Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Institute for Computational Biomedicine, * Weill Medical College of Cornell University * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import com.martiansoftware.jsap.JSAPException; import com.martiansoftware.jsap.JSAPResult; import*; import*; import; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.doubles.DoubleArrayList; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2IntMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2IntOpenHashMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntArraySet; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntSet; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.*; import it.unimi.dsi.lang.MutableString; import it.unimi.dsi.logging.ProgressLogger; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import*; import java.util.Collections; import; /** * Combines tab delimited or VCF formatted datasets and performs FDR adjustment on a set of P-value columns. Lines will always be ordered * in the output in the same order that the lines are read from the input. However, since each line is independent, this * mode garantees that sorting the output by a identifier column (unique for each line) will yield the same output * irrespective of the order in which the input files are presented to the mode. The FDR adjustment is done with a subset of * P-value kept in memory, and only the P-values. The data files are scanned a second time to read other columns and * produce the combined output. The fdr mode also has an option to keep the top lines (ranked by p-values), so that it is * also possible to examine the top hundred hits, even in cases when the adjusted q-value does not reach the pre-specified * threshold. * * @author Fabien Campagne * @since Goby 1.9 */ public class FalseDiscoveryRateMode extends AbstractGobyMode { /** * The mode name. */ private static final String MODE_NAME = "fdr"; /** * The mode description help text. */ private static final String MODE_DESCRIPTION = "Combines tab delimited or CVF datasets and performs FDR adjustment on a set of P-value columns."; /** * The output file. */ private String outputFilename; /** * The basename of the compact alignment. */ private String[] basenames; private double qValueThreshold; private String[] inputFiles; private String[] selectedPValueColumns; private ObjectArraySet<String> adjustedColumnIds = new ObjectArraySet<String>(); private boolean vcf; private int topHitNum; private int numIgnoredObservations; /** * Store a map between the element index in the input files, and the index of the element in the set we keep in memory. */ private Int2IntMap elementPermutation = new Int2IntOpenHashMap(); /** * The list of element indices to report as top hits. */ private IntArraySet topHitsElementIndices; private String[] columnSelectionFilter; @Override public String getModeName() { return MODE_NAME; } @Override public String getModeDescription() { return MODE_DESCRIPTION; } /** * Configure. * * @param args command line arguments * @return this object for chaining * @throws error parsing * @throws com.martiansoftware.jsap.JSAPException * error parsing */ @Override public AbstractCommandLineMode configure(final String[] args) throws IOException, JSAPException { final JSAPResult jsapResult = parseJsapArguments(args); inputFiles = jsapResult.getStringArray("input"); outputFilename = jsapResult.getString("output"); qValueThreshold = jsapResult.getDouble("q-threshold"); topHitNum = jsapResult.getInt("top-hits", 0); selectedPValueColumns = jsapResult.getStringArray("column"); columnSelectionFilter = jsapResult.getStringArray("column-selection-filter"); vcf = jsapResult.getBoolean("vcf"); return this; } /** * Combine tab delimited files and adjusts P-values for multiple testing. * * @throws error reading / writing */ @Override public void execute() throws IOException { Writer stream = null; try { stream = outputFilename == null ? new OutputStreamWriter(System.out) : outputFilename.endsWith(".gz") ? new OutputStreamWriter(new GZIPOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outputFilename))) : new FileWriter(outputFilename); // start with an array of size 1M. This improves loading time for large datasets. DifferentialExpressionResults data = new DifferentialExpressionResults(10000000); ObjectList<String> columnIdList = vcf ? getVCFColumns(inputFiles) : getTSVColumns(inputFiles); // supplement selectedPValueColumns with the columns that match the selection filters: ObjectSet<String> selection = new ObjectOpenHashSet<String>(); selection.addAll(ObjectArrayList.wrap(selectedPValueColumns)); for (String col : columnIdList) { selection.addAll(ObjectArrayList.wrap(selectedPValueColumns)); for (String filter : columnSelectionFilter) { if (col.contains(filter)) { selection.add(col); System.out.printf("Adding column %s to the selected columns.%n", col); } } System.out.println("column: " + col); } selectedPValueColumns = selection.toArray(new String[selection.size()]); DifferentialExpressionCalculator deCalculator = new DifferentialExpressionCalculator(); if (vcf) { loadVCF(inputFiles, data, deCalculator, columnIdList); } else { loadTSV(inputFiles, data, deCalculator, columnIdList); } // data.write(new PrintWriter(System.out), '\t', deCalculator); BenjaminiHochbergAdjustment fdr = new BenjaminiHochbergAdjustment(); fdr.setNumberAboveThreshold(numIgnoredObservations); for (String column : selectedPValueColumns) { System.out.println("adjusting column: " + column); fdr.adjust(data, column.toLowerCase()); } recordTopHits(data); for (int i = 0; i < data.getNumberOfStatistics(); i++) { MutableString statisticId = data.getStatisticIdForIndex(i); final String statId = statisticId.toString(); if (!contains(selectedPValueColumns, statId)) { adjustedColumnIds.add(statId); } } Collections.sort(data, new ElementIndexComparator()); if (vcf) { combineVCF(inputFiles, data, deCalculator, columnIdList, stream); } else { combineTSV(inputFiles, data, deCalculator, columnIdList, stream); } } finally { if (outputFilename != null) { IOUtils.closeQuietly(stream); } } } private void recordTopHits(final DifferentialExpressionResults data) { topHitsElementIndices = new IntArraySet(); int num = 0; for (final DifferentialExpressionInfo info : data) { topHitsElementIndices.add(Integer.parseInt(info.getElementId().toString())); if (num++ > topHitNum) { break; } } } private ObjectList<String> getVCFColumns(String[] inputFiles) { return new ObjectArrayList<String>(); } private boolean contains(String[] selectedPValueColumns, String statId) { for (String s : selectedPValueColumns) { if (s.equalsIgnoreCase(statId)) return true; } return false; } private void loadVCF(String[] inputFiles, DifferentialExpressionResults data, DifferentialExpressionCalculator deCalculator, ObjectList<String> columnIdList) throws IOException { int elementIndex = 0; for (String filename : inputFiles) { System.out.printf("Loading %s%n", filename); VCFParser parser = new VCFParser(filename); try { parser.readHeader(); IntSet selectedInfoFieldGlobalIndices = new IntArraySet(); // find the global field indices for the INFO fields we need to load: for (String selectedFieldName : selectedPValueColumns) { ColumnInfo infoColumn = parser.getColumns().find("INFO"); if (infoColumn == null) { System.err.printf("Could not find INFO colum in file %s.", filename); System.exit(1); } ColumnField selectedField = infoColumn.fields.find(selectedFieldName); if (selectedField == null) { System.err.printf("Could not find selection colum %s in file %s.", selectedFieldName, filename); System.exit(1); } final String statName = selectedFieldName.toLowerCase(); if (!data.isStatisticDefined(new MutableString(statName))) { data.declareStatistic(statName); } selectedInfoFieldGlobalIndices.add(selectedField.globalFieldIndex); } ProgressLogger pg = new ProgressLogger(LOG); pg.priority = org.apache.log4j.Level.INFO; pg.itemsName = "line"; pg.displayFreeMemory = true; pg.start(); while (parser.hasNextDataLine()) { // prepare elementId and stat info: int index = 0; final String elementId = Integer.toString(elementIndex); final DifferentialExpressionInfo info = createInfo(deCalculator, selectedInfoFieldGlobalIndices.size(), elementId); // keep all lines if we don't adjust any column: boolean keepLine = selectedInfoFieldGlobalIndices.isEmpty(); for (final int globalFieldIndex : selectedInfoFieldGlobalIndices) { final String stringFieldValue = parser.getStringFieldValue(globalFieldIndex); double pValue = Double.parseDouble(stringFieldValue); if (pValue < qValueThreshold) { keepLine = true; } info.statistics().set(index++, pValue); } if (keepLine) { data.add(info); elementPermutation.put(elementIndex, data.size() - 1); } else { numIgnoredObservations++; }; pg.lightUpdate(); ++elementIndex; } pg.stop(); // Runtime.getRuntime().gc(); } catch (VCFParser.SyntaxException e) { System.err.println("An error occured parsing VCF file " + filename); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } } } private DifferentialExpressionInfo createInfo(DifferentialExpressionCalculator deCalculator, int numPValueColumns, String elementId) { deCalculator.defineElement(elementId); // determine capacity to be twice the number of selected columns, since we need one column for the p-value // and one for the q-value. final int capacity = numPValueColumns * 2; final DifferentialExpressionInfo info = new DifferentialExpressionInfo(elementId, capacity); // we set the size to load only the p-values: info.statistics().size(numPValueColumns); // the fdr will create the columns it needs (within capacity) to store corresponding q-values. return info; } private void loadTSV(String[] inputFiles, DifferentialExpressionResults data, DifferentialExpressionCalculator deCalculator, ObjectList<String> columnIdList) throws IOException { int elementIndex = 0; for (String filename : inputFiles) { System.out.println("Loading P-values from " + filename); TSVReader reader = new TSVReader(new FileReader(filename), '\t'); try { String firstColumn = columnIdList.get(0); reader.setCommentPrefix(firstColumn); int columnIndex = 0; IntSet doubleColumnIndices = new IntArraySet(); for (String column : columnIdList) { for (String selectedColumn : selectedPValueColumns) { if (column.equalsIgnoreCase(selectedColumn)) { final String statName = column.toLowerCase(); if (!data.isStatisticDefined(new MutableString(statName))) { data.declareStatistic(statName); } doubleColumnIndices.add(columnIndex); } } columnIndex++; } while (reader.hasNext()) { if (!reader.isCommentLine()) {; final String elementId = Integer.toString(elementIndex); int index = 0; final DifferentialExpressionInfo info = createInfo(deCalculator, selectedPValueColumns.length, elementId); boolean keepLine = doubleColumnIndices.isEmpty(); for (int j = 0; j < reader.numTokens(); j++) { if (doubleColumnIndices.contains(j)) { final double pValue = reader.getDouble(); if (pValue < qValueThreshold) { keepLine = true; } info.statistics().set(index++, pValue); } else { reader.getString(); } } if (keepLine) { data.add(info); elementPermutation.put(elementIndex, data.size() - 1); } else { ++numIgnoredObservations; } ++elementIndex; } else { reader.skip(); } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } finally { reader.close(); } } } private void combineVCF(String[] inputFiles, DifferentialExpressionResults data, DifferentialExpressionCalculator deCalculator, ObjectList<String> columnIdList, Writer writer) throws IOException { Columns columns = new Columns(); ObjectArrayList<String> sampleIdList = new ObjectArrayList(); for (String filename : inputFiles) { VCFParser parser = new VCFParser(filename); try { try { parser.readHeader(); } catch (VCFParser.SyntaxException e) { throw new InternalError("this syntax error should have been caught in the first pass."); } Columns fileColumns = parser.getColumns(); for (ColumnInfo col : fileColumns) { if (columns.find(col.getColumnName()) == null) { columns.add(col); if (col.useFormat) { final String sampleId = col.getColumnName(); if (!sampleIdList.contains(sampleId)) { sampleIdList.add(sampleId); } } } } } finally { parser.close(); } } VCFWriter vcfWriter = new VCFWriter(writer); vcfWriter.defineSchema(columns); vcfWriter.defineSamples(sampleIdList.toArray(new String[sampleIdList.size()])); Int2IntMap statIndexToInfoFieldIndex = new Int2IntOpenHashMap(); // add adjusted columns: ColumnInfo infoColumn = columns.find("INFO"); int statIndex = 0; for (String fieldName : adjustedColumnIds) { vcfWriter.defineField("INFO", fieldName, 1, ColumnType.Float, String.format("Benjamini Hochberg FDR adjusted for column %s.", fieldName)); statIndexToInfoFieldIndex.put(statIndex++, vcfWriter.getNumInfoFields() - 1); } vcfWriter.writeHeader(); int elementIndex = 0; for (String filename : inputFiles) { System.out.printf("Combining %s%n", filename); VCFParser parser = new VCFParser(filename); try { try { parser.readHeader(); } catch (VCFParser.SyntaxException e) { throw new InternalError("this syntax error should have been caught in the first pass."); } final int chromosomeFieldIndex = columns.find("CHROM").getField("VALUE").globalFieldIndex; final int positionFieldIndex = columns.find("POS").getField("VALUE").globalFieldIndex; final int idFieldIndex = columns.find("ID").getField("VALUE").globalFieldIndex; final int refFieldIndex = columns.find("REF").getField("VALUE").globalFieldIndex; final int altFieldIndex = columns.find("ALT").getField("VALUE").globalFieldIndex; final int qualFieldIndex = columns.find("QUAL").getField("VALUE").globalFieldIndex; final int filterFieldIndex = columns.find("FILTER").getField("VALUE").globalFieldIndex; final IntSet infoFieldGlobalIndices = new IntArraySet(); for (ColumnField infoField : parser.getColumns().find("INFO").fields) { infoFieldGlobalIndices.add(infoField.globalFieldIndex); } final IntSet formatFieldGlobalIndices = new IntArraySet(); Int2IntMap globalIndexToSampleIndex = new Int2IntOpenHashMap(); int sampleIndex = 0; for (ColumnInfo col : columns) { if (col.useFormat) { for (ColumnField field : col.fields) { globalIndexToSampleIndex.put(field.globalFieldIndex, sampleIndex++); formatFieldGlobalIndices.add(field.globalFieldIndex); } } } int infoFieldIndex = 0; int formatFieldCount = 0; int previousSampleIndex = -1; while (parser.hasNextDataLine()) { final String elementId = Integer.toString(elementIndex); boolean keepThisLine = false; if (elementPermutation.containsKey(elementIndex)) { final int permutedIndex = elementPermutation.get(elementIndex); final DifferentialExpressionInfo differentialExpressionInfo = data.get(permutedIndex); assert Integer.parseInt(differentialExpressionInfo.getElementId() .toString()) == elementIndex : " element index must match with data element retrived"; for (final String adjustedColumn : adjustedColumnIds) { final int adjustedColumnIndex = data.getStatisticIndex(adjustedColumn); final DoubleArrayList list = differentialExpressionInfo.statistics(); final double adjustedPValue = list.get(adjustedColumnIndex); keepThisLine = determineKeepThisLine(keepThisLine, adjustedPValue); if (topHitNum != 0 && topHitsElementIndices.isEmpty()) { // early stop: there are no q-values below the threshold and we have seen enough top hits already. break; } if (topHitNum != 0 && topHitsElementIndices.contains(elementIndex)) { // the q-value is not good enough for the threshold, but we want to include up to top hits in the results: keepThisLine = true; topHitsElementIndices.remove(elementIndex); } } if (adjustedColumnIds.size() == 0) { // no selection column, keep all lines. keepThisLine = true; } if (keepThisLine) { final DifferentialExpressionInfo info = differentialExpressionInfo; assert info.getElementId().equals(elementId) : " elementId must match"; // transfer previous columsn and fields: infoFieldIndex = 0; sampleIndex = 0; formatFieldCount = 0; previousSampleIndex = -1; String format = parser.getStringColumnValue(columns.find("FORMAT").columnIndex); final String[] formatTokens = format.split(":"); int numFormatFields = columns.find("FORMAT").fields.size(); sampleIndex = 0; int formatFieldIndex = 0; for (int globalFieldIndex = 0; globalFieldIndex < parser .countAllFields(); globalFieldIndex++) { String value = parser.getStringFieldValue(globalFieldIndex); if (globalFieldIndex == chromosomeFieldIndex) { vcfWriter.setChromosome(value); } else if (globalFieldIndex == positionFieldIndex) { vcfWriter.setPosition(Integer.parseInt(value)); } else if (globalFieldIndex == idFieldIndex) { vcfWriter.setId(value); } else if (globalFieldIndex == refFieldIndex) { vcfWriter.setReferenceAllele(value); } else if (globalFieldIndex == altFieldIndex) { vcfWriter.setAlternateAllele(value); } else if (globalFieldIndex == qualFieldIndex) { vcfWriter.setQual(value); } else if (globalFieldIndex == filterFieldIndex) { vcfWriter.setFilter(value); } if (infoFieldGlobalIndices.contains(globalFieldIndex)) { vcfWriter.setInfo(infoFieldIndex++, value); } if (formatFieldGlobalIndices.contains(globalFieldIndex)) { /* System.out.printf("Set sampleValue formatIndex: %d sampleIndex: %d value: %s%n", formatFieldCount, sampleIndex, value); System.out.flush(); */ if (formatFieldIndex < formatTokens.length) { if (!"".equals(formatTokens[formatFieldIndex])) { vcfWriter.setSampleValue(formatTokens[formatFieldIndex], sampleIndex, value); } } formatFieldCount++; if (value.length() != 0) { formatFieldIndex++; } if (formatFieldCount == numFormatFields) { formatFieldIndex = 0; formatFieldCount = 0; sampleIndex++; } } } // add new INFO field values (the adjusted p-values): statIndex = 0; for (String adjustedColumn : adjustedColumnIds) { int adjustedColumnIndex = data.getStatisticIndex(adjustedColumn); final DoubleArrayList list = differentialExpressionInfo.statistics(); double newColValue = list.get(adjustedColumnIndex); vcfWriter.setInfo(statIndexToInfoFieldIndex.get(statIndex), Double.toString(newColValue)); statIndex++; } // This is a line we keep, write it: vcfWriter.writeRecord(); } } elementIndex++;; } } finally { parser.close(); } } } private boolean determineKeepThisLine(boolean keepThisLine, double adjustedPValue) { if (adjustedPValue <= qValueThreshold) { keepThisLine = true; } return keepThisLine; } private void combineTSV(String[] inputFiles, DifferentialExpressionResults data, DifferentialExpressionCalculator deCalculator, ObjectList<String> columnIdList, Writer out) throws IOException { PrintWriter printer = new PrintWriter(out); int elementIndex = 0; // write the TSV header first: boolean first = true; for (String column : columnIdList) { if (!first) { printer.write('\t'); } printer.print(column); first = false; } for (String column : adjustedColumnIds) { if (!first) { printer.write('\t'); } printer.print(column); first = false; } printer.println(); // end of TSV header generation for (String filename : inputFiles) { System.out.printf("Writing combined output (processing %s)%n", filename); TSVReader reader = new TSVReader(new FileReader(filename), '\t'); try { String firstColumn = columnIdList.get(0); reader.setCommentPrefix(firstColumn); int columnIndex = 0; IntSet doubleColumnIndices = new IntArraySet(); for (String column : columnIdList) { for (String selectedColumn : selectedPValueColumns) { if (column.equalsIgnoreCase(selectedColumn)) { final String statName = column.toLowerCase(); if (!data.isStatisticDefined(new MutableString(statName))) { data.declareStatistic(statName); } doubleColumnIndices.add(columnIndex); } } columnIndex++; } while (reader.hasNext()) { first = true; if (!reader.isCommentLine()) {; final String elementId = Integer.toString(elementIndex); boolean keepThisLine = doubleColumnIndices.isEmpty(); if (elementPermutation.containsKey(elementIndex)) { final int permutedIndex = elementPermutation.get(elementIndex); final DifferentialExpressionInfo differentialExpressionInfo = data.get(permutedIndex); assert Integer.parseInt(differentialExpressionInfo.getElementId() .toString()) == elementIndex : " element index must match with data element retrived"; { final DoubleArrayList list = differentialExpressionInfo.statistics(); for (final String adjustedColumn : adjustedColumnIds) { final int adjustedColumnIndex = data.getStatisticIndex(adjustedColumn); final double adjustedPValue = list.get(adjustedColumnIndex); keepThisLine = determineKeepThisLine(keepThisLine, adjustedPValue); } if (topHitNum != 0 && topHitsElementIndices.isEmpty()) { // early stop: there are no q-values below the threshold and we have seen enough top hits already. break; } if (topHitNum != 0 && topHitsElementIndices.contains(elementIndex)) { // the q-value is not good enough for the threshold, but we want to include up to top hits in the results: keepThisLine = true; topHitsElementIndices.remove(elementIndex); } } if (!keepThisLine) { // System.out.println("skipping elementId since the adjusted P-values do not make the q-value threshold." + elementId); } if (keepThisLine) { int index = 0; final DifferentialExpressionInfo info = differentialExpressionInfo; assert info.getElementId().equals(elementId) : " elementId must match"; first = true; for (int j = 0; j < reader.numTokens(); j++) { if (doubleColumnIndices.contains(j)) { reader.getString(); if (!first) { printer.write('\t'); } printer.print(info.statistics().get(index)); first = false; index++; } else { if (!first) { printer.write('\t'); } printer.print(reader.getString()); first = false; } } first = false; for (final String adjustedColumn : adjustedColumnIds) { final int adjustedColumnIndex = data.getStatisticIndex(adjustedColumn); final DoubleArrayList list = differentialExpressionInfo.statistics(); if (!first) { printer.write('\t'); } printer.print(list.get(adjustedColumnIndex)); first = false; } printer.printf("%n"); } } elementIndex++; } else { reader.skip(); } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } finally { reader.close(); } } printer.flush(); } private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(FalseDiscoveryRateMode.class); private ObjectList<String> getTSVColumns(final String[] inputFiles) throws IOException { ObjectArrayList<String> columns = new ObjectArrayList<String>(); for (String filename : inputFiles) { TSVReader reader = new TSVReader(new FileReader(filename), '\t'); try { if (reader.hasNext()) {; // int numColumns = reader.numTokens(); // for (int i = 0; i < numColumns; i++) { for (int i = 0; i < reader.numTokens(); i++) { final String s = reader.getString().trim(); String cols[] = s.split("[\t]"); for (String c : cols) { // System.out.println("col: "+c); c = c.trim(); if (!columns.contains(c)) columns.add(c); } } } } finally { reader.close(); } } return columns; } /** * Main method. * * @param args command line args. * @throws com.martiansoftware.jsap.JSAPException * error parsing * @throws error parsing or executing. */ public static void main(final String[] args) throws JSAPException, IOException { new FalseDiscoveryRateMode().configure(args).execute(); } }