Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Institute for Computational Biomedicine, * Weill Medical College of Cornell University * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntArraySet; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntSet; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectArrayList; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.rosuda.JRI.Rengine; import; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * A Variant Call Format output to estimate methylation rates for a set of samples and find methylation rate differences * between group. * * @author Fabien Campagne * Date: April 4 2011 * Time: 2:38:13 AM */ public class MethylationRateVCFOutputFormat extends AbstractOutputFormat implements SequenceVariationOutputFormat, MethylationFormat { /** * Used to log debug and informational messages. */ private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(MethylationRateVCFOutputFormat.class); @RegisterThis public static final DynamicOptionClient doc = new DynamicOptionClient(MethylationRateVCFOutputFormat.class, EmpiricalPValueEstimator.LOCAL_DYNAMIC_OPTIONS, "window-length: int, length of the fixed genomic window used to detect DMR. Default 1000 bp:1000", "significance-threshold: double, significance threshold to consider a site significant for DMR detection purposes. Default 0.01:0.01"); private boolean writeFieldGroupAssociations = true; public static DynamicOptionClient doc() { return doc; } VCFWriter statWriter; private int refIdColumnIndex; private int positionColumnIndex; private boolean fisherRInstalled; private String[] groups; private String[] samples; private ObjectArrayList<ReadIndexStats> readIndexStats; private int log2OddsRatioColumnIndex[]; private int fisherExactPValueColumnIndex[]; private int numberOfGroups; private DifferentialExpressionAnalysis deAnalyzer; private DifferentialExpressionCalculator deCalculator; private int log2OddsRatioStandardErrorColumnIndex[]; private int log2OddsRatioZColumnIndex[]; private int deltaMRColumnIndex[]; int[] readerIndexToGroupIndex; private SitesInFixedWindow[] fixedWindow; private IntSet[] distinctReadIndicesCountPerGroup; private MethylCountInfo mci; private int numberOfSamples; private int biomartFieldIndex; private GenotypesOutputFormat genotypeFormatter; private int depthFieldIndex; private int[] methylatedCCountsIndex; private int[] notMethylatedCCountsIndex; private int methylationRateFieldIndex; private int[] methylationRatePerGroupIndex; private int strandFieldIndex; private ArrayList<GroupComparison> groupComparisons = new ArrayList<GroupComparison>(); private int convertedCytosineFieldIndex; private int unconvertedCytosineFieldIndex; private int convertedCytosinePlusFieldIndex; private int unconvertedCytosinePlusFieldIndex; private int convertedCytosineMinusFieldIndex; private int unconvertedCytosineMinusFieldIndex; private RandomAccessSequenceInterface genome; private int genomicContextIndex; private CharSequence chromosome; private int genomeReferenceIndex; private int[] empiricalPValueColumnIndex; private boolean estimateIntraGroupDifferences; private boolean estimateEmpiricalP; private OutputInfo outputInfo; private int[] lastOfDMRIndex; private double fixedWindowEmpiricalPSignificanceThreshold; @Override public void setMinimumEventThreshold(final int minimumEventThreshold) { this.minimumEventThreshold = minimumEventThreshold; } private int minimumEventThreshold = 1; public void defineColumns(final OutputInfo outputInfo, final DiscoverSequenceVariantsMode mode) { deAnalyzer = mode.getDiffExpAnalyzer(); deCalculator = mode.getDiffExpCalculator(); groups = mode.getGroups(); samples = mode.getSamples(); this.outputInfo = outputInfo; estimateIntraGroupDifferences = doc.getBoolean("estimate-intra-group-differences"); estimateEmpiricalP = doc.getBoolean("estimate-empirical-P"); fixedWindowEmpiricalPSignificanceThreshold = doc.getDouble("significance-threshold"); final int windowLength = doc.getInteger("window-length"); readerIndexToGroupIndex = mode.getReaderIndexToGroupIndex(); final ObjectArrayList<ReadIndexStats> readIndexStats = mode.getReadIndexStats(); final VCFWriter vcfWriter = new VCFWriter( estimateIntraGroupDifferences ? new NullWriter() : outputInfo.getPrintWriter()); this.statWriter = vcfWriter; groupComparisons = mode.getGroupComparisons(); int maxComparisonIndex = -1; for (final GroupComparison comparison : groupComparisons) { maxComparisonIndex = Math.max(comparison.index, maxComparisonIndex); } fixedWindow = new SitesInFixedWindow[maxComparisonIndex + 1]; for (final GroupComparison comparison : groupComparisons) { fixedWindow[comparison.index] = new SitesInFixedWindow(windowLength); } try { //activate R only if we need it: final Rengine rEngine = GobyRengine.getInstance().getRengine(); fisherRInstalled = rEngine != null && rEngine.isAlive(); } catch (java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError e) { System.out.println("Cannot initialize R"); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } if (groups.length < 1) { System.err.println("Methylation format requires at least one group."); System.exit(1); } this.readIndexStats = readIndexStats; log2OddsRatioColumnIndex = new int[groupComparisons.size()]; log2OddsRatioStandardErrorColumnIndex = new int[groupComparisons.size()]; log2OddsRatioZColumnIndex = new int[groupComparisons.size()]; fisherExactPValueColumnIndex = new int[groupComparisons.size()]; empiricalPValueColumnIndex = new int[groupComparisons.size()]; deltaMRColumnIndex = new int[groupComparisons.size()]; lastOfDMRIndex = new int[groupComparisons.size()]; numberOfGroups = groups.length; statWriter.setWriteFieldGroupAssociations(writeFieldGroupAssociations); biomartFieldIndex = statWriter.defineField("INFO", "BIOMART_COORDS", 1, ColumnType.String, "Coordinates for use with Biomart.", "biomart"); strandFieldIndex = statWriter.defineField("INFO", "Strand", 1, ColumnType.String, "Strand of the cytosine site on the reference sequence.", "genomic-coordinate"); genomicContextIndex = statWriter.defineField("INFO", "Context", 1, ColumnType.String, "Site genomic context", /* mark CpG context for indexing: */ "indexed"); for (GroupComparison comparison : groupComparisons) { log2OddsRatioColumnIndex[comparison.index] = statWriter.defineField("INFO", String.format("LOD[%s/%s]", comparison.nameGroup1, comparison.nameGroup2), 1, ColumnType.Float, String.format("Log2 of the odds-ratio of observing methylation in group %s versus group %s", comparison.nameGroup1, comparison.nameGroup2), "statistic"); log2OddsRatioStandardErrorColumnIndex[comparison.index] = statWriter.defineField("INFO", String.format("LOD_SE[%s/%s]", comparison.nameGroup1, comparison.nameGroup2), 1, ColumnType.Float, String.format("Standard Error of the log2 of the odds-ratio between group %s and group %s", comparison.nameGroup1, comparison.nameGroup2), "LOD", "statistic"); log2OddsRatioZColumnIndex[comparison.index] = statWriter.defineField("INFO", String.format("LOD_Z[%s/%s]", comparison.nameGroup1, comparison.nameGroup2), 1, ColumnType.Float, String.format("Z value of the odds-ratio between group %s and group %s", comparison.nameGroup1, comparison.nameGroup2), "LOD", "statistic"); fisherExactPValueColumnIndex[comparison.index] = statWriter.defineField("INFO", String.format("FisherP[%s/%s]", comparison.nameGroup1, comparison.nameGroup2), 1, ColumnType.Float, String.format( "Fisher exact P-value of observing as large a difference by chance between group %s and group %s.", comparison.nameGroup1, comparison.nameGroup2), "p-value"); deltaMRColumnIndex[comparison.index] = statWriter.defineField("INFO", String.format("Delta_MR[%s/%s]", comparison.nameGroup1, comparison.nameGroup2), 1, ColumnType.Integer, String.format("Absolute Difference in methylation between group %s and group %s", comparison.nameGroup1, comparison.nameGroup2), "statistic"); if (estimateEmpiricalP) { empiricalPValueColumnIndex[comparison.index] = statWriter.defineField("INFO", String.format("empiricalP[%s/%s]", comparison.nameGroup1, comparison.nameGroup2), 1, ColumnType.Float, String.format( "Empirical P-value of observing as large a difference by chance between group %s and group %s.", comparison.nameGroup1, comparison.nameGroup2), "p-value", "statistic", "indexed"); lastOfDMRIndex[comparison.index] = statWriter.defineField("INFO", String.format("DMR[%s/%s]", comparison.nameGroup1, comparison.nameGroup2), 1, ColumnType.Integer, String.format( "Number of significant sites observed in a fixed window of length %d before this significant site (inclusive). Comparing group %s and group %s.", windowLength, comparison.nameGroup1, comparison.nameGroup2), "DMR", "indexed"); } } methylationRatePerGroupIndex = new int[groups.length]; for (int groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < groups.length; groupIndex++) { methylationRatePerGroupIndex[groupIndex] = statWriter.defineField("INFO", String.format("MR[%s]", groups[groupIndex]), 1, ColumnType.Float, String.format("Methylation rate in group %s.", groups[groupIndex]), "MethylationRate"); } methylatedCCountsIndex = new int[groups.length]; notMethylatedCCountsIndex = new int[groups.length]; for (int groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < groups.length; groupIndex++) { notMethylatedCCountsIndex[groupIndex] = statWriter.defineField("INFO", String.format("#C_Group[%s]", groups[groupIndex]), 1, ColumnType.Integer, String.format("Number of unmethylated Cytosines at site in group %s.", groups[groupIndex]), "#C"); methylatedCCountsIndex[groupIndex] = statWriter.defineField("INFO", String.format("#Cm_Group[%s]", groups[groupIndex]), 1, ColumnType.Integer, String.format("Number of methylated Cytosines at site in group %s.", groups[groupIndex]), "#Cm"); } depthFieldIndex = statWriter.defineField("INFO", "DP", 1, ColumnType.Integer, "Total depth of sequencing across groups at this site", "Depth"); { // define one VCF 'sample' for each strand of each input sample: String[] sampleTwice = new String[samples.length * 2]; int sampleIndex = 0; for (String sample : samples) { sampleTwice[sampleIndex++] = "+|" + sample; } for (String sample : samples) { sampleTwice[sampleIndex++] = "-|" + sample; } statWriter.defineSamples(sampleTwice); } // define Genotype as first field (required by VCF specification): genotypeFormatter.defineGenotypeField(statWriter); methylationRateFieldIndex = statWriter.defineField("FORMAT", "MR", 1, ColumnType.Integer, "Methylation rate. 0-100%, 100% indicate fully methylated.", "MethylationRate"); convertedCytosineFieldIndex = statWriter.defineField("FORMAT", "C", 1, ColumnType.Integer, "Number of converted cytosines at site.", "#C"); unconvertedCytosineFieldIndex = statWriter.defineField("FORMAT", "Cm", 1, ColumnType.Integer, "Number of unconverted cytosines at site", "#Cm"); // setup empirical p-value estimator: String statName = doc.getString("statistic"); if (!statName.endsWith("_mci")) { // do not append several times statName = statName + "_mci"; } // override the stat name with the mci provider variant: doc.setValue("statistic", statName); empiricalPValueEstimator = new EmpiricalPValueEstimator(); empiricalPValueEstimator.configure(1, doc); empiricalPValueEstimator.setGroupEnumerator(new SamplePairEnumerator(readerIndexToGroupIndex, samples.length, groups.length, groupComparisons.size())); if (estimateIntraGroupDifferences || estimateEmpiricalP) { empiricalPValueEstimator.recordWithinGroupSamplePairs(groups); for (final GroupComparison comparison : groupComparisons) { empiricalPValueEstimator.recordBetweenGroupsSamplePairs(comparison); } } statWriter.writeHeader(); } @Override public void allocateStorage(final int numberOfSamples, final int numberOfGroups) { this.numberOfGroups = numberOfGroups; this.numberOfSamples = numberOfSamples; mci = new MethylCountInfo(numberOfSamples, numberOfGroups); distinctReadIndicesCountPerGroup = new IntSet[numberOfGroups]; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfGroups; i++) { distinctReadIndicesCountPerGroup[i] = new IntArraySet(); } genotypeFormatter = new GenotypesOutputFormat(); genotypeFormatter.allocateStorage(numberOfSamples, numberOfGroups); } @Override public void writeRecord(final DiscoverVariantIterateSortedAlignments iterator, final SampleCountInfo[] sampleCounts, final int referenceIndex, int position, final DiscoverVariantPositionData list, final int groupIndexA, final int groupIndexB) { final int oneBasedPosition = position + 1; final char refBase = sampleCounts[0].referenceBase; if (refBase != 'C' && refBase != 'G') { mci.reset(); return; } fillMethylationCountArrays(sampleCounts, list, oneBasedPosition, refBase, mci, readerIndexToGroupIndex); doEmpiricalP(mci, referenceIndex, position); if (estimateIntraGroupDifferences) { return; } if (mci.eventCountAtSite < minimumEventThreshold) { return; } statWriter.setInfo(depthFieldIndex, list.size()); final CharSequence currentReferenceId = iterator.getReferenceId(referenceIndex); statWriter.setChromosome(currentReferenceId); statWriter.setPosition(oneBasedPosition); statWriter.setReferenceAllele(Character.toString(sampleCounts[0].referenceBase)); // construct a biomart region span in the format chr:pos1:chr:pos final String biomartRegionSpan = String.format("%s:%s:%s", currentReferenceId, oneBasedPosition, oneBasedPosition); statWriter.setInfo(biomartFieldIndex, biomartRegionSpan); statWriter.setInfo(strandFieldIndex, Character.toString(mci.strandAtSite)); final String genomicContext = findGenomicContext(genomeReferenceIndex, oneBasedPosition); statWriter.setInfo(genomicContextIndex, genomicContext); for (int groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < numberOfGroups; groupIndex++) { statWriter.setInfo(notMethylatedCCountsIndex[groupIndex], mci.unmethylatedCCountPerGroup[groupIndex]); statWriter.setInfo(methylatedCCountsIndex[groupIndex], mci.methylatedCCountPerGroup[groupIndex]); statWriter.setInfo(methylationRatePerGroupIndex[groupIndex], getMR(groupIndex)); } for (int sampleIndex = 0; sampleIndex < numberOfSamples; sampleIndex++) { final float numerator = mci.methylatedCCountPerSample[sampleIndex]; final float denominator = numerator + mci.unmethylatedCCountPerSample[sampleIndex]; final float methylationRate = numerator * 100 / denominator; statWriter.setSampleValue(methylationRateFieldIndex, sampleIndex, Math.round(methylationRate)); statWriter.setSampleValue(unconvertedCytosineFieldIndex, sampleIndex, mci.methylatedCCountPerSample[sampleIndex]); statWriter.setSampleValue(convertedCytosineFieldIndex, sampleIndex, mci.unmethylatedCCountPerSample[sampleIndex]); } for (final GroupComparison comparison : groupComparisons) { final int indexGroup1 = comparison.indexGroup1; final int indexGroup2 = comparison.indexGroup2; final double denominator = (double) (mci.unmethylatedCCountPerGroup[indexGroup1]) * (double) (mci.methylatedCCountPerGroup[indexGroup2]); final double oddsRatio = denominator == 0 ? Double.NaN : ((double) (mci.unmethylatedCCountPerGroup[indexGroup2]) * (double) (mci.methylatedCCountPerGroup[indexGroup1])) / denominator; final double logOddsRatioSE; if (mci.methylatedCCountPerGroup[indexGroup1] < 10 || mci.methylatedCCountPerGroup[indexGroup2] < 10 || mci.unmethylatedCCountPerGroup[indexGroup1] < 10 || mci.unmethylatedCCountPerGroup[indexGroup2] < 10) { // standard error estimation is unreliable when any of the counts are less than 10. logOddsRatioSE = Double.NaN; } else { logOddsRatioSE = Math.sqrt(1d / mci.unmethylatedCCountPerGroup[indexGroup2] + 1d / mci.methylatedCCountPerGroup[indexGroup1] + 1d / mci.methylatedCCountPerGroup[indexGroup2] + 1d / mci.unmethylatedCCountPerGroup[indexGroup1]); } final double log2OddsRatio = Math.log(oddsRatio) / Math.log(2); final double log2OddsRatioZValue = log2OddsRatio / logOddsRatioSE; double fisherP = Double.NaN; if (mci.eventCountAtSite >= minimumEventThreshold) { // estimate Fisher only if we have seen at least 10 events. final boolean ok = checkCounts(); if (ok) { fisherP = fisherRInstalled ? FisherExactRCalculator.getFisherPValue( mci.unmethylatedCCountPerGroup[indexGroup2], mci.methylatedCCountPerGroup[indexGroup2], mci.unmethylatedCCountPerGroup[indexGroup1], mci.methylatedCCountPerGroup[indexGroup1]) : Double.NaN; } else { System.err.printf( "An exception was caught evaluating the Fisher Exact test P-value. Details are provided below%n" + "referenceId=%s referenceIndex=%d position=%d %n" + "unmethylatedCCountsPerGroup[1]=%d methylatedCCountPerGroup[1]=%d%n" + "unmethylatedCCountsPerGroup[0]=%d, methylatedCCountPerGroup[0]=%d", currentReferenceId, referenceIndex, position, mci.unmethylatedCCountPerGroup[indexGroup2], mci.methylatedCCountPerGroup[indexGroup2], mci.unmethylatedCCountPerGroup[indexGroup1], mci.methylatedCCountPerGroup[indexGroup1]); } } final double group1MR = getMR(indexGroup1); final double group2MR = getMR(indexGroup2); final int deltaMR = (int) Math.round(Math.abs(group1MR - group2MR)); statWriter.setInfo(log2OddsRatioColumnIndex[comparison.index], log2OddsRatio); statWriter.setInfo(log2OddsRatioStandardErrorColumnIndex[comparison.index], logOddsRatioSE); statWriter.setInfo(log2OddsRatioZColumnIndex[comparison.index], log2OddsRatioZValue); statWriter.setInfo(fisherExactPValueColumnIndex[comparison.index], fisherP); statWriter.setInfo(deltaMRColumnIndex[comparison.index], deltaMR); } genotypeFormatter.writeGenotypes(statWriter, sampleCounts, oneBasedPosition); for (int sampleIndex = 0; sampleIndex < numberOfSamples; sampleIndex++) { final int firstIndex = sampleIndex; final int secondIndex = convertIndex(sampleIndex, mci.strandAtSite); if (mci.strandAtSite == '+') { final int otherIndex = convertIndex(sampleIndex, '-'); statWriter.setSampleValue(methylationRateFieldIndex, otherIndex, "100"); statWriter.setSampleValue(convertedCytosineFieldIndex, otherIndex, "0"); statWriter.setSampleValue(unconvertedCytosineFieldIndex, otherIndex, "0"); statWriter.setSampleValue(genotypeFormatter.getGenotypeFieldIndex(), otherIndex, "0/0"); statWriter.setSampleValue(genotypeFormatter.getBaseCountFieldIndex(), otherIndex, "ignore"); statWriter.setSampleValue(genotypeFormatter.getFailBaseCountFieldIndex(), otherIndex, "ignore"); statWriter.setSampleValue(genotypeFormatter.getGoodBaseCountFieldIndex(), otherIndex, "0"); } else { statWriter.switchSampleValue(methylationRateFieldIndex, firstIndex, secondIndex, "100"); statWriter.switchSampleValue(convertedCytosineFieldIndex, firstIndex, secondIndex, "0"); statWriter.switchSampleValue(unconvertedCytosineFieldIndex, firstIndex, secondIndex, "0"); statWriter.switchSampleValue(genotypeFormatter.getGenotypeFieldIndex(), firstIndex, secondIndex, "0/0"); statWriter.switchSampleValue(genotypeFormatter.getBaseCountFieldIndex(), firstIndex, secondIndex, "ignore"); statWriter.switchSampleValue(genotypeFormatter.getFailBaseCountFieldIndex(), firstIndex, secondIndex, "ignore"); statWriter.switchSampleValue(genotypeFormatter.getGoodBaseCountFieldIndex(), firstIndex, secondIndex, "0"); } } statWriter.writeRecord(); } // calculate methylation rate in a group: private float getMR(int groupIndex) { float groupMR; final float totalCsObservedgroup1 = mci.methylatedCCountPerGroup[groupIndex] + mci.unmethylatedCCountPerGroup[groupIndex]; if (totalCsObservedgroup1 == 0) { groupMR = Float.NaN; } else { groupMR = (float) mci.methylatedCCountPerGroup[groupIndex] * 100f / totalCsObservedgroup1; } return groupMR; } EmpiricalPValueEstimator empiricalPValueEstimator; private void doEmpiricalP(final MethylCountInfo mci, int referenceIndex, int position) { if (estimateIntraGroupDifferences) { int groupIndex = 0; // use all groups available groups to estimate empirical p: for (String group : groups) { empiricalPValueEstimator.estimateNullDensity(0, groupIndex, mci); empiricalPValueEstimator.estimateNullDensity(0, groupIndex, mci); groupIndex++; } } if (estimateEmpiricalP) { for (final GroupComparison comparison : groupComparisons) { final double p = empiricalPValueEstimator.estimateEmpiricalPValue(0, comparison, mci); statWriter.setInfo(empiricalPValueColumnIndex[comparison.index], p); if (p <= fixedWindowEmpiricalPSignificanceThreshold) { fixedWindow[comparison.index].add(referenceIndex, position); } else { fixedWindow[comparison.index].prune(referenceIndex, position); } // record how many significant sites in the window before this site statWriter.setInfo(lastOfDMRIndex[comparison.index], fixedWindow[comparison.index].n()); } } } private double getDeltaMR(GroupComparison comparison, MethylCountInfo mci) { int Cma = mci.methylatedCCountPerGroup[comparison.indexGroup1]; int Cmb = mci.methylatedCCountPerGroup[comparison.indexGroup2]; int Ca = mci.unmethylatedCCountPerGroup[comparison.indexGroup1]; int Cb = mci.unmethylatedCCountPerGroup[comparison.indexGroup2]; double mra = 100d * ((double) Ca) / ((double) (Cma + Ca)); double mrb = 100d * ((double) Ca) / ((double) (Cma + Ca)); return Math.abs(mra - mrb); } private String findGenomicContext(int referenceIndex, int position) { int zeroBasedPos = position - 1; char currentBase = genome.get(referenceIndex, zeroBasedPos); int referenceLength = genome.getLength(referenceIndex); char nextBase = '?'; String tempContext = new StringBuilder().append('C').append('p').toString(); char concatBase = '?'; if (currentBase == 'C') { if (referenceLength == position) { return Character.toString(currentBase); } nextBase = genome.get(referenceIndex, (zeroBasedPos + 1)); concatBase = nextBase; } else { if (currentBase == 'G') { if (zeroBasedPos == 0) { return Character.toString(currentBase); } nextBase = genome.get(referenceIndex, (zeroBasedPos - 1)); switch (nextBase) { case 'C': concatBase = 'G'; break; case 'A': concatBase = 'T'; break; case 'T': concatBase = 'A'; break; case 'G': concatBase = 'C'; break; } } } tempContext = tempContext.concat(Character.toString(concatBase)); return tempContext; } private char flipStrand(final char strandAtSite) { if (strandAtSite == '+') { return '-'; } else { return '+'; } } private int convertIndex(final int sampleIndex, final char strandAtSite) { final int numSamples = samples.length; if (strandAtSite == '+') { return sampleIndex; } else { return sampleIndex + numSamples; } } @Override public void close() { statWriter.close(); if (estimateIntraGroupDifferences) { // when estimating intra-group differences, we serialize the estimator to the output. try { LOG.debug("Storing density to filename: " + outputInfo.getFilename());, outputInfo.getFilename()); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Unable to write estimator to file", e); } } } @Override public void setGenome(RandomAccessSequenceInterface genome) { this.genome = genome; } @Override public void setGenomeReferenceIndex(int index) { genomeReferenceIndex = index; } public static void fillMethylationCountArrays(final SampleCountInfo[] sampleCounts, final ObjectArrayList<PositionBaseInfo> list, final int position, final char refBase, final MethylCountInfo mci, final int[] readerIndexToGroupIndex) { mci.reset(); if (refBase == 'C') { mci.strandAtSite = '+'; } else if (refBase == 'G') { mci.strandAtSite = '-'; } for (final PositionBaseInfo info : list) { //@@@! only look at the strand that the read matches: if (refBase == 'G' && info.matchesForwardStrand) { continue; } if (refBase == 'C' && !info.matchesForwardStrand) { continue; } if (refBase == 'C' || refBase == 'G') { // readBase is always given in the forward strand.. final char readBase = info.matchesReference ? refBase :; final int sampleIndex = info.readerIndex; final int groupIndex = readerIndexToGroupIndex[sampleIndex]; if (readBase == refBase) { // C staying C on forward strand stayed so because they were either (1) methylated or (2) not converted. ++mci.methylatedCCountPerSample[sampleIndex]; ++mci.methylatedCCountPerGroup[groupIndex]; ++mci.eventCountAtSite; } else { // C became T on forward strand (G->A on reverse) indicates that the Cytosine was not methylated and was converted. ++mci.unmethylatedCCountPerSample[sampleIndex]; ++mci.unmethylatedCCountPerGroup[groupIndex]; ++mci.eventCountAtSite; } } } } private boolean checkCounts() { boolean ok = true; // detect if any count is negative (that's a bug) for (final int count : mci.unmethylatedCCountPerGroup) { if (count < 0) { ok = false; } } for (final int count : mci.methylatedCCountPerGroup) { if (count < 0) { ok = false; } } return ok; } }