Java tutorial
/* $This file is distributed under the terms of the license in /doc/license.txt$ */ package; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocument; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.OWL; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.beans.DataPropertyStatement; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.beans.Individual; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.beans.IndividualImpl; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.beans.ObjectPropertyStatement; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.beans.VClass; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.dao.VitroVocabulary; import; import; import; import; public class IndividualToSolrDocument { public static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(IndividualToSolrDocument.class.getName()); public static VitroSearchTermNames term = new VitroSearchTermNames(); private static String entClassName = Individual.class.getName(); private ClassProhibitedFromSearch classesProhibitedFromSearch; private IndividualProhibitedFromSearch individualProhibitedFromSearch; private final String label = ""; public List<DocumentModifier> documentModifiers = new ArrayList<DocumentModifier>(); public IndividualToSolrDocument(ClassProhibitedFromSearch classesProhibitedFromSearch, IndividualProhibitedFromSearch individualProhibitedFromSearch) { this(classesProhibitedFromSearch, individualProhibitedFromSearch, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } public IndividualToSolrDocument(ClassProhibitedFromSearch classesProhibitedFromSearch, IndividualProhibitedFromSearch individualProhibitedFromSearch, List<DocumentModifier> docModifiers) { this.classesProhibitedFromSearch = classesProhibitedFromSearch; this.individualProhibitedFromSearch = individualProhibitedFromSearch; this.documentModifiers = docModifiers; } @SuppressWarnings("static-access") public SolrInputDocument translate(Individual ind) throws IndexingException { try { log.debug("translating " + ind.getURI()); checkForSkipBasedOnNS(ind); SolrInputDocument doc = new SolrInputDocument(); //DocID doc.addField(term.DOCID, getIdForUri(ind.getURI())); //vitro id doc.addField(term.URI, ind.getURI()); //java class doc.addField(term.JCLASS, entClassName); //Individual Label addLabel(ind, doc); //add classes, classgroups get if prohibied becasue of its class StringBuffer classPublicNames = new StringBuffer(""); boolean prohibited = addClasses(ind, doc, classPublicNames); //filter out class groups, owl:ObjectProperties etc.. if (individualProhibitedFromSearch.isIndividualProhibited(ind.getURI())) { return null; } // collecting URIs and rdfs:labels of objects of statements StringBuffer objectNames = new StringBuffer(""); StringBuffer addUri = new StringBuffer(""); addObjectPropertyText(ind, doc, objectNames, addUri); //add if the individual has a thumbnail or not. addThumbnailExistance(ind, doc); //time of index in millis past epoc doc.addField(term.INDEXEDTIME, new Long((new DateTime()).getMillis())); if (!prohibited) { addAllText(ind, doc, classPublicNames, objectNames); runAdditionalDocModifers(ind, doc, addUri); //boost for entity if (documentModifiers == null || documentModifiers.isEmpty() && (ind.getSearchBoost() != null && ind.getSearchBoost() != 0)) { doc.setDocumentBoost(ind.getSearchBoost()); } } return doc; } catch (SkipIndividualException ex) { //indicates that this individual should not be indexed by returning null log.debug(ex); return null; } catch (Throwable th) { //Odd exceptions from jena get thrown on shutdown if (log != null) log.debug(th); return null; } } private void runAdditionalDocModifers(Individual ind, SolrInputDocument doc, StringBuffer addUri) throws SkipIndividualException { //run the document modifiers if (documentModifiers != null && !documentModifiers.isEmpty()) { for (DocumentModifier modifier : documentModifiers) { modifier.modifyDocument(ind, doc, addUri); } } } private void checkForSkipBasedOnNS(Individual ind) throws SkipIndividualException { String id = ind.getURI(); if (id == null) { throw new SkipIndividualException("cannot add individuals without URIs to search index"); } else if (id.startsWith(VitroVocabulary.vitroURI) || id.startsWith(VitroVocabulary.VITRO_PUBLIC) || id.startsWith(VitroVocabulary.PSEUDO_BNODE_NS) || id.startsWith(OWL.NS)) { throw new SkipIndividualException("not indexing because of namespace:" + id); } } private void addAllText(Individual ind, SolrInputDocument doc, StringBuffer classPublicNames, StringBuffer objectNames) { String t = null; //ALLTEXT, all of the 'full text' StringBuffer allTextValue = new StringBuffer(); //collecting data property statements List<DataPropertyStatement> dataPropertyStatements = ind.getDataPropertyStatements(); if (dataPropertyStatements != null) { Iterator<DataPropertyStatement> dataPropertyStmtIter = dataPropertyStatements.iterator(); while (dataPropertyStmtIter.hasNext()) { DataPropertyStatement dataPropertyStmt =; if (dataPropertyStmt.getDatapropURI().equals(label)) { // we don't want label to be added to alltext continue; } allTextValue.append(" "); allTextValue.append(((t = dataPropertyStmt.getData()) == null) ? "" : t); } } allTextValue.append(objectNames.toString()); allTextValue.append(' '); allTextValue.append(classPublicNames); try { String stripped = Jsoup.parse(allTextValue.toString()).text(); allTextValue.setLength(0); allTextValue.append(stripped); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("Could not strip HTML during search indexing. " + e); } String alltext = allTextValue.toString(); doc.addField(term.ALLTEXT, alltext); doc.addField(term.ALLTEXTUNSTEMMED, alltext); doc.addField(term.ALLTEXT_PHONETIC, alltext); } private void addLabel(Individual ind, SolrInputDocument doc) { String value = ""; String label = ind.getRdfsLabel(); if (label != null) { value = label; } else { value = ind.getLocalName(); } doc.addField(term.NAME_RAW, value); doc.addField(term.NAME_LOWERCASE, value); doc.addField(term.NAME_UNSTEMMED, value); doc.addField(term.NAME_STEMMED, value); doc.addField(term.NAME_PHONETIC, value); doc.addField(term.AC_NAME_UNTOKENIZED, value); doc.addField(term.AC_NAME_STEMMED, value); } /** * Adds if the individual has a thumbnail image or not. */ private void addThumbnailExistance(Individual ind, SolrInputDocument doc) { try { if (ind.hasThumb()) doc.addField(term.THUMBNAIL, "1"); else doc.addField(term.THUMBNAIL, "0"); } catch (Exception ex) { log.debug("could not index thumbnail: " + ex); } } /** * Get the rdfs:labes for objects of statements and put in objectNames. * Get the URIs for objects of statements and put in addUri. */ private void addObjectPropertyText(Individual ind, SolrInputDocument doc, StringBuffer objectNames, StringBuffer addUri) { List<ObjectPropertyStatement> objectPropertyStatements = ind.getObjectPropertyStatements(); if (objectPropertyStatements != null) { Iterator<ObjectPropertyStatement> objectPropertyStmtIter = objectPropertyStatements.iterator(); while (objectPropertyStmtIter.hasNext()) { ObjectPropertyStatement objectPropertyStmt =; if ("".equals(objectPropertyStmt.getPropertyURI())) { continue; } try { objectNames.append(" "); String t = null; objectNames.append(((t = objectPropertyStmt.getObject().getRdfsLabel()) == null) ? "" : t); addUri.append(" "); addUri.append(((t = objectPropertyStmt.getObject().getURI()) == null) ? "" : t); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("could not index name of related object: " + e.getMessage()); } } } } /** * Adds the info about the classes that the individual is a member * of, classgroups and checks if prohibited. * @param classPublicNames * @returns true if prohibited from search * @throws SkipIndividualException */ protected boolean addClasses(Individual ind, SolrInputDocument doc, StringBuffer classPublicNames) throws SkipIndividualException { ArrayList<String> superClassNames = null; // Types and classgroups boolean prohibited = false; List<VClass> vclasses = ind.getVClasses(false); superClassNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (VClass clz : vclasses) { String superLclName = clz.getLocalName(); superClassNames.add(superLclName); if (clz.getURI() == null) { continue; } else if (OWL.Thing.getURI().equals(clz.getURI())) { //index individuals of type owl:Thing, just don't add owl:Thing as the type field in the index continue; } else if (clz.getURI().startsWith(OWL.NS)) { throw new SkipIndividualException( "not indexing " + ind.getURI() + " because of type " + clz.getURI()); } // do not index individuals of type Role, AdvisingRelationShip, Authorship, etc.(see search.n3 for more information) else if (classesProhibitedFromSearch.isClassProhibitedFromSearch(clz.getURI())) { throw new SkipIndividualException( "not indexing " + ind.getURI() + " because of prohibited type " + clz.getURI()); } else { if (!prohibited && classesProhibitedFromSearch.isClassProhibitedFromSearch(clz.getURI())) prohibited = true; if (clz.getSearchBoost() != null) doc.setDocumentBoost(doc.getDocumentBoost() + clz.getSearchBoost()); doc.addField(term.RDFTYPE, clz.getURI()); if (clz.getLocalName() != null) { doc.addField(term.CLASSLOCALNAME, clz.getLocalName()); doc.addField(term.CLASSLOCALNAMELOWERCASE, clz.getLocalName().toLowerCase()); } if (clz.getName() != null) { classPublicNames.append(" "); classPublicNames.append(clz.getName()); } //Add the Classgroup URI to a field if (clz.getGroupURI() != null) { doc.addField(term.CLASSGROUP_URI, clz.getGroupURI()); } } } if (superClassNames.isEmpty()) { throw new SkipIndividualException("Not indexing because individual has no super classes"); } doc.addField(term.PROHIBITED_FROM_TEXT_RESULTS, prohibited ? "1" : "0"); return prohibited; } public Object getIndexId(Object obj) { throw new Error("IndiviudalToSolrDocument.getIndexId() is unimplemented"); } public String getIdForUri(String uri) { if (uri != null) { return entClassName + uri; } else { return null; } } public String getQueryForId(String uri) { return term.DOCID + ':' + getIdForUri(uri); } public Individual unTranslate(Object result) { Individual ent = null; if (result != null && result instanceof SolrDocument) { SolrDocument hit = (SolrDocument) result; String uri = (String) hit.getFirstValue(term.URI); ent = new IndividualImpl(); ent.setURI(uri); } return ent; } public void shutdown() { for (DocumentModifier dm : documentModifiers) { try { dm.shutdown(); } catch (Exception e) { if (log != null) log.debug(e, e); } } } public static float NAME_BOOST = 1.2F; }