Java tutorial
/* $This file is distributed under the terms of the license in /doc/license.txt$ */ package; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.application.ApplicationUtils; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.beans.ApplicationBean; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.beans.Individual; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.beans.VClass; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.beans.VClassGroup; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.controller.VitroRequest; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.controller.freemarker.FreemarkerHttpServlet; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.controller.freemarker.UrlBuilder; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.controller.freemarker.UrlBuilder.ParamMap; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.controller.freemarker.responsevalues.ExceptionResponseValues; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.controller.freemarker.responsevalues.ResponseValues; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.controller.freemarker.responsevalues.TemplateResponseValues; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.dao.IndividualDao; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.dao.VClassDao; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.dao.VClassGroupDao; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.dao.VClassGroupsForRequest; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.dao.VitroVocabulary; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.dao.jena.VClassGroupCache; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.i18n.I18n; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.modules.searchEngine.SearchEngine; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.modules.searchEngine.SearchFacetField; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.modules.searchEngine.SearchFacetField.Count; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.modules.searchEngine.SearchQuery; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.modules.searchEngine.SearchResponse; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.modules.searchEngine.SearchResultDocument; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.modules.searchEngine.SearchResultDocumentList; import; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.web.templatemodels.LinkTemplateModel; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.web.templatemodels.searchresult.IndividualSearchResult; import edu.ucsf.vitro.opensocial.OpenSocialManager; /** * Paged search controller that uses the search engine */ public class PagedSearchController extends FreemarkerHttpServlet { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(PagedSearchController.class); protected static final int DEFAULT_HITS_PER_PAGE = 25; protected static final int DEFAULT_MAX_HIT_COUNT = 1000; private static final String PARAM_XML_REQUEST = "xml"; private static final String PARAM_CSV_REQUEST = "csv"; private static final String PARAM_START_INDEX = "startIndex"; private static final String PARAM_HITS_PER_PAGE = "hitsPerPage"; private static final String PARAM_CLASSGROUP = "classgroup"; private static final String PARAM_RDFTYPE = "type"; private static final String PARAM_QUERY_TEXT = "querytext"; protected static final Map<Format, Map<Result, String>> templateTable; protected enum Format { HTML, XML, CSV; } protected enum Result { PAGED, ERROR, BAD_QUERY } static { templateTable = setupTemplateTable(); } /** * Overriding doGet from FreemarkerHttpController to do a page template (as * opposed to body template) style output for XML requests. * * This follows the pattern in */ @Override public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { VitroRequest vreq = new VitroRequest(request); boolean wasXmlRequested = isRequestedFormatXml(vreq); boolean wasCSVRequested = isRequestedFormatCSV(vreq); if (!wasXmlRequested && !wasCSVRequested) { super.doGet(vreq, response); } else if (wasXmlRequested) { try { ResponseValues rvalues = processRequest(vreq); response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); response.setContentType("text/xml;charset=UTF-8"); response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=search.xml"); writeTemplate(rvalues.getTemplateName(), rvalues.getMap(), request, response); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e, e); } } else if (wasCSVRequested) { try { ResponseValues rvalues = processRequest(vreq); response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); response.setContentType("text/csv;charset=UTF-8"); response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=search.csv"); writeTemplate(rvalues.getTemplateName(), rvalues.getMap(), request, response); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e, e); } } } @Override protected ResponseValues processRequest(VitroRequest vreq) { //There may be other non-html formats in the future Format format = getFormat(vreq); boolean wasXmlRequested = Format.XML == format; boolean wasCSVRequested = Format.CSV == format; log.debug("Requested format was " + (wasXmlRequested ? "xml" : "html")); boolean wasHtmlRequested = !(wasXmlRequested || wasCSVRequested); try { //make sure an IndividualDao is available if (vreq.getWebappDaoFactory() == null || vreq.getWebappDaoFactory().getIndividualDao() == null) { log.error("Could not get webappDaoFactory or IndividualDao"); throw new Exception("Could not access model."); } IndividualDao iDao = vreq.getWebappDaoFactory().getIndividualDao(); VClassGroupDao grpDao = vreq.getWebappDaoFactory().getVClassGroupDao(); VClassDao vclassDao = vreq.getWebappDaoFactory().getVClassDao(); ApplicationBean appBean = vreq.getAppBean(); log.debug("IndividualDao is " + iDao.toString() + " Public classes in the classgroup are " + grpDao.getPublicGroupsWithVClasses().toString()); log.debug("VClassDao is " + vclassDao.toString()); int startIndex = getStartIndex(vreq); int hitsPerPage = getHitsPerPage(vreq); String queryText = vreq.getParameter(PARAM_QUERY_TEXT); log.debug("Query text is \"" + queryText + "\""); String badQueryMsg = badQueryText(queryText, vreq); if (badQueryMsg != null) { return doFailedSearch(badQueryMsg, queryText, format, vreq); } SearchQuery query = getQuery(queryText, hitsPerPage, startIndex, vreq); SearchEngine search = ApplicationUtils.instance().getSearchEngine(); SearchResponse response = null; try { response = search.query(query); } catch (Exception ex) { String msg = makeBadSearchMessage(queryText, ex.getMessage(), vreq); log.error("could not run search query", ex); return doFailedSearch(msg, queryText, format, vreq); } if (response == null) { log.error("Search response was null"); return doFailedSearch(I18n.text(vreq, "error_in_search_request"), queryText, format, vreq); } SearchResultDocumentList docs = response.getResults(); if (docs == null) { log.error("Document list for a search was null"); return doFailedSearch(I18n.text(vreq, "error_in_search_request"), queryText, format, vreq); } long hitCount = docs.getNumFound(); log.debug("Number of hits = " + hitCount); if (hitCount < 1) { return doNoHits(queryText, format, vreq); } List<Individual> individuals = new ArrayList<Individual>(docs.size()); Iterator<SearchResultDocument> docIter = docs.iterator(); while (docIter.hasNext()) { try { SearchResultDocument doc =; String uri = doc.getStringValue(VitroSearchTermNames.URI); Individual ind = iDao.getIndividualByURI(uri); if (ind != null) { ind.setSearchSnippet(getSnippet(doc, response)); individuals.add(ind); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Problem getting usable individuals from search hits. ", e); } } ParamMap pagingLinkParams = new ParamMap(); pagingLinkParams.put(PARAM_QUERY_TEXT, queryText); pagingLinkParams.put(PARAM_HITS_PER_PAGE, String.valueOf(hitsPerPage)); if (wasXmlRequested) { pagingLinkParams.put(PARAM_XML_REQUEST, "1"); } /* Compile the data for the templates */ Map<String, Object> body = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String classGroupParam = vreq.getParameter(PARAM_CLASSGROUP); log.debug("ClassGroupParam is \"" + classGroupParam + "\""); boolean classGroupFilterRequested = false; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(classGroupParam)) { VClassGroup grp = grpDao.getGroupByURI(classGroupParam); classGroupFilterRequested = true; if (grp != null && grp.getPublicName() != null) body.put("classGroupName", grp.getPublicName()); } String typeParam = vreq.getParameter(PARAM_RDFTYPE); boolean typeFilterRequested = false; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(typeParam)) { VClass type = vclassDao.getVClassByURI(typeParam); typeFilterRequested = true; if (type != null && type.getName() != null) body.put("typeName", type.getName()); } /* Add ClassGroup and type refinement links to body */ if (wasHtmlRequested) { if (!classGroupFilterRequested && !typeFilterRequested) { // Search request includes no ClassGroup and no type, so add ClassGroup search refinement links. body.put("classGroupLinks", getClassGroupsLinks(vreq, grpDao, docs, response, queryText)); } else if (classGroupFilterRequested && !typeFilterRequested) { // Search request is for a ClassGroup, so add rdf:type search refinement links // but try to filter out classes that are subclasses body.put("classLinks", getVClassLinks(vclassDao, docs, response, queryText)); pagingLinkParams.put(PARAM_CLASSGROUP, classGroupParam); } else { //search request is for a class so there are no more refinements pagingLinkParams.put(PARAM_RDFTYPE, typeParam); } } body.put("individuals", IndividualSearchResult.getIndividualTemplateModels(individuals, vreq)); body.put("querytext", queryText); body.put("title", queryText + " - " + appBean.getApplicationName() + " Search Results"); body.put("hitCount", hitCount); body.put("startIndex", startIndex); body.put("pagingLinks", getPagingLinks(startIndex, hitsPerPage, hitCount, vreq.getServletPath(), pagingLinkParams, vreq)); if (startIndex != 0) { body.put("prevPage", getPreviousPageLink(startIndex, hitsPerPage, vreq.getServletPath(), pagingLinkParams)); } if (startIndex < (hitCount - hitsPerPage)) { body.put("nextPage", getNextPageLink(startIndex, hitsPerPage, vreq.getServletPath(), pagingLinkParams)); } // VIVO OpenSocial Extension by UCSF try { OpenSocialManager openSocialManager = new OpenSocialManager(vreq, "search"); // put list of people found onto pubsub channel // only turn this on for a people only search if ("" .equals(vreq.getParameter(PARAM_CLASSGROUP))) { List<String> ids = OpenSocialManager.getOpenSocialId(individuals); openSocialManager.setPubsubData(OpenSocialManager.JSON_PERSONID_CHANNEL, OpenSocialManager.buildJSONPersonIds(ids, "" + ids.size() + " people found")); } // TODO put this in a better place to guarantee that it gets called at the proper time! openSocialManager.removePubsubGadgetsWithoutData(); body.put("openSocial", openSocialManager); if (openSocialManager.isVisible()) { body.put("bodyOnload", "my.init();"); } } catch (IOException e) { log.error("IOException in doTemplate()", e); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("SQLException in doTemplate()", e); } String template = templateTable.get(format).get(Result.PAGED); return new TemplateResponseValues(template, body); } catch (Throwable e) { return doSearchError(e, format); } } private int getHitsPerPage(VitroRequest vreq) { int hitsPerPage = DEFAULT_HITS_PER_PAGE; try { hitsPerPage = Integer.parseInt(vreq.getParameter(PARAM_HITS_PER_PAGE)); } catch (Throwable e) { hitsPerPage = DEFAULT_HITS_PER_PAGE; } log.debug("hitsPerPage is " + hitsPerPage); return hitsPerPage; } private int getStartIndex(VitroRequest vreq) { int startIndex = 0; try { startIndex = Integer.parseInt(vreq.getParameter(PARAM_START_INDEX)); } catch (Throwable e) { startIndex = 0; } log.debug("startIndex is " + startIndex); return startIndex; } private String badQueryText(String qtxt, VitroRequest vreq) { if (qtxt == null || "".equals(qtxt.trim())) return I18n.text(vreq, "enter_search_term"); if (qtxt.equals("*:*")) return I18n.text(vreq, "invalid_search_term"); return null; } /** * Get the class groups represented for the individuals in the documents. * @param qtxt */ private List<VClassGroupSearchLink> getClassGroupsLinks(VitroRequest vreq, VClassGroupDao grpDao, SearchResultDocumentList docs, SearchResponse rsp, String qtxt) { Map<String, Long> cgURItoCount = new HashMap<String, Long>(); List<VClassGroup> classgroups = new ArrayList<VClassGroup>(); List<SearchFacetField> ffs = rsp.getFacetFields(); for (SearchFacetField ff : ffs) { if (VitroSearchTermNames.CLASSGROUP_URI.equals(ff.getName())) { List<Count> counts = ff.getValues(); for (Count ct : counts) { VClassGroup vcg = grpDao.getGroupByURI(ct.getName()); if (vcg == null) { log.debug("could not get classgroup for URI " + ct.getName()); } else { classgroups.add(vcg); cgURItoCount.put(vcg.getURI(), ct.getCount()); } } } } grpDao.sortGroupList(classgroups); VClassGroupsForRequest vcgfr = VClassGroupCache.getVClassGroups(vreq); List<VClassGroupSearchLink> classGroupLinks = new ArrayList<VClassGroupSearchLink>(classgroups.size()); for (VClassGroup vcg : classgroups) { String groupURI = vcg.getURI(); VClassGroup localizedVcg = vcgfr.getGroup(groupURI); long count = cgURItoCount.get(groupURI); if (localizedVcg.getPublicName() != null && count > 0) { classGroupLinks.add(new VClassGroupSearchLink(qtxt, localizedVcg, count)); } } return classGroupLinks; } private List<VClassSearchLink> getVClassLinks(VClassDao vclassDao, SearchResultDocumentList docs, SearchResponse rsp, String qtxt) { HashSet<String> typesInHits = getVClassUrisForHits(docs); List<VClass> classes = new ArrayList<VClass>(typesInHits.size()); Map<String, Long> typeURItoCount = new HashMap<String, Long>(); List<SearchFacetField> ffs = rsp.getFacetFields(); for (SearchFacetField ff : ffs) { if (VitroSearchTermNames.RDFTYPE.equals(ff.getName())) { List<Count> counts = ff.getValues(); for (Count ct : counts) { String typeUri = ct.getName(); long count = ct.getCount(); try { if (VitroVocabulary.OWL_THING.equals(typeUri) || count == 0) continue; VClass type = vclassDao.getVClassByURI(typeUri); if (type != null && !type.isAnonymous() && type.getName() != null && !"".equals(type.getName()) && type.getGroupURI() != null) { //don't display classes that aren't in classgroups typeURItoCount.put(typeUri, count); classes.add(type); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("could not add type " + typeUri, ex); } } } } Collections.sort(classes, new Comparator<VClass>() { public int compare(VClass o1, VClass o2) { return o1.compareTo(o2); } }); List<VClassSearchLink> vClassLinks = new ArrayList<VClassSearchLink>(classes.size()); for (VClass vc : classes) { long count = typeURItoCount.get(vc.getURI()); vClassLinks.add(new VClassSearchLink(qtxt, vc, count)); } return vClassLinks; } private HashSet<String> getVClassUrisForHits(SearchResultDocumentList docs) { HashSet<String> typesInHits = new HashSet<String>(); for (SearchResultDocument doc : docs) { try { Collection<Object> types = doc.getFieldValues(VitroSearchTermNames.RDFTYPE); if (types != null) { for (Object o : types) { String typeUri = o.toString(); typesInHits.add(typeUri); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("problems getting rdf:type for search hits", e); } } return typesInHits; } private String getSnippet(SearchResultDocument doc, SearchResponse response) { String docId = doc.getStringValue(VitroSearchTermNames.DOCID); StringBuffer text = new StringBuffer(); Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> highlights = response.getHighlighting(); if (highlights != null && highlights.get(docId) != null) { List<String> snippets = highlights.get(docId).get(VitroSearchTermNames.ALLTEXT); if (snippets != null && snippets.size() > 0) { text.append("... " + snippets.get(0) + " ..."); } } return text.toString(); } private SearchQuery getQuery(String queryText, int hitsPerPage, int startIndex, VitroRequest vreq) { // Lowercase the search term to support wildcard searches: The search engine applies no text // processing to a wildcard search term. SearchQuery query = ApplicationUtils.instance().getSearchEngine().createQuery(queryText); query.setStart(startIndex).setRows(hitsPerPage); // ClassGroup filtering param String classgroupParam = vreq.getParameter(PARAM_CLASSGROUP); // rdf:type filtering param String typeParam = vreq.getParameter(PARAM_RDFTYPE); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(classgroupParam)) { // ClassGroup filtering log.debug("Firing classgroup query "); log.debug("request.getParameter(classgroup) is " + classgroupParam); query.addFilterQuery(VitroSearchTermNames.CLASSGROUP_URI + ":\"" + classgroupParam + "\""); //with ClassGroup filtering we want type facets query.addFacetFields(VitroSearchTermNames.RDFTYPE).setFacetLimit(-1); } else if (!StringUtils.isBlank(typeParam)) { // rdf:type filtering log.debug("Firing type query "); log.debug("request.getParameter(type) is " + typeParam); query.addFilterQuery(VitroSearchTermNames.RDFTYPE + ":\"" + typeParam + "\""); //with type filtering we don't have facets. } else { //When no filtering is set, we want ClassGroup facets query.addFacetFields(VitroSearchTermNames.CLASSGROUP_URI).setFacetLimit(-1); } log.debug("Query = " + query.toString()); return query; } public static class VClassGroupSearchLink extends LinkTemplateModel { long count = 0; VClassGroupSearchLink(String querytext, VClassGroup classgroup, long count) { super(classgroup.getPublicName(), "/search", PARAM_QUERY_TEXT, querytext, PARAM_CLASSGROUP, classgroup.getURI()); this.count = count; } public String getCount() { return Long.toString(count); } } public static class VClassSearchLink extends LinkTemplateModel { long count = 0; VClassSearchLink(String querytext, VClass type, long count) { super(type.getName(), "/search", PARAM_QUERY_TEXT, querytext, PARAM_RDFTYPE, type.getURI()); this.count = count; } public String getCount() { return Long.toString(count); } } protected static List<PagingLink> getPagingLinks(int startIndex, int hitsPerPage, long hitCount, String baseUrl, ParamMap params, VitroRequest vreq) { List<PagingLink> pagingLinks = new ArrayList<PagingLink>(); // No paging links if only one page of results if (hitCount <= hitsPerPage) { return pagingLinks; } int maxHitCount = DEFAULT_MAX_HIT_COUNT; if (startIndex >= DEFAULT_MAX_HIT_COUNT - hitsPerPage) maxHitCount = startIndex + DEFAULT_MAX_HIT_COUNT; for (int i = 0; i < hitCount; i += hitsPerPage) { params.put(PARAM_START_INDEX, String.valueOf(i)); if (i < maxHitCount - hitsPerPage) { int pageNumber = i / hitsPerPage + 1; boolean iIsCurrentPage = (i >= startIndex && i < (startIndex + hitsPerPage)); if (iIsCurrentPage) { pagingLinks.add(new PagingLink(pageNumber)); } else { pagingLinks.add(new PagingLink(pageNumber, baseUrl, params)); } } else { pagingLinks.add(new PagingLink(I18n.text(vreq, "paging_link_more"), baseUrl, params)); break; } } return pagingLinks; } private String getPreviousPageLink(int startIndex, int hitsPerPage, String baseUrl, ParamMap params) { params.put(PARAM_START_INDEX, String.valueOf(startIndex - hitsPerPage)); return UrlBuilder.getUrl(baseUrl, params); } private String getNextPageLink(int startIndex, int hitsPerPage, String baseUrl, ParamMap params) { params.put(PARAM_START_INDEX, String.valueOf(startIndex + hitsPerPage)); return UrlBuilder.getUrl(baseUrl, params); } protected static class PagingLink extends LinkTemplateModel { PagingLink(int pageNumber, String baseUrl, ParamMap params) { super(String.valueOf(pageNumber), baseUrl, params); } // Constructor for current page item: not a link, so no url value. PagingLink(int pageNumber) { setText(String.valueOf(pageNumber)); } // Constructor for "more..." item PagingLink(String text, String baseUrl, ParamMap params) { super(text, baseUrl, params); } } private ExceptionResponseValues doSearchError(Throwable e, Format f) { Map<String, Object> body = new HashMap<String, Object>(); body.put("message", "Search failed: " + e.getMessage()); return new ExceptionResponseValues(getTemplate(f, Result.ERROR), body, e); } private TemplateResponseValues doFailedSearch(String message, String querytext, Format f, VitroRequest vreq) { Map<String, Object> body = new HashMap<String, Object>(); body.put("title", I18n.text(vreq, "search_for", querytext)); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(message)) { message = I18n.text(vreq, "search_failed"); } body.put("message", message); return new TemplateResponseValues(getTemplate(f, Result.ERROR), body); } private TemplateResponseValues doNoHits(String querytext, Format f, VitroRequest vreq) { Map<String, Object> body = new HashMap<String, Object>(); body.put("title", I18n.text(vreq, "search_for", querytext)); body.put("message", I18n.text(vreq, "no_matching_results")); return new TemplateResponseValues(getTemplate(f, Result.ERROR), body); } /** * Makes a message to display to user for a bad search term. * @param queryText * @param exceptionMsg */ private String makeBadSearchMessage(String querytext, String exceptionMsg, VitroRequest vreq) { String rv = ""; try { //try to get the column in the search term that is causing the problems int coli = exceptionMsg.indexOf("column"); if (coli == -1) return ""; int numi = exceptionMsg.indexOf(".", coli + 7); if (numi == -1) return ""; String part = exceptionMsg.substring(coli + 7, numi); int i = Integer.parseInt(part) - 1; // figure out where to cut preview and post-view int errorWindow = 5; int pre = i - errorWindow; if (pre < 0) pre = 0; int post = i + errorWindow; if (post > querytext.length()) post = querytext.length(); // log.warn("pre: " + pre + " post: " + post + " term len: // " + term.length()); // get part of the search term before the error and after String before = querytext.substring(pre, i); String after = ""; if (post > i) after = querytext.substring(i + 1, post); rv = I18n.text(vreq, "search_term_error_near") + " <span class='searchQuote'>" + before + "<span class='searchError'>" + querytext.charAt(i) + "</span>" + after + "</span>"; } catch (Throwable ex) { return ""; } return rv; } public static final int MAX_QUERY_LENGTH = 500; protected boolean isRequestedFormatXml(VitroRequest req) { if (req != null) { String param = req.getParameter(PARAM_XML_REQUEST); if (param != null && "1".equals(param)) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } protected boolean isRequestedFormatCSV(VitroRequest req) { if (req != null) { String param = req.getParameter(PARAM_CSV_REQUEST); if (param != null && "1".equals(param)) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } protected Format getFormat(VitroRequest req) { if (req != null && req.getParameter("xml") != null && "1".equals(req.getParameter("xml"))) return Format.XML; else if (req != null && req.getParameter("csv") != null && "1".equals(req.getParameter("csv"))) return Format.CSV; else return Format.HTML; } protected static String getTemplate(Format format, Result result) { if (format != null && result != null) return templateTable.get(format).get(result); else { log.error("getTemplate() must not have a null format or result."); return templateTable.get(Format.HTML).get(Result.ERROR); } } protected static Map<Format, Map<Result, String>> setupTemplateTable() { Map<Format, Map<Result, String>> table = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<Result, String> resultsToTemplates = new HashMap<Result, String>(); // set up HTML format resultsToTemplates.put(Result.PAGED, "search-pagedResults.ftl"); resultsToTemplates.put(Result.ERROR, "search-error.ftl"); // resultsToTemplates.put(Result.BAD_QUERY, "search-badQuery.ftl"); table.put(Format.HTML, Collections.unmodifiableMap(resultsToTemplates)); // set up XML format resultsToTemplates = new HashMap<Result, String>(); resultsToTemplates.put(Result.PAGED, "search-xmlResults.ftl"); resultsToTemplates.put(Result.ERROR, "search-xmlError.ftl"); // resultsToTemplates.put(Result.BAD_QUERY, "search-xmlBadQuery.ftl"); table.put(Format.XML, Collections.unmodifiableMap(resultsToTemplates)); // set up CSV format resultsToTemplates = new HashMap<Result, String>(); resultsToTemplates.put(Result.PAGED, "search-csvResults.ftl"); resultsToTemplates.put(Result.ERROR, "search-csvError.ftl"); // resultsToTemplates.put(Result.BAD_QUERY, "search-xmlBadQuery.ftl"); table.put(Format.CSV, Collections.unmodifiableMap(resultsToTemplates)); return Collections.unmodifiableMap(table); } }