Java tutorial
/* $This file is distributed under the terms of the license in /doc/license.txt$ */ package edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.utils; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Properties; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import org.joda.time.format.ISODateTimeFormat; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Property; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ResourceFactory; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.dao.VitroVocabulary; import fedora.client.FedoraClient; public class FedoraConfiguration { private static String FEDORA_PROPERTIES = "/WEB-INF/"; public String fedoraUrl = null; private String adminUser = null; private String adminPassword = null; private String pidNamespace = null; private String configurationStatus = "<p>Fedora configuration not yet loaded</p>"; private boolean configured = false; private boolean connected = false; public FedoraConfiguration(ServletContext context) { setup(context); } public boolean isConfigured() { return configured; } public boolean isConnected() { return connected; } public String setup(ServletContext context) { internalSetup(context); if (!configured) return configurationStatus; canConnectToFedoraServer(); return configurationStatus; } private void internalSetup(ServletContext context) { this.configurationStatus = ""; StringBuffer status = new StringBuffer(""); if (connected && configured) return; Properties props = new Properties(); String path = context.getRealPath(FEDORA_PROPERTIES); try { InputStream in = new FileInputStream(new File(path)); props.load(in); fedoraUrl = props.getProperty("fedoraUrl"); adminUser = props.getProperty("adminUser"); adminPassword = props.getProperty("adminPassword"); pidNamespace = props.getProperty("pidNamespace"); if (fedoraUrl == null || adminUser == null || adminPassword == null) { if (fedoraUrl == null) { log.error("'fedoraUrl' not found in properties file"); status.append("<p>'fedoraUrl' not found in properties file.</p>\n"); } if (adminUser == null) { log.error("'adminUser' was not found in properties file, the " + "user name of the fedora admin is needed to access the " + "fedora API-M services."); status.append("<p>'adminUser' was not found in properties file, the " + "user name of the fedora admin is needed to access the " + "fedora API-M services.</p>\n"); } if (adminPassword == null) { log.error("'adminPassword' was not found in properties file, the " + "admin password is needed to access the fedora API-M services."); status.append("<p>'adminPassword' was not found in properties file, the " + "admin password is needed to access the fedora API-M services.</p>\n"); } if (pidNamespace == null) { log.error("'pidNamespace' was not found in properties file, the " + "PID namespace indicates which namespace to use when creating " + "new fedor digital objects."); status.append("<p>'pidNamespace' was not found in properties file, the " + "PID namespace indicates which namespace to use when creating " + "new fedor digital objects.</p>\n"); } fedoraUrl = null; adminUser = null; adminPassword = null; configured = false; } else { configured = true; } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { log.error("No file found," + "it should be located at " + path); status.append("<h1>Fedora configuration failed.</h1>\n"); status.append("<p>No file found," + "it should be located at " + path + "</p>\n"); configured = false; return; } catch (Exception ex) { status.append("<p>Fedora configuration failed.</p>\n"); status.append("<p>Exception while loading" + path + "</p>\n"); status.append("<p>" + ex.getMessage() + "</p>\n"); log.error("could not load fedora properties", ex); fedoraUrl = null; adminUser = null; adminPassword = null; configured = false; return; } status.append(RELOAD_MSG); this.configurationStatus += status.toString(); } public boolean canConnectToFedoraServer() { try { FedoraClient fc = new FedoraClient(fedoraUrl, adminUser, adminPassword); String fedoraVersion = fc.getServerVersion(); if (fedoraVersion != null && fedoraVersion.length() > 0) { configurationStatus += "<p>Fedora server is live and is running " + "fedora version " + fedoraVersion + "</p>\n"; connected = true; return true; } else { configurationStatus += "<p>Unable to reach fedora server</p>\n"; connected = false; return false; } } catch (Exception e) { configurationStatus += "<p>There was an error while checking the " + "fedora server version</p>\n<p>" + e.getMessage() + "</p>\n"; connected = false; return false; } } public static final Property FILE_NAME = ResourceFactory.createProperty(VitroVocabulary.FILE_NAME); public static final Property CONTENT_TYPE = ResourceFactory.createProperty(VitroVocabulary.CONTENT_TYPE); public static final Property FILE_LOCATION = ResourceFactory.createProperty(VitroVocabulary.FILE_LOCATION); //public static final Property FEDORA_ID = ResourceFactory.createProperty(VitroVocabulary.FEDORA_PID); DateTimeFormatter isoFormatter = ISODateTimeFormat.dateTime(); private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(FedoraConfiguration.class); private static final String RELOAD_MSG = "<p>The fedora configuartion file will be reloaded if " + "you edit the properties file and check the status.</p>\n"; public String getFedoraUrl() { return fedoraUrl; } public void setFedoraUrl(String fedoraUrl) { this.fedoraUrl = fedoraUrl; } public String getAdminUser() { return adminUser; } public void setAdminUser(String adminUser) { this.adminUser = adminUser; } public String getAdminPassword() { return adminPassword; } public void setAdminPassword(String adminPassword) { this.adminPassword = adminPassword; } public String getPidNamespace() { return pidNamespace; } public void setPidNamespace(String pidNamespace) { this.pidNamespace = pidNamespace; } public String getConfigurationStatus() { return configurationStatus; } public void setConfigurationStatus(String configurationStatus) { this.configurationStatus = configurationStatus; } }