Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Institute for Computational Biomedicine,
 *                         Weill Medical College of Cornell University
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see <>.


import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;
import org.junit.Test;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

 * Basic tests of the {@link MCLClusterer}.
public class TestMCLClusterer {
     * Used to log debug and informational messages.
    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(TestMCLClusterer.class);

     * Validate that reading from an MCL output file produces the proper number of clusters.
     * @throws IOException if the {@link}
     * cannot access the reader passed to it.
    public void testMCLOutputFile() throws IOException {
        // assume that mcl was executed in the following way:
        //    mcl inputfile.txt --abc -o outputfile.txt
        // where the input file was:
        //   0     2     0.05
        //   1     3     0.30
        // this should produce two clusters [1, 3] and [2, 4]
        // so we're testing that the mcl output file translates correctly

        final int[][] expected = { { 0, 2 }, { 1, 3 } };

        final Reader reader = new StringReader(expected[0][0] + "\t" + expected[0][1] + IOUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR
                + expected[1][0] + "\t" + expected[1][1] + IOUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR);
        final Clusterer clusterer = new MCLClusterer(reader);
        final List<int[]> clusters = clusterer.getClusters();
        assertEquals("there should be 2 clusters", 2, clusters.size());
        assertArrayEquals(expected[0], clusters.get(0));
        assertArrayEquals(expected[1], clusters.get(1));

     * Validate that reading from an empty MCL output file does not cause errors.
     * @throws IOException if the {@link}
     * cannot access the reader passed to it.
    public void testEmptyMCLOutputFile() throws IOException {
        Reader reader = null;
        try {
            reader = new NullReader(0);
            final Clusterer clusterer = new MCLClusterer(reader);
            final List<int[]> clusters = clusterer.getClusters();
            assertEquals("there should be 0 clusters", 0, clusters.size());
        } finally {

     * Default delta to use when comparing floating point values.
    private static final double DELTA = 0.00001;

     * This test validates that each instance will be placed into it's own
     * cluster when there is no overlap between them.
    public void oneInstancePerCluster() {
        // put one instance in each cluster, total two instances
        final Clusterer clusterer = new MCLClusterer(2);
        final SimilarityDistanceCalculator distanceCalculator = new MaxLinkageDistanceCalculator() {
            public double distance(final int instanceIndex, final int otherInstanceIndex) {
                if (instanceIndex != otherInstanceIndex) {
                    return 100;
                } else {
                    return 0;

        assertEquals(100d, distanceCalculator.distance(0, 1), DELTA);
        assertEquals(100d, distanceCalculator.distance(1, 0), DELTA);
        assertEquals(0d, distanceCalculator.distance(0, 0), DELTA);
        assertEquals(0d, distanceCalculator.distance(1, 1), DELTA);

        final List<int[]> clusters = clusterer.cluster(distanceCalculator, 2);
        assertEquals(2, clusters.size());
        assertEquals(1, clusters.get(0).length);
        assertEquals(1, clusters.get(1).length);
        assertEquals(0, clusters.get(0)[0]);
        assertEquals(1, clusters.get(1)[0]);


    public void fourInstanceClusteringInOneCluster() {
        // put one instance in each cluster, total two instances
        final Clusterer clusterer = new MCLClusterer(4);
        final SimilarityDistanceCalculator distanceCalculator = new MaxLinkageDistanceCalculator() {
            public double distance(final int i, final int j) {
                // instances 0 and 1 belong to same cluster
                if (i == 0 && j == 1 || i == 1 && j == 0) {
                    return 0;
                } else {
                    return 10;
        // instances 0,1,2,3 go to cluster 1 (distance(0,1)=0; distance(2,0)=10<=threshold)

        assertEquals(0d, distanceCalculator.distance(0, 1), DELTA);
        assertEquals(0d, distanceCalculator.distance(1, 0), DELTA);
        assertEquals(10d, distanceCalculator.distance(0, 0), DELTA);
        assertEquals(10d, distanceCalculator.distance(1, 1), DELTA);
        assertEquals(10d, distanceCalculator.distance(0, 2), DELTA);
        assertEquals(10d, distanceCalculator.distance(2, 0), DELTA);
        assertEquals(10d, distanceCalculator.distance(2, 3), DELTA);
        final List<int[]> clusters = clusterer.cluster(distanceCalculator, 11);
        assertEquals("Expected one cluster", 1, clusters.size());
        final int[] cluster = clusters.get(0);
        assertEquals("First cluster must have size 4", 4, cluster.length);
        assertTrue("Instance 0 in cluster 0", ArrayUtils.contains(cluster, 0));
        assertTrue("Instance 1 in cluster 0", ArrayUtils.contains(cluster, 1));
        assertTrue("Instance 2 in cluster 0", ArrayUtils.contains(cluster, 2));
        assertTrue("Instance 3 in cluster 0", ArrayUtils.contains(cluster, 3));

    public void fourInstanceClusteringInThreeClusters() {
        // put one instance in each cluster, total two instances
        final Clusterer clusterer = new MCLClusterer(4);
        final SimilarityDistanceCalculator distanceCalculator = new MaxLinkageDistanceCalculator() {
            public double distance(final int i, final int j) {
                // instances 0 and 1 belong to same cluster
                if (i == 0 && j == 1 || i == 1 && j == 0) {
                    return 0;
                } else {
                    return 11;
        assertEquals(0d, distanceCalculator.distance(0, 1), DELTA);
        assertEquals(0d, distanceCalculator.distance(1, 0), DELTA);
        assertEquals(11d, distanceCalculator.distance(0, 2), DELTA);
        assertEquals(11d, distanceCalculator.distance(2, 0), DELTA);
        assertEquals(11d, distanceCalculator.distance(2, 3), DELTA);
        final List<int[]> clusters = clusterer.cluster(distanceCalculator, 10);
        assertEquals("Incorrect number of clusters", 3, clusters.size());
        assertEquals("First cluster must have size 2", 2, clusters.get(0).length);
        assertEquals("Second cluster must have size 1", 1, clusters.get(1).length);
        assertEquals("Third cluster must have size 1", 1, clusters.get(2).length);
        assertEquals("Instance 0 in cluster 0", 0, clusters.get(0)[0]);
        assertEquals("Instance 1 in cluster 0", 1, clusters.get(0)[1]);
        assertEquals("Instance 2 in cluster 1", 2, clusters.get(1)[0]);
        assertEquals("Instance 3 in cluster 2", 3, clusters.get(2)[0]);

    public void fourInstanceClusteringInFourClusters() {
        // put one instance in each cluster, total two instances
        final Clusterer clusterer = new MCLClusterer(4);
        final SimilarityDistanceCalculator distanceCalculator = new MaxLinkageDistanceCalculator() {
            public double distance(final int i, final int j) {
                // instances 0 and 1 belong to same cluster
                if (i == 0 && j == 1 || i == 1 && j == 0) {
                    return 0;
                } else {
                    return 10;

        final List<int[]> clusters = clusterer.cluster(distanceCalculator, 2);
        assertEquals("Incorrect number of clusters", 3, clusters.size());
        assertEquals("First cluster must have size 2", 2, clusters.get(0).length);
        assertEquals("Second cluster must have size 1", 1, clusters.get(1).length);
        assertEquals("Third cluster must have size 1", 1, clusters.get(2).length);
        assertEquals("Instance 0 in cluster 0", 0, clusters.get(0)[0]);
        assertEquals("Instance 1 in cluster 0", 1, clusters.get(0)[1]);
        assertEquals("Instance 2 in cluster 2", 2, clusters.get(1)[0]);
        assertEquals("Instance 3 in cluster 3", 3, clusters.get(2)[0]);

    public void zeroDistanceCalculator() {
        final Clusterer clusterer = new MCLClusterer(4);
        final SimilarityDistanceCalculator distanceCalculator = new MaxLinkageDistanceCalculator() {
            public double distance(final int i, final int j) {
                return 0; // instances 0-3 belong to the same cluster

        final List<int[]> clusters = clusterer.cluster(distanceCalculator, 2);
        assertEquals("Expected one cluster", 1, clusters.size());
        final int[] cluster = clusters.get(0);
        assertEquals("First cluster must have size 4", 4, cluster.length);
        assertTrue("Instance 0 in cluster 0", ArrayUtils.contains(cluster, 0));
        assertTrue("Instance 1 in cluster 0", ArrayUtils.contains(cluster, 1));
        assertTrue("Instance 2 in cluster 0", ArrayUtils.contains(cluster, 2));
        assertTrue("Instance 3 in cluster 0", ArrayUtils.contains(cluster, 3));

     * This test validates that the clusterer will not throw any errors when
     * passed zero instances.
    public void zeroInstances() {
        final Clusterer clusterer = new MCLClusterer(0);
        final SimilarityDistanceCalculator distanceCalculator = new MaxLinkageDistanceCalculator() {
            public double distance(final int instanceIndex, final int otherInstanceIndex) {
                return Math.abs(instanceIndex - otherInstanceIndex);

        final List<int[]> result = clusterer.cluster(distanceCalculator, 0);
        assertEquals(0, result.size());

     * This test validates that the clusterer will not not allow a negative
     * instance count.
    @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
    public void illegalInstanceCount() {
        new MCLClusterer(-1);

     * This test validates that a dataset is clustered correctly using various
     * different values of thresholds.
    public void multipleThresholds() {
        // raw data to test
        final int[] data = { 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 42, 43, 4, 6 };

        // list of expected results per threshold tested
        final List<int[]>[] expectedResults = new List[6];
        // threshold = 0 ( each instance in it's own cluster )
        expectedResults[0] = new ArrayList<int[]>();

        // threshold = 0
        expectedResults[0] = new ArrayList<int[]>();
        expectedResults[0].add(new int[] { 1, 1 });
        expectedResults[0].add(new int[] { 2, 2 });
        expectedResults[0].add(new int[] { 3, 3 });
        expectedResults[0].add(new int[] { 42 });
        expectedResults[0].add(new int[] { 43 });
        expectedResults[0].add(new int[] { 4 });
        expectedResults[0].add(new int[] { 6 });

        // threshold = 1
        expectedResults[1] = new ArrayList<int[]>();
        expectedResults[1].add(new int[] { 1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 3, 4 });
        expectedResults[1].add(new int[] { 42, 43 });
        expectedResults[1].add(new int[] { 6 });

        // threshold = 2
        expectedResults[2] = new ArrayList<int[]>();
        expectedResults[2].add(new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 4, 6 });
        expectedResults[2].add(new int[] { 42, 43 });

        final Clusterer clusterer = new MCLClusterer(data.length);
        // Distance function that returns the difference between instances
        final SimilarityDistanceCalculator distanceCalculator = new MaxLinkageDistanceCalculator() {
            public double distance(final int i, final int j) {
                return Math.abs(data[i] - data[j]);

        for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
            final List<int[]> clusters = clusterer.cluster(distanceCalculator, i);
            assertNotNull("Cluster at threshold " + i, clusters);

            LOGGER.debug("Iterative clusters - threshold = " + i);
            final List<int[]> expectedCluster = expectedResults[i];

            assertEquals("Number of clusters don't match at threshold = " + i, expectedCluster.size(),

            int j = 0;
            for (final int[] cluster : clusters) {
                // convert instance indexes from the cluster to data
                final int[] result = new int[cluster.length];
                for (int k = 0; k < result.length; k++) {
                    result[k] = data[cluster[k]];
                LOGGER.debug(j + ":" + ArrayUtils.toString(result));
                final int[] expectedResult = expectedCluster.get(j);
                assertArrayEquals("Cluster " + j + " with threshold " + i + " does not match expected",
                        expectedResult, result);

     * A test that uses a clusters words of equal length together.
    public void clusterWordsInAString() {
        final String text = "Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this"
                + " continent a new nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition"
                + " that all men are created equal";

        final List<String[]> expectedResults = new ArrayList<String[]>();
        expectedResults.add(new String[] { "and", "ago", "our", "new", "and", "the", "all", "men", "are" });
        expectedResults.add(new String[] { "score", "seven", "years", "forth", "equal" });
        expectedResults.add(new String[] { "fathers", "brought", "liberty", "created" });
        expectedResults.add(new String[] { "Four", "this", "that" });
        expectedResults.add(new String[] { "on", "in", "to" });
        expectedResults.add(new String[] { "continent", "conceived", "dedicated" });
        expectedResults.add(new String[] { "a" });
        expectedResults.add(new String[] { "nation" });
        expectedResults.add(new String[] { "proposition" });

        // break the text up into an array of individual words
        final String[] words = text.split(" ");

        // create a distance calculator that returns the difference in size between the two words
        final SimilarityDistanceCalculator distanceCalculator = new MaxLinkageDistanceCalculator() {
            public double distance(final int i, final int j) {
                return Math.abs(words[i].length() - words[j].length());

        // and cluster the words into groups according to their size
        final Clusterer clusterer = new MCLClusterer(words.length);
        final List<int[]> clusters = clusterer.cluster(distanceCalculator, 0);

        assertEquals("Number of clusters don't match", expectedResults.size(), clusters.size());

        int j = 0;
        for (final int[] cluster : clusters) {
            // convert instance indexes from the cluster to source data
            final String[] result = new String[cluster.length];
            for (int k = 0; k < result.length; k++) {
                result[k] = words[cluster[k]];
            assertArrayEquals("Cluster " + j + " does not match expected", expectedResults.get(j), result);

    private interface Person {

    private interface Place {

    private interface Thing {

     * Tests clustering with lists of object types.
    public void clusterObjectCollections() {
        final List<Object> peoplePlacesAndThings = new ArrayList<Object>();
        final Person tom = new Person() {
        final Person dick = new Person() {
        final Person harry = new Person() {


        final Place home = new Place() {
        final Place work = new Place() {
        final Place school = new Place() {


        final Thing pencil = new Thing() {
        final Thing pen = new Thing() {
        final Thing paper = new Thing() {
        final Thing stapler = new Thing() {


        // put things in a random order just to make things interesting

        final Clusterer clusterer = new MCLClusterer(peoplePlacesAndThings.size());
        final List<int[]> clusters = clusterer.cluster(new MaxLinkageDistanceCalculator() {
            public double distance(final int i, final int j) {
                final Object object1 = peoplePlacesAndThings.get(i);
                final Object object2 = peoplePlacesAndThings.get(j);
                if (object1 instanceof Person && object2 instanceof Person) {
                    return 0;
                } else if (object1 instanceof Place && object2 instanceof Place) {
                    return 0;
                } else if (object1 instanceof Thing && object2 instanceof Thing) {
                    return 0;
                } else {
                    return 42;
        }, 1.0f);

        assertNotNull("Cluster should not be null", clusters);
        assertEquals("There should be 3 clusters", 3, clusters.size());

        boolean peopleClustered = false;
        boolean placesClustered = false;
        boolean thingsClustered = false;

        for (final int[] cluster : clusters) {
            // check the type of the first, so we know what we're dealing with
            final Object object = peoplePlacesAndThings.get(cluster[0]);
            if (object instanceof Person) {
                assertEquals("There should be 3 people", 3, cluster.length);
                assertFalse("There appears to be more than one cluster of people", peopleClustered);
                peopleClustered = true;
                for (int i = 1; i < cluster.length; i++) {
                    final Object person = peoplePlacesAndThings.get(cluster[i]);
                    assertTrue("Cluster contains more than people", person instanceof Person);
            } else if (object instanceof Place) {
                assertEquals("There should be 3 places", 3, cluster.length);
                assertFalse("There appears to be more than one cluster of places", placesClustered);
                placesClustered = true;
                for (int i = 1; i < cluster.length; i++) {
                    final Object place = peoplePlacesAndThings.get(cluster[i]);
                    assertTrue("Cluster contains more than places", place instanceof Place);
            } else if (object instanceof Thing) {
                assertEquals("There should be 4 things", 4, cluster.length);
                assertFalse("There appears to be more than one cluster of things", thingsClustered);
                thingsClustered = true;
                for (int i = 1; i < cluster.length; i++) {
                    final Object thing = peoplePlacesAndThings.get(cluster[i]);
                    assertTrue("Cluster contains more than things", thing instanceof Thing);
            } else {
                fail("Cluster contains an unknown object type: " + object.getClass().getName());

        assertTrue("People should have been clustered", peopleClustered);
        assertTrue("Places should have been clustered", placesClustered);
        assertTrue("Things should have been clustered", thingsClustered);