Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Institute for Computational Biomedicine, * Weill Medical College of Cornell University * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import com.martiansoftware.jsap.JSAPException; import com.martiansoftware.jsap.JSAPResult; import*; import; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.bytes.ByteArrayList; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.chars.CharArraySet; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.chars.CharSet; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntArraySet; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntSet; import; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectOpenHashSet; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectSet; import it.unimi.dsi.lang.MutableString; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Random; /** * Reformat a compact file, possibly dropping identifiers, or descriptions, or splitting the file. * When a compact-reads file is split, reads in each split are renumbered (their readIndex * is changed), starting at zero for the first sequence of each split. This ensures that indices * are correctly concatenated back together. * * @author Fabien Campagne * Date: Apr 28, 2009 * Time: 6:03:56 PM */ public class ReformatCompactReadsMode extends AbstractGobyMode { private String[] inputFilenames; private boolean pushDescription; private boolean pushIdentifier; private String outputFile; private boolean mutateSequences; private int numberOfMismatches; private CharSet bases; private File readIndexFilterFile; /** * The mode name. */ private static final String MODE_NAME = "reformat-compact-reads"; /** * The mode description help text. */ private static final String MODE_DESCRIPTION = "This mode is used to reformat compact files, possibly dropping " + "identifiers, or descriptions, splitting the file in several pieces, or even trimming the sequence or " + "introducing mutations. When a compact-reads file is split, reads in each split are renumbered " + "(their read index is changed), starting at zero for the first sequence of each split. " + "This ensures that indices are correctly concatenated back together. "; private int sequencePerChunk = 10000; private boolean excludeSequences; private int sequencePerOutput = Integer.MAX_VALUE; /** * Any sequences shorter than this length will be excluded from the output. */ private int minReadLength; /** * Any sequences longer than this length will be excluded from the output. */ private int maxReadLength = Integer.MAX_VALUE; /** * Any sequences longer than this length will be cut to this length in the output. */ private int trimReadLength = Integer.MAX_VALUE; private final ObjectSet<String> outputFilenames = new ObjectOpenHashSet<String>(); /** * An "unset" value for startPosition and endPosition. */ private boolean hasStartOrEndPosition; /** * The start position for the reformat. */ private long startPosition; /** * The end position for the reformat. */ private long endPosition = Long.MAX_VALUE; /** * The number of bases to trim at the start of the sequence. */ private int trimReadStartLength = -1; /** * The writer to use to output the reformatted output, or null to create one on the fly. */ private ReadsWriter writer; @Override public String getModeName() { return MODE_NAME; } @Override public String getModeDescription() { return MODE_DESCRIPTION; } /** * Configure. * * @param args command line arguments * @return this object for chaining * @throws IOException error parsing * @throws JSAPException error parsing */ @Override public AbstractCommandLineMode configure(final String[] args) throws IOException, JSAPException { final JSAPResult jsapResult = parseJsapArguments(args); inputFilenames = jsapResult.getStringArray("input"); pushDescription = jsapResult.getBoolean("include-descriptions"); pushIdentifier = jsapResult.getBoolean("include-identifiers"); excludeSequences = jsapResult.getBoolean("exclude-sequences"); outputFile = jsapResult.getString("output"); sequencePerChunk = jsapResult.getInt("sequence-per-chunk"); sequencePerOutput = jsapResult.getInt("sequence-per-output", sequencePerOutput); minReadLength = jsapResult.getInt("minimum-read-length", minReadLength); maxReadLength = jsapResult.getInt("maximum-read-length", maxReadLength); trimReadLength = jsapResult.getInt("trim-read-length", trimReadLength); trimReadStartLength = jsapResult.getInt("trim-read-start", trimReadLength); mutateSequences = jsapResult.getBoolean("mutate-sequences"); numberOfMismatches = jsapResult.getInt("mismatch-number"); readIndexFilterFile = jsapResult.getFile("read-index-filter"); if (jsapResult.contains("start-position") || jsapResult.contains("end-position")) { hasStartOrEndPosition = true; startPosition = jsapResult.getLong("start-position", 0L); endPosition = jsapResult.getLong("end-position", Long.MAX_VALUE); if (startPosition == 0 && endPosition == 0) { endPosition = Long.MAX_VALUE; } } if (startPosition < 0L) { throw new JSAPException("Start position must not be less than zero"); } if (endPosition < 0L) { throw new JSAPException("End position must not be less than zero"); } if (startPosition > endPosition) { throw new JSAPException("Start position must not be greater than the end position"); } bases = new CharArraySet(); return this; } public void setReadIndexFilterFile(final File readIndexFilterFile) { this.readIndexFilterFile = readIndexFilterFile; } /** * Reformat compact reads. * * @throws IOException */ @Override public void execute() throws IOException { final int numToProcess = inputFilenames.length; int numProcessed = 0; final MutableString sequence = new MutableString(); final MutableString sequencePair = new MutableString(); ReadSet readIndexFilter = new ReadSet(); if (readIndexFilterFile == null) { readIndexFilter = null; } else { readIndexFilter.load(readIndexFilterFile); } for (final String inputFilename : inputFilenames) { int splitIndex = 0; final String outputBasename; final String outputFilename; // if there is only one input file to process if (numToProcess == 1 && StringUtils.isNotBlank(outputFile)) { outputBasename = outputFile; boolean hasCompactExtension = false; for (final String extension : FileExtensionHelper.COMPACT_READS_FILE_EXTS) { if (outputFile.endsWith(extension)) { hasCompactExtension = true; break; } } // if it already has a compact-reads extension leave it alone // otherwise build it based on the basename if (hasCompactExtension) { outputFilename = outputFile; } else { outputFilename = getOutputFilename(outputBasename, ++splitIndex); } } else { // there are a bunch of files to process so number them uniquely based on the name outputBasename = stripCompactReadExtensions(inputFilename); outputFilename = getOutputFilename(outputBasename, ++splitIndex); } if (inputFilename.equals(outputFilename)) { System.err.println("input cannot equal the output name"); System.exit(2); } System.out.printf("Converting [%d/%d] %s to %s%n", ++numProcessed, numToProcess, inputFilename, outputFilename); outputFilenames.add(outputFilename); // if the instance already has a writer, we write there: ReadsWriter writer = this.writer != null ? this.writer : new ReadsWriterImpl(new FileOutputStream(outputFilename)); writer.setNumEntriesPerChunk(sequencePerChunk); final ReadsReader readsReader; final FastBufferedInputStream inputFileStream = new FastBufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream(inputFilename)); if (hasStartOrEndPosition) { readsReader = new ReadsReader(startPosition, endPosition, inputFileStream); } else { readsReader = new ReadsReader(inputFileStream); } int entriesInOutputFile = 0; //DistinctIntValueCounterBitSet allEntries = new DistinctIntValueCounterBitSet(); int numReadsKept = 0; for (final Reads.ReadEntry entry : readsReader) { // allEntries.observe(entry.getReadIndex()); if (readIndexFilter == null || readIndexFilter.contains(entry.getReadIndex())) { final int readLength = entry.getReadLength(); if (readLength < minReadLength || readLength > maxReadLength) { continue; } //transfer meta-data: for (int i = 0; i < entry.getMetaDataCount(); i++) { final Reads.MetaData metaData = entry.getMetaData(i); writer.appendMetaData(metaData.getKey(), metaData.getValue()); } if (pushDescription && entry.hasDescription()) { writer.setDescription(entry.getDescription()); } if (pushIdentifier && entry.hasReadIdentifier()) { writer.setIdentifier(entry.getReadIdentifier()); } if (entry.hasSequence()) { ReadsReader.decodeSequence(entry, sequence); } if (entry.hasSequencePair()) { ReadsReader.decodeSequence(entry, sequencePair, true); } final ByteArrayList qualScores = ByteArrayList.wrap(entry.getQualityScores().toByteArray()); processSequenceAndQualityScores(sequence, qualScores); if (entry.hasSequence() && !excludeSequences) { writer.setSequence(sequence); } if (entry.hasQualityScores()) { writer.setQualityScores(qualScores.toByteArray()); } if (entry.hasSequencePair()) { final ByteArrayList pairQualScores = ByteArrayList .wrap(entry.getQualityScores().toByteArray()); processSequenceAndQualityScores(sequencePair, pairQualScores); if (entry.hasSequencePair() && !excludeSequences) { writer.setPairSequence(sequencePair); } if (entry.hasQualityScoresPair()) { writer.setQualityScoresPair(pairQualScores.toByteArray()); } } // Important: preserve the read index in the input entry: writer.appendEntry(entry.getReadIndex()); numReadsKept++; //writer.appendEntry(); entriesInOutputFile++; if (entriesInOutputFile > sequencePerOutput) { writer.close(); final String newOutputFilename = getOutputFilename(outputBasename, ++splitIndex); outputFilenames.add(newOutputFilename); System.out.printf("Splitting into %s%n", newOutputFilename); writer = new ReadsWriterImpl(new FileOutputStream(newOutputFilename)); writer.setNumEntriesPerChunk(sequencePerChunk); entriesInOutputFile = 0; } } } /* float rate = allEntries.count(); rate -= numReadsKept; rate /= allEntries.count(); if (readIndexFilter != null) System.out.printf("Percent reads redundant= %f3.2%% %n", rate); */ writer.close(); writer.printStats(System.out); } } private void processSequenceAndQualityScores(final MutableString sequence, final ByteArrayList qualityScores) { assert qualityScores.size() == 0 || sequence.length() == qualityScores.size() : " sequence and quality score length must match"; final int length = sequence.length(); final int qualScoreSize = qualityScores.size(); if (trimReadStartLength < 0) { trimReadStartLength = 0; } final int newLength = Math.min(length, trimReadLength) - trimReadStartLength; if (length == newLength) { // no trimming needed. return; } int j = 0; if (trimReadStartLength > 0) { for (int i = trimReadStartLength; i < length; i++) { sequence.charAt(j, sequence.charAt(i)); if (qualScoreSize != 0) { qualityScores.set(j, qualityScores.get(i)); } j += 1; } } sequence.setLength(newLength); if (qualScoreSize != 0) { qualityScores.size(newLength); } } private byte[] trimQualityScores(final byte[] qualityScores, int trimReadStartLength, final int trimReadLength, final int initialLength) { if (trimReadStartLength < 0) { trimReadStartLength = 0; } final int newLength = Math.min(initialLength, trimReadLength) - trimReadStartLength; if (initialLength == newLength) { // no trimming needed. return qualityScores; } if (qualityScores == null) { return null; } final byte[] trimmedScores = new byte[newLength]; System.arraycopy(qualityScores, trimReadStartLength + trimReadStartLength, trimmedScores, trimReadStartLength, newLength - trimReadStartLength); return trimmedScores; } /** * Introduce the given number of point mutations in the given sequence. * * @param sequence * @param numberOfMismatches */ private void mutate(final MutableString sequence, final int numberOfMismatches) { final int sequenceLength = sequence.length(); if (sequenceLength == 0) { // When there is no sequence, there is nothing to mutate. This is most notably true for // when there is no PAIR sequence. return; } for (final char base : sequence.toCharArray()) { bases.add(base); } if (sequenceLength < numberOfMismatches) { System.err.printf("Cannot introduce %d mismatches in a sequence that has only %d " + "residues. Skipping this sequence.\n", numberOfMismatches, sequenceLength); return; } final IntSet alreadyMutated = new IntArraySet(); final Random random = new Random(new Date().getTime()); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfMismatches; i++) { int mutationPosition; do { mutationPosition = chooseRandom(random, 0, sequenceLength - 1); } while (alreadyMutated.contains(mutationPosition)); char newBase; final char oldBase = sequence.charAt(mutationPosition); do { newBase = bases.toCharArray()[chooseRandom(random, 0, bases.size() - 1)]; // introduce the mutation: sequence.charAt(mutationPosition, newBase); } while (newBase == oldBase); alreadyMutated.add(mutationPosition); } } /** * @param lo lower limit of range * @param hi upper limit of range * @return a random integer in the range <STRONG>lo</STRONG>, * <STRONG>lo</STRONG>+1, ... ,<STRONG>hi</STRONG> */ private int chooseRandom(final Random random, final int lo, final int hi) { final double r = random.nextDouble(); final int result = (int) ((long) lo + (long) ((1L + (long) hi - (long) lo) * r)); assert result >= lo && result <= hi; return result; } private String getOutputFilename(final String outputBasename, final int splitIndex) { final boolean neverSplits = sequencePerOutput == Integer.MAX_VALUE; return outputBasename + (neverSplits ? "" : "-" + splitIndex) + ".compact-reads"; } /** * Get the filename including path WITHOUT fastx extensions (including .gz if it is there). * * @param name the full path to the file in question * @return the filename without the fastx/gz extensions or the same name of those extensions * weren't found. */ private static String stripCompactReadExtensions(final String name) { final String filename = FilenameUtils.getName(name); for (final String ext : FileExtensionHelper.COMPACT_READS_FILE_EXTS) { if (filename.endsWith(ext)) { return FilenameUtils.getFullPath(name) + filename.substring(0, filename.lastIndexOf(ext)); } } return name; } public void setInputFilenames(final String... filenames) { inputFilenames = filenames; } public void setInputFilenames(final File... files) { inputFilenames = new String[files.length]; int i = 0; for (final File in : files) { inputFilenames[i++] = in.getPath(); } } /** * Set the number of sequences per output file. * * @param sequencePerOutput number of sequences per output file. */ public void setSequencePerOutput(final int sequencePerOutput) { this.sequencePerOutput = sequencePerOutput; } /** * Returns the set of filenames where data was output. * * @return The list of filenames that were created as a result of the reformat operation */ public String[] getOutputFilenames() { return outputFilenames.toArray(new String[outputFilenames.size()]); } public void setOutputFile(final String output) { outputFile = output; } /** * Set the end position. This will stop copying records * ending at the endPosition. If endPosition is in the * middle of a record, this will copy to the end of that record. * * @param endPosition the start position */ public void setEndPosition(final long endPosition) { assert endPosition >= 0 : "End position must not be negative"; this.endPosition = endPosition; hasStartOrEndPosition = true; } /** * Get the end position. This will stop copying records * ending at the endPosition. If endPosition is in the * middle of a record, this will copy to the end of that record. * * @return the start position */ public long getEndPosition() { return endPosition; } /** * Set the start position. This will start copying records * starting at the startPosition. If startPosition is in the * middle of a record, this will advance to the start of the * next record. * * @param startPosition the start position */ public void setStartPosition(final long startPosition) { assert startPosition >= 0 : "Start position must not be negative"; this.startPosition = startPosition; hasStartOrEndPosition = true; } /** * Get the start position. This will start copying records * starting at the startPosition. If startPosition is in the * middle of a record, this will advance to the start of the * next record. * * @return the start position */ public long getStartPosition() { return startPosition; } public int getMinReadLength() { return minReadLength; } public void setMinReadLength(final int minReadLength) { this.minReadLength = minReadLength; } public int getMaxReadLength() { return maxReadLength; } public void setMaxReadLength(final int maxReadLength) { this.maxReadLength = maxReadLength; } public int getTrimReadLength() { return trimReadLength; } public void setTrimReadLength(final int trimReadLength) { this.trimReadLength = trimReadLength; } public int getSequencePerChunk() { return sequencePerChunk; } public void setSequencePerChunk(final int sequencePerChunk) { this.sequencePerChunk = sequencePerChunk; } public static void main(final String[] args) throws IOException, JSAPException { new ReformatCompactReadsMode().configure(args).execute(); } public void setWriter(final ReadsWriter writer) { this.writer = writer; } public void setTrimStart(final int startTrim) { this.trimReadStartLength = startTrim; } }