Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Institute for Computational Biomedicine, * Weill Medical College of Cornell University * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import com.martiansoftware.jsap.JSAPException; import com.martiansoftware.jsap.JSAPResult; import; import; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2ObjectMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2ObjectOpenHashMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectArrayList; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectIterator; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectList; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; /** * Write annotations corresponding to consensus peaks found in each sequence of count archives. * * @author Jaaved Mohammed */ public class AnnotationPenaltyMode extends AbstractGobyMode { /** * The mode name. */ private static final String MODE_NAME = "annotation-penalty"; /** * The mode description help text. */ private static final String MODE_DESCRIPTION = "Calculates the distances between two collections of annotations."; /** * Constants * These penalty scores are designed to be small enough for whole genome sequences (mouse) * They may need to be further shrunk to reduce overflow error for larger genomes. */ private static final double NON_OVERLAP_COST = 0.02; private static final double OVERLAP_COST = 0.01; private String geneAnnotFile; private String proposalAnnotFile; /** * The total penalty score, resets to zero at each execution of the mode. */ private static double score; /** * Keeps track of the last position processed until to prevent duplication. */ private static int lastPos; @Override public String getModeName() { return MODE_NAME; } @Override public String getModeDescription() { return MODE_DESCRIPTION; } public double getScore() { return score; } /** * Configure. * * @param args command line arguments * @return this object for chaining * @throws error parsing * @throws com.martiansoftware.jsap.JSAPException * error parsing */ @Override public AbstractCommandLineMode configure(final String[] args) throws IOException, JSAPException { final JSAPResult jsapResult = parseJsapArguments(args); geneAnnotFile = jsapResult.getString("gene-annotation"); proposalAnnotFile = jsapResult.getString("proposal-annotation"); return this; } /** * Run the mode. * * @throws error reading / writing */ @Override public void execute() throws IOException { score = 0d; lastPos = -1; System.out.println("Reading official gene annotations from " + geneAnnotFile); final Object2ObjectMap<String, ObjectList<Annotation>> allGeneAnnots = readAnnotations(geneAnnotFile); System.out.println("Reading official proposal annotations from " + proposalAnnotFile); final Object2ObjectMap<String, ObjectList<Annotation>> allProposalAnnots = readAnnotations( proposalAnnotFile); //Find the references (chromosomes) common in both annotation files final Set<String> allGeneChroms = allGeneAnnots.keySet(); final Set<String> allProposalChroms = allProposalAnnots.keySet(); final Set<String> intersect = allGeneChroms; intersect.retainAll(allProposalChroms); final Iterator<String> commonChromsIt = intersect.iterator(); //Find the overlapping differences between the official gene annotation and the proposed one. while (commonChromsIt.hasNext()) { lastPos = 0; final String chromosome =; final ObjectList<Annotation> geneAnnotations = allGeneAnnots.get(chromosome); final ObjectList<Annotation> proposalAnnotations = allProposalAnnots.get(chromosome); //Sort to allow fast comparison Collections.sort(geneAnnotations); Collections.sort(proposalAnnotations); final ObjectIterator<Annotation> geneAnnotIt = geneAnnotations.iterator(); final ObjectIterator<Annotation> propAnnotIt = proposalAnnotations.iterator(); Annotation geneAnnot = getNextAnnotation(geneAnnotIt); Annotation propAnnot = getNextAnnotation(propAnnotIt); while ((geneAnnot != null) || (propAnnot != null)) { if ((geneAnnot != null) && (propAnnot != null)) { //check to see if they overlap if (!geneAnnot.overlap(propAnnot)) { //determine which sortedPositionIterator to increment if (geneAnnot.getStart() > propAnnot.getStart()) { addPenalty(propAnnot); propAnnot = getNextAnnotation(propAnnotIt); } else { addPenalty(geneAnnot); geneAnnot = getNextAnnotation(geneAnnotIt); } } else { //They do overlap //Need to determine which annotation is the shorter sequence and advance it's sortedPositionIterator addPenalty(geneAnnot, propAnnot); if (geneAnnot.getEnd() < propAnnot.getEnd()) { geneAnnot = getNextAnnotation(geneAnnotIt); } else { propAnnot = getNextAnnotation(propAnnotIt); } } } else if (geneAnnot == null) { //simply add the cost of all remaining propAnnot addPenalty(propAnnot); propAnnot = getNextAnnotation(propAnnotIt); } else if (propAnnot == null) { //simply add the cost of all remaining geneAnnot addPenalty(geneAnnot); geneAnnot = getNextAnnotation(geneAnnotIt); } } } System.out.println("Score = " + score); } private static void addPenalty(final Annotation annot) { score += (annot.getLength() * NON_OVERLAP_COST); lastPos = annot.getEnd(); } private static void addPenalty(final Segment segment) { if (segment.getEnd() < lastPos) { return; } score += (segment.getLength() * NON_OVERLAP_COST); lastPos = segment.getEnd(); } private static void addPenalty(final Segment geneSeg, final Segment propSeg) { final int stop = Math.min(geneSeg.getEnd(), propSeg.getEnd()); if (stop < lastPos) { return; } int overlapLen = 0; int nonOverlapLen = 0; for (int i = lastPos; i < stop; i++) { if ((geneSeg.getStart() <= i && i <= geneSeg.getEnd()) && (propSeg.getStart() <= i && i <= propSeg.getEnd())) { overlapLen++; } else { nonOverlapLen++; } } score += ((nonOverlapLen * NON_OVERLAP_COST) + (overlapLen * OVERLAP_COST)); lastPos = stop; } private static void addPenalty(final Annotation geneAnnot, final Annotation propAnnot) { final ObjectIterator<Segment> geneSegIt = geneAnnot.getSegments().iterator(); final ObjectIterator<Segment> propSegIt = propAnnot.getSegments().iterator(); Segment geneSeg = getNextSegment(geneSegIt); Segment propSeg = getNextSegment(propSegIt); while ((geneSeg != null) || (propSeg != null)) { if ((geneSeg != null) && (propSeg != null)) { //check to see if they overlap if (!geneSeg.overlap(propSeg)) { //determine which sortedPositionIterator to increment if (geneSeg.getStart() > propSeg.getStart()) { addPenalty(propSeg); propSeg = getNextSegment(propSegIt); } else { addPenalty(geneSeg); geneSeg = getNextSegment(geneSegIt); } } else { //They do overlap //Need to determine which annotation is the shorter sequence and advance it's sortedPositionIterator addPenalty(geneSeg, propSeg); if (geneSeg.getEnd() < propSeg.getEnd()) { geneSeg = getNextSegment(geneSegIt); } else { propSeg = getNextSegment(propSegIt); } } } else if (geneSeg == null) { //simply add the cost of all remaining propSeg addPenalty(propSeg); propSeg = getNextSegment(propSegIt); } else if (propSeg == null) { //simply add the cost of all remaining geneSeg addPenalty(geneSeg); geneSeg = getNextSegment(geneSegIt); } } } private static Annotation getNextAnnotation(final ObjectIterator<Annotation> iterator) { Annotation annotation = null; if (iterator.hasNext()) { annotation =; annotation.sortSegments(); } return annotation; } private static Segment getNextSegment(final ObjectIterator<Segment> iterator) { Segment segment = null; if (iterator.hasNext()) { segment =; } return segment; } /** * Read tab delimited annotation file including 6 columns : chromosome, strand, transcriptID, * segmentID, start, end each row is a segment, read each chromosome at a time. * * @param annotFile * @return * @throws IOException */ public Object2ObjectMap<String, ObjectList<Annotation>> readAnnotations(final String annotFile) throws IOException { BufferedReader reader = null; final Object2ObjectMap<String, Annotation> annots = new Object2ObjectOpenHashMap<String, Annotation>(); try { reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(annotFile)); String line; final String header = reader.readLine(); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (!line.startsWith("#")) { final String[] linearray = line.trim().split("\t"); final String chromosome = linearray[0]; // if(!chromosome.equalsIgnoreCase(chroName)) continue; final String strand = linearray[1]; final String transcriptID = linearray[2]; final String exonID = linearray[3]; final int segmentStart = Integer.parseInt(linearray[4]); final int segmentEnd = Integer.parseInt(linearray[5]); final Segment segment = new Segment(segmentStart, segmentEnd, exonID, strand); if (annots.containsKey(transcriptID)) { annots.get(transcriptID).addSegment(segment); } else { final Annotation annot = new Annotation(transcriptID, chromosome, strand); annot.addSegment(segment); annots.put(transcriptID, annot); } } } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(reader); } //organize the Annotations to chromosome final Object2ObjectMap<String, ObjectList<Annotation>> allAnnots = new Object2ObjectOpenHashMap<String, ObjectList<Annotation>>(); for (final Object2ObjectMap.Entry<String, Annotation> entry : annots.object2ObjectEntrySet()) { final Annotation annotation = entry.getValue(); annotation.sortSegments(); final String chromosome = annotation.getChromosome(); if (allAnnots.containsKey(chromosome)) { allAnnots.get(chromosome).add(annotation); } else { final ObjectList<Annotation> annotations = new ObjectArrayList<Annotation>(); annotations.add(annotation); allAnnots.put(chromosome, annotations); } } return allAnnots; } /** * Main method. * * @param args command line args. * @throws com.martiansoftware.jsap.JSAPException * error parsing * @throws error parsing or executing. */ public static void main(final String[] args) throws JSAPException, IOException { new AnnotationPenaltyMode().configure(args).execute(); } }