Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Institute for Computational Biomedicine, * Weill Medical College of Cornell University * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import; import; import; import edu.mssm.crover.cli.CLI; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.floats.FloatArrayList; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.*; import; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectArrayList; import it.unimi.dsi.lang.MutableString; import it.unimi.dsi.logging.ProgressLogger; import; import*; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; /** * @author Fabien Campagne * Date: Oct 21, 2010 * Time: 3:54:56 PM */ public class MethylSimilarityScan { private int maxBestHits; private String windowWidths; public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { MethylSimilarityScan scanner = new MethylSimilarityScan(); scanner.process(args); } private class Query { int positionStart; int positionEnd; int chromosomeIndex; char strand; public FloatArrayList methylationRates = new FloatArrayList(); public ObjectArrayList<MethylationSite> sites = new ObjectArrayList<MethylationSite>(); } private void process(String[] args) throws IOException { String inputFilename = CLI.getOption(args, "-i", "/data/lister/mc_h1.tsv"); this.windowWidths = CLI.getOption(args, "-w", "10"); this.maxBestHits = CLI.getIntOption(args, "-h", 100); String outputFilename = CLI.getOption(args, "-o", "out.tsv"); final MethylationData data = load(inputFilename); File outputFile = new File(outputFilename); boolean outputFileExists = outputFile.exists(); // append: PrintWriter output = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(outputFilename, true)); if (!outputFileExists) { output.write( "windowSize\tlocation\tchromosome\tforward strand start\tforward strand end\treverse strand start\treverse strand end\teffective window size\tstatistic\n"); } for (String windowWidthString : windowWidths.split("[,]")) { final int windowWidth = Integer.parseInt(windowWidthString); System.out.println("Processing window size=" + windowWidth); final HitBoundedPriorityQueue hits = new HitBoundedPriorityQueue(maxBestHits); DoInParallel scan = new DoInParallel() { @Override public void action(DoInParallel forDataAccess, String chromosome, int loopIndex) { compareStrands(hits, data, windowWidth, new MutableString(chromosome)); } }; try { scan.execute(true, data.getChromosomeStrings()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates. } printResults(hits, windowWidth, data, output); } output.close(); } private Query findQuery(MethylationData data, String chromosomeSelected, char strandSelected, int windowWidth, int minSites) { MethylationSiteIterator iterator = data.iterator(strandSelected); iterator.skipTo(chromosomeSelected); Int2IntMap startTally = new Int2IntOpenHashMap(); Int2IntMap endTally = new Int2IntOpenHashMap(); int lastStartPosition = 0; int lastEndPosition = 0; while (iterator.hasNextSite()) { MethylationSite site = iterator.nextSite(); startTally.put(site.position, startTally.get(lastStartPosition) + 1); endTally.put(site.position + 1, endTally.get(lastEndPosition) + 1); lastStartPosition = site.position; lastEndPosition = site.position + 1; } IntArrayList indices = new IntArrayList(); indices.addAll(startTally.keySet()); indices.addAll(endTally.keySet()); Collections.sort(indices); Query query = null; for (int index : indices) { final int start = index; int end = start + windowWidth; while (!endTally.containsKey(end)) { // reduce window size until we find a position where a site ended. end--; } if (endTally.get(end) - startTally.get(start) >= minSites) { System.out.printf("queryStart=%d queryEnd=%d%n", start, end); // return the first window of size windowSize with at least minSites in the window query = new Query(); query.positionEnd = end; query.positionStart = start; query.chromosomeIndex = data.getChromosomeIndex(chromosomeSelected); query.strand = strandSelected; break; } } if (query != null) { iterator = data.iterator(strandSelected); iterator.skipTo(chromosomeSelected); iterator.skipToPosition(query.positionStart); query.methylationRates = new FloatArrayList(); int lastPosition = query.positionStart; while (iterator.hasNextSite()) { MethylationSite site = iterator.nextSite(); query.methylationRates.add(site.getMethylationRate()); for (int p = lastPosition; p < Math.min(site.position - 1, query.positionEnd); p++) { query.methylationRates.add(Float.NaN); } lastPosition = site.position; if (site.position > query.positionEnd) break; query.sites.add(site); } } return query; } private void printResults(HitBoundedPriorityQueue results, int windowWidth, MethylationData data, PrintWriter output) { ObjectArrayList<MethylationSimilarityMatch> sortedHits = new ObjectArrayList(); sortedHits.size(results.size()); // int queryLength = query.methylationRates.size(); int i = sortedHits.size(); while (!results.isEmpty()) { MethylationSimilarityMatch hit = results.dequeue(); sortedHits.set(--i, hit); } System.out.println("windowWidth=" + windowWidth); for (MethylationSimilarityMatch hit : sortedHits) { output.printf("%d\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%f%n", windowWidth, data.getChromosomeId(hit.chromosome) + ":" + hit.startForward + ":" + hit.endForward + ":1", data.getChromosomeId(hit.chromosome), hit.startForward, hit.endForward, hit.startReverse, hit.endReverse, hit.windowLength, hit.score); } output.flush(); } private HitBoundedPriorityQueue compareStrands(HitBoundedPriorityQueue results, MethylationData data, int windowWidth, MutableString chromosome) { int chromosomeIndex = data.getChromosomeIndex(chromosome); MethylationSiteIterator itForward = data.iterator('+'); itForward.skipTo(chromosome); MethylationSiteIterator itReverse = data.iterator('-'); itReverse.skipTo(chromosome); ProgressLogger pg = new ProgressLogger(); pg.expectedUpdates = data.sites.size(); Int2FloatMap startTallyForward = new Int2FloatOpenHashMap(); Int2FloatMap endTallyForward = new Int2FloatOpenHashMap(); Int2FloatMap startTallyReverse = new Int2FloatOpenHashMap(); Int2FloatMap endTallyReverse = new Int2FloatOpenHashMap(); Int2IntMap forwardStrandSiteCount = new Int2IntOpenHashMap(); Int2IntMap reverseStrandSiteCount = new Int2IntOpenHashMap(); int lastStartPosition = 0; int lastEndPosition = 0; while (itForward.hasNextSite()) { MethylationSite site = itForward.nextSite(); final float lastStartValue = startTallyForward.get(lastStartPosition); final float newStartValue = lastStartValue + site.getMethylationRate(); startTallyForward.put(site.position, newStartValue); endTallyForward.put(site.position + 1, endTallyForward.get(lastEndPosition) + site.getMethylationRate()); forwardStrandSiteCount.put(site.position, forwardStrandSiteCount.get(lastStartPosition) + 1); // if (site.position >= 500 && site.position <= 1500000) { // System.out.printf("site.position %d numberOfSiteUpToPosition %d lastStartValue: %f newStartValue %f delta: %f%n", // site.position, forwardStrandSiteCount.get(site.position), // lastStartValue, newStartValue, site.getMethylationRate()); // } lastStartPosition = site.position; lastEndPosition = site.position + 1; } lastStartPosition = 0; lastEndPosition = 0; while (itReverse.hasNextSite()) { MethylationSite site = itReverse.nextSite(); startTallyReverse.put(site.position, startTallyReverse.get(lastStartPosition) + site.getMethylationRate()); endTallyReverse.put(site.position + 1, endTallyReverse.get(lastEndPosition) + site.getMethylationRate()); reverseStrandSiteCount.put(site.position, reverseStrandSiteCount.get(lastStartPosition) + 1); lastStartPosition = site.position; lastEndPosition = site.position + 1; } IntSet indices = new IntOpenHashSet(); indices.addAll(startTallyForward.keySet()); indices.addAll(startTallyReverse.keySet()); IntList uniqueIndices = new IntArrayList(); uniqueIndices.addAll(indices); Collections.sort(uniqueIndices); pg.expectedUpdates = uniqueIndices.size(); pg.start("comparing strands on chromosome " + chromosome); int skipToIndex = 0; for (int index : uniqueIndices) { if (index < skipToIndex) continue; int startForward = index; int startReverse = index; boolean forwardOutOfWindow = false; boolean reverseOutOfWindow = false; while (!startTallyForward.containsKey(startForward)) { // reduce window size until we find a position where a site ended. startForward++; if (startForward > index + windowWidth) { forwardOutOfWindow = true; break; } } while (!startTallyReverse.containsKey(startReverse)) { // reduce window size until we find a position where a site ended. startReverse++; if (startReverse > index + windowWidth) { reverseOutOfWindow = true; break; } } int endForward = startForward + windowWidth * 2 + 1; while (!endTallyForward.containsKey(endForward)) { // reduce window size until we find a position where a site ended. endForward--; if (endForward == startForward + windowWidth) { forwardOutOfWindow = true; break; } } int endReverse = startReverse + windowWidth * 2 + 1; while (!endTallyReverse.containsKey(endReverse)) { // reduce window size until we find a position where a site ended. endReverse--; if (endReverse == startReverse + windowWidth) { reverseOutOfWindow = true; break; } } if (endForward > startForward && endReverse > startReverse) { final int forwardSiteCountOverWindow = forwardStrandSiteCount.get(startForward) - forwardStrandSiteCount.get(endForward); final int reverseSiteCountOverWindow = reverseStrandSiteCount.get(startReverse) - reverseStrandSiteCount.get(endReverse); final float denominator = Math.max(forwardSiteCountOverWindow, reverseSiteCountOverWindow); final float sumForwardStrand = forwardOutOfWindow ? 0 : startTallyForward.get(startForward) - (endTallyForward.get(endForward)); final float sumReverseStrand = reverseOutOfWindow ? 0 : startTallyReverse.get(startReverse) - (endTallyReverse.get(endReverse)); final float score = Math.abs(sumForwardStrand - sumReverseStrand) / denominator; if (denominator != 0) { if (score > 3) { System.out.printf("index %d forward: %d-%d reverse: %d-%d %f%n ", index, startForward, endForward, startReverse, endReverse, score); } boolean wasEnqueued = results.enqueue(chromosomeIndex, startForward, score, startForward, endForward, startReverse, endReverse, Math.min(endForward - startForward, endReverse - startReverse), sumForwardStrand, sumReverseStrand); if (wasEnqueued) { skipToIndex = index + windowWidth; } } } pg.lightUpdate(); } pg.stop("done"); return results; } private MethylationData load(String inputFilename) throws IOException { System.out.println("Loading.."); final String cacheFilename = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(inputFilename) + ".cache"; File cacheFile = new File(cacheFilename); if (cacheFile.canRead()) { try { System.out.println("Trying to load cache " + cacheFilename); System.out.flush(); return (MethylationData) BinIO.loadObject(cacheFilename); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { System.err.println("Cannot load cache. Loading text file instead."); // continue loading as usual. } } MethylationData data = new MethylationData(); TSVReader reader = new TSVReader(new FileReader(inputFilename), '\t'); reader.setCommentPrefix("chromosome"); int count = 0; while (reader.hasNext()) { if (reader.isCommentLine()) { reader.skip(); } else {; String chr = reader.getString(); int position = reader.getInt(); char strand = reader.getString().charAt(0); // ignore type of site. reader.getString(); int methylatedReadCount = reader.getInt(); int totalReadCount = reader.getInt(); // add element at index 'position' data.append(chr, strand, position, methylatedReadCount, totalReadCount); count++; if (count % 100000 == 1) { System.out.print("."); } } } System.out.println("done"); System.out.println("Sorting.."); // sort the sites by position: Collections.sort(data.sites, new Comparator<MethylationSite>() { public int compare(MethylationSite site1, MethylationSite site2) { if (site1.chromosome != site2.chromosome) return site1.chromosome - site2.chromosome; else return site1.position - site2.position; } }); System.out.println("Saving cache.."); System.out.flush(); BinIO.storeObject(data, cacheFilename); return data; } }