Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Institute for Computational Biomedicine, * Weill Medical College of Cornell University * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import cern.jet.random.engine.MersenneTwister; import cern.jet.random.engine.RandomEngine; import; import; import; import edu.mssm.crover.tables.*; import edu.mssm.crover.tables.readers.ColumbiaTmmReader; import edu.mssm.crover.tables.readers.GeoDataSetReader; import edu.mssm.crover.tables.readers.SyntaxErrorException; import edu.mssm.crover.tables.readers.WhiteheadResReader; import edu.mssm.crover.tables.treatments.AggregateClusters; import edu.mssm.crover.tables.writers.LibSVMWriter; import edu.mssm.crover.tables.writers.SVMLightWriter; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2DoubleMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2DoubleOpenHashMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectList; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectOpenHashSet; import org.apache.commons.cli.*; import*; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.*; /** * Train and evaluate an SVM with microarray and patient data. Reads a RES file, a list of classifications to perform, * process data for classification, train and evaluate SVMs for each classification, output the results in a summary * file. * * @author Fabien Campagne Date: Feb 27, 2006 Time: 4:41:58 PM */ public class MicroarrayTrainEvaluate { private HashMap<String, String> probesetId2Genbank; private GEOPlatform platform; private RandomEngine randomGenerator; private final boolean shuffleLabelTest = true; private int countShuffleLabelTests = 500; private int randomBatchSize; private final int DEFAULT_RANDOM_BATCH_SIZE = 10; private boolean adjustSignalToFloorValue; private static final float DEFAULT_SIGNAL_FLOOR_VALUE_SINGLE_CHANNEL = 300; private static final float DEFAULT_SIGNAL_FLOOR_VALUE_TWO_CHANNELS = 1.15f; private float signalFloorValue; private boolean svmLight; private int timeout; private boolean oneChannelArray; public static final String IDENTIFIER_COLUMN_NAME = "ID_REF"; private NumberFormat formatter; private ObjectList<Cluster> clusters; public static void main(final String[] args) { final MicroarrayTrainEvaluate processor = new MicroarrayTrainEvaluate(); processor.proccess(args); } private void proccess(final String[] args) { // create the Options final Options options = new Options(); // help options.addOption("h", "help", false, "print this message. When -r is used with a non zero integer n, " + "a set of n random gene lists is evaluated for each line of the task list. The evaluation statistics " + "reported is the number of random gene lists that obtained the same or better leave-one-out performance than " + "the gene list from the task list. Accuracy is used to evaluate performance for random trials. "); // input file name final Option inputOption = new Option("i", "input", true, "specify a GEO or RES data set file (GDS file or whitehead RES format)"); inputOption.setArgName("file"); inputOption.setRequired(true); options.addOption(inputOption); // output file name final Option outputOption = new Option("o", "output", true, "specify the destination file where statistics will be written"); outputOption.setArgName("file"); outputOption.setRequired(true); options.addOption(outputOption); // task list file name final Option tasksFilenameOption = new Option("t", "task-list", true, "specify the file with the list of tasks to perform. This file is tab separated"); tasksFilenameOption.setArgName("file"); tasksFilenameOption.setRequired(true); options.addOption(tasksFilenameOption); // condition identifiers file name final Option conditionsIdsFilenameOption = new Option("c", "conditions", true, "specify the file with the mapping condition-name column-identifier (tab separated, on mapping per line)."); conditionsIdsFilenameOption.setArgName("file"); conditionsIdsFilenameOption.setRequired(true); options.addOption(conditionsIdsFilenameOption); // gene lists file name final Option geneListsFilenameOption = new Option("g", "gene-list", true, "specify the file with the gene lists (one per line)."); geneListsFilenameOption.setArgName("file"); geneListsFilenameOption.setRequired(true); options.addOption(geneListsFilenameOption); // Geo platform description file name final Option platformDescriptionFilenameOption = new Option("p", "platform", true, "specify the platform description file(s) (GEO GPL file format). Multiple platorm files may be provided " + " if separated by coma (e.g., file1,file2). Each file is read in the order provided."); platformDescriptionFilenameOption.setArgName("file,file"); platformDescriptionFilenameOption.setRequired(true); options.addOption(platformDescriptionFilenameOption); // Number of random runs (picking probesets randomly that are not in the gene list) final Option randomRunCountOption = new Option("r", "random-run-count", true, "Number of random runs to execute for each random gene list."); randomRunCountOption.setArgName("number"); randomRunCountOption.setRequired(false); options.addOption(randomRunCountOption); // Number of probeset to randomly select for each random run final Option batchSizeRandomRun = new Option("b", "batch-size-random-run", true, "Number of probeset to randomly select for each random run. Default is " + DEFAULT_RANDOM_BATCH_SIZE + "."); batchSizeRandomRun.setArgName("number"); batchSizeRandomRun.setRequired(false); options.addOption(batchSizeRandomRun); // Number of shuffle runs (shuffling the training label). final Option shuffleRunCountOption = new Option("u", "shuffle-run-count", true, "Number of shuffle runs (label permutations) to execute for each training set."); shuffleRunCountOption.setArgName("number"); shuffleRunCountOption.setRequired(false); options.addOption(shuffleRunCountOption); // Minimal signal value for signal floor adjustment. final Option floorSignalValueOption = new Option("f", "floor", true, "Specify a floor value for the signal. If a signal is lower than the floor, it is set to the floor."); floorSignalValueOption.setArgName("number"); floorSignalValueOption.setRequired(false); options.addOption(floorSignalValueOption); // distinguish between one channel array and two channel array final Option channelOption = new Option("a", "two-channel-array", false, "Indicate that the data is for a two channel array. This flag affects how the floor value is interpreted." + "For two channel arrays, values on the array are set to 1.0 if (Math.abs(oldValue-1.0)+1)<=floorValue, " + "whereas for one channel array the condition becomes: oldValue<=floorValue."); channelOption.setRequired(false); options.addOption(channelOption); // Minimal signal value for signal floor adjustment. final Option svmLightOption = new Option("l", "light", false, "Choose svmLight. (default libSVM)."); svmLightOption.setRequired(false); options.addOption(svmLightOption); // Number of random runs final Option seedOption = new Option("s", "seed", true, "Seed for the number generator."); seedOption.setArgName("number"); seedOption.setRequired(false); // Timeout for stopping svmlight in seconds if the process does not complete. final Option timeoutOption = new Option("x", "timeout", true, "Timeout for svmLight training, in seconds (default 3600 seconds/1h)."); timeoutOption.setArgName("number"); timeoutOption.setRequired(false); options.addOption(timeoutOption); final Option clusterFilename = new Option("e", "clusters", true, "Name of file that describes clusters of genes. "); clusterFilename.setArgName("filename"); clusterFilename.setRequired(false); options.addOption(clusterFilename); // parse the command line arguments CommandLine line = null; final double defaultLabelValue = 0; try { // create the command line parser final CommandLineParser parser = new BasicParser(); line = parser.parse(options, args, true); } catch (ParseException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); usage(options); System.exit(1); } // print help and exit if (line.hasOption("h")) { usage(options); System.exit(0); } try { int randomRunCount = 0; final String randomCount = line.getOptionValue("r"); if (randomCount != null) { randomRunCount = Integer.parseInt(randomCount); } if (line.hasOption("l")) { this.svmLight = true; } System.out.println("Using " + (svmLight ? "svmLight" : "libSVM")); final String batchSize = line.getOptionValue("b"); if (batchSize != null) { this.randomBatchSize = Integer.parseInt(batchSize); } else { this.randomBatchSize = DEFAULT_RANDOM_BATCH_SIZE; } System.out.println("Will do " + randomRunCount + " random runs with batch-size=" + randomBatchSize); if (line.hasOption("a")) { this.oneChannelArray = false; } else { this.oneChannelArray = true; } final String floorOptionValue = line.getOptionValue("f"); if (floorOptionValue != null) { adjustSignalToFloorValue = true; if (oneChannelArray) { this.signalFloorValue = DEFAULT_SIGNAL_FLOOR_VALUE_SINGLE_CHANNEL; this.signalFloorValue = Integer.parseInt(floorOptionValue); } else { this.signalFloorValue = DEFAULT_SIGNAL_FLOOR_VALUE_TWO_CHANNELS; this.signalFloorValue = Float.parseFloat(floorOptionValue); } System.out.println("Clipping signal at floor value: " + signalFloorValue); System.out.println("This chip has " + (oneChannelArray ? " one channel." : "two channels.")); } int seed = (int) new Date().getTime(); if (line.getOptionValue("s") != null) { seed = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("s")); } randomGenerator = new MersenneTwister(seed); int timeout = 60 * 60; // in seconds. // 1 hour if (line.getOptionValue("x") != null) { if (!svmLight) { System.out.println("Error: --timeout option can only be used with --light option."); System.exit(1); } timeout = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("x")); System.out.println("Timeout set to " + timeout + " second(s)."); } this.timeout = timeout * 1000; final ClassificationTask[] tasks = readTasksAndConditions(line.getOptionValue("t"), line.getOptionValue("c")); final GeneList[] geneList = readGeneList(line.getOptionValue("p"), line.getOptionValue("g")); formatter = new DecimalFormat(); formatter.setMaximumFractionDigits(2); final String uOption = line.getOptionValue("u"); if (uOption == null) { countShuffleLabelTests = 0; } else { countShuffleLabelTests = Integer.parseInt(uOption); } System.out.println("Will do " + countShuffleLabelTests + " shuffling runs"); final File outputFile = new File(line.getOptionValue("o")); final boolean outputFilePreexist = outputFile.exists(); final PrintWriter statWriter = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(outputFile, true)); // append stats to output. if (!outputFilePreexist) { ClassificationResults.writeHeader(statWriter, shuffleLabelTest); } convert(line.getOptionValue("i"), statWriter, tasks, geneList, randomRunCount); statWriter.close(); System.exit(0); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(10); } } public GeneList[] readGeneList(final String platformFilename, final String geneListFilename) throws IOException, SyntaxErrorException { // read platforms: final Vector<GEOPlatform> platforms = new Vector<GEOPlatform>(); final String[] platformFilenames = platformFilename.split(","); for (final String pFilename : platformFilenames) { platform = new GEOPlatform(); if ("dummy".equals(pFilename)) { platform = new DummyPlatform(); platforms.add(platform); System.out.println("Will proceed with dummy platform."); break; } System.out.print("Reading platform " + pFilename + ".. "); System.out.flush();; System.out.println("done."); System.out.flush(); platforms.add(platform); } // read gene list info: final BufferedReader geneListReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(geneListFilename)); String line; final Vector<GeneList> list = new Vector<GeneList>(); while ((line = geneListReader.readLine()) != null) { if (line.startsWith("#")) { continue; } final String[] tokens = line.split("[\t]"); assert tokens.length >= 1 : "gene list line must have at least 1 field. Line was :" + line; final GeneList geneList = GeneList.createList(tokens); geneList.setPlatforms(platforms); list.add(geneList); } return list.toArray(new GeneList[list.size()]); } public static ClassificationTask[] readTasksAndConditions(final String taskListFilename, final String conditionIdsFilename) throws IOException { return ClassificationTask.parseTaskAndConditions(taskListFilename, conditionIdsFilename); } /** * Read a cids/ conditions file. * * @param conditionIdsFilename * @return * @throws IOException */ public static ConditionIdentifiers readConditions(final String conditionIdsFilename) throws IOException { return ClassificationTask.readConditions(conditionIdsFilename); } private void convert(final String inputFileName, final PrintWriter statWriter, final ClassificationTask[] tasks, final GeneList[] geneList, final int randomRepeatCount) { Table table = null; try { if (inputFileName.endsWith(".soft")) { final GeoDataSetReader reader = new GeoDataSetReader(); table = FileReader(inputFileName)); } else if (inputFileName.endsWith(".res")) { final WhiteheadResReader reader = new WhiteheadResReader(); table = FileReader(inputFileName)); } else if (inputFileName.endsWith(".tmm")) { final ColumbiaTmmReader reader = new ColumbiaTmmReader(); table = FileReader(inputFileName)); } if (table == null) { System.out.println("Unable to read/parse input file (" + inputFileName + ")"); System.exit(10); } for (int i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) { final ClassificationTask task = tasks[i]; for (int j = 0; j < geneList.length; j++) { System.out.print("Processing " + task.getFirstConditionName() + "/" + task.getSecondConditionName() + " with gene list: " + geneList[j].getType()); final GeneList currentGeneList = geneList[j]; final OneRunResult result = process(table, calculateLabelValueGroups(task), currentGeneList, shuffleLabelTest); // shuffle if needed System.out.print(" " + result.getSvmResult()); final int resultProbesetOverlap = (result.getFeatureTable().getColumnNumber() - 1); System.out.print(" Overlap: " + resultProbesetOverlap); System.out.flush(); double countAbovePreviousList = 0; double totalRandomRuns = 0; double percentRandomGreaterOrEqual = 0; if (randomRepeatCount != 0 && !(geneList[j] instanceof FullGeneList)) { // do not do random repeats for full array // repeat random n times: for (int r = 0; r < randomRepeatCount; r++) { final RandomGeneList randomGeneList = new RandomGeneList(resultProbesetOverlap, randomGenerator); randomGeneList.setNumberOfProbesets(randomBatchSize); randomGeneList.excludeGenesFromList(currentGeneList); final OneRunResult resultRandom = processTaskSpecificTable( result.getTaskSpecificTable(), calculateLabelValueGroups(task), randomGeneList, false // no shuffling of random runs. ); if (resultRandom.getSvmResult().getAccuracy() >= result.getSvmResult().getAccuracy()) { countAbovePreviousList += 1; } totalRandomRuns += 1; System.err.print("."); System.err.flush(); } System.err.println(); System.err.flush(); percentRandomGreaterOrEqual = (countAbovePreviousList / totalRandomRuns) * 100; System.out.println( " Random runs above result: " + formatter.format(percentRandomGreaterOrEqual) + "% (" + countAbovePreviousList + " / " + totalRandomRuns + ")"); } else { System.out.println(); } outputStatistics(statWriter, inputFileName, task, currentGeneList, percentRandomGreaterOrEqual, result); } statWriter.flush(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); statWriter.flush(); System.exit(10); } } private void outputStatistics(final PrintWriter statWriter, final String inputFileName, final ClassificationTask task, final GeneList currentGeneList, final double percentRandomGreaterOrEqual, final OneRunResult result) { final int resultProbesetOverlap = result.getOverlap(); final EvaluationMeasure svmMeasures = result.getSvmResult(); if (svmMeasures == null) { return; } // format is : // input-filename gene-list-name overlap accuracy precision recall f-1 percentRandomGreaterOrEqual condition1 condition2 n1 n2 final ClassificationResults data = new ClassificationResults(inputFileName, currentGeneList.getType(), resultProbesetOverlap, svmMeasures, percentRandomGreaterOrEqual, task); if (shuffleLabelTest) { data.setShuffleTestGECounts(result.getCountShuffleGE(), result.getTotalShufflingTests()); } data.write(statWriter, formatter); } private OneRunResult process(final Table source, final List<Set<String>> labelValueGroups, final GeneList geneList, final boolean shuffling) throws ColumnTypeException, TypeMismatchException, InvalidColumnException, IOException { final Table result = filterColumnsForTask(source, labelValueGroups, IDENTIFIER_COLUMN_NAME, getAllSamples(labelValueGroups)); return processTaskSpecificTable(result, labelValueGroups, geneList, shuffling); } public static Set<String> getAllSamples(List<Set<String>> labelValueGroups) { ObjectOpenHashSet<String> samples = new ObjectOpenHashSet<String>(); for (Set<String> list : labelValueGroups) { samples.addAll(list); } return samples; } private OneRunResult processTaskSpecificTable(final Table result, final List<Set<String>> labelValueGroups, final GeneList geneList, final boolean shuffling) throws TypeMismatchException, InvalidColumnException, ColumnTypeException, IOException { final OneRunResult finalResult = new OneRunResult(); finalResult.setTaskSpecificTable(result); int idColumnIndex = 0; try { idColumnIndex = result.getColumnIndex(IDENTIFIER_COLUMN_NAME); } catch (InvalidColumnException e) { System.out.println("Column " + IDENTIFIER_COLUMN_NAME + " could not be found in input file. Unable to filter by probeset."); System.exit(10); } // Check that task specific tabel is normalized: final int[] columnSelection = normalizeAcrossConditions(result); // 2. Filter out rows using gene list. final Set<String> validProbesetIds = geneList.calculateProbeSetSelection(result, idColumnIndex); if (adjustSignalToFloorValue) { // Set a floor on signal at signalFloorValue: final RowFloorAdjustmentCalculator floorAdjust = new RowFloorAdjustmentCalculator(columnSelection, signalFloorValue, oneChannelArray, false); result.processRows(floorAdjust); } final RowFilter myFilter = new IdentifierSetRowFilter(validProbesetIds, idColumnIndex); final Table filtered = result.copy(myFilter); // 3. Transpose source. final DefineColumnFromRow columnHelper = new DefineColumnFromRow(idColumnIndex); Table transposed = filtered.transpose(columnHelper); // 4. Aggregate signal as average over each cluster, if clusters are provided. transposed = aggregateSignalByCluster(transposed, clusters); // 5. Scale values per column (one column=one probeset). final ScalingRowProcessor scalingOperation = new ScalingRowProcessor(transposed, IDENTIFIER_COLUMN_NAME); transposed.processRows(scalingOperation); // accumulate scaling factors in first pass. scalingOperation.setFirstPass(false); transposed.processRows(scalingOperation); // now apply scaling factors.. finalResult.setFeatureTable(transposed); if (validProbesetIds.size() == 0) { // there is no overlap between this gene list and the chip. Stop this evaluation here. finalResult.setSvmResult(new EvaluationMeasure()); return finalResult; } /* // 5b. Normalize values per row (now one row=one probeset). RowProcessor normalizeOperation = new NormalizeRowProcessor(transposed, identifierColumnName); transposed.processRows(normalizeOperation); */ EvaluationMeasure measure = null; SVMLightWriter svmLightWriter = null; LibSVMWriter libSVMWriter = null; if (svmLight) { // 6. Write SVM training set final String svmTrainingSetFileName = "forsvm.dat"; final PrintWriter fileWriter = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(new File(svmTrainingSetFileName))); svmLightWriter = new SVMLightWriter(transposed, "ID_REF", labelValueGroups, randomGenerator); svmLightWriter.write(transposed, fileWriter); measure = trainSVMLight(svmTrainingSetFileName); // System.out.print(" " + measure + " "); } else { // libSVM: // Calculate SumOfSquares sum over all samples x.x: final SumOfSquaresCalculatorRowProcessor calculator = new SumOfSquaresCalculatorRowProcessor(transposed, IDENTIFIER_COLUMN_NAME); transposed.processRows(calculator); // use the svmLight default C value, so that results are comparable: final double C = transposed.getRowNumber() / calculator.getSumOfSquares(); libSVMWriter = new LibSVMWriter(transposed, "ID_REF", labelValueGroups, randomGenerator); libSVMWriter.setC(C); transposed.processRows(libSVMWriter); // svm_model model = libSVMWriter.trainModel(); // double[] weights = LibSvmUtils.calculateWeights(model); // TextIO.storeDoubles(weights, new PrintStream("BR-full-weights-libSvm.txt")); measure = libSVMWriter.leaveOneOutEvaluation(); } finalResult.setSvmResult(measure); if (shuffling) { int countShuffleGE = 0; for (int i = 0; i < countShuffleLabelTests; i++) { EvaluationMeasure shuffleMeasure = null; if (svmLight) { svmLightWriter.shuffleLabels(); final String svmTrainingSetFileName = "forsvm-shuffled.dat"; final PrintWriter fileWriter = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(svmTrainingSetFileName)); svmLightWriter.write(transposed, fileWriter); shuffleMeasure = trainSVMLight(svmTrainingSetFileName); } else { libSVMWriter.shuffleLabels(); transposed.processRows(libSVMWriter); shuffleMeasure = libSVMWriter.leaveOneOutEvaluation(); } if (shuffleMeasure.getAccuracy() >= measure.getAccuracy()) { countShuffleGE++; } System.err.print("."); System.err.flush(); } System.err.println(); System.err.flush(); finalResult.setShufflingCountGE(countShuffleGE, countShuffleLabelTests); } return finalResult; } /** * Average signal over the transcripts in a cluster. Signals for Probesets not in a cluster are unchanged. * * @param table Microarray data, rows are probeset ids, columns are conditions. * @return */ public static Table aggregateSignalByCluster(final Table table, final ObjectList<Cluster> clusters) throws TypeMismatchException, InvalidColumnException { final Table result = new ArrayTable(); final AggregateClusters processor = new AggregateClusters(); // processor.aggregate(table, result, clusters, IDENTIFIER_COLUMN_NAME); // return result; return table; } /** * @param table * @return Indices of the columns that have been normalized. * @throws TypeMismatchException * @throws InvalidColumnException */ public static int[] normalizeAcrossConditions(final Table table) throws TypeMismatchException, InvalidColumnException { final int[] columnSelection = getDoubleColumnIndices(table); // calculate the mean of each double column: final RowSumCalculator sumCalculator = new RowSumCalculator(columnSelection); final Int2DoubleMap means = new Int2DoubleOpenHashMap(); table.processRows(sumCalculator); double minMean = Double.MAX_VALUE; double maxMean = Double.MAX_VALUE; for (final int columnIndex : columnSelection) { final double mean = sumCalculator.getSumForColumn(columnIndex) / (double) table.getRowNumber(); means.put(columnIndex, mean); minMean = Math.min(minMean, mean); maxMean = Math.min(maxMean, mean); // System.out.println("Column: "+columnIndex + " mean: "+mean); } // calculate how much each column must be offset to bring the mean of each column to the same value (maxMean) final Int2DoubleMap offsets = new Int2DoubleOpenHashMap(); for (final int columnIndex : columnSelection) { final double mean = means.get(columnIndex); final double offset = maxMean - mean; offsets.put(columnIndex, offset); } final RowOffsetCalculator offsetRowValuesCalculator = new RowOffsetCalculator(columnSelection, offsets); table.processRows(offsetRowValuesCalculator); return columnSelection; } public static int[] getDoubleColumnIndices(final Table table) { // select all columns of type double: int num = 0; for (int i = 1; i < table.getColumnNumber(); i++) { if (table.getType(i) == double.class) { num++; } } final int[] columnSelection = new int[num]; int j = 0; for (int i = 1; i < table.getColumnNumber(); i++) { if (table.getType(i) == double.class) { columnSelection[j++] = i; } } return columnSelection; } private EvaluationMeasure trainSVMLight(final String svmTrainingSetFileName) throws IOException { EvaluationMeasure measure = new EvaluationMeasure(); // 6. Train SVM final SVMLightDriver svm = new SVMLightDriver(); svm.setTimeout(timeout); try { measure =; } catch (IllegalStateException e) { System.out.println("\nsvmlight does not seem to be installed properly." + e); System.exit(1); } catch (InterruptedException e) { System.out.println("\nsvmlight was interupted abnormally." + e); System.exit(1); } return measure; } public static Table filterColumnsForTask(final Table source, final List<Set<String>> labelValueGroups, final String identifierColumnName, Set<String> reduction) throws TypeMismatchException, InvalidColumnException { final Table result = source.copy(); // 1. filter out columns were label is not defined. final Set<String> keepSet = new HashSet<String>(); for (final Set<String> labelGroup : labelValueGroups) { // if label value is in a label group, keep this column keepSet.addAll(labelGroup); } keepSet.add(identifierColumnName); // keep only those samples also in reduction: reduction.add(identifierColumnName); keepSet.retainAll(reduction); filterColumns(result, keepSet); return result; } /** * Calculate the sets of sample ids that correspond to each classification label. For instance, assume tumor-non tumor * are the classification labels, this method will return the set of samples that are marked with each label. * * @param classificationTask * @return */ public static List<Set<String>> calculateLabelValueGroups(final ClassificationTask classificationTask) { return classificationTask.calculateLabelValueGroups(); } public static void filterColumns(final Table result, final Set<String> keepSet) { final Vector<String> toRemove = new Vector<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < result.getColumnNumber(); i++) { final String identifier = result.getIdentifier(i); if (!keepSet.contains(identifier)) { toRemove.add(identifier); } } for (final String columnIdf : toRemove) { try { result.removeColumn(columnIdf); } catch (InvalidColumnException e) { e.printStackTrace(); assert false : e; } } } /** * Print usage message for main method. * * @param options Options used to determine usage */ private void usage(final Options options) { // automatically generate the help statement final HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp(MicroarrayTrainEvaluate.class.getName(), options, true); } }