndex).toString(); System.out.println("Observing counts for reference " + chromosomeName); if (!allAnnots.containsKey(chromosomeName)) { continue; } final ObjectList<Annotation> annots = allAnnots.get(chromosomeName); algs[referenceIndex].sortReads(); algs[referenceIndex].getBaseCounter().accumulate(); algs[referenceIndex].getBaseCounter().baseCount(); if (doComparison) { for (final Annotation annot : annots) { final String geneID = annot.getId(); deCalculator.defineElement(geneID); } } final String basename = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(inputBasename); final String sampleId = basename; for (final Annotation annot : annots) { final String geneID = annot.getId(); if (includeAnnotationTypes.contains("gene")) { final int geneStart = annot.getStart(); final int geneEnd = annot.getEnd(); final int geneLength = geneEnd - geneStart + 1; final float geneDepth = algs[referenceIndex].averageReadsPerPosition(geneStart, geneEnd); final double geneOverlapReads = algs[referenceIndex] .countReadsPartiallyOverlappingWithInterval(geneStart, geneEnd); final double geneInsideReads = algs[referenceIndex].countReadsStriclyWithinInterval(geneStart, geneEnd); final double geneExpression = algs[referenceIndex].geneExpressionCount(annot); final int numExons = annot.getSegments().size(); final double geneRPKM = deCalculator.calculateNormalized(geneOverlapReads, annot.getLength(), deCalculator.getNumAlignedInSample(sampleId)); numberOfAnottationCountsWritten++; deCalculator.observe(basename, geneID, geneExpression); } final int numberExons = annot.getSegments().size(); final int numberIntrons = numberExons - 1; // skip unnecessary computation if we don't need exon or intron info: if (includeAnnotationTypes.contains("exon") || includeAnnotationTypes.contains("other")) { for (int i = 0; i < numberExons; i++) { final Segment segment = annot.getSegments().get(i); final int exonStart = segment.getStart(); final int exonEnd = segment.getEnd(); final String exonStrand = segment.getStrand(); final int exonLength = segment.getLength(); final String exonID = segment.getId(); final float exonDepth = algs[referenceIndex].averageReadsPerPosition(exonStart, exonEnd); final double exonOverlapReads = algs[referenceIndex] .countReadsPartiallyOverlappingWithInterval(exonStart, exonEnd); final double exonInsideReads = algs[referenceIndex] .countReadsStriclyWithinInterval(exonStart, exonEnd); final double exonRPKM = deCalculator.calculateNormalized(exonOverlapReads, segment.getLength(), deCalculator.getNumAlignedInSample(sampleId)); if (includeAnnotationTypes.contains("exon")) { numberOfAnottationCountsWritten++; if (includeAnnotationTypes.contains("exon")) { deCalculator.observe(basename, exonID, exonOverlapReads); } } if (i < numberIntrons) { final int intronStart = segment.getEnd() + 1; final Segment intronSegment = annot.getSegments().get(i + 1); final int intronEnd = intronSegment.getStart() - 1; final int intronLength = intronEnd - intronStart + 1; final String intronID = segment.getId() + "-" + intronSegment.getId(); final float intronDepth = algs[referenceIndex].averageReadsPerPosition(intronStart, intronEnd); final double intronOverlapReads = algs[referenceIndex] .countReadsPartiallyOverlappingWithInterval(intronStart, intronEnd); final double intronInsideReads = algs[referenceIndex] .countReadsStriclyWithinInterval(intronStart, intronEnd); final double intronRPKM = deCalculator.calculateNormalized(intronOverlapReads, intronSegment.getLength(), deCalculator.getNumAlignedInSample(sampleId)); if (intronLength > 0) { if (includeAnnotationTypes.contains("intron")) { numberOfAnottationCountsWritten++; if (includeAnnotationTypes.contains("other")) { deCalculator.observe(basename, intronID, intronOverlapReads); } } } } } } } algs[referenceIndex] = null; }"Wrote " + numberOfAnottationCountsWritten + " entries"); if (numberOfAnottationCountsWritten == 0) { LOG.warn("No entries were written. This may be due to the fact that names " + "in the reference dataset used do not match those in the annotation file. " + "For example, ENSEMBL names chromosomes \"1\",\"2\",\"3\" whereas UCSC " + "names the same chromosomes \"chr1\",\"chr2\",\"chr3\". In these " + "cases you will need to adjust the names in the annotation file being used " + "so they match the names used in the reference dataset."); } } private void processTranscriptAlignment(final String basename) throws IOException { final AlignmentReaderImpl reader = new AlignmentReaderImpl(basename); PrintWriter outputWriter = null; try { outputWriter = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(outputFile)); // outputWriter.write("# One line per reference id. Count indicates the number of times a query \n" + // "# partially overlaps a target, given the various quality filters used to create the alignment.\n"); outputWriter.write("sampleId\treferenceId\tcount\tlog10(count+1)\tcumulativeBasesAligned\n"); reader.readHeader(); final int numberOfReferences = reader.getNumberOfTargets(); final int[] numberOfReadsPerReference = new int[numberOfReferences]; final int[] cumulativeBasesPerReference = new int[numberOfReferences]; System.out.printf("Scanning alignment %s%n", basename); for (final Alignments.AlignmentEntry alignmentEntry : reader) { ++numberOfReadsPerReference[alignmentEntry.getTargetIndex()]; cumulativeBasesPerReference[alignmentEntry.getTargetIndex()] += Math .min(alignmentEntry.getQueryAlignedLength(), alignmentEntry.getTargetAlignedLength()); } final IndexedIdentifier targetIds = reader.getTargetIdentifiers(); final DoubleIndexedIdentifier targetIdBackward = new DoubleIndexedIdentifier(targetIds); final String sampleId = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(basename); deCalculator.reserve(numberOfReferences, inputFiles.length); int numAlignedReadsInSample = 0; // define elements that will be tested for differential expression: for (int referenceIndex = 0; referenceIndex < numberOfReferences; ++referenceIndex) { final String transcriptId = targetIdBackward.getId(referenceIndex).toString(); final int index = deCalculator.defineElement(transcriptId, DifferentialExpressionCalculator.ElementType.TRANSCRIPT); deCalculator.defineElementLength(index, reader.getTargetLength(referenceIndex)); } // observe elements: for (int referenceIndex = 0; referenceIndex < numberOfReferences; ++referenceIndex) { outputWriter.printf("%s\t%s\t%d\t%g\t%d%n", basename, targetIdBackward.getId(referenceIndex), numberOfReadsPerReference[referenceIndex], Math.log10(numberOfReadsPerReference[referenceIndex] + 1), cumulativeBasesPerReference[referenceIndex]); final String transcriptId = targetIdBackward.getId(referenceIndex).toString(); deCalculator.observe(sampleId, transcriptId, numberOfReadsPerReference[referenceIndex]); numAlignedReadsInSample += numberOfReadsPerReference[referenceIndex]; } deCalculator.setNumAlignedInSample(sampleId, numAlignedReadsInSample); outputWriter.flush(); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(outputWriter); reader.close(); } } /** * Main method. * * @param args command line args. * @throws com.martiansoftware.jsap.JSAPException * error parsing * @throws error parsing or executing. */ public static void main(final String[] args) throws JSAPException, IOException { new WithinGroupVariabilityMode().configure(args).execute(); } }