Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Institute for Computational Biomedicine, * Weill Medical College of Cornell University * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import com.martiansoftware.jsap.JSAPException; import com.martiansoftware.jsap.JSAPResult; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntArrayList; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectArrayList; import; import it.unimi.dsi.logging.ProgressLogger; import; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import*; import java.util.Random; /** * @author Fabien Campagne * Date: 2/27/12 * Time: 11:00 AM */ public class EmpiricalPMode extends AbstractGobyMode { /** * The mode name. */ private static final String MODE_NAME = "empirical-p"; /** * The mode description help text. */ private static final String MODE_DESCRIPTION = "Estimate null distribution or empirical p-values based on a recorded null distribution. The input file must be tab delimited with the following fields: " + " - WITHIN_GROUP_PAIR|BETWEEN_GROUP_PAIR keyword" + " - comparison_description " + " - [element identifier]*" + " - VALUES_A " + " - [integer value to evaluate the statistic for element in sample A]+" + " - VALUES_B " + " - [integer value to evaluate the statistic for element in sample B]+" + " - COVARIATES_A keyword" + " - integer codes for covariates for sample A" + " - COVARIATES_B keyword" + " - integer codes for covariates for sample B"; /** * Used to log debug and informational messages. */ private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(EmpiricalPValueEstimator.class); private String inputFilename; private String outputFilename; private String[] dymamicOptions; private String statisticName; private int index = 0; // number of false negatives (assuming a simulation where the first 1000 elements tested are positives. private int numFN; private int numFP; private int numTN; private int numTP; private int numOther; private EstimatedTestDistributions testDensities; /** * When True, write an estimate of false discovery rate, rather than the empirical P (FWER). */ private boolean fdr; /** * The number of test pairs to consider. */ private int testN; public static DynamicOptionClient doc() { return doc; } public static final @RegisterThis DynamicOptionClient doc = new DynamicOptionClient(EmpiricalPMode.class, EmpiricalPValueEstimator.LOCAL_DYNAMIC_OPTIONS ); private EstimatedDistribution density; private String densityFilename; private boolean useExistingDensity; private boolean forceEstimation; private PrintWriter outputWriter; private ObjectArrayList<String> previousElementIdList; private String label; @Override public String getModeName() { return MODE_NAME; } @Override public String getModeDescription() { return MODE_DESCRIPTION; } @Override public AbstractCommandLineMode configure(String[] args) throws IOException, JSAPException { final JSAPResult jsapResult = parseJsapArguments(args); inputFilename = jsapResult.getString("input"); label = jsapResult.getString("label"); outputFilename = jsapResult.getString("output"); statisticName = jsapResult.getString("statistic"); forceEstimation = jsapResult.getBoolean("force-estimation"); //fdr = jsapResult.getBoolean("fdr"); testN = jsapResult.getInt("test-n", Integer.MAX_VALUE); { densityFilename = jsapResult.getString("density-filename"); if (densityFilename != null) { if (new File(densityFilename).exists()) { try { // if we are given a serialized statistic, we override the stat name with that of the actual // statistic used to estimate the density: density = EstimatedDistribution.load(densityFilename); //testDensities = EstimatedTestDistributions.load(EmpiricalPValueEstimator.suggestFilename(densityFilename)); statisticName = density.getStatAdaptor().statName(); /* assert density.getStatAdaptor().statName().equals(testDensities.getStatAdaptor().statName()) : "null and test distributions must be estimated with the same statistic"; */ } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates. System.exit(1); } useExistingDensity = true; // force loading of the pre-existing density and estimation of p-values: doc.acceptsOption("EmpiricalPMode:serialized-estimator-filename=" + densityFilename); if (forceEstimation) { doc.acceptsOption("EmpiricalPMode:estimate-empirical-P=true"); doc.acceptsOption("EmpiricalPMode:estimate-intra-group-differences=false"); } else { doc.acceptsOption("EmpiricalPMode:estimate-empirical-P=false"); doc.acceptsOption("EmpiricalPMode:estimate-intra-group-differences=true"); } } } } if (statisticName != null) { boolean result = doc.acceptsOption("EmpiricalPMode:statistic=" + statisticName); assert result : "EmpiricalPMode:statistic= definition must be accepted."; } return this; } private void setupOutput() throws FileNotFoundException { if (outputFilename == null) { String binningName = estimator.getNullDistribution().getBinningStrategy().getName(); outputFilename = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(inputFilename) + "-" + statisticName + "-" + binningName + "-" + doc.getString("combinator") + ".tsv"; System.out.println("Output will be written to " + outputFilename); } outputWriter = new PrintWriter(outputFilename); } private void constructDensityFilename(String densityFilename) { if (this.densityFilename == null) { // construct a density filename that reflects the arguments that control the density: String binningName = estimator.getNullDistribution().getBinningStrategy().getName(); this.densityFilename = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(inputFilename) + "-" + statisticName + "-" + binningName + "-density.bin"; } else { this.densityFilename = densityFilename; } } private EmpiricalPValueEstimator estimator; private FormatFieldCounter counter; @Override public void execute() throws IOException { estimator = new EmpiricalPValueEstimator(); estimator.configure(1, doc); estimator.setEstimateFdr(fdr); scan(); if (forceEstimation) { write(previousElementIdList); } outputWriter.flush(); if (!useExistingDensity) { constructDensityFilename(densityFilename); System.err.println("Writing estimated null distribution to: " + densityFilename);, densityFilename); final String testFilename = EmpiricalPValueEstimator.suggestFilename(densityFilename); /* System.err.println("Writing estimated test distributions to: " + testFilename);, testFilename); */ } System.out.printf("Rate of true negatives: %3.2f%%%n", 100d * ((numTN + 0d) / (numOther + 0d))); System.out.printf("Rate of true positives: %3.2f%%%n", 100d * ((numTP + 0d) / (1000d))); System.out.printf("Rate of false negatives: %3.2f%%%n", 100d * ((numFN + 0d) / 1000d)); System.out.printf("Rate of false positives: %3.2f%%%n", 100d * ((numFP + 0d) / (numOther + 0d))); System.out.printf("Overall false discovery rate: %3.2f%%%n", (1d - (0d + numTP) / (0d + numTP + numFP)) * 100d); } private void scan() throws FileNotFoundException { LineIterator iterator = new LineIterator(new FastBufferedReader(new FileReader(inputFilename))); int lineNumber = 0; ObjectArrayList<String> elementIds = new ObjectArrayList<String>(); IntArrayList valuesA = new IntArrayList(); IntArrayList valuesB = new IntArrayList(); IntArrayList covariatesA = new IntArrayList(); IntArrayList covariatesB = new IntArrayList(); counter = new FormatFieldCounter(0, 2, 2, new String[] { "ALL" }); setupOutput(); // ignore the header line:; ProgressLogger pg = new ProgressLogger(LOG); pg.displayFreeMemory = true; pg.itemsName = "pairs"; pg.expectedUpdates = countLines(inputFilename) - 1; pg.start("Starting to scan pairs."); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String next = iterator.nextLine(); String[] tokens = next.split("\t"); boolean pastIds = false; boolean pastValues = false; String typeOfPairString = tokens[0]; ObservationWriter.TypeOfPair typeOfPair = ObservationWriter.TypeOfPair.UNDEFINED; for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { try { typeOfPair = ObservationWriter.TypeOfPair.valueOf(typeOfPairString); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { System.err.println( "First token of every line should be WITHIN_GROUP_PAIR or BETWEEN_GROUP_PAIR. Found " + typeOfPairString + " on line " + lineNumber); System.exit(1); } elementIds.clear(); valuesA.clear(); valuesB.clear(); covariatesA.clear(); covariatesB.clear(); int j; String groupComparison = tokens[1]; elementIds.add(groupComparison); for (j = 2; !"VALUES_A".equals(tokens[j]); j++) { if (j == tokens.length) { break; } elementIds.add(tokens[j]); } if (j == tokens.length) { System.err.println( "Every line must contain the VALUES keyword. Keyword not found on line " + lineNumber); System.exit(1); } j++; for (; !"VALUES_B".equals(tokens[j]); j++) { if (j == tokens.length) { break; } valuesA.add(Integer.parseInt(tokens[j])); } j++; for (; !"COVARIATES_A".equals(tokens[j]); j++) { if (j == tokens.length) { break; } valuesB.add(Integer.parseInt(tokens[j])); } if (j == tokens.length) { System.err .println("Every line must contain the COVARIATES_A keyword. Keyword not found on line " + lineNumber); System.exit(1); } j++; for (; !"COVARIATES_B".equals(tokens[j]); j++) { if (j == tokens.length) { break; } covariatesA.add(Integer.parseInt(tokens[j])); } if (j == tokens.length) { System.err .println("Every line must contain the COVARIATES_B keyword. Keyword not found on line " + lineNumber); System.exit(1); } j++; for (; j < tokens.length; j++) { covariatesB.add(Integer.parseInt(tokens[j])); } } lineNumber++; final String groupComparison = elementIds.get(0); process(typeOfPair, groupComparison, elementIds, valuesA, valuesB, covariatesA, covariatesB); pg.lightUpdate(); } pg.done(lineNumber); } private int countLines(String inputFilename) throws FileNotFoundException { int lineCount = 0; LineIterator it = new LineIterator(new FileReader(inputFilename)); while (it.hasNext()) { Object next =; lineCount++; } it.close(); return lineCount; } private void process(ObservationWriter.TypeOfPair typeOfPair, String groupComparison, ObjectArrayList<String> elementIds, IntArrayList valuesA, IntArrayList valuesB, IntArrayList covariatesA, IntArrayList covariatesB) { switch (typeOfPair) { case BETWEEN_GROUP_PAIR: if (!useExistingDensity && testDensities != null) { observeTestDistributions(groupComparison, valuesA, valuesB, covariatesA, covariatesB); } estimateP(elementIds, valuesA, valuesB, covariatesA, covariatesB); break; case WITHIN_GROUP_PAIR: if (useExistingDensity && forceEstimation) { estimateP(elementIds, valuesA, valuesB, covariatesA, covariatesB); } else { observeNullDistribution(valuesA, valuesB, covariatesA, covariatesB); } break; default: System.out.println("typeofPair is unsupported at this time: " + typeOfPair); System.exit(1); } } private void observeNullDistribution(IntArrayList valuesA, IntArrayList valuesB, IntArrayList covariatesA, IntArrayList covariatesB) { estimator.estimateNullDensity(valuesA, valuesB, covariatesA, covariatesB); } private void observeTestDistributions(String groupComparison, IntArrayList valuesA, IntArrayList valuesB, IntArrayList covariatesA, IntArrayList covariatesB) { estimator.estimateTestDensity(groupComparison, valuesA, valuesB, covariatesA, covariatesB); } String previousElementId = ""; ObjectArrayList<IntArrayList> valuesACollector = new ObjectArrayList<IntArrayList>(); ObjectArrayList<IntArrayList> valuesBCollector = new ObjectArrayList<IntArrayList>(); ObjectArrayList<IntArrayList> covariatesACollector = new ObjectArrayList<IntArrayList>(); ObjectArrayList<IntArrayList> covariatesBCollector = new ObjectArrayList<IntArrayList>(); boolean first = true; private void estimateP(ObjectArrayList<String> elementIds, IntArrayList valuesA, IntArrayList valuesB, IntArrayList covariatesA, IntArrayList covariatesB) { // System.out.println(elementIds); if (first) { outputWriter.print("LABEL"); previousElementId = elementIds.toString(); previousElementIdList = elementIds.clone(); first = false; outputWriter.print("\tignore"); int index = 1; for (String id : elementIds) { outputWriter.print("\tid" + index++); } outputWriter.println("\tp-value"); } if (!previousElementId.equals(elementIds.toString())) { write(previousElementIdList); valuesACollector.clear(); valuesBCollector.clear(); covariatesACollector.clear(); covariatesBCollector.clear(); previousElementId = elementIds.toString(); previousElementIdList = elementIds.clone(); } // continue to collect pair observation for the current element id valuesACollector.add(valuesA.clone()); valuesBCollector.add(valuesB.clone()); covariatesACollector.add(covariatesA.clone()); covariatesBCollector.add(covariatesB.clone()); } Random random = new Random(); private void subsample(ObjectArrayList<IntArrayList> valuesA, ObjectArrayList<IntArrayList> covariatesA, int testN) { int size = valuesA.size(); assert size == covariatesA.size() : "value and covariate size must match!"; boolean[] remove = new boolean[size]; boolean done = false; int removedCount = 0; while (!done) { int index = Math.round(random.nextFloat() * (size - 1.0f)); remove[index] = true; if (removedCount(remove) == size - testN) { done = true; } } int removed = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { int index = i - removed++; if (remove[i]) { valuesA.remove(index); covariatesA.remove(index); } } // System.out.println("STOP"); } private int removedCount(boolean[] remove) { int count = 0; for (boolean removed : remove) { count += removed ? 1 : 0; } return count; } private void write(ObjectArrayList<String> elementIds) { outputWriter.print(label); outputWriter.print("\tP-VALUE"); boolean stop = false; for (final String elementId : elementIds) { /* if ("ENSMUST00000034529_NM_027807".equals(elementId)) { System.out.println("STOP"); stop = true; } else { stop = false; } */ outputWriter.print('\t'); outputWriter.print(elementId); } /* if (stop) { System.out.println("STOP"); } */ if (elementIds.get(5).equals("A104")) { System.out.println(elementIds); } final String groupComparison = elementIds.get(0); if (valuesACollector.size() >= testN) { subsample(valuesACollector, covariatesACollector, testN); subsample(valuesBCollector, covariatesBCollector, testN); } final double p = estimator.estimateEmpiricalP(groupComparison, valuesACollector.toArray(new IntArrayList[valuesACollector.size()]), valuesBCollector.toArray(new IntArrayList[valuesBCollector.size()]), covariatesACollector.toArray(new IntArrayList[covariatesACollector.size()]), covariatesBCollector.toArray(new IntArrayList[covariatesBCollector.size()])); final double alpha = 0.05; if (index < 1000) { if (p > alpha) { numFN++; } else { numTP++; } } if (index >= 1000) { if (p <= alpha) { System.out.println("STOP FP " + elementIds + " p=" + p); numFP++; } else { numTN++; } numOther++; } index++; outputWriter.printf("\t%g%n", p); } protected EmpiricalPMode(final String jarFilename) { super(jarFilename); } protected EmpiricalPMode() { super(); } /** * Main method. * * @param args command line args. * @throws JSAPException error parsing * @throws IOException error parsing or executing. */ public static void main(final String[] args) throws JSAPException, IOException { new EmpiricalPMode().configure(args).execute(); } }