Source code

Java tutorial


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/* $This file is distributed under the terms of the license in /doc/license.txt$ */

package edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.i18n.selection;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;

import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

 * A utility class for storing and retrieving Locale information.
 * The static methods create beans and store them in the ServletContext or the
 * session, where the information can be found later.
public abstract class SelectedLocale {
    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SelectedLocale.class);

    /** Use this attribute on both the ServletContext and the Session. */
    protected static final String ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "SELECTED_LOCALE";

     * Store the forced locale in the servlet context. Clear any selectable
     * Locales.
    public static void setForcedLocale(ServletContext ctx, Locale forcedLocale) {
        log.debug("Set forced locale: " + forcedLocale);
        ctx.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_NAME, new ContextSelectedLocale(forcedLocale));

     * Store the selected locale in the current session.
    public static void setSelectedLocale(HttpServletRequest req, Locale selectedLocale) {
        log.debug("Set selected locale: " + selectedLocale);
        req.getSession().setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_NAME, new SessionSelectedLocale(selectedLocale));

     * Do we need to override the Locale in the current request? return the
     * first of these to be found:
     * <ul>
     * <li>The forced Locale in the servlet context</li>
     * <li>The selected Locale in the session</li>
     * <li>The first of the selectable Locales</li>
     * <li>null</li>
     * </ul>
    public static Locale getOverridingLocale(HttpServletRequest req) {
        HttpSession session = req.getSession();
        ServletContext ctx = session.getServletContext();

        Object ctxInfo = ctx.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
        if (ctxInfo instanceof ContextSelectedLocale) {
            Locale forcedLocale = ((ContextSelectedLocale) ctxInfo).getForcedLocale();
            if (forcedLocale != null) {
                log.debug("Found forced locale in the context: " + forcedLocale);
                return forcedLocale;

        Object sessionInfo = session.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
        if (sessionInfo instanceof SessionSelectedLocale) {
            Locale selectedLocale = ((SessionSelectedLocale) sessionInfo).getSelectedLocale();
            if (selectedLocale != null) {
                log.debug("Found selected locale in the session: " + selectedLocale);
                return selectedLocale;

        if (ctxInfo instanceof ContextSelectedLocale) {
            List<Locale> selectableLocales = ((ContextSelectedLocale) ctxInfo).getSelectableLocales();
            if (selectableLocales != null && !selectableLocales.isEmpty()) {
                Locale defaultLocale = selectableLocales.get(0);
                log.debug("Using first selectable locale as default: " + defaultLocale);
                return defaultLocale;

        return null;

     * Get the current Locale to use, which is the first of these to be found:
     * <ul>
     * <li>The forced Locale in the servlet context</li>
     * <li>The selected Locale in the session</li>
     * <li>The Locale from the request</li>
     * <li>The default Locale for the JVM</li>
     * </ul>
    public static Locale getCurrentLocale(HttpServletRequest req) {
        Locale overridingLocale = getOverridingLocale(req);

        if (overridingLocale != null) {
            return overridingLocale;

        Locale requestLocale = req.getLocale();
        if (requestLocale != null) {
            log.debug("Found locale in the request: " + requestLocale);
            return requestLocale;

        log.debug("Using default locale: " + Locale.getDefault());
        return Locale.getDefault();

     * Store a list of selectable Locales in the servlet context, so we can
     * easily build the selection panel in the GUI. Clears any forced locale.
    public static void setSelectableLocales(ServletContext ctx, List<Locale> selectableLocales) {
        log.debug("Setting selectable locales: " + selectableLocales);
        ctx.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_NAME, new ContextSelectedLocale(selectableLocales));

     * Get the list of selectable Locales from the servlet context. May return
     * an empty list, but never returns null.
    public static List<Locale> getSelectableLocales(HttpServletRequest req) {
        return getSelectableLocales(req.getSession().getServletContext());

     * Get the list of selectable Locales from the servlet context. May return
     * an empty list, but never returns null.
    public static List<Locale> getSelectableLocales(ServletContext ctx) {
        Object ctxInfo = ctx.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
        if (ctxInfo instanceof ContextSelectedLocale) {
            List<Locale> selectableLocales = ((ContextSelectedLocale) ctxInfo).getSelectableLocales();
            if (selectableLocales != null) {
                log.debug("Returning selectable locales: " + selectableLocales);
                return selectableLocales;

        log.debug("No selectable locales were found. Returning an empty list.");
        return Collections.emptyList();

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Bean classes
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    /** Holds Locale information in the ServletContext. */
    protected static class ContextSelectedLocale {
        // Only one of these is populated.
        private final Locale forcedLocale;
        private final List<Locale> selectableLocales;

        public ContextSelectedLocale(Locale forcedLocale) {
            if (forcedLocale == null) {
                throw new NullPointerException("forcedLocale may not be null.");

            this.forcedLocale = forcedLocale;
            this.selectableLocales = Collections.emptyList();

        public ContextSelectedLocale(List<Locale> selectableLocales) {
            if (selectableLocales == null) {
                selectableLocales = Collections.emptyList();

            this.forcedLocale = null;
            this.selectableLocales = Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList<>(selectableLocales));

        public Locale getForcedLocale() {
            return forcedLocale;

        public List<Locale> getSelectableLocales() {
            return selectableLocales;

        public String toString() {
            return "ContextSelectedLocale[forced=" + forcedLocale + ", selectable=" + selectableLocales + "]";


    /** Holds Locale information in the Session. */
    protected static class SessionSelectedLocale {
        private final Locale selectedLocale;

        public SessionSelectedLocale(Locale selectedLocale) {
            this.selectedLocale = selectedLocale;

        public Locale getSelectedLocale() {
            return selectedLocale;

        public String toString() {
            return "SessionSelectedLocale[" + selectedLocale + "]";
