Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Institute for Computational Biomedicine, * Weill Medical College of Cornell University * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import; import com.martiansoftware.jsap.JSAPException; import com.martiansoftware.jsap.JSAPResult; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectArrayList; import it.unimi.dsi.lang.MutableString; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import; import; /** * Abstract class for modes that convert alignment formats to compact format. * The JSAP file of the concrete implementation must include the following options in addition to the options specific * to the concrete mode. * <p/> * "input" * "output" * "query-reads-ids" * "target-reference-ids" * "propagate-query-ids" * "propagate-target-ids" * "read-index-filter" * "ambiguity-threshold" * "quality-filter-parameters" * <p/> * <p/> * * @author Stuart Andrews * Date: Sep 11, 2009 * Time: 9:30:16 PM */ public abstract class AbstractAlignmentToCompactMode extends AbstractGobyMode { /** * Used to log debug and informational messages. */ private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(AbstractAlignmentToCompactMode.class); /** * default ambiguity threshold. */ protected static final int DEFAULT_M_PARAM = 1; /** * Input file. */ protected String inputFile; /** * Output file. */ protected String outputFile; /** * Query / target identifiers. */ protected String queryReadIdsFilename; protected String targetReferenceIdsFilename; protected boolean propagateQueryIds; protected boolean propagateTargetIds; /** * Conversion parameters. */ protected String qualityFilterParameters = ""; protected AlignmentQualityFilter qualityFilter; protected File readIndexFilterFile; protected int mParameter = DEFAULT_M_PARAM; protected int numberOfReads = -1; /** * Identifiers for the query sequences in this alignment. */ protected final IndexedIdentifier queryIds = new IndexedIdentifier(); /** * Identifiers for the target sequences in this alignment. */ protected final IndexedIdentifier targetIds = new IndexedIdentifier(); protected int numberOfReadsFromCommandLine; /** * Indicate that the file being imported is from a third party. This means that: * <ol> * <li>queryNames are not integers, but are strings that need to be converted to indices.</li> * <li>targetNames should be treated as strings and defined from the input.</li> * <li>targetLength information should be read from the input, not from a supplied target * file in compact format.</li> * </ol> * <p/> * False by default when constructed, overidden by configure with default * configuration=true when run as a mode on the command line, set to false * explictly each time another Goby mode needs to import internally the result * of a Goby search. */ protected boolean thirdPartyInput = true; protected int smallestQueryIndex; protected int largestQueryIndex = -1; /** * This method is deprecated, store read lengths directly into the alignment entry instead. * * @return */ @Deprecated protected int[] createReadLengthArray() { return new int[largestQueryIndex - smallestQueryIndex + 1]; } /** * Scan. * * @param readIndexFilter * @param writer * @param targetIds * @param tmhWriter * @return number of alignment entries written * @throws IOException error parsing */ protected abstract int scan(ReadSet readIndexFilter, IndexedIdentifier targetIds, AlignmentWriter writer, AlignmentTooManyHitsWriter tmhWriter) throws IOException; /** * Configure. * * @param args command line arguments * @return this object for chaining * @throws error parsing * @throws com.martiansoftware.jsap.JSAPException * error parsing */ @Override public AbstractCommandLineMode configure(final String[] args) throws IOException, JSAPException { // final JSAPResult jsapResult = parseJsapArguments(args); inputFile = jsapResult.getString("input"); outputFile = jsapResult.getString("output"); queryReadIdsFilename = jsapResult.getString("query-reads-ids"); targetReferenceIdsFilename = jsapResult.getString("target-reference-ids"); propagateQueryIds = jsapResult.getBoolean("propagate-query-ids"); propagateTargetIds = jsapResult.getBoolean("propagate-target-ids"); readIndexFilterFile = jsapResult.getFile("read-index-filter"); mParameter = jsapResult.getInt("ambiguity-threshold"); qualityFilterParameters = jsapResult.getString("quality-filter-parameters"); thirdPartyInput = jsapResult.getBoolean("third-party-input"); return this; } /** * Run the alignment-to-compact mode. * * @throws error reading / writing */ @Override public void execute() throws IOException { // read target/query identifier lookup table, and initialize output alignment // file with this information final TransferIds transferIds = new TransferIds().invoke(); final ReadSet readIndexFilter = transferIds.getReadIndexFilter(); final AlignmentWriterImpl writer = transferIds.getWriter(); targetIds.clear(); targetIds.putAll(transferIds.getTargetIds()); // initialize too-many-hits output file final AlignmentTooManyHitsWriter tmhWriter = new AlignmentTooManyHitsWriter(outputFile, mParameter); try { // initialize numberOfReads if (numberOfReads < 0 && transferIds.numberOfReads != 0) { numberOfReads = transferIds.numberOfReads; } if (numberOfReads <= 0) { numberOfReads = numberOfReadsFromCommandLine; } if (numberOfReads < 0) { System.err.println( "Cannot determine number of reads. Must set property or provide reads file with -q"); return; } // initialize quality filter qualityFilter = new PercentMismatchesQualityFilter(); qualityFilter.setParameters(qualityFilterParameters); final int numAligns = scan(readIndexFilter, targetIds, writer, tmhWriter); System.out.println("Number of alignments written: " + numAligns); if (propagateQueryIds && !queryIds.isEmpty()) { // we collected query ids, let's write them to the header: writer.setQueryIdentifiers(queryIds); } if (propagateTargetIds && !targetIds.isEmpty()) { // we collected target ids, let's write them to the header: writer.setTargetIdentifiers(targetIds); } writer.setSmallestSplitQueryIndex(smallestQueryIndex); assert largestQueryIndex > -1 : "largestQueryIndex must be set (set with --number-of-reads when running from command line)."; writer.setLargestSplitQueryIndex(largestQueryIndex); } finally { writer.close(); tmhWriter.close(); } } protected void evaluateStatistics(final AlignedSequence reference, final AlignedSequence query, final AlignmentStats stats) { final MutableString queryAligned = query.alignment; final MutableString targetAligned = reference.alignment; // assert reference.alignedLength == query.alignedLength :"aligned length differ for queryIndex="+query.sequenceIdentifier; final int length = Math.max(query.alignedLength, reference.alignedLength); int numIndels = 0; int numMismatches = 0; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { final char queryBase = queryAligned.charAt(i); final char targetBase = targetAligned.charAt(i); if (queryBase == '-' && targetBase != '-' || queryBase != '-' && targetBase == '-') { numIndels++; } if (queryBase != '-' && targetBase != '-' && queryBase != targetBase) { numMismatches++; } } stats.numberOfIndels = numIndels; stats.numberOfMismatches = numMismatches; } public void setInputFile(final String inputFile) { this.inputFile = inputFile; } public void setOutputFile(final String outputFile) { this.outputFile = outputFile; } public String getOutputFile() { return outputFile; } public void setQueryReadIdsFilename(final String queryReadIdsFilename) { this.queryReadIdsFilename = queryReadIdsFilename; } public void setTargetReferenceIdsFilename(final String targetReferenceIdsFilename) { this.targetReferenceIdsFilename = targetReferenceIdsFilename; } public void setPropagateTargetIds(final boolean propagateTargetIds) { this.propagateTargetIds = propagateTargetIds; } public void setPropagateQueryIds(final boolean propagateQueryIds) { this.propagateQueryIds = propagateQueryIds; } public void setAmbiguityThreshold(final int mParameter) { this.mParameter = mParameter; } public void setQualityFilterParameters(final String qualityFilterParameters) { this.qualityFilterParameters = qualityFilterParameters; } public void setNumberOfReads(final int numberOfReads) { this.numberOfReads = numberOfReads; } public void setThirdPartyInput(final boolean thirdPartyInput) { this.thirdPartyInput = thirdPartyInput; } public void setSmallestQueryIndex(final int smallestQueryIndex) { this.smallestQueryIndex = smallestQueryIndex; } public void setLargestQueryIndex(final int largestQueryIndex) { this.largestQueryIndex = largestQueryIndex; } public void setNumberOfQuerySequences(final int numberOfReads) { this.numberOfReadsFromCommandLine = numberOfReads; } public static int getTargetIndex(final IndexedIdentifier targetIds, final CharSequence targetIdentifier, final boolean thirdPartyInput) { int targetIndex = -1; try { if (thirdPartyInput) { targetIndex = targetIds.registerIdentifier(new MutableString(targetIdentifier)); } else { targetIndex = Integer.parseInt(targetIdentifier.toString()); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { if (targetIds != null) { final Integer object = targetIds.get(targetIdentifier); if (object == null) { LOG.warn("Input file contains a target id that is not defined in the target compact reads: " + targetIdentifier); targetIndex = targetIds.registerIdentifier(new MutableString(targetIdentifier)); } else { targetIndex = object; } if (targetIndex == -1) { System.out.println("Cannot convert reference identifier to index. " + targetIdentifier); System.exit(1); } } } return targetIndex; } /** * Compare read and reference sequences to determine sequence variations. The variations found * are appended to the alignment entry builder. * * @param currentEntry alignment entry where variations will be stored. * @param alignmentLength length of the sequence alignment (common length of reference and read sequences) * @param referenceSequence The reference sequence * @param readSequence The read sequence * @param queryLength * @param baseQualities ASCII encoded, remove 33 to get Phred quality score (see */ public static void extractSequenceVariations(final Alignments.AlignmentEntry.Builder currentEntry, final int alignmentLength, final MutableString referenceSequence, final MutableString readSequence, final int readStartPosition, final int queryLength, final boolean reverseStrand, byte[] baseQualities) { // System.out.printf("Extracting variations from %n%s%n%s%n", // referenceSequence, readSequence); final MutableString from = new MutableString(); final MutableString to = new MutableString(); int variationPosition = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int minLength = Math.min(referenceSequence.length(), readSequence.length()); minLength = Math.min(alignmentLength, minLength); // will record the number of gaps in the read, up to the variation position. We need to // subtract this number from the position to obtain the read index. int readIndexAdjustment = 0; int newAdjustment = 0; for (int position = 0; position < minLength; ++position) { final char referenceBase = referenceSequence.charAt(position); final char queryBase = readSequence.charAt(position); if (referenceBase != queryBase) { from.append(referenceBase); to.append(queryBase); variationPosition = Math.min(variationPosition, position); if (queryBase == '-') { ++newAdjustment; } } else { appendNewSequenceVariation(currentEntry, from, to, variationPosition, readStartPosition, queryLength, reverseStrand, readIndexAdjustment, baseQualities); variationPosition = Integer.MAX_VALUE; from.setLength(0); to.setLength(0); readIndexAdjustment = newAdjustment; } } appendNewSequenceVariation(currentEntry, from, to, variationPosition, readStartPosition, queryLength, reverseStrand, readIndexAdjustment, baseQualities); } /** * @param currentEntry * @param from * @param to * @param variationPosition * @param readStartPosition * @param queryLength * @param reverseStrand * @param readIndexAdjustment * @param baseQualities ASCII encoded, remove 33 to get Phred quality score. */ private static void appendNewSequenceVariation(final Alignments.AlignmentEntry.Builder currentEntry, final MutableString from, final MutableString to, final int variationPosition, final int readStartPosition, final int queryLength, final boolean reverseStrand, final int readIndexAdjustment, byte[] baseQualities) { if (variationPosition != Integer.MAX_VALUE) { final Alignments.SequenceVariation.Builder sequenceVariation = Alignments.SequenceVariation .newBuilder(); sequenceVariation.setFrom(from.toString()); sequenceVariation.setTo(to.toString()); sequenceVariation.setPosition(variationPosition + 1); // positions start at 1 // calculate the readIndex, taking strand and query length into consideration: final int readIndex = (reverseStrand ? (queryLength - (variationPosition - readIndexAdjustment) - readStartPosition) : variationPosition - readIndexAdjustment + readStartPosition); if (readIndex > queryLength) { assert readIndex <= queryLength : String .format(" readIndex %d must be smaller than read length %d .", readIndex, queryLength); LOG.warn(String.format( "Ignoring sequence variations for a read since readIndex %d must be smaller than read length %d. query index=%d reference index=%d%n", readIndex, queryLength, currentEntry.getQueryIndex(), currentEntry.getTargetIndex())); //System.exit(1); return; } final int correctedReadIndex = readIndex + (reverseStrand ? 0 : 1); // positions start at 1 sequenceVariation.setReadIndex(correctedReadIndex); if (baseQualities != null) { // transfer read qualities for this sequence variation: byte[] toQualities = new byte[to.length()]; int j = 0; for (int i = correctedReadIndex - 1; i < correctedReadIndex - 1 + to.length(); i++) { if (i < baseQualities.length) { toQualities[j++] = (byte) ((int) baseQualities[i] - 33); } else { LOG.warn(String.format("index i=%d too large max=%d", i, baseQualities.length)); } } sequenceVariation.setToQuality(ByteString.copyFrom(toQualities)); } // do not offset if the match is in the reverse strand, since subtracting from the length takes care of offseting already. // System.out.printf("Appending variation: %d %s/%s ", variationPosition, from, to); currentEntry.addSequenceVariations(sequenceVariation); // reset since they are used: from.setLength(0); to.setLength(0); } } public class TransferIds { private ReadSet readIndexFilter; private AlignmentWriterImpl writer; private IndexedIdentifier targetIds; public int numberOfReads = -1; public int numberOfReadsForSplit; private int numberOfTargets; public ReadSet getReadIndexFilter() { return readIndexFilter; } public AlignmentWriterImpl getWriter() { return writer; } public IndexedIdentifier getTargetIds() { return targetIds; } /** * Postcondition: output Ids.size() == maximumSequenceIndex + 1. */ private ObjectArrayList<String> processIds(final String idsFilename) throws FileNotFoundException { final ObjectArrayList<String> ids = new ObjectArrayList<String>(500000); int minSequenceIndex = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int maxSequenceIndex = Integer.MIN_VALUE; ReadsReader idsReader = null; try { idsReader = new ReadsReader(new FileInputStream(idsFilename)); boolean atLeastOneId = false; ids.size(500000); while (idsReader.hasNext()) { final Reads.ReadEntry readEntry =; final int readIndex = readEntry.getReadIndex(); if (readEntry.hasReadIdentifier()) { // resize as necessary: if (readIndex >= ids.size()) { final double newSize = ids.size() * 1.5; // System.out.println("resizing to " + newSize); ids.size((int) newSize); } // set element: ids.set(readIndex, readEntry.getReadIdentifier()); atLeastOneId = true; } minSequenceIndex = Math.min(minSequenceIndex, readIndex); maxSequenceIndex = Math.max(maxSequenceIndex, readIndex); } } finally { if (idsReader != null) { try { idsReader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Error closing " + idsFilename, e); } } } ids.size(maxSequenceIndex + 1); this.numberOfReadsForSplit = (maxSequenceIndex - minSequenceIndex) + 1; ids.trim(); assert ids.size() == maxSequenceIndex + 1; return ids; } public AbstractAlignmentToCompactMode.TransferIds invoke() throws IOException { // setup multiplicity set: readIndexFilter = new ReadSet(); if (readIndexFilterFile == null) { readIndexFilter = null; } else { readIndexFilter.load(readIndexFilterFile); } writer = new AlignmentWriterImpl(outputFile); targetIds = new IndexedIdentifier(); // first write reference ids to compact header, if these ids are provided on the command line: if (targetReferenceIdsFilename != null) { System.out.println("Scanning target file.."); // read reference ids from file final ObjectArrayList<String> ids = processIds(targetReferenceIdsFilename); this.numberOfTargets = ids.size(); System.out.println("Target file had " + this.numberOfTargets + " entries."); // write ids to header writer.setNumTargets(this.numberOfTargets); if (this.numberOfTargets > 0 && propagateTargetIds) { writer.setTargetIdentifiersArray(ids.toArray(new String[ids.size()])); System.out.println("Wrote " + ids.size() + " target ids to alignment header."); } else { System.out.println("Target ids are not propagated to output header."); } for (int index = 0; index < ids.size(); index++) { final String id = ids.get(index); if (id != null) { targetIds.put(new MutableString(id), index); } } } // write query/read ids to compact header, if provided as well: if (queryReadIdsFilename != null) { // read read ids from file System.out.println("Scanning query file.."); final ObjectArrayList<String> ids = processIds(queryReadIdsFilename); this.numberOfReads = ids.size(); // System.out.println("Query file had " + this.numberOfReads + " entries."); for (final String id : ids) { if (id != null) { queryIds.registerIdentifier(new MutableString(id)); } } // write ids to header writer.setNumQueries(this.numberOfReadsForSplit); if (this.numberOfReads > 0 && propagateQueryIds) { writer.setQueryIdentifiersArray(ids.toArray(new String[ids.size()])); System.out.println("Wrote " + ids.size() + " query ids to alignment header."); } else { System.out.println("Query ids are not propagated to output header."); } } return this; } } }