Java tutorial
/* $This file is distributed under the terms of the license in /doc/license.txt$ */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListSet; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryParseException; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Statement; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.beans.Individual; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.dao.IndividualDao; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.dao.WebappDaoFactory; import; import; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.utils.threads.VitroBackgroundThread; /** * The IndexBuilder is used to rebuild or update a search index. * There should only be one IndexBuilder in a vitro web application. * It uses an implementation of a back-end through an object that * implements IndexerIface. An example of a back-end is SolrIndexer. * * See the class SearchReindexingListener for an example of how a model change * listener can use an IndexBuilder to keep the full text index in sncy with * updates to a model. It calls IndexBuilder.addToChangedUris(). */ public class IndexBuilder extends VitroBackgroundThread { private WebappDaoFactory wdf; private final IndexerIface indexer; /** Statements that have changed in the model. The SearchReindexingListener * and other similar objects will use methods on IndexBuilder to add statements * to this queue. */ //private final ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Statement> changedStmtQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Statement>(); private final HashSet<Statement> changedStmts = new HashSet<Statement>(); /** This is a list of objects that will compute what URIs need to be * updated in the search index when a statement changes. */ private final List<StatementToURIsToUpdate> stmtToURIsToIndexFunctions; /** Indicates that a full index re-build has been requested. */ private volatile boolean reindexRequested = false; /** Indicates that a stop of the indexing objects has been requested. */ private volatile boolean stopRequested = false; /** Length of time to wait before looking for work (if not wakened sooner). */ public static final long MAX_IDLE_INTERVAL = 1000 * 60 /* msec */ ; /** Length of pause between when work comes into queue to when indexing starts */ public static final long WAIT_AFTER_NEW_WORK_INTERVAL = 500; //msec /** Flag so we can tell that the index is being updated. */ public static final String FLAG_UPDATING = "updating"; /** Flag so we can tell that the index is being rebuilt. */ public static final String FLAG_REBUILDING = "rebuilding"; /** List of IndexingEventListeners */ protected LinkedList<IndexingEventListener> indexingEventListeners = new LinkedList<IndexingEventListener>(); /** number of threads to use during a full index rebuild. */ public static final int REINDEX_THREADS = 10; /** Max threads to use during an update. Smaller updates will use fewer threads. */ public static final int MAX_UPDATE_THREADS = 10; /** Number of individuals to index per update thread. */ public static final int URIS_PER_UPDATE_THREAD = 50; private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(IndexBuilder.class); public static IndexBuilder getBuilder(ServletContext ctx) { Object o = ctx.getAttribute(IndexBuilder.class.getName()); if (o instanceof IndexBuilder) { return (IndexBuilder) o; } else { log.error("IndexBuilder has not been initialized."); return null; } } public IndexBuilder(IndexerIface indexer, WebappDaoFactory wdf, List<StatementToURIsToUpdate> stmtToURIsToIndexFunctions) { super("IndexBuilder"); this.indexer = indexer; this.wdf = wdf; if (stmtToURIsToIndexFunctions != null) this.stmtToURIsToIndexFunctions = stmtToURIsToIndexFunctions; else this.stmtToURIsToIndexFunctions = Collections.emptyList(); this.start(); } protected IndexBuilder() { //for testing only this(null, null, null); } /** * Use this method to add URIs that need to be indexed. Should be * able to add to changedStmtQueue while indexing is in process. * * If you have a statement that has been added or removed from the * RDF model and you would like it to take effect in the search * index this is the method you should use. Follow the adding of * your changes with a call to doUpdateIndex(). */ public void addToChanged(Statement stmt) { log.debug("call to addToChanged()"); synchronized (changedStmts) { changedStmts.add(stmt); } } /** * This method will cause the IndexBuilder to completely rebuild * the index. */ public synchronized void doIndexRebuild() { log.debug("call to doIndexRebuild()"); //set flag for full index rebuild this.reindexRequested = true; //wake up this.notifyAll(); } /** * This will re-index Individuals were added with addToChanged(). */ public synchronized void doUpdateIndex() { log.debug("callto doUpdateIndex()"); //wake up thread and it will attempt to index anything in changedUris this.notifyAll(); } /** * Add a listener for indexing events. Methods on listener will be called when * events happen in the IndexBuilder. This is not a Jena ModelListener. */ public synchronized void addIndexBuilderListener(IndexingEventListener listener) { indexingEventListeners.add(listener); } /** * This is called when the system shuts down. */ public synchronized void stopIndexingThread() { stopRequested = true; this.notifyAll(); this.interrupt(); } @Override public void run() { while (!stopRequested) { try { if (reindexRequested) { setWorkLevel(WorkLevel.WORKING, FLAG_REBUILDING); log.debug("full re-index requested"); notifyListeners(IndexingEventListener.EventTypes.START_FULL_REBUILD); indexRebuild(); notifyListeners(IndexingEventListener.EventTypes.FINISH_FULL_REBUILD); setWorkLevel(WorkLevel.IDLE); } else { boolean workToDo = false; synchronized (changedStmts) { workToDo = !changedStmts.isEmpty(); } if (workToDo) { setWorkLevel(WorkLevel.WORKING, FLAG_UPDATING); //wait a bit to let a bit more work to come into the queue Thread.sleep(WAIT_AFTER_NEW_WORK_INTERVAL); log.debug("work found for IndexBuilder, starting update"); notifyListeners(IndexingEventListener.EventTypes.START_UPDATE); updatedIndex(); notifyListeners(IndexingEventListener.EventTypes.FINISHED_UPDATE); setWorkLevel(WorkLevel.IDLE); } else { log.debug("there is no indexing working to do, waiting for work"); synchronized (this) { this.wait(MAX_IDLE_INTERVAL); } } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.debug("woken up", e); } catch (Throwable e) { log.error(e, e); } } if (indexer != null) indexer.abortIndexingAndCleanUp(); } public static void checkIndexOnRootLogin(HttpServletRequest req) { HttpSession session = req.getSession(); ServletContext context = session.getServletContext(); IndexBuilder indexBuilder = (IndexBuilder) context.getAttribute(IndexBuilder.class.getName()); log.debug("Checking if the index is empty"); if (indexBuilder.indexer.isIndexEmpty()) {"Search index is empty. Running a full index rebuild."); indexBuilder.doIndexRebuild(); } } /* ******************** non-public methods ************************* */ /** * Take the changed statements from the queue and determine which URIs that need to be updated in * the index. */ private Collection<String> changedStatementsToUris() { //inform StatementToURIsToUpdate that index is starting for (StatementToURIsToUpdate stu : stmtToURIsToIndexFunctions) { stu.startIndexing(); } Collection<String> urisToUpdate = new HashSet<String>(); for (Statement stmt : getAndClearChangedStmts()) { for (StatementToURIsToUpdate stu : stmtToURIsToIndexFunctions) { urisToUpdate.addAll(stu.findAdditionalURIsToIndex(stmt)); } } //inform StatementToURIsToUpdate that they are done for (StatementToURIsToUpdate stu : stmtToURIsToIndexFunctions) { stu.endIndxing(); } return urisToUpdate; } private Statement[] getAndClearChangedStmts() { //get the statements that changed Statement[] stmts = null; synchronized (changedStmts) { stmts = new Statement[changedStmts.size()]; stmts = changedStmts.toArray(stmts); changedStmts.clear(); } return stmts; } /** * Take the URIs that we got from the changedStmtQueue, and create the lists * of updated URIs and deleted URIs. */ private UriLists makeAddAndDeleteLists(Collection<String> uris) { IndividualDao indDao = wdf.getIndividualDao(); UriLists uriLists = new UriLists(); for (String uri : uris) { if (uri != null) { try { Individual ind = indDao.getIndividualByURI(uri); if (ind != null) { log.debug("uri to update or add to search index: " + uri); uriLists.updatedUris.add(uri); } else { log.debug("found delete in changed uris: " + uri); uriLists.deletedUris.add(uri); } } catch (QueryParseException ex) { log.error("could not get Individual " + uri, ex); } } } return uriLists; } /** * This rebuilds the whole index. */ protected void indexRebuild() {"Rebuild of search index is starting."); // clear out changed URIs since we are doing a full index rebuild changedStmts.clear(); log.debug("Getting all URIs in the model"); Iterator<String> uris = wdf.getIndividualDao().getAllOfThisTypeIterator(); doBuild(uris, Collections.<String>emptyList(), REINDEX_THREADS); if (log != null) //log might be null if system is shutting down."Rebuild of search index is complete."); } protected void updatedIndex() { log.debug("Starting updateIndex()"); UriLists uriLists = makeAddAndDeleteLists(changedStatementsToUris()); int numberOfThreads = Math.min(MAX_UPDATE_THREADS, Math.max(uriLists.updatedUris.size() / URIS_PER_UPDATE_THREAD, 1)); doBuild(uriLists.updatedUris.iterator(), uriLists.deletedUris, numberOfThreads); log.debug("Ending updateIndex()"); } /** * For each sourceIterator, get all of the objects and attempt to * index them. * * This takes a list of source Iterators and, for each of these, * calls indexForSource. * * @param sourceIterators * @param newDocs true if we know that the document is new. Set * to false if we want to attempt to remove the object from the index before * attempting to index it. If an object is not on the list but you set this * to false, and a check is made before adding, it will work fine; but * checking if an object is on the index is slow. */ private void doBuild(Iterator<String> updates, Collection<String> deletes, int numberOfThreads) { boolean updateRequested = !reindexRequested; try { if (reindexRequested) { indexer.prepareForRebuild(); } indexer.startIndexing(); reindexRequested = false; if (updateRequested) { //if this is not a full reindex, deleted indivdiuals need to be removed from the index for (String deleteMe : deletes) { try { indexer.removeFromIndex(deleteMe); } catch (Exception ex) { log.debug( "could not remove individual " + deleteMe + " from index, usually this is harmless", ex); } } } indexUriList(updates, numberOfThreads); } catch (Exception e) { if (log != null) log.debug("Exception during indexing", e); } indexer.endIndexing(); } /** * Use the back end indexer to index each object that the Iterator returns. * @throws AbortIndexing */ private void indexUriList(Iterator<String> updateUris, int numberOfThreads) { //make lists of work URIs for workers List<List<String>> workLists = makeWorkerUriLists(updateUris, numberOfThreads); //setup workers with work List<IndexWorkerThread> workers = new ArrayList<IndexWorkerThread>(); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfThreads; i++) { Iterator<Individual> workToDo = new UriToIndividualIterator(workLists.get(i), wdf); workers.add(new IndexWorkerThread(indexer, i, workToDo)); } // reset the counters so we can monitor the progress IndexWorkerThread.resetCounters(System.currentTimeMillis(), figureWorkLoad(workLists)); log.debug("Starting the building and indexing of documents in worker threads"); // starting worker threads for (int i = 0; i < numberOfThreads; i++) { workers.get(i).start(); } //waiting for all the work to finish for (int i = 0; i < numberOfThreads; i++) { try { workers.get(i).join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { //this thread will get interrupted if the system is trying to shut down. if (log != null) log.debug(e, e); for (IndexWorkerThread thread : workers) { thread.requestStop(); } return; } } } /* maybe ObjectSourceIface should be replaced with just an iterator. */ protected class UriToIndividualIterator implements Iterator<Individual> { private final Iterator<String> uris; private final WebappDaoFactory wdf; public UriToIndividualIterator(Iterator<String> uris, WebappDaoFactory wdf) { this.uris = uris; this.wdf = wdf; } public UriToIndividualIterator(List<String> uris, WebappDaoFactory wdf) { this.uris = uris.iterator(); this.wdf = wdf; } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return uris.hasNext(); } /** may return null */ @Override public Individual next() { String uri =; return wdf.getIndividualDao().getIndividualByURI(uri); } @Override public void remove() { throw new IllegalAccessError(""); } } private static List<List<String>> makeWorkerUriLists(Iterator<String> uris, int workers) { List<List<String>> work = new ArrayList<List<String>>(workers); for (int i = 0; i < workers; i++) { work.add(new ArrayList<String>()); } int counter = 0; while (uris.hasNext()) { work.get(counter % workers).add(; counter++; }"Number of individuals to be indexed : " + counter + " by " + workers + " worker theads."); return work; } private long figureWorkLoad(List<List<String>> workLists) { long load = 0; for (List<String> list : workLists) { load += list.size(); } return load; } public long getCompletedCount() { return IndexWorkerThread.getCount(); } public long getTotalToDo() { return IndexWorkerThread.getCountToIndex(); } private static class UriLists { private final List<String> updatedUris = new ArrayList<String>(); private final List<String> deletedUris = new ArrayList<String>(); } protected void notifyListeners(IndexingEventListener.EventTypes event) { for (IndexingEventListener listener : indexingEventListeners) { try { if (listener != null) listener.notifyOfIndexingEvent(event); } catch (Throwable th) { log.error("problem during NotifyListeners(): ", th); } } } }