Java tutorial
/* $This file is distributed under the terms of the license in /doc/license.txt$ */ package edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.dao.jena; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.jena.iri.IRI; import org.apache.jena.iri.IRIFactory; import com.hp.hpl.jena.datatypes.xsd.XSDDatatype; import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Node; import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.NodeFactory; import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.DatatypeProperty; import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.ObjectProperty; import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntClass; import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntModel; import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntResource; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Query; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryExecution; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryExecutionFactory; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryFactory; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Syntax; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.AnonId; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Literal; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.NodeIterator; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Property; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Statement; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.StmtIterator; import com.hp.hpl.jena.shared.Lock; import com.hp.hpl.jena.util.iterator.ClosableIterator; import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.RDF; import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.RDFS; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.beans.BaseResourceBean.RoleLevel; import edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.dao.VitroVocabulary; public class JenaBaseDao extends JenaBaseDaoCon { public static final boolean KEEP_ONLY_IF_TRUE = true; //used for updatePropertyBooleanValue() public static final boolean KEEP_ONLY_IF_FALSE = false; //used for updatePropertyBooleanValue() private static final String SWRL_IMP = ""; protected static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(JenaBaseDao.class.getName()); /* ******************* static constants ****************** */ protected String PSEUDO_BNODE_NS = VitroVocabulary.PSEUDO_BNODE_NS; protected String XSD = ""; protected DateFormat xsdDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); protected DateFormat xsdDateTimeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss"); /* ******************* private variables ***************** */ private OntModelSelector ontModelSelector; private List<OntModel> writableOntModelList; private WebappDaoFactoryJena webappDaoFactory; /* ******************* protected variables *************** */ protected String DEFAULT_NAMESPACE; protected Set<String> NONUSER_NAMESPACES; protected List<String> PREFERRED_LANGUAGES; /* ******************* constructor ************************* */ public JenaBaseDao(WebappDaoFactoryJena wadf) { this.ontModelSelector = wadf.getOntModelSelector(); this.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE = wadf.getDefaultNamespace(); this.NONUSER_NAMESPACES = wadf.getNonuserNamespaces(); this.PREFERRED_LANGUAGES = wadf.getPreferredLanguages(); this.webappDaoFactory = wadf; } /* ******************** accessors ************************** */ protected OntModel getOntModel() { return ontModelSelector.getFullModel(); } protected OntModelSelector getOntModelSelector() { return ontModelSelector; } protected List<OntModel> getWritableOntModelList() { return writableOntModelList; } protected WebappDaoFactoryJena getWebappDaoFactory() { return webappDaoFactory; } /* ********** convenience methods for children ************* */ /** * convenience method */ protected String getPropertyStringValue(OntResource res, Property dataprop) { if (dataprop != null) { try { ClosableIterator<Statement> stateIt = res.getModel().listStatements(res, dataprop, (Literal) null); try { if (stateIt.hasNext()) return ((Literal); else return null; } finally { stateIt.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } else { return null; } } /** * convenience method */ protected void addPropertyStringValue(Resource res, Property dataprop, String value, Model model) { if (res != null && dataprop != null && value != null && value.length() > 0) { model.add(res, dataprop, value, XSDDatatype.XSDstring); } } /** * convenience method */ protected Boolean getPropertyBooleanValue(OntResource res, Property dataprop) { if (dataprop != null) { try { ClosableIterator stateIt = getOntModel().listStatements(res, dataprop, (Literal) null); try { if (stateIt.hasNext()) return ((Literal) ((Statement); else return null; } finally { stateIt.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } else { return null; } } /** * convenience method */ protected void addPropertyBooleanValue(Resource res, Property prop, Boolean value, Model model) { if (res != null && prop != null && value != null) { model.add(res, prop, model.createTypedLiteral(value)); } } /** * convenience method for use with functional datatype properties */ protected void updatePropertyStringValue(Resource res, Property dataprop, String value, Model model) { if (dataprop != null) { String existingValue = null; Statement stmt = res.getProperty(dataprop); if (stmt != null) { RDFNode object = stmt.getObject(); if (object != null && object.isLiteral()) { existingValue = ((Literal) object).getString(); } } if (value == null || value.length() == 0) { model.removeAll(res, dataprop, null); } else if (existingValue == null) { model.add(res, dataprop, value, XSDDatatype.XSDstring); } else if (!existingValue.equals(value)) { model.removeAll(res, dataprop, null); model.add(res, dataprop, value, XSDDatatype.XSDstring); } } } /** * Convenience method for use with functional datatype properties. * * Pass keepOnlyIfTrue if a lack of a value in the model indicates false. * See ObjectPropertyDaoJena and PROPERTY_OFFERCREATENEWOPTIONANNOT for an * example. */ protected void updatePropertyBooleanValue(Resource res, Property dataprop, Boolean value, Model model, boolean keepOnlyIfTrue) { if (dataprop != null) { Boolean existingValue = null; Statement stmt = res.getProperty(dataprop); if (stmt != null) { RDFNode object = stmt.getObject(); if (object != null && object.isLiteral()) { existingValue = ((Literal) object).getBoolean(); } } if ((existingValue != null && value == null) || (existingValue != null && value != null && !(existingValue.equals(value))) || (existingValue != null && existingValue == false && keepOnlyIfTrue)) { model.removeAll(res, dataprop, null); } if ((existingValue == null && value != null) || (existingValue != null && value != null && !(existingValue.equals(value)))) { if (keepOnlyIfTrue) { if (value == true) { model.add(res, dataprop, model.createTypedLiteral(value)); } } else { model.add(res, dataprop, model.createTypedLiteral(value)); } } } } /** * convenience method */ protected int getPropertyNonNegativeIntValue(OntResource res, Property dataprop) { if (dataprop != null) { try { return ((Literal) res.getPropertyValue(dataprop)).getInt(); } catch (Exception e) { return -1; } } else { return -1; } } /** * convenience method */ protected Integer getPropertyNonNegativeIntegerValue(OntResource res, Property dataprop) { if (dataprop != null) { try { return ((Literal) res.getPropertyValue(dataprop)).getInt(); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } else { return null; } } /** * convenience method */ protected void addPropertyIntValue(Resource res, Property dataprop, int value, Model model) { if (dataprop != null) { model.add(res, dataprop, Integer.toString(value), XSDDatatype.XSDint); } } /** * convenience method */ protected void addPropertyLongValue(Resource res, Property dataprop, long value, Model model) { if (dataprop != null) { model.add(res, dataprop, Long.toString(value), XSDDatatype.XSDlong); } } /** * convenience method for use with functional datatype properties */ protected void updatePropertyIntValue(Resource res, Property dataprop, int value, Model model) { if (dataprop != null) { Integer existingValue = null; Statement stmt = res.getProperty(dataprop); if (stmt != null) { RDFNode object = stmt.getObject(); if (object != null && object.isLiteral()) { existingValue = ((Literal) object).getInt(); } } if (existingValue == null) { model.add(res, dataprop, Integer.toString(value), XSDDatatype.XSDint); } else if (existingValue.intValue() != value) { model.removeAll(res, dataprop, null); model.add(res, dataprop, Integer.toString(value), XSDDatatype.XSDint); } } } /** * convenience method */ protected int getPropertyIntValue(OntResource res, Property dataprop) { if (dataprop != null) { try { return ((Literal) res.getPropertyValue(dataprop)).getInt(); } catch (Exception e) { return -1; } } else { return -1; } } /** * convenience method */ protected void addPropertyNonNegativeIntValue(Resource res, Property dataprop, int value, Model model) { if (dataprop != null && value > -1) { model.add(res, dataprop, Integer.toString(value), XSDDatatype.XSDint); } } /** * convenience method for use with functional datatype properties */ protected void updatePropertyNonNegativeIntValue(Resource res, Property dataprop, int value, Model model) { if (value < 0) { // TODO fixme: the backend editor depends on this weird behavior. if (model != null && res != null && dataprop != null) { model.removeAll(res, dataprop, (RDFNode) null); } } else { updatePropertyIntValue(res, dataprop, value, model); } } /** * convenience method for use with functional datatype properties */ protected void updatePropertyNonNegativeIntegerValue(Resource res, Property dataprop, Integer value, Model model) { if (value != null) { updatePropertyIntValue(res, dataprop, value, model); } else { model.removeAll(res, dataprop, (RDFNode) null); } } /** * convenience method for use with functional datatype properties */ protected void updatePropertyLongValue(Resource res, Property dataprop, Long value, Model model) { if (dataprop != null) { Long existingValue = null; Statement stmt = res.getProperty(dataprop); if (stmt != null) { RDFNode object = stmt.getObject(); if (object != null && object.isLiteral()) { existingValue = ((Literal) object).getLong(); } } if (existingValue == null) { model.add(res, dataprop, value.toString(), XSDDatatype.XSDlong); } else if (existingValue.longValue() != value) { model.removeAll(res, dataprop, null); model.add(res, dataprop, value.toString(), XSDDatatype.XSDlong); } } } /** * convenience method */ protected long getPropertyLongValue(OntResource res, Property dataprop) { if (dataprop != null) { try { return ((Literal) res.getPropertyValue(dataprop)).getLong(); } catch (Exception e) { return -1L; } } else { return -1L; } } /** * convenience method */ protected void addPropertyFloatValue(Resource res, Property dataprop, Float value, Model model) { if (dataprop != null && value != null) { model.add(res, dataprop, Float.toString(value), XSDDatatype.XSDfloat); } } /** * convenience method for use with functional properties */ protected void updatePropertyFloatValue(Resource res, Property dataprop, Float value, Model model) { if (dataprop != null) { Float existingValue = null; Statement stmt = res.getProperty(dataprop); if (stmt != null) { RDFNode object = stmt.getObject(); if (object != null && object.isLiteral()) { existingValue = ((Literal) object).getFloat(); } } if (value == null) { model.removeAll(res, dataprop, null); } else if (existingValue == null) { model.add(res, dataprop, Float.toString(value), XSDDatatype.XSDfloat); } else if (existingValue.compareTo(value) != 0) { model.removeAll(res, dataprop, null); model.add(res, dataprop, Float.toString(value), XSDDatatype.XSDfloat); } } } protected Float getPropertyFloatValue(OntResource res, Property prop) { if (prop != null) { try { return new Float(((Literal) res.getPropertyValue(prop)).getFloat()); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } else return null; } /** * convenience method */ protected synchronized Date getPropertyDateValue(OntResource res, DatatypeProperty dataprop) { if (dataprop != null) { try { return xsdDateFormat.parse(((Literal) res.getPropertyValue(dataprop)).getString()); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } else { return null; } } /** * convenience method * @param ind * @param dataprop * @param value */ protected synchronized void addPropertyDateValue(Resource res, DatatypeProperty dataprop, Date value, Model model) { if (dataprop != null && value != null) { model.add(res, dataprop, xsdDateFormat.format(value), XSDDatatype.XSDdate); } } /** * convenience method for use with functional datatype properties */ protected synchronized void updatePropertyDateValue(Resource res, DatatypeProperty dataprop, Date value, Model model) { try { if (dataprop != null) { if (value == null) { model.removeAll(res, dataprop, null); } else { Date existingValue = null; Statement stmt = res.getProperty(dataprop); if (stmt != null) { RDFNode object = stmt.getObject(); if (object != null && object.isLiteral()) { existingValue = (Date) ((Literal) object).getValue(); } } if (existingValue == null) { model.add(res, dataprop, xsdDateFormat.format(value), XSDDatatype.XSDdate); } else if (existingValue != value) { model.removeAll(res, dataprop, null); model.add(res, dataprop, xsdDateFormat.format(value), XSDDatatype.XSDdate); } } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error in updatePropertyDateValue", e); } } /** * convenience method */ protected synchronized Date getPropertyDateTimeValue(OntResource res, Property dataprop) { if (dataprop != null) { try { return xsdDateTimeFormat.parse(((Literal) res.getPropertyValue(dataprop)).getString()); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } else { return null; } } /** * convenience method */ protected synchronized void addPropertyDateTimeValue(Resource res, Property dataprop, Date value, Model model) { if (dataprop != null && value != null) { model.add(res, dataprop, xsdDateTimeFormat.format(value), XSDDatatype.XSDdateTime); } } /** * convenience method for use with functional datatype properties */ protected synchronized void updatePropertyDateTimeValue(Resource res, Property dataprop, Date value, Model model) { try { if (dataprop != null) { String existingValue = null; Statement stmt = res.getProperty(dataprop); if (stmt != null) { RDFNode object = stmt.getObject(); if (object != null && object.isLiteral()) { existingValue = ((Literal) object).getString(); } } String formattedDateStr = (value == null) ? null : xsdDateTimeFormat.format(value); if ((existingValue != null && value == null) || (existingValue != null && value != null && !(existingValue.equals(formattedDateStr)))) { model.removeAll(res, dataprop, null); } if ((existingValue == null && value != null) || (existingValue != null && value != null && !(existingValue.equals(formattedDateStr)))) { model.add(res, dataprop, formattedDateStr, XSDDatatype.XSDdateTime); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error in updatePropertyDateTimeValue", e); } } /** * convenience method for use with functional object properties */ protected Collection<String> getPropertyResourceURIValues(Resource res, ObjectProperty prop) { List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); if (prop != null) { try { ClosableIterator<Statement> stateIt = res.getModel().listStatements(res, prop, (Literal) null); try { while (stateIt.hasNext()) { list.add(; } } finally { stateIt.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("can't get object property URI values: ", e); } } return list; } protected RoleLevel getMostRestrictiveRoleLevel(Resource res, Property prop) { RoleLevel level = RoleLevel.getRoleByUri(null); for (Statement stmt : res.listProperties(prop).toList()) { if (stmt.getObject().isURIResource()) { RoleLevel roleFromModel = RoleLevel.getRoleByUri(stmt.getObject().as(Resource.class).getURI()); if (roleFromModel.compareTo(level) > 0) { level = roleFromModel; } } } return level; } /** * convenience method for use with functional object properties */ protected void addPropertyResourceURIValue(Resource res, ObjectProperty prop, String objectURI) { Resource objectRes = getOntModel().getResource(objectURI); if (prop != null && objectRes != null) { res.addProperty(prop, objectRes); } } /** * convenience method for use with functional properties */ protected void updatePropertyResourceURIValue(Resource res, Property prop, String objectURI) { Model model = res.getModel(); if (model != null) { updatePropertyResourceURIValue(res, prop, objectURI, model); } } /** * convenience method for use with functional properties */ protected void updatePropertyResourceURIValue(Resource res, Property prop, String uri, Model model) { log.debug("updatePropertyResourceURIValue(), resource=" + (res == null ? "null" : res.getURI()) + ", property=" + (prop == null ? "null" : prop.getURI()) + ", uri=" + uri); if (prop != null) { if (uri == null || uri.length() == 0) { // the empty string test is due to a deficiency in the // backend editing where empty strings are treated as nulls model.removeAll(res, prop, null); } else { String badURIErrorStr = checkURI(uri); if (badURIErrorStr != null) { log.error(badURIErrorStr); return; } Resource existingValue = null; Statement stmt = res.getProperty(prop); if (stmt != null) { RDFNode object = stmt.getObject(); if (object != null && object.isResource()) { existingValue = (Resource) object; } } if (existingValue == null) { model.add(res, prop, model.createResource(uri)); } else if (!(existingValue.getURI()).equals(uri)) { model.removeAll(res, prop, null); model.add(res, prop, model.createResource(uri)); } } } } /** * convenience method for use with functional object properties */ protected void addPropertyResourceValue(Resource res, Property prop, Resource objectRes) { if (prop != null && objectRes != null) { res.addProperty(prop, objectRes); } } /** * convenience method for use with functional properties */ protected void updatePropertyResourceValue(Resource res, Property prop, Resource objectRes) { Model model = res.getModel(); if (model != null) { updatePropertyResourceValue(res, prop, objectRes, model); } } /** * convenience method for use with functional properties */ protected void updatePropertyResourceValue(Resource res, Property prop, Resource objectRes, Model model) { if (prop != null) { if (objectRes == null) { model.removeAll(res, prop, null); } else { Resource existingValue = null; Statement stmt = res.getProperty(prop); if (stmt != null) { RDFNode object = stmt.getObject(); if (object != null && object.isResource()) { existingValue = (Resource) object; } } if (existingValue == null) { model.add(res, prop, objectRes); } else if (!existingValue.equals(objectRes)) { model.removeAll(res, prop, null); model.add(res, prop, objectRes); } } } } /** * convenience method to update the value(s) of a one-to-many object * property * * NOTE: this should be run from within a CriticalSection(WRITE) */ protected void updatePropertyResourceURIValues(Resource res, Property prop, Collection<String> uris, Model model) { log.debug("updatePropertyResourceURIValues(), resource=" + (res == null ? "null" : res.getURI()) + ", property=" + (prop == null ? "null" : prop.getURI()) + ", uris=" + uris); if ((res == null) || (prop == null)) { return; } // figure existing URIs Set<String> existingUris = new HashSet<String>(); StmtIterator stmts = model.listStatements(res, prop, (RDFNode) null); while (stmts.hasNext()) { Statement stmt =; RDFNode o = stmt.getObject(); if (o instanceof Resource) { existingUris.add(((Resource) o).getURI()); } } // figure which to add and which to remove Set<String> addingUris = new HashSet<String>(uris); addingUris.removeAll(existingUris); Set<String> removingUris = new HashSet<String>(existingUris); removingUris.removeAll(uris); // for each to remove, remove it. for (String removeUri : removingUris) { Resource o = model.getResource(removeUri); model.remove(res, prop, o); } // for each to add, add it, unless it is null, empty, or invalid. for (String addUri : addingUris) { if ((addUri != null) && (!addUri.isEmpty())) { String badUriErrorStr = checkURI(addUri); if (badUriErrorStr == null) { Resource o = model.getResource(addUri); model.add(res, prop, o); } else { log.warn(badUriErrorStr); } } } } /** * convenience method for updating the RDFS label */ protected void updateRDFSLabel(OntResource ontRes, String label) { if (label != null && label.length() > 0) { String existingValue = ontRes.getLabel(getDefaultLanguage()); if (existingValue == null || !existingValue.equals(label)) { ontRes.setLabel(label, getDefaultLanguage()); } } else { ontRes.removeAll(RDFS.label); } } private Literal getLabel(String lang, List<RDFNode> labelList) { Iterator<RDFNode> labelIt = labelList.iterator(); while (labelIt.hasNext()) { RDFNode label =; if (label.isLiteral()) { Literal labelLit = ((Literal) label); String labelLanguage = labelLit.getLanguage(); if ((labelLanguage == null) && (lang == null || lang.isEmpty())) { return labelLit; } if ((lang != null) && (lang.equals(labelLanguage))) { return labelLit; } } } return null; } private final boolean ALSO_TRY_NO_LANG = true; /** * Get the rdfs:label or vitro:label, working through PERFERED_LANGUAGES, * or get local name, bnode Id, or full URI if no labels found. */ protected String getLabelOrId(OntResource r) { String label = null; r.getOntModel().enterCriticalSection(Lock.READ); try { label = getLabel(r); if (label == null || label.length() == 0) label = getLocalNameOrId(r); } finally { r.getOntModel().leaveCriticalSection(); } return label; } protected String getLabel(OntResource r) { String label = null; Literal labelLiteral = getLabelLiteral(r); if (labelLiteral != null) { label = labelLiteral.getLexicalForm(); } return label; } protected Literal getLabelLiteral(String individualUri) { OntResource resource = webappDaoFactory.getOntModel().createOntResource(individualUri); return getLabelLiteral(resource); } /** * works through list of PREFERRED_LANGUAGES to find an appropriate * label, or NULL if not found. */ protected Literal getLabelLiteral(OntResource r) { Literal labelLiteral = null; r.getOntModel().enterCriticalSection(Lock.READ); try { // try rdfs:label with preferred languages labelLiteral = tryPropertyForPreferredLanguages(r, RDFS.label, ALSO_TRY_NO_LANG); // try vitro:label with preferred languages // Commenting out for NIHVIVO-1962 /* if ( label == null ) { labelLiteral = tryPropertyForPreferredLanguages( r, r.getModel().getProperty(VitroVocabulary.label), ALSO_TRY_NO_LANG ); } */ } finally { r.getOntModel().leaveCriticalSection(); } return labelLiteral; } /** * Get the local name, bnode or URI of the resource. */ protected String getLocalNameOrId(OntResource r) { String label = null; r.getOntModel().enterCriticalSection(Lock.READ); try { String localName = r.getLocalName(); if (localName != null) { if (localName.trim().length() > 0) { label = localName; } else { label = r.getURI(); } } else if (r.isAnon()) { label = r.getId().toString(); } else { label = r.getURI(); } } finally { r.getOntModel().leaveCriticalSection(); } return label; } private Literal tryPropertyForPreferredLanguages(OntResource r, Property p, boolean alsoTryNoLang) { Literal label = null; List<RDFNode> labels = r.listPropertyValues(p).toList(); if (labels.size() == 0) { return null; } // Sort by lexical value to guarantee consistent results Collections.sort(labels, new Comparator<RDFNode>() { public int compare(RDFNode left, RDFNode right) { if (left == null) { return (right == null) ? 0 : -1; } if (left.isLiteral() && right.isLiteral()) { return ((Literal) left).getLexicalForm().compareTo(((Literal) right).getLexicalForm()); } // Can't sort meaningfully if both are not literals return 0; } }); for (String lang : PREFERRED_LANGUAGES) { label = getLabel(lang, labels); if (label != null) { break; } } if (label == null && alsoTryNoLang) { label = getLabel("", labels); // accept any label as a last resort if (label == null) { for (RDFNode labelNode : labels) { if (labelNode instanceof Literal) { label = ((Literal) labelNode); break; } } } } return label; } protected String getDefaultLanguage() { return PREFERRED_LANGUAGES.get(0); } /** * Checks a URI for validity. Jena models can store invalid URIs, but this causes RDF/XML output serialization to fail. * @param uri * @return null if URI is good, otherwise an error message String */ protected String checkURI(String uri) { IRIFactory factory = IRIFactory.jenaImplementation(); IRI iri = factory.create(uri); if (iri.hasViolation(false)) { String errorStr = ("Bad URI: " + uri + "\nOnly well-formed absolute URIrefs can be included in RDF/XML output: " + (iri.violations(false).next()).getShortMessage()); return errorStr; } else { return null; } } /* *********************************************************** */ public synchronized boolean isBooleanClassExpression(OntClass cls) { return (cls.isComplementClass() || cls.isIntersectionClass() || cls.isUnionClass()); } protected OntClass getOntClass(OntModel ontModel, String vitroURIStr) { ontModel.enterCriticalSection(Lock.READ); try { OntClass cls = null; if (vitroURIStr == null) return null; if (vitroURIStr.indexOf(PSEUDO_BNODE_NS) == 0) { String idStr = vitroURIStr.split("#")[1]; log.debug("Trying to get bnode " + idStr); RDFNode rdfNode = ontModel.getRDFNode(NodeFactory.createAnon(AnonId.create(idStr))); if ((rdfNode != null) && (rdfNode.canAs(OntClass.class))) { log.debug("found it"); cls =; } } else { try { cls = ontModel.getOntClass(vitroURIStr); } catch (Exception e) { cls = null; } } return cls; } finally { ontModel.leaveCriticalSection(); } } protected String getClassURIStr(Resource cls) { if (cls.isAnon()) { return PSEUDO_BNODE_NS + cls.getId().toString(); } else { return cls.getURI(); } } protected Node makeNodeForURI(String vitroURIStr) { if (vitroURIStr.indexOf(PSEUDO_BNODE_NS) == 0) { return NodeFactory.createAnon(AnonId.create(vitroURIStr.split("#")[1])); } else { return NodeFactory.createURI(vitroURIStr); } } protected List<Resource> listDirectObjectPropertyValues(Resource subj, Property prop) { // This is a quick and dirty algorithm for getting direct property values. // It will only work properly if the full transitive closure is present in the graph; // Otherwise, it will include additional values that are not strictly direct values. Set<Resource> possibleValueSet = new HashSet<Resource>(); List<Resource> directValueList = new ArrayList<Resource>(); // List all of the property values StmtIterator stmtIt = getOntModel().listStatements(subj, prop, (RDFNode) null); while (stmtIt.hasNext()) { Statement stmt = stmtIt.nextStatement(); if (stmt.getObject().isResource()) { possibleValueSet.add((Resource) stmt.getObject()); } } // Now for each value, work backwards and see if it has an alternate path to the original resource. // If not, add it to the list of direct values. Iterator<Resource> possibleValueIt = possibleValueSet.iterator(); while (possibleValueIt.hasNext()) { Resource possibleRes =; StmtIterator pStmtIt = getOntModel().listStatements((Resource) null, prop, possibleRes); boolean hasAlternatePath = false; while (stmtIt.hasNext()) { Statement stmt = stmtIt.nextStatement(); if (possibleValueSet.contains(stmt.getSubject())) { hasAlternatePath = true; break; } } if (!hasAlternatePath) { directValueList.add(possibleRes); } } return directValueList; } // the same thing as the previous method but going the other direction protected List<Resource> listDirectObjectPropertySubjects(Resource value, Property prop) { Set<Resource> possibleSubjectSet = new HashSet<Resource>(); List<Resource> directSubjectList = new ArrayList<Resource>(); StmtIterator stmtIt = getOntModel().listStatements((Resource) null, prop, value); while (stmtIt.hasNext()) { Statement stmt = stmtIt.nextStatement(); possibleSubjectSet.add(stmt.getSubject()); } Iterator<Resource> possibleSubjectIt = possibleSubjectSet.iterator(); while (possibleSubjectIt.hasNext()) { Resource possibleRes =; StmtIterator pStmtIt = getOntModel().listStatements(possibleRes, prop, (RDFNode) null); boolean hasAlternatePath = false; while (stmtIt.hasNext()) { Statement stmt = stmtIt.nextStatement(); if (stmt.getObject().isResource() && possibleSubjectSet.contains(stmt.getObject())) { hasAlternatePath = true; break; } } if (!hasAlternatePath) { directSubjectList.add(possibleRes); } } return directSubjectList; } /** * Returns additions and retractions to perform * @param ontRes * @param ontModel * @return Model[] where [0] is retractions and [1] is additions */ protected Model[] getSmartRemoval(OntResource ontRes, OntModel ontModel) { Model[] changeSet = removeFromLists(ontRes, ontModel); List<Statement> stmtForDependentRes = DependentResourceDeleteJena.getDependentResourceDeleteList(ontRes, ontModel); changeSet[0].add(removeUsingDescribe(ontRes, ontModel)); changeSet[0].add(stmtForDependentRes); return changeSet; } protected void smartRemove(OntResource ontRes, OntModel ontModel) { Model[] changes = getSmartRemoval(ontRes, ontModel); ontModel.remove(changes[0]); ontModel.add(changes[1]); } /** * Removes a resource from any rdf:Lists in which it is a member */ private Model[] removeFromLists(OntResource res, OntModel ontModel) { Model[] changeSet = new Model[2]; Model retractions = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); Model additions = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); changeSet[0] = retractions; changeSet[1] = additions; // Iterate through all of the list nodes this resource is attached to Iterator<Resource> listNodeIt = ontModel.listSubjectsWithProperty(RDF.first, res); while (listNodeIt.hasNext()) { Resource listNode =; //get the next node in the list Statement nextNodeStmt = listNode.getProperty(; if (nextNodeStmt != null) { // link the previous node (or resource linking to the head of the list) // to the next node RDFNode nextNode = nextNodeStmt.getObject(); StmtIterator prevNodeIt = ontModel.listStatements((Resource) null, null, listNode); while (prevNodeIt.hasNext()) { Statement stmt = prevNodeIt.nextStatement(); if (!stmt.getPredicate().equals( { // if current node is list head if (!nextNode.equals(RDF.nil)) { // only repair the list if there is more than one node additions.add(stmt.getSubject(),, nextNode); } } else { additions.add(stmt.getSubject(),, nextNode); } } } //Remove any statements about this node retractions.add(listNode, (Property) null, (RDFNode) null); } return changeSet; } public void removeRulesMentioningResource(Resource res, OntModel ontModel) { Iterator<Resource> impIt = ontModel.listSubjectsWithProperty(RDF.type, SWRL_IMP); while (impIt.hasNext()) { Resource imp =; boolean removeMe = false; Model description = describeResource(imp, ontModel); NodeIterator objIt = description.listObjects(); try { while (objIt.hasNext()) { RDFNode obj = objIt.nextNode(); if (obj.equals(res)) { removeMe = true; } } } finally { objIt.close(); } if (removeMe) { ontModel.remove(description); } } } // removes a resource and its bnode closure using ARQ's DESCRIBE semantics // plus any incoming properties private Model removeUsingDescribe(OntResource ontRes, OntModel ontModel) { Model temp = describeResource(ontRes, ontModel); temp.add(ontModel.listStatements((Resource) null, (Property) null, ontRes)); return temp; } private Model describeResource(Resource res, OntModel ontModel) { Model temp = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); // For now, not using DESCRIBE on blank nodes unless I can figure out // how to keep it from doing a full kb scan. if (res.isAnon()) { temp.add(ontModel.listStatements(res, (Property) null, (RDFNode) null)); return temp; } String describeQueryStr = "DESCRIBE <" + res.getURI() + ">"; // ? "PREFIX afn: <> \n\n" + // "DESCRIBE ?bnode \n" + // "WHERE { \n" + // " FILTER(afn:bnode(?bnode) = \"" + res.getId().toString() + "\")\n" + // " ?bnode ?p ?o \n" + // "}" Query describeQuery = QueryFactory.create(describeQueryStr, Syntax.syntaxARQ); QueryExecution qe = QueryExecutionFactory.create(describeQuery, ontModel); qe.execDescribe(temp); return temp; } }