Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Institute for Computational Biomedicine, * Weill Medical College of Cornell University * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import it.unimi.dsi.bits.Fast; import it.unimi.dsi.compression.CodeWordCoder; import it.unimi.dsi.compression.Decoder; import it.unimi.dsi.compression.HuffmanCodec; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.*; import; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.*; import; import; import it.unimi.dsi.lang.MutableString; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import*; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; /** * A handler for collections that contain alignment entries. * * @author Fabien Campagne * Date: 3/3/12 * Time: 11:45 AM */ public class AlignmentCollectionHandler implements ProtobuffCollectionHandler { /** * Used to log informational and debug messages. */ private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(AlignmentCollectionHandler.class); @RegisterThis public static DynamicOptionClient doc = new DynamicOptionClient(AlignmentCollectionHandler.class, "stats-filename:string, the file where to append statistics to:compress-stats.tsv", "debug-level:integer, a number between zero and 2. Numbers larger than zero activate debugging. 1 writes stats to stats-filename.:0", "basename:string, a basename for the file being converted.:", "ignore-read-origin:boolean, When this flag is true do not compress read origin/read groups.:false", "symbol-modeling:string, a string which indicates which arithmetic coding scheme to use. order_zero will " + "select a zero-order arithmetic coder. order_one will select an arithmetic order that models pairs of symbols. " + "plus will select an experimental coder.:plus", "enable-domain-optimizations:boolean, When this flag is true we use compression methods that are domain specific, and can increase further compression. For instance, setting this flag to true will compress related-alignment-links very efficiently if they link entries in the same chunk.:true" ); private String statsFilename; private String basename; private PrintWriter statsWriter; private static final IntArrayList EMPTY_LIST = new IntArrayList(); private boolean storeReadOrigins = true; private final boolean useArithmeticCoding = true; private final boolean useHuffmanCoding = false; private int numReadQualScoresIndex; public boolean enableDomainOptimizations = false; private boolean useTemplateBasedCompression = true; private int linkOffsetOptimizationIndex; /* Special symbol used to indicate we need to reset previousVar position to 1.*/ private static final int RESET_VAR_POS = 0; private int insertSizeIndex = 0; /** * Time stamp determined at the time the stats file is opened. Identifies all the stats written in the same * execution run. */ private long timeStamp; private CoderType coderType; public boolean isEnableDomainOptimizations() { return enableDomainOptimizations; } public void setEnableDomainOptimizations(final boolean enableDomainOptimizations) { this.enableDomainOptimizations = enableDomainOptimizations; } public static DynamicOptionClient doc() { return doc; } private int previousPosition; private int previousTargetIndex; private int deltaPosIndex = 0; private int qualScoreIndex = 0; private int debug = 0; /** * This variable keeps track of the number of chunks compressed or decompressed. */ private int chunkIndex = 0; //Two types of encoding currently supported for query indices: private static final int DELTA_ENCODING_SCHEME = 0; private static final int MINIMAL_BINARY_ENCODING_SCHEME = 1; static final int MISSING_VALUE = -1; private boolean multiplicityFieldsAllMissing = true; private long writtenBits; private long writtenBases; private static final int NO_VALUE = MISSING_VALUE; private int varToQualLengthIndex = 0; private static final int LOG2_8 = Fast.mostSignificantBit(8); enum CoderType { ORDER_ZERO, ORDER_ONE, PLUS } public AlignmentCollectionHandler() { for (int length = 0; length < qualArrays.length; length++) { qualArrays[length] = new byte[length]; } debug = doc().getInteger("debug-level"); storeReadOrigins = !doc().getBoolean("ignore-read-origin"); enableDomainOptimizations = doc().getBoolean("enable-domain-optimizations"); statsFilename = doc().getString("stats-filename"); basename = doc().getString("basename"); coderType = CoderType.valueOf(doc().getString("symbol-modeling").toUpperCase()); if (debug(1)) { try { final boolean appending = new File(statsFilename).exists(); final FileWriter fileWriter = appending ? new FileWriter(statsFilename, true) : new FileWriter(statsFilename); timeStamp = new Date().getTime(); statsWriter = new PrintWriter(fileWriter); if (!appending) { statsWriter.print( "timeStamp\tbasename\tchunkIndex\tlabel\tnumElements\ttotalBitsWritten\tBitsPerElement\tPercentageOfCompressed\n"); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { LOG.error("Cannot open stats file", e); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Cannot open stats file", e); } } } @Override public int getType() { return TYPE_ALIGNMENTS; } @Override public GeneratedMessage parse(final InputStream uncompressedStream) throws IOException { final byte[] bytes = IOUtils.toByteArray(uncompressedStream); final CodedInputStream codedInput = CodedInputStream.newInstance(bytes); codedInput.setSizeLimit(Integer.MAX_VALUE); return Alignments.AlignmentCollection.parseFrom(codedInput); } int numChunksProcessed = 0; /** * The version of the stream that this class reads and writes. */ public static final int VERSION = 13; private int streamVersion; @Override public Message compressCollection(final Message collection, final ByteArrayOutputStream compressedBits) throws IOException { reset(); final Alignments.AlignmentCollection alignmentCollection = (Alignments.AlignmentCollection) collection; final Alignments.AlignmentCollection.Builder remainingCollection = Alignments.AlignmentCollection .newBuilder(); final int size = alignmentCollection.getAlignmentEntriesCount(); int indexInReducedCollection = 0; collectLinkLists(alignmentCollection); collectStrings(alignmentCollection.getAlignmentEntriesCount(), alignmentCollection); for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) { final Alignments.AlignmentEntry entry = alignmentCollection.getAlignmentEntries(index); final Alignments.AlignmentEntry transformed = transform(index, indexInReducedCollection, entry); if (transformed != null) { remainingCollection.addAlignmentEntries(transformed); indexInReducedCollection++; // System.out.println("not a duplicate"); } else { } } final OutputBitStream outputBitStream = new OutputBitStream(compressedBits); // System.out.println("queryIndex="+((Alignments.AlignmentCollection) collection).getAlignmentEntries(0).getQueryIndex()); writeCompressed(outputBitStream); outputBitStream.flush(); writtenBits += outputBitStream.writtenBits(); if (numChunksProcessed++ % 200 == 0) { displayStats(); } ++chunkIndex; return; } protected final Int2ObjectMap<CombinedLists> queryIndex2CombinedInfo = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<CombinedLists>(); protected class CombinedLists { public IntArrayList positionList; public IntArrayList entryIndices; public IntArrayList fragmentIndices; private CombinedLists() { positionList = new IntArrayList(); entryIndices = new IntArrayList(); fragmentIndices = new IntArrayList(); } } private void collectLinkLists(final Alignments.AlignmentCollectionOrBuilder alignmentCollection) { int entryIndex = 0; // collect positions for each query index: for (final Alignments.AlignmentEntry entry : alignmentCollection.getAlignmentEntriesList()) { final int queryIndex = entry.getQueryIndex(); CombinedLists list = queryIndex2CombinedInfo.get(queryIndex); if (list == null) { list = new CombinedLists(); queryIndex2CombinedInfo.put(queryIndex, list); } list.positionList.add(entry.getPosition()); list.entryIndices.add(entryIndex); list.fragmentIndices.add(entry.getFragmentIndex()); entryIndex++; } } private void collectStrings(final int size, final Alignments.AlignmentCollection alignmentCollection) { int indexInStrings = 0; for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) { final Alignments.AlignmentEntry entry = alignmentCollection.getAlignmentEntries(index); numSoftClipRightBases.add( entry.hasSoftClippedBasesRight() ? entry.getSoftClippedBasesRight().length() : MISSING_VALUE); numSoftClipLeftBases.add( entry.hasSoftClippedBasesLeft() ? entry.getSoftClippedBasesLeft().length() : MISSING_VALUE); } boolean finished1 = false; boolean finished2 = false; while (!(finished1 && finished2)) { finished1 = true; finished2 = true; for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) { final Alignments.AlignmentEntry entry = alignmentCollection.getAlignmentEntries(index); final int numSoftClipLeftBasesInt = numSoftClipLeftBases.getInt(index); if (numSoftClipLeftBasesInt != MISSING_VALUE) { if (indexInStrings < numSoftClipLeftBasesInt) { final String softClippedBasesLeft = entry.getSoftClippedBasesLeft(); softClipLeftBases.add(softClippedBasesLeft.charAt(indexInStrings)); if (entry.hasSoftClippedQualityLeft()) { softClipLeftQualityScores.add(entry.getSoftClippedQualityLeft().byteAt(indexInStrings)); } finished1 = false; } } final int numSoftClipRightBasesInt = numSoftClipRightBases.getInt(index); if (numSoftClipRightBasesInt != MISSING_VALUE) { if (indexInStrings < numSoftClipRightBasesInt) { final String softClippedBasesRight = entry.getSoftClippedBasesRight(); softClipRightBases.add(softClippedBasesRight.charAt(indexInStrings)); if (entry.hasSoftClippedQualityRight()) { softClipRightQualityScores .add(entry.getSoftClippedQualityRight().byteAt(indexInStrings)); } finished2 = false; } } } indexInStrings++; } // must clear the attributes we have collected, but cannot do this on the read-only PB entries. } private void restoreStrings(final Alignments.AlignmentCollection.Builder alignmentCollection) { final int size = alignmentCollection.getAlignmentEntriesCount(); int indexInStrings = 0; boolean finished1 = false; boolean finished2 = false; final ObjectArrayList<MutableString> softClipsLeft = new ObjectArrayList<MutableString>(); final ObjectArrayList<MutableString> softClipsRight = new ObjectArrayList<MutableString>(); final ObjectArrayList<byte[]> softClipsLeftQual = new ObjectArrayList<byte[]>(); final ObjectArrayList<byte[]> softClipsRightQual = new ObjectArrayList<byte[]>(); softClipsLeft.size(size); softClipsLeftQual.size(size); softClipsRight.size(size); softClipsRightQual.size(size); for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) { if (index < numSoftClipLeftBases.size()) { final int stringLength = numSoftClipLeftBases.getInt(index); if (stringLength != MISSING_VALUE) { final MutableString mutableString = new MutableString(); mutableString.setLength(stringLength); softClipsLeft.set(index, mutableString); final byte[] leftQuals = new byte[stringLength]; softClipsLeftQual.set(index, leftQuals); } } if (index < numSoftClipRightBases.size()) { final int stringLength = numSoftClipRightBases.getInt(index); if (stringLength != MISSING_VALUE) { final MutableString mutableString = new MutableString(); mutableString.setLength(stringLength); softClipsRight.set(index, mutableString); final byte[] rightQuals = new byte[stringLength]; softClipsRightQual.set(index, rightQuals); } } } int iLeft = 0; int iRight = 0; while (!(finished1 && finished2)) { finished1 = true; finished2 = true; for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) { final int numSoftClipLeftBasesInt = numSoftClipLeftBases.getInt(index); if (numSoftClipLeftBasesInt != MISSING_VALUE && indexInStrings < numSoftClipLeftBasesInt) { final MutableString mutableString = softClipsLeft.get(index); if (mutableString != null) { final int anInt = softClipLeftBases.getInt(iLeft); mutableString.setCharAt(indexInStrings, (char) anInt); if (streamVersion >= 10) { final byte qual = (byte) softClipLeftQualityScores.getInt(iLeft); softClipsLeftQual.get(index)[indexInStrings] = qual; } iLeft += 1; finished1 = false; } } final int numSoftClipRightBasesInt = numSoftClipRightBases.getInt(index); if (numSoftClipRightBasesInt != MISSING_VALUE && indexInStrings < numSoftClipRightBasesInt) { final MutableString mutableString = softClipsRight.get(index); if (mutableString != null) { final int anInt = softClipRightBases.getInt(iRight); mutableString.setCharAt(indexInStrings, (char) anInt); if (streamVersion >= 10) { final byte qual = (byte) softClipRightQualityScores.getInt(iRight); softClipsRightQual.get(index)[indexInStrings] = qual; } iRight += 1; finished2 = false; } } } indexInStrings++; } for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) { final Alignments.AlignmentEntry.Builder builder = alignmentCollection.getAlignmentEntriesBuilder(index); { final MutableString mutableString = softClipsLeft.get(index); if (mutableString != null) { builder.setSoftClippedBasesLeft(mutableString.toString()); if (streamVersion >= 10) { builder.setSoftClippedQualityLeft(ByteString.copyFrom(softClipsLeftQual.get(index))); } } } { final MutableString mutableString = softClipsRight.get(index); if (mutableString != null) { builder.setSoftClippedBasesRight(mutableString.toString()); if (streamVersion >= 10) { builder.setSoftClippedQualityRight(ByteString.copyFrom(softClipsRightQual.get(index))); } } } } } @Override public Message decompressCollection(final Message reducedCollection, final byte[] compressedBytes) throws IOException { reset(); //TODO optimize away the copy: final byte[] moreRoom = new byte[compressedBytes.length + 100]; System.arraycopy(compressedBytes, 0, moreRoom, 0, compressedBytes.length); final Alignments.AlignmentCollection alignmentCollection = (Alignments.AlignmentCollection) reducedCollection; final Alignments.AlignmentCollection.Builder result = Alignments.AlignmentCollection.newBuilder(); final InputBitStream bitInput = new InputBitStream(new FastByteArrayInputStream(moreRoom)); final int numEntriesInChunk = alignmentCollection.getAlignmentEntriesCount(); final int streamVersion = decompressBits(bitInput, numEntriesInChunk); int originalIndex = 0; for (int templateIndex = 0; templateIndex < numEntriesInChunk; templateIndex++) { final int templatePositionIndex = varPositionIndex; final int templateVarFromToIndex = varFromToIndex; final int templateVarHasToQualsIndex = varToQualLengthIndex; while (multiplicities.get(templateIndex) >= 1) { result.addAlignmentEntries(andBack(templateIndex, originalIndex, alignmentCollection.getAlignmentEntries(templateIndex), streamVersion)); if (multiplicities.get(templateIndex) >= 1) { // go back to the indices for the template: varPositionIndex = templatePositionIndex; varFromToIndex = templateVarFromToIndex; } originalIndex++; } } restoreStrings(result); restoreLinks(result); ++chunkIndex; return; } private void restoreLinks(final Alignments.AlignmentCollection.Builder alignmentCollection) { // queryIndexToPositionList.clear(); queryIndex2CombinedInfo.clear(); collectLinkLists(alignmentCollection); final int size = alignmentCollection.getAlignmentEntriesCount(); insertSizeIndex = 0; for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) { final Alignments.AlignmentEntry.Builder entry = alignmentCollection.getAlignmentEntriesBuilder(index); final CombinedLists combinedLists = queryIndex2CombinedInfo.get(entry.getQueryIndex()); final IntArrayList positionList = combinedLists.positionList; final IntArrayList fragmentList = combinedLists.fragmentIndices; final int queryIndex = entry.getQueryIndex(); if (entry.hasPairAlignmentLink() && entry.getPairAlignmentLink().hasOptimizedIndex()) { final Alignments.RelatedAlignmentEntry.Builder linkBuilder = entry.getPairAlignmentLinkBuilder(); recoverLink(alignmentCollection, entry, positionList, fragmentList, queryIndex, linkBuilder, combinedLists); } if (entry.hasSplicedForwardAlignmentLink() && entry.getSplicedForwardAlignmentLink().hasOptimizedIndex()) { final Alignments.RelatedAlignmentEntry.Builder linkBuilder = entry .getSplicedForwardAlignmentLinkBuilder(); recoverLink(alignmentCollection, entry, positionList, fragmentList, queryIndex, linkBuilder, combinedLists); } if (entry.hasSplicedBackwardAlignmentLink() && entry.getSplicedBackwardAlignmentLink().hasOptimizedIndex()) { final Alignments.RelatedAlignmentEntry.Builder linkBuilder = entry .getSplicedBackwardAlignmentLinkBuilder(); recoverLink(alignmentCollection, entry, positionList, fragmentList, queryIndex, linkBuilder, combinedLists); } // we need to update insert size because the optimization messed up the mate position used by domain optimization: recalculateInsertSize(entry, insertSizeIndex++); } } private void recoverLink(final Alignments.AlignmentCollection.Builder alignmentCollection, final Alignments.AlignmentEntry.Builder entry, final IntArrayList positionList, final IntArrayList fragmentList, final int queryIndex, final Alignments.RelatedAlignmentEntry.Builder linkBuilder, final CombinedLists combinedLists) { final int indexOffset = linkBuilder.getOptimizedIndex(); final int position = entry.getPosition(); int index = 0; int thisEntryIndex = -1; for (final int value : positionList) { if (value == position && fragmentList.get(index) == entry.getFragmentIndex()) { thisEntryIndex = index; } index++; } final int optimizedIndex = indexOffset + thisEntryIndex; // final int linkIndex = Fast.nat2int(linkOffset) + thisEntryIndex; final IntArrayList listOfIndices = combinedLists.entryIndices; final int otherEntryIndex = listOfIndices.get(optimizedIndex); final Alignments.AlignmentEntry otherEntry = alignmentCollection.getAlignmentEntries(otherEntryIndex); linkBuilder.setPosition(otherEntry.getPosition()); linkBuilder.setFragmentIndex(otherEntry.getFragmentIndex()); linkBuilder.clearOptimizedIndex(); } int findIndex(final IntSortedSet list, final int position) { int index = 0; for (final int value : list.toIntArray()) { if (value == position) return index; index += 1; } return -1; } @Override public void setUseTemplateCompression(final boolean useTemplateCompression) { useTemplateBasedCompression = useTemplateCompression; } public void displayStats() { if (debug(1) && statsWriter != null) { final double overallBpb = divide(writtenBits, writtenBases); double totalBpb = overallBpb; long sumN = 0; long sumWritten = 0; for (final String label : typeToNumEntries.keySet()) { final int n = typeToNumEntries.getInt(label); final long written = typeToWrittenBits.getLong(label); sumWritten += written; sumN += n; } for (final String label : typeToNumEntries.keySet()) { final int n = typeToNumEntries.getInt(label); final long written = typeToWrittenBits.getLong(label); final double average = (double) written / (double) n; final double averageBitPerBase = (double) written / (double) writtenBases; // // (String.format("encoded %d %s in %d bits, average %g bits /element. ", n, label, // written, average)); final double percentageOfTotal = divide(written, sumWritten) * 100.0;"encoded %d %s in %d bits, average %g bpb. %2.2f%% ", n, label, written, averageBitPerBase, percentageOfTotal)); statsWriter.write(String.format("%d\t%s\t%d\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%g\t%.2g%n", timeStamp, basename, chunkIndex, label, n, written, divide(written, n), percentageOfTotal)); totalBpb += averageBitPerBase; }"entries aggregated with multiplicity= %d", countAggregatedWithMultiplicity));"Overall: bits per aligned bases= %g", overallBpb)); statsWriter.write(String.format("%d\t%s\t%d\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%g\t%d%n", timeStamp, basename, chunkIndex, "overall-bits-per-base", sumN, sumWritten, overallBpb, 100)); statsWriter.flush(); } } private double divide(final long a, final long b) { return ((double) a / (double) b); } protected final boolean debug(final int level) { return debug >= level; } private void writeInts(final String label, final IntList list, final OutputBitStream out) throws IOException { final long writtenStart = out.writtenBits(); for (final int value : list) { out.writeInt(value, 32); } final long writtenStop = out.writtenBits(); final long written = writtenStop - writtenStart; recordStats(label, list, written); } private void writeQueryIndices(final String label, final IntList list, final OutputBitStream out) throws IOException { final boolean success = tryWriteDeltas(label, list, out); final long writtenStart = out.writtenBits(); if (success) { return; } else { out.writeDelta(MINIMAL_BINARY_ENCODING_SCHEME); } int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE; final int size = list.size(); // System.out.printf("encoding, chunk=%d delta-positions.size=%d%n", chunkIndex, deltaPositions.size()); for (final int value : list) { min = Math.min(value, min); max = Math.max(value, max); } out.writeNibble(size); if (size == 0) { return; } out.writeNibble(min); out.writeNibble(max); // add one to each value, since we cannot write zeroes in minimal binary. final int b = max - min + 1; final int log2b = Fast.mostSignificantBit(b); for (final int value : list) { out.writeMinimalBinary(value - min, b, log2b); // out.writeLongMinimalBinary(value-min, max-min+1); } // out.flush(); if (debug(1)) { // out.flush(); final long writtenStop = out.writtenBits(); final long written = writtenStop - writtenStart; recordStats(label, list, written); } } /** * Write a list with Rice/Golomb coding * * @param label * @param list * @param out * @throws IOException */ public void writeRiceCoding(final String label, final IntList list, final OutputBitStream out) throws IOException { final long writtenStart = out.writtenBits(); out.writeNibble(list.size()); for (final int value : list) { out.writeGolomb(value, 8, LOG2_8); } if (debug(1)) { System.err.flush(); final long writtenStop = out.writtenBits(); final long written = writtenStop - writtenStart; recordStats(label, list, written); } } /** * Try to write query indices as delta. If the number of unique deltas is larger than 10% of list size, do not * write anything and return false. Otherwise, write as delta and return true. * * @param label * @param list * @param out * @return * @throws */ private boolean tryWriteDeltas(final String label, final IntList list, final OutputBitStream out) throws IOException { if (list.size() == 0) { return false; } final long writtenStart = out.writtenBits(); final IntArrayList deltas = new IntArrayList(); final int first = list.getInt(0); // write the first value as is: int previous = first; int index = 0; for (final int value : list) { if (index > 0) { deltas.add(Fast.int2nat(value - previous)); previous = value; } ++index; } final IntSet tokens = getTokens(deltas); // System.out.printf("tokenSize=%d listSize=%d%n", tokens.size(), list.size()); if (divide(tokens.size(), list.size()) > 0.2f) { return false; } else { // System.out.println("Using delta encoding scheme"); out.writeDelta(DELTA_ENCODING_SCHEME); out.writeNibble(first); writeArithmetic(null, deltas, out); final long writtenStop = out.writtenBits(); final long written = writtenStop - writtenStart; recordStats(label + "-as-deltas", deltas, written); return true; } } private float divide(final int a, final int b) { return ((float) a) / ((float) b); } private void decodeQueryIndices(final String label, final int numEntriesInChunk, final InputBitStream bitInput, final IntList list) throws IOException { switch (bitInput.readDelta()) { case MINIMAL_BINARY_ENCODING_SCHEME: readMinimalUnary(label, numEntriesInChunk, bitInput, list); break; case DELTA_ENCODING_SCHEME: readAsDeltas(label, numEntriesInChunk, bitInput, list); break; } } private void readAsDeltas(final String label, final int numEntriesInChunk, final InputBitStream bitInput, final IntList list) throws IOException { final IntArrayList deltas = new IntArrayList(); int previous = bitInput.readNibble(); decodeArithmetic(label, numEntriesInChunk - 1, bitInput, deltas); list.add(previous); for (final int delta : deltas) { final int newValue = Fast.nat2int(delta) + previous; list.add(newValue); previous = newValue; } } private void readMinimalUnary(final String label, final int numEntriesInChunk, final InputBitStream bitInput, final IntList list) throws IOException { final int size = bitInput.readNibble(); if (size == 0) { return; } final int min = bitInput.readNibble(); final int max = bitInput.readNibble(); final int b = max - min + 1; final int log2b = Fast.mostSignificantBit(b); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { final int reducedReadIndex = bitInput.readMinimalBinary(max - min + 1, log2b); list.add(reducedReadIndex + min); } // bitInput.flush(); } private void writeNibble(final String label, final IntList list, final OutputBitStream out) throws IOException { final long writtenStart = out.writtenBits(); for (final int value : list) { out.writeNibble(value); } final long writtenStop = out.writtenBits(); final long written = writtenStop - writtenStart; recordStats(label, list, written); } Object2IntMap<String> typeToNumEntries = new Object2IntAVLTreeMap<String>(); Object2LongMap<String> typeToWrittenBits = new Object2LongAVLTreeMap<String>(); protected final void decodeArithmetic(final String label, final int numEntriesInChunk, final InputBitStream bitInput, final IntList list) throws IOException { if (debug(2)) { System.err.flush(); System.err.println("\nreading " + label + " with available=" + bitInput.available()); System.err.flush(); } boolean useRunLength = false; if (streamVersion >= 5) { // version 5 and up choose to use run length encoding for each field: useRunLength = bitInput.readBit() == 1; } if (useRunLength) { encodedLengths.clear(); encodedValues.clear(); decodeArithmeticInternal(bitInput, encodedLengths); decodeArithmeticInternal(bitInput, encodedValues); decodeRunLengths(encodedLengths, encodedValues, list); } else { decodeArithmeticInternal(bitInput, list); } } final IntArrayList encodedLengths = new IntArrayList(); final IntArrayList encodedValues = new IntArrayList(); private void decodeArithmeticInternal(final InputBitStream bitInput, final IntList list) throws IOException { final int size = bitInput.readNibble(); if (size == 0) { return; } final boolean directEncoding = streamVersion >= 12 ? bitInput.readBit() == 1 : false; final boolean hasNegatives = bitInput.readBit() == 1; final int numTokens = bitInput.readNibble(); final int[] distinctvalue = new int[numTokens]; if (!directEncoding) { for (int i = 0; i < numTokens; i++) { // -1 makes 0 symbol -1 (missing value) again final int token = bitInput.readNibble(); final int anInt = hasNegatives ? Fast.nat2int(token) : token - 1; distinctvalue[i] = anInt; } } else { // read the first token and reconstruct the others in sequence: final int token = bitInput.readNibble(); final int anInt = hasNegatives ? Fast.nat2int(token) : token - 1; distinctvalue[0] = anInt; for (int i = 1; i < numTokens; i++) { distinctvalue[i] = distinctvalue[i - 1] + 1; } } if (hasNegatives) { // we must sort the symbol values again since the bijection has permuted them Arrays.sort(distinctvalue); } decode(bitInput, list, size, numTokens, distinctvalue); } protected final void writeArithmetic(final String label, final IntList list, final OutputBitStream out) throws IOException { if (debug(2)) { System.err.flush(); System.err.println("\nwriting " + label); System.err.flush(); } final long writtenStart = out.writtenBits(); encodedLengths.clear(); encodedValues.clear(); encodeRunLengths(list, encodedLengths, encodedValues); if (runLengthEncoding(label, list, encodedLengths, encodedValues)) { out.writeBit(1); encodeArithmeticInternal(label + "Lengths", encodedLengths, out); encodeArithmeticInternal(label + "Values", encodedValues, out); } else { out.writeBit(0); encodeArithmeticInternal(label, list, out); } if (debug(1)) { System.err.flush(); final long writtenStop = out.writtenBits(); final long written = writtenStop - writtenStart; recordStats(label, list, written); } } private boolean runLengthEncoding(final String label, final IntList list, final IntArrayList encodedLengths, final IntArrayList encodedValues) { final float ratioListSizes = ((float) encodedLengths.size() + encodedValues.size()) / (float) list.size(); final boolean result = encodedLengths.size() > 10 && ratioListSizes < 1; /* if (result) { System.out.println("Using run-length encoding for "+label + " encodedLengths.size() "+encodedLengths.size() ); } */ return result; } private boolean encodeArithmeticInternal(final String label, final IntList list, final OutputBitStream out) throws IOException { out.writeNibble(list.size()); // LIST.size if (list.isEmpty()) { // no list to write. return true; } final IntSortedSet distinctSymbols = getTokens(list); final int minSymbol = distinctSymbols.firstInt(); final int maxSymbol = distinctSymbols.lastInt(); final int symbolRange = maxSymbol - minSymbol; final int numDistinctSymbols = distinctSymbols.size(); final boolean hasNegativeValues = minSymbol < 0; if (symbolRange + 1 > numDistinctSymbols) { final int[] symbolValues = distinctSymbols.toIntArray(); // new in version 12: out.writeBit(false); out.writeBit(hasNegativeValues); out.writeNibble(distinctSymbols.size()); //LIST.distinct-values.size() for (final int token : distinctSymbols) { // +1 makes -1 (missing value) symbol 0 so it can be written Nibble: final int anInt = token; final int nat = hasNegativeValues ? Fast.int2nat(anInt) : anInt + 1; out.writeNibble(nat); } encode(label, list, out, distinctSymbols, symbolValues); return false; } else { // System.out.printf("%s symbolRange=%d symbolSize=%d%n", label, symbolRange, numDistinctSymbols); // in this branch, we know the symbols are consecutive in values, so we write the min symbol, and the number of symbols. out.writeBit(true); out.writeBit(hasNegativeValues); out.writeNibble(distinctSymbols.size()); //LIST.distinct-values.size() // +1 makes -1 (missing value) symbol 0 so it can be written Nibble: final int anInt = minSymbol; final int nat = hasNegativeValues ? Fast.int2nat(anInt) : anInt + 1; out.writeNibble(nat); encodeDirect(label, list, out, minSymbol, numDistinctSymbols); return false; } } private void encode(final String label, final IntList list, final OutputBitStream out, final IntSet distinctSymbols, final int[] symbolValues) throws IOException { if (useArithmeticCoding) { final FastArithmeticCoderI coder = getCoder(distinctSymbols.size(), list.size()); for (final int dp : list) { final int symbolCode = Arrays.binarySearch(symbolValues, dp); assert symbolCode >= 0 : "symbol code must exist."; coder.encode(symbolCode, out); } coder.flush(out); } else if (useHuffmanCoding) { final int[] frequencies = frequencies(list, symbolValues); final HuffmanCodec codec = new HuffmanCodec(frequencies); final CodeWordCoder coder = codec.coder(); for (final int freq : frequencies) { out.writeNibble(freq); } for (final int dp : list) { final int symbolCode = Arrays.binarySearch(symbolValues, dp); assert symbolCode >= 0 : "symbol code must exist."; coder.encode(symbolCode, out); } coder.flush(out); } } private FastArithmeticCoderI getCoder(final int numSymbols, final int listSize) { switch (coderType) { case ORDER_ONE: return new FastArithmeticCoderOrder1(numSymbols); case PLUS: return new FastArithmeticCoderPlus(numSymbols); default: case ORDER_ZERO: return new FastArithmeticCoder(numSymbols); } } private FastArithmeticDecoderI getDecoder(final int numSymbols) { switch (coderType) { case ORDER_ONE: return new FastArithmeticDecoderOrder1(numSymbols); case PLUS: return new FastArithmeticDecoderPlus(numSymbols); default: case ORDER_ZERO: return new FastArithmeticDecoder(numSymbols); } } /** * Here, we know that symbol values are consecutive, so we don't need to use binarySearch to code list values into symbols. * We use direct access instead. * * @param label * @param list * @param out * @throws IOException */ private void encodeDirect(final String label, final IntList list, final OutputBitStream out, final int minSymbol, final int numSymbols) throws IOException { if (useArithmeticCoding) { final FastArithmeticCoderI coder = getCoder(numSymbols, list.size()); for (final int dp : list) { final int symbolCode = dp - minSymbol; assert symbolCode >= 0 : "symbol code must exist."; coder.encode(symbolCode, out); } coder.flush(out); } else if (useHuffmanCoding) { final int[] frequencies = frequenciesDirect(list, minSymbol, numSymbols); final HuffmanCodec codec = new HuffmanCodec(frequencies); final CodeWordCoder coder = codec.coder(); for (final int freq : frequencies) { out.writeNibble(freq); } for (final int dp : list) { final int symbolCode = dp - minSymbol; assert symbolCode >= 0 : "symbol code must exist."; coder.encode(symbolCode, out); } coder.flush(out); } } private void decode(final InputBitStream bitInput, final IntList list, final int size, final int numTokens, final int[] distinctvalue) throws IOException { if (useArithmeticCoding) { final FastArithmeticDecoderI decoder = getDecoder(numTokens); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { final int tokenValue = distinctvalue[decoder.decode(bitInput)]; list.add(tokenValue); } decoder.reposition(bitInput); } else if (useHuffmanCoding) { final int[] frequencies = new int[distinctvalue.length]; for (int i = 0; i < frequencies.length; i++) { frequencies[i] = bitInput.readNibble(); } final HuffmanCodec codec = new HuffmanCodec(frequencies); final Decoder decoder = codec.decoder(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { final int tokenValue = distinctvalue[decoder.decode(bitInput)]; list.add(tokenValue); } // decoder.reposition(bitInput); } } // return the frequencies of symbols in the list private int[] frequencies(final IntList list, final int[] symbolValues) { final int[] freqs = new int[symbolValues.length]; for (final int value : list) { final int index = Arrays.binarySearch(symbolValues, value); freqs[index] += 1; } return freqs; } // return the frequencies of symbols in the list private int[] frequenciesDirect(final IntList list, final int minSymbol, final int numSymbols) { final int[] freqs = new int[numSymbols]; for (final int value : list) { final int index = value - minSymbol; freqs[index] += 1; } return freqs; } private boolean hasNegatives(final int[] symbolValues) { for (final int val : symbolValues) { if (val < -1) { return true; } } return false; } private void recordStats(final String label, final IntList list, final long written) { if (debug(1) && label != null) { final double average = ((double) written) / list.size(); typeToNumEntries.put(label, list.size() + typeToNumEntries.getInt(label)); typeToWrittenBits.put(label, written + typeToWrittenBits.getLong(label)); /* if (label.contains("delta")) System.out.printf("written: %d %n", written); */ } } final IntSortedSet tokenSet = new IntAVLTreeSet(); private final IntSortedSet getTokens(final IntList list) { tokenSet.clear(); for (final int value : list) { tokenSet.add(value); } return tokenSet; } private IntList deltaPositions = new IntArrayList(); private IntList deltaTargetIndices = new IntArrayList(); private IntList queryLengths = new IntArrayList(); private IntList mappingQualities = new IntArrayList(); private IntList matchingReverseStrand = new IntArrayList(); private IntList multiplicity = new IntArrayList(); private IntList numberOfIndels = new IntArrayList(); private IntList numberOfMismatches = new IntArrayList(); private IntList queryAlignedLengths = new IntArrayList(); private IntList targetAlignedLengths = new IntArrayList(); private IntList queryIndices = new IntArrayList(); private IntList queryPositions = new IntArrayList(); private IntList fragmentIndices = new IntArrayList(); private IntList variationCount = new IntArrayList(); private IntList insertSizes = new IntArrayList(); private IntList fromLengths = new IntArrayList(); private IntList toLengths = new IntArrayList(); private IntList varPositions = new IntArrayList(); private IntList varReadIndex = new IntArrayList(); private IntList varFromTo = new IntArrayList(); private IntList varQuals = new IntArrayList(); private IntList varToQualLength = new IntArrayList(); private IntList allReadQualityScores = new IntArrayList(); private IntList sampleIndices = new IntArrayList(); private IntList readOriginIndices = new IntArrayList(); private IntList pairFlags = new IntArrayList(); private IntList scores = new IntArrayList(); private IntArrayList numReadQualityScores = new IntArrayList(); private IntArrayList multiplicities = new IntArrayList(); private IntList numSoftClipLeftBases = new IntArrayList(); private IntList numSoftClipRightBases = new IntArrayList(); private IntList softClipLeftBases = new IntArrayList(); private IntList softClipRightBases = new IntArrayList(); private IntList softClipLeftQualityScores = new IntArrayList(); private IntList softClipRightQualityScores = new IntArrayList(); protected IntList linkOffsetOptimization = new IntArrayList(); private int decompressBits(final InputBitStream bitInput, final int numEntriesInChunk) throws IOException { streamVersion = bitInput.readDelta(); assert streamVersion <= VERSION : String .format("FATAL: The stream version (found=%d) cannot have been written " + "with a more recent version of Goby (The hybrid chunk codec cannot not support forward compatibility of" + " the compressed stream). This implementation has VERSION=%d", streamVersion, VERSION); if (streamVersion <= 12) { coderType = CoderType.ORDER_ZERO; } else { coderType = CoderType.values()[bitInput.readDelta()]; } if (streamVersion >= 8) { enableDomainOptimizations = bitInput.readBit() == 1; } multiplicityFieldsAllMissing = bitInput.readBit() == 1; decodeArithmetic("deltaPositions", numEntriesInChunk, bitInput, deltaPositions); decodeArithmetic("deltaTargetIndices", numEntriesInChunk, bitInput, deltaTargetIndices); decodeArithmetic("queryLengths", numEntriesInChunk, bitInput, queryLengths); decodeArithmetic("mappingQualities", numEntriesInChunk, bitInput, mappingQualities); decodeArithmetic("matchingReverseStrand", numEntriesInChunk, bitInput, matchingReverseStrand); decodeArithmetic("numberOfIndels", numEntriesInChunk, bitInput, numberOfIndels); decodeArithmetic("numberOfMismatches", numEntriesInChunk, bitInput, numberOfMismatches); decodeArithmetic("insertSize", numEntriesInChunk, bitInput, insertSizes); decodeArithmetic("queryAlignedLength", numEntriesInChunk, bitInput, queryAlignedLengths); decodeArithmetic("targetAlignedLength", numEntriesInChunk, bitInput, targetAlignedLengths); decodeArithmetic("queryPositions", numEntriesInChunk, bitInput, queryPositions); decodeArithmetic("fragmentIndex", numEntriesInChunk, bitInput, fragmentIndices); decodeArithmetic("variationCount", numEntriesInChunk, bitInput, variationCount); if (streamVersion >= 10) { // in version 10 we try to store positions as deltas: decodeVarPositions("varPositions-as-deltamod", numEntriesInChunk, bitInput, varPositions); } else { decodeArithmetic("varPositions", numEntriesInChunk, bitInput, varPositions); } decodeArithmetic("fromLengths", numEntriesInChunk, bitInput, fromLengths); decodeArithmetic("toLengths", numEntriesInChunk, bitInput, toLengths); if (enableDomainOptimizations && streamVersion >= 10) { decodeToLength(fromLengths, toLengths); } decodeArithmetic("varReadIndex", numEntriesInChunk, bitInput, varReadIndex); decodeArithmetic("varFromTo", numEntriesInChunk, bitInput, varFromTo); decodeArithmetic("varQuals", numEntriesInChunk, bitInput, varQuals); decodeArithmetic("varToQualLength", numEntriesInChunk, bitInput, varToQualLength); decodeArithmetic("multiplicities", numEntriesInChunk, bitInput, multiplicities);, bitInput);, bitInput);, bitInput); decodeQueryIndices("queryIndices", numEntriesInChunk, bitInput, queryIndices); if (streamVersion >= 2) { decodeArithmetic("numReadQualityScores", numEntriesInChunk, bitInput, numReadQualityScores); decodeArithmetic("allReadQualityScores", numEntriesInChunk, bitInput, allReadQualityScores); } if (streamVersion >= 3) { decodeArithmetic("sampleIndices", numEntriesInChunk, bitInput, sampleIndices); decodeArithmetic("readOriginIndices", numEntriesInChunk, bitInput, readOriginIndices); } if (streamVersion >= 4) { decodeArithmetic("pairFlags", numEntriesInChunk, bitInput, pairFlags); decodeArithmetic("scores", numEntriesInChunk, bitInput, scores); } if (streamVersion >= 6) { decodeArithmetic("softClipLeftBasesNum", numEntriesInChunk, bitInput, numSoftClipLeftBases); decodeArithmetic("softClipRightBasesNum", numEntriesInChunk, bitInput, numSoftClipRightBases); decodeArithmetic("softClipLeftBases", numEntriesInChunk, bitInput, softClipLeftBases); decodeArithmetic("softClipRightBases", numEntriesInChunk, bitInput, softClipRightBases); } if (streamVersion >= 7) { decodeArithmetic("linkOffsetOptimization", numEntriesInChunk, bitInput, linkOffsetOptimization); } if (streamVersion >= 9) { decodeArithmetic("softClipLeftQualityScores", numEntriesInChunk, bitInput, softClipLeftQualityScores); decodeArithmetic("softClipRightQualityScores", numEntriesInChunk, bitInput, softClipRightQualityScores); } return streamVersion; } private void decodeRunLengths(final IntArrayList encodedLengths, final IntArrayList encodedValues, final IntList list) { final int size = encodedLengths.size(); int index = 0; int valueIndex = 0; for (index = 0; index < size; index++) { final int runLength = encodedLengths.get(index); for (int j = 0; j < runLength; j++) { list.add(encodedValues.get(valueIndex)); } valueIndex += 1; } } private void encodeRunLengths(final IntList list, final IntArrayList encodedLengths, final IntArrayList encodedValues) { if (list.size() == 0) { return; } int previous = list.get(0); int runLength = 1; final int size = list.size(); for (int index = 1; index < size; index++) { final int value = list.get(index); if (value == previous) { runLength += 1; } else { encodedLengths.add(runLength); encodedValues.add(previous); runLength = 1; } previous = value; } encodedLengths.add(runLength); encodedValues.add(previous); } private void writeCompressed(final OutputBitStream out) throws IOException { // out.writeNibble(0); out.writeDelta(VERSION); out.writeDelta(coderType.ordinal()); out.writeBit(enableDomainOptimizations); out.writeBit(multiplicityFieldsAllMissing); writeArithmetic("positions", deltaPositions, out); writeArithmetic("targets", deltaTargetIndices, out); writeArithmetic("queryLengths", queryLengths, out); writeArithmetic("mappingQualities", mappingQualities, out); writeArithmetic("matchingReverseStrand", matchingReverseStrand, out); writeArithmetic("numberOfIndels", numberOfIndels, out); writeArithmetic("numberOfMismatches", numberOfMismatches, out); writeArithmetic("insertSize", insertSizes, out); writeArithmetic("queryAlignedLength", queryAlignedLengths, out); writeArithmetic("targetAlignedLength", targetAlignedLengths, out); writeArithmetic("queryPositions", queryPositions, out); writeArithmetic("fragmentIndex", fragmentIndices, out); writeArithmetic("variationCount", variationCount, out); writeVarPositions("varPositions", varPositions, out); writeArithmetic("fromLengths", fromLengths, out); if (enableDomainOptimizations) { encodeToLength(fromLengths, toLengths); } writeArithmetic("toLengths", toLengths, out); writeArithmetic("varReadIndex", varReadIndex, out); writeArithmetic("varFromTo", varFromTo, out); writeArithmetic("varQuals", varQuals, out); writeArithmetic("varToQualLength", varToQualLength, out); writeArithmetic("multiplicities", multiplicities, out); pairLinks.write(out); forwardSpliceLinks.write(out); backwardSpliceLinks.write(out); writeQueryIndices("queryIndices", queryIndices, out); writeArithmetic("numReadQualityScores", numReadQualityScores, out); writeArithmetic("allReadQualityScores", allReadQualityScores, out); writeArithmetic("sampleIndices", sampleIndices, out); writeArithmetic("readOriginIndices", readOriginIndices, out); writeArithmetic("pairFlags", pairFlags, out); writeArithmetic("scores", scores, out); writeArithmetic("softClipLeftBasesNum", numSoftClipLeftBases, out); writeArithmetic("softClipRightBasesNum", numSoftClipRightBases, out); writeArithmetic("softClipLeftBases", softClipLeftBases, out); writeArithmetic("softClipRightBases", softClipRightBases, out); writeArithmetic("linkOffsetOptimization", linkOffsetOptimization, out); writeArithmetic("softClipLeftQualityScores", softClipLeftQualityScores, out); writeArithmetic("softClipRightQualityScores", softClipRightQualityScores, out); } /** * Model toLength as a function of fromLengths. Values are recoded in place. * * @param fromLengths * @param toLengths */ public void encodeToLength(final IntList fromLengths, final IntList toLengths) { final int min = Math.min(fromLengths.size(), toLengths.size()); for (int i = 0; i < min; i++) { // diff=fromLength -toLength final int toLength = toLengths.getInt(i); final int fromLength = fromLengths.getInt(i); final int diff = Fast.int2nat(fromLength - toLength); toLengths.set(i, diff); } } /** * Model toLength as a function of fromLengths. Values are recoded in place. * * @param fromLengths * @param toLengths */ public void decodeToLength(final IntList fromLengths, final IntList toLengths) { for (int i = 0; i < fromLengths.size(); i++) { final int diff = Fast.nat2int(toLengths.getInt(i)); final int fromLength = fromLengths.getInt(i); final int toLength = -(diff - fromLength); toLengths.set(i, toLength); } } final protected IntArrayList varPositionDeltaMods = new IntArrayList(); private void writeVarPositions(final String label, final IntList varPositionsList, final OutputBitStream out) throws IOException { if (!enableDomainOptimizations) { writeArithmetic(label, varPositionsList, out); } else { deltaModTransform(varPositionsList); writeArithmetic(label + "-as-deltamod", varPositionDeltaMods, out); } } public IntArrayList deltaModTransform(final IntList varPositionsList) { varPositionDeltaMods.clear(); int previous = 0; for (final int value : varPositionsList) { final int pos_plus_one = value + 1; final int diff = pos_plus_one - previous; if (diff > 0) { varPositionDeltaMods.add(diff); } else { varPositionDeltaMods.add(RESET_VAR_POS); varPositionDeltaMods.add(pos_plus_one); previous = 0; } previous = value; } return varPositionDeltaMods; } protected final void decodeVarPositions(final String label, final int numEntriesInChunk, final InputBitStream bitInput, final IntList varPositionsList) throws IOException { if (!enableDomainOptimizations) { decodeArithmetic(label, numEntriesInChunk, bitInput, varPositionsList); return; } if (debug(2)) { System.err.flush(); System.err.println("\nreading " + label + " with available=" + bitInput.available()); System.err.flush(); } varPositionDeltaMods.clear(); decodeArithmetic(label, numEntriesInChunk, bitInput, varPositionDeltaMods); decodeDeltaModTransform(varPositionDeltaMods, varPositionsList); } public void decodeDeltaModTransform(final IntList input, final IntList varPositionsList) { int previous = 0; for (final int diff : input) { final int pos_plus_one = diff + previous; final int value = pos_plus_one - 1; if (diff == RESET_VAR_POS) { previous = 0; continue; } else { previous = value; } varPositionsList.add(value); } // varPositionsList.add(previous); } private void reset() { insertSizeIndex = 0; multiplicityFieldsAllMissing = true; queryIndex2CombinedInfo.clear(); previousPosition = -1; previousTargetIndex = -1; deltaPositions.clear(); deltaTargetIndices.clear(); queryLengths.clear(); mappingQualities.clear(); matchingReverseStrand.clear(); multiplicity.clear(); numberOfIndels.clear(); queryAlignedLengths.clear(); targetAlignedLengths.clear(); numberOfMismatches.clear(); insertSizes.clear(); queryIndices.clear(); queryPositions.clear(); fragmentIndices.clear(); variationCount.clear(); varPositions.clear(); fromLengths.clear(); toLengths.clear(); varReadIndex.clear(); varFromTo.clear(); varQuals.clear(); varQualIndex = 0; varPositionIndex = 0; varFromToIndex = 0; varToQualLength.clear(); varToQualLengthIndex = 0; multiplicities.clear(); countAggregatedWithMultiplicity = 0; previousPartial = null; deltaPosIndex = 0; pairLinks.reset(); forwardSpliceLinks.reset(); backwardSpliceLinks.reset(); qualScoreIndex = 0; numReadQualityScores.clear(); numReadQualScoresIndex = 0; allReadQualityScores.clear(); sampleIndices.clear(); readOriginIndices.clear(); pairFlags.clear(); scores.clear(); numSoftClipLeftBases.clear(); numSoftClipRightBases.clear(); softClipLeftBases.clear(); softClipRightBases.clear(); softClipLeftQualityScores.clear(); softClipRightQualityScores.clear(); linkOffsetOptimization.clear(); linkOffsetOptimizationIndex = 0; queryIndex2CombinedInfo.clear(); varPositionDeltaMods.clear(); } private final LinkInfo pairLinks = new LinkInfo(this, "pairs"); private final LinkInfo forwardSpliceLinks = new LinkInfo(this, "forward-splice"); private final LinkInfo backwardSpliceLinks = new LinkInfo(this, "backward-splice"); /** * An empty sequence variation. */ private static final Alignments.SequenceVariation EMPTY_SEQ_VAR = Alignments.SequenceVariation.newBuilder() .build(); private Alignments.AlignmentEntry previousPartial; private int countAggregatedWithMultiplicity; private Alignments.AlignmentEntry transform(final int index, final int indexInReducedCollection, final Alignments.AlignmentEntry source) { final Alignments.AlignmentEntry.Builder result = Alignments.AlignmentEntry.newBuilder(source); final int position = source.getPosition(); final int targetIndex = source.getTargetIndex(); // clear the strings we collected earlier: result.clearSoftClippedBasesLeft(); result.clearSoftClippedBasesRight(); result.clearSoftClippedQualityLeft(); result.clearSoftClippedQualityRight(); if (index > 0 && targetIndex == previousTargetIndex) { result.clearPosition(); result.clearTargetIndex(); deltaPositions.add(position - previousPosition); deltaTargetIndices.add(targetIndex - previousTargetIndex); // System.out.printf("entry delta position: %d delta-target=%d %n",position - previousPosition, targetIndex - previousTargetIndex); } final int queryIndex = source.getQueryIndex(); queryIndices.add(queryIndex); previousPosition = position; previousTargetIndex = targetIndex; if (debug(1) && source.hasQueryLength()) { writtenBases += source.hasQueryLength() ? source.getQueryLength() : source.getQueryAlignedLength(); } result.clearQueryIndex(); recordVariationQualitiesAndClear(source, result, result.getSequenceVariationsList()); final boolean entryMatchingReverseStrand = source.getMatchingReverseStrand(); Alignments.RelatedAlignmentEntry link = pairLinks.code(source.hasPairAlignmentLink(), source, source.getPairAlignmentLink()); if (link == null) { result.clearPairAlignmentLink(); } else { result.setPairAlignmentLink(link); } link = forwardSpliceLinks.code(source.hasSplicedForwardAlignmentLink(), source, source.getSplicedForwardAlignmentLink()); if (link == null) { result.clearSplicedForwardAlignmentLink(); } else { result.setSplicedForwardAlignmentLink(link); } link = backwardSpliceLinks.code(source.hasSplicedBackwardAlignmentLink(), source, source.getSplicedBackwardAlignmentLink()); if (link == null) { result.clearSplicedBackwardAlignmentLink(); } else { result.setSplicedBackwardAlignmentLink(link); } if (source.hasReadQualityScores()) { final ByteString quals = source.getReadQualityScores(); final int size = quals.size(); numReadQualityScores.add(size); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { allReadQualityScores.add(quals.byteAt(i)); qualScoreIndex++; } result.clearReadQualityScores(); } else { numReadQualityScores.add(0); } if (source.hasInsertSize()) { final int readPos = source.getPosition(); final int matePos = source.getPairAlignmentLink().getPosition(); final int length = source.getTargetAlignedLength(); final int pos1 = source.getMatchingReverseStrand() ? length + readPos : readPos + 1; final int pos2 = EntryFlagHelper.isMateReverseStrand(source) ? length + matePos : matePos + 1; final int insertSize = source.getInsertSize(); final int insertSizeDiff = Fast.int2nat(pos2 - pos1 - insertSize); // reverse: insertSize= (pos2-pos1) - isd /* if (insertSize != 0) { System.out.printf("insertSize %d length= %d %c %c readPos %d matePos %d pos1 %d pos2 %d pos2-pos1 %d matePos-readPos %d insertSizeDiff %d %n", source.getInsertSize(), length, source.getMatchingReverseStrand() ? '+' : '-', EntryFlagHelper.isMateReverseStrand(source) ? '+' : '-', readPos, matePos, pos1, pos2, pos2 - pos1, matePos - readPos, insertSizeDiff); } */ insertSizes.add(insertSizeDiff); } else { insertSizes.add(MISSING_VALUE); } result.clearInsertSize(); // Fields above this line were removed before comparing source to the previous template. final Alignments.AlignmentEntry partial = result.clone().build(); if (previousPartial != null && indexInReducedCollection >= 1 && fastEqualsEntry(previousPartial, partial)) { // System.out.println("same"); // print(partial); final int m = multiplicities.get(indexInReducedCollection - 1); multiplicities.set(indexInReducedCollection - 1, m + 1); // do not add this one, we just increased the multiplicity of the previous one. countAggregatedWithMultiplicity++; // System.out.printf("Returning for template match to previous, current queryIndex=%d%n",queryIndex); return null; } else { previousPartial = partial; multiplicityFieldsAllMissing &= !source.hasMultiplicity(); multiplicities.add(Math.max(1, source.getMultiplicity())); } //System.out.printf("encoding query-index=%d varPositionIndex=%d %n",queryIndex, varPositionIndex); queryLengths.add(source.hasQueryLength() ? source.getQueryLength() : MISSING_VALUE); mappingQualities.add(source.hasMappingQuality() ? source.getMappingQuality() : MISSING_VALUE); matchingReverseStrand .add(source.hasMatchingReverseStrand() ? source.getMatchingReverseStrand() ? 1 : 0 : MISSING_VALUE); numberOfIndels.add(source.hasNumberOfIndels() ? source.getNumberOfIndels() : MISSING_VALUE); numberOfMismatches.add(source.hasNumberOfMismatches() ? source.getNumberOfMismatches() : MISSING_VALUE); queryAlignedLengths.add(source.hasQueryAlignedLength() ? modelQueryAlignedLength(source.getQueryAlignedLength(), source.getTargetAlignedLength()) : MISSING_VALUE); targetAlignedLengths.add(source.hasTargetAlignedLength() ? source.getTargetAlignedLength() : MISSING_VALUE); fragmentIndices.add(source.hasFragmentIndex() ? source.getFragmentIndex() : MISSING_VALUE); variationCount.add(source.getSequenceVariationsCount()); queryPositions.add(source.hasQueryPosition() ? source.getQueryPosition() : MISSING_VALUE); sampleIndices.add(source.hasSampleIndex() ? source.getSampleIndex() : MISSING_VALUE); readOriginIndices .add(source.hasReadOriginIndex() && storeReadOrigins ? source.getReadOriginIndex() : MISSING_VALUE); pairFlags.add(source.hasPairFlags() ? reduceSamFlags(source) : MISSING_VALUE); scores.add(source.hasScore() ? Float.floatToIntBits(source.getScore()) : MISSING_VALUE); result.clearQueryLength(); result.clearMappingQuality(); result.clearMatchingReverseStrand(); result.clearMultiplicity(); result.clearNumberOfIndels(); result.clearNumberOfMismatches(); result.clearQueryAlignedLength(); result.clearTargetAlignedLength(); result.clearQueryPosition(); result.clearFragmentIndex(); result.clearReadQualityScores(); result.clearSampleIndex(); result.clearReadOriginIndex(); result.clearPairFlags(); result.clearScore(); boolean canFullyRemoveThisOne = true; boolean canFullyRemoveCollection = true; int seqVarIndex = 0; for (final Alignments.SequenceVariation seqVar : result.getSequenceVariationsList()) { assert seqVar.getPosition() >= 0 : String.format( "The following entry had a sequence variation with a negative position. This is not allowed since seqVar.positions must be >=0. %s ", source.toString()); encodeVar(source.getMatchingReverseStrand(), source.getQueryLength(), seqVar); final Alignments.SequenceVariation.Builder varBuilder = Alignments.SequenceVariation.newBuilder(seqVar); varBuilder.clearPosition(); varBuilder.clearFrom(); varBuilder.clearTo(); varBuilder.clearToQuality(); varBuilder.clearReadIndex(); if (!isEmpty( { canFullyRemoveThisOne = false; canFullyRemoveCollection = false; } if (canFullyRemoveThisOne) { result.removeSequenceVariations(seqVarIndex); seqVarIndex--; } seqVarIndex++; } if (canFullyRemoveCollection) { result.clearSequenceVariations(); } final Alignments.AlignmentEntry alignmentEntry =; // System.out.println(alignmentEntry); return alignmentEntry; } // mask the strand bit from pair flag (we store it separately anyway) private int reduceSamFlags(final Alignments.AlignmentEntry source) { return source.getPairFlags() & (~16); } // reconstitute the sam Flag with strand information: private int restoreSamFlags(final int samFlag, final boolean matchesReverseStrand) { return samFlag | (matchesReverseStrand ? 16 : 0); } private boolean isEmpty(final Alignments.SequenceVariation varBuilder) { return useTemplateBasedCompression && fastEqualsInternal(varBuilder); } final ByteArrayOutputStream byteBufferSVO1 = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); final ByteArrayOutputStream byteBufferSVO2 = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); private byte[] EMPTY_SEQ_VAR_SERIALIZED; private boolean fastEqualsInternal(final Alignments.SequenceVariation o2) { // The protobuf message.equals method is a performance bottleneck when performing template compression. See // // This method first serializes the two messages to bytes, then compare the byte arrays. This // happens to be much faster than relying on the protobuff equals method (which relies on reflection). byteBufferSVO2.reset(); try { if (EMPTY_SEQ_VAR_SERIALIZED == null) { byteBufferSVO1.reset(); EMPTY_SEQ_VAR.writeTo(byteBufferSVO1); EMPTY_SEQ_VAR_SERIALIZED = byteBufferSVO1.toByteArray(); } o2.writeTo(byteBufferSVO2); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Error serializing in fastEqualsInternal", e); return false; } return Arrays.equals(EMPTY_SEQ_VAR_SERIALIZED, byteBufferSVO2.toByteArray()); } public static int modelQueryAlignedLength(final int queryAlignedLength, final int targetAlignedLength) { return Fast.int2nat(queryAlignedLength - targetAlignedLength); // codedValue= queryAlignedLength-targetAlignedLength // queryAlignedLength= codedValue+targetAlignedLength } public static int decodeQueryAlignedLength(final int codedValue, final int targetAlignedLength) { return Fast.nat2int(codedValue) + targetAlignedLength; } private boolean fastEqualsEntry(final Alignments.AlignmentEntry o1, final Alignments.AlignmentEntry o2) { return useTemplateBasedCompression && fastEqualsInternal(o1, o2); } final ByteArrayOutputStream byteBufferO1 = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); final ByteArrayOutputStream byteBufferO2 = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); private boolean fastEqualsInternal(final Alignments.AlignmentEntry o1, final Alignments.AlignmentEntry o2) { // The protobuf message.equals method is a performance bottleneck when performing template compression. See // // This method first serializes the two messages to bytes, then compare the byte arrays. This // happens to be much faster than relying on the protobuff equals method (which relies on reflection). byteBufferO1.reset(); byteBufferO2.reset(); try { o1.writeTo(byteBufferO1); o2.writeTo(byteBufferO2); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Error serializing in fastEqualsInternal", e); return false; } final boolean equals = Arrays.equals(byteBufferO1.toByteArray(), byteBufferO2.toByteArray()); return equals; } private void recordVariationQualitiesAndClear(final Alignments.AlignmentEntry source, final Alignments.AlignmentEntry.Builder result, final List<Alignments.SequenceVariation> sequenceVariationsList) { if (source.hasReadQualityScores()) { for (final Alignments.SequenceVariation seqVar : sequenceVariationsList) { varToQualLength.add(0); } } else { int index = 0; for (final Alignments.SequenceVariation seqVar : sequenceVariationsList) { final ByteString toQualities = seqVar.getToQuality(); final boolean hasToQuals = seqVar.hasToQuality(); final int toQualSize = hasToQuals ? toQualities.size() : 0; varToQualLength.add(toQualSize); for (int i = 0; i < toQualSize; i++) { varQuals.add(toQualities.byteAt(i)); } final Alignments.SequenceVariation.Builder varBuilder = Alignments.SequenceVariation .newBuilder(seqVar); varBuilder.clearToQuality(); result.setSequenceVariations(index, varBuilder.buildPartial()); index++; } } } private void print(final Alignments.AlignmentEntry result) { System.out.println(result); } private void encodeVar(final boolean entryOnReverseStrand, final int queryLenth, final Alignments.SequenceVariation seqVar) { final String from = seqVar.getFrom(); final String to = seqVar.getTo(); final int fromLength = from.length(); final int toLength = to.length(); final int position = seqVar.getPosition(); varPositions.add(position); final int readIndex = seqVar.getReadIndex(); final int recodedReadIndex = entryOnReverseStrand ? readIndex - (queryLenth - position) + 5 : 5 + position - readIndex; // System.out.printf("%c CODING readIndex=%d position=%d queryLength=%d recodedReadIndex=%d %n", // entryOnReverseStrand ? '+' : '-', readIndex, position, queryLenth, recodedReadIndex); varReadIndex.add(recodedReadIndex); fromLengths.add(fromLength); toLengths.add(toLength); final int maxLength = Math.max(fromLength, toLength); for (int i = 0; i < maxLength; i++) { final char baseFrom = i < fromLength ? from.charAt(i) : '\0'; final char baseTo = i < toLength ? to.charAt(i) : '\0'; final byte byteFrom = (byte) baseFrom; final byte byteTo = (byte) baseTo; varFromTo.add(byteFrom << 8 | byteTo); } } MutableString from = new MutableString(); MutableString to = new MutableString(); private Alignments.AlignmentEntry andBack(final int index, final int originalIndex, final Alignments.AlignmentEntry reduced, final int streamVersion) { final Alignments.AlignmentEntry.Builder result = Alignments.AlignmentEntry.newBuilder(reduced); final int multiplicity = multiplicities.get(index); final int k = multiplicity - 1; multiplicities.set(index, k); //if (k > 1) { if (!multiplicityFieldsAllMissing) { result.setMultiplicity(1); } final int queryIndex = queryIndices.getInt(originalIndex); result.setQueryIndex(queryIndex); // System.out.printf("decoding query-index=%d (originalIndex=%d) varPositionIndex=%d %n",queryIndex,originalIndex, varPositionIndex); if (originalIndex == 0 || reduced.hasPosition() || reduced.hasTargetIndex()) { previousPosition = reduced.getPosition(); previousTargetIndex = reduced.getTargetIndex(); } else { final int deltaPos = deltaPositions.getInt(deltaPosIndex); final int deltaTarget = deltaTargetIndices.getInt(deltaPosIndex); final int position = previousPosition + deltaPos; final int targetIndex = previousTargetIndex + deltaTarget; result.setPosition(position); result.setTargetIndex(targetIndex); previousPosition += deltaPos; previousTargetIndex += deltaTarget; deltaPosIndex++; } if (streamVersion >= 2) { final int numReadQualScores = numReadQualityScores.get(numReadQualScoresIndex++); if (numReadQualScores > 0) { final byte[] scores = new byte[numReadQualScores]; for (int i = 0; i < numReadQualScores; i++) { scores[i] = (byte) allReadQualityScores.getInt(qualScoreIndex++); } result.setReadQualityScores(ByteString.copyFrom(scores)); } } int anInt = mappingQualities.getInt(index); if (anInt != MISSING_VALUE) { result.setMappingQuality(anInt); } anInt = fragmentIndices.getInt(index); if (anInt != MISSING_VALUE) { result.setFragmentIndex(anInt); } anInt = matchingReverseStrand.getInt(index); if (anInt != MISSING_VALUE) { result.setMatchingReverseStrand(anInt == 1); } anInt = numberOfMismatches.getInt(index); if (anInt != MISSING_VALUE) { result.setNumberOfMismatches(anInt); } anInt = numberOfIndels.getInt(index); if (anInt != MISSING_VALUE) { result.setNumberOfIndels(anInt); } final int queryLength = queryLengths.getInt(index); if (queryLength != MISSING_VALUE) { result.setQueryLength(queryLength); } anInt = queryPositions.getInt(index); if (anInt != MISSING_VALUE) { result.setQueryPosition(anInt); } final int targetAlignedLength = targetAlignedLengths.getInt(index); if (targetAlignedLength != MISSING_VALUE) { result.setTargetAlignedLength(targetAlignedLength); } anInt = queryAlignedLengths.getInt(index); if (anInt != MISSING_VALUE) { result.setQueryAlignedLength(decodeQueryAlignedLength(anInt, targetAlignedLength)); } anInt = sampleIndices.getInt(index); if (anInt != MISSING_VALUE) { result.setSampleIndex(anInt); } anInt = readOriginIndices.getInt(index); if (anInt != MISSING_VALUE) { result.setReadOriginIndex(anInt); } anInt = pairFlags.getInt(index); if (anInt != MISSING_VALUE) { result.setPairFlags(restoreSamFlags(anInt, result.getMatchingReverseStrand())); } anInt = scores.getInt(index); if (anInt != MISSING_VALUE) { result.setScore(Float.intBitsToFloat(anInt)); } Alignments.RelatedAlignmentEntry link = pairLinks.decode(originalIndex, result, reduced.getPairAlignmentLink()); if (link != null) { result.setPairAlignmentLink(link); } link = forwardSpliceLinks.decode(originalIndex, result, reduced.getSplicedForwardAlignmentLink()); if (link != null) { result.setSplicedForwardAlignmentLink(link); } link = backwardSpliceLinks.decode(originalIndex, result, reduced.getSplicedBackwardAlignmentLink()); if (link != null) { result.setSplicedBackwardAlignmentLink(link); } decodeInsertSize(result, index); final boolean templateHasSequenceVariations = reduced.getSequenceVariationsCount() > 0; final int numVariations = variationCount.getInt(index); for (int varIndex = 0; varIndex < numVariations; varIndex++) { final Alignments.SequenceVariation template = templateHasSequenceVariations ? reduced.getSequenceVariations(varIndex) : null; final Alignments.SequenceVariation.Builder varBuilder = templateHasSequenceVariations ? Alignments.SequenceVariation.newBuilder(template) : Alignments.SequenceVariation.newBuilder(); from.setLength(0); to.setLength(0); final int fromLength = fromLengths.getInt(varPositionIndex); final int toLength = toLengths.getInt(varPositionIndex); final int position = varPositions.getInt(varPositionIndex); varBuilder.setPosition(position); final int recodedReadIndex = varReadIndex.getInt(varPositionIndex); final boolean entryMatchingReverseStrand = result.hasMatchingReverseStrand() ? result.getMatchingReverseStrand() : false; final int readIndex = entryMatchingReverseStrand ? recodedReadIndex + (queryLength - position) - 5 : -recodedReadIndex + position + 5; varBuilder.setReadIndex(readIndex); // System.out.printf("%c DECODING position=%d queryLength=%d recodedReadIndex=%d readIndex=%d %n", // entryMatchingReverseStrand ? '+' : '-', position, queryLength, recodedReadIndex, readIndex); final int toQualLength = varToQualLength.getInt(varToQualLengthIndex); varToQualLengthIndex++; final byte[] quals = getQualArray(toQualLength); ++varPositionIndex; final int maxLength = Math.max(fromLength, toLength); for (int i = 0; i < maxLength; i++) { final int fromTo = varFromTo.getInt(varFromToIndex++); if (i < fromLength) { from.append((char) (fromTo >> 8)); } if (i < toLength) { to.append((char) (fromTo & 0xFF)); } if (i < toQualLength) { if (varQualIndex < varQuals.size()) { quals[i] = (byte) varQuals.getInt(varQualIndex); ++varQualIndex; } } } varBuilder.setFrom(from.toString()); varBuilder.setTo(to.toString()); if (toQualLength > 0) { varBuilder.setToQuality(ByteString.copyFrom(quals)); } if (templateHasSequenceVariations) { result.setSequenceVariations(varIndex, varBuilder); } else { result.addSequenceVariations(varBuilder); } } if (result.hasReadQualityScores()) { final ByteString readQualScores = result.getReadQualityScores(); // put toQual back on entries: for (int varIndex = 0; varIndex < numVariations; varIndex++) { final Alignments.SequenceVariation.Builder seqVarBuilder = result .getSequenceVariationsBuilder(varIndex); final String toBases = seqVarBuilder.getTo(); final byte[] toQuals = new byte[toBases.length()]; int indelOffset = 0; for (int l = 0; l < toBases.length(); ++l) { final int i = l + seqVarBuilder.getReadIndex() - 1 - indelOffset; final byte b = i >= readQualScores.size() ? 0 : readQualScores.byteAt(i); final boolean ignoreBase = toBases.charAt(l) == '-'; toQuals[l] = ignoreBase ? 0 : b; if (ignoreBase) { indelOffset++; } } seqVarBuilder.setToQuality(ByteString.copyFrom(toQuals)); result.setSequenceVariations(varIndex, seqVarBuilder); } } return; } /** * Decode the insert size given the already stored positions, an arithmetic expression linking position and insert size, * and any observed difference. * * @param result * @param index */ private void decodeInsertSize(final Alignments.AlignmentEntry.Builder result, final int index) { if (streamVersion >= 10 && result.hasPairAlignmentLink() && result.getPairAlignmentLink().hasOptimizedIndex()) { // we need to reconstruct pair position before we can recalculate insert size. return; } final int anInt = insertSizes.getInt(index); if (anInt != MISSING_VALUE) { final int readPos = result.getPosition(); final Alignments.RelatedAlignmentEntry pairAlignmentLink = result.getPairAlignmentLink(); final int matePos = pairAlignmentLink.getPosition(); final int length = result.getTargetAlignedLength(); final int pos1 = result.getMatchingReverseStrand() ? length + readPos : readPos + 1; final int pos2 = EntryFlagHelper.isMateReverseStrand(result.getPairFlags()) ? length + matePos : matePos + 1; final int insertSize = pos2 - pos1 - Fast.nat2int(anInt); // System.out.println("insertSize="+insertSize +" anInt: "+anInt); // reverse: insertSize= (pos2-pos1) - isd result.setInsertSize(insertSize); } } private void recalculateInsertSize(final Alignments.AlignmentEntry.Builder entry, final int index) { if (streamVersion < 10) { return; } decodeInsertSize(entry, index); } // pre-allocated arrays, size 1 to 100. byte[][] qualArrays = new byte[100][]; private byte[] getQualArray(final int toQualLength) { return qualArrays[toQualLength]; } private int varQualIndex = 0; private int varPositionIndex = 0; private int varFromToIndex = 0; public int getNextLinkOptimizationOffset() { if (!enableDomainOptimizations) { return MISSING_VALUE; } return linkOffsetOptimization.get(linkOffsetOptimizationIndex++); } public void setDebugLevel(final int level) { this.debug = level; } }