Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Institute for Computational Biomedicine, * Weill Medical College of Cornell University * * This file is part of the Goby IO API. * * The Goby IO API is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * The Goby IO API is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with the Goby IO API. If not, see <>. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.*; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectArrayList; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectList; import it.unimi.dsi.lang.MutableString; import it.unimi.dsi.logging.ProgressLogger; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import; import; import java.util.List; /** * Merge alignments. Merge is used when assembling results after searching by * chromosome or by transcripts. It is especially useful if the reference does * not fit into memory of a computer used for alignment, for example, when * searching against transcripts. * <p/> * Each input file must have been generated by searching the same set of * reads against different subset of reference sequences. Merging consists of * putting back the results as if the set of reads had been searched against * the combined reference. * <p/> * Several merging strategies are supported by this class. For instance, one * strategy assumes that each set of reads provided as input was searched * against a different chromosome (or contig). Another strategy assumes that * the reads were aligned to cDNA/transcript individual reference sequences. * * @author Kevin Dorff * @author Fabien Campagne * <p/> * Date: May 5, 2009 */ public class Merge { /** * Used to log debug and informational messages. */ private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(Merge.class); private String geneTranscriptMapFile; private boolean verbose; private int k; private ObjectList<int[]> referenceIndexPermutation; public Merge(final String geneTranscriptMapFile, final int k) { super(); this.geneTranscriptMapFile = geneTranscriptMapFile; this.k = k; } public Merge(final int k) { super(); this.k = k; } public void setK(final int k) { this.k = k; } public void setSilent(final boolean status) { this.verbose = !status; } public void setGeneTranscriptMapFile(final String geneTranscriptMapFile) { this.geneTranscriptMapFile = geneTranscriptMapFile; } public void merge(final List<File> inputFiles, final String outputFile) throws IOException { // we will store one target index permutation for each input file in the following list: referenceIndexPermutation = new ObjectArrayList<int[]>(); int maxNumberOfReads = Integer.MIN_VALUE; if (verbose) { System.out.println("Finding max number of reads..."); System.out.flush(); } int mergedReferenceIndex = 0; final IndexedIdentifier mergedTargetIdentifiers = new IndexedIdentifier(); final Int2IntMap mergedTargetLengths = new Int2IntOpenHashMap(); final IntSet numberOfReadsSet = new IntArraySet(); int minQueryIndex = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (final File inputFile : inputFiles) { final AlignmentReaderImpl reader = new AlignmentReaderImpl(inputFile.toString()); reader.readHeader(); message("Found input file with " + reader.getNumberOfTargets() + " target(s)"); mergedReferenceIndex = constructTargetIndexPermutations(mergedReferenceIndex, mergedTargetIdentifiers, mergedTargetLengths, reader); minQueryIndex = Math.min(minQueryIndex, reader.getSmallestSplitQueryIndex()); numberOfReadsSet.add(reader.getNumberOfQueries()); reader.close(); final AlignmentTooManyHitsReader tmhReader = new AlignmentTooManyHitsReader(inputFile.toString()); for (final int queryIndex : tmhReader.getQueryIndices()) { minQueryIndex = Math.min(minQueryIndex, queryIndex); } } if (numberOfReadsSet.size() != 1) { message("Aborting: the input alignments must have exactly the same number of reads, " + "we found different number of reads in " + numberOfReadsSet + " input files:"); return; } maxNumberOfReads = numberOfReadsSet.iterator().nextInt(); message("... max number of reads was " + maxNumberOfReads); final AbstractAlignmentEntryFilter entryFilter = getFilter(maxNumberOfReads, minQueryIndex); entryFilter.setTargetIdentifiers(mergedTargetIdentifiers); ProgressLogger progress = new ProgressLogger(LOG); progress.expectedUpdates = inputFiles.size(); progress.start(); float totalNumberOfLogicalEntries = 0; message("First pass: determine which reads should be kept in the merged alignment."); int totalNumberOfEntries = 0; for (final File inputFile : inputFiles) { message("Scanning " + inputFile.getName()); final AlignmentReaderImpl reader = new AlignmentReaderImpl(inputFile.toString()); reader.readHeader(); entryFilter.setTargetIdentifiers(reader.getTargetIdentifiers()); while (reader.hasNext()) { final Alignments.AlignmentEntry entry =; entryFilter.inspectEntry(entry); ++totalNumberOfEntries; totalNumberOfLogicalEntries += entry.getMultiplicity(); } progress.update(); reader.close(); } progress.stop(); entryFilter.postProcessing(); message(String.format("Found %d logical alignment entries.", (int) totalNumberOfLogicalEntries)); message("Prepare merged too many hits information."); prepareMergedTooManyHits(outputFile, maxNumberOfReads, minQueryIndex, inputFiles.toArray(new File[inputFiles.size()])); message("Second pass: writing the merged alignment."); int wrote = 0; int skipped = 0; int skippedTooManyHits = 0; int skippedNotBestScore = 0; final AlignmentWriterImpl writer = new AlignmentWriterImpl(outputFile); progress = new ProgressLogger(LOG); progress.expectedUpdates = totalNumberOfEntries; progress.start(); if (mergedTargetIdentifiers.size() > 0) { // set merged target info in the merged header: writer.setTargetIdentifiers(mergedTargetIdentifiers); } int inputFileIndex = 0; // use the merged too many hits info: final AlignmentTooManyHitsReader tmhReader = new AlignmentTooManyHitsReader(outputFile); final IntSet queriesIndicesAligned = new IntOpenHashSet(); for (final File inputFile : inputFiles) { final String basename = inputFile.toString(); final AlignmentReaderImpl reader = new AlignmentReaderImpl(basename); reader.readHeader(); entryFilter.setTargetIdentifiers(reader.getTargetIdentifiers()); final AlignmentTooManyHitsReader specificTmhReader = new AlignmentTooManyHitsReader(basename); while (reader.hasNext()) { final Alignments.AlignmentEntry entry =; progress.lightUpdate(); // System.out.println("Processing queryIndex "+entry.getQueryIndex()); if (entryFilter.shouldRetainEntry(entry)) { final int queryIndex = entry.getQueryIndex(); final int matchLength = specificTmhReader.getLengthOfMatch(queryIndex); if (!tmhReader.isQueryAmbiguous(queryIndex, k, matchLength)) { //switch in the mergedTargetIndex and append to writer: final int newTargetIndex = referenceIndexPermutation.get(inputFileIndex)[entry .getTargetIndex()]; Alignments.AlignmentEntry entry1 = entry; entry1 = entry1.newBuilderForType().mergeFrom(entry1).setTargetIndex(newTargetIndex) .build(); writer.appendEntry(entry1); wrote += entry.getMultiplicity(); queriesIndicesAligned.add(entry.getQueryIndex()); } else { skipped += entry.getMultiplicity(); skippedTooManyHits += entry.getMultiplicity(); // System.out.println("too many hits for queryIndex "+entry.getQueryIndex()); // since query hits too many locations in the reference sequences.. } } else { skipped += entry.getMultiplicity(); skippedNotBestScore += entry.getMultiplicity(); // "not best score for queryIndex "+entry.getQueryIndex()); // since this alignment does not have the best score of the reference locations aligned // with this specific query/read. } if (((wrote + skipped) % 1000000) == 0) { printStatus(wrote + skipped, wrote, skipped, skippedTooManyHits, skippedNotBestScore); } } reader.close(); inputFileIndex++; } progress.stop(); writer.setNumTargets(mergedReferenceIndex); final int[] targetLengths = new int[mergedReferenceIndex]; for (int i = 0; i < mergedReferenceIndex; i++) { targetLengths[i] = mergedTargetLengths.get(i); } writer.setTargetLengths(targetLengths); printStatus((int) totalNumberOfLogicalEntries, wrote, skipped, skippedTooManyHits, skippedNotBestScore); if (verbose) { writer.printStats(System.out); } entryFilter.printStats(); final float numQuerySequences = maxNumberOfReads; final float percentWritten = ((float) wrote) * 100f / totalNumberOfLogicalEntries; final float skippedPercent = ((float) skipped * 100f / totalNumberOfLogicalEntries); final float skippedTooManyHitsPercent = ((float) skippedTooManyHits) * 100f / totalNumberOfLogicalEntries; final float skippedNotBestScorePercent = ((float) skippedNotBestScore * 100f / totalNumberOfLogicalEntries); float percentAligned = queriesIndicesAligned.size(); percentAligned /= numQuerySequences; percentAligned *= 100f; final double percentEntriesRetained = ((double) wrote) / numQuerySequences * 100d; writer.putStatistic("entries.written.number", wrote); writer.putStatistic("entries.written.percent", percentWritten); writer.putStatistic("entries.input.logical.number", totalNumberOfLogicalEntries); writer.putStatistic("entries.input.number", totalNumberOfEntries); writer.putStatistic("skipped.Total.percent", skippedPercent); writer.putStatistic("skipped.TooManyHits.percent", skippedTooManyHitsPercent); writer.putStatistic("skipped.TooManyHits.number", skippedTooManyHits); writer.putStatistic("skipped.NotBestScore.percent", skippedNotBestScorePercent); writer.putStatistic("skipped.NotBestScore.number", skippedNotBestScore); writer.putStatistic("entries.retained.percent", percentEntriesRetained); writer.putStatistic("number.Query", maxNumberOfReads); writer.putStatistic("number.Target", mergedTargetIdentifiers.size()); writer.putStatistic("reads.aligned.number", queriesIndicesAligned.size()); writer.putStatistic("reads.aligned.percent", percentAligned); writer.close(); message("Percent aligned: " + percentAligned); } private void printStatus(final int totalNumberOfLogicalEntries, final int wrote, final int skipped, final int skippedTooManyHits, final int skippedNotBestScore) { message(String.format("Wrote %,d skipped: %,d %f%% too many hits %f%% notBestScore: %f%%", wrote, skipped, ((float) skipped / ((float) totalNumberOfLogicalEntries) * 100f), (float) skippedTooManyHits / ((float) totalNumberOfLogicalEntries) * 100f, ((float) skippedNotBestScore / ((float) totalNumberOfLogicalEntries) * 100f))); } public static void prepareMergedTooManyHits(final String outputFilename, final int numberOfReads, final int minQueryIndex, final File[] inputFiles) throws IOException { final String[] inputFilenames = new String[inputFiles.length]; int i = 0; for (final File file : inputFiles) { inputFilenames[i++] = file.toString(); } prepareMergedTooManyHits(outputFilename, numberOfReads, minQueryIndex, inputFilenames); } /** * Merge too many hits data structures across alignments. * * @param outputFile Destination basename for merged too many hits data structure. * @param numberOfReads the number of reads * @param minQueryIndex the minimum query index, in the case where we are working with a split read situation * @param basenames Input alignment basenames * @return number of reads * @throws IOException error processing */ public static int prepareMergedTooManyHits(final String outputFile, int numberOfReads, final int minQueryIndex, final String... basenames) throws IOException { final Int2IntMap tmhMap = new Int2IntAVLTreeMap(); tmhMap.defaultReturnValue(0); // accumulate too many hits over all the input alignments: int consensusAlignerThreshold = Integer.MAX_VALUE; LOG.debug("TMH first pass"); // numberOfReads does not include the TMH reads that are past the aligned entries. int maxQueryIndex = numberOfReads - 1; int maxCapacity = 0; for (final String basename : basenames) { LOG.debug("processing " + basename); final AlignmentTooManyHitsReader tmhReader = new AlignmentTooManyHitsReader(basename); IntSet queryIndices = tmhReader.getQueryIndices(); maxCapacity = Math.max(maxCapacity, queryIndices.size()); for (final int queryIndex : queryIndices) { maxQueryIndex = Math.max(maxQueryIndex, queryIndex); } tmhReader.close(); } LOG.debug("TMH second pass"); numberOfReads = maxQueryIndex + 1; final Int2IntMap queryIndex2MaxDepth = new Int2IntAVLTreeMap(); queryIndex2MaxDepth.defaultReturnValue(-1); // calculate maxDepth for each query sequence: for (final String basename : basenames) { LOG.debug("processing " + basename); final AlignmentTooManyHitsReader tmhReader = new AlignmentTooManyHitsReader(basename); // System.out.println("Found aligner-threshold=" + tmhReader.getAlignerThreshold()); consensusAlignerThreshold = Math.min(consensusAlignerThreshold, tmhReader.getAlignerThreshold()); final IntSet queryIndices = tmhReader.getQueryIndices(); for (final int queryIndex : queryIndices) { final int currentMatchLength = tmhReader.getLengthOfMatch(queryIndex); final int maxDepth = Math.max(currentMatchLength, queryIndex2MaxDepth.get(queryIndex)); if (maxDepth != -1) { queryIndex2MaxDepth.put(queryIndex, maxDepth); } } tmhReader.close(); } boolean foundDepth = false; ProgressLogger pg = new ProgressLogger(LOG); pg.priority = Level.DEBUG; pg.expectedUpdates = basenames.length; pg.start("TMH third pass"); for (final String basename : basenames) { LOG.debug("processing " + basename); final AlignmentTooManyHitsReader tmhReader = new AlignmentTooManyHitsReader(basename); final IntSet queryIndices = tmhReader.getQueryIndices(); for (final int queryIndex : queryIndices) { final int depthForBasename = tmhReader.getLengthOfMatch(queryIndex); if (depthForBasename == queryIndex2MaxDepth.get(queryIndex)) { if (depthForBasename != 1) { final int newValue = tmhMap.get(queryIndex) + tmhReader.getNumberOfHits(queryIndex); tmhMap.put(queryIndex, newValue); foundDepth = true; } } } tmhReader.close(); pg.update(); } pg.done(); pg.start("TMH fourth pass"); if (!foundDepth) { System.out.println("Warning: could not find depth/max-length-of-match in too many hits information."); } final AlignmentTooManyHitsWriter mergedTmhWriter = new AlignmentTooManyHitsWriter(outputFile, consensusAlignerThreshold); pg.expectedUpdates = tmhMap.size(); pg.displayFreeMemory = true; for (final Int2IntMap.Entry entry : tmhMap.int2IntEntrySet()) { final int queryIndex = entry.getIntKey(); final int value = entry.getIntValue(); mergedTmhWriter.append(queryIndex, value, queryIndex2MaxDepth.get(queryIndex)); pg.lightUpdate(); } mergedTmhWriter.close(); pg.done(); return numberOfReads; } private int constructTargetIndexPermutations(int mergedReferenceIndex, final IndexedIdentifier mergedTargetIdentifiers, final Int2IntMap mergedTargetLengths, final AlignmentReaderImpl reader) { final int[] targetLengths = reader.getTargetLength(); final int targetLengthCount = ArrayUtils.getLength(targetLengths); // merge targets : each target in the merged alignment will receives a merged targetIndex. final Int2IntMap tempPermutation = new Int2IntOpenHashMap(); final IndexedIdentifier targetIdentifers = reader.getTargetIdentifiers(); final DoubleIndexedIdentifier backward = new DoubleIndexedIdentifier(targetIdentifers); for (int i = 0; i < reader.getNumberOfTargets(); i++) { MutableString id = backward.size() != 0 ? backward.getId(i) : new MutableString(String.valueOf(mergedTargetIdentifiers.size())); final int newIndex = mergedTargetIdentifiers.registerIdentifier(id); tempPermutation.put(i, newIndex); final MutableString targetId = backward.getId(i); if (targetId != null) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("tempPermutation associating targetId: " + targetId + " to index " + newIndex); } mergedTargetIdentifiers.registerIdentifier(targetId); final int targetLength; if (i < targetLengthCount) { targetLength = targetLengths[i]; } else { targetLength = 0; } mergedTargetLengths.put(newIndex, targetLength); } else { } } // transfer target index permutation to array for fast access: // final int size = tempPermutation.size(); int size = 0; for (final int key : tempPermutation.keySet()) { size = Math.max(key + 1, size); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Creating array with size " + size); } final int[] newPermutation = new int[size]; for (final int key : tempPermutation.keySet()) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("about to get key : " + key); } newPermutation[key] = tempPermutation.get(key); } referenceIndexPermutation.add(newPermutation); return mergedTargetIdentifiers.size(); } /** * Override this method to change the entry filter. By default, BestScoreAlignmentFilter is used * when no transcript information is provided. * * @param maxNumberOfReads The number of reads, may be used to initialize the filter. * @return An alignment filter. * @throws FileNotFoundException If the transcript to gene mapping file cannot be found. */ public AbstractAlignmentEntryFilter getFilter(final int maxNumberOfReads, final int minQueryIndex) throws FileNotFoundException { final AbstractAlignmentEntryFilter entryFilter; if (geneTranscriptMapFile != null) { entryFilter = new TranscriptBestScoreAlignmentFilter(geneTranscriptMapFile, k, maxNumberOfReads, minQueryIndex); } else { entryFilter = new BestScoreAmbiguityAlignmentFilter(k, maxNumberOfReads, minQueryIndex); } return entryFilter; } private void message(final String message) { if (verbose) { System.out.println(message); } else { LOG.debug(message); } } }