Java tutorial
/* $This file is distributed under the terms of the license in /doc/license.txt$ */ package edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.searchindex.extensions; import static; import static; import static edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.utils.sparql.SelectQueryRunner.createQueryContext; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ResourceFactory; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Statement; import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.RDFS; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.beans.Individual; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.beans.VClass; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.modelaccess.ContextModelAccess; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.modules.searchEngine.SearchInputDocument; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.rdfservice.RDFService; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.searchindex.documentBuilding.DocumentModifier; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.searchindex.indexing.IndexingUriFinder; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.utils.configuration.ContextModelsUser; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.utils.configuration.Property; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.utils.configuration.Validation; /** * If an individual has context nodes then the search document for that * individual should include the labels of the partners across those nodes. The * labels will be added to the ALLTEXT and ALLTEXTUNSTEMMED fields. * * We must specify what property leads to a context node (incoming), and what * property leads from a context node (outgoing). We may add restrictions to say * that this only applies to individuals of certain types. We may also restrict * the type of the applicable context nodes. * * An instance of this class acts as both a DocumentModifier and an * IndexingUriFinder: * * As a DocumentModifier, it looks across approved context nodes to fetch the * labels of the partners. * * As an IndexingUriFinder, it recognizes that this relationship can be changed * by a change to a "label" statement, or to a "relates" property, and finds all * partners as candidates for reindexing. * * <pre> * Configuration: * rdfs:label -- Optional. Appears in the timings and debug statements. * :hasIncomingProperty -- Required. Property leading to the context node. * :hasOutgoingProperty -- Required. Property leading from the context node. * :hasTypeRestriction -- Optional. Match any. If none, then no restriction. * :appliesToContextNodeType -- Optional. Match any. If none, then no restriction. * </pre> */ public class LabelsAcrossContextNodes implements IndexingUriFinder, DocumentModifier, ContextModelsUser { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(LabelsAcrossContextNodes.class); private RDFService rdfService; /** * A name to be used in logging, to identify this instance. If not provided, * then a descriptive label will be created. */ private String label; /** * The URI of the property that leads into the context node. Required. */ private String incomingPropertyUri; /** * The URI of the property that leads from the context node. Required. */ private String outgoingPropertyUri; /** * URIs of the types of individuals to whom this instance applies. * * If this is not empty and an individual does not have any of these types, * then skip that individual. */ private Set<String> typeRestrictions = new HashSet<>(); /** * URIs of the types of acceptable context nodes. * * If this is not empty and a context node does not have any of these types, * then skip that context node's label. */ private Set<String> contextNodeClasses = new HashSet<>(); @Override public void setContextModels(ContextModelAccess models) { this.rdfService = models.getRDFService(); } @Property(uri = "") public void setLabel(String l) { label = l; } @Property(uri = "") public void setIncomingProperty(String incomingUri) { if (incomingPropertyUri == null) { incomingPropertyUri = incomingUri; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Configuration includes multiple declarations for hasIncomingProperty: " + incomingPropertyUri + ", and " + incomingUri); } } @Property(uri = "") public void setOutgoingProperty(String outgoingUri) { if (outgoingPropertyUri == null) { outgoingPropertyUri = outgoingUri; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Configuration includes multiple declarations for hasOutgoingProperty: " + outgoingPropertyUri + ", and " + outgoingUri); } } @Property(uri = "") public void addTypeRestriction(String typeUri) { typeRestrictions.add(typeUri); } @Property(uri = "") public void addContextNodeClass(String cnc) { contextNodeClasses.add(cnc); } @Validation public void validate() { if (label == null) { label = String.format("%s[types=%s, contextNodeTypes=%s]", this.getClass().getSimpleName(), formatRestrictions(typeRestrictions), formatRestrictions(contextNodeClasses)); } if (incomingPropertyUri == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Configuration did not declare hasIncomingProperty."); } if (outgoingPropertyUri == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Configuration did not declare hasOutgoingProperty."); } } private String formatRestrictions(Set<String> uris) { if (uris.isEmpty()) { return "ALL"; } else { return localNames(uris).toString(); } } private Set<String> localNames(Set<String> uris) { Set<String> names = new HashSet<>(); for (String uri : uris) { try { names.add(ResourceFactory.createResource(uri).getLocalName()); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Failed to parse URI: " + uri, e); names.add(uri); } } return names; } @Override public String toString() { return (label == null) ? super.toString() : label; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // DocumentModifier // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- private static final String LABELS_WITHOUT_RESTRICTION = "" + "PREFIX rdfs: <> \n" + "SELECT ?label \n" // + "WHERE { \n" // + " ?uri ?incoming ?contextNode . \n" // + " ?contextNode ?outgoing ?partner . \n" // + " ?partner rdfs:label ?label . \n" // + " FILTER( ?uri != ?partner ) \n" // + "} \n"; private static final String LABELS_FOR_SPECIFIC_CONTEXT_NODE_TYPE = "" + "PREFIX rdfs: <> \n" + "SELECT ?label \n" // + "WHERE { \n" // + " ?uri ?incoming ?contextNode . \n" // + " ?contextNode a ?nodeType . \n" // + " ?contextNode ?outgoing ?partner . \n" // + " ?partner rdfs:label ?label . \n" // + " FILTER( ?uri != ?partner ) \n" // + "} \n"; /** * If this individual is acceptable, locate the labels of any context * partners across acceptable context nodes. Add those labels to the text * fields of the search document. */ @Override public void modifyDocument(Individual ind, SearchInputDocument doc) { if (passesTypeRestriction(ind)) { if (contextNodeClasses.isEmpty()) { addLabelsFromAllContextNodeClasses(ind, doc); } else { for (String contextNodeClass : contextNodeClasses) { addLabelsFromContextNodeClass(ind, doc, contextNodeClass); } } } } private boolean passesTypeRestriction(Individual ind) { if (typeRestrictions.isEmpty()) { return true; } else { for (VClass type : ind.getVClasses()) { if (typeRestrictions.contains(type.getURI())) { return true; } } } return false; } private void addLabelsFromAllContextNodeClasses(Individual ind, SearchInputDocument doc) { addValuesToTextFields(doc, createQueryContext(rdfService, LABELS_WITHOUT_RESTRICTION) .bindVariableToUri("uri", ind.getURI()).bindVariableToUri("incoming", incomingPropertyUri) .bindVariableToUri("outgoing", outgoingPropertyUri).execute().getStringFields("label").flatten()); } private void addLabelsFromContextNodeClass(Individual ind, SearchInputDocument doc, String contextNodeClass) { addValuesToTextFields(doc, createQueryContext(rdfService, LABELS_FOR_SPECIFIC_CONTEXT_NODE_TYPE) .bindVariableToUri("uri", ind.getURI()).bindVariableToUri("nodeType", contextNodeClass) .bindVariableToUri("incoming", incomingPropertyUri) .bindVariableToUri("outgoing", outgoingPropertyUri).execute().getStringFields("label").flatten()); } private void addValuesToTextFields(SearchInputDocument doc, List<String> values) { for (String value : values) { doc.addField(ALLTEXT, value); doc.addField(ALLTEXTUNSTEMMED, value); } } @Override public void shutdown() { // Nothing to shut down. } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // IndexingUriFinder // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- private static final String LOCATE_PARTNERS_WITHOUT_RESTRICTION = "" + "SELECT ?partner \n" // + "WHERE { \n" // + " ?partner ?incoming ?contextNode . \n" // + " ?contextNode ?outgoing ?uri . \n" // + " FILTER( ?uri != ?partner ) \n" // + "} \n"; private static final String LOCATE_PARTNERS_ON_CONTEXT_NODE_TYPE = "" + "SELECT ?partner \n" // + "WHERE { \n" // + " ?partner ?incoming ?contextNode . \n" // + " ?contextNode ?outgoing ?uri . \n" // + " ?contextNode a ?nodeType . \n" // + " FILTER( ?uri != ?partner ) \n" // + "} \n"; private static final String LOCATE_OTHER_PARTNERS_ON_THIS_NODE = "" + "SELECT ?partner \n" // + "WHERE { \n" // + " ?contextNode ?outgoing ?partner . \n" // + " FILTER( ?uri != ?partner ) \n" // + "} \n"; private static final String GET_TYPES = "" // + "SELECT ?type \n" // + "WHERE { \n" // + " ?uri a ?type . \n" // + "} \n"; @Override public void startIndexing() { // Nothing to do. } /** * If this is a "label" statement, check to see if the subject has any * acceptable partners across acceptable context nodes. * * If this is a statement that involves the specified incoming property on * an acceptable context node, check to see if there are any acceptable * partners on this node. */ @Override public List<String> findAdditionalURIsToIndex(Statement stmt) { if (isLabelStatement(stmt)) { return filterByType(locatePartners(stmt)); } else if (isIncomingStatementOnAcceptableContextNode(stmt)) { return filterByType(locateOtherPartners(stmt)); } return Collections.emptyList(); } private boolean isLabelStatement(Statement stmt) { return RDFS.label.getURI().equals(stmt.getPredicate().getURI()); } private Set<String> locatePartners(Statement stmt) { String uri = stmt.getSubject().getURI(); if (contextNodeClasses.isEmpty()) { return locatePartnersWithoutRestriction(uri); } else { Set<String> uris = new HashSet<>(); for (String contextNodeClass : contextNodeClasses) { uris.addAll(locatePartnersAcrossContextNodeClass(uri, contextNodeClass)); } return uris; } } private Set<String> locatePartnersWithoutRestriction(String uri) { return createQueryContext(rdfService, LOCATE_PARTNERS_WITHOUT_RESTRICTION).bindVariableToUri("uri", uri) .bindVariableToUri("incoming", incomingPropertyUri) .bindVariableToUri("outgoing", outgoingPropertyUri).execute().getStringFields("partner") .flattenToSet(); } private Collection<? extends String> locatePartnersAcrossContextNodeClass(String uri, String contextNodeClass) { return createQueryContext(rdfService, LOCATE_PARTNERS_ON_CONTEXT_NODE_TYPE).bindVariableToUri("uri", uri) .bindVariableToUri("nodeType", contextNodeClass).bindVariableToUri("incoming", incomingPropertyUri) .bindVariableToUri("outgoing", outgoingPropertyUri).execute().getStringFields("partner") .flattenToSet(); } private boolean isIncomingStatementOnAcceptableContextNode(Statement stmt) { String subjectUri = stmt.getSubject().getURI(); String predicateUri = stmt.getPredicate().getURI(); if (incomingPropertyUri.equals(predicateUri) && (contextNodeClasses.isEmpty() || isAnyMatch(contextNodeClasses, getTypes(subjectUri)))) { return true; } else { return false; } } private boolean isAnyMatch(Set<String> set1, Set<String> set2) { Set<String> matches = new HashSet<>(set1); matches.retainAll(set2); return !matches.isEmpty(); } private Set<String> getTypes(String uri) { return createQueryContext(rdfService, GET_TYPES).bindVariableToUri("uri", uri).execute() .getStringFields("type").flattenToSet(); } private Set<String> locateOtherPartners(Statement stmt) { if (!stmt.getSubject().isURIResource()) { return Collections.emptySet(); } String nodeUri = stmt.getSubject().getURI(); String objectUri = (stmt.getObject().isURIResource()) ? stmt.getObject().asResource().getURI() : "NO_MATCH"; return createQueryContext(rdfService, LOCATE_OTHER_PARTNERS_ON_THIS_NODE) .bindVariableToUri("contextNode", nodeUri).bindVariableToUri("uri", objectUri) .bindVariableToUri("outgoing", outgoingPropertyUri).execute().getStringFields("partner") .flattenToSet(); } private List<String> filterByType(Collection<String> uris) { if (typeRestrictions.isEmpty()) { return new ArrayList<>(uris); } else { List<String> filtered = new ArrayList<>(); for (String uri : uris) { if (isAnyMatch(typeRestrictions, getTypes(uri))) { filtered.add(uri); } } return filtered; } } @Override public void endIndexing() { // Nothing to do. } }